HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-19, Page 6e.s - 6 (he Poets Corner. The censer. The doctor M a aortal *ea Cesetre•ted ea • a•ote pian Me i iwetlmes tat lied snmet ilii es leas Aad ao.autir,ss les: halt way set walls. eat some confers inure bkes:app alma The doctor., Ths doctor goes sad lingers or here Mea's mu•.lege fright the fetid air ; Wberer be aim M gives relief To sickness se"$ as well to g. set, Al,. AI could we p our n, alias spare The doctor. He may sow.: stately palace- ow.. Attain' tumid, aad eutµde moue : Hut stall. la cunt inu:ng hereat. woes. Like ruse. Lmsu•burser store he goes, And never sloop* -.0 far as haw•- a- Thc doctor. We may not know hire whoa thl. sho'I Of clay bents rhe spirit wrtl,l Bet whoa the spirit dens protest Against the clay that doth in...f Our grief la ueupdrtler w e tell Fire doctor. The do,;lori. a g.•nitou. roa4. The people thea• bino even they can : They bare their health restored 'un treat, And pay hon sometimes when they must. Aud .wale au bill it bigger than The doctor's -volunbia"uuday News. }tousehole }tints. Chance in the weather cannot In.k• a young man happy w .pui.k as change In the pocket. Dried piep!mn• is the last thing the woman who lives by eatInt; Sas expert - teemed with. After cropping as f"r pies, it is put on earthen pirates and deed rapidly in a warm place. It ie said to be "not half had ' f ,r . change when snaked, stewed and made into pits Hi olid winter. It is stud that if map, *spoilt), a:,up•ine, or any other elbow grease economizer be used to clean timet, it ehuuld be rubbed or a flannel cloth dapped in hot water. If the ordinary cotton rag be used, the paint is apt to come off with the dirt .%n 'toil finish" is very.jnickly impaired by alkalies, and soap, ammonia or other cleansing agents aside from clear water should be employ- ed as little .s p••.sitle, People who keep birds will spprecimte tete new style of her.i-cage, which has, on one side of the hoer, a roll of thick water-pne.f paper which crosses tete bottom of the cage and to crtise'i in squirm the size of the floor The sot. - paper cam he pulled through and tutu off in the crease, ready to be thrown into the tire, and the fresh paper, by the act of pulling off the wiled, has takes its place without further trouble. Mrs Nelson Me'',•r•nick, of North Branch, Mich., has trade a dress. the lake of which is prubahly not to be ',mod in the country. The rtatenal is cons- h thou spool thread, w:oite, and the entire drew is hand-cr,eheted work. beautiful. ly dowered and strenl, sad Piet•) yards of thread were used in its a.nstrection. The sleeves are crocheted in the proper shape and are fastened io by a luck• crocheted stitch. It is eery busetiful. A farmer said • -)me thing i don't lite abovt city folks -they be either so •tuck up that yer can't retch 'em with • haystack pole, res s.. blamed friendly they forget to ply their board." ;he twit medicine a•tth..rittes actnow. led., the value of Ayer's Cathartic Pills, wl anti frequently prescribe their use with the u!m ..t cnnfJence, as the moat effect- nal remedy for diseases caused by de- rangements of the stomach, liver, and bowels THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAte AUG. .'9 ; s7e • a/mdur l:.rl.. sten ir.elealw r..e. I ►les Iskemp lensed OMR. Pouer /ar /ra•le. .lt.,mlue.I, Gordo.. r A. o.,uu.l.e,l t.. ah.. A • s..iJ.au Ash. la. ..alis .w.... addsnum.l r• Is. sist.t thew day. l..4..r.. Iw r..l.d Iter. kngl:.n. 1.. says: "M, start a to OM me ern_ 11 .. 11.,.. M> taloa, ed frowned on the. They say I have bulged my Mem'. Ailed staliued My pedigree.' Nur can .t les doubted by any or oolong of his poem. that 14i.rd.ws felt that Irristomont very ke.uly. 1'1e ,t 44811.17 eaae5A W doubted time 11 Ma the roan (.r the eiale, oven an... else the port w1. 