HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-19, Page 8r • , n • . a ••,Mr•r•tt, • 8 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. AUG. 19, 1881. „„, • ' , Soes HURRAH FOR THI SCHOOL OPIUM _ FRASER PORTER 8t. KAY'S The Kiesseedisse &ohm mese report some. whale witches for this arrorou 4 the yes f . Nothiug like at has neon homes tat I. history of betting WI that port Two elereywien, well known in I. dimmer . 1 Nisinita. are Gavotte* • p. r• tem a their vrestPils time to laying • fljiog to a ludo Eugliah church aiiIlue- koks. A serious melody is effecting niaity in Raleigh. It begins with diarrh. re and itillaseinetion, and many caeca hare proved fatal. It broke uut in the mime number Domestics Wants. - _ W AN11113:6-11. 00010 OUIJA& TV PERTANT. IIIL McMICEING. WANTED AT ONCE AT l'HE TV heel Farm Two inure rood wetter.. and* smart woman to wash $ tf. 0 in WANTED- PPL) I') Mae. VT D. MeOlLLICC ODIC, Pot.00lite•et, eff seesaw. 0 edvrich- tiatt Dentistr. reeioe last year and caused a --- r 13 0 IC Srwi IRO F of deaths. It is supposed to he due to NI NICHO bed water. There is a good deal of 'km • DENTAL R0914111.___ imoiciaAd. AND (SET YOUR SCHOOL PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. SLATE PENCILS AND RULERS Given Away TO CUSTOMERS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OPENING HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE STOCK FORMERLY OWNED BY JAMES IMRIE, AND, COMBINED WITH THE FRASER ar PORTER STOCK, WE ARE SELL GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY trrmal Dimeount to Teachers. FRASER,PORTER & KAY. Oar. Square and North -t.. and Central Telephone Exchange, Square, 0-0DERIC1-1. FROM WASHINGTON' I bothered with the affairs of the District 1 of Columbia, there being no citizen of What Has Transpired at the lieu) the hands of them into power over the District outitled to a vote, gives i 00,000 people that the President of the United States Capital. United States does n..1 puseese. There is but one hope for downtrodden citi- limns of Washington. The cornmiasion• fere have got plenty a rope, and they May hong themselves, and by 4kokr abuse ot authority bring about a change - of or an improcemant in Coe present form of government The Prmident will not leave Waah- ington glitil October it is authoritively stated VI, hta private iecretery, Col. Lamont. The reports that he was to go 1 nn a fishing excursion with, Senator Kenna. and afterwards to fetch Mu ' Cleveland home from Massachusettl, In Incorrect. The President has had se his guest. at Oak View, recently, W.. L Scott, member of Congress. fries Erie, Pa., and ex Senator Allen G. Thurman of Ohm. Mr Soott, it amity be remembered, was at the time 4 Mr Manning's retirement from the Cabinet, 'spoken if as the probable Secretary 4 the Treasury. It is said that Mr Scott deolired the position. Ex•Senstfit Thurman has been in Washington to argue an important railroad cams He is in the beet of health and spirits and f -"--- arbitrary tea or Ifilhotrat ilansonlogiereees The Pr/oldest to lemmata le Maslireglea errieber - "'tare Mat lee.. om onr Special Correepondent. W•sHINi:ToN, C Aug. 15th, 1887. The new police regulations and city ordinances devised and put in Lo's, by the District Couiniissioners. are in full swing in Washington and the result is that