HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-12, Page 6Cele Pucls (Corner. J.I. ver gena PNsaao/ay. Jet Uuran loaned stsalm: The fear*. Ye realise weary bast ; Je.• Garen. wee a man of *epee. Thoiigb Jost • trifle slack And the eyeless of hie t•rw:ag l\ -..s on the narrow Irak. And..noised hi. hoine•'ead, Voir could are with half an eye. Ebel thrift and Joe wire strangers T.. recta ober : and Jur wbr Ti .c.s pf Miles existed. \� a. re plait, •e rail au rye, its. irate, were off their hissers The tat -{sets leaned span PO plow and drag stood int h. field As .f about to start : W hlle Ow Lunt of Ju*rph's rohtag 11.4 d o u,dicd to ore ten', if,* •$on,wale wee shabby ; Ite,ay *arrayed in advance : The doors elmwed yawning panels. ,da to,r 1Le ,.rod. a illem( And aru.rn panes were reinforced w* .e' J..,s .1.11ant,. • This order of disorder Prevailed the whole place ; but ,t did wt cloud the *many smile Tha: beamed in Joseph's t*, r ; Kue.dld the rush of .red -time Utas urb hie t ren yat•c. Yur Joepnssemed a theory. By love of ear i►spirrd, That the way to relish labor, 1s. to rest before you're tired : .4 tot to demonstrate this theory War the• task Joe mor admired. And o hen his work would crowd ht .1. d always did in spring, 116.1 and the! soft aide of a mil, And there be'd'iit twd'i(riR, Regardless of the cares oT P:fr. -• .1n happy as a king. And this wit hie philosophy, As wet! do 1 recall. At Isar the substance of it. Datums. of course- the drawl A ' tending its delivery-. Th. winks and [rods and all ; TILE 11 t itaa SIONAL, FRWAY, AUG. 12, 1587. jessessmenIMMIIIIMAILemeemease Lead Pae.aeeetes ATM Lor. 1.. wheat culture the hest mtlitti al eo..Jiti•.o of the soil r needful to hears good crops. The Testseseeu agriculteral bulletin says, •'A. well pleat euro on us - broken ground, keeping down the weeds and **petting a good trop, ea to seed lend Mk nasal expecting good results witbost ihsroagh preparation of the be,ll. *hare sowing, the soil must be pulverized and "nixed again and again. 11 farmers who, are unable to buy drills will only be careful to cultivate their land lobo. seedtcg, as well as those wises drilla, they will get about as good • yield as they elm use the more ex- pensive implements," Reduce the area, 'Werk _reduce it and piopare it snore careful. ly, and you will be sure to reap more profitable harvest& This is a secret also which not only increases the crop bet prevents the attacks of rest. Nell -fed wheat plots grow rapidly and leas tyre- ly succumb to the attacks of disease or tus.rt poets than Thos which here to struggle for existence. Stiffish; and muting the oil supply a larger amount of the ford elements than would be possible for the plants to obtain without the process. "Reason. experience, ob- • treat ion. economy, -ail cunbiue m farming the full preparation and Ihot out;h cultivation policy." The (hitting paleness w .often ob- served in y g girls and women. is dee in 11 great manure to a kelt .1 the ltd corpuscles in the blool. T.. remedy thin requires • medicine ahich pr,duoea them necessary little blood constituents, and the best yet dtocorerrd is Johnson's Tome Bitters. Price 50 cent', anti $1 per kettle at Goode s drug store, Albion block, (iuderieh. Sole agent. lbJ A XI M ams tlltsekk lama m. • I don't see why Dame Na:ur', la the wisdom of her plan, imin't et 1t so that crops would grow. Without the help of man : Ifwould be a cre dit to her Aa' exactly to my Lan.' 'rni opposed to this here notion O' nein' always on a strain : 1; yogi re not to wu-k your, :f to d. atb To raise a little grain. low -had better do without it There a pruy.nrit.oi pl.t.t.. 'Vow a eve l will grow as thrifty'. In a patch of corn or rye, 1'ipostered by ifs neighbors. C•tek•hed by hesrian fly, Ot any other bug. or bird. That makes the farluer Bich Rut rnri1 to do jus' fairly well. Mutt be planted so aid 50 : The ground in prime condition. Well worked with plow and hoe And then us like n. anyway. The dratted !tuff won't grow. "11 rain. and heaven's wnehine. Won't produce • decent crop. With favorable condjtiows. Nursed right in nattu's rep, Why, eta time, ingest opinion. To let the business dap." '1 could go ahead and roman. Till the crape small W.1 by, On the logic of me theory. The wherefore and the why : Hut It wouldn't hay the trouble. And therefore 1 won't try. -'It 1 had the vim and ene•r:y, in an earth.lnake, or cyclone, I'd Kit an early alert. and whip Old Mother Earth alone : Bit lir too big nu itodrrtakin' For • Dian of common bone. •:io I'm cement to lige. r.nd Mt The Karth be as 1 found 1t It wouldn't pay for me to fry To build a road around it. I'd sooner take your word about The sea, than try. fusee .t. 