The Huron Signal, 1887-8-19, Page 3•
_ `-T . -' T3lNT'8 F08 CA)1flPER9.
made rousing through Dula the fer■aoee
by which the melted alloy could flow use
til it reached the mold, where through
several Senates it would pass luta t
geoid Wielt.
Faust was et work when I arrived,
headsets' face unusually sed and d•.wo
mat. The supervision fell entirely ups
as my father had been *trickle midday,with a midday, illness, and was confine
to hie bed.
As every possible precaution had bee
taken—the molds perfect, the nand
roper dampness, the melt of the mos
perfect fluidity—it seemed impossible
that any mishap abpuld occur.
I stood at the right and iustrhaek of
Faust His oily anxiety was that the
ignates should not become obstructed,
and at the word. "lip shovels the
brilliant molten mew flowed through the
As the stream passed down the differ-
ent legates there came a sharp hissing,
and cloud* of scalding steam poured
futile. In an instant Faust threw him-
self in front of me, crying, "Quick ! Li.
down !" Then iunywerable short. criuk-
mg bolts of lire seemed to be thalliug in
the air, followed by a terrible explosion,
and then all grow dark.
When I regained c,oaciousuess one*
nicer I found myself lying on • platform
my head on John's knees, eh.) was bath-
ing my temples in water.
Stunned mood dined 1 sat up and linked
ar:,und. Everything was in tLe wildest
confusion ---the ground torn up, the win-
dows sbattered, and thereat my feet, jay
the mangled body of Faust '
Poor fellow 4 he had shown his su-
rname gratitude by giving his life for nicking mine. Ilia enemy, little his
mold, ndthe
laar'dimprisoned water poured steam had
burst all barriers, and of all the work-
men present, they two alone perished.
When they prepared the body of Faust
for its final rest, they found in $ locket
over his heart my letter to the warden
conveying my thanks tar the co:den
We laid him sway on a lonely but sun
my slope of Mount Auburn, within etch
of the winding waters of the Charles,
and marked his testing place with a
hronae slab, on which. in high relief,wsa
told the story of hie sacrifice. The
bronze bearsneither motto nor date,
nothing bot the name, Csllini Faus
R. S. R. Mewl the Test.
"I tried *eery known remedy I could
tbia of fur rheumatism, without giving
any relief, until I teed Burdock
Blond lbuen, which remedy I an
highly recommend to all afflicted as I
was." Henry Smith. Milverton, Ont. 2
Reese aewee.
A man was drunk on Main street the
other day and tied both ends of his
hitching strap to a pet, instead of at-
taching one end to the heed .1 his horse
as he supposed he was doing. Th.
aniwal. which was an intelligent one, if
his master ease not, looked on with •n
amused air, but did not go away, and
awaited patiently the man's return. The
latter when he came back mnuntd into
his vehicle with much ditfculty, and
atter several ineffectual attempt finally
t.mbled in a heap on the seat, from
which it seemed that he would, in spite
of his efforts, pitch headlong over the
dashboard. The hyititaaders admired
the horse, which, turning its head c'eer
around, watched the proceedings with
apparent solicitude and when its owner
had settled into place started off leisur-
ely, turning around with the utmost
are to keep from upsetting the buggy
and glancing back occasionally to see tf
everything was all right. After going •
little way it became evident that the
man would fall oat, as he was pelfectly
limp and helpless, when the horse stopped
and cast an appealing look at the
spectators as much as to gay, "He Deed,
your help if I do not." A neighbor of
the man carne out and got in, when the
horse, giving him a thankful nod, prick-
ed tip his ears and trotted briskly off to-
home.—Ionia Sent led.
•■ r.detebsed epi.1...
"1 was severely troubled with dear -
rbcs and having used some of the
wonderful Dr. Fowlers Wild Stawterry,
I was an • short time completely cured.
i eta r.a, it as a splendid medi-
cine." W. A. Stafford, Sheddon,0•t 2
4.4 r4... flattery.
Smith—Brown, you're fine this mora-
Brown (pleased • -Think go 7
t•tenith- -Yes. You :an stay out with
the boys and show up in the morntg2 all
Brown (mon than pleased) —Yes, it
utile thing hke that doe's. afoot see
Smith --It don't affect yon • particle I
sayer sew seek • man. I my, Brown,
lett ynu land me • fiver 1 is
Brown (with absolute esthasiasm)—
Oertaialy, my deer tray. certainly.
