HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-19, Page 44 THE IIURON SIGNNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 19, 1881.
=Good s
Dross Melton
A Special Line at lOc. and 12ic.
Hew Prints --Choice Patterns
Another Job Let of Ladies' cad Children*
Cashmere Mom from 15o. to 25e.
Per Pair.
$p..ktsa about alacrity you s o.ld
observed • clerk tact up se early-rkoi.g
roues o. • store door.
The Mier Alarm and'rials Reid
have fg000n.� to Chows ea a visit to their
fria.d,Mtm Paisley.
Jas A. Meloto.h, snatches', of Phot
Arthur is winnow friends .ad old mosses
is tows. He looks hearty.
W. C. Stewart has returned to Wieg
ham after spending the put two weeks
visiting friends arussd hoses
J. T Darrow, Q. C , sod daughter
were passengers on the United Empire
o. her upward trip on Wednesday.
Rev. E. W. Pantos, pastor .•f 8t.
Andrew's Pr.abyteriro ohurch,Stratford,
is &pediag his vacation in Goderich.
Mies Orr wbu hes been the guest of
her sister MnThoespe..n, return-
ed lard evening. 8 e looks u hearty as
Miss Laura Pennington, has returned
home, alter spending some weeks visit-
ing her ouu.ao, Mum M.11ougb, .t Dun -
gen GOO.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butte hate re -
tensed from their visit 10 the mother
Wet understand they rho eegbly
the trip.
If wet, don't fret ; if dry, don't cr7 ,
if oold, don't scold ; if warm, do nt
storm ; "but be thankful ta$sther,what-
ever the weather."
Ilf Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for
on.ultation on Saturday, the 3rd of
September, sad afterwards on the firer
Saturday of every month -
Pugin Brune -It may be all
right, bat it sonde retber queer to
lean that the town is in danger of •
Bateau of 8slmmer Bleck of Deem aside,
Lam* cls. at
J. A. REID & BRO.,
rename Meeh. Overt House Square, Ogderb►
$th Aug.. M. 11st-ly
chicle ern table ween. milk famine owing to the drought.
An' faith k'lfcreat of-- W. R. Meredith, leader of the Ontario
Oppositirn is at the Point Farm. Satur-
day Lala number of the local faithful
drove oat and paid their respects to
Lon't to r et that la oddities to enlarri•r him.
photos aad supplying crayons, Stewart
am also fill an .Men fox to
A BM) Mss -If JOU fall to ane the summon
seef todso attend t It le time.
at le. 1[adormac'a. There's mosey in
t I
If you want to cot a dash 1a Toronto on the
civic I .belay seder • stylish sett right ova
the YbMaf b hle tatters P. ge A. Pri
made while you wait-lf you
w Io.g enough.
Tn. WoRsa'S CHRISTIAN TmxrsaAxcs
DI sesl1wUl meet regularly
for the transaction
obfeot 30
a Knox church. liver, afternoon
nman 1
ct in the work is cordially Invited to
Then has bees considerable talk about ea-
rs[ home industry. and t want to say
ngbt ere and now that we must stand by
our hone lnstltutlo.•. To that end I will
sot fall to continue to tura oat finit clam
notes. 1L Bellows
One of the latest phases of insurance 1s that
in connectfoe with the Llapor tea. By pur-
chasing was pound ee Sec tea you will get as
mammon policy good tord2IS it death from
accident should overtake you Inside of seven
days. Oso. lturras
For all drug, dyasituf e. perfumery. patent
mediolmaa, chemicals. etc, hest goauty
lied lowest rates. call at Ooode's drug -.tore.
Albion Men. a cal &licence paid to ins-
. C.
aad family recipes.
Image U5. AND Baum Loss AND It/rttor-
>.OR ANT.—Dspositors in this cotes/
bare the beet passible security fir their mon-
ey, all bete` Invested in mortgage on farm
property. Depositors tare • firm lien in ali
the eoopaay'basseta. Rateof interest paid.
•mal durstellon eeff deposit. Palmeout r* hart met
•E sar-
4pls mesas should call and see the manager.
Miss Hale, is visiting fnenda in
Mies Etta Barry, is visiting friends in
Will (:•ttl. left kr Winnipeg on
Dr. McMickino returned to town Ist
LAcaaas. -The Fergus club downed
the Goderich boys at the national game
Tuesday last to the tune of four straights
The propulsion was too long without •
The Kinoardi . Review says :-Capt.
