HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-12, Page 3Health Notes,
Ck,(bilig light it' c•Jor is much cooler
when wurkwg in the sun, (hips dark
clothing. In the shade, for the rime
weight anal quality, there u uu direr
Via !tears se.siMeree
A tlas>awt M ilia lila cad Ma .
the Editor Coburn reports in hu vitastuas
July, August and tiuptetrdso. you
• wont vontiu, and the ''eseeves life.
the dreaded period of the !rel• '•y
As prevention mruorrs, 1< or
Int 1w meat in summer than during
'the cold morale of the jeer. float hen
the thud, and indirectly mune disease
when 'sten iu excess in warn) weather.
Ice water is not unhealthful if used is
moderating. It should be .walled slow-
ly at tint, natal the stomach becomes
cooled, then more rapidly. In refer.
eon to the amount of in water which
one an drink, each parson must be a
haw unto himself.
The body slh,uld nut M eiv.r-heated
when you take a hath ; neither should it
be cold. More harms probably results
from setting un the battik of • stream
waiting to "cod off " than cuwe• from
plunging int., it .t once. Newer take •
cold bath when the body is cold.
Fruits, if ripe and fresh, do no t.arer
even tochildrsu. It is unripe, overripe
and stale fruits which cause so musk
mischief in summer. Even cucumbers,
if fresh and pn.perly prepared, are cool
ing and healthful. Children are likely
to be more healthful 1 •u,.plie.l with
good fruits then if deprived ..f them! en-
Malaria may be avoided by keeping
the premise* scrupulously clean ; :.y !cav-
ing pure well water 'it is often impure
on farm,, and by taking au •'rasionsl
dose ofywntne in infected district& Here
pi-evertem is more pleasant and far
cheaper than the oure As home tonics,
tet made frcw the blu.sums ant: leaves
of the "Bon•'.et" and o f dogwood bark,
may do good.
Dangerous rolls may be contracted by
cooling off suddeuly after semi exertion.
Farmers would says much ill health if
they more generally wore flrun.I shirts,
which prevent rapid coling. In the
cool evenings, when sitting in the open
sir, • curt should always be put un, or
thrown over the 'Moulder. If you are
subject to rheumatism, keep out of
droughts, even iu the warmest weather.
When, workinel in the sun, the perspi-
ration ceases to flow, and the heed be
comes bot and reels, the person should
at once stop working and go into the
shade sunstroke is threatened ; w long
es the perspiration flows freely and the
head is clear, there is little danger uf.
sunstroke. When at is threatened, go
into the shade .rod bathe bands, snug,
chest and heed freely to cold water.
1 -.ie ice water if you have it.
Do not fail to let the sunlight into
jour hones. %%here the can cannot et'•
ter the doctor probably wiil, and it is
better to have faded carpets than faded
children. Do tut forger' the cellar. It
should be thoroughly cleaned, white.
washed sod stitoject to thein ugh ventila-
tion the whole summer. There should
nut be too much Shade about the house
liproduces dampness in a bone, and 4
proms° of 101s of vigor in families of
• showing children. Rather than trim the
trees, cat out some of then!.
Bras ata ewe
"After suffering with dyspepsia. kid-
ney disease, low .of appatite and Gain in
the heed until discouraged, I heard of
B. B. B., hook two bottles and am hap-
py to say I feel aa well as ever. Mn
Rufus E Merry,New Albany -N.8.
tessera tassattwig,
This writing and often fat .f disease .4
infancy has just been determined to be
caused by • potato', named by its i
diao.vever, Dr O. C. ' amebae, of
Alichigan Cntrereity,Tyrnt.xicon This
poison Dr Vaughan has found in cheese,
ice-cream and milk which has been kept .
in dirty vessel. ; or possibly sometimes,
the poison may result from a fermenta-
tion in clean vessels. Whenever a child
u suddenly attacked with Limiting,
purging and great prostration, send for
your physician without daisy. Mean-
time put the child in a warm !oath.