the city is more like dioldsmith's deserted village than ever. Summer time in Washington is loneliness per- sonified, but this buttoner takes the lead -for being the dullest known for many a year. The early adjournment of Con- gress in March brought about the early departure from the city of the occupants of the fise houses on the handsome seennes, who, after all, are only so- journers here their interests and con- ned/onto belonging in almost every case to some other community. Now the commissioners with their new laws made by themselves, have reduced the town to the appearance of the enchanted woods that led to the palace of the steepens/ beauty. But there is no sleeping besuty is this aim, unless it be the President at Oak View, who 11111 remaies there taking thinri very quietly. The street ears of a city are its characteristics, and its signs of activity, but none are heard in Washington. The bells are off all the horses and the street weed in 4 frail and vegetabke ars forbidden to cry their were* and anxious housekeepers have to( Reny out the window on the 1.•.kout for the ice cart whose afternoon visit, eager- ly looked for daring the warm spell of last month, waa heralded heretofore by the tinkling of tate bells ;in tho horees.The oomtnimatouers could help the business interests of the place vastly more if they lied misdirected mal, in trying to devise would exercise their Purples energiel some means a making the Capital city as attractive in Demmer mit nt sister, testead f t f , rules, which they arrogantly all laws, upon an already much -enduring mn- inanity. What we need here is some sort of amusement and diversion in the summer time. Clean streets and bean - idol parks are not sufficiently inviting Ittti ia uce strangers t.• coins and tarry with no We mind have people on the streets and in the parka.. Instead oof that the onmmivioners are driving away from the town hy now nedinenees, the leer* dime of penile who commute the me- teorite in all rival cities. 1 refer to smell dealers, who find it impossible to snake a hiring in Washington on account of the heavy tax pot upon them hellfire they oan ply their trades, and the re- striating/I they meet with in trine, to .erre on their basins= Take it all in •11, the capital of the ereafeat 'remotes - r on the earth hes the most •ntneratie grveremeirit in the world. and all MOO, C.oserees &POI 11,111 1111111 te be • • e t r •••• r • e softie/or awl:110s. ID Chatham. Eighth dour below the lite 0011ise. Wort4t. StM4y It is said that Hem Bror.Af L.etowel, titroctut:d. have secured au order front the Canadian sir L WOOLVERTON L. D. S. Pacific Railway Couto/rely to furnish the VII o011as -odd realms Ra&Nonh ett•, vainintuvenissib, csii70:14.earthii•tatenlgrwslpiircihnutstieoco, ,ihne msolArbmeie.esuesuesLilheratietaivtiudeethied•rritawih. Alrega• Teu1;001,r;.e.a*.a.r- Rocky Mountains. The &trier -• the furniture for the entire building, amounts to $i6)0, and will probably reach $8,000 he People's Column. • DOT WANTED -Tu LEARN Tilt A yiding man named Won McNorgan. Photograph bud,' os. Fruit" the emote/ of holdout, w•• probably fatall) *are& fiefei red. Apply at mice to Geo. araiNse. last week by being th:own from a huge liounIton•••• HRH YrP.trirtig" cuattnaPafnuYriltims"a 64t 1.4°i4TliTottiltNof JTeitlEsseseLT:1tOrti!'")