HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-12, Page 88 TIIIUION SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. i?. 1887. HURRAH FOR THE ICHOOL OMNI •T FRASER, PORTER & KAY'S BOOB STORE AND GET YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES • �- Mm Peter Thurl..w 01 Jollel'e Mick P J Nivea, teacher, t, studyi.g meal♦. is Loads). daring the seam« holidays l S..we of our young ladies aro anaiottaly memory ha retia to Ktngsbtiddo. Mies Nea'y Fl..t(.•td and MIN Mary • Kit d. ,.1 Mitchell, are visiting (feuds . hen. Miss Kate Linnen, of Tenet), a he 11, ilueist . 1 her easter Mrs J (Prion J J Dalton hos returned home flow Michigan, and looks fele and bettor. New BAan.- A neat barn has recent-! Ir been built by P. O'Cooser, which i. 40 x ti0 It. The timbers were net t .• g oober under the careful eye of William Morris, of Garbreid, of a stout) Lolled*. I tion 9 ft. high. built by the busy trowels of Murdoch Bros . of Paramount Dur- iD7 the pr.gnies of the work the tenial bust acted as chairman in • series of I debates between the meows and builders, on the question ,.f commercial union and the Scott Act. The stone work was done by the builder and his SOS, a lad of fifteen years, iu twenty dile. During their day in Kingsbridge tb'y got the best of treatment. Lssbai Mn Jas. H•.rton left by boat last week to rejoin her husband,who is working up at the Sault. Ttreehings for 188; started lit week, 1'CLE FOR SALE -48 INCH Joseph Cook's Irll wheat turning out 91i BtCXtnl'Aallrntreeafety Bicycle. by el.nger • bushels to Ilse acre. Eagle's Bron, 05.7.0-d r,y�, Crestry. Nowa. test Mao -u..4 t•cry Burrows, from Sheppardton, .si chone-ia perfect order -gene as now. Com- '• Pterc. and Jus te, matt tooi.,1 Ism etc, .Plat. by his able deputies, U. our11x500 Tompson, are working a ran hein our Apply 111 sed for f. • Jv sr,. so tome to use v. to O. B sox. t Brtt:.ExchangeHolel, batulrt. The returns w fu to the r_re Uedericb. 111.11 Is visiting friends here. Mrs Chris Uuluwgo, wbo ba. been is Fmar health for some time, died last riday. et lie $Meowed age of !s4 years, and was barked ..0 Saturday lest in the Colter... burying ground. DomesticsUlanted. (QERVANT WANTED. - GOOD Oraeral Servant wanted. wurk 1:(tbt. AP ply Yee Maipcw.. Eat Nrect. 411 WANTED AT ONCE AT THE t'otat Perm. Two mon geed waiter, and a smart woman to wash futon 4 tf. /1IRL WANTED -APPLY T') Ma-. lT D. 1Jd1ILL1CUDDY, Placa-strut. oft route -sr., Goderlcb. Met Dentistry. NICHoLBON, L.D.8. • • DENTAL ROOMA, Itldhtb door below (beeisoomtPoet Office. W erfAl', if• L WOOLVERTON, L. D. Pitt t151c•-Odd Fellow's Hall North Bt., wodench. ('harries moderate. All work war - mated. liar ort iia ed -fir gi. en tar mon- ism extraction of teeth, 196Y• the People's Column. SLATE IIINOILE1 ANI) RULERS are behind last year. Several farmers ven way TO CUSTOMERS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OPENING O''QLY_ HAVING PURCHASED THE LARGE STOCK 1i1ORMERLY OWNED BY JAaiES 1 JRIE, AND COMBINED WITH THE FRASER f: PORTER STOCK, WE ARE PREPARED TO SELL GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE COUNTY. fa'i'snal Discount to Teachers. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. tor. Square anti North -at.. and Central Telephone Exchange, Square, G'0IDERIO11. OUR OWN COUNTRY. --- Brants of the Week Placed Be fore Our Readers. escepti.m, that one -being the ease against Vrooman, which was certainly unique. The evidence in this cans show- - ed that Darrill was in the habit of send- ing blank notes to Vrooutan a home, when Mrs Vrootrau would sign them in her haband's name and thea they would be put into the bank as collateral securi- ty. This had been wing un for years Mr Vrooman knowing nothing about it. On one occasion some four or five years ago, Mrs Vroeman told her husband she had "signed another paper" -she did not even know it wasa rete. He told her she had better not sign any more, but she kept on all the same until the comb. Judge Davis remarked that evidently "truth was stranger than fiction." Vroo man was sued in the kit note, jcdgment being given against the bank. ••Orews Crave to Cay. triton I.Ively 1s se. were" iew.y Naar* Planed es te- reed Mite amid ■lesea Were *N 'Here. George Nelson, who three years ago was • leading grocer to St Thomas, has booms • total wreck through drink. He has been sent to jail for twenty days. A fivo•ysar old daughter of Mr S Draper, of London, was walking along the top of a fence on Monday, having in her month the end of a stick, when she (ell, and the dick was forced through her throat and out at the side of her neck. After being married a week or two the Hanover Pod gets off the following : "With the exception of the almr,at over- powering heat of the pmt few days the oldest inhabitant cannot remember a mon delightful *won or one that on the whole gives better promise." Mn Jacob Smith, of Gla.ford, died mitklasly on Thertd.y evening. She bad hese picking berries all day, and was is her ordioanly good health. After tea alio began milking, and when about half through with one of the cows, she fell Prem her test end expired. Mn Smith was highly respected, and the awful sad- den desth as cast • gloom over the neigh • Hoe. Ales. and Mrs Mackenzie are geartesed at Dr. Brett's place near the bet splines The es-pr,mier takes the baths regularly and protests that they are doing him good. Of course it will he mans time before their effects will be appreciable. but he says he is feeling better and that is • great deal in itself It is singular the unanimity td sympathy that is expressed for the old man, and the Treat respect that is abowo to him by everybody hen. Mrs. blacken:se is is excellent health, and her bright, oieerfd spirit makes leer the ceetral Ig ore ia say company that may surround her. The subject of the following pars - "mph, is taken from the Port Elgin 15wtea, and refers to a W. n and B ewndeeter, well-known to many of our rtad.rs : -"Conductor Snider, of the fl. T. R., ooeeptied the pulpit of the Methodist chore+ hen on Sunaav ere.t- iats bet. It wee his net attempt -at pul- pit oratory stoee his o.mvevsine, some six swaths ego, and he was intently li•- iemed to by a large congregation, many of whom knew him when he was kaoline • mr.lees and indifferent life, and who were now cartons and ninth pleased to see hie in hi. change of front. His mann.- of apw-h is Roost and detinet, and at ones impresses the atauieetee with the fact that he is eine.