'lee true my crape are tomer., My potatoes tee. and small : 10.1 my neighbors often wonder I raise anything at all; Hitt 1'U bet I'm Just as happy As the thriftiest of them ail." Cita nue.; B. Dome. Fashion's Fancies. Etched silver girdles are rather a novelty. Thi crest shaped 'bonnet has reap peered. "Pesch colored gold as a Dew notice' if, jewelry. The monsquetaire glove has outlived its ,rupnlarity. The real, genuine, old-time pea has has come back into favor. Parasols are mon startling it. shape, Odor and price than ever before. Carmelite in gray or fawn color is a favorite ter travelling wear. Braiding ie still immensely popular is rich dress as well as utility toilets. R2aulets are made of chains of pearl and gold hanging in cream colored net. poke bonnets for wear on after- noon nese are picture'slue and shale the Taos. Fine cheeks are faahinnahls, hat very tine ones prey. Checker hoard tatters are not worn. 'The scarfs with hoods, which were s. Popular some years ago, are stealing int.• favor again. Retsina seals le be rather not of favor this year, having been superseded by batistes gad percales. Newer were short Jackets foe street use et, simple, an absolutely ler,'ect in tit amd so universal!,, worm, Dresses for little girls are as rartpd as tboeo for ladies. Metall lockets ore fswch fag road They have light fitting barks and they open In front ..rer a test or (pimps. II Iran SM. Ardrid each hurt$ of Dr Chas.'.1 Liege are is • medical guide eat lreaipe enqi.s, an.l pre*.�sgsO1111 lewtaining ".rtsl MM as wasth tea ti air .,r mallihrliron • Build the root of cheap boards, well supported on strong joists. Cover with strung three ply tarred paper, tacking it down well and lapping generously over the points of the paper. Lath may be used to put the nails through to make it still more durable After the paper hes been put on, smear it with coal tar, using a swab or broom ter this purpose, and putting the tar on ger.erously along the seams and lath. While the tar is still hut, sprinkle with sand containing acme gravel the size of peas or parser. This will make an excellent and durable roof for implerueut sheds, and all other cheap buildings. The expense will be very slight indeed. Nu farm of any size oan afford to be without a barrel of cos tar. It doesn't cwt much and will comae in handy on many occasions. •:. a. Tow new. but if you are constipated, or have sick• headache, bad taste in the mouth, rush of blood to the head, bilious co.uplaint, or any similar difficulty, y..0 should go at once to yudr druggist for Dr. Tierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the opal elbcient means for eradicating jt. by cor- recting all disorders cf the have, stomach and bowels. Small, sugar-coated, agree- able to take, and cause no pain or grip- ir.c. By druggi.ts. those SO KW. roe& As warm weather approaches, we de- wiest all sorts of plans to keep cool, and by very earnestness defeat our purpose. To be cool, one must be tranquil-- and avoid unnecessary exertion. The pru- dent housekeeper will make her morn- ing lire suffice to du the chief part of the cooking for the day. Cold boiled meat. cad vegetables, cod desserts for dinner, when that meal comes in the middle of the day, are in order. Potatoes spade into salad ars nut to be scorned by any lower of that vegetable. 1f a cup of hot tee or coffee is desired, it can be made on an oil store, and such food as is pre- pared warm can be warmed over. But custom renders cold God as palatable as, and during hot weather even more pale- tatje than, bot food is in cold weather. A little persistence or. the part of the house mother will prove this the case, and the experiment is certainly worth trying. Fernieri wires who stew over the store in midsummer lumina have • harder time of it than farmers do in the fields, and there is nu neceestty for this Iced tea and coffee and milk are as deli- cious as hot tee sod mine when one's palate is accustomed to them. The hardest pert of the work should he done in the morning 1f possible, and if you can iie down for awhile in the heated part of the day, sir moth the better, Plenty of sleep, with frequent baths, will i enable almost anyon.