HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-19, Page 1,aa..at. •a•ta. V OpRTILTTLB. i WI11H OLe NUNHILR silt GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, AUG. 19, l8bi. { DAi Zifrare:Di >IX tae A sinew Tarim : "Are pus Yarn,WLi Ars UP ? —fly -the -way, while I'm talkie; about lKoGari gle r' f yy [1 people hay'iug peculiar notices •bust t-wnicb from personal esperieuoe alfa willing :u acknowledge is often the 0111111,—I wee told the .ether day the you 'couldn't convince Did Mathews that a man who had his f•.o t amputated had 8av1L moat!. here passed since ThlnQme That Arellagypeigas LA the sum of $4,000 was placed in the esti- Around Us tastes for the constructs .s of a my punt- I iaatsa sa.r.tuUy a I. Clete Fuee as, ogles •n1 cwtums building in Gudermh, reseed rveess. es -••* z" 110411. bet op to the time of going to press the location for the proposed public edifice has not yet been discovered. Th. Government is waiting until another election renders the work imperative. Doeisu the present summer Ooderich Iola herr visis.d by way from .*.ids pants. Tong see who has surao this way has espresso& estbttetissw over the lo.stioo of the town, and coedematiun of the accommodation far visitors in the ht» of lake excursions bathing cud other recrestionn. 1t is tube hoped that nut year the defects in this line will be semedad, and that old Gud.rloh, as a summer resort, will be made more at- tractive than ever. carries on besieges at the old stand at the-4droxate office, when not empkyd asetiowtrinR A couple of weeks ago he soled by sad Felber Tates • N.001141 Theerl. --Well. I see the council has been herd at work doing nothing on the wa- terworks scheme since lam May, and have &aooeded se accuwplishing nothing ea a meek. Eve gaud, solid do -nothing - WHAT THEY SAY.(appafat.est of Thos. McGillicuddy t. COUXTY LUItRENC$. 1edbsep.nmeut of agricutture for ur:artu, $j — -- on the +'bans• io the editorship of Tor Ousts- I Penoillings and Lohieorings from irate Suomi. has taken plan. The re• ilKxehsnies tiring member of the firm has always Ishown himself to be rhe happy pummels.. Mt ewe Seetbee e1 taw Pres, Na.e 1.I t.( more than I.rd Mary ability es a writer, . New. hem ■e1 .err Nwree Seemly, ceased nal Abawt ire nere.l l-N.ae to sad the Was tf his wduence lit Huron euwpre &tad t..drsa.e. Petr sal Dot the power of fie Ing in the limb •-Tse a/saal- The OMI will be greatly felt. Although we are s,.1., Tse sire 's ere teal and Me New. !sorry to see Tom leave the newspaper! I,.wsear a ucaaR r.. i work, still we must eons ratulate him on unto urs ANP rau.rmraTY. i fres appointment, as he will he relieved D Todd, id St Helena, left on Monday of a great amount o.f the anxiety at.d hard last with sixty-one head of very Sue fat All Kinds of Opinions Subject. pusition of shorthand writer to tree' .the, it was taken gaff and buried. Ouce span • tits' he was skeptical nu the q..stien of feeling under such circum- stances, but be Wee Converted from his seb•llef, and it occurred in this wise -- But, mebbe you don't know Dad Mathews, eh ' Well, if you don't know jaw. ai ILb. Rnifiet expense, and must / 6ige 'eh* 11.. Gest chance of being nitro meetthee, at - meetintts, I think the town council of . duced and you 1i tied him • good square- Ooderich deserves the chronic, with the l tool fellow, with a tendancy to Toryism reddest sun, the greenest glass and the of the old school, and • decided pre - bluest sky. They meet and meet and doliotiun for secret societies. It was meat as regularly as the Turoutu fox. the ao`i.ty business that cured him of hunters, but, like that body, they never his unbelief in the fad of • man feeling get sight of the foe ; they "talk, and pain in a limb which had been amputat- talk and talk" as glibly es Bessie Turner 'Min and buried. You gee, .out. Yearn and Theodore Tilton did, but like that ago Dad was deputed to act as a night