`!D streett, a.od when turning sharply round Saltfol, a atonematam's hammer- The illitd:r; a cooler ran against a tree. Alt three rt,,:e„r„iYnerraItimribi.),,. . 1.-vi14 51 were thrown out. Lut only McNorgan IW -A JOHN STEWART, wart Kolly injured. Ilip au c.nveyeel its the ambulance to the hospitol, where I_10d SE WANTED --A NEAT. CON he hes in an unconscious NH4 crit t9LI 1 withenVti.:CtiriCtirern.11.41:1Ey .atto; Alia eorria.141:1E6 *late. The trio were druek. The Itvery , rig was saaslic.1 t,. atoms. t WI A NTED - A FIRST CleASS MAN r to remote/et a 'rued Uta Insurake - 1'4propoiny in recti nr tole following Wore antl 150111%. - Lane -In Sorel. Que.. nii Sunday. .ing. lith. the wife sit 4r. H. .1. Litine. of a danghter. Sheppard In Gorier!. h. on the 17th inst.. time fr eteliz. JetaimalhelleatIL LILA siou IntitRILO. Legear- ot the re -Car -nee of the bride's rather. uu Tuesday. Aug. lett. be Rev O. F. Salton. aerated by Rev G. It. Turk. Bev. J. T. Legear. of Ethel. to' Addle, eldest daughter o: Ilr I lei td natter. of Guilericb. MICR In Brantford. on sunder. August lick 15117. Jim.* Milli r. father -in -Lew of N. Weston. G. T. IL tioder.cli, aged 71 yea:band mmona. THE MAN who .s golng to do the hest by the people is the one who will do the hest trade with them. and ln this beitef I have de:ermined to spare no endeavor to meet WITH their approbation in the disposal of goods in the lines which 1 have Ole honor to offer to the public. My aim 15 10 try and please, and thus far I have met with THE most unqualified success. Jamb Billing, has said. [essay Isto win." and I have made np my mind to HAMMER Away uni I knoek the bottom out of high prices in Dry Geode of every description, and bring down Groceries to bard pan. Give me • call and 111 guarantee satisfac- tion all the way round. 125_ O'r)=.4"A..., =1. Manager of the Toronto Home. THE NEXT :,ESSION OF THS - CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, ONT., Will Begin Yonday, Sept. 5th villager : Hayfield. blink la yowls. Cursten„ Oaterre Zurich and v Pricey Apple to wxsrc tteiveral Acenta. Eimer. Oat- 111-11 ISSfiLtITION OF A Ril-N-R-R- SNIP. --- Notice is hereby given 'het the partner- ship heretofore ex i i tie bet cepa the under- signed in the printing sad publishing line. and known by the style ood firm name of McGillicuddy Brothers. Las this day been dissolved by mensal consent, The business will bocondie tett hereafter by D. IleGillieudily, wbo t. 11 pay a I debt• of the late firm, and to whimi ell accounts due the late firm must be paid. Dialed at tioderich this 3Uth day of June, DANIEL MeGILLICU1)DY. THOS. litt4ILLIC U DDT. away AlLIIMTIlltatt. Witless. EMPLOYMENT W ANTED -BY A steady man. of good habits, and with a Lair educatiou. Competent to take a paritiou la a stare. Address A.B.. this oaks. Mit REAPER FOR SALE. --A BARGAIN 141 offered in A champion Reaper. very little used. and now in thorough repair. Also • Fire -Proof Safe. in i.orod ort;er. Apply to D. K. STRACHAN. :107 -If SPECIAL NOTICE. THE POINT FARM. Families is the Town who desire relief from the cares and &computers of honerkeeteng for • few weeks will receive very liberal rates for the month of July. As 1 hare now • very ef- ficient staff of Maki, waiters, Re.. I ani rrtli prepared (or hosinere. The place geoetally is Li fine order aii•I very comfortable. J. J. WRIGHT. 