Donally's new sebouner, the Greyhound,
which he h lilt in Goderich this season,
made her lint appearance in Kincardine
harbor on Monday last.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street
dentist, makes the preservation a the
natural teeth • specialty. Gs adminis-
tered from f sem. to 4 p.m. for the pain-
less extraction of tenth.
"Ten Mucro" -The Templeton
Opera Company will appear in the
Grand Opera Hops on the evening of
Friday, Aug. 25th, in their inimitable
reoderin4 of the "Mikado."
Bs WAaxsD IH Tint.-Tbe editor of
an exchange says he never saw but one
glint. and that was the ghost of • sinner
who died without paying for his paper.
Twee horrible to look upon.
Tan Sumo Acr RtrsAL Psrtnoie.-
The petition for the repeal of the Scott
Act in Huron, with some 5,000 signatures
attached, will be posted in the clerk's
office on Saturday, the 20th inst.
El I'LL PACS vas Mcato' AGAIN. -J. D.
Stewart, the genial, illuminated the
sanctum of THE SIGNAL Wednesday last
with his broad smile. He's to be man-
ager of the Caledonian games .t Gode-
rich next year.
Nonce. -The well established boot
Mw Creighton, of Brussels, is visit- sod shoe business carried on by J.Down-
tee in[ og Co„ which has been established
In[ to town. in Goderich for there* six years, is of -
Fred Bond, of Galt, is spending fared for isle at a lia+siee, Good re&. -
holidays in town. one for selling.
Miss Hoscher, has charge of the wires &nurse Cern.s.-Adverties your lost
of the C. P. R. otic.. tattle in To. SIGIAL. It will Dost you
Fred Jones, of London, spent a few far 1ese than to hunt them this buoy
clays in town this week. season. Tis Slo!AL cirulates easong
mon of the farmers of this section than
any other paper.
Mies Minnie Lang, of Kincardine, is
visiting friends in town.
Man reaps what he vows, but women
often rips what she sews
Miss Hattie Spence has returned
from her visit to the Nile.
Miss Nugent. of Berlin, was the guest
of Mies Donnas'''. Int week.
Mies Jennie Gooding left for her home
in Manitoba Ism Wednesday.
W. M. Siocloir and wife, a Brassie,
are spending holidays in town.
Miss S. E. Cummings of Woodstock
is the guest of Mrs Geo Stewart.
Miss Currie teff town on her return to
Manitoba ova Weekends, of last week.
Miss M. Wilkinson is the guest of
Mrs Harry Arnold, Owen Sound.
Troy. W. Savage, of Buffalo, spent •
couple of days in Lon Iasi week.
Moe Lou. Trainer, of Chicago, is
the guest of Mn R. G. Reynolds.
Mw Ede G..ld, of Clinton, is
spendinr her holidays in Goderich.
Subecnbere Dome and go, but the
steady going house -8y sticks to his paper. '
Mrs W. L Pennington is at present
visitisg her sister, Mn Major Mellough.
Mr and Mrs W. B. Dickson, of Bins -
sets, are the guests of Regntro. Dick-
Mr. A. B. Hehdeireoe sae in the
North street Methodist church Inst See-
Mr Peter Orant is in town, summoned
by the ullees to hi. mother Mrs
Mies Phoebe Cassaday, of Berlin, is
spending her vcation to Goderich and old Mrs Rawson, who is suffering from
vicinity. ( an ulcer in the foot, and who is in in -
Mise Elle Fisher. has returned home, digent cireumstsnrea, was asset to Toronto
accompanied by Mies May Fisher, of neural Hospital ley Re. D. R. Turk.
Kincardine. The exposes in emmenics shook! be
Mn S. Fisher, of Chicago, has left I defrayed M Mutton ononcil.
here for Kincardine, to visit friends for
a few weeks.