interesting couple they never do any- inures in the nese of • brother of one of Tim champion liar o.f Mitchell, still thing else ; they chaise -pan with the ( the numerous societies with which he is town printieg, and make ducks and !connected, ani the brother had some drakes of the people's money in wel.w + time before suffered amputation of a .zpaaditures : they spare at the spigot, i toot. The severed limb had been °laced stated that au effort had been made by and open wide the bungbole ;—in short to a smell wooden box and dep-.iid Hamm Grits to pair off the protest they have shown beyond a peradventure `ander • grapevine at the end of the against I•.obmrt Porter, of 3imou•, (acro. that as municipal legislators they're "up garden. and no more was thought at it desist member fur Huron) with an alieg- ( the flume." and will soon make the until the particular night when Dad was town follow soli, if a weeding process be ' putting in his vigil with the toe -legged not adopted. invalid. Suddenly the sick man was —I was, as you all know, opposed to liaised of a spasm, and called upon the the electric light scheme ; I was of ' watcher to relieve him, as he had been opinion that modest agricultural grounds i taken with • severe pain in the toe, would suit us its °od*rish ; and I be- which had gut tai warped that it was limed it was inexpedient to pees a by- almost bent double. Dad imwdiet.Iy M. Hants an amount for the oonstreetion I reached for the foot which was attached of waterworks until a feasible plan wee to the whole and sell limb, to straighten eoeeidered and approved lit. At that lout the toe, but was astonished to bear time • let of the neighbors were attacked the sick roan say. "Not that foot, Dad ; with • virulent dimes.. called "Hoorah "' ti's the other foot. ' Dad, whose initial They aid I was an old stick-in-the-mud mum is "W. B.- looked a little puzzled, from Waybace ; that I knee more about and mildly remarked, "See bear, o'.d mut, I muses you're a little orf your base this trip. seeiug that your other foot has r lowed !ruin its eatD:tug. There ain't any good end to this business ou the other foot that I an see." But i. was of no use to expostulate with the lova- ed libel slit of a person called Bruen amine Tam t;MINAI At that time w• gave the he en unqualified denial, aid if the :other of the f.n•houd had the faint - set conception of armee dealing be would have aoo.ptd the statement then made. Last week he returned to the falsehood, tik• a deg to its vomit, but stated that the pr.positioo to pair off wee mad. to Bob Biirminghatn by the Gast Cleo, of Toronto, and not by the Heron Grim. Th. last lieu more absurd Ulan the int, and if W. R. Davis does du ire to be breasted as a wilful and offsmititated Liar in thin instance. he tallow -dips than electric lights ; that a most produce proof in support of his bareyarit heel) was good enough for me oonteotioa Our solicitor, Mr J T. to.zhibit on ; tbst my esophagus was Gsrruw,is the only person with authority stiertiied to such an siteet with •ppli- to act in this matter, and we do not aMiess of benzine sad other irritants think he would acklwwl.dgo Bob Bir- miagharL seen whiter to the premier. VOX POPULI. Kiat I wueldn't know what water was if I tasted it ; that a practical scheme was lid ; be persisted that one of the toes in bef.we the people, and that when I .