141141 Proper,- ee VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ft IR - 1.1 sinnisss alt; person purchasing the late CASE ALLEN'S horse from JAME* BAILEY as it doesn't legally belong to for it has not been paid tor. Ale° any person indebted to the late CAex ALLEN please pay up and save costs. 5511Xing. CASE ALLEN. CuOKE. AFTER 14 an. years study of music. is prepared to metre pupas for the Maio. 21 lemeons quarterly. Terms:Ad err quarter 2020- Q HORT 11 A ND. -ISAAC PITMAN* iJ PH0N00HAPHY, The Peen:Negri tem taught. Instruction kr sale m. TRY Stamm. odic*. Evers her _am girl *Bashi ars *bort band. 1111$ Stlayee Animists. -E"prentiees of the anhectiber. Lot 67. 3Ia.t- RAY IISIFSR-CAME ON THE laad Con_ Huron Read. Godench Township. a twoorearaald roan helferwith left bora a little bent down. The owner caa have the G ahm' by woo property and lisyir.g ex - pews. J W "%Y. 2113 -In, • Tor sic or to tet. ------- PARM FOR SALE OR TO itzsr - _L. Tbe proper; of the late ALEN. REID. Lot 1, con. 6. E. Doel the townelny of Cul - boom: If mike from Carlow, and IS miles from rstch. -riledass colt's -solo& 11 at tee summer ?fil- o acres- 20 tleared. and under Wok which will be planted with tall wheat. 1 31/i.rigrchard°1ak:ads ofrul.:2vtme ora.•tablestgivI.ni Young men and women dellring *thorough beamess ,7Aining ahould some and see us. With our commod Ma apart moot comoeten itaff.preetinal oonree sit etedy and rate rm ina Hoe to excel. we can immure our patrons 0 compete sat :erect ter. Send fur catalogue. W. H. SHAW, Principal. I li-tme poultry house. Comfortable frame louse -1 rooms. pantry and summer Itechen. Dead i steno evillerhard and soft water. Everything t in tInit-eless repair Will b, sold cheek as - . Mrs Reid 's giving up farming and entail to f t am For turtle r partlemare apply to MRI# ALEX ItE111. Carlow. P.o. Huron Co. Plat seems as vieprosts as ever. Travelling •Ibuibe. " As soon as the contracts for thebuild. _ lag of the new naval vessels are out GRAND TRUNK vieT. Harbor, Ms. If the United States E31;ted. Mixed. Goderii-h I LT. 1 / .xprees. Ona.re f 12:15 p.m I 3:1J prn Naval fleet commanded by Ado' toil Lace etrattord 1 Ar. 5:40 a. ni 3:151). 7 30 pin. is still at Bar Harbor on the arrival of weer. the Secretary, it is probable that the dirmford Lv. I MIlt0Onede.m. I M116 e4p.nt 1.5:';Arr"..p.en items interesting natal exercises and a visitors at that resort will be treated to latelerick At. I 11141614.in 3:15 p.712_45 pa Secretery Whitney will start for Bar review. Secretary Bayard has returned from hui trip to the seeshore and was at his desk in the State Department last week. Last autumn, the President, moved perhaps by the advice of physicians and friends decided that he needed exercise, SKIFFS BALE (IF LANDS. and conzluded that the width garden °I Oeuely of Hume virtwe of it writ of the Whit. House was • suitable place to To wit : Fkoi Faelak Isened out of take it la. Accordingly the gates of the ti• Deireatte reenty Vourt50 .edof trai: 7deorty of •southern grounds were kept locked frets aareal, ,„ ADAM four o'clock in the afternoon to nine In (1.11MIHORN at Me soda tiA gotta the alttitre: irli=181711rInliteeLaka::1' 1. t" toll ire - the morning. And the President aoceen- pawed by Mrs Clevelard was seen to