The Rev Mr Ramsay, of Londe".
born, will preach in Knot ehnrei Sew• Monroe• cif the HSchool, for the mord
day forenoon- I peoieient pupil in Frweb in the classin
De Fives The Tame man obtained
Mr Edward Harts, of Clinton. plinth- 11311 marks out of • possible 174.
d the 3cmpet oe the spoon teat Sea NI.ro.tyiertL CAfreroaree- The fallow -
+$7 e-entng. trig is the list of .e.o. dul eondid•tes
Oeadssu.n, of Bra.ada, and lrer who wrote at the resect thin elm
are !bnee-
daughter May. ae gassta of Mfg T. ofeseie.al •xamtnatin.: H Andrews,
Il/eGiLAesdb. I M Hakes, M [infield, B' Regan. A Ma
lespester Paisley hes lepneited, •s thiamin, J Noble, A Wylie, P Reinert.
fises enifsglgi i. Soots Aet Oases, the B Pial. C Jobe/inn, R .Ichneton, J
them n( /:.750 ievRas, Walters awl M Wotan.. e
Mr and Mn 'OkaR Met gen of 1 Bret eight as the list are fan err H ui
ettystMrd, wen the gp.ta of Mr Wm. Imol. Thel Wearing bee Aeras essesl-
Paisst nue Let v Mr Meier- • t111 rear. anti ecu " a -` -
Tani la roc OLn WtpowkRu--Some-
body claims to hare discovered a sub-
stance which is "three hundred times as
sweet as sugar." The "substance" is
supposed to be about eighteen years old
and wean a beetle.
Tun Lim Connsnso -The lint of
ps�� candidates for entrance to thi
high school, which was published in
these columns some weeks ago, has been
oor6rmd by the Department of Edu-
cation for O•tario.
Y. W. C. T. U. Nauman -A memoir;
.of the Y. W. C. T. Union will be held
in the futon room of Knox cherish next
Thursday Aug. 25th, at eight o'clock in
the anteing. All the members are re-
quested to be present.
tier advertising columns this week P.
O'Dea gives some further particular*
with raped to "the man with the
hammer. ' He claims he has the only
right end then is to the onetrovsrsy.
A LARDS 8atrestrY Or PLt1Ya--
Thonday morning Geo F. Old shipped
from Ooderish .calico by express • con-
signment of plains, eenaidt.g of 249
baskets This is the largest expose
shipment of plums made from this point
this ssssoo.
evangelist in Iodisne is telliag the gids
that not five mem i. • hundred are good
..cosh fee teem to marry. The girls
to right .long marrying, however, and
every me of 'an thinks sb gets one of
these live white sheep,
timer To rigs Roams'. --Saturday last
"PAILn•vfO."—Will Robertson. sen
of W. R R., secured the prise the' is
annually given M Mathematical Master
• A 0001/ BIANIMa -A craw tirade fee
women i. Albany is that et "esigiboe-
mg dar.ess' The warm. 5.M .�eBswe
it has for bee aaeea donee er
tweety kneeholes, cash of whish she
visits weakly, std speedo *few hoen is
doing up the family daring .•d weed-
Tun Lneava-Oodorieb Prohibition
Gages held an isteresti g meeting is
the lecture room of Knox cbaroh on
Monday .tempt keit, whish ems large -
1y attended. Some 61 pumas have
tow signed the euastitotioo. Neat
uneeliaag will be held at the call of the
Timersos t Exnttmeoas -The Bell
Telephone Company as.oa.•es that the
fdlewtog pl..s are sow els.seted with
the red of is syaen sed an opon for
beams over the wires froom other poise,
viz : Cargill, Greenbank, Niagara -o. -the -
bs, r Palw
Paisley, Pinkerw and
Sraicsnm sr Paaat.Tsm.-]fin Grant,
mother, of Mn Hoary Spence, baa been
confined toluid foe .early two weeks by
s paralytic stroke, which deprived bar
of speech and the use of her right arm..
Tbeugh prr.asisg a line eo.etitutioo,
her advanced age readers her ease rather
Lagos Exo:vttmor.-The eze.rsioo oo
Tuesday Wt wee the largest of the ar-
son. Some 360 ezcursiu°iets came up
from Fergus, Drayton and Palmerston,
and from Brussels, Bluetale, Wiugbasl
and Blyth fully 1,000 or 1,200 sheered
up. The day was fine, and the excur-
sionists fully miloyed themselves.
Dusucr PATsaAmsa,-The Canada
thistles flourishes os many of the high-
ways and byways of this fur prcrinc.,a d
so do burdocks, and many other noxious
weeds. The law lays that pathmasters
are required to have son out down be-
fore going to seed. What a pity that
p.tbmasten don't Mtend to their duties.