►• and thorough ly *hanged. The inmdenta be related in ienaeetios with hie onwversi.rn were eery leeching and impressive The attention of die In.dnn division seers wee ,wtwpied Friday with M.d ses'a Rank case*, ermine eel of the re east fathers el Dared' • Oe. T►er war* a 1 deckled ba `ver 4f the tank, with Arte Delbert/IL -- Jas McCrsken, jr., while sharpening • cradle scythe cut himself badly en the ribs, which l.id him op fur.ev.rsl weeks. A*tnflalA BARN Bt RNcI, -Tuesday night last W new bank barn belooging to John Stiles was oompletely destroyed by fire, together with the new grain, implements, and harness It is supposed to have been the work of an ioos'diary, Mr Stiles has the sympathy of the entire n eighborhood in his heavy loth Di A1aD. Mr. and Mrs R. Quaid visited friends in Hallett and Manchester this week. Mrs. H. Ivan of Dungannon is visit- ing hers Miss Denali& Maodonald Is visiting at Port Albert this week. Mrs. Geo. Williams of Toronto spent a week hero for change ..1 air and seen*. Mrs. J. Connors and Mies Anna Luby of God.rieh visited Mn. Tubi' this week. Oar architect and staff have retorned from Stratford. and for a time will work at the agricn(turld hall in (Tode'ici. N. B. --Home of tis residents of the tows might try and see if R»bt McClean i bas pluck now, for another game of quoits with D Cumming. The Dunlop ehampion is &norma to take the sends. - tat honot of July 1st away front the redoubtable Rock, if the latter dare face the mese. Come oe now, for anything from fun to POO s1.d.rlrh W.e.ese (*newsiest. Aug. It, mel W best. 1►*111 p hose Wheat. (red winter' Y bush Wheat.INprIogo • bush . ... Wheat, Taw. r bush Fitter if* lit e .wt ... floor. Iest *eat V cwt . Floor. (anon` takers. u ewt Flour. ipotesi t per. ewt ..... os. • boob ley. p bale............... . Potatoes. s ►.N ,.. • r .. IMMNOI....... tg U • M 11 (1ta ' •ows...,.,..•...11 t) 14 w 0 weediepo Pain0 0 " e M NW** • • • •• ••....N....4., .••,. ..,,,... .• i . 1 wr....,ww•.. fAl)4 .• •.e-esww N o..r tell us the grain this year ripened t, o DIS0 OF PARTNER - .IetckIy kr • big wield. 31USOP.L1.'1' Mrs Jas. Stewart. of Saltf,.rd, ens ce 1• l.cting in aid of the mission fund of the Presbytenan church here lent week, Service was held in the church here last Sunday by Mr Campbell, a student of Knox C allege Mr Robertson, of Guelph, with his two eon.. are the go.,te of his brother- in-law, J. G. Clutton, • A cumpordione baro rota with the ris- ing sun on Tuesday moraine of 1.0 week, standiog u, its base 36 by 311. The sturdy muscl. of eighteen hands put it in its position for J. U Clutton. This barn is partly framed with cedar posts _"1 :, in length. At this raising no rrO RENT -THE BEST BUSINESS sides were ch..en, and all hands load a 1 stand. on the best business street in Town. Store occupied et present by Mrs Mitchell. Will he altered and nioderieed to snit team, 1011 L N. LEWIS. Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore ext.ttttg between the un der - Spied in the printing and publishing line, and known by the .tyle and fret name of McOillica,ddy Brothers. bas this day been dissolved by mutual roosent. The business will be conducted hereafter by D. McGillicuddy. who will pay ail debts of the late pow, and to whom all accuur.ta due the late dna must be paid. pared at Uoderlch this 30tb day of June, DANIEL McGILLi('L'DDY. THOS. MvUILLICCLDY. _y .tnl*srtto:o, Witness. EMPLOYMENT WANTED -BY A steady than, of good habits, and with a fair educat,on. Competent to take a position in • store. Address B.. this odloe. It -4t union talk at dinner with Chas. Morris, the