demotion at the •bo're named de madam% pace o•Ifonnly, up and down the walks seem (leafier., la, to aad ion of the leth•l. lik• a prIlticel prisoner or • dethroned I:: lanidae.,,, atitaTirrtmatcatUa'ati ruv"rim b:f king. The filen evidently did not work Ontario, and Wert composed of tee West half ball rit the !lentil of lot somber Tweety eery well, fur after trying it for three In the eine Coneeesios of the Townoilp of morning, enly. the Pres.dent tar* Tnroherry. containing Tweaty-Five his pedestrian 'trona lint the gams Mors or 10.1. witch Limas and Teneetents 1 hare remained locker'. Why. nobody 111".‘10.1 vrtsr,fr,..1..„it-,;(1Mgiria. 4,1 44 4 7eurt knows The tooth garden has always Tueadottte • been a thoroughfare. and if the Preside's Eiielth day of N•proti,ee, 1RR7, d"^•I waft' " "al lh•l* " at the bowel Twelve of the cloak, Reim. may es well let those that do. ttMnq. 0111or. linderleb, July Mt% 4504 ROBKRT OIBBONS. III -10 Merle. Hu tm. Sheriff's Notices. It appear, that the Itiitish army an- thoritme catinit afford 1., bog caaatilaa horse' becalms they are sou deer The animals are all right, hut by the time they are bought ati taken t.. En:land, the pries 00111.11 tee high. The decision outs off an expected first -elms •venee 4 este. and Will very materially etreogelt• the argumoest 1 dime edrocating more- eieired roc nroeity het wets Canada and the ['sited Shesta ORN KNOX, OILNIMAL AI/ Tieftleltlt sod Laud Tatuatee, Mederlai Havlog bad itorierdersblor eirperiesce i• einrt ieneering trade he is M a positiew discharge with thormil satisfaction all corn 10 ro:err.strdr bee _tat 41"otolICIttce 1' P. co.. swersuir attended te. OH doettoseer. -t V+P UOUS1C AND TWO LOTS FOR ▪ *ALE cheap -on Palmennowet. Neat frame cottage --1 rooms good stable. All in geed repair; laHre orchard. Por particulars apple to E.H. WATSON, Painter. 15041 Ooderich. FARMS FOR SALE - IN THE TOWN8HIP OF OODERICIL Huron county: Lot II te the 3rd earl II lb the ith eon cession. Two of the beat Nacre forme in the ciliary. A 'wife creek flows ihreiggh. Nr - 47 .11 cleared. (Oily 3 miles from the Town el Ooderick. Voir further part imams address W. M. HINCK 1. Priornigron. Mitt tkelerieb P.O. TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR *Ma Otte in the town•hip of Ashaeld, caatalots/ ISO acne*: •nd one in East Wawa - soak eestaintng HO At rte. For particulate arty 10tWeieren. Holt & Cameron. Gado - 2072 FOR SALE, Weet half of lot tel. Arthur Street, wit, smell brick cottage thereon. 4101. 155, NC US. Elgin Stree,. Kt, Andrews Ward. 431. collier of Herod and Britannia Reed. Prater 11 story loam on Keay. turret. lot and half hand. ise•eral loot in Reed's survey, opesette new Sao. Gronnae. sm. • Nor 2:t, a M. M. W. 54, M. dr. at. All the above at LOW EATICS 41112 to lel -11 DAVISON it JOHNIRTON. L/ARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALK. The axereter, and Trustees of the Estate of tbe late JOESICP/I IISHR. offer for sale the following valuable Property, namely : Rieldiag Lot. nowitime 450 *ad 01, in the Town of Gederich, lof as acre eaeh. Mealy ' fenced. sad very deeirabie fee building per. poses. Half sere Lot fronting Mill Road ?owlish! Godeeleh. being part of Lie II he the Malt - land rearreenlea of mkt Thinkable. Nice Films calmer tied Mine stable. Lot number 1. !teeth