HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-12, Page 7w
y A
eh sad ear,
of lands
on, com-
ted, and
and oth-
luts, Or -
Biscuits ,
rush of pat
La the Tams
1 la Thaw
bee Chsibra ▪ Weeds
h.1 re. and
o de getter
has hereto -
t Chtldrea's
made •
ept all days
Pd anoi
can be
'attire's -
1 hee-
1 near -
than a
0m are
1 e.
liforbs of Ulisaom.
sur, is ienornuee.
?radios is nine tenths.
Dissonant is ninon, of will
hlrist uu yourself ; don't imitate.
Mick to one bwiuets, piing an.
Lib only natio. n.d the tonne tired.
Cesea.trntiun u the scent of
Mways icons ap-iserssioce, sad you
$,." Js utay.
Trost thyself ;'every heart vibratos to
int iron scrims.
Your goodness meat have s•.m. ,des
to it—,fee it is none.
Nothing is at last sacred but tbe in-
tegrity of your own mind.
Let a san know his worth, and keep
thins ander his fest.
A true Loan belongs to no other time
or place, but is the noire of totugs.
It is es easy fur the strong man to he
string, as it is fur the week to be weak.
14. i. s sbust da7, but it is workiug
A mac that breaks his ward bids (Aloes
to be fake to hies.
Hypocrisy may remain practically un-
daunted ; it sever passes •ltutether
without euspiaion.
A good conscience w a continual feast;
and • mind at peso* through Christ is in
tbe stitop•et of beano.
He is happy whom ar0umsta..c.e suit
his Meyer, but he is mute excellent who
thea snit his temper to any circum-
Thins wbo think they have only a very
,man talent are often moat tempted rout
W trade with it fur their Lord.
The difference between sono men and
a dog is that they will go int.. • saloon
togetber, and the dog will come out per-
fectly sober.
Allietled one, you cannot behove it
new. But you .ill conn hum that fur
Mlle woe tunes puntied in the refining
Mss of God.
The passions act as winds to propel
our weasel, nor reason a the pilot and
steers her ; without the winds she would
`-ooss.Aauve, without lbw pilot she would
be loot' -
I[there is aoy one last, or dsMels., or
oommaod, or promise is the Bible which
has prodond no poiesis.[ effect on your
tassper, or heart, es essdsct, be secured
you do not truly benne it.
Polished steal will not shine in the
ash, no more can reason, however re-
lged or cultivated, shies efficaciously :
hitt am it reflects the light of digits' truth
sited frame heaves.
• No amount of wealth sots ose free
from the obligations to work—in • world
the God of which is ever working. be
who works not hes sot yet di•eovcred
what God mode him for, and is a false
sees in the orchestra of the universe.
Bei a seek Ase.t
11r Goode, druggist, is not a book
agent. but has the agency in Godeneh
for Johnston'. Toole Bitten, which he
,"heartily recommend for say can-
to which a tonic medicine is ap-
Tbis valuable medicine bas
with most atttastabinly good re-
sells in mass of general debility, wesk-
nsse, irregularities psi:m ar to females,
extreme paleness, impoveriebmpt of the
blood, stomach sod liver troubles, loos
.4 appetite, and for that genteel worn
out (selisg that nearly every one is
troubled witb at sonicpper�t� of theesr.
Don't forret the name Johnston's Toots
Bitten 50c. sad 11 per bottle at Goade's
drug store, Albin block, Godsriieh, sole
effect a)
0s•Las mss■&
There are many ways in which a son-
less roost may be made bright and
pretty by the sem of suitable colors. A
tint of warm buff oolor or of flesh -pink
is better than white for the wood -work.
If the mantle is wood, paint it black and
let the carpenter put a second narrow
shelf above it to • bold choice bite of
bright china, brass or any ornaments.