Dry it, and cover with hoot blanket& If
its hands and feet are cold, aptly heat
to them, either by flats filled with ho t
water, or by a stove plate, well wrapped
in woolen cloths II the vomiting aw-
1100.., give a few drops of mint water,
or spirits .d camphor in water, but on so
account let the child have any more
milk, for milk will breed the poison
within the child's stomach. Remove
the soiled napkins immediately front the
room, but preserve them for the
physician's inspection, whose directions
are to be implicitly followed. This
diereses being caned by a poison in the
milk given the child, while recovering,
it must receive no milk at all, but must
be nourished on rice water, oat ;seal
✓ rwel, and oat meal preparsttone- Dr
Vaughan has observed that the admin-
istration of milk in this 41..... brings
+tp the unfavorable synipt'nns with re-
n ewed wilier. The child should hare all
the water it wishes.
!Gere Tear Rases sivar#ed,
Keep yoor hone guarded againt sad-
den attacks of colic, fewsnps, diarrhoea.
dysentery sod cholera infantum,
an liable to Dome when least ex
The safest. beet and most reliable r.
dy is i)r Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry. 2
"Well," moil • 'hos esker to an irish-
man who hart jam ordered • pair of
bona, "well, what site ars they to be, I
ah•II want to m•easrs yuer foot."
"Member my foot is it 1" asid Phaidrlg,
"what aid you do that for Mate em as
big is you can for the money."
"Mese Twosee:say he Stupefied.
If you du not heed the warnings of na-
ture rad at owes pay &!teethn to the
arida !amends of your health. How often
we see a pigeon pet off from day to day
the purdia.s d a Realtime whish 1 pro -
eared at tee misled d a disease would
have remedied if almost imussiistoiy.
Now it Jo►sdoe'e Tonic Liver Nib W
bees hates whoa the first unanimous
made ile the illness wnwld
have bees "tripped Ls the bed." John-
son's Tears litres and Liver Pills are
daidsdly the best sesdiisine ea the war -
lid ter gra.ssl Weds .ad iw.ipnplr..
Pit. !a per bsWw 11111.0
•eit 41! "p!..b.eitk.stmM
recommend the fuUuwieq i
1. The neruog .of the child over diet
second summer when this can be i rwper-
1y !tune. The mother's strength dh.'utrt
not be sacrificed to do this, aid het' walk
way not •lewys agree with the, .:hits.
•Th• wearing of • flannel •hitt hir
the child all throwith the swoon -r. Thio
'mould be thin and soh and not r source
id worriment to the child
The utak fed the child should be
known to be fresh, aid ab••.lutely puri
Parents cannot be too 011/01.iI in the
es'ecti on of the child's fond. Milk from
several tows, mined rather than Iron
one is now pr•f.red, when pure milk
cannot be obtained, condensed milk
should he wet:.
4. Whenever possible babies should
spend the .uu,mrr utcutha in ata coon-,
:. The child should be daily bathed
it' swater from head to fowl.
11'brurere these precauti'uta an be fully
earned out, there is little danver frump
the disease. During all the heated *n-
e on, give the child pute water to drink
at frequent intervals, t., supply that 1 d.
by per.ptratt..n. Keep it in the °pea
• ir as much as pweihla, end when the
air is purr. Do nut permit It to have
any sour. unripe. overripe, or half de-
cayed fruits. If the execrations are
very Armies aid the bowels tight, give
• dose of rawer oil, or of spiced syrup of
shut arb, on retiring at night. F it puns
in the bowels, give ten drops of essence
of pep perntir.t in sweetened water, and
repeat es • fen as needed, as this drug
pr. duces iso harmful effects, late nu
laudanum, sa•thtne syrups, paregoric,
aloes. nor any other drug medicines, or
remedies. unless so directed to do by
the family physician.
D ,n't fell the system with . un.iue in
the rif .rt to prevent cr cute Fever and
Ague. Ayer s Ague Cure is a mors
potent remedy. and it leaves it the body
no poison to produce dizziness, deafness,
headache, or ether disorders. The pro-
prietors warrant it.
ausseser assets -A Cannes.
N.,t a few persons, every summer, go
trim the city to the c.nntry or the sea-
side in quest • f health, only to bring
back dtscase. ur p.,.sibiy, death. Toe
disease to shich they aro specially ex -
pod i
ses typhoid :ever.