builder, this being the first bar' betiding of this kind he had put up. PERSONAL -T. C. Wright is up from EAPER FOR SALE. --A Roseate Toronto fen a time to assist with the LI) u offeredaoA In nowa in ('tatawrompion Reaperrepair, tzar! ry Pinole treedugb . Al management of the Point Farm, whish a Ftre-fr, be ont sal.. in l order. Apply to is already crowded with gouts On D. K. A'rRACHAN. Yes;-tf Saturaay last alone (icer 30 arrirals st4r:- ad the register. The tint oats were housed 1. r the eee.mn by H. Horton, jr., on the !rad haat. Nt!• Totten -la Coderich, on the lith inst, the wife of Charles Young. 01 a son. Proudfoot- L Godsrich. on August std, the wife of William Prondfuot, barriaar. of a daughter. NEw. Williamson- in Toronto. on Monday. Stir. 11th I8h7. after a long and painful illness. Ellen. wife of Ardrew Williamson, ago& 12 years, Delm In Colborne. on Friday. A me. 1s87, )ors Chr:dopher Doiniage, aged 41 year.. Johnston -1a Dederick Township. oe Rea - day. Ana. 7th. 1867. Thos. Johnston. aced 71 years cad 1 day. Jamieson -On Saturday morning. the loth ult.. at Cavan. Ont.. 31re Marion Jamieson. in the 70th year of leer age. wagon -In Cadet -kb. os Thur./dee mora- ls,. oralag. Atwood Iltb. after a lingering illness. *f- loe, the beloved wife of K. It. Watson. egad 31 years. 3 months and 10 days. The funeral will take place from the resi deice of her husband. Wed street Codericb. oe Friday. Aug. ilkb,at 3 o'clock p.m. Friends sad acquaintances w:11 please accept this is- Umat lot. THE NET SESSION OF THE, CENTRAL ROSINESS COI1LEGE, STRATFORD, ONT., Will Begin Monday, Sept. 5th. Yonne men and woman demir;ng athoroueh business training about(' come &ad ere 05. With our commod low. apart menta.,ompetaat staff practical course of Potty and dtuermiaa ttoe to excel. we can swore our paten's of complete utisfaction. Head for catalogue. W. H. SHAW, Principal. n1 -lase - - - - Sheriff's Notices. HEttIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. County of Maros t By virtue of a writ of To wit : f Pied races. issued out of Her Majesty's ('misty Court of the *'0.1.17 d Heron. and to the directed cad delis owed agatoat the Lands sad Toeewoets of ADAM CLiG/ HOR N at the suit of UA V I U ROft*t oh. Rider. I have soiled sod taken is Exec.tla. W flee resit title. moires, and 'Owe ll d re- demption of the above erased deNwdart feghprn. 10, 40 and out of the fy,gt- ' .tg 4s and premium. situate. Irma anal 11 . UM la the County M Hums std Provisoes of Ontario, ad being composed of the West bait of the numb half of 1N member Tweet, is the First (onemmon of the Towanda of Ter.berry. rentaininb Tweey?Pre saw, more or lose which Land. and Temi.masg 1 shad offer Mr fide in mf oflta. is Ile Olen Hews,. 1a tt.e Town of Oudot-MIL o. Tuesday, the 1ispitth day of 11tletiwker, at the herr of Twel e, of the clock. sora. nberifr e Mos. Gedert -h. July 1110., gg��y► RU1tRT (IIBBONgS., 1111J11 rtbeelf., Mmes. M 0 M 0 -------- - - _ - ------- ''ow'i _ :' wIs Auctioneering. .o ..flZM e e •ft JOHN KNOT[ t1ENNIRA L AUO- . 1 low y se y 'PIONEER and Led vatnater, On*er(sh . 210 de 0 OD ON. Haeme had esawldersble espenenee 1^ 0 17 w 0 is the sostioweiwMg trade. to 1s I. a portion dterhente with dieretigh .eslsf e0os all cote ... 