BILLIARDS. -The opening of the
billiard parlor i. Crsbb's block, Kings-
ton -St., under the proprietorship of
Wm. Stubbs, was well attended by the
leading spurts of the town. The sew
proprietor is an expert manipuleter of
the coo and evidently knows bow to roe
• billiard parlor on business principles.
Srueis WILL PAs. Away. -The hot
weather of lam week left its impressions
on the little boy, who wrote to his
mothers follows ; "Dear Ms, -It's hot
as fire hers. My tet cent pies melted
yesterday. 8o that's hot, ain't it 1 Please
send me a dollar so it won't melt. Beet
in swimming nineteen times to -day. We
get bully ice-cream here for one rant •
glees. Don't forget the dotter.;
harvest home festival will be held in
000nectlon wick St. Stepheo'u church,
Goderich township en Wednesday Aug.
31st. Rev. W. A. Young, B. D. of
Goderich will conduct special thank. -
Riving services at y p. m.. after which a
festival will he held on the commodious
premiss of Mrs Brown. Tea erred at
b p. m. Admission 4tc, cbildreo l0c.
Atnom A Cxx7ENAkIAN.-Old Mrs
Winters, who resides with the family of
Jos Morris, Garbraid, is beyond doubt
rho oldest resident in the town of Gude-
rich and the townships of Colborne,
Ashfield and Weymouth. If the old
lady is spared until next March she will
have - completed her hundreth year,
she retains her faculties to an extent
fully equal to that of many persons fully
thirty years bet junior.
SANITARY - Durit.g the long con-
tinued heated, dry spell it is most ne-
cessary to be careful with our back
yards, cellars, closets, etc, A shovelful
of fresh ashes thrown over any and
every stagnant place will neutralize all
offensive odors This should be done
ZEEeaiA, obi TSS FALL Or PALMraa' I KILL OFT TUX PssT.-Prdwtsor
-1'►is awry, by Willem Were, is pub' Harris baa written to • .ember of oar
belted without abridgment. ist the exchanges to wan M lanolin spies'
Netv/ut. Insia.iag with the weekly sll.,wiutt the a hue daisy to grow •behtt
imams of July 0th mutinying eight weeks the forum•. The Proleptic says it is the
or through two monthly mous, -the worst pest a farmer mould have mad that
Asgard sad September -which are oust he town of severs' nous le the seaters
bind sad Upend es • double °umber too mouton of Oaten°, their bay. become
July Wit$e. Pries of the story, coon - pr cticall uusdanimal eable .w amal a Lb*
Piste 10 oto, poet paid ; .r neatly weed. When once they i:et • root it
booed in doth 25 cents ; postage 7 impooneible to eradicate these. They
omits. The ince in "Seaside Library' well entirely run the pastures s u.. gree
paper covers, is 40 cents and published no grow others they are. They sill
by Knox in cloth biodiog is $1 60. also spoil meadows, and u,4 only swot
John B. Alden, 303 Pearl street New the gram but ripen and .mid the seed
lurk. all over the term. He urgently •drs
Manitoba Pre, Pram of Merest 10
J. C. Ceara as a Mar rest le-Tbs every farmer that hes this post to dig
th has than up and either carry thew tutu the
the followialt : Mr J. C. Currie, of th. road or burn them.
sheriffs office, took the lunatic Braes, Locums' CALIGONIIN Desist. -The
who drove off with one of Beoeon's rip thirteenth annual games of this smarty
the other day ,iter throwing the driver will be held «n Wduesday September
out, down to Selkirk on Thursday, On 7tb, 11187, and you are here by tendered
arriving then he found that institutlos on behalf of the axwty a c,rdiai
so crowded that they would not take tion w be prevent A highly interest -
Brun ; sa he had to get a carriage and ing prorramme of athletic sports. pip
bring him beck to the city. Sterol tog. dasatng, etc., will be presented 111
times on the road Braes made en effort which the best artists and athletes in
to throw him oat of the baggy, and he the contineut will take part. Su
wee brought back to the city with great Alexander Campbell, K. C. M. G.,
difficulty. He is now quartered at the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, is ex -
Provincial jail. p.etd to be present. A molls( other
Axonrss Mtaroamirs.-A short time interesting futures may be mentioned,
sicca we chronicled the demise of the • company of .willed cadets, it High•
wall -known grry horse of E Hopper,the land costume, will give exhibitious .if
draysan, and last Friday he net with a sword exercises and bayoost drill.