•ii the off foot was turned down and wanted then wa.a't each a scheme my tongs straightening out, and finally prevailed was as forked ae • streak of chained upon the gxodnatured meilderk to gar h¢taing ;—and I was sot upon on all down and exhume the boned member MattelsofYOo/otTak up wad siiae sod belabored unmercl(ully. Ike gasp - from teoeath the grapevine. Atter I isames ' I didn't wilt, or pine away, or climb a Bosse (moble, Dad tame upon the asap' - "' tree, or leave the !Units ; oat like the box which acted as coffin for the buried amine, Who Met s se ear toe sensible old chap that the aaigbbun foot, carefully and deliberately lifted eat roma `oolion. or lobe i.N1es ea BMW'sits w 11e a now claim me to be, I rolledup my wake. the buried (remota, and there, sure Mk adamss, in my cheek, quit fighting the matter in enough, was one of the toes twisted as Tte8tosut., sod waited for the whirligig crookedly as a dog's bind leg. Dad of time to trot out its revenge, sod vin- piously seized the rapidly mortifying dial* me in the eyes of the neighbors. toe, straightened it out to a natural position, returned the foot to the soap box, and the soapbox to sepulture, be- neath the grapevine, and passed from dee improvised cemetery to the bedside of the invalid. The moot curious part of the thing a that simultaneously with the stratnbt.nireg of the toe on the dead the agrismlteral buildings, but the I and buried foot, the sufferer obtained .'meed is stet deserving of the credit relief. That's the story as I beard it the for meshing along the work. I other day from • third petty, and it you are skeptical on the subject you joet tackle Dad Mathews about it, and he'll load you up the other way. THEY ALL ALL APT= PTH. &SIE,—lo last week's issue, I noticed • chattesge, which was previously publish- ed in the Clinton New Era from R Tomlinson, "a canary boy," who is anxious to do some shooting with maw body who lives in Goderich, sad whose same he does nut give. 1 know two or three a town who would tilts to take the conceit out of Mr Tomlinson in a shoot, gun 40 to 62 calibre, opsin sheat, ge-se- yoe-piess.. I 'seines my mune. Goderich, Aeg. 17. A Town Boy. QUI BTIONS AND ANSWHB8, Weeds le Ire Wier lid asMrwlee Fabler twe■lkH. es rte MA0* OCT or WHOLE CLOTH. '•Braes'"—The item in the Clinton paper is entree. Mr MoGillieaddy need. no tender for the tows printing. He was edged by vesper Seager, suseeifot Jsudea and ether nembes tof the eoea- - ell if be wield print the list if a livtag peke, say $60, was fixed aeon. and re Ai that he would. The latter to the .assail was written •t the inslalse oil Seeger. Mt )tcOilliseddy had es earth to do with initiating dM torr. rims rso,w ?Tow le sapU1IID. "SneeltasT Buy-los"—Yoer query. „Why wasn't the watering cart oatTees- day ear day Ism, whoa the big ese.rsims wee is tow* r' is • Pollinate 004t, bot .am 1m1h should jedte. .t good, well bored I didn't have long to wait. —Only three :oaths have Rome since the bylaws were pewee with such a laud hurrah, sad sow the neighbors are bs- gizaimg to discover that it is possi- ble to pay too dear for a whistle. It's quite true we're going to have Waterloo (Anoairlr :—Mr Thos. Mc- Gillicuddy has retired from the manage - merit of Tux Henan( SIUNAL to assume the position of shorthand writer to the work ID 0 Di,icrt,n with newspaper life. gale, for Gl..;..w, Scotland. The remaining member of the tirm. D. McGillicuddy will still continue the , Miss Stevenson, of Brsatfot-d, was peWicauun of T*s Stuy*L and we areoass( , the sual applicant Our the vacancy department of Agnculture for Ontano• esrtsi0 that the readers cot that iuural I un the tesehwg.tett of the Bresseis psb- Tea SIoNji will he conducted in the will W supplied with an'quart! se Quodi4! C school. future by Nr D. McGillicuddy.W i( not better paper than t ey e.erhad, I A steam Rn engine, feu born ear-- wish it continued success. as Dan. is a thorough newspaper man. nags., 1,000 feet of Moe and all appli- Ha'W. no THs sasoEANT saw A'T. Although double work w.11 fall spun the antis are being shipped to Milton from Chatham Banner :—Mr Thea 11cGilli- now sole editor, we think he is t.lual to the Brussels bre engine works. caddy of TH. Go,nutH S1uNAL, hu the emergency, and we wish htut every I The Lucknuw arat(rei report& foal retired from the firm to boom. steno.