An open An place will make the most
dsselate north rooms mem cheerful,
myssidty if it is • pretty fireplace orne-
"aMuied with owe and bright fenders—
easefg! 01 the Large and Pennies which
ie0tLnx be forgotten. There is no
better for a sunless bedroom than a tint
of tioss-eobr, oombioed with warm wood
browns Tint the wood -work of the
room pinkish -white, a are suggestion
of oder. Let the wall paper be of the
same tint figured with a delicate all-over
pattern in Puss -Dolor ; !Wish this paper
with a frets, of wail -paper about
eighteen inches deep of a pattern of
blackberry vine or tangled rtes vine is
time wood brown shades on a Bream
ground, wooed the border to the wall-
paper by a pi tore moulding of black
walnut or ebony, whichever is used for
the furniture of the room. Dark shade,
of black w•loot make lovely furniture,
cosy be readily constructed at home. it
000sist. of a low bps seat cushioned with
chintz and finished with a cover that
lifts up to dimities . Tampt•ele for
clothes. A velene of chintz cover edges
the seat anrtiterw is • high back and
.Roars sides covered with ,hints, it the
toilet table is displayed it any be fitted
up with little braes sconces, bright
oeskio•• of deep rose oulor and toilet
bottles of chins in roes ratters. A bit
of Dolor here and there will Rive life and
warmth to • north room. Color must
always be o.od with the greatest earn.
A roost witb an eighteen iauh knee is
oardival has anythigg but an sslirnni.g
offset : e eseternal hasdk.ewbief draped
b a simile polos nee may give
just the nquitite bit of solar M sake
tbo .rem .h..rbd and ala s.Mv..
John Baxter, tied 19, did y.oadmy
at Ottawa from tbe ef11.N. el a so.Mrobo
rewired is Noll lest Monday.
n.r. a Om W eF Trent...
Noe is the these to proven the gr.rad
fur Ian turnip, sad the euustar the het -
ter. Thus is tea other way in 'kith
you eau Kit es much sad so good [«d
hone the land at ibis season of the year
Your laud that has already riven you ••1
abrttdant yield of green forage f•,, the
vows ciao now be heavily utanured aid
Rive you • gren crop for 'titer feeding
equally as acceptable sod as cheaply
grown. la sowing, the question of after
eultivtiom will cogent itself. If •.ne u
,bort of help and also short of funds
with which to here, 1 would my by all
teens sow bru.Jos.t O. save the labor
of hueint, I prefer, bossier, to sow
tortiips is drill. 13 niches apart if then
is plenty of help at hand to hoe and
thio out. After the crop is grown, du
not heattais about pitting every bushel
ezoeptiag •uuugh to feed tits first
mouth. Put .uuugh in a pit for •
month's feeding ur less and take them
all net at 005 time. The exposits is
small and the benefit gnat, especially
wbeo a good pr.purtion of the crop on
be tarntd sato cash, and the remainder
increase the revenue of the farm from the
sales of milk.
"Fannies atwesaY ray
it do-esn't eh 1 Why doesn't it pay 1
Who is to blame 1 If other men au
lock. it pry why cannot I 1 These are
queetiuus every faruser should ask him-
self, for they are starieg him in the face.
All the difference naivete fallen and
success lies to the rule adopted fur ex-
penditure "Spend more than you
earn and fail, spend less than you earn
and succeed." Adopt some mottled that
will increase your income d.r else cut
down your ripening. 1'. T. Barnum,
the great showman, iu his renowned
looters or "money getting" says :
'When you boil you have no surplus at
the sod of the year, mark down on
paper every item of expenditure. Post
two columna every day or week headed
"necessaries" (ur even "momforts,")
and "luxuries" You will find the
latter column double, treble and
frequectly ten times greater than the
former. Dr Franklin says, "1t is the
eyes of others end not oar own ens
that ruin lis. if all the world were
blind except myself I should not can
for line clothes or furniture."
Cuencil met July 9th. All the mem-
bers were pr.seut. Minutes of kat moot-
ing read and signed. Orders were made
in favor of 'the futto.ine :—P Doyle,
110.05, fur gravelling at 30c per rod ; A
Jobnatun, 11.50, for inspecting same,
(half paid by oustnetor); P Mourn, 75o,
trip to Dungannon for the tate Mrs
Thomas ; N Smith, 16.40, for plank at
Kingsbridge on aunty bridge ; J Cowan,
repurio,l culvert S 11 9 and 10, 13; J
McCaig, clearing Hannah's hill, 12.60;
Koslow agricultural society 125; Dun-
gannon agricultural society $25; J Mc-
Leod, covering culvert o00 14, :8; J
/filler. gravelling con 10, 52 rods st 73e;
J Hackett, ioepecting same, 15.25, (hal[
paid by coatroom:). and gravelling o00
12, 41 rodgat 11.08 and 14 rods at 66c,
inspecting sante jobs 16.75, (half paid by
the onotrwdnr). also gravelling on 12.