similar misfortune in the death of the Every effort is being made by the ex -
horse that he had porchesa to replace motive to maintain the reputation a the
the defunct •nitaaL Oo the day above .uoety for well managed game..
mentlood the animal was apparently in Tusy AIX Files. -It is learned that
good health up to 5 p.m., but at that parties representing themselves to be
time indammuion set in, .red before 6 Ontaiio Government officials, are travel -
o'clock the minimal expired, despite all ling through the province victimizing
0°04 that ware made to prevent Si owners of steam threshing machines, and
The resent loss coming so soon upon other machines. They assert that a law
the former one, is • heavy blow to Mr was passed last year prorldier all persons
Hopper, who has the sympathy of his within the province haring charge cf or
many 4risods under the circumstances. °prang any steam boiler or other de -
Sim Gar revs Cunneen -We are vices under steam pressure, shall be ex -
to see by the published list that moaned and liosn•ed before assuming or
w Alioe R. Sharman, daughter of our attempting to operate a derive of any
respected townsman Mr Edward R. kind under pressure of steam, sod they
Sharman bas bean amoog the •umissa- claim to have been appointed examiners
cal candidates at the recent examination with power to Ikon*. persons whom they
for first claw C. non•profeesiocal certiti- deem competent, and from whom they
cafes. As Miss Sharman is only 17, her receive the required fee. It may now bs
success reflects very great credit on her stated that such • bill was introduced to
ability and industry as a student, as well the Legia'uture last session, but it did
as on the teachers cf the High School by not paw, therefore all persons claiming
whom she haa been prepared tor the tope appointed examiners as above ere
sooeessful examinations Since she first Irauda and should be handed over to the
began preparation she has not failed of authorities
soccer at any ezamioatioi sit came Montt IAnx IN Covacu.—W. F. Foot,
up. organist, St George's church, went to
LAWN Textron -A lawn tennis match London on last Monday to be present at
was played oa the e Light- eetig cf aonrentinn appoid
bou.e Point on Tuesdcourtay at betwtheean tLe themRoyanl Canadia° tiociety of Musnteicianby.
Brussels and Goderich clubs, resulting for the purpose of prepariuf the soak of
is favor of the home club by 4 sets to 2 •zamins400a to M passed in future by
Score -Messrs Drummond and Elwood all mem ben ?►Such iusnteresting discs.
beat Messrs Cluff and Sinclair6 4, S-6.6 3, sW° took place, all preut keing of the
Dr Ross and Mr Str•eh•o beat Messrs. opinion that the public should be
Ross and Waterer, 6-3.4 6, and 4.2. At l thoroughly protected from the wiles and
this stage the game was stopped to allow aemb.yt of .ell -styled "professors," and
the visitors to catch their train. Then that members of the musical profession
was s good turnout of spectrs needthe test .:amination just s much
sot, and much interest was manatoifestpre.-ed as doctorsand lawyers. It was proposed
in the match. During the afternoon to establish three grades of musicians to
refreshments in the shape of ice cream, b• 51714 reep.ctirely member, nen-
a„.. were vaned 10 the players and lady Oates, and fellows. who will have to pass
friends searching examinations from which mu
STILL EARNE.T IN TUX Wozz.—Tis steal theory will mut be banished,
Hamilton .ipctator referring to an open
air gospel meeting recently held in that that in future our towhees will be •bk
10 properly explain the how and the
city, has the following in referee's to a why. 1)r Sippi, the president of the
Christian gentleman well known inGods society, was in the chair, and altogether
rich :-"The speaking was pointed and • most predicable and entertaining day
vigorous, and, after two local Christiana was .pent by the committee.
had spokes, it was noticed that Cap; DGntxloN too INDUSTRIAL Exeunt
Zemmermun, of the Salvation Anay,ws TION. --The Secretary of the Dominion
listening amongst the crowd, and on be -and Industrial Exhibition Ansocistion,
ing invited to the speakers' stand he informs us that the works for the forth,
poured out a straight salvation address, coming exhibition, which opens at To -
full of fervor and eloquence, holding the Tonto o° the bth of $.pt, are gar in •z -
people in rapt attention as he said that Ow o[ fhoiea of soy pnvinee year, TM
exhibition takes the additional tole of
Dominion this year in consequence of
having received the Federal gran: for
1887, and the managers are endeavour-
ing to make it as much • Dominion
gathering as possible. Refunds of
freight are gives to distant exhibitor,
and Manitoba, Algona, and the Mari
time Provinces are being induced to
contribute collections. Full $40.000
bare bees expended in buildings and
improvements this year. In the way of
special •ttrections there will be edam at
intervals during the Exhibition,
equestrienne performances in the horse'
ring, aeronaut aeeensioos with doable
balloons, performing on the trapeze
while ascending, and • brilliant pyro-
technic display by Prof. Pun, who
superintended the fireworks et the
Queen's jubilee at London, England.