- success. ;bred mime Pali a of the apiaries io that of HI [No •:+ WHAT HR TALK+ abort. sectio'. There are various methods of grapher to the Ontario Department Agriculture. Mr D. McGillicuddy will ge•tonh Erp•dfur : -- Mr Thuip•e!! tag. but the most effective way of hold THs SPINALa4.ft hereafter. McGillicuddy, late of the O,derich'stamping it out'.to burn up all diaess- rIOH BROWN'S es-amu s ru, PILL. Tnes . ! SIGNAL, tiss b.appointed to a post- I d hires, bed., oombe, etc. tion in the office of the Minister of! A letter from Jan Broadfoot, of Kan- Agricutture,as Secretary of the Assistant .as, formerly of Brussels, says his crops Minister. Mr McGillicuddy is an !are all burned up with the lung 3routh efficient phonorrepher, and is well ad- land everything t rta!!y destroyed. Pao - &peel to fill any such position, and we i pie can't sell cattle, even at 1 cent per look for bis speedy promotion in the I ptuod. Nu feed for the future is the service. life remorse to Toronto and dread of the inhabitants of that scorched takes up his abode in that city. As a s'o'me result of this appontwient the firm of I One day last week while oounci:4,s, McGillicuddy Brothers has been dialed.-- McEwen, of Hay, and his two sons, of d, and Mr D. McGillicuddy assumes the front rued, were drawing hey, the attire control o'f THs Sulam-. este nooses attached to the waegon ran sway. heartily wish both gentlemen continued One of the boys was seriously injured. prsperity in their respective sphere& one of his legs being broken, while tae other boy was but slightly injured. ON HIS TRAQ'L8• At Brussels, Friday afternoon, whilst a young man named •Christopb.e i alar" lo'tt'o Rees seabew guitar Tlaa- 8wttzsr was mg put smell ter seer,. belt at the sive oattef • thrmptinhint0q mashiesbis head struck • rafter pole, which threw $owMAN\'IEEE, Atte. 12th, 188 7. Sim tack, and tate leg going in the cylin- der, was literally torn from bra body. He lived a few hours after the solidest. Samuel Rennie, the worthy reeve of Hay township, who had the tati.Inrtuas a few weeks ago to have one of his legs 11Mtuusly injured by the running away of his team, attached to his binder, is. we are plead to notice, snfiicieotly re- oovered to be able to be about agais. He attended the council meeting a growth that makes the residence too,Thursday last, but was compelled to iso crutohea. mh&dedand damp. They aro jet fitting op a 30 aces perk Last Friday evening S Holmes, who is sod race -course. They have ouly 5 s!ec- visiting at Dr Holmes', Brussels, had the trio lights up at present, swung st inter misfortune to have flee of the bones in vale in the middle of King street, but 14 his right arm broken. Along with a more ere to bo immediately put up at au number of companions he was going to a average cwt of 25c. per light. The field to platy ball and had jumped off a town goes about 70 or 80 Tory, made fence and in reschiag the ground fel op, I suppose, by the Dominion Organ i and before he could pt out of the way one of the patty tapped un his arm, breaking it near the wrist. A very serious &trident happened to the soli of \ Campbell, near Westfield. on Wednesday last week. He had gone into the stable to ford s hone, carrying st Last onus a weer, there is • large a tin pail, which it is supposed fngbtee- town band of 25 or 30 pieces, which the ed the home At any tats the bet P kicked him, booking bis collar bion people and the council delight to honor. sad indicting other injuries. Ilia father %Vht'e going ep Church street one even- was near at hand, and rescued him be- fore the horse, which appearched to be- muse wild, could do any farther damage, se it seemed disposed to do. The Clinton \'r.r Era says : We re- gret this week to chronicle the tteeth of all bo thought rorlb whir. to • highly *steamed and much respected Mitchell Adeveate :—Mr Thonss Mc- Gilttouddy, lit Tar. Gocerb r SIorai, like brother Houses of the Clinton New Era, has been provided for, with • good fat situation in one of the departments