HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-12, Page 4TBE UUROv SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 1 1887.
Dress Moan
A Special Line at 10c. and 144c.
New Prints --Choice Patterns
nestes Job Lot of Ladies' and Children's
Cashmere Homs from 150. to iso.
Per Pair.
Balance of Summer Stock or Drees Goods.
Laces. tc., at
J. A. REID & BRO.,
Jerd•n's Bleak. Court Hous nu wire. Oeds'ieb
Mth Aug.. Ur. St -lag
II eater a omena,p pe. tatrili metes.
Aa fait♦ WIZ Freud If.
oil paintlep cola he supplied it short ostler
by Geo. Stewart. Orden left at the studio
promptly attended to.
A HAI. Mw- 1f you fall to ere the summer
goods at B. McCormac's. There's mosey in It
it you attend to it is time.
1.swe orders for piano tuning at Clete'•
music store. The hest Dime taxer in the
Dsmui.s will be in town for • few dare
Aug. lob, URN
PLCeO.-Illi gas Swanson is buying say
gamin, of *awe and pears. Parties wish-
ing to sell will Ind biro in the store nae door
sat of Activators barons shop, Hamillonst.
The rain bas been a goad thifor the
country. and has laid the dust. andpersons
wishing photographs that masa be excelled
should call upon R Hallo s. the people's pho-
The rwntie•tisg season is a rood scheme for
all who can stead it Snaacu ly. but if you
wags Ll.quor tea. pare drum or chemicals.
whether you aro rleh or poor you w W get sat -
infection at Sae. Rbyuarf.
The dust has bees heavy florins the past
few weeks. but the goods turwed out by F
A. Pridham for summer wear are dust proof.
heiag of good quality and at very reasonable
pm ,w, Oire them • call.
Tos W o.sw's C,IOtwrtArr Teure.axce
lJwnor will meet regularly for the traasactlon
of bushiest every Tuesday oftentimes at 270
o'clock. In goon church. Evert -
tompted in the work 1. cordially limited to
For all drugs. dye -slugs. perfumery. patent
medicines. chemicals. etc.. beet geel'y
arid lowest rates. call at Goode's drug -store.
Albion Block. Special lineation paid to Al►
ntc yreso and family recipes
$ uadere It Sea hevejnet receired another
'tock of the L R C.Ouru y t'i s.toves.wkicb
are iw Dad lar.the* They are selliwith the theater
plias. the* combined with
of the stoves is the reason they sell w faaL
The cheapest keen under the sus.
Tes Hvrt..r AND B.t•es LOAN oxo Ixr.sr-
llrxT Coairmiv.-flepositore In this company
bare the test possible security for their mon-
ey. all being (Wrested In mortgage ea tens
ton have • first lien in all
the company's assets. Rate of Interest paid.
from 1 to 6 per cent, tweeting to amount
ani duration of depwit. Fumes haring sur -
Otos means should call and see the ma.aser.
Miss Swift, was Tisiticg Miss Hattie
Wood. of Stratford.
Mn fit' M Adam., of Toronto, is the
guest of Alex Meader*.
The average boarding house is having
a fly time of it just now.
Misses Jennie and Mary Sharman, ere
visiting friends at Clinton.
Mw Lizzie Spence has returned from
• pleasant .sat to the Nile.
James Somerville. ex-M.P. for West
Bruce, was in town Tuesday last.
There is very little inspiration in city
lite just new. It's all perspiration.
We are glad to be able to state that
Mn S. P. Hails is steadily improving in
Rev Dr Us exchange pulpits with
Rev J McCoy, M A. of E*muedvdls,
last Sunday.
The lite brat station has received new
Me belts to take the place of the old•
tashiuned ones
Miss Minnie Pridham is spending
three or four weeks among friends is
and around Stratford.
Miss Daly. of Stratford. is visiting in
Goderich, the guest of Mrs Sandford
Stokes. St. Patrick 8t.
The propeller Sovereign came out of
the dry dock !sat Saturday. She bas had
• thorough oembattling.
The Misses Jepnie and Rett• Wat-
son, of Detroit, are the guests of their
sister, Mrs Freak Smith.
Rev C. E. Stafford,/of the Main St
Methodist church. Mitchell, gave us a
friendly call Wednesday last.
Mrs Black, (West St) who had her
arm broken last week is getting along
nicely ender careful attention.
Quite a somber of our rsidectrb.ail•
el themselves of the excursion from
C:inton to Toronto Friday last
It.. J. Gentle*, Mrs Sash Baird and
Mies Miami* Lang, of Kincardine, are
the goentu of Mn W. Watson, Braes St.
Geo. B. Oos, of the British Exchange,
who has bees ns the sick list during the
week is on deck Grauer, apparently el K.