23 reds at 14 b4, inspecting WAND 11 60,
(half paid by wattmeter); D MoLoud,
*skint and repute at Kintail bridge,
16; 0 Irwin, repsinng hill at Port Al-
bert harbor, 129; J Flynn. repairing
culvert lot 11 L R and inspecting post-
ing at Finn's hill, $1076; J Datta.,
gravelling approach to Dean's bridge tor
county, 13; J Sullivan, repairing hill lot
19 and 90 L R, 112; N McLeod, $36 for
horse killed on bou•dary between Ash-
field sad Kinloss. W O'Neil, repairing
hill lota 19 sod 90 L R, 13; J McKen-
zie, repairing Carrick's bridge, 124; M
Dakow, team fur towing at statute labor,
13; 51 Dalton. repairing culvert lot 16
L 8, 19; bafz•ce of school money dos to
8 8 No 2, 15.60; W O'Neil, repairing
Dean's hill and under drain, 12; Yates
t Acheson, rope, 115.60; M Finn, non -
imitate! .0d on Garvey's hill, 1106; drawing
stone for same, 190; J nun, io-
ta[ stone drawn by McCarthy and
Kilpatrick, 12; D Alton, culvert Mss 10,
33 60, grading and gravelling von 10,
117.75. inspecting same, 11.50, (half
paid by °*.tractor), also 16 for stone
culvert von 10; Val Alton, 14.25 for cul-
vert and 110 75 for Roadies son 10, and
g ravel at 8c per yard, 111.76; R Tessa -
ley, filling washout with stone sad grad-
ing nos 7, 13.40: W Pierce, grading one
6 S R 3 and 4, 16; J Hamlin, cedar sad
nail for culvert von 6. 17; W Lunn,
pathess.ter, plank. 96e; E Jrh.stoa,
e ning hill D L, 13.90; H Cleft. sslvert
eon 4, 114 50; J Bryan, printing, 314;
H 8 Fisher, lumber to p.tbmast.rs, 17;
N Smith, spikes, 40e; D Alton, rod of
entre travelling, 11; D lizard gravelling
L R at 50o per rod. 150; Ii Martin, in-
specting same, 17.50; A C Hawkins,
work us same, 11. Moved by W Slath-
ers, seconded by H Girvio, that the
reeve take the neoarmry steps to have
the obstructions oe tad between lots
11 and 12 L R romovsd, and to onlliot
all lawful sapiens iseorrd thereby.
The council inset agile at council room
o. the 18th day of Atlg.st.
That there is oaly sots .an in the
world whose wife is issather period.
W aawtsm'on, Aug 1, 1887.
Th. Secretary of War. Mr Radiant,
hones the sky ..it Tonga, for hie
snow v.,stioe. Denim his abseae.,
General IIaTeely, will an se Bessvtary.
Whoa the repairs on tM ■.,deet
bridge, sew in proms, aro eomplstsd,
the bridge will be ope•ed free M tis
prbl i. Arlington and root Myr will
thea ha M driving what Fart
is b As (simple d b and
Y tbs sateen M Foot gas
els s ale M have • Wad and allow -
am* ns.Mb, fee nseahiblegle .i11 bo
all lbw alas drib* tai pea tart.
Farm ant garden.
Tho tea.-deuey of the • A[apri n. .4
MVOs is w relrogr.0 • ; t:,.r.vushbreda
W aIvens,.
The hop ai•ould have very little one
or other Lest-prdwMug a std at this
ses.ou. Plenty of Rases is better ills.
grate of any kind.
There seems to be no perfect geode of
making ruder es vet, as the metbooe
uaplaised by the prate winoers at the
N.. York wiry were not alike.
A New Yurk fernier said he had failsss
to get • crop of turnips uutil he used
unlessbed ashes to tortoise the ground.
Asha will win • cop "o any kind ul
The gr..ena around the strawberry
vitwr should be kept very alien send
louse from new until fall, when the
vios should be mulubol as a protection
In winter
1), not allow any fruit to remain on
pone trees that seem backward so
gross b. If the tree be tendo, ur du nut
thrive, the pr.ducti•.a of fruit while it is
it..ue11 0 padi.i.0 ohms doge great injury
to it.