of the Ontario Government. Dan, the nn•seunrine, bashful, and 000•egutiMical quill driver u now the sole proprietor of that gentlesasnly.coducted sheet. tax TONI WILL +TILL BE HA1NTAINFD. Sarni& (Amino : —Owing to the ap poiutment id Mr Tho. McGillicuddy to a position in the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Tex Hu:soe Sweat .ill hereafter be publishedaulely by Mr Dec McGillicuddy. While Tee SruNAL will mime Tom'/ pen and presence, its tone as • first class local and Liberal newspa- per will be well maintained by the re- maining proprietor. THE aretelbei CONTINCLD STAND. Acton Free Press :—Messrs McGilli- cuddy Bros, publishers of THE Gode- rich SIGNAL, have dissolved partnership. Mr Thus McGillicuddy leaves bis edi- torial poet to assume the position of shorthand enter to the Department of Agriculture fur Ontario,—s position for which hu phonographic ability and jour- nalistic Demi*, fully equip hitt, and Mr D. McGdlio.ddy will continue the busi- ness of rue 81uKAL W. wish them bah success THE 01.0 rlLor gTILL AT THE WHEEL. Mitchell Recorder :—Mr Thom 15cGiUi- caddy, of Tns Go°IaICH Swam., has been appointed Secretary to Mr A Blue, Cos.niesiuser of Agriculture in the Bureau of Industries, Toronto, and Mr D. McGillicuddy .ill assume sole charge a Tea theism.. "Dan," as he w familiarly knows, is trite equal to the task, sod we do not look for any loss of viler in the column of TIM b1uNAt. LIZ TUNIS TM' OFF HOxx IS THE NIGH ONE. St Mary's Journal -Mr Thomas Mo- Oillicuddy, formerly one of the pro- prietors of Tea Ht -Row SIGNAL. has re- ceived an appointment under the Ontario Government at • snug salary. This gentleman during the recent elec- tion campaign, both on the platform and u. his paper took special delight is ex- travagantly abusing the Conservative part He has, at last, received his re ward [The shove item is true in every par- tioalarly except that Thos. MoChilic.ddy "during the recent election campaign, both on the platform and in his paper took special delight in extravagant) abasing the Cuoservative party," and that he has gut his reward fur such services. As a matter of fact Thos McGillicuddy never spoke et • meeting dosing the last two election campaign. KO. OF SuIwaL 1 question if the edifice would Tuve gone on at all this year, if it hadn't been for my old and esteemed neighbor A. McD Allan and his colleagues at the sgri- eultersl board. They said "laugh a balagh ' ' and the pp was cleared ; bet it cost over $3,000 more than the toen- ail o11{oalstad to fill the bill. - -Last week's Tea SIGNAL, I observed, drew attention to the oast that had been incurred by the oosncil in throwing offer $1,2tl0 into a hole in the potted on lists struse-end after ssyiog that, the editor remarked fist the month didn't own the ground in which the hole was sink. If that is esus, and I believe it a, there will likely be another bill of ex- pense upon the 'paned, and the sooner it is attended to the batter it will b., 1 ea wend. On ecotoat of the dee .ad the soneogneat sesrsity of water t. the tasks, it would have bees *swim to bus the present besot *apply and thereby ren great risk in the 'tent d fire. PETITION W11.L *5 POINTED OX SATURDAY. "D. a C."—The liquor sellers ap- pacestly mean bseimes. Ther petition be doe rel d the S'e't Aet, with seas $,00 .4+estorss •gsehed. will be "weed is the sbsrtfs ora• oe dstsrday, Aslant !0. Ant TIM ?orris crerwrnL Dew k it les es dark Mega the bop ea Kest and soma as tw seen lis 1 Is.tlay eight was pa beerier, dark sad se Nes Use bmps Vibes ells I iso f as this daeba.m 1 111rmmssu. remit *dried girlie A!>ttdq. $1,200 hole, with a pientiful &apply of pure water, ebtaised on artesian pet*eiple&, is cat to be mamma at is this era of droeth, aid tow that so mesh messy ham been .Dank in it (no pen is - headed), .ssld ie set be well for the Imam .w'aif's to briag in a report •&king that *s County groposls be btsrlewd ?pm Ibs eret•ker d atr, so dot the bole may be piped op legated es Dose el the many piece of pot*. property freer *high the town is sow deriving me bsseflt. I da't Asrg! 