J W. Penes, of the Harbor Mill,
spent three or four days among relatives
in and around Brampton denng the past
Mrs J. H. Richards and daughter Nel-
lie, of Carlow. left for home lest Satur-
day, atter a florae weeks' visit to relatives
is town.
M• Murray, s000mpani.d by her
mites, Mum Coeseker, of Stratford. as
at presort paying their molal visit to
Miss Hepburn, aims of W Hepherrn,
Str.stwd's Waiters king. is at prosiest
enjoying a maple of week's snjoars in
our town.
HAD TO Coati TO (30011111'm. - -About
sawmtl•fw iAek..wites SRRseted to
the POW ram Wdawdy Isst. Owing
to film ph.s helm oveterowded with
set got
tablet aessnimw bIt . mihem d stem 4WD-
011110111siN elri.0 tel the ttttmsep loam,
.sa..r4ai•o.t 7 A,_..I ...
Lips falmsiaa, Drmsa.M, and J. W.
paw, prbiums1 of the pabMs ..heel.
Ilapthis -Oen from tae mrpet Tillage
Tuesday het.
Moos Masan sod hoe bather Ada.,
ars uE on a visit to Hamites, Toronto,
Logan and other points. They will be
gem over a month.
Dv MoDonsgb will be 1. Goilterigh for
«.a.lt.tio. o. Saturday, the 3rd of
Bylember, .ad afterwards on the fleet
Saturday of every swath.
'VIVAT Ragusa !"-The Wiehe ''g
to this item is a quotation from A.
Memo's advt. 1f you west to Ret per-
tIoolsre raid the original.
W. B. Mathews, brother of the genial
"Dad," is ia tows the gleed of the tattoo.
He is having a good time visiting old
friends sed aogmaiata..ss
&moot Cessnra.-Fraena, Porter d
Kay are making • big •.sestussmwt for
the school opwtwg i. seethsr column
They are peahen from Peaaortos.
Fain rue Svmxt Barra. -Geo. B.
Johnston arrived to town loot week on s
.we to his relatives. He looks wetland
speaks in high terms of his southern
Professor Clarke has accepted the
pnsttioe as Organist and choir master at
Mitchell, but will eootisue bagasse in
Goderich A new lot a masts La., jest
srri wed.
A. G. Dickson, formerly of the Bank
of Commerce, Goderich, left for the Old
Country this week. It you ear rely os
hearsay to will bring Mrs. Dickson back
with him.
Eirrzars.nsm,-This Wal tee saM at-
tention to ria rla1 ..si,
Messrs Armstrong Bros.. who ars posit-
ing beanies in ilasaiNg mills, sed cm. -
ern, Psalm, to
Dr. M. Nicholson, the Red street
dentist, makes the preservation of the
natural teeth a specialty. Gas adminis-
tered from 9 s. m. to 4 p.m. for the pain-
less extraction of teeth.
BILLIARD&. -The billiard parlor in
Crsbb's block will be opened by W m.
Stubbs, the sew proprietor, with •
tournament on Monday evening at 8.30,
clock. Admission free.
S. E. Hick and wife, of Paris, were
in town during the week. Snot who, by
the way, has become toile a Parisian,
lett on Thursday, but Mrs 'lick will re-
main in the prettist town on earth fur
Cosraa.T LET.--Soteeth & Co. here
the contract for building a house for
P. Holt on the lot between St. Peter's
church and the Central school, North -.t
The specifications tall for • highly finish-
ed dwelling.
Rimer Rr -r.lrLt -A report has been
received from eogioeer Chipman, which
would lead us to believe that further
testa will be squired before a system of
waterworks adequate for Goderich can
be gone on with.
THx LAND to WORTH SOrsrHyso.-
The annual sale of lands for taxes, takes
place in Godench, on the 8th a Nov.,
• fiat is getting very small, as land in
Horm is too valuable to slow of it be-
ing sold for taxes
yrs invited the Little Gleaners, to a
garden party at her residence on Monday
afternoon. Them w« • fall attendance
et the little ones, who heartily enjoyed
the ladle boepitslity.
Faitonimmox Lsaovs-The Prohibi-
I,e•gue will hold their next meeting
in the lectors room of Knox church on
Mc nday, lith inst. All persons .ladies
included) interested in the grand work
are invited to be present.
Rev. Mr and Mn Salton arrived in
town lost Friday afternoon on their re-
turn from Europa. They both enjoyed
their two months' trip. On Sunday the
rev. gentleman conducted service in the
Victoria street Methodic church.