It may he well to restate some of the
leading frets rrlrting to this eli
Its seat is in the lower part of the small
intestine. --the ileum.
It is causes!, as the highest authori-
ties now l•dmit, by microscopic vegeta-
tion -bacilli -that enter the system
through the mouth and stomach, and bad
their roust favorable soil in certain of
the intestinal glands which they :t.tlime.
They multiply to vast numbers, and the
discharge* are filled with them.
If these discharves are thrown ii.t•o
arespor•Ls or vaults, or anywhere upon
the ground within ine hundred feet of a
well. they are roan 5045. r■mer'.r later,
to find tbeir way into the well water,
borne thither by the hitt-water. as ri
percolates down through the soul. To
the eye and the taste the water, though
Household }tints.
"Live Stock ludieattr" • eon%ersatiu•, Hweet pea• will make finer plants if
rooted it' cool weather , t►rereture .u■ '
with an old Missouri homer who we. very wily out of doors.
looking around the market for z hired 1'be owed severe cold ur hoerseuess
nus, and "kinder hoped he would0't t roar be relieved by applying to the cheat
bis to find him," bee•uae "be is jots*
1 . quickly ea p..s.ible, a d uuef a roux
w' my longer," for the t,lluwing M• t + `f b 1Is rater, steal ono which aur
gex'd • pietism is apntakled.
Pins : , Foa Fzu.a.--Take equal parts of gum
red foremost, times .:are i saiaphor, suns opium, ousters reap mud
••Fieri • the hued wan changed, brurn *any ; cart to s paste with spirits
changed. x1''1 sir, it leeks, me sal"f turpentine. l'repuett and apply •
with em. ,ik 1• hind wen we had tt"ek I•laster of "-
whet' I thil*b of !1s • fellows nett:,
Ch•'cxt.teCuukie&---thie cup of but -
before the wsleeteet ►,,ter, 1 u cups of *agar, three cups of
vim of a tkur, 1 our eggs, one cup of grated cbo-
the strenttth of sh' r T orad fa. •err wy ' ••late, ung -half teapo.wtul ot cream of
locomotive. I aidu t Mon t.•• i'r►- ,t 3 tartar. hull thtu •ud bake in a quick
low tut to Ret 'em udf x b:'d . oven.
o411oek it' the mur0iug, sett,! ttas • tl I Lawn Jelly. -The yolks of two eggs,
scalier do to e0ax them to gu is butt at 1. • one cup of su,tar, woe cup of water, owe
o'clock at night." (tat oleepuonful of corn starch and the
The extreme sadness' of thinttti sffss 1'ticl dual gated rind of one lemon ; Eex,k
ed the tender-hearted listener, -*lion I tall thick. Thu a mise for layer cake.
w !heats ejaculations led to t:. , t 1'aekow Mellitus -To one quart of
y W 1 Y' add one gall of yeast one teaspoon•
pend.d further statement • tui a Jt, with tour ur tire eggs beaten
"Some farmers want a man to work mol seek •UIboSeuc to make •thick bet
all day and all night, but that ain't car. tcr ; now w militia crags. Serve with
I have never asked one to git out of bei bolter.
tLemon 8ndb •♦ 'ke' -t ire cup •d anger
halon 3 o'clock -never I dile gave my .t butane, two eggs,
one tablespooirM
man thrre•yuatten of an hour at noon milk, nue teaspoon
00'1 half cuof e.otreta of cra•i� tartar,
unties the hogs git cot or cattle break in i of .. ds, tip„.asap star a(tsr. sifti,,e.
or a shower is coming up. After a tu•a�vu* hatter of d ur, tw•sNl�
has worked right along kr at least nine Put: ttuddiog,-Ona' 1!11` °( bulling
hours hu system wan,s at leas. half an milk a std' MOO tables 'rent: s ' °f 11,•ur
p' 11'heu
hcur to bran up in. They don't quit i nem hris with a little cc lc'imi0'. well
work on some farms till 8 o'clock, but c,13 add a little salt and flu 4tltt•-vo+
beaten. eggs, and bake in v' I•cr•cv.