'wilds' far tri, pnhter. lone of Use mslgbbon have the ides that the bow. is beginning to own just a little ton aim* seder real milers Indio the eorpos clime Tksy may he weal, bed Harsh Irr4 singe.. AT TNI OLD —Oh '—I almost forgot that Larry Msleaby, who has been a resides* of Clinton for some time, is to psy see • visit nest week, and while he's up, mob - be it wouldn't be • td idea to Ret him to give his .epiaion with regard to the waterworks and the town oommii. If I can coax him to write s letter on the subjects named, I think that, in his food, rich "broom." he would be able to give some solid information. III wee im • positioe to promise him thes epenm- teadon.e of the pip.-laylag out yaw— s position which to is able to 811 ad- malady d- mirably—I believe he wo.ld pat isaatebse ander the eyes at our sleepy saes. Oilers, and prop them oy.. keg ..oagb to live them •n idea of whet should be done at the protest je wtere. AJh f. LAM,NOT'BIL Herta a 'seer's. se ab. 5.rs Wbe ebe Me►. pbsM DEat SIGSAL,—1 am lust our 10 this pretty town of some 4,000 souls. The houses are almost all of red or white brick (chiefly the first) and even the least pretentious of them display a taste in construction which might instinct the Gaderichiens. I oannot my so o=uch for ►heir grounds ; they are leas liberal in extent, and the plantings often exhibit the extremes of spareness or of an orer- •'nits Or TSR DWT"—$l.60 IN ADVANI-a. Bream Reporter :—M[eGillieuddy Rrn., of Tea Hearer Ries*L, have dissolved partnership in oows.gaenos of Thea McGillicuddy having been appointed a sbortb•ed writer in the office 0l the Commissioner of Agriculture, in Toron- to. The publication of T*. SwNAL will be 000tissed by D. McGillicuddy, a Mitlentan favorably known hers, and . o doubt the paper will onattnue too wield a mighty i0fiu.aos in its own oon- atitisesey tbroaghout Huruo county. Tes StnNAL is 00. of the heat weekly n ewspapers published in Candi. WIT "Toe" wax APPOINTED. Brewers Post :—Thoe. McGillicuddy, of TUR Goonn•e Sr0:1AL, and who for a time hes been assisliag Mr Blue, the Aseiwtoot Commissioner a Agrieuttere, Toronto, in the preparation of his statis- tics a permaaw y appointed private secretary to this gentleman. This will `s-_.eesitte his withdrawal frees Tele lesowst, white will hereafter he eomdest- d stately by D. M.Oiltieedd) "Tum" is thoroughly competent for the duties of his slew elks, being an expert ehoet- ha imea sad be a to be oungistslatd ce The schooner Carter with a esrg. of getting hies a sins where he will be ether rix w. H. Dysest arrived brsa "'d el the constant s.xiety and week. bard work imeident to • newspaper life lir McGiltimsddy's amity friends in this The a0hnower Todmss with hretb.. Isealky wale lei+ assess in his Dew tali: *r R. sword arrived WJassday d hiss ll Il'i week . • swam or stale, tro earenonsionnXl .t Piano Co., which is the chief industry of the place. What specially distin- guishes Bowm•asille is its music. Be- sides the Dominion Organ Co. s band, which is one of the crack bands if the presince, and delights the people with am open lir concert of 6 or 7 numbers ins, I beard advancing. what appeared to my poor, uninstructed uoderich ear the moat seraphic music, but I soon per- ceived it was nothing but the "Army," with the Wal devotees singing and f l- lowHa, the 6 or 7 pieces of brass. Not nos am y orf of follow. Just fancy the folluwiog such lady, in the on Mrs MaryMr- Isms, have in Goderich. lane•, rite ,.f air A McInnes, awed 56 The suhouta are not equal to those of yeas and two months. The deceased Goderieh either in point of atteoda•ce or tock soddenly ill nn Friday, at her •rya- aosoesmodattoo ; the Hach school build• u lees residence, It -.let