Dwarf peas seldom. •Aurd more than
one picking, thouvb they moo early.
The fall varieties require more labru,;and
sticking,) but they afford several crops,
and do out ripen alt,lbe pods .t the same
Dino. Seed foo. a bit. supply may be
planted as late norm, but the crop will
not be heavy.
"V'iek's Magazin." says that the beat
preventives of mildew mu ruses are good
drainage, high manuring, selection of
strong san.ties, proper pruutug and
dusting with sulphur in so..n as it ap-
pears It is cuittagows, and some
varieties are intoe sut.j.-st to IL than
odic rt.
Speakinz of the recent expetimeoa of
preventing the .prsad o.f pleuro pneumo•
iia t y inoculation, the London Lia
Stuck Journal says : "The whole of the
llama go to show, almost beynud qua
tins, that inoculation is not the citia-
cfurue rema ioedy which its aovucatclaim
Nature has created in swine an
appetite for roots, and has as an aid to
their procuring this variety of food pro-
vided them with means for digger.: them
up. Routs are good for hole, sapecully
in the winter when the grass to dial
The sugar bet is .one of the cultivated
roots for hogs ; it is easily kit's°, is a
large yielder, and will contribute to
health and growth.
A country croon told the editor of
the New Evan,/ Fanner that he would
mark all the goods in his store down
fully 10 per nut. if he could have the
pay for then* as they were delivered
over his hunter. If every purchaser
who buys 90 cents worth of goods at 11
realised that the eztra 10 cents was for
insuring payment it would probably
open his eyes to the real situation.
'I have seed during two years pa s,"
mays • cxrespi.dent in Hsiabuud•'lrn,
"water impregnated with gas tar for oho
purpose of destroying the Colorado
beetle on my potato vines. It has
proved more efficacious than Paris
green, and has been used with .goal
effect opus my, currant bashes. Two
quarts of gas to to a pailful of water aro
sprinkled by mans of a watering -pot.
The best whitewash we have ever bad
kuowledge of is composed cf Iia slack-
ed to the proper 0noaistency for applica-
tion, into which fox inside work) while
hot mix a etaroh made from hal[ a
toured of flower, or two ounces of
common white glue, thoroughly diusoly-
ed- For outside work add to the' above
preparation • handful of rook salt and
tea much soft boiled rioe. This will
'•stiok' with unexampled certainty.
Twenty years ago the poultry on
farms received but little attention, be-
ing allowed to roost of trees in seven
weather, and to pick up subsistence
wherever it 000ld be found. At the
present day there is a large amount of
capital invested in poultry -houses and
yards, while • large proportion of tarred
paper and win netting manufactured r
sold to poultrymen for me in °Dope nod
for fencing. There an several poultry
houses in this country that Dost from
12,000 to 110,000
WMs a Ilan Things.
That there is only cos man in the
world whose success he would nut wonder
That there is only one nun in the world
who an tall • funny story without spoil-
ing it.
That then is only one man in Canada
who would honor any station in the
That then is only one man in the
world who looks well in a blue dressing -
omit and red slippers.
That then is truly one man in the
world who can stop drinking when he
has bad •tautly slough.
That there is only one father in the
whole world whose children never give
any one any trouble.
That then is only one man in the
world whose whistling is not s nuisance
on the face of the earth.
Teta 1, ties.s on goo lespl.z.
Work to be done in the apiary during
the summer months runs somewhat se
follows :
Arrmage hives for boxing and extract-
Have everything in readiness for
swarms, if this moos is practical,
Rear gooses, and make artificial
Remove evrples bosom as soon as loll,
and supply the placed the first ones wttb
empty bona
Look out for the moth larva in surplus
honey sed extra .Dubs,
Y.stilate Omni swarms in the warm-
est soother.
Rstrs.t at nitable iaterrvalg.
I[ p spsratioss are to be mad* for wis-
taria( bona isdooraw the work ought to be
dogs la ween w.stber, shat all duly
natarislh. dicedithe beim roma
is ee5rybd les MRs Do sot a.gl.et
ream m swab toe was
a s..Msr t.sfab.
1 sat hel.ted • w.,lthr bottopn mer
oLaa awl • retired dry g.,. d. Iran un tl e
of my boot., ..lutea ..11e of to e
wg Branch o ersep..ndei.ts Tuey were
0MetaNnt their claims se b isis e a mea.