Following the latter performance there
will be • Wane representing the siege
cad capture of Pekin, muted on the
[rounds with English, Chinese and
Freecb soldiers and marines, with
see.ery and oo•tomes The Gov. Gee.
will open the Exhibition so the 6412,
and the grounds and buildings will be
lighted sea evening with 200 elesiris
Beery few days .1111e the warm weather it would gi,. God as much pleasure to
lasts. Emmy person in town should
make • specialty of their premises and
thee guard their families
ConsoLuo, ANYWAY.—A western pa-
per supplicates thus :-"Tell me, ye an-
gelic hosts, ye messengers of love, shall
swindled printers here below bare no re-
dress above r The angels dapped their
wings and said : "To you a hope is given,
delinquents on a printers book can
never miter heaven." We hope sub-
scribers farand near, will see the point --
so plain ; pay for their paper -.ever
dear, and •
future bliss obtain.
ampondent writs that he would like to
become an editor. You would, so. f
Yoe would. eh 1 Well, after you he -
mese as editor and writs "I kissed
her ander the silent scan," and the
compositor Mite it op, "I kicked her
ender t+. ostler stain," yon will just
ache to grow bow-legged foUowis g a
pair of nz*n along • farrow across a
forty -acre 8.14.-- stern Plow...
Ono -Mrs Andrews, relict of the
late Om Andrew., died at the re 1d'ses
of het son John, oe the Bayfield mad,
early on Wednesday morning, &god 84
years. She leaves • family of three daugh-
ters and three MUM to mourn her los.,
vis : Mn R. B. Smith, Goderidt. Mrs
Huston,' Manitou, and Mn DB.ker,
Kingston ; and John Andrews, oderioi
township, C. A. Andrews, Ood'erich tied
Thomas Andrews, Chicago. The feswsl
took pine os Thursday.
DON'T Fowwtoy To RHouro.-If there
is snythisg people shock& .et be s.,.
ligent of, it is r.gtsteei.g the births of
their charm. Bet whether it is hash
fulness on the part of happy fathers or
e•releus.im, the sleeks of tM renege
moaieipslitieu nevertheless mourn the
feet that people ars very slow about
making the very impoxtaat registration.
A11 those to whom this applies should
take warning, se then is . heavy ase awry year people mnrieg. A .odea
for snit an otesese. Of this alas a Le>te (u received mea the postol8 to the
see the worst mite and women in the city
converted as to see the most respectable
and wealthy coming to Him.
Scxney SI-SooL SIC *'uslos.-The
Mitchell Adrocate says :-Th• union
Sunday school excursion to Goderich on
Wednesday was not well patronized,
but an enjoyable time was spent by the
young folk in the circular town. One
rel the ezeursioniste from here, Miss
Lillie Babb, met with a misfortune that
Fut an end to her day's pleasure. h
•pp•en she stepped on • piece of blokes
ghee, or some other sharp substance,
which cut • large hole in her boot and
stocking and penetrated her foot, caus-
ing a painful wound. Mrs Coppiu and
other ladies who were present did all
they could to alleviate the pain
bandaging the foot, and as the young
lady was unable to walk they procured a
cab and drove bar to the Matson. The
ezeursioni•ts returned home at • sea-
sonable hoer, tired ort, but well
.11.6•d with their day's outing
Bicro•Lssa is Town. -A party of
Morten arrived In teen Sunday last,
sad put up at the British Exohasgs It
cnesist.d of .-A J Hargreaves, Joe
Kaowls, Walter Simms, W 8 Chia.
helm, W Kingsley Evans, Jae P'ilby, E
A Tltiiereld, W Wigmer*, sowles,
Oche L C B C., Loudon ; and V Davie,
W W Martis, of 8t Thomas B. club.