4 speaks iu titer lusty 'Wel .w: them on the canoe amine the lads, I rat on /ratty well; 11 earth' when 1 Fitt thorn Into Iowa Tont 1 fe.-1 thio ie. heft. J1..ofsd 144.,1 t..uinle.l ...l burned tu• heli 1 km( +I•e.* the street: I watt h ihn ladies trOptoalthl Aad 1 blas :Leer d,drry fret. 1 watch them hers and there N'11h a bio res frull.4 of pain: Ah ! N'h.r wouldn't I gine to touch A lady's head *gala!" Permit m.•, or, as a lover of Gordon. no/s withstanding the critn-i.s, of Mr. Froud,. wins, 1 ...inure I. think cannot have reed "The Sick 't4.ckridar," •'1 onliteor,"or "The 18rg..4 tl,. Mali. iu Ashtarotl,,"and why .IMr.81, •It10.ngh 1e t.airel Auetrslia, has not lies -e iu "the hash,"to d..tlk you fur per - nutting att.nt.a to he drawn in yuur rale. aide columns to the poems of • man who a .,Inured .4 all dirt:rebate .nal of .11 litlglas- I genu rho, are nut hylancritacal. C. Ilaninas CHAaazas ellltlay Robber 1n inch ra. While thu robbers were rauoackittg t SOWN, a dunes OMNI nn 4. the . ,,..r CUL sm hol.•s in the boats in which Lbw robbers cam and plugged them with noel. The busts w launched acd the marauders set 00i Oft the rotur, voyage, highly elated at the .coccal raid. 11.4tre rang a mile, however, the w. The following •apnea),.s are mode use o.f sheet fifty llamas per day at the , hilted delivery •indoor is the 1 oat ut- ru. : "No letter Vat as. i You meet have 1 uverluuked at f" I "Ota' there sae't f W.II,I didn't hard- ly expect one " 10.4. exam. Yue don't know !how anxious 1 am." Thank ► .u. I win going by and ' tho.l4hi I'd enquire." "!sin strange ! He mod that he'd write se soon as be gut therm, .ud that was two weeks Ag... " You are eertsrn you looked i.. th• eight boa f Well, if there ain't, .hare a1r'1 " "•It was a letter with money in it,.od 1 mull you'd tell the poet master. Maybe eutnele.dy bets stolen at." "This is the fifth or sixth time I've inquired, and 1 is bugiueeit•g to he auspi- 010811 " "Thanks• mcesie. 1 knew you'd give me a letter If leu could." Mother' ! If year daughters ere g 01 health, or troubled with • p.a.-nos. that .means incurable, or if they suffer general debibty, nerret mess, lenge... m..ktees er I..a .1 Appetit*, .procure at la otter • bottle of Johnson's '.,ilii., Bitters all and rot will toot regret regret the me- r I lay. Tile TOMO and ,(enerally streng'h ening effect .1 the medicine is truly or 0109marvellous. 50 ct1 pr acid Si bottle, u at Good s dru, store, Albion alk l ti..denclt, sole anent. Sow lean L. suttee the clay and the huge keg d =�'-=w -- •�'�es oute.I,M•ptatl t., fill. l:verr rff•ort was mad" to A her is a place where %ator is amerce 1 reach the shore, hot the opening. increased i aid dsmger is near. t rapidly arid WOO the bust. were full water and the nccttpenta were obliged reseed/ for e.erythung. Tim ..1 her nwe re.uarked to .Me '.f these motioned ,1 ! apothems? sloops ; "Au idea strut < us I to jump overboard and chug to the sides their submerged crafts to keep from drawl ing. About daylight a company .4 100 me was focused and art ,nit an bouts to the sp. where the halfdr.,ued mer, were +till haat In to their craft.. Some howeser had lo.w their Lid and bad slink to the hntt.•u,, who the e41.mrs were ro exhausted that they ere unable u, make any nsistarece. The 6shr seen attacked them anti room not a nibbn- was left to tell the tale of their defeat. TI. bodies of the dead moo sank to the ho tots the lake, where they remained for day.. Har isag tlrsp'atchod the marauder*, the Wats w towed ashore and all ed the •tun's p4rup,rr rtca.rer•d t Some sten are ever roily to 441..1'• ot- , yesterday '-and nef••s a we e.uld ti..tsh 1 Iw 1 he advised u• : '•Rub the affected prams arnica ro with !" r• of Meese Rete. In Great Britain the question of Rome Rule a oumntanduag ettemtiou. To th mats e oro ats with • cold In the head tar cleat the ty whirway to. ensure Here Itiee over s Mamma Rhos L.... His Read. F1»_ fA- !'atlndr'phfu Nrrrrl.l- "How do you o•`a,.ture the bees r mud a per miss to a wotrlan who had pit seaweed her khan! husband. (►h,wrsll," wa,, the rode, "I don't, like a yom0,g girl, pion ale.st heir., ht of i want a nun 1 make tom bolo's,. that he ie the hest woo smart.