INN G WALIML-The ingenuity
expended in endeavoring to spoil the
gravel walks on the court house, if turn-
ed in soother direction, would snake
capital walks The mem amount of
labor would spread suitable material
CLOisO Bierman/O. OrNRATIOxa.-
The harvesting operations o. the Attrill
farm were brought to a dose Tuesday
last The trop have been large, of
gond 'simple, and are well housed. This
sa, we think, the earliest of the season.
KxraTsn Kicvtutox. -The Knights
of Labor between Goderich and Blew
ford are trying to arrange for a cheap
amnion to the former place, but have
not been able to make arrangements that
would warrant them anmaneing • data.
By TIM SALT Sae WAVY.. -Rev.
Meaux Hunter Ked Crossley are sum-
mering on the New Eagla.d meek The
evangelists, however, w not idle, as
they have charge fur a week of thecamp
meeting services at Martha'. Vineyard
Tens Htom Tt000xs-His Bogor
Judge Totes sad councillor J. W. Smith
left on Monday for Petsrboro, to attend
the mnemic81 of the Oilseed Lodge and
Grand Encampment, I. 0. O. F. Neil
Campbell left on thematic bwieess Tues-
day last.
Mn Zusland, the fourteenth Meths of
the Rt Thomas disaster, died Saturday
afternoon. She was sister of R. Holmes
of Ilse Nem Era and d•.gbter oi E.
Holmes, Asst. librarian to the Legisla-
ture of Ontario. To the friends we ex -
teed condolence.
Snub Boatmen Rolm - A genera
storekeepet, of aspwte.ee, gives the fol -
wing as the secret cf his SNOOPY
'Aar b.siaess hos grown, as the result
f liberal advertkrisg, nee -pries system,
owning often to nearket..od strict hon-
esty in nor metamsmeat. "
New C. P. R. Tsunami" Ortolan. -
The Caeediae Peaile Railway Telegraph
°mPesy lies opened now cases at the
,ILnwin4 plea.. i. Oetarin : Blenheim,
Co.rtwneht, Dresdea, Row... 11%or•.
wit. Port Lambloa, Pionmbr., Chatham,
Vt-•Ilaceb.rg and Armies.
His Haan te Lavas. -It is reported
hat Adam Fnrepaagk the edemas show-
n. hos teed the sec el litho.
.nal .pend $71 a day ad-
ditio..l is adrwtisi.g. Mr.
Eorop.agkw mdss knows what he is
dei.g as • age Wier was.,
Canvass. I L i s..ads.-la Nos
Masse will los a..d .. mus-srniwt .f
the /udlsd Denies= Cellar& This
institutes is bildl spebs ed by Poo
.ed p.ttaM, .ad the ..ar,.tie stsaatpr,
Prinsipel Shaw, is Molted win se a mom
f.:me.im.as. -Q.M.. Ns. See
requested are reested se my that if the
young mea who has boas so .seek
bwsei.g is Oedema& wishes to try has
leek aboetiag against "the e.artrytoy,"
1114 I3o T.mlieaon hems 8s semenedmted
any times Reese 900 yards, knee rent
w go as fen pyoses, 44 es 62 calibre.
Ptv.wt-mantic. --Om Jedei 27,
1*S7,st the modem oe thehreid's father,
9S, Wood Street, Tomato bei the Raw.
Dr. Kellogg, eyalieted bei the far.
Primipal 0..., Archibald Moos..,
B.A., B.C.L, Advokw, ow Mostewl,
sen ov Archibald M4Gwe, tot *We,
deader w Thames Maekey, of
Dk.caarr, looms -The discretion of
t►e t these dare is remarkable. W.
met s rsekled barefoot boy, who loiter-
ed the way ; hs hat was off, bus
beislaost earls with balm winds did
play. "Oh. whither basad barehead-
ed bey, loosest► this biasing sky r
Ise gums home -but have to watt until
my hair is dry.
Unlooses. Excvanox. - Seem 300
people MINIS to towo Wednesday un
the 8. 8. eseurwoa. Two years ago an
excursion got up under similar auepiess
brought Motet 1,300 people to 3uderich.
On that noosaio. the G. V. R. allowed •
eossmwiom to the Sunday school. On
the present oecsion they did the whole
hog sat, with the result.stated.
Leeson's. -The "Westerns," of the
west side of our town and • packed
twelve from the east end, played a
frnadly match on tke grounds of the
fernier, onTbeeday evet, og last, which
,notal is s "drew." A good deal of
"esth.sism," however, was mart(«ted
by the "boys" throughout the gain.,
Some of those having to limp hcme,
received from ft. Radcliffe, the local
agent of the C. P. R. an interesting
pamphlet dashag with the summer tours
oil the C. P. R. Railway. It t. replete
with valuable irjormetion on the best
modes of travel, and will prove s valu-
able aid to all desirous of being fully in-
formed before starting out on the road.