040 o ea missions rat ru•tad ss MM. Older. left M 0 N 0 alt Martin's Hotel. or oast by mei he my widrreeft ed s M Geder•.4 P.O., sere say sassaded to. JOHN 41 if e t0 •M 0 l3 KNOX (]sun► Aud« ios.. Nest I >r r eon ora their Mill Reads, �lette a *.. lit •prated smel It s1 Gad otii s1' d 1* .s ..lies r f« - Us1 rM *se ..sow .01 A - NKr* REASON'S!" r' SPECIAL NOTICg. THE POINT FARM. Fam:Les in the Teem who desire relief fres the cares *ad anaoyasre. or housekeeping for a few weets will receive very liberal rates for the motel' of July. As 1 have now a very et- Oclent staff of cookswaiters. tc., 1 ant well prepared for business. The place generally is iv rine order and very cum orte4•le. J. J. WRIGHT, 14611 Proprteter. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR- RIDUINO soy person pnrchasiag tee late CASE ALLIVVr3 berm from JAMES BAILEY &e It doesn't legally belong to luau. for it has not been paid for. Also an peseta ard•eted to the bats CASK ALLEN please par up and sere ole s. 41 U M1m. CABF. ALLEN. 11EUSIC.-MISS COOKE, AFTER 14 lvs. years study of music. is prepared to receive pupils for the Plano. 24 lena.oas Quarterly. ferns: -11O on quarter. WM- SHORTHAND.-ISAAC PITMAN S. PHONOGRAPHY. The most porntar ay, tmtangh& intros tion books Mr sales' Tor &west• oSos, Every fay and girl ould art eborthamid, for Sale or to ;rete FARM FOR SALE OR TO RSNT- The proper'• of the late ALEX. REID. lot t. om.4 K. I.. of the township of Col- borne. 1 jj miles front Carlow, and 41 n :tee from Godericti NO acres -30 cleared. and uader int -.lawn cultivation. I/ acres summer cal• low, which will be planed anti tall wheat. Young bearing orchard of all kinds of trait Oond frame barn. stables, drlvinst Med and poultry hoose. Comfortable ...sow house -11 roots. pante and moonier kitchen. Good stone cellar basi rd and soh water. Everything to first -clams repair Will be sold cheep. as Mrs held segiving up farming and going to town. Por frtber particular. apply Lo YRS ALEX. REID, Carlow. P.O., Huron Co. 1041 Tlt RENT -RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS on Wgbthease Street. oppo- site D. C. Atraob.n's pmLtsa p-emlees 14s-tf Apply to L N. LEWiL. HOUSE AND TWO LOTS Foo FILE cheap -on Palmerston -et. N frame rottace-7 moms; good .table. All in aced rotas : Lente orenavd. For particular. apply to E. R. WATSON. Painter. 1034f Goderioh. uVARMS FOR SALE - IN •THE TOWNSHIP OF OODERICH. Huron county : Let 11 in the Sed and 11 in the at* non . swine. Two of the been lepere farms in the county. A spring creek flows through. Near- ly a0 cleated. Oil 3 miles from the Town of Godenrh. For harther porticulare addrem W. M. HINCKS. PRorlowrof. IfW tf Oo.hrteb P.O. TWO FiRST•CLAS8 FARMS FOR sale. (Inc In the township of Ash5eld, co$tainiet 121 *roe : and one in saws Wawa week containing i(1 acres. For particulars apply to Cameron. Holt a Cimeroe �Gode- Mei 3171 FOR. SALE, West half of lot 3112. Arthur Street. with small brick cotlaee thereon. HYrunaa Lim. 144. 114 244. 