A T..asete daseevery.
F. P. Teaser, of Neebing, Ont, .aye
be hes scot eely food B. B. R. • sere
lime for Dyspepsia. bet he also friend it
to he the Moss modieins for regslatine
mail Meliorate/ the system that he hes
ever takes. B. M S. is the greet eyehole
The rood lady who bent into been
has bene pet together agate, and is ever
veering „ops prerent a rat'unto:tee
meat Campsat(-eus W be tls4. Cecinas.
WSW Witham& maed wee`.
Those who expect to spend a season
is the woods expect, too, of ouuree, tel
be deprived, fur that seas• u, of .uany
comforts and to doped on utekrehlfts iia
tbuir plasm. Bet there Is a right wry
sad a wrong way of oaespieit. a. all elms,
and it is astonishing how e.*y the w..rk
amts be made, and pleased the surr,uttd-
img.. when the right -ray n chosen. It
is *n rttoes of outing that One must cm
resole tils.slyd '-/Mese Mad.
Mew tfi�sesM rte
From Indere Breath and so‘
sense Iron a ds.eosdesad seearev k
What aro they 1 As a general thugs I'easy eases the astusl ewes* 1a 4
they are prescriptions having been used I Ness! Basal will remove the woues sd
with wrest success by old t.:.d weL-read ogre.
Physician*. Thom asd. of invalids have
ossa it Fr•r Husts•■eas and all Brarcbfal
1„ Troubles that usually effect public *peak-
t.rrh ere, Tamar.c dilixer will gee speedy
relief. Try it.
he hat is
d to
preve`t�truke , butt be carefulrraays
an exchange, to get uoly a leaf, acid we
the whole vegetable thereunder. Ne -
•h /• •• unfortunately in t.s. man
1e this friend, y cases
ane y notion uasvulinS.
I, Dry y'nu wish a beautiful a.mplexi,.o '
rI The. sea r Ayer's tiersapsnha. It close-
SsiMand p,'rases the bleed, and thereby
rt. sea■o.M bio tcbss and pimples from the
d ' alts■, asebiaas it sw..oth and clear. and
1 l(•siag M a ler. gbt and healthy appear.
boas unexpectedly eased by their use. A east amts.
and the; are the wonder and dread of
When syr. and Mrs. C.11board retains-
ed from their woddit,R tourney llkey
:settled sight down to bouaekeopi
Happier doves never uestld in • fie
land lyra C•llbu,ud determined to mak
how* happy for Charley front the stn
No future maautm erstanding shoul
area en their domestic arrangewneuts i
her widow and tact read present.
When they eat down to their first meal
Nellie helped bins to an opaque slab of
something about an inch thick that fell
on the table with • dull thud. "That u
sumo home wade b.-ead like your mother
used w make, Charley, deer," she said
sweetly. ' •I learned how to . sake that
solid circle of roller cuwpoeitiou around
the middle of the loaf when we were
stopping at her house lest week. If you
should ever want a change I can mak
bread whiter than *noir and lighter than
sea -foam, but this is the kind you
mother makes, and I thought you nigh
like a the first day to keep you front
getting homesick. That nice cake," she
added. seeing him thoughtfully en-
deavoring to indent with his fork •
dark -bruins pyramid of elastic concrete,
"i• a cake such as yuur Aunt Ellen used
to make. 1 got the preacriction from
her. I don't eat it ruyself, but it is said
to be barmiest if not taken in uxcesa
These irregular fragment of belting are
doughnuts, like those your grandmother
makes ; ger taught me hcw to make
them, mull bad a coeoner's permit to
make theism `'hese FYaslly remains ora
the platter Flus as that is left of the
holocaust ; that lis the chicken roasted
after the favorite prescription of your
sister Jana. And thus, Charlie, dear,"
she continued, pouring out a coal -black
liquid, not quite so thick as the Me -
sour ricer, but far more, "the
is coffee, like you used to get at home.
wake all these threw somewhat dsttur•
ntly for myself and will use my uen
recipes as a rule, alter this, but any
ime you want to have things as you
used to have them at home, dear, I ern
11 any prescription in the pharmaei.p.eia,
and don't yon forget it." And he
didn't. That was 23 years ago, and
not one of the six young Callbotrda can
remember ever to have heard their hi-
ther so much as refer to the doughnuts
bis grandmother used to take when he
was a boy.—R. J. Buidette, in 1,'took-
lye Eagle.
ysicuns end Medical Colleges in the
t'. 8 , so much so, that Physician'
graduating at Modica! Colleges are re-
I Eyu�irveA to diso•iuutenane. Proprietary
dwina*, as through thew the country
doctor loose his m. s1 prwitabte practice.