Tis PuLm.-Rev A N Campbell B.
A. of Knox College, Toronto, filled
Knox church, pulpit last Sunday even-
ing. Hie ...taco was earned and impres-
sive. Mr Campbell was the winner of a
number of scholarships during his cul-
ler. course. being an honor graduate of
Toronto University. He will occupy
Knot church pulpit next Sunday morn-
ing and evening.
Mrs E. R, Watson, who has bee. a
sufferer for some time past, expired
Thursday morning, in the 33rd year of
Ther age. She was daughter of our
townsman, W. G. Smith, and was well-
known and highly respected :n the town
in which she had lined since her iu-
tancy. Mr Watson and the other sor-
rowing relatives hare the sympathy of
all ia their affliction.
Moan E. oxowT. -Tuesday night $30
was added to the oust of the erection of
the agncultural buildings, owing to the
fact that the council had previously
approved of specifications which allowed
' siakey" and knot -landed lumber to
be put on for siding. At the same time
the soundest porous of the timber from
the old salt well was endorsed for the
foundation of the d,6oe.
PsaCIrxa !-Monday last we were pre-
sented with a bseket of fine peaches by
Abraham Smith, who has a good orchard
of about 100 trees on his farm over the
river. H. informed us that the inner
belt of trees were bearing 6oely but.
those on the outside were not so pro-
lific, mud the fruit was not maturing to
such an extent. He has made some large
shipments to outside points, we under.
Ax I*Dusptusxr BAND. -We under-
sand that s meeting of musicians was
held Friday evening last, and a band
was firmed, to be stalled the Independ-
ent Bond, under the leadership of hoed -
master Milligan. It is to be hoped the
new band, notwithstanding its name,
will not be as independent as the late
town band It was its independence
that killed the late lamented band in•
tsD.--A fellow mated Maginnese, who
lives in the country adjacent to Gods -
rich, has lately been frightening women
and children by obscene acts and l•n-
Mage. Tru nest time he 1. in town on
a similar erred we hope our young men
will put him under the town pomp or
gine him a coat of tar and feathers. He
ha. been arrested several times late!y
and afterwards allowed to go free.
Mlrrsox S&nom . Ptcwtc. -Mission
School held their annual picnic on "the
flats" Thursday afternoon, Inst week and
it was a grand emcees. Stone 70 chdd-
r besides teachers and ex -teachers of
the school and • number of visitors sat
down en • sumptuous repast. Swinging,
boating, racing, t.., were indulnd in,
to the joy of the ehildrea. The oScen
beg to return thanks to all their kind
friends who so generously aided in both
cash and provisions
New Nitwit EMULATION. -The Post
Office Depar:ws.t has iss.ed the follow-
ing matins : All local er "don letters
ss.•t be prepaid 1 beat each 0..s-
disn posage stamp, otherwise, in order
to .tort» the law, they an seat to the
dead boor office, to be then opened, if
not bearing • specific address, and re-
turned to their writers A letter bear-
ing • spa lies address is aot opened, but
forwarded to its original address, with
the ordinary dead letter charge of 2 ata
per os rated therms.
-We have received Parts L and ill,
authorised for nee in public •ehoeis,
from the pebNshesa, Selby • Co., To-
mato. The ism of dm tram is
r.eogmimed by , sad whatever aide is
its Wag put within the nosh of twiny
ens Is a Pa heed*. We hats then
gam nosh plasma in 'allies attention
el psoas, t..tlen and trwste.a, to the
vaimible addition to the •ettho.ised
swiss ei best honks for w a the public
w heel. vis : The Kiderasrt.. and
Primary Drawing Comte. It is isi.eaded
fee the ramped pupils Mitendi g school
mad t* be eestiamed up to the junior
.stead .8. Bp its nevem druwimg
will new be taught is way wheal in
She provisos wh the. the sadist bee
say provisos keSwledis ed dsmtdsg ee
ea The Misiebse of IYwatitm has to
la Wee Wade
•hat tars - ..d pop& onwessaik‘ let w heel ori
bail w haw 7M ltiva.
I Mur w 0uaaras.-The hut wane Crew Hou
oay.- A mamas am. WS
"tlirs et presort w heanima a■ ia- was held iu the aom
ai chaber Sea -
1 Jsgisms .Let on rosaries. len feet da last tc atrsider the date for the
os. mai .sls.ble Wolohan died emceed . be diagl of a cies holiday for Godesiek.
The asp* u*.pisd the emir, and ss
placed the whims of the s.soti.ng.