I'm no such slavedriver. At half•past dish, Sar vice at once.
7 I tell toy man to knock ufi. All' he E.acellen/ Cake. --Take one cuc$,f o;t
has to do after that is to feed the stock, sonar, three cupfuls of flour. one arc a ;
cut a little wood, maw sone gra for half cupfuls of milk, half a capful •1
the horses, milk four cows, fill up the I tatter and eggs ; mix thoroughly, .4-
watertrougb, start a smudge in the
smokehouse, and puU a few weeds in lbw
pedes. I sass' bid • thew wM dii't-
'row fat on my work. and they altos left
me feeling that they hadn't half earned
their wages."
He stopped long enough to wipe a tear
from his eye, and then went
"And nu-,, look at the hired man to-
day ' He won't eat with a k.,sll. He
wants napkins when he eats, esti if we
don t bat up a clean towel once a week
ding two teaspoonfuls of basing powder.
Bake in a hot even.
Swiss. Cake. -Two-thirds of scup of
east, two-thirds of a cup of sweet will-,
iibi•tbird of a cup et butter, two cups of
Sour and twc teaspoonfuls of baking
puwdes. Flavor to tete, and before
putting in the oven grate sugar over it
Tea lakes. -Rub together four tea-
epaonfnla of butter and ..one cup of su;p.r,
odd one well -beaten egg, nue tablespoon-
ful of creara.and two cups of !lour, into
which boa been sifted two teaspo,tifuls
of baking powder. Itakti : to small pions
and eat while fresh.
be wipes oat • handkerchief. Call hire Beef Fritters. -Chop pieces of steak
at 3 and he gets up at 6. He wants a ur cold roast beef yery line ; make a bat -
whole hour at 0000, sod after .upper be ter of milk, flour and an egg ; mix the
trots ofi to a singing school or sits down mea with it. Put s lump ..f butter in a
to reed the -Live Stuck In icator' or teooepa melet t. melt,.theu drip the bet
d ter iuw it fare a large ap run. Fry
TI.. T,a. •o•. Fifteen yeah ago if my until browu, .ee
cmawith yapper a
hired tan was sick for half a day I could sali and a little yartley.
dock him. If he died I could take out a Cream•Cake.-(lite half•cop hotter or
month's wages fur the trouble. He was one cup sweat cream, one and a half
glad to.opo sugar, four sato one beaten sepal•
get store ort errs for his pay, and esly) one half cup sweet milk, two
he would wash in the rain barrel and teaspoonfuls cram of tarter and one
wipe on tl.e clotbesiice. There has been 'rasponful soda. Bake in a long pan.
When done, cut open and spread he-
tweeu one pint whipped cream and one
cup sugar. Flavor with lemon.
ICC CwtAw. -Three quart. of milk,
nine eggs. four tableepooafuls if arrow•
root and three cups of white sugar. Set
the dash containing the milk in a kettle
of water, and when trot add the arrow-
root, previously wet in milk, the sugar
and the egg., Cook a few minutes and
flavor when cold. This will fill a gallon
gallon freezer. Less egos may he used,
but your cream will not be so nice.
WATER Pot*ND CARE. -One psuuu . f
Nutter, one pound of powdered sugar,
four eggs, one cupful of boiling water.
a cbange,sir -an awful change, and if a
reaction don't set in pretty sown you'it
witness the downfall of agriculture Li
this country."
I In conclusion he "couldn't say- wGe th-
ey or not he would hire. Work wad
heavily charged with thew, may seem
rfl powerful preesin' ; but certainly he
As these organisms may thrire and should want to know in ads•aoce that the
multiply out of the body, they nosy caedivate wouldn't pass his plate fur
have entered the well several years bat more meat •nal tater, nor insist on
W rctyPurs.
• day lave long eatsd in the
soil 1.. be b me at any time into the
Now it is unf, rtunately true that
country poo Jo are 'peca'Iy negligent
in the trotter of drainage. Little is, p y g
hat int; starch used in doing up his shirt..
remake Mesons.