Aa • wsiiufa.rturer of Proprietary Medi-
cines, Dr. G. G. Green of Woodbury,
iV. J. advoestes must
.once to find out how to go 'Raw ;bur, c,rotially,—is
when the wisdom coos at second-hand, ardor l prevent the risk that the iry
and afflicted are liable to, •Fosse daily
11 may prove just as profitable as that
bought by experience. First then :
DON'T CENOC!.ca •LL LC'It'k1Ge.
A steam.r•chair won't take up numb
room in pecking, and. in a wee► or tutu
of wood -life. you will grow very tired of
settee on the ground, or seep iia base
moots. Further if you have no man-
servant in ordistary;, dont't let all the
women get all the meats. It will not
only prove "confusion worse confoend-
ed, ' but very c.ofisuig to the ladies se
well. If there are six of them in the
party of not, eke out that number with
some .,f the men let the three e-.sples
tate a *peal each day --the entire charge
of providing sol setting it upon the
table—end let it be a progressive ser-
vice, when the are o1 breakfast one
day means dinner :he next, and tea the
next, with a pr,visu that theee who get
• meal
DO x(T w'AslI THE punts.
This reduces the hardest work to • veru
simple fashion.
If it is possible, have one of the men
knock up a table acid benches for the
mealtime. Take dishes enough to set
this table decently, and, except to ase
of nits, they can he kept there when no
in use. Should one of the party he at
all ingetiious he might make a store,
which seems truly much morefnrmida
bye in the telling than the deed ; one of
which I wot was a square bottomless box
of sheet -iron, with an opening in front
for feeding the life, and another in the
back for stove -pipe. The top was re
movable, and had two roust holes, on
which we set our kettles or gridiron, and
were able to do all things but bake as
easily as
A snap -box, with partiti•.ns ran in the
way of shelves, makes a capital cuphoard
to hold bait, sugar, flour, etc. A small,
low table, to stand neer the stove and
hold cooking utensils, is a help on the
slippery wood ground, where every step
seems to 1.11.
In the ladies' tent, f should strmng!y
advise one of those folding sewn tables,
which can be easily transported, and will
prove Invaluable where there art, several
women and their belongings packed in
together. Dent forget • small hand
minor and pin -cushion. nor tome of
those little wall bats which are lased for
"catchalls" atttume, and will wonder-
fully economize a,rce and time in search-
imgihere. 11 two or three will carry a
email trunk together, instead of a num-
ber rf satchels, it will prove much better
in the same way, and the trunk el nod
assn serves au a seat by day sod a repo
sttory for
erg rIt*ON'a GARY:N-•t
by the use of Patent Modicums put out
by inexperienced persons for aggrandize -
meet -.illy, and the employing of iuex-
perimnced and inc.upetent doctors by
which 'Flout every village and town is
cursed ; and teen claiming to he doctors
who had better be undertaker', expert -
nineties" with their petieots and robbing
them of their money and health,—for
the good of the afflicted that our Guv-
truweet protect its people by making
laws to regulate the practice of medicine
by better expenenced and more thoro-
ughly dusted Physicians, and thereby
keep up the honor and cradit of the pro-
fession, slam form laws for the recording
of recipes of Proprietary Medicines,
under examination end decision of ex-
perienced Chemists and Physicians ap-
pointed for that purpose by the Govern-
ment, before they are licensed for
general use. He would must freely
place the recipe of liescbe•e's German
Syrup and Green's august Flower under
such Taws, had be the proper protection,
and thereby save the prbjndice of the
of the people, and avoid the competition
I and imitation of worthless medicines.—
Copied from the Chicago Mail, Aug. 3,
t . 87.'
Oasis Vete Treed it T
It s., you can testify to, its mai venous
powers of healing and recommend it to
your freed.. We refer to I)., l'uwler's
Ettract of Wild Strawberry, the grand
specific for all summer complaints, diar-
rhes. cholera morbus, dysentery,
' cramps, c.Isc, sickness of the stomach
' and bowel complaint of intuits or clefts.