After come dissension it was Smelly de-
sided teat as an effort was bang mode
by. the 1. O. 1) F. to enure $ steamer
toe +aooniva porpoises ua Aug 30tH,
that day be proclaimed a oleic holiday,
Th,: •r..W to M in the bt,e
threat m sstd driakleg water from
the .ms gree .hie► had become warm
torsi l► the easeneii haat. A gectie•
sera war op ia ' tam" rccommflade
that 1M birds should he kept isda,es is
• Mal and set exposed to the awn
er is war.s sir dra.,bts daring 1 with the proviso abet if the oummittee
the puessat hosted lora. 1 scolds not swum • bat fur the day
People of . dpepcptio het it tf body named, Friday the 26th be declared
are pleased whew the baker s waggon oc- instead. Geo. Storms was appointed
.,wos.l1y °oedemasds to awry a brown secretary to carry on curreepuodeuw
loaf or two, en the suppa.ioast that brae. with steamboat sod railway authorities.
bread is so aetritious and prumuti.e of Since the snore was i* type we learn
dieeeties. Professor James, of the that a boat amid nut be obtained sod
AgrtcuUege, sa bow Fnd, totthe civic
tarorw1Lt.ral the pubiCus wichk theJust chemical holidaayy. the lith inst.,
eosspoetuoe of bona. He wry that "the Ties Grist Evers or Tee Samos -
PapUto Pachyderm envelope. the The Western Fair sod Jubilee Eshibi-
g lutiuoue Pereipe►es which in turn is tion to be held to Loudon, Sept. 19th to
iaten'mioglsd with and embraces the 24th promisee to far a:eei that of auy
osteogenous endosperm," previous year. New grounds, to*w
STArnim 'A L -Th. following •tat, buildings and one. halt male r•oe track
menta are from the se.eesment roll tat the nays n 1 ro►idd at • ant of il:'U,
township of Aah6.ld for the year 1887000 00 which is indisputable avid. uoe
-Pop.latinn, 3,740; births, 64; deaths, "f the enterprise and push of the Forme
10 ; eh•Idr.. hetwe.a 6 sad 16 years, of City and bitingly a,m•ueurstite tat the
ago 973 ; between 16 mid 11, 290 ; Jubilme year of Her M■jeaty, Very
uumb•r of acres assessed, 63, 61,4 ; Ubersl premiums an offered this tear
scree cleared 42,755 ; acres of woediand, is the various departments and the
4219 ; acres of garden or orchard, 646 ; eommittee on attraction. an preparing
aeras of [all wheat, 5891 ;total access- an 1117.71. protsalsme, better than
ha bean arranged
✓ ocal property, $986,73 ; No of horses, with the Relies Companies for polliwog
meat of real property, 11.663,106 ; •ver rates ve
to04 ; sato,. 3 ; , 3318 ; pigs, ars and freight. The people of Ws.r
1470 ; 397. 976 sheep
Ontario will do well to take in the
Western Fair tbu year. Sas aiT_ e tis►
HARE TKA.ILLEA..-ALWATE CAE THE went 10 soother column.
Blurt. -Allan hoe to Europe, Grand Hs Cr.THEKx Esser TImE.-John
Trunk Railway through line to all point ..nztear. of is Er s .ham shot
e ast, west, north and south. Avoid un-KpaO°
necessary transfers and delays. Beton putter of the world, won beth shots a
starting on a journey call on H. Arm B.ffaln genies .nearly, making • die.strong, general railroad sod steamship tame of 40 ft 2 in. with the 21 Ib shot,
ticket agent, G. N. W. telegraph office, and 50 ti 7 ha with the 14 lbs. Hs lama
West et., Goderich. He will .e11 you won second in all the jape and got
tickets to .11 parte of the United Stone,
in the sato. and hammers, anal
and Canada, at lowest rates and furnish wood in the 100 yard race. He wear
all r.Iial ). information as to cheapest wood
Buffalo to Philadelphia. when
and bsWk+omts, &c. Look amt for Cheap George !ton. had • couple of but .tons
*So aunts, picked out instead of shots, thinking he
Stoop run Tuns -'Phe following, all would ''do Mac up with these sure.'
pupils of the Goderich high School, sus h all h
nation :-Misses M A Allan, A Camp u c
bell, 8 Campbell, 'J Dickson. J Strutt- RoesGeorote Raw, A McDougall and
McIwan, of B.wd►o sad ..neral others.