Tb' pasty left Leiden 9atarda) after.
Boos, made Exeter fee the night, and
vaso into Goderioh Sunday morning,
srrieant at 12,30. The party separated
'bete, some retuning byroad, and others
by train on Monday anTuesday. Thiry
were photograpphed in (root of British Es•
change by i�lallows,cen Monday. Two Sea -
forth wheelmen, D J D.va,.et and H
J Poreh.rd, also rode up, but retuned
the same &turnout.
Newspaper publishers lose • great deal
[mato. Rose to the informer .rd some of o*t
thine enter. foibles will make a little I edea that the paper ad-.-. ' so and
pile ort of other people's ts.gligsmes v' has not been taken cert rrt thus raffles
because "not called for," "re•anrd •,
Bawarrr Os.csurr. -The Meek non- I or some ego%lly unestisf.etory mono,
en; so the la*.ns of the Grad Opera and the notice is often not given until
Buese this evesig shooed b. moil pat. the subscriber (who is invariably in
rnsised. Durinagg the poet season they .man --pad •p eebseribss,Jwey n..ttfy
manifeetnd eewaiderebls eet.rnriss eater•
ing to the mete of tae Dahlia in the
hoe of dramatic and tsuriesi entertain -
meths, seal nertaisly did their pert well.
The program is worthy of a lame ons.
...Nero, ad ..alk s, .. ge Dr stop, publisher, ae than assail loses some- l B•11. Dusan ttad A. Hanky have p•II-
r A. B. Mesdames, 1[ry tinea t• ! le
Rev. Mr Duiby, of Varna, was in
town on Monday last
The Sabbath school had • gond time
Tuesday, on the excursion to Ooderich.
The old Clyde u completely obhter•t-
d, sed a new fence encloses the place
that knew it o°5., but will know it no
A gnat deal of sickness se noticed
mead here. Gen. Anderson took sick
oe Thonday last. and did Monday.
W. DisNnt .Ito lost hu little one.
School has re -opened, sorely the
embolus will leer. clow. School bea.ti•
fel iagide and out, seats rood, door
good. wall gond, windows goof, tseber
Aeod,-in fact, all good.
Did you ever got • very sweet *sent
sp Goderich way i That is only the
Blesv*fe pig factory. D o not get .1.rnr.
ed ; the board of health made ■ box to
draw 1t &way. They laid it oo the woad
is the spring and it w then yet. They
publishers to change •ddres) has got so w not in a hurry.
that the amorist cannot h. solleotted, oar 1 Featnn Hartley has returned booking
is see worth collecting. While it is i two inches teller He esrnes a seonnd.
Aetteedly • small ere that is at .take, rt Robe. Stewart *Iso has t►e sme Jame
i• it.wertheks • . rieus thing for tthel Bleck has swseeuded m the s, . 1
s�eR • large total ks • year- std t moeh for thirds,
•mid Mia 1fyu Id drYt esesrh Ie fait to ks'*k tk* pride of *11
*'sed...ones. pie primed. tied the profit M
Mr Nry pried of ►r ti4'X.
hope a
lases Mr John
Re of to
Tana, teseher is
esellto., wise will read e'n the se. 01-. beet se very mtislk Peatemeteny theca.I
• the r---- - - (L.,.e. Ars ,..w14 r - w-•, _, - __ —
We we glad olee that Jtke Weeks,
..d Charles Sanders, who. hare beim
very ill &resgai• c•evale•oeet.
E 11 Speakman and H Lambent re-
turned freer Peserbsro or FKday .ver.
ins(, what. they silt attending (1en.d
I.idge 1. O. O-
H KI MrInto.F. has hie eal
trotting butse "Rana" oilier trsisirg,
Monis* N D Huriue has his "Molly
8." We ender•tend that an i.terssti.g
race will be held between these two fast
We understand apos wooed authority
that the Ex.•ter fire companies will hold
a grand re•uni..n panic at Lake Huron,
neer Grano tiered. They Write every
prom to come, cad we hope to Mee
.loud taro cwt.
The tialvat*on Army and our bald
had • contest on Saturday evening. The
army got left badly, se •'Lookie" not in
the line work. which drowned them out.