•.t individual 1 mer slot, That always settles it, for a ,,,an Lees his head as 110e1 a• a woman begs,_ Motoring him." A wrert«d 1'e. "en fAe I►mnarr Work/. Omaha Wsdor-1 Morbid greatly 11ke to meet your wife, AI.. 1te Sweet. Mr. De Sweet- 1 have oro wire. "1 can a�-mpstitioi with you. You, to,., ars keg- "! never ora. married." "O11 ! Vo. are engaged, th. rgh, 1 presume, and- --" I have naive been empopal, madam" "Ah ' 1 begin to under -land. Sons. and rnmarsce d the pest hat left it. mark upset y, nit heart -- '•'Yo no. 1 hare. never !wen in love. i ould n51 tie mre.lf I..wu 10. 4 esu:u un if •bo or. meet doyen from Iles%mo t.. use•'• "Mercy' A woman hetet' What cook! have so perverted vented your tasting! LLurt use ▪ "▪ 1 am a dry geed. c!.rk." A 011st1 let edtasre/. troth f.lt Sora Prtrw•.w.r ('.ueen,,4., - ha,l vete M. 110 tt.11 •Ind. f,: a 1, wt'h unto her atrepushutrne" war dight, mod seer anted t1 '.,•t her li e•v r.m••f i.inp that a• wually considered AII•441 ladies rather im- portant. Yes, know I on, etoirag••l to no married.. looked ' 11... a no,- fe!.., .4 Hurt.,." Teti eli•.r.,,,,, a d.'igh•f•d genlleuun.' " AL. 1 01,4.11 11 the eereinolir 1.. oak.• place r \\'•-il, I .1..... 4;t 10 knot.," "Tln•n r.vdss't ie. spy .loot sI•h a . hag sa t h;at, lir's omit.% is he"' •' i.ot toe'. tory weeo off. lint you eee- w••tl, lkw.r'• a *helot inruhd.ram.i•." " t •Iit•l{ iiiwlltl.lrallee.. ' 1 a... -4n -w ell --he's tout divorced yet... The Iioy who writes in his cope look, "Reach after the higher things," caused understand why his backward anatomy should be taloned because he gather, Jam from the top shelf. Dwarf *peculate -_ !I'm no net; in buying medicine, but try ebe great Kidney and Liver r.gub- tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of (:base's nominee. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases of the Liver, Kid- neys, Stomach and Boweia. So'd by all druggists. Tne elm. Here w a little girl's composition on the cow : A cow is an animal with four leg& The tail is lunger than the lege, but it's not used to stand on. The Cow kills !Ties with her tail. A cow has lig ears that wiggle nn hinges ; so does the tail. A cow is bigger than a calf, but not so big anon elephant. She is made small so she can go into a barn when nobody Is looking. Soma cows are black. And some hook. A dog was hooked nnos. .She tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat. Mack cows give white milk : so do other cows. Milk -men sell milk to boy their little girls drama, which they put water in and chalk. Cows chew cods and earth caw finds its own chew. This u all there is about coma -Hartford Timet Rose Reslarkabi, *1111, Found at last, ..bat the true public has been looking for these many years and that u a medicine which although but lately introduced, has made for itself a reputation second to none, the medicine a Johnson'. Tonic Bitter, which in conjunction with Johnson's Took Liver fedi. has performed some moat wonderful cures impure or im- poverished blood coon becomes purified and enriched. Billiouanees, indigestion, sick headache, liver complaint, languor, weakness, etc , soon disappear when treated by these excellent tunic medi- ciues. Fur Sale by Good, drult,(ist, Al- bion bluek. Goderich, sole scent. [d] 1t u understood that Hon. .1, A. Chap - leas, during his stay in Paris, will onm- plete all arrangements for the part Canada has to take in the World's Ex- pseition, to