BuereA PDter : and , J rsM J Allan, J John is now in Bra•k:yn tryiug fur the
Robert D This almost
J Mullin, and W New York and Boston gases, atter
Robertson. The almusc uopraleiled sae- which he wilt come north for Waugh/on
tees --92 % of those who wrote -speaks and Lucknow games
¬es for the efbcieccy of the school
staff as for the ability and perseverance A Conseil is Ctrs. -Then bas been
of the pupils who bare been so success- a cornet in mu mainly ih Gudench in
fuL We extend to all ouccercd our this wen : Then stayed at the Park
hearty congeatulattuaa Hoses, as a summer vintor, • lady from
the South. Ther. is a scarcity of cats
SCHOOL BoaaD Msrrn o -School in the section from which she came, and
Board met on Monday evening. Mew she made an offer of $10 for a Tom at
bets all present. Minutes of last rets- and four kittens of the Maltese per-
But when it came to the putting Mac.
eeeafully Named the ascond claw exams- got there the wase winning bot
weights hands down, defeating D. C.
lar meeting read •ad confirmed. The soaaion. Johnnie Healey, of Light.
inspector • report for the year, which house St., heard of the offer and
was very favotable, all received and immediately undertook to do the Dick
filed. Report of contingent committee Whittington act, but was only able to
recommending certain repairs and al• obtain one Maltese kitten for which he
terations, was on motion received and rewired $2. A girl in St. Andrew's
adopted, On motion a reward of 416 ward also disposed of a oat sed two
will be paid to any one giving informs- kittens for the sum .t $7. If env more
tion that wilt convict any nae of braking visitors are registered from the same
or destroying the school windows. A section this mason, we are of opiniou
number of applicationswere received that they will be biaieged by youngsters
for the position of asst. teacher in the of both sexes trying to dispose of cats
Model school. On motion, Mr M. Ma el the hoam above gantd. There u
Call, of Glanworth, was selected. no duty on cats at the boundary line.
A DEFUNCT TELEPHONE Exrsalttsxr. ( HE FAILED To Cottxser -At the last
-Wallace, the telephone man, who wee oteetiog of 18e School Board, frost«
gong to perform wonders here in the Ball was on hand with his resolution
way of reducing telephone expenses, but against the "Rosa Bible," as he is pleas
ed to designate the Scripture Readers
now in vogue in the public schools. He
roes in his place, in his own peculiar
style and began to read, "Moved by
trustee Ball. seconded by trustee
NichaIso., that the '•Roma Bible.' -
•'fluid on then," said trustee Nichol-
son, "I don't second that motion."
"Didn't you tell me," said trustee Bell,
"that you would second the resolution 1"
"1 doubt it," said trustee Nioholsnn,
at this juncture trustee Swanson remark-
ed, "Nicholson has received new light
oa the subject." "And in any event, I
won't second it." Triages Ball dropped
quietly back into his sat and he has
not yet been safely delivered of his
powerful address against the "Roes
whose scheme flattened out very sudden-
ly, is now in Montreal trying to organize
a company then. The Winnipeg gentle-
men who wen induced to go into the
scheme are now sorry they had anything
to do with it, and Mr Gibbons, who
took a contract to string wires and erect
poles, is minae a considerable amount
through the failure of Wallace to carry
out his agreements. The plant of the
defunct company is now is Sheriff
Inkster's hands and has been advertised
for sale.-Winnepeg Murniag Call.
To U•a HAND BiAsss.-Since the 8t.
Thome disaster an ordir has been
issued by all the leading railways in the
country to the effect that all trains are
to be stopped by hand brakes at
diamond crossings. There was a rule to
this effect on most of the roads before,
but it was not adhered to, as it was cus-
tomary for the engineer to um air, and
it is as much as • brakeman's hands are
worth to attempt to set • brake by hand
should the sir be used. Railroad men
state it is as ouosual thing for air
brakes to refuse to work. They also
d7that it 1. very hard to atop a train
hand when air is wad, and the
brakes do not grip so well as they do
when head -blokes alone are used.
Tea GALT Exo-vaalox.-The members
of Court Manchester, Canadian Orti•r of
Foresters, of halt, paid our town a visit
ye.i day, and wan the guests of Court
Oodeach No. 32. They wen enter-
tained to dinner .t Bro. John Martin's
hotel. The Independent band of Galt
accompanied the exaaniooista, and their
playing was generally admired. A heavy
rain was falling when the exeeraio.ists
left Galt, which prevented • larger crowd
from ooteueg. About 350 et nod
They all expressed themselves delighted
with the town. During the afternoon •
borrese,matcb was played between the
Victories, of Galt, and the Hurons, of
Ooderieh, whish resulted in favor of the
home team, which took the 1st and 4th
penes, and was allowed the fifth by the
OsrTOA.T.-MPS Janiaaos, formerly
of Goderich, who died at Cavan, that,
on July :mob, was born is the north of
Boatload, u the year 1817, and masse to
Heron suety about forty yams age
Fnr nearly two years she had been in
failing health, *rad during the last eight
month. W been eo.8sed to bd. Her
dinette was paralysis 8be had lost the
w of her not side sed woe unable to
speak, but ..aired the vigor of her
mind to the kat Her father and teeth•
er were members of the het Methodist
Carr.- -We regret to okrooicle this
week the death of Mn Andrew William-
son, which occurred at Toronto, on the
8th inst. Decreed had been ill for
over • year and had suffered greatly from
an internal tumor. Latterly ahs load
gone to Toronto for special treatment,
and had s000s'sfully borne four opera-
tions, with every prospect of ulti-
mate recovery, when an internal
hemorhaee set in and death was ceased.