Haid uw : —
"Vut d'y. Hunk. De day I vie married
I w t a bill ..f gouts to Rosenholm, of
W.uk.sha ' '
' lyse dot one twinge," responded the
other •'De day my no Israel roe buried
I giro out .arils at de cemetery ler my
spring opening."
she knew wises tee %eedriL
It was .olio ,.f the genus tramp.. H.
knocked at the da.r ..f • house, and
.heti • katal:, looking woman opened it
he ..i4:
"Madam i am very huogrz. I haws
bad nothing for r week tack
"Why, my yosur soul," said the good
woman, "wait r moment, Man 1'11 end
something fur you."
And she gar. him a ponies plaster,
and elm«cid the door before he had tit.iah-
ed thanking hon.—Chicago Sunday Nat-
Verste• as She is Spoke.
Mn A. (who is taking French lessons)
—"Now, Bridget, when Prof. Banque
opines you roust any 'sutrez' to him, and
he will kris. what you mean and come
into the parlor." The bell ring., rad she
goes to the door It is the professor.
"Ontario,' says Bridget. "Wud ye walk
into the parlor, sur rThe proft■sor
walked in, at.d Bridget repotted her
triumph to tLe cook.
Rad rota.
Onkel rind Japan—New Tea.— warew.tel Pore, 3Itrfur al. This Tea is equal to say ss.
Other J. at tee. la by pedlars.
p.as frees 0.. to sae. per Ib• Ritts Good 1 sang H. we. frees Lie. Ib. ap.
Try my .A�W
peu er to Yining en
uag Hya Tea laS 14 .,
le.all • ler 51
�'e >t.
sag Hysee, sad dad It the Lyamed la the'sarart. Lase takes to incense.
At G. ORABB'S, Uoderich.
.feat opened o■t • odi amertmsat of my ewn tmparlatie.a. and selling al
t . gi, wholesale prices.
Weerraismene, Wool getmt■oa. sa Us. end Prima.
/Wean ane we. Ale.
TIN OHIO and leitenade• eat Prices to Rase eb.
Always pleased to show stock.
de' Do nut forget 'he old stead on the Square.
twit 7th. tat.
,ossttC. 011A7333,'od,r0h.
Iles fuel received, and ■ now opening a large sweetmeat of
Alm on hand a large cluck of the
Fur the snake -up of 8I'1tIN(i SUITS.
lgeare Oodertch, March rttb. 15Q. 25.15
A coin which is cantor much trouble--CALI. AT THE--
H —
to business men is circulating in the
States. It is a dol:ar piece made of glass
and a metallic compound, •ud when t.ew
an be detected Duly by its weight,
being too light. Philadelphia is said w THE SPR 1 NC STOCK
be flooded with it. It is not venerally
known that a bogus Canadian quarter
has been rife since the beginning of kit Ifl3 NOW OOIlCPI.ETm.
year It may be known by the sharp
ani invited to come and ,:anise etre quality sn3 petee.4a
burr which is the result of the trilling
operation, and is never found in coin Remember the stand :–TAE TORONTO CASH tiTORIL
from the mint. Those who recognise it,
peel); round, however. Business men
est these Jaye cannot stop to pronouns
on the genuineness of every own or bill
which they hanoile.
oronto Cash Store
Cert ler Rhs.ssatl.m.
The Rtigliai: MKAoni.- prints the fol-
lowing as a stisedy cure fur rheumatism :
One quart of milk, quite hot, into which
stir one ounce of alum ; this will make
curds and whey. Bath the par: affected
with the whey until too cold. In the
meantime keep the curds hot. and, after
h.thing, put them on • poultice, wrap in
flannel,and go to attend you can. Three
applications should be • perfect cure,
even in azsraysted ones.
Te ties amid ,ear e'er..
I have sever bx el dupe anted when
aIopted this plan : Go into yoor corn
field in the fall before the corn is hard,
select the Largest and earliest ears in
sufficient quantity for seed the following
spring, suspend them in a dry (pen
space out of the reach of rata and mice,
and let it remain in this position until
you want it for use in the spring ; then
before shelling it, examine it closely and
when you find an oar you don't like,
throw it aside. In this way, and I be-
lieve this the only plan that we are sure
of, we bare good need fur planting. My
experience is. that geed of this kind
planted will sprout and come through
the ground at least three days before
seed obtained in the genet way from the
cors sob.
s rad stewed INreal •g -
"You are growing bald, I see," said
Jones to his friend Brown, when' he had
tat seen for &event years.