side 01mew of sere. email frame yr. Melding lees ormihers eel and net, la I& Town of (1101.., int an aere each. Rea it Drily sit ..t,4 an Mouth irstron omen. Fairly leered The Ram 1 of lot 22, Coo It. %Viet Wawa wash 100 ammo gond Ian& HI acres chore' WWI rewired, rennalmlee litinberiet. A Mem 4 mem from lieeknow Clad miles tams Wlag hem meat reads For hooker part ;maim, afflp la IL CA MPION, fterreser.esaiseish BO". S. ME t PINE TAILORING Chants' Furnishing*. so Nem preposed to show a oemphee samminseet SIPRINC COOPS OVICHCOATINOS in aU the New Shade. sod Wile" An smile., 'mats 1 Kaglieb. Irhstt and Scotch Settle" An lossasaise stook et New wad Stylish Comedian Tweed*. CHEAP I CHEAP! 1 CHEAP 1 1 ! edelteseenrierr. all Oeuills bought by the yard cat Omega B. MacCormac. mita. awl 7us_tatz. Ewa -r Legal .Noticee. 1 Itur6n Lana Agency. [TVs LAND AGENCY HEAL IDITANIC urine& LOOT 09 "ANDS W ANT/CP*1i rote 84 LK: UREIC Nt • 11F. TTIOS OE THJ ItA Te..11PERANCK ACT. - Notice is hereby that a p. to 111.Exc.-Ilene) the Doi • noir-ti evens! of Can- asta, enitmdimi in • sot e to the Honoitratd, the Se. rotary of Mate of Canaan. ander i t'anada Temperame Act. being ebauteral IM of the Ret Pied ensure+ of Canada, sigspeal by 011 IOWA PAC fourth in nmarber of all the elec. tors in the t'ourity of Huron in the Provsnee 01 thearita. IMirtniun of Casiada.nttolIded mod elnaptliriat 10 %ult. at the electioe of • eitesa- aim to the Motile Comentons. in the said Comity ilif Heron. prevail that iiiis dr. Tea nevernor-tiemerat of Canada wilt he Pleased hy an order in Couti.:ii under mellow 9744 toe said act to declare the? 11.4- seemed part the mid act, solar as it refers to the said Count) ol Huron. may he revoked. mid t'ounty of Huoio for and seal -a the adoptvens aik"eg that 'tie vole* of ell the eleetwoitiol two( of toe *aid tarttlioa may b, taken. pomed In the take til the Sheriff oi the County of Huroo...: Coat Hauer ta the Toot, of Goderiel . for peblie e omnsinatioa by any penman on the len day Aux., irritant, akiu ,eap.iir‘orpinielftured ;femur dpri.ietrumex• the mid Sela May of ugust, instant. Dated this 'AU; of Auguat. A.D. 1557. 110.2t LA V ISON & NS rt.iN. sielleiter• tor Petillatiere. Legal. FDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, !SOLICITOR. PROCTOR IN MARITIME COURT*. CONTh: AN - CER. .Pc. - MON E Y 10 LoA N. Straight Loans. Privet e Funds. 6 1-2 PER CENT. Orrice/I : -Carder tot Elaessilluts and Nevi -gate streets. opp. Colborne Hotel. Godei 112116 QEAGER & HARTT, BARRISTER/3, tJ ke.. Onderich tied Manse. tiodericb of- fice opposite Martia's Hotel 110-tf C. HAYS. SOLICI roR, . (Mee. corner of Square and M eat street. Clederrolt. over telegraph Mice. Pei vete roods to lend et 8 per omit. /43r4 - p ARROW & PRt/UDFOO1r, BAR RISTKR.1 Attorneet. Solicitor.. ere Dederick' J. T. Darrow. W. Proodtout. 