245. Lein !leave[, tit. AE4rvwl wird. 431. nes n.r of Hurn., acd Rritunls Road. Frame li story hones on Keay, Street. lot wad half rad. revers' lot, in Reed's Survey. opro.:, new Abuw Uren.ds. v.r, Num 22, at 11 34 81, 5t *1, 44. el All the above at iOW RATER. Apply to Mi 41 DAYISON a JOHNSTON. FARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPgoTY FOR SALE. The ttscutwrs sad Trustees of the Estate of de late JOIIgPH HERR, offer for sale the fellow's, vdnab15 Property. sauends. Build♦ 1...1e plushest 4f .mid 01, 1a the Tows of I4oderir.F 1 of as nen each. Palely hosed. amid very desirable for building pur- poN lf Mire Let treatise Yip Read. Towoehip el Gedeslcb, bd.g ra'rrt of Lot 3 1s the limn' WOisreselesi roe W said Tow.fp. Mee cottage I. ea Promo amble Lee a side of Millar street. Roesolikw. let as aero, small home 4wa411r3 Build* lots awe.bers 403 and la the Town of ('Hates, 101 s■ acre 'Neb. tt tellyWastedes South side of Roma tenet. ! 'glue Emil j of LN CSR. 1t West Wawa sash w metes gesd Ise/ 30 Germ Hear' sod tossed rematede timbered. Ahem s mlNa hym j,ecknow .ad 4 miles ,twig Wiser G.ed roads. feeder part Ir'stare. apply 1 e L CAMPiON, SartielHoc l HM. sN .11 K• Merieb FINE TAILORING -uta*-- tents' Pu,nal.hln... }, 1 asW S . prepared to dest; 464ew a •oseisto •setmoe Side&' 6f0008 OVKICC'0.ITINUS la all the New Shades and Styles;I As godless varlet,J of Essglisb, ltisb and ttuutch d.itings. As Immense stock of New and Stylish Canadian Tweeds. CHEAP l CHEAP 1 1 CiiEAP ! I I AFHeusesubec. all bloods bought by the yard cut trawl aossge S. MacCormtatc.1 Oadwnehy�prII Tab. 14171 male. 1 Legal Notices. pUELIC NOTICE. 1\ THS 3f ATTER. OP THE -CANADA TEMPERANCE ACT.' Notice Is herby gitree that • M tition to I Hi. Excellency the GJovernor-sr eurral of Plan•, .d•. embudir+l 1r, a Holler to the HoeourabIp *4. rca.ewtsry.1 flow1. of t'ennda, aider I leo Canada Temperance Act. bring clMDterrd 1• of the Het cued ....elutes or Canada. s: ned by at horst onrlmsrth In numb/4 of *.1 the tic. • ton un toe ('unity of Hrruu in the Prot tut e of Ontario. Ituriaiou of Canada,r leltfrd and eoerp.•Irul to vale a the elecl10o of a men, to the Hoare of Cononow,to the said I. county of *lures.prey IDE that His 1 -scenes - 07. the Oororser-tieserai or Canada will be pleased by an order in C'oua: f! under section 07 of tar ask act to declare that the ...coal part of il.r said act, w tar as it refers lo the said County of H. -on, tar be r.vokrd. sad &eking that Ibe rotes of nit the electors of the County of Huron for and alp i • et the adoption of the said petltian truly bra taken. will be de po•:,ed in the nonce of the Sheriff of the County of I1ron...1 the Court Home in the Town of Oolerich, for public rtaminatlon by any person on Ito Soh day of August Ilonat. and will remain so deposited for public •1- smlariun ht• aht orrson for tett days from the said math day of August. ibelant. Dated tuti ti d.7F of Ansel's!. A.U. ISO:. DACIt!ON R J,IIIN1'I'ON, 11441 Belie lion' for Petitioner.. 1 Legal. SEAGER & HARTT. BARRISTERS, ac.. Godestcb and Clinton. (oderich of- d ce opposite Martins Hae4. 1100 ladC. HAYS, SOLICITOR, etc. . Oflce. corner of egoista and tt est street Ooderich, over telegraph oe. Pei vase 1)leo uada to lead a 8 per seat Me* ARROW A PROUDFOOT, BAR T RIST'ERs Attorneys. Solicitors, etc Oodericb J. T. Gamow. W. Proud foot. 171 C1MLR01,' HALT R CAMERON, Barriaters. satiation la Chancery. c., 3oderich. M. Cm , Cyerou, Q.C.: P. Hotlt, M. 0. Cameros., C. C. Ross. 1731. Assignee's Notice. A881GNEE'S NOTICE TO CREDIT - O RS of JOHN STRONG, of the Village et rued. wick, County of Huron. General Store- keeper, an Isa.lve t The insolvent has aaslgned to ire for the benefit a his creditors under Pi Vic.. maw Oat. Crediton. .Heat Ole their claims before me or or before the lath day of September moat, atter which date I shall proceed to distribute the *Our, baring regard only to the claims or which I shall thea bare not lee. JOHN KNOX. Traeger. N. 7. Hiegel. East. Hamilton i1mSt w. YY Jolly. 