"1 was very stet with bowel campplainl. ons pound of prepared •flour, flavor with
neo h .!clans dill we 0o cadteed
done to guard the purity of the drink• !ether medicines but all was no use until
Jug water --to apply othe remises the
1 tried Dr Fowler's Wild Strawberry.
pp yn The !text day I was like a different
the established
upsing. the
which have been 1 man," r.i U Peacock, of Stroud, Out. ''
established during the last twenty -live
years, and which are so generally acted i
on in our cities, making even the mighty .
London a healthier place to live in than
many of our rural districts. In multi-
tudes of rases the purity of the country
air is more than counterbalanced by the
impurity of the water.
17te condition of many of our famous
seaside resorts is still worse than that
of the country, the drainage being radi-
cally defective, and wholly unequal to
the Deeds of a large temporary popula-
In nor religions camp -grounds also, to
which increasing numbers of persons
yearly resort for the entire semen, ade-
ddquate drainage tat the exception rather
than the rule. Hence we say to every
one, make sure beforehand that the
soilage or hotel or farmhouse you pro-
pose going to, makinde fullest prove•
ion for pore water.
Young. old, and middle aged, all ex-
perience the wonderful beneficial effects
of Ayer 'a Ssrusp•rilla. Young children,
suffering from sore eyes, wore ears, scald -
bead, or with any scrofulous or syphilitic
taint, may be made healthy and strong
by its use.
Isere Inesraekmb4. Mlrt;
Found at last, what the true public
has been looking fur these man yea
and that a medicine which h
but lately introduced, has made fur
Unit • reputation 'mooed to none, the
medicine is Johnewe's Tonic Bitten
which in sow)n0cttoa with Johnson's
Tunic Liver 1'i:t. has performed some
Rout wonderful Corp. impure nr em-
poverished blood soon becomes purified
and enriched. Billtousecm, indigestion,
tisk headache, liver oomplkint, lsrigow,
weakness. to , soon duapp .r when
treated by theca excellent tonic mrdi-
diwes. For Pale by Good, drsggiet, A1 -
him biuck, aoderish, sole agwt. [dl
Lawyer Resan suddenly disappeared
how Pa)meedws, sad a good Macy per.
eonsregret hi denture.
Mt diets M$er.
i Nov. 45th, 11!86.
Meads. T. Milbsta & Co.
I wish I bad and B. R 14 so..eer,
whish wade haw amid taw peanut ate(•
faring with firggiallim. treat *hash D
eoeld get no relhirsidi I trod 8, lite B.,
which sows dewed easy the *dim
burster iamb shat bed se Issedistrealtd
aterles of Other Wendell /stases.
Dr. H.•Imes does rot save his bright
thoughts for point and the public, but u
often so witty while chatting with one or
two friends as was ever the autocrat or
prilessor of the breakfast table. A
young physician once asked him for a
suitable motto. "Small favors grate-
fully received," was the witty response.
Be was Mmp'aming in a comical way to
a lady cf the minute portion of honey
that was given to him at a hotel ten- "A
mere trifle ; the work of a very young
bee in an idle half hour.'' "Did she give
?on no comb, Docile.?" she laughingly
inquired. '•Pomibly -one tooth, madam!"
Several of the now famous writers and
lecturers of Boston were speaking of
their lecture experiences, when the sub-
ject of pay was brought up. Reek mac
of the eotnpany was certain that he had
!Waived the smallest sum. But Dr.
Helmer made a climax by saying : ''Lis-
ten, gentlemen. I had engaged to give
a lecture for $5, After it was over •
gfsve-looking deacon came to me and
said : 'Mr Holmes, we agreed to give
you $5, but your talk wasn't just whit
we expected, and I guess that tow -fifty
will dew.' "
d gtur
The ber•wlsw tor the stomach
and bowels, the best core for biliousness,
sick headache, indigestion, and all effete
dons arising from a disordered liner, are
without exception JolNison's Tonic Liver
Small in site. sugar coated, mild.
yet effective. 25 eta, per bottle sole by
Goode. druggist, Albion block, (lode
rich, mile agent. [el
_ _. _ _ 25 ts per bottle. Bitters 50 cents
lemon. Beat butter, sugar avid the yolks
of the eggs to a create, then add the
turtling water and stir gently till cold.
then the pound of dour with the whirs•
of the eggs beaten to • stiff froth, the
lemon last ; bake one hour. This cake
cannot be told from real pound cake,ard
it will keep two weeks.