he held there in 1889. A Rawaap-0f one dolma "Tssaaa Rr" t.. any one sending= the best four lin- rhyme on ' i, ' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Batt, Ask your d1'Rttgast or *deers" Milt sprinkled over anything that le hurnioq on the store will prevent any disagreeable odor. Vet ■ ilei Agee, She TIMM A r ..re, Mr Goods, druggist, is not a book -- j agent but 1 h That is to gay. your lungs. Also all your hreathine machinery. Very w,on• denial machinery it Ia. Not only the lamer air paet�pltes, but the thousands of little tebee and cavities leading from t tient. When thea. are •Ioged and chocked with scatter which r.aght not to he there• riot hinge cams t half do there work. An.l what they do, they cannot do well. Call k oold, tong), snoop. pneumonia, eat •rrh, cotanalptinn of mnr n( the family of throat and Mite end head and lens •'hrtruetiona, all are had. All noun f to be good rid of There is jolt sort• acre way to tet rid of them that ✓ t: is take Rnecheo'e (hessian Myrnp, wheals any druggist will sell ynn at 73 rents a I tu•stt:. Reeve if everyfhng els. has 1 failed vete you may depend 'open this it contain. wooly as t e agency in Goderich for Johnstou's Teruo Bitters, which he can heartily reoommend fur any com- plaint to which a tonic medioire w lip plicable. Thie rateable medicine ham been with most amtamahingly good toe - sults in cases .d general debility, weak- ness, irregulantass 'mealier t.. females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomrrh and Is..r trouble., lot. "(appetite. and for nkat treneral worn put feeling Liar nearly every non is troubled with et anima part naf the year. Doti t forget the nam. Juhtut,an'm Tonle lt,tt•rs :' A'. and !1 per battle at Goode'. drng 'tore. Albn.n bf.lek, (loderit•h, role agent. a] Keep all the apparatus for eleaning limon ..n an old tray, sod reser tae rigs, hrush.., sciar.t•a or any of the anti cies for any other porpoise them trimming IaIRPa , add is to have on hand a bottle .1 Lr. Harvey's lino Pine Gum. F..r sato at ri .1. Wtls„u's Pr.acnpt...n drug store. If woes speenseee. 1 Ron no risk In buying medicine, hu• • try the great Kidney and Liv SCROFULA I de sot believe that Ayee*4sstSarsaparilla ahJas aa tee tiatotuk,w idle a 1t is pleasant to Mk*, gives saki rigor to lhte he , and produce' �a�tt ere Mtn thee y srei: 1 over ■end. -E. Ilaharr No. l.adals, 0. 1 Mw used Ayers le a, hue - knew, $er.tula, and knew, it k b tokem, faithfwill thoroughly a .*, enntkW this terrible disease. - Y. F. IUe, tor, M. 1►., ar1Ue, Tenn. or rorty years I have suRarettwitb Ery- sipelas. 1 have tried all sorts of remedies for ay complaint, bet (octad no ruiief until I coam•nced A .r's using After takiug ten bot- tles of this medicine 1 am completely cured. - Mary C. Amesbury, Rockport, Mk. 1 lave suffered. for years, from C'starrk. wbkh nate s0 serer• that It destroyed my appetite and weakened my system. After try- ing other remedlra, and getting no relief, 1 began to take Ater's Sarsaparilla, and, In a few months, was cured. - Ru,.au L. Coot. *808. Albany st., Boston Highlands, Maw. Ayer's Sarsaparilla h. superior loony blood purifier that 1 bane ever tried. 1 have taken It for t4•rotula. l •raker, and bat: - Rheum, sad r.eeltel much benefit from it. It is good. also, for I. aeak stotrsaeh,-Alia. .tally Peirce. booth Dr:olfor.l, \1ae.•, Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the Wood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Pr. J. C. Apia .!. I ,,.. I�we1LlMga Pries St : at: belays. ea. i PURE PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSJECT POWDER T RHYNAS' 7zRVC+GSST_ r NEW FAMILY CROCERY! The ur.dersigaeI tag meet noportrany so Intorno the Inhabitants sf tied/etch and sue- n,uudiug curer -, that a.a.:, g h..nigl., ('H :w I' I, Litt II' a. the best us••rket. of Canada stet the C wird States. • . rr> sopertur Mock of Consisting of FR S H TEAS of this season's impartation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Lcaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Carrants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorirgs, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits, Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccarosi, Vermicella, Tapioca. Sago. Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and dhcr eaef,.1 articles tonally Lep* in a grit.. -Las ci:y c-atablisbselat- A\ laersa-iaa es sat R cewaa 841184$1 •e1N'IT8*. WANT TO RUT A QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES E POTATOES_ REES PRICE & SOPt Store on the Square. Between E. Downing's and Q. bb's. 5.41.84, April 21s1. Id L Mee. R. R. r: -le Weebit g Welter. "My husband wan 11.•mt.1.4 will► yspepai• fur more them diener- years Tw.• eaprrienetd pbtriiaya dal h..n tt. mei IA. got 11 ,'v'•erweed, ei.11l we read c f linrd..:k It •••• Berner• : Le t...k my two bottles :.:.•1 r •.e .. •. meal a- ver, .ud leery I. v work a;l the !Me.' Mrs achoe i.'.o. Har'ey. tit. B. B B. 1144 eoied the a"rot dace of ct.r..nic dyateeeta- Y Few men have atc..mplahed the mese - ettuia i g tor, made by Dr Chase, author of Cheer's !• motives. Try Chase's Laver Cute for „ all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys. e Stomach and Bowel*. Sold by James t Wilson, druggist. O A PreSsabe Uel. amount of work and gonad nM this world as the celebrate) Dr Chime. Veer 500,000 of his works have been add nu Canada •luso. We want every pennies troubled with Liver Cwnplaint, pepaa, Headache, Kidney ..r Utley troubles, to bur a bottle cf Dr Chases Liver Cite, it will cure you. Medicine and Ilrcei je Look ill. Sold by elf druggists. Row a Ade Camelia sold. A slue yeunsr intim in the height of faslinei was violently sneezing in a street ear, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Chawles, drah bo), how d'ye catch that dweadful cold " "Aw, deals fellab, left nay cane in the bower hall tother day, and in sucking the ivory handler, lips dweadful cold, it rhtlled we almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Her- sey $ Lied Pine Cum his cold would nut treble his. eery much For naso at J \\ il.c.u'a prescription drug stare. if T. llee N.dlal th ene4atee. 854. all wbes. It may cearea. Ph•mphatine, or Nerve boos, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Bust.u, Masa., cures Pul any Cosaumptton, Sick Hom.lache, Ner- vous Attacks, 'Vertigo, and Neuralgia and all wasting diaereses of the; human system. Phosphatiae is not a Modes:Me. bm a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Jlineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but simply ly the Phemphatie and t:artric Eleniettts found in our daily foray. A single mottle ie atf loiont to momenoe. Ail f)rugzista sell tt. al 0) p n,ttle. i,owgx ,t Co., side agents for the Dominion, 55 Prost Street fast Toronto -4 DE FcJWLERS STEXTRACTIFWILD RAWBERfl� CHOLERA CHOLERA INFANTUtd ALL SOLD BY4'L L,'F4L£e�. The People's Lim DUNN'S BAK1NO PTHEOWDER t Thief LES11A'rrD w D. CHASEs opiDRAKE 1. - DELION RING GOODS HIGH D UJTLOP FA8HIONAI-3LE TAILOR, Takes pleasure is CEng that he ass now on hand a tuft supply of TNECUS, ¶ONSPEBS & OTHER culls rt 'TABLE FOR SPRING $ND SUMMER WEAR. Excellent }'its. First -Class work. l.ea.e ..eters ea -!y. owing to the spring rah of patj jk erratic. '•ari,fael ion *..uredo srIto-member the )place -1t est street, sett doer to Bank of Moatr.sLiti 6.dricILJhler. h Slat. IMS;. HAVE TOO tc Liver ellpegilahg, Dyspepsia. Indy sirso.e.se ►..dice, H Se; b.nu.eri, Pais 'a the gitk ,purees, or airy disease Aru4,t from a drape seer, Da. (.ease's Liras Voss will Mahood • eat lad amain MAATTUNC'$ REMEDY Ihe moonset ilr. Cham . Lbw Cruses Live int rants solely wits the fact than u i •----.4 fromaµare ►walker. nl�iv�r� regulator. NAM:masa Ann DAnWlaoa, combined with isms, nler ineslsable roots, harks sad »werrut.tett on elf Kicke,.t Sleenaci, haying b Hlo„d. •00,000 SOLR .h't+ 4e.r-b'Cf w.ili., .f A. ('kerb Reds Bins mese arise is Casio& .1..,. fire rent every ora moor. mai Atli vie t. treml!rol tetra Line. [; w e.ref 1. try ads er:eReal er...Jy. Meese nee Maw. Caul easy Rat Wrapped amend every hordeol Dr. Chase's LiverCer • a saleable Hoa.eMld Melded (;aids ami Itadp rook (e4 le.ge+), containing Deer neo Meru! estip� 8481. sed wart► temedical * inan the price dot 'sin u mesons fele. Q��' prior of Motif R' s Canoe ds . A mit rod *nadir liar y. k.. say ono. TIT Galilee titter marten Pion. st els. es, hes SOLO ■Y ALL MEALIER!' et T StM*esoe a co. est. seeete. ■rlidasmt BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIOIq Al there are many Inferior mmakerrant with pp.. JUGS. 4 Se Cocain•e by some nn- prinrtpled men/heats trad- ing on the reputation at one grwwlu. (`essei se, ors warn the ladies &win./ rrnh it,pr,..:ion by army - ins their attention to the r. •o'.wlty of aortae the:: the sown d CROMPTON CORSET CO. 1 !• siasep.d os Inner .14.01.41 Coral1te goods. wWht SAWA mar are terslsflw - THE KEY 10 HEALTO. JOHN KNOI, Proprietor. The ebeert et M te mental% t►. web The Finast Rigel AT IQAI w t,uLO 1111ic1111 (' A 141, A x .Yoe-4)tN+ ue Osage Hoe (led.eteh, ?e`*. Lib ilii( XIS IIaleeka hfl tLs domed mecums et 15e Ridsge and Ltvere emeruag y. inii eft system. an tri bbnparili�is diad Med arse humors et the eeleolicas ate the gams +�schuntag 111kioamet the Bratfinion. briar. pages �� hplumes at al est a g 111 i �. • ors r , �r rail mom 0,01/10WIrRt'tf W. Mang a ch. Mediae* Toni • HAWING RE. F U lt1i18HEIs ray shop an the bates style. put In Thee *ow Oarbee (•tale• we of thew the eels treated Hechester rifting V to Ire, and .need a jour :eymaa Reber. we are la a Position to do M•bire Week than La•eto- !ort. lady'/• ('hlklrea's Halreettlsg Cade a seseiett011 day* vMmps tomer. asses arc admen 4rettad. WM_ 1C.N'IC-111 , >7N1 Nest street, tee doors eget •f P.O.. f derich The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased Distal is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles The halals that have Leen perpetrated on. the spectacle wasting public by Inset spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving $*.sumeri seri fancy names 12 ordinary glop,, speaks for the ignorance of the pab'c generally, hs the all-imporlrnt subject of the preservation of sight. there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be manufactured. viz : Pebble. and gla'ea--call_ it still remains glum. Pebile, on the hs n as flnmenatnre'a oo own nwtufacturIt is a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formoation, and is hasiter than the ruby and emerald. shoo near- ly as hard/Ls the diamond. The Pei,llle is not more or les. than a transparent stone, cyst by aid of diamond duet, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain found irb all pebble. It will give to the s fresihness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spearerctacle the Coolness,lenses cannot he any pnsnibility impart. All spectacle, and eyeglaseses are stampe•.I'B. Land can reedy he ptlrchow'tl from Druggist.Ootiseleh. 1( abler. NNW Extensive Premises and Shcendld New Stock. • GEc». f eah.�IxE�r - MA Ys RER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Oodericb rtreseat ♦ find saeelrout of nd hweed a. Clapboards. u turd& itr4 •.teeela. kattrstttrr. rt>sb et To ttlse Chs/rehely ear and ayGl Roma wed Pallor L eb. l fee, * hew N we looser. p nears w ask stand• ux ible meaassmrte•st of Ceram* sod Shseards always ea hood she 1117 kr hire Tlwlehhmishie a spaciatty.-.A al esteemed