176 ftAMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, V Barristers Solkltore in ChaneeLatte., O. Cameros. C. C. Roes. 0141- - =12:11 rip 0 RENI'-- IsOUBLIC STORE- S flood Stand fur Grocer. Apply to Huron Land As...bey. tpO RENT-DWICLUNG HOUSE IN 1 eonveateut sitnatIas. Apply to Huron Least Arose; • 1411 OF LANDS FOR SALE AND itirormation furnished roopertogg Cartago ;may • Lands. Hume Land Aimee,. WA N T Ell. trias reeideace mane w here 1p the M eat Rod. Must have otabie acroINNW dation. good appearance and grounde. P mitt. No III -Two firist-clam. partially improved farms la the Townseip of Go torioh. Theis ore atium the only stood lot• that eau be bought at a reeteonaltie figure excel 1010 Township. WANTED TO PURCHASE - A good reel- deace in pleamet locality on lake or rive•r hank. suitable far small family. Must be ad- jacent to parka. Price about $1.52..410. - - WA IT3:1) TO KILN T. A first-class meri- diem*. seeable foe lame ?amity. Must be deer to Inowneris post...tot ',mu. WA %TED TO PI' RC- H .10SE. A vac ant lot for building pereasea Mow be about 50 ft trent. 7011 deep. and on Niters or withia ow- let el game. • FOR SALE -Part of farm log Na 5 es the 1,4 COSCIMAIMAIL Tuwaslip of Ankfield. scree. nearly all cleared. FOR SALE - Farm Mods it Midland. COUO• se. Michigan. Pine wheat load. J tort toe piece to mak.- hooter for Mamma sone. Ex- collent climate. Near railroad*. metals and chum:bre from IMO to 510.09 per acre. Small sum down balancer's easy term. FOR SALK 1.41 6711. Town .1 Goderich.1 acme. 101 744. Tern of Goderich. 4 are. North half lot *110.4 con. Wiswasesh. Idli acres. Improved fano. good hems harm and etabise • immediate pissearion oaa be given. Part ot lees 7 and d. Olt *ea.. E. D. Asklield. Macre*. two good harness abase lots . easy terms of payment, moan amount down. For further particetare Hot of Bode moue* mid for soleAmur ar the erneser write to HURON LAND •0ENC1L Lock Der lit Illoderich. Oat.. Cansde. rite- 3oderich. M. C. Camerae. R.C.: P. • kl• - .Assignee's Notice. A SSIGNICE'S NOTICE TO CREDIT- S ', OMe of JOHN tall:ONO, el the of Ford - mien. Comity of Hume, General Store- keeper, as lasolvent. The l000lvent has assigned to me for the benefir01 bit creditors ander 44 Vie,. coo. IL tint. Creditors must Ole their clams Wore lar MI or *fora the Li:h day of September aext, etre which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only t• the claims of ^l..,!. 4.1014 then hate notice. JOHN 10141X. Trustee. Na 7. King -et. East. Hasitleao; ltarci: on. tar JoIT. 4507. Loans arta insurance. - ---r - - 1PER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF tre• l ai.eo-y to teed *4 54 per veal per annum --etratint pesos -interest snarly. We he. e also *KW JOAO to bend in one of more mania at p. PER CENT! Next door dosagerie amebae s harrier •bop. SRAOKR41if ART?. 115tf Rededisk. $50,000 TO LOAN. APPLY T() CAMERON HOLT &CAMRRON. God. rich. 175, xf ()limy TO LIND. -A LARGE Ava amount Or Private Funds for la vestmost • st low marmot on erst-chus Mortgagee Apply IOUA4IHOW R I•ROUDFOOT p. SEAGER, A -d• GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. OFFICE opposite Colbert'. Hotel. Ooderleb. Rieke taken at LOWEST RATES la the fel- lowing first aims Companies: The London Assurance -Established 171/I. The Niatiosial.of Ireland 'incorporated MOIL dand-la-Hand The oaly Comenne authoris- ed to insure Plete Glass in Cada, Frifiend Lille Amoroso* Co. illenimes Plant. Met R RADCLIFFS, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Ago C (hay P00401...i torspooleo Repreoefsferil MOItEY LOANING AGENT. 1 se member to Lend oat stesigto masa ea the lamest nee ot totem* gets., in any way to Lilt itt. earrelrer. Orrice -asersad door from equire. Wort Streei, Miderich. Societies. A NCIENT ORDER OE UNITED 21. WORKIEN. 