• to bear IM mum weather philosophically. All rose shades not eivid are called Charles X pink. Charles Lappin of Hamilton, under a two yeah' sentence at Penst•ngui•hene for larceny, has escaped. gal' CATA-R R H BREAM BALM Cleanh.rw t h e Read. Alla inflammation Heals t heeo R sntoreti t h e BenweenfT Smell Hearin, A quick Relief A 1pssifive Ours. A "eta Mei Ai' A•--,aasa.ne• Leasee arty. Toe complexion s uuly reader•d ■,. Sightly by Pimples, Liver repots cud Yelluwsees. Thew st is well known are, eseeeed flows an uaactire Liver and Md blood. Dr Chase's Laver Cure polio* the blood acrd whole systema. lie. 11.. aye Book for toilet neaps*, hints mod suggeetluna on how lo preeerre the auto' plexesu. Scold by all druggist. Miii "Ethel M. -who deserves usppy fortune fur devotion to an invalid moth- er ; for sisterly offices ; for profitable ears of 100 Towels, mutt f. r saeeesa lir gilt edge butter u.akwg -..Jen, thr.,urh TA. V. B. lino, ••fe.e.f, excellent advat-r (and helpful tllustratioo 1 "To teals Whose Beaus see Tobacco -Young Iadiee ire Wu 'snout (ward that and worse habits. They have to their power. undoubtedly, to saw want • nice yuuic man from the, de.tr.-rtug practices 1 the times. Let thew be decided and fully persuade-) in than. owe. suu,ds that there are better euj .ywwuts in life than chewing, stunning and drink tun, and we shall soon see a different state of murals among our y..aug men. remember a very g•••ed u.an who stook - ed a pipe. He became attached t., a young Indy of heed principles ; he pno- poMed marriage. !!the proposer* that be give up smoking or the hope of uurry- 1Dg her. A short .truigle and he colt qusred the h.ht. married the girl ht loved and had great reason to be thank full, for moo i.e hos Lite teeth, avert breath, clean lips and lots of dollars sav- ed for tetter purposes. 1r. the history .1 medt:ttres no preps 'stk.!' has received such unlibrsal c..m mendatiou, for tlae alleviation affurda and the permanent cure it effects in kid "ley diseases as Lir. Vail Buren'* Kiunsy Cure. Its action in thew distressing ooniplaint• is simply wooderfi.l: bold by J. Wilson. tie .t bar is a plate where wat•rr is scarce and danger is near. Hay frier is ;time catarrh having peculiar symp'oi s. It is attended by au inflamed- condition of the 'intuit woo.. br*ars ..f the uatrile, tear -duct* and throat, al/ectin{ the tunes. Au ecri,i mucous issecreted,rhe discharge:ssoe�.m panted with a burning sensation. There 1 are severe spume of sneezing, frequent attacks of headache, watery and inflam- ed eyes. Ely's Cream, Italia is a reme- dy that can be depended upon. 50.•ts. at druggists ; by trait, registered, t; Ely Brothers , Druggists. Owego. Sett York. ly The lock -tenders at Thorold .os the Welland Canal glade ready on Sunday night, Jury 31st, is lock through a Beet of vessels, but the est'' re refused to move until the last boar of the Sabbath had elapsed. The First Sign Of falling health, whether In the fors of Night tlweata and 2(errouesess, or to a snore of teetotal Wearisome and Loss et Appetite, should truest the um of A rets Sarsaparilla. This preparatiea le moat effective tar gtvjps tune aid *trent! to the enfeebled 'yawn', promoting the V1ggtstlo a and assimilation of food, restor- ing the nervous forret to their normal euatlitioon, and for purifying, enriching. and s ltaltxitig the blood. Failing Health. Tem yeaago myhealth bo to fall. 1 was troubled wita diatre. youth. r Night Sweats, Weakness, and ;emote - Dem. 1 tried various remedies prescribed by different physicians., but became au weak that 1 could cwt , np stain wills - est stopping to rat- My trteads Moat mended mo to try Ayres Sarsaparilla, which l did, and l am now as be h r and strong as ever.- Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Mluu. 1 bare need Aver's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, gad know, if It is takes faithfully, slut it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible 41....e. 1 hate alio prescribed It is a tusk, as well as au alter- ative, grid meat say that t honestly believe tt to be the beat blood 'medicine ever compounded. - W. F. Fowler, 1). D. S., it. D., tireeavuk, Tessa. Dyspepsia Cured. I1 would be Impossible for me to dr - scribe what 1 suffered front Iudige•tl•u Mid Headache up lo the time 1 began r•t Ayers Sarsaparilla. I was under esu of variwns physielam ast.l tried $ Brat way kiwis of asedjciaes. lett serer obtained more titan temporary re- lief. After taking Ay rr'.1iar•aparilia for • short time, nay head/mite disappeared, and my *tumuli performed its ducks wore perfectly. To -day ni J,, alth Is eons - ',Miele restired. - Maly rkr, Spring- field, Mao. 1 hare been greatly benefited by the prompt use of Ayer's Sarw.parilia. 1t tutees and invigorates the system. narulate* the action of the digestive and ay.imilatis c organ and vitalizes the blood. it 1•, without doubt, the most nibble blood purifer yet discot•ered. -11.1). Johnson. •s3 Atlantic are., Brooklyn. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Th. J. C. Ayes k Co., Lowell, her Pelee SI: .ta bottler. Het S. 0. S. -Is N.rbis& ardor. ''My husband was troul.i.•d with dyspepsia for name than four years. Two a*eerimicesi l.h,rioarta did hist au atoll. We 11.61 di.c..in*err*, ewtll-Me read e f Burdock 11:.•,rl Bittei.: b. took only two bottle. et,d ...e is n' well as ever, and doing h••arr, work all the time." Mee K.cherd ltowe, Harley, Ont, 13. B. It. 1. is tired the worst (ages of c1.1 WHO dyeprpau. 2 .�� Sew. ID (.JFSJ N'S Ill Greet Britain the question of Home � Ririe is h a cold int a attention. eTm the, man with a cold the head or chest the safest sty to ensure Hcn•e l.u�e •.err a cold is to have hand . a,ttFur r ..f Dr. powDE R Harvey's Red Pine Gum. Fsale at J. Wilson s Prescription drug store. 11 Mast apeewIate. Ran no risk in buyir,- medicine bus try the great li:dney and Liver tegula tor, made by Dr Chase, author of Chase's receives. Try Cruses Liver Cure for r all diseases of the Ltrer, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Said by Jeuies Wilson, druggist. THE COOICS BFST FRIEND .4 Preamble esp. Few teen have accomplished the carne amount of work and goal in this world as the celebrate] Lr Cruse. Or.. 1500,000 o1 his works have been sold im Canada alone. We want every person troubled with L,rer Complaint, Dys- pepsia, Headache, K:dney r.r Uitny 'froubles. to bur a bottle 4.1 Ih Chases Liver Cure„ is will care roll. Medicine and Rectipe gook t(1. Sold by all druggists. Sow ■ Dade Cased Feld. A sins young man in the height 1.1 fashion was violently sneezing in • ate. -et car, when a congaing -to remarked, "As, Chawlw, deah 11.1, how d'ye cath that dweadful cold ' Ass, drab fellah, left my ane ill the I•.w.r hall f.•ther day, and in sucking the irot" • lanai«, so dwradful gad, it chilled mfr almost to death." If Cherie* had need Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine tones his odd would mut Ir.oble hie.. eery usueh For ash. at J It ilaon's pre.criptoo.s drug sire. tf To taw Medical Yeetessn... nawt all w Less tr rimy ".errs. Ph•osphatine,,yr Nene taxi, • Phos- phate :Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Baton, Mama, cures Pulmon- ary Consumption. Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks. Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diaosees of the; human system. Phoelohetine is tint a :`-lpdeuihe, but a Nutriment, hearse it contains no Vegetable e.r Ilinerdl Poisons, *►pinta Ntrcutics, and no. Stimulants• but siimpj ly the Phosphatic and (3artric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sof iciont to con vines. All Druggists sell it. $l W peer u -all, 1.owen & Co, sole avant% for the Dominion, bib Front °erect EVA Toronto. Or FOWLER 5 1_0 1»'luau T ) H(l[ F:F? 9 ANTIJh1 111 T1N [ ATED ,-11 V�L"CHASES' �IORAKE * - pANDELIO$ LIVER CURE NAVE YOU Rik Liver Complaint Omensui, Indigestion, Bs'l.etr.s. Headache, Diatse.s, Pain is the Neck a say inseam ariwa,t (gas a Daeee• icer, De. C«Ass's Lavas Cuss wilt los (Deed a ser rod mesh woody. NATURE'* REMEDY etasiomitridedsoccer .f D.. Cruse'. Lie,/ Cam 1 Liver Laaplaint reefs solely ',ilk .he tet that it i is.psod.d fro. aai.re, wen•itnowa liver MAawaat A*D D+ausy..o., combined 2: 11= Alter avaluabts roots, barks lied herbs, having . loweefdeiect a the Kitten*. Sitenach, Semis am Mood. 600,000 SOLS :h.rr s+r-•Wf orae.. If Dr. Omagh Rad/" test were soil in Cr..