Let its merits be know° to all wha have
; nut used it. 2
Tea tale. ger /./hers,
at nicht. You will probably be male to
sederstand at the outset that nothing
should be hung or pinned up about your
tent which touches the cauv s, if tri u
wish t.. presert-e u water -proof. Still
there will be available places, and to
each of these should be appe:idea recep-
tacles for the thousand awl one trifles a
woman has need uf, and which rntat be,
at such • time, ke;t in as small a space
as pooatbte and out of the way.
In a camping party I knew, One of
the leaden spoke with much bitterness,
before starting, of the effeminate ideas of
eonifert entertained by another of the
teen. "Ile is actually going to take
sheets," he said. "Thi.ik of that—
sheets 7"
One night in the woods convinced us
wosmenkind that the man was right
Why one should not •s, to bed decently
and agreeably in • tent a. well as in •
bowie, 1 confess to not uneeratandeng ;
and • very decent and agreeable bed can
be made un the ground, even if. as with
us, you are obliged to make shoes*
SEM Or ruga or HAT
instead of hemlock boughs. Take plenty
of blankets and pillows, if possible, and
don't forget the pillow cases, nor the
sheets ; but folding cots are nit expen-
sive nor very cumbersome, and, having
tried both kinds, I would advocate this
last sort of couch, certainly for ladies.
Of course, the men know what to
wear, and will wear it For women, an
inn -gray Haenel ie by far the best thing,
with one entire change of dress in caw
of need. A ben of tourist ruffling is
eons enient, or a brag, black lace sari,
wound about one's neck, looks pretty,
and is handy. A soft nap Tam o'
Sheeler. or the like) is the most appro-
priate and convenient headgear. Don't
carry • lot of pretty things with you, for
they will only be ie the way, and. if
your heart islet on "dressing op," yon
If you camp near ennneh to an ice -house
to�et • wpyly once in • while, • cover-
ed barrel, sank in the ground. makes a
refrigerator for Nutter, etc. Unities the
expedition is to. be igen a veritable
wilderness- of malies prepense—and it
it be more for the feet of camping than
foe any partioular aitnati.n, let me
etre.giy urge that you pitch your teat
mot too tar frees sores farm house, where
fresh food may be obtained mine is •
while. If the deprivatinoe are necessary
- and Meese are --bear them with all
Agee, but make the holiday season as
OW as is possible for • holiday soseen
to he.
A few glass lanterns wail be needed,
and then 4 many of the Chinese variety
se you have • mind Inc will add much ti
the b••ety end pleasure of the •venter.
Choose yoer party Inc sash a trip with ,
the omitted care and thought There is
nn half way WO* 'Duet eampitag ; either
it is wretchedness or else it is bliss, and '
these -fourths of the pleasure Or pate
depewds span the people, and net the
When suffering f.vom violent excite-
ment do not bathe.
Undress slowly and then go directly
into the water.
I Take your time on the way to the
bathing house or beach.
On arrivie; at the beach enquire about fi
depth and currents of water.
Do not remain t... lour in the water,
especially if ::cat very robust.
• After meals, and especially after tall -
lug alcoholic liquors, du nut bathe.
Wben auferiug horn suddenly occur.
ring or from coutumud Illness, du cot
Jump in heed first, or at least, dip un-
der quickly, ii you do out like to do the
After sleepless nighls or exanaive ex -
I secise, do not bathe unless you first rest
I a few hours.
After bathing, rub the body to stimu-
late eirculatiom, and then dress quickly ;
then take mudetate exercise.
Tay Tktr--Rep.eti the following sett-
tense rapidly and corrsetly ten ruses ;—j
"The sea oeseeth, and diawiesab ue
with les blessing."
"'Uwe Teeming.; mel he £'peered.
If you d.. not heed the warning, of na-
ture and at once pay attention to the
tnaintatnence of your health. How often
we see a person put elf from deny to day
the purchase of a medicine which it pr. -
cured at the outatart of a disease would
• have remedied it almost immediately
I Now if Johnston's Tonic Liver t'dls had
r been. taken when :be best uneasiness
t I inaie-ita appearance the dine*, would
have been "nipped i.e the fwd." John -
ore's Tune lt.ttera.and Liver Pills are
decidedly the best medicine .0 the mar-
ket for general tunic and invigorating
prepense' Pills 25c. per bottle. Bitten
50s Dents and 11 per bottle, sold by
Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole
agent- lb'
Me liwIliorgeon .ays of the .Salvation
Ana, : 1f it were wiped out of Lw -
dun, live thousand extra policemen could
not ell its place in the repression of
crime and disorder."
err saleable.