Deal speculate.
Run no oat in buying medicine, but
try the great Kidney and Liver reecho
tor, made by Dr. Chase, an'hor of
Chase's receipt'. Try Chase's Liverea
Cure for all diases tit the Liver, Ked -
nays, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all
In making beef pot pie, cut in small
pier.' two pound* lean beef and one
half -pound fat salt pork. flare is ket-
tle. with one finely -chopped union, 0:4carrot, one-half turnip and water to cov•
err we1L Stew until tender, then add
salt and pepper to season and place over
stew the following crust : Two teacup-
fuls flour, in which have been thorough
1y mixed two te•apnnofuls baking pow-
der ; rub well through flour one table-
spoonful salt, and wet with cold water or
sweet milk and mix to • stiff dough ;
roll into a sheet to rover stew ; take
two or three perforations in crust. Keep
kettle closely covered, and stew twenty
minutes to half an hour after adilio'
crud. When no dough adheres to
straw when thrust into the middle, the
pot pie is done.
"They have a largo. sale in req die
met," says a well knuwc druggist, "than
may other pill on the market, and gine
the beet eatisfsction for sick headache,
bilniowne, indigestion, etc , and whenrr
combined with Johsston's Toe Bitten,
Joht»ton's Tonic Liver }'ills will per -
fetish what no .other medicine has done
before for suffering humanity." fills
eats! PIesty of sm
1Geryone who value. good health
should drink buttermilk even day in
warm weather, and let tea, euffse dad
water alone. For the belief' of those
• who are nut already aware ed it I ma,
, add that in the *burning of it the Or
preen. of digestion ie goon through,
and $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode,
wren.Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, m
The Micheline Central Railway eon -
doctors now metes $2.75 per dry and
the brakemen 51.;5, and they ask for as
Jennison to *3 and S2 r.sp.wtively.
Seen Thee! es:
making it the earliest and quickest of all What ! Bever tried Jobadoe'e Tei
t It
things to digesmakes gamma juice Bitten ! Then do so at odds, We
sad eontsrns properties that readily se- tively the beat general tont, ea Dig
similate with it with very little west market.
upon the diviner* manna. i've often heard of tt but thought that
_ _ k wee to he placed on the list of the
INA d ew.,aale. - many trashy preparation's that (!rood oar
An c•Id favotita, thee has been popelae market, but singe you recommend it so
with the s foo nearly 110 yeses, is highly 111 gine it a trial Do s ,
lk F e w teret Wild Strawberry a lichees for say .otwrpl_Mit is whish a Maio
ata Sae! i �rt,t gust
sliltitMt �L
Phi caw tot all met' s esm*dwb d Oa Wall aid awe a taboo by rhea,
: '2,k' ' � �atllidig. —
For Toilet Use.
A .r's hair Vigor keeps the halt son
and pliant, impart* to it the lustre mad
frrahu.-as of youth, causes it to grow
luxuriantly, eradkates Laa.Iruff, sure•
all scalp diseases, and is the ravel cleanly
',fall hair prrparatious.
AYER'S II''' Vt o Is.a given ins
perfect sat Merton. 1 ems
nrarh bald 1.* six years. ductile which
tonal oared mazy hair preparations, lett
willwrut success. "Weed. what little
hair I had, wag growing thinner, *40111
I trii.1 Ayer's flair Vigor. 1 used two
Is.ttle al the Vigor, and my head is now
well , .s.•rr.l aids m new growth of hair.
-Judson 11. Chapel, Prabudy, Mass.
HAIRthat has become weak. gray,
and laded, may ha,. new Ida
and rulor rester.•d to it by the use tit
Ayer's !lair Vigor. "My lair ea* thio,
failed, and dry, and fedi .out le large
quantities. Arse's Hair Vigor slopped
Usefalling, and restored my hair b. its
itwiginal eolor. As a dressing for the
hair, this preparation has no e. ust.-
Ma-y N. !lawns 1, t4tillwater, Jtiuu.