Dwgl•es, wick int/ is certainly • discredit to the town. Rut they seem to be onnsider•te and make it ep In salary, for although the oat -put yearly of this High &howl is, I suppose, oat much more tkaa me half ours, yet their salaries are about 10,. higher ' The Boawmanviltians are as religious se their neighbors ; the Presbyterians, Metho- dists, Church of Eng1•od, Cuagrreanon• •lista and Disciples have very fine brick churches, and the Army has • splendid barracks Did 1 mention React Act 1 Th. ssanet 1Tait.d Empire while is Williams Pimm :—Pi, the &out- post of last seem, loaded a sus roes the mono of Ia4r6Wiewddy large gsastity of height a sed telt .. Brew has bees wide!, and levorsMy Men p.ga.sgaew The v sedgote ee limeys is sess.Nion with tits i.wapeper atswd.d tbM slaty people Leal es deep heesebity. Sea Sash r del nmol to be so the obis less es hits i suds. 1 the eeee w %snipe. Os essant .0 the em attack of apopfeey. and tiredly sue- esmbed to it on Monday morning last. Her remains were interred in the Blyth union cemetery, acrd followed by a large number of sorrowing friend& The Clinton New Era says : On Mon- day eight hags' t.:ieves visited the fang of Robt Martin, on the London road, jest south of town, and stole therefrom a beast valued at $200. They then wart over to A D Wiltsis's, across to rued, sad stole • covered burry and bantam, No I Weil, Police Magistrate Haines with which they drove off. They appear has paid in many hundreds of dollars to to have hitched erne* other horse in tie fines to the County Caramel ne amount baggy, as the tracks of the .torso hares of the Aa, and laments that he has not mold be quite distinctly tread for souse been paid for his •ervioes en the bench. distance as if driven by the side of a He seems to have grown weary is well- buggy. They were evidently good jedg- doise mod Isapeetor Clime himself se of horseflesh, for they lint of all es - (merits of Mas (Zola, of the Surrogate Meek's office) feels despondent about the Iti '11 el crops are all light from the meow ive drenth. Toes. heavy Meds, how- ever, have made die wheat and some of hitched one that happened to be slightly Foundered, and leaving it loose in • 'tag they then went and took one mon mited to their wants. Teingnuis were net ha all directions and Mr Paisley spent the day hunting for trams of the thieves, the barley fairly plump, but of mine but so far they have escaped detectkota. teething like last year's. The parley is The animal is • bay msrs with bkek bglgbt, and • good deal .i11 sell w Nal. mere and tail, small white stripe an MIeVowlets, w►ah an a eosison sop face. one white hind toot, fur year old, bees, aro this year very utile larger thea small peas, and het for the mita of T►sruday morning (11th) the tamps sesta have teen nothing. But my spas h abort exhassted, sad 1 will elm by giving the esu mnaa**agsnTset the best wishes of its old a*beseibsr• A..1. Moose. t •..ea.. son, Alt puttee 'stow sass k. atM se ebb reWIN 'et • free oetlee la Uses IYPegee t so es t thew of sass. Ascalon video( faros steak, isepl.mrNa and bees, the property of Peter rials,, us the lot g, ens. 2, Colborne tow, E. D.. by C. Hemiksea- 1 se ItM.eer, s ummessiug at 1 o'slosk p.m. , es /at , Aug. Ultb, 11 . $ss reser' kr Net, woe, !s. weighs shout 1500 ihs : the bort! is • good covered one, with wine ''laked ger, and • reward of $30 will ies paid for the re.nvary et the property. Lai Wedeserlay a hawse bdosgiaglie Ales•itder Rowley, of Greesslit, boobs tbroagh the c.venag into a well is fres born yard, which wan 30 feet deep ter 20 feet tf water in it. The naghb11= - all along the tie were at one* sensoso. e d, and 'hurrying to the plan*. this 61•1 - nal was won extricated ,.pptrrentfp little the worse of his dip. The steamer Derwin relished thio peel os 8eturday eves* and took tat a Imps gesetit of treigbt Iodating three ear lean of Gee eels .hipped by Ms. W.