"Havini used 11. B. B fur biliousness
and torpid liver, with the very best re-
sult I would recommend it to all thus
troubled. The bee•leine is worth Its
weight in gold." Tillie White, Mati-
lowanins_Ch,t 2
Jest Try 11.
Try a son bath for rheumatism.
Try clan broth fur a weak stomach.
Try cranberry poultice for erysipelas
Try eating fresh radishes and yellow
turnips for gravel.
Try swallowing saliva when troubled
with sour stuuiach.
Try eating onions and hone -radish to
relieve dropsical swelllnes.
Try buttermilk Inc the removal of tan
and walnut stains and freckle,.
Try the croup tippet wher. a child is
likely to be troubled in that way.
Try hot flannel over the seat of neural-
gia pain and renew frequently.
Try a cloth rung from cold w ater put
about the neck f.,r son throat.
Without ltamit.
Wilson Montroes, of Vienna. Ont ,
having need Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry in his family for sum-
mer complaint,, says, "I cannot speak
too highly ,f it, for chiidree as well as
aged people troubled with diarrh.ra it
has no equal." 2
Lav ghee talgattted Them wealth.
First Selasbdy : "Mari. r'
Second Saleslady : "1 see here."
"Are you busy 1"
"Where ie the other saleslady I'
"She has not amuse in yet What do
you want ?
"I want some sine to Rr, and ask the
lady teatime if she an chaness sora hun-
dred dottier bell fnr • woman."
The best regulators for the et .mach
and bowels, the best cure fur biliousness,
sick headache, indigestion, and ail arc -
tions arising from a disordered liner, are
without exception John•on•s Tonic Liver
Pills. Small in size, sugar coated, mild,
yet effective. 25 cts, per bottle wile by
Goode, druggist. Albion block. Code
ich, sole agent
a scaslbie rriner*s.
For a person of only seven years ex•
perieuce, the grod sen shown by the
;child princess Charlotte was really re -
1 markable. Her wuaic-teacher, who was
Billy ecou;h :o think that a princess
Iwithoct flattery was like aduck without
water, once highly commended her ea•
ecutlon when the herself knew that it
was faulty and flea -creed n) praise at all.
The room was tilled with other people
peep's aho held similar opinions about
prim:ewe and ducks ; and all, when she
appealed to them, declared that her
Royal Highness hal played in • manner
to ravish the ears of angels. She knew bet•
ter, but said no more at the moment.
When Master Teacher came reit morn-
ing for a lesson, however, be found his
pay and a discharge ready for him ; also
a piece oladvice from her little highness,
that ''he should never indulge error in •
pulpitwhere he was employed to perfect
the unskillful." Thus Charlotte showed
her power at rea,oning and her mastery
of the English language. rebuked • fat.
trete, and procured for herself a very
pleasant vacation—the finding of another
suitable taech.r being a wrrk of time
and deep British detiheration.—Elise
M. Hutchinson i., Si. Nichols*.
Hay fever is a type .•f catarrh having
peculiar symptom'. It is attended by an
inflamed onndttion of the limier mew M
brume of the oostrila. tear -duets and
throat, affectu,J the lunge An acrid
niuoons isa.creted,the discharge isaoo.:m
tamed with a horning sensation. There
are severe spasms .of sneezing, frequent
attacks of heartache. watery and inflate-
_ . ed eyes. Ely • Cream Balm w It rem*•
le tOM a rene fly that can 1,e depended upon. Sion•.
-- ; at dr'.giim• . ; by .nail, registered. Geta
Dyspensia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is • foo to
good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is tom
of the most complicated and wonderful
things in existence. It is easily put net
of ..rler.
Greasy food, tnngh fond, sloppy fend,
had cookery, ineetai worry, late hoop,
irregular habits, and many other things
which ought not to res, have wade the
American people • nation of dyspeptic..
not Green's Angost Flower has done
a wonderful work in reforming this and
lemitrw and making the
petrol* so healthy that they an enjoy
their male and he happy
serreendinya. R.ntmnh r --Nn happiness . without
+ health. Bet Green's August Flower
Agent s the ledy ort the Reese ih ! brings health snit han(•; to the
9eveant maid • There are two of u. • --'t,ttc Ask
E,y Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New
York. ly
If .paves
PM 1. Nal,
Med gewleft
EAST •Uta fes On Swot
ttrrt resew* easww-Wt ams* b Q►
tise1la tlaM b Dreggi ta. otr last mss pM
re Bidet sit pries. Ills card St demo
tee ea Tear Saari
Don't allow a cold in the head to slow-
ly and surely run into Catarrh, when
you can be cured for 25e. by suing Dr.
Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applica-
tions cure iucipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes
curse ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is
11 Use 1Jrstr be PI L L
tomes torpid, It the
bowels are constipated, or U UN stomach
Le:. w perform Its functions properly, lase
Atvr's 1'llla. 'They are Invaluable.
Inc Isms years 1 was a vktlm to iiver
s'.enptitut, a eons'yuence of wbkh I
suffered froom Oeaersl Debility wad fedi-
grease. A few boxes of Ater'e Pelle
r. -,tor. -4 ate to h. rh' i h•iEk. - W. 1'.
itrightaey, Ileadersoa, W. Vs.
Fee veers i have relied more epee
Ayer'. lith than anyttiiis else, to
m) Larks. Thrsr. 1'111a are mill in action.
anJ .1, their work tbor. ugbl) . 1 hose used
Gwen with goud etrct, la r#se* of liber.
■iali.m, Trouhb, awd Dyspep;-
- - G. F. lii11er, Attlee...r ugh. lilt's.
Ayer's 11110
Lh er troubko, froom N bleb i bba,I Stomach
Ger )ear.. 1 etch* rr diem the brat pills
■ adv, and weird not be without them. -
Morris Gates, Lioness 111,• N. Y. marked
was followed bylJaund and walious y
.0 dangerously ill that w friends de-
spaired of my reeoverc. 1 .'ummen.-ed
taking .t)rr's I'114, and soon regained an
eusto■isn toreei(th and vigor. - John I'
1'atthwi. lw,well, Nebraska. oe .
Last spring 1 sneered Knotty from a
troublesome humor on my side. In spite
of eery eltrt to cure this eruption. it in-
creased until the flesh became entirely
raw. 1 was troubled. at flee sant time.
with Indlitoetiot, and dieresetsg pilus In
The Bowels.'
By the wit of a friend i began talkie
Ayer'' Pills. In a •hurt time 1 was free
front paw. my foto) digested propene, tion
sores u* my body r somenned heather.
and. in le.• than one utoadh. 1 was cured.
— tawur, It. White, Athlete, Ga.
1 have long used Ayer's Pine. in my
trolls, and believe them to be 11e• best
pin. wa.k•. —8. c'. Danko, Denten, Xis'.
My wife and little gfrf were taken with
1) n-niery a trw' days jan and 1 at owe
Wigan r�Cising them small dews of Ayer's
thinking 1 would rail a doctor If the
disease became a*c worm-. In a short
time the bloody discharges stopped. all
pain went away• and health was restored.
— Theodore Eslin;, , Itivkmow.l, Vie
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J, c'. A yn a Caw lowed Mama:
Meld by all nasaleso ► ttedletaw
guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try
it. Only 25c and sure cure. Sold by
all druggists ly
"me Never temiied Agate e.
No "hardly ever" about it. He had
an attack of what people all '•hilu,w-
nem,"and tc smile was impossible. Yet
a man may "snails and smile, and he a
villain still, still he was no villain, but a
plain, blunt, honest man, that needed a
remedy such IA Dr Pierce • ''Pleasant
Purgative Pellet'," which never fail to
cure bilieuanese and diseased or torpid
liver, dyspepsia and chronic constipa-
tion. Of druggists.
A widow may not be much of a
gardener, but she always has an ides that
she can rune mange blossoms from
Ir. the history of medicates no prepa-
rat has received such noiversal cam
mendatt.,tt, f'.r the allevia:iui affords
and the perwanetnt cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's Niamey"
Cure. It action in these dist
oomplaint, is simply wonderful. SeW
by J, Wilson. 2m
The distreunne pnteursa so ;Rea ob-
served in young girls and women, is date
in a trent nseaswre to a Fact .,1 the red
corpuscles in the blood. To remedy
this registries medicine which prudaoes
these necessary little blood co n.titeesbs,
and the best yet discovered is Johnson's
Tonic Bittern Price 50 oasts, sod EL
per bottle at Goode* drug More, Albion
hI ck, Goderich. Sole agent. flea
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