18N. teb.i Huron %and Agency. -- Illa T HE HURON LAND AGENCY 3 ` REAL Ra TATE OFPIl1K, LIMIT OF L1NDS N ANTED OR TOR 8ALX: glajt WANTEir. trite residence sosawbere in the Kest Mrd. Mau( hate WOW 11011000010. Mateo. good appearance acd grouted*. Fv1* SALE.- Panel No. 1., omelst►ag ' the following t,roprrtiee wb/cb .Ut b. -id maw bt.n...r •etaial.•l) ar Area ^a.�rtlas: ��..*et� ll in iib cusce,se. Ory Tp.. NO sores: Itpt34u.ah •' 100 h Ih m 7th 10 » 4 i* 1414 a eossdoa 43ms. no acne. PaSe It lea II.-Elerht kws. tunable for dee res d.aew, bsaviagorebard. shade trie.tdosn , board free.. On easy terns el payment ; ten esthetei walk from ibc Squaw:. t'ARt-xt. Nn 111. Two Orsi -class, _partially ' improved tenni in the Towsal io o((lo ferias. ' These are about the only good let. that oar be bought at a reasonable figure in this excel irnt Township. PARCEL No. iV.-- Houseand 101 in Codench clops to Square. with laws* knolea. nue or- chard. tc.. suitable for stet class resulroce. W:1. PURCHASE --A good reel- desce in pleasat t locality to. lake or river bask. suitable far small Iawtily. Must be oi- 1 jaoent to parks. Nice about 41.511.00. WANTED TO RENT. • A let -claw rod device suitable for large Wally. Mout be close to business patron of trwa. WANTED TO PI'RCHASE.- A vacant ler for buil t ng purpose& Moot be &boat 11 h frost. 7b It deep. sad w Staslw. or within one losslna FotOR BALL -Part of tans tot 4a 6 es ibe 34d concession. Tew.a►ip .1 Ashfield, 30 acres. pearl. all cleared. FOR SALK- rarer lands in Midland. mot.- ty• Mlchlaaa. line wheat lead. Jest toe place to make homes Ise tamers' stria Ex- ctlleet climate. Near railroads. wheels and churchesfrom 43.0 1011400 per rote. 4.111 sum down halaaoo on may term. FOR SALE -Lot 471, ?owl of 0.dst0, 1 store. let 714. Tow* N owe rtab, l We. North half lot K. tad ase. W.w.aa.b, 114 steres. Improved farm goad bcess huts. sad .tables ; immediate wese.Joo gt,ea, Part of lots 7 ad 4 t1 b non.. L D bAaft�.ld. 111 acres. two good hareem these'1sta ; Wag terms of payment. small aatoust dews. w Ye wdfuand foert h paertt�i�culars caat the d M1 of Rade write to *1111074 LAND A ENCY,tlte' or Leek Box 1t1, >7M 0odea1Y. Oat. Canada. Societies. () ANCIIINT ORDER 01 UNITED WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, A. 0. V. W., Mentos ►e their Lodge Room ever Tie Loans alb insurance.'3WNAL dues Onderbb, on the ' s_ -•---- - --- - - SECOND ANtt FOURTH MONDAYS OP iPER CENT -ANT AMOUNT O1 I.ACit MONTIL Jj tube, to ked at let per Deet per annum cl8ITnNI BRlr.THRLss ARE ALWATB -straight coarse-,utereu yearly. We hate WELCOME. oho Ili tUN.l4 to had la em or more sums at !� PKRt'KNT. Next dour tivarh of »lrauue.a 8. P. HALLS, M.A. REES PRICE, harness shop. Harr SRAO►:It a HAit rT. 3Flame: ler W. Flaer Coder/.4._ 0. W. THOMPSON. $ 3uu,outt TO WAN. APPLY TO& net t Recorder. CAMERON MOLT f CAMERON. Olde rich. _ 170 Amusements. .... {ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE - amoea%of Pring reads for ins. ...,, -it lowest rats ami oral -elate Mortgages Apply 1OGARROW a PROUDPOOT E1. E. SEAGER, ukNERAL INSURANCE AGENT, OFFiCE opposite Cslbotae Rotel. Oodericb. Risks take. at LOWEST RATES in the fol. 