& also& tete inane angry seas .,ease aid chill r.,le ,, reecho arae/ Leese Cass Inial 1• try this sscriont ssadj. honer NS Noe Cess Aitay Fits Wrapped aroa.d.e,.wyy bathed IA. Chases Lives Coo it a saleable Hosrhrd M.dical Grids .od R.cip �Nr,mati (Xs pages). easesiwhsg over rnseee metal swim i1. and wroth byi a dei w tis Nies pees 0111. i.diossists asate. TIT Caws Coma A .ars and positive aemeady. Pote, ly mots. TRT Counts [tu1Fr ass LIM Feats. sy cry. psibet SOLO SY ALL DEALERS to T s$llAueoll s 00-. Selo ago.. •.saran BEW. OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS III As there aro maay iaf.iioe Moda corded Mt, ete.,owaewd sad s 'alt with jute •s Oa -aline by some an- rieelpled d- merebaet• tra lug on the repemtloa of ewe ladies alime,ea warn suety Impoettioe bya lag their attention to the necessity of seeing that the Daub* CROMPTON CORSET CO.' V shaped a lane" side of .11 (-orJtoegn.ds 111Ilbat whisk aims ars gonadal WILL CURE OR REUEVE tlllOOSNESS Dizzuriaa. 07SPIPSIA, DROPS" ! vtgfiriol, FLYTTEN*I ✓ t:INdOf. W Mt Mall'. *Air AMf it t1tAlT AIRDROME. , gall Or Mt _Last PteEL PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' TZ -II z� v3-3=SFr_ ti NEW FAMILY GROCERY The undersigned bet most re•perthdly to inform al,r it. rbttaale of lioderlch and sar- rowndl■t( reentry. 'het having be l,I rIlKA 1' / oh l A4J: ta the beet market, of Canada and the enured :baits. a very ssps:ioretuek of 141Z=S1i GRCCIZJIZI=S Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Brcken Leaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of ali descriptions, Biscuits , Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccarori, Vermicelle, Tapioca, Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms. and other tore t.5 arty. les usually kept in • not, hies rt'y estabLehenreL Ai It.rrAT of elf IKE t.ess. LitDti seL11IILS. WANT TO BUY A QUARTO. NUTTER, EGGS, APPLES t POTATOES. REES PRiCE & SON, Store on tae Square, /etweon E. Downing's and C. Crabb'& Goderieb, April 2tat. le I. �L s `. ONG-GOODS HZTGH D-CJ-NLOP FASHIONABLE TAILOR, 7 Takes pleasure :n announcing that he has row am hand a full *apply of TWEEDS, WOIISPEIIZ & OTHER LOTHS SUITABLE FOIL SPRING .&1 D SUMMER WEAK .. kzceileat Fits. First -1'ia.+ Wort. Irate or len early. owing to the sprlag rush of pat run. •. w.•factlon moored./"Remember the I'iaoe-t:street. nes door to Bank of klosrro.L111 0oderleh. Meech 21st- Uta;. HAVING RR - se FUKNISHEI,, my shop la the laps styles pat to Three Sew Narbevmama. two of teat Chemie. erased Rochester ilaieg C his ire. and tired a hisrs.ymaa Umber. we are la a pe5Uon to de Sesser W•r k lima hereto - Ledge a c1 udrea'. MismitrasesM esus days. and Aeimwa WM.. KNIC IIT 1011 Wet, rttrert. toe door* ram of P.O.. Ooderich The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired: or Diseased Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated. Axis Cut Pebbles ! The frank that have been perpetrated on the sitectncle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving summed an.l fancy named to ordinary glass, ,speaks fol the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-intppooTtntlit subject of the preservation of sight there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenges can be manufactured. viz : Pebble and glass --all gi ole by any other name, it atill remains glean. Pebble, on the other hand, is front nature's - own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, awl is harder than the rnhy and emerald, anal near- ly as harden the diamond The Pebble is not more or leas than a transparent atone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount of power is plated immediately over the (centre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the tpectr,eie wearer the roolness, ftleahne , and a pleaaant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot hr Ary pbssihility impart. Al) .pectac stamper* B. Lanai ran only be porchaaed frotnles and e3 eglag.etl are 14_ TO AINT. MOW Druggist. Goderich. TM t11R. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GEc. CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, aodericb A tsar t 01 Khellin. it'd -,e.',. Dialog n.,.b. sed parlor rw,atture`gs,h .e Te s,CNmU�W-1 IerktngOI. . ►beards 19rdraadw Yatr,se..,ReeheWanNo 5 R� SA Nsea.wrtmoot et Ost1« •"rel Mreede sewage w•ww bad she uNrmrs eggblfs