During her may it Toronto she was at-
tended by the best medical skill that
Canada possessed, but all was in Hain
Mrs Williamson will be sadly mimed by
those who knew her best, for she was
Willful wife, an affectionate mother and
kind neighbor. She was • native of
Loodonderry, and her husband mui horn
and tiered in Ayr, Sootlasd. The
funeral took place to Maitland o*meter,
Wednesday afternoon. Ayr and Lon-
donderry pater please copy.
"Ile KDa."-Mr Waterman, of
Detroit, caned in hen lad Friday with
his deals yacht Elude, to spend the
evening with E N Lewis He if booed
for a six week* anise in Georgian gay,
Lake Superior and Lake Michigan,
sad has • party of neves gentlemen
aboard, vis : Judge Dn.glsss, Detroit,
Master in Chasicary Campbell Detroit,
J+ Sharpe, cf New York the
Modfe*). Maws Welter genial, John
all of
Rao sed the Rev Ramat Wbeymore,
blowiest at 8 . Owing to a Nq mr.gal.
.terday, the party resale•
ed over Saturday. Mayor Seeger did
tie Lours of the town, and took four of
the'iators to his preserves on 8herp's
creek, while Weeny Jordan and Mae•
donald sent net to the Point Pares with
the °then The strangers were very
smelt pleased with our tows se • ens•
alta. fanned is lbw put of ti• eeun user resort The liarda is ea 'roe ales.
try yacht of large aim being 110 feet Ions
and Mot was • faithful member of the and 164 feet beam. Has two engine,
Methodist .bush for upwards et Shy whiny sand bar along at an erdisery gat*
years 88e died it then resideree of her of 14 mils per hoer, oa 3001bs of hard
daughter, Mrs Rep D. N. McComas, in seal es b
ggsroaatt nesse sad meet ales, see of
fakb..ad .. imagined ie the Little Lake
senate . .Pi nut. ng ,
leaven iWei
the •eruSien et auk mlee weir at tis
15..1 s 48..... to be mW Ida,
her in bar IdM nsnsaYt,
KIM 14; is bar rating
sad. Sha i salaams" rigged, .ad is
wery smpta.My kited up bedew
bowleg tem welasus, (oar large stata
eneena, eight books sod fer.sntle for
t4 .sew. The dosseatloas shoe of the
asks aim oast is ohs ash . f
Pendllings and daiusorings !root
Mush sages.
Wm. from all sew tsars. reams. along
e1seprd wed Uradesseill - rasa .and
.alae Tee rens or ole Wins
.rem epee aa ----pe.
A nail need Clark, of Exeter, W
beemewed snot to jail for two mustb• for
*rushy to aaia..le. lip bad bees lined
emend muses for floe same Mimeo The
tines did out ours him. The jail may.
bis quarter- tore lute Ma the village of
Brw.a•ls will be . td at the Co. Tromso'.
m's sale for tans on Tuesday, Now. 8th,
at the Conn Howe, Guderu,k,cua ensee-
tug at 1 o'cluok p.m.
The a,ntralsan tinsbed la7ieg the
nils iso the branch lie* of the V. P. R.
brteern WuugMm and Wingham Rued
Wednesday. Toe billowing will be um.
oleted at once. It is reported that
Wtughaw is to bare ••raw of the beat
station houses on the line.
on Wednesday Aug 3rd, • little throw
year'old daughter ielonging to Mr. Jobu 4j, lk
dilp•t..ck, ..f the o th ataewiou of 7
Ashdeld, met with • fatal s.cid.at. It
appear she, in un..p.oy with the other
chtldreo, was pfayiug *bent the yard.
whets a ladle sleek fell from the wood-
pile, killing her almost instantly.
J. Elliot ani John Cox, of Goderich
township, shipped to New York $tate
,,. Wdnedag of last meek, halto des•
es fine breedtog maw and two stallions,
use td the latter, a 2 year-old, wen
abased foam A. McPhail, and weed
I.00wasIIbe ; the other wbought of r J
The Wingham owned aad oalookera
had quite a merry tame at the mama!
meeting Monday craning over floe dis-
posal of the town orphan. The Dr.
asked the awned to attempt to take the
little (*low off his hands by providing
fur iia keeping or getting some OHO to
anopt it. Thie they refused to do. Al-
though it 1. • very tine healthy -looking
buy, the Dr vows he wus't be bothered
with it, and the council won't lave it,
mo that as the ens stands, somebody c.a
have a bouncing bib boy pretty p.