'MAPLE LEAF woos, No. 27, 0. 4'. W.. Meets la their Lodge Room ever Sweat Dare, Ovideriek es the -NO *WON» ANI) FOURTH MONDAYS OF EAcIll MONTH. VISITING BRETHREN ARK ALWAYS:0 WILLCOMR. 8. P. FiALLS. M.A. REES PRICE, 35. W. Tiesecier (.1. W. THOMPSON. Reeerser. 111illwr4ght,. Valuator, sic. • C A. HUMES& MACHIN T, VALUATOR, AtIENT, Ihrgenzetro Made and Coatrarta Taken for Hosting by the Hos water taretret• Not Water and MAIM Boilers. Little Giant and other Wooer Wheels Agricultural Im- perfect/fa. Mdi Iseelihmay. PLANS A ND SPECIFICATIONS. rALcATION8 MADE. &APT STREIT., - - 1400414111')!.9e41. & 4 Ijk:w.41. Ross. LIGENIIII*FE or Royal °Are, 01 Physielosts. Relebeterb. OM 31. OA PIOAili awn of Haninsemet. wee. nR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- "-, GICON, Coseveser to dam magrealdemee armee *teemmeow door west et Vietesis Stamet. 1751. 1 IRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, sees Dr. Shea eases gisei Eametrorkrimambeeturesehree. near Me 0. C. estessest. 4 R. tease_ 17111 PANNING ELL PUMP FACTORY, $50,000 Te€'2749AN AT ° PIR GODERICIA ONT TH It TORONTO GRNERAL TRUSITei Coy •re prepared to leas money at per 'mato pay able holt yearly. on TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, ma arm -clean tam sesurity. Arlo' 1. CAMERON. HOLT t CAMERON. liarrigeters, Gederick. Agee!, for the Termite Dat...! Treat' Co',. Deopro. Cawcorto. Hoar crdairox bare oleo a large samoutt of private funds to los en arat-elase term seenritr. Goderieb. DILL Mkt 11111-11 $200,000 parcsre FUNDS To lesi era term and towns property, at Iner iatareed. Meet/peer pereheeed. No cease 'nuance charged agents tor the Trust mid Lean Compeer of Canada. the eA11111da Leaded Credit 'emptier. the fondest Leas curlews? et Canada. Interest. 61 aod per coot. N. B. Borrowers can oblate mosey la she day, if title riatiefaetory. lr5DAVISON lihJiireisORLel LSTON. o.„ 004•114, Amusements. CIODERICH VITITE LIBRARY AND REA DINO RoOM. ctor. of Loot street and flessere top stairs. Open from 1 le *04 from 7 to lip* ABOUT12 •000 VOLS IN LIBRARY 14adiv, W.A.* rad fllwateeled Vegiees, Mee.mines, 4'.,.. Pik. ItHRERRH T1CKIRT. ONLY MAIL greeting tree MD of Library tad Itorilias Room. Amitmaties ter atemberehtp reeenred ay wearies. lo remits S. MAIA`O 1011104 ORO. iteeflt/eztiwy eat. elederfeh. San; ISM • A. MEMO SRI Of F11711110111T. FANNING SILLS, S21.011 ONLY A PEW LEM .411..R.IMESWIIROZ•r .s Pat. Grain and Sand Claim for tttu.oI,matizikoix=erdeleSS•4 C 7 ockle. Tautly SOOILThir Tell, sad ether shamuses verde sad refuse week tram Wheel or 1117 wainelemilaer and 114•111( all mu seed et ths safe* MOW oeuto Or a (lever sus. or arparats. mem sew 9011111111 1111111111 ti/4111. 1,1111 ASS irs1/11111116 MILL gmeludys territory altered to geed agents wish hares, wesurem sad capital. BAC& 1-301,DIMELE3 tor ran er hey lie se bap Mese. ramble. 11111 Norm tad siercoms Arany MIVI IM *His isesairee mad easseval. PUUP DePASTIODIT Ir/318^1"--01_,JUIMS TELL it CISTERN PM Inillaaare snd thictioe insoles, le . Bo. e..010 04 PletlhaL Pedigree •esesses es Prates awe ray. TR* A.RIKSTRONO ItSIRIMS 451i& *4115 rem, wesaa. 0407;31113NIONI_ male 1111 tkiihrilr. Ma 11111.41:1tritti A,16..41z,,.., Waxi WA/s mum thew averred, pay for"1"a IR te rivet -tie. tivehr limehmes„ MS sail get worn