"I .m held," replied Brown, "but I
am not growing any mon.' —Texas
Leis erresehes.
It is said that the peach crop in the
Niagara peninsula is the heaviest ever
known. In some placns the orchards are
in laden with this luscious fruit that
their owner@ bars been compelled to
prop up the branch., and even then the
trees ars breaking down. The plum
and pear trees are also heavily loaded.
Manny 5demelged.
Omaha Man—You gore • tramp acme -
thing to .st yesterday, didn't you 1
Young Wife—Yes. poor fellow.
"Gee, bim some of your sponge cake,
didn't you r'
"Why, yes, so I did. Why 1"
"Nothing. The papers says the body
of a man who had died is treat agony
was found in the willows this morning."
—Omaha World.
At the Onnd Trunk- Railway picnic at
Stratford on Saturday. July 30th, Mr
Robert Beatty was struck on the should
sr by a swing, breaking hu Dollar bone
On Svodayl, Je1y 31st, while eating
berries, Mr ().fern, of Port Hope, was
snug on the tongue by a bee, and for
eon time afterwards 'offered intensely.
C. L. McA1TOS8,
Nest deer to Rhymes'
, Dreg OW keeps
,,,./eluyted eddies
tt�e . W el ll -
Fresh GrOOeries,
-bleb will he found to eo.p.re ffavo ably,
nyMeraew.b 1. iihh ,etaitywuh
i. rstwnttas t8. tgM.sotemww ear
ewwawase» isedwaesgy W.sts r..Z est•
fa nal 0. L. ¥cDtTOBH
t sssb
wag r#1, orf 14» sten.
0edeAsh. P 111b tbtl�
.irreWk_ 1
O''=)EA, Maizager_
Goderich, April 20th. 1e57. flet -am
The Latesi Frelick and Anlencall stye!
• ,
Feathers, Flouters, Fancy Trimmings
Eta, Etc 1 Ole
The Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
Goderlo April nth. 1055.
Anyone can advertise, but I can ahem the Stock. I Tuve more stock on band than any lyre
heeds is tows to *elect from.
I have now on bund 10 different .tytea'of Bedroom Suites." dIOe eat styles of Sideboards, e
Parlor Rulonm, and alma. *tuatara( la the Furniture leve, a/I of which win be sold
In the UNDERTAKING 1 give per.s.al attention, ant the beae0t now of nearly 40 years
eozpJerfeace. 1 thick 1 nave the beet Beware i. the County of Huron --i will leave the public
a everything
yt6b kept a • orst-sloe. establishment, each as Caskets.
Com Crapes, ort. Embalming done when repaired.
W1 Guarantee to give is every ease.
Ooderich. Sept. 5th, 1K. 1S14J40
O nail a t
Office &needed to at a e.
Our Mike is op the C. 6. Patent Of -
See. and we ear Patents is Iwo time
t them rMotote 1P a DRAWING.
d IIODiL o D$w a'I1V9. We ad-
vise as to taldt tree et charge and
we make IIOC_ semipros CA'LESS H'At OB-
TAIN P/l�srner
of We M �rtiri r Dia the Po.ttnasler.th. Supt. 1
e•e) r., and to officials of the
U. 8. PsaMst Once. For strcider. advice. '
t�Qpp�oslte Paes mated Ofee. tYaahlastN D your
own Sate or Couaty. write to
r alN W re...
HA C ••
" EALSA11/1
A FULL !.flit or
0. A. Ember's New Warehouse,
et David -.t, sear Yteieelme& Church.
hove kos. appointed Agent ter
W. T. Dingle's Iedel Combined Drill and Seeder ; also
Honeys Improved Fanning Kill,
Ma■sfeettwsd at Oshawa. Ont.
Thom are Kell,. of thorn 1a w. sod It 1s the mew meshy ■teeMws Is the marts,,
A ummpl. Mm am be ales at R. PROCK'S MID 'TORR. sad the drip M tar wawebvmt
C. A.
Osd_W, tab Vag. MI. w►