Its mother is one of Miss Rye's proter.s
in the 1)r s employ.
Seaforth Brpooitor :-Mr. John Dick-
son, .on of Mr. Chas. Dickson, of Mc-
Killop, who Iirea sear Winnipeg, asst
with a very serious accident a short time
ago. He was lathing in a nes balding
when • splinter broke off the
striking him in the eye ceasing sate is.
juries that the eye had to be entirely re-
moved. The daunt•opmsitoo was
successfully performed in the Wisaipeg
hospital, and at lad a000uats Mr. Disk-
o.° had eufbcieetly recovered to be able
to resumee his ordinary duties, sad the
other eye is not at .11 affected.
The following is a list of those from
Hutuo who have passed their matricula-
tion exasinetite and have become under-
graduates of Toronto University: Waa.
M. Govenlock, George Hamelin. J•m
L Killoran, and Aliso 8. Mamas,Sm1A
forth ; J. 11. Godfrey, J. Laadakosough.
G. McKenzie, J. W. Treleaven, sad A.
W. Williams. Clinton ; G. Fowler, sod
R. & Robertson, G oderiob. Theron were
only four from oke Sesforttt High Sebuoi
who wrote and all of thew goosed moo
easefully, Menem. l3ovenlock nod Ham -
mill taking !townie ntatbewiatix Mies
Dora Wilma, also a graduate of the
Seaforth High School, passed summit -
fully in loitio fwd Freneh and tock as -
gond class hour,. in Eutlish. Ot the
number who presented themselves for
admission fifty-one failed to pass the re-
quired standard, while • class of about
two hundred passed succssafoljy, of
whom twenty eight are ladies.
row Avuv+T, 1887. -Th. Aagosi num-
her of this •stamina fully sustains its
usual variety and exodlemce of contents.
The opening, well -illustrated ttrtitde ty
A. R. Carman, B.A., un "Livingstone
and Stanley," will be reed with deepened
interest on account of the reported death
ill the great explorer, whom =ame will
be forever associated with the great mi.-
sianary. Lady Brass y'. West fad
sketches are as charming as ever, *ad
the numerous engravings are amplyex-
quisite. Mr R. W. Boodle, an .ea,m-
pliand writer of Montreal, contribute,
an a'I "irable paper cm "Side Lights on
Dr .: -.eon.- All mamas 1o.... 7i 1 be
delighted with the charming sksteb . of
Mozart and Beethoven, with portraita.
by Arnold Doane, of Nov Food..
Another of Guy Penni s capital deries
is given, with a portrait of "Rod," Its
hero. A paper of pmt' vales Is
that by Dr Abel Si....., the dittls-
guishd historian of Methodism, on what
Eogl.nd has done for India Thi. 0 e
very superior comber.
FAT arm. -The Seaforth p e«
says :-In the annual report of the In-
of Lent Mews foe the year
1886derived by the various oossstry Wises*
in the Province, who are appointed by
and responsible to the Yrovissial Gov-
ernment. It may be interesting to our
renders to know what these oaken re-
ceive in the counties of Haus, Perth
and Brae. The ratans is for the year
*tidies December, 1486. I. Hama,
Sherif Gibbose reeeivkd 111,400.70 ;
Dodge Tom•, as Rurropt. Jed.., 8471.-
u ; 11. McDermott sad 8. Mal eI.
Local Motors atmd Deputy
82,1000 ; Ira Lewis ry
sod Clerk of the Poses. $10lrf ,
M.Doaeld, County Court Clerk bay
82,724.41. in addition to the 11421,0
given above the Judge 'anima W Sass
solar salary as County Judge. Le Path
the seam Akers rusk* u tenure :
Sheriff Hoene, $2,496. 54 ; Jade. Lime(
$946.10 ; County Attorney Iddisgt.ts,
111,141.76, and County Court Clerk Met
11840c8rtrt .ff, $ 1,971 .!1• i. BaJmdmlbs
; Local Master r ,«Ol40 ;Comity Aitoemey, $1,14$Omnd•
Count Olknk. $1,471 190. We nay hmtm
'tate that all these Akers ere paid 8,
fess, sad that the its seed aarsthe
{keds. mumss V We
bier/aver cud •hewn r.
easeits. TIN
amp ka•sr is the r _tbmt roe we
dee eeseity Sb.rff
lards rod«invei tie umsow i!
110.11141.91..91. The *vol "-r, Ma
dim is 4011. sbeas NANO .war d ea