'owls', fed class Comsanles: The Leedom Awunaoe-Fwtablished 170 The Natloaal,of Ireland-laeorporated int Hand -In -Blind -The oft/ Coesp**y authoris- ed to insure *1.4. Olen la C:aseda. Federal Late Amman Co. IHo...', Plant Wet R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANUL, It EA L ESTATE nae MONEY WANING AGENT. Only First -dies Composts, gymis 4e4 it Honey to Lend ea straight loam, at 14. lowest rue of Merest gobs. la say way he suit ti. eerrower. OPFiCE - doer trout Square, West Street, God•r1.4. 4111 tf $50,000 TO AN AT a Pts THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS COT are prepared to leu gamey at 4 per neat. pay able h. f early. ea TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, es east -slant farm security. applyre CAMERON. HOLT t CAMERON, Agents for the Torontoilharrl 'at t Gisstts Caissons. HOLT a Cagson bare ales• amount of prima* foods le lent os f farm severity. sows. . 001.6. illi 1Mhff $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS G`iODERWi! 'MECHANICS' IIl18TI- lirTITF. LIRRART AND RRADINO 100M, nor. of 14 it street cad blows t.P .tsars. Oyes from Ito 4 p.m., aad from T to M ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Lesdi*o Da Ulf, Wekly end IUeutreted Paper:., �en.siweit, Er., en Pill. MEMRERARfp TiCKET• ONLY 411.ee. mattes free nes of Library toed Reeding Rooni. Application for nwmbersbap received by Librarian, In room.. 8. MAWWI SON. CEO. ST1VENp President. iseretary. G.derlch. March ltd. 1141, DR. W. X Oflx EOM, LiCENTiATE O Royalpas. rdiltesb s booth ills of ts.f.twarn. DR McLEAN, PHYSICLDross f.N, SUR - Serest. baud deer west aK viable 1111. IR8. 8 N HANON s SHANNON, silosDr*c . $yaaisirs nrstaa-r$ seer the gad 0M.rtsh 0 C. SWa.ao . J. R. Saar. • 1211 FANNING MILL FACTORY, PUMP FACTORY, GODERIC_H, ONT. To len. on farm and tows property, et low est inters& xartsages earchamd. }I epos. i fttlttllM ESL OEPRRT IIT. mission charged'"e..d.{t°`'�"""� � FANNING ■Ills, 521.00 EACH, Company n( 1•a t►. Caird. da ,lt company. tla Loy C*onpaay, ONLY A FEtI► LEFT. of `(*nada. Interea, d. to red 7 p« sat 14, B' were Gas In mese, In use day, If title asubfretery. 1073- DAVIRON J(JHWAry)N, de.. Gederieb Lrauelling Snide. YRAIKD TRUNK �rBAST. _ 9041411011I Loi. ( T#.m 11111 p.m pw Strut teed Ar. SAOam .I:Lp.es 111.11111.1117ISpm. wirer. Mize& M 410 oda]ired. 0oderle h I Ar. Stott ford I.v. 111011aM i t til p.m I Hs ram iilwright, Ualuator, Sc. C A. HUMBER, MILLWR10HT, MAC1ri\ES'r. TALUATOM ASSENT. Le. Re,tut•tee Made ane V strode Take. fee Rosso Realm by the Het Weser syste.m- 1[�M d BtYtm_ ¢loafs. Little01uteas MM 100•11111/7. aeey Agrlewlteawt Put PLANS AND SPECiPTCATTON8. • 1: ATtoxa MAD ..aLRMlt eritONC3'B Pat. Drain and Seed C1eaIler l.et� j,,,VilycaM'ee + Tb Seel, Taft.. sailsailmimew tut facie seeds end refuse grab. f1sut Wheat et • as, Seed.gnus at MssMoees ttte.►ee�ttNome. Masi � •i.es ad Clever elesates rodIV'01' FAtwf! 101112110 weRR 5415 AS IP salines MILL reiselte Sanitary allowed to peed swab with horst, wipe., .d moist. B .0 HOI,.DJE3RA h► mina or bony t. 511 bogs aleew. Pa..I g1,1d 1 atlereew, for any Mill. OHlbfe!Laid PaNeved. PIMP KPARIIITIT )rtI4:7LJAN53 WELL it CIISST$pR� N PUMPS, tkalpattow b011g1is aloof Iteet��.l ole. 41 . P*480" mom obs. rap. TU £RM TRONG a1111NS win AID may Wow Ci nT11/-