The array afterwards 'tattooed them-
Tuesdayerlast wax observ.d in this vil-
lage se a civic holiday, and our citisns
availed themselr.,e of the splendid op-
portunity of visiting Sarni•. The near -
moo was under the supine of the
Exeterbrsa• bend, which discoursed sweet
strain, for the common.
We rerret to announce the death of
one our lady residents, Mrs F D San-
ders The deceased hoe for some time
been ailing with that dread disses con-
sumption, and filially •oocombedto it os
Saturday last at 12 o'clock nous. She
was aged 53 years and 18 days. She
leases • husband and family of partly
grown up children, all of whom have
the .ymps:by of the entire neighbor-
lir and Mrs D. Patterson w visiting
friends near Tiverton this week.
'Mrs J Greenock* reterued a few days
ago from a mail to Dakota.
Will Murchison, of Toronto, spent}
few days this weak visiting LId acquaint -
G. W. Berry, of (ioderieb, visited our
village on Monday Let, lucking hale and
hearty, u of yore.
D. E Cameron retornrd on Saturday
last frunt a trip to Kanto, and give. a
[lowing account of that moony.
Mr McKinnon, who for some veen
kept a confectionery shop, told out ha
stock last week mid retired from torsi -
James Hooter has erected a handsome
concrete dwelling, which he is finish-
ing up in first -Glass style. It Goma.da •
fine view of the village, and will be occu-
pied by E. L. Johnston, formerly of
Goderich, when brushed.
The Caledonians of this village are
putting forth extra exertions in order to
make this year's games the moat .14;. eatiag that has been held by the
The hills and posters are Dow out, and
many new and interesting features are
Miss Clutton is vesting trisods is
Galt this week.
Mr Alex Oohdtlslase, from the sunny
village of lielinerlie. visited here last
bila } Carretiets. obs formerly re-
sided hers, AIWA tlaaMtg out friends
last week.
Mn Alex Chisholm, of the 44 sen.
Goderich township, wee the guest of
Mw Msggu Carney this week.
The rite of baptism wee administers`
by Ret. Dr Cre w fuer infants in arms
last Sabbath The rev. gentleman gave
the parents an unpresivs address urs '
their duties
The twine fraise for the binders bas
reached ben and so..e of our Lamm
had to listen again to the meek of the
reaper sed ons the strew ties for the
sheaves Some of them had almost fur*
gotten how to sake the tie.
A minister sad familyfrom Stratford
moping mping on the basof the lake as
the term of Jet MasMuws, bowleg a
chain and hors to do their ssstatint
with the various little tillages wear M
The following are the °Keen of L 0.
G. .1., 173, 1cr tbig uarter W 0 T Bre
F B Li.fisld : bVV V T, Sister E Horton ;
W F S, Sister 44 MLM...e ; W A 8
Sister Edith Hoes ; W 8, Bee S B
Williams ; W T. Bre Jahn Realms ; W
M, Bro A H Clones ; W D M, 8iMar It
Gorden ; S0, Sider Martha Kar
Ma.ea ; O G, Bro W H Chale. ;
W 0, Bro O 8 elation. In sheens et
the L D, aro Willison ieetalled the
o sura Si the kat regular aced*.
During the ensuing tens the lodes
give an estefhlnneet with a debate..
Ona of our farmers last week IoM a
6a calf by sunstroke.
Miss K. F. Maedouald L enjoyin` •
fortnight's visit with friends to Chaim.
Mrs Job; dentis. of Kincerditts, and
daughter, Wanda, visited homiest week.
With regret we nodal that Gesso
Nisbergali, manager of eve eawain bm
has been soder the weather with Irma.
also that Freddie, the youngest sen 04
A. MaeAli.Nr has hoes uimilarly attic►•
During tho daytime now quietens
reign and our birth micas to
bus of the little folks who retained dtto
No. 6 school best Monday. Aad papa
sad amara• aka take the noa.day sap
witheet • break.
The sena steamship Greeks, on its
trip this week, eek seam' its
pageenger' oar townsman B. 1L Altos
and Sandy treaty Iieutf
. $t 11541 intend to stakes
perrhs.s of horses. We wish them $
pleasant visit
Bench ! Three times three with '
tiger ! The Wl whim tbiss ing.
bens. Lesedowme farm fall wheat nor
49 bushels to the sere, widish leaves,.
thriving esrcl.e fa LeMwre far its'
Mr Telrs is an•waiti.g!>'-
terse to the OM sen of lbs toner
�-. u--