VIGORyouth. and beauty, in the
f app. -arsine 01 the bale. may
be preserved or an fade period I.y
the use of Ayer's !lair Vigor. " kw.
ra+.e of the ncslp taunted wy hair to be-
some harsh and dry, and to fall out
freely. Nothing 1 trial seemed to do
any lfuosl moil 1 ewumened using
Ayer s Hair Vigor. Three bottle* of
this preparation reetored log hair lb a
healthy condition, end it is now soft
and pliant. My sca'p Is euretl, and it
is ala.. free frosts dandruff. - Mn. E. K.
lees.,, Milwaukee, NV :a.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
@sial by Lrcggiete sad l'erfurarn.
f�hraiT s.srITT. prompt artium, and
wonderful curative properties, racily
place Ayer'a Pills at the head of the Het
• t•oprlar remedies; for Sick and Nen'.
otolhw 'atach.s•. constipation, and all ail-
ert.-irotting in • disordered Liter.
I'' hm^e bre.'' a great sufferer frost
ylewityhe, sad Ayer '» ('atlrartie Plias
ane •he uei men.'-ine that hew ever
Rise». e'alrf. one Hire of these Piste
will yule►'t tx,Te my t..'wris• and free
my head from pain. - Willt.►w L. Page.
ittchmutd VA.
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by b ail C.oo .,. `cuR«t Mawu. .w
apid r
WSsre 11 tin4a.
Nine -tenths of the diesese denominat-
ed Cstmrrh is the result of protracted or
oft -repeated colds in the head- Natal
&elm nit! give immediate relief and pc r•
watietatly cure&
)Ire Nelson McCormick of North
Branch, Mich., has made a dress, the
tike of which is probably not to be found
in the country. The material is com-
mon spool thread, white, and the entire
dregs is band-cr-cheted work, beautiful.
ly flowered and strong, a•d 10,000 yards
of thread were used in its 0noetruction.
The sleeves are crocheted in the proper
shape and are fastener in by a lock-
cruchsted stitch. It is very beautiful.
Ile .a raise Gear.
[Neil allow a cold in the head to dues..
ly and sorely run ieto Catarrh, wheat
you can he cured for 25e. prying Dr -
Chase's Catarrh Cure, A few ltpplioa-
tioru cure u.cipieot catarrh ; I to 2 boxes
curse ordivary catarrh ; 2 to 4 briers is
guaranteed 10 erne chronic catarrh. Try
it Ouly 23c and .urs cure. ti..td by
.11 •ttelgliat.. ly
altars ice dealers complain that their
•tock is rosining short, soil it is doubt-
ful whether there is enough toe in that
icy to last the reuuinder of the ensue.
First Young Lady -Who are those
'Aegis you bowel to, Jlaruie !
Second Young Lady '•//111, d..n't you
know them ! That's airs )lootalerubert
and her husband.'
"Have 'hey any children ,'
"Wiry, Haiti! ; •bat an idea ' Nn
todoed ! They are real stylish people."
A Remake -Of dozed "Tinian.
ST" to any 'cue sending the best four hit -
rhyme on ' rcasattav," the remarkable
little gem for the Truih awl Pat:, Ask
your .Irut;xnt or Address
Every Man in Business should get
his Office Stationery Printed.
BUT ilk". YOUR
Bill Heads
Note Heads
Letter Heads
Memo. Heads
Counter Pads
Parcel Labels
Shipping Tags
Business Cards
Envelopes, eto
and then it will be a pleasure for you to do your corresponding,
as well las helping to advertise your business.
gar Our Stock of Printing Stationery, connistin of all
FP' the leading gratia of Plain anti Lind, ruicrl and un -
far ruled papers, Cardia, Envelope., ke., is the retort com-
I rat plete ws have handlers, and we guarantee the quality
l3' and price to suit all who will favor sly with their
Bar orders, € 1I and see our sample. and get our pricey;