HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-12, Page 1/ oRTlItTll TRAiI. !
W1 nl.R MUMd1CR 7114 f
j a Me011.41eUDRY. Tuassess.
That body of sages, the Godaieh town
monad, as at preens& represented, can
safely claim the triumphal chaplet
against all competitors, for ignor*uce of
public affairs, inoousistency and diiluy-
ally to the town in which they live
Our readier* elreedy know of the *please -
tin sotion of that band of worthies in
sending the voters huts printing nut of
town, and we will not enlarge upon that
point, but there are some other subjects
that we *hall proceed to lay before the
elector* that may have eons effect on
the public mind between 'tow and New
For the past year or two the "town
improvement" agitation has been guing
on, and on the 12th of May bylaws were
-embattled to the electors, and carried
"'toaluritieetawriog floe disburse-
ment of $4,000 for serieultursl grounds
-fad bmik inns, $34,001; dor for wat-
.aworke, and $7,000 for an electric light
-system. The three months allowed by
•isw have elapsed, sod although it was
ooshdently asserted by the prime ince
d the "boom" that at the end of that
period, when the Iegsl time for appeal
was over, everything would he so at
ranged that the work on all three pro.
Mete would be at mice proceeded with,
nothing has heen accomplished so far as
the ingetting of the waterworks and glee
uric light is concerned more than was
done last fall, care and except the in
curring of increased expenses ; and, in
the natter of the agricultural buildings,
progress has coin been made after incar-
nate so expenditure in connection with
the work of about twice that originally
The mew who are responsible for this
slate of affairs ars those whom the rate-
payers cf this town elected net New
WedWe have on a previous socasioe.
to their eheesepering policy,
and sow we will show op briefly some of
their extravetaos, which, up to the
prwnt,haa not been oonduei,e cit teoe6t
to the town whoa money has been so
carelessly sgwanlered :
ft was believed that the agricultural
aronnda and buildings could be fully
equipped for .boat $4,000, end tbat suns
was act in the bylaw and voted upon ;
bet it now tarts out that it is question-
able if the .tl can be kept within
$7.000, whiskt1Mea a loss to the town
ul $3,000, frons the inability of the town
comma to conceive or execute a regular
plan in oofsection with the work.
The waterworks project has not yet
been fully eu.aidered, and the council
m.nsbera are at nixes and WOOS, and
score of them nowhere at all, on the
question of the system that should be
adopted. N twithataoding the fact that
oath* has been done upon which to
Meese intelligent Idea in so far a the
formulation of • tangible echoing is son -
corned, the ratepayers have suffered to
the followts, extent :—
oft Wallace Den
Tsang. he. .........
Jena unaware .
Finance Camelot"
$-111 a
32 M
$1111 1t
air D.Y. 8trseasa... . ..... .
13 0
Mews. Heastses.. Molten
$1113 m
Esgtseer hipee•n's a,. Net known.
Theft flours. represent work dose
which at the prevent time is 1101 an avail-
able asset, and for wbicb, no value
could be obtaisod if any eat were
sad* to dispose of it. Mr Ohipaan's
aseoeat hes not yet been presented, Let
.orbs K eases it will rite the Odd above
$1,900, which Uwe frittered sway.
Already twee sneers ban acme before
the entail. egttiised into the schemes,
and failed to show bow a delimits gnat
weld be adapted. It le witbia the
reach of poes41101, that tinder rant*
eitesenta.s.s apatber bebtw will have
to else before the 'lesion, see fm that
event the deathlifinlI,bf the project will
be sottaded. Bet the voting down of
the bylaw will get back ameba principal
ear interest of the money already frit-
tered away. All the onsnal tan skew
for the osbtly is a bole in thin grovel is
a let off Zes4 street, sad they held ae
prepristory iMmest in the Perth that
mmemaeeis the hole -a not very market-
able seen, we shook' say.
Os the sobj.et of the dsetvim light we
will merely elute AIM .rdhi.g bee boss
dale, as the operatics of that sshess M
laterad, to .otic *stent, is theeosmum
nation of the waterworks paint.
Had the right MOO been i. oiee thou,
is to dash& the blesd.eiag polity, for
whish the ratepayers bays to pay, wield
alt hare been passed. EiNef the
abeam would net h... beat me-
eatytmsd, or hadsi Is.. whish..
.l uv ditarroll be iia alst assn,
they would have been vigorously prose-
cuted t., • successful issue, the idea of
public economy being well kept in mind,
and every effort being made to keep
• ithin the tiinautial bounds set in the
bylaws. This has not been done, and w-
bold the council responsible in the
pre mu its.
.t ayetem of time -wasting meetints
has hien in vogue alunn•t since she be-
ginning of the year, which has become
tiresome, motorail the newspapers an con-
cerned,and awing in the public interest.
The amount of good accomplished has
me Mmeneosurate with the tints
lost in attendance at the count'
m..tin,l,, and THE Si.,sAL has resolved
to waste no inure time or rppee in present-
ing reports of minutes of the meetings
of our ■Ileged municipal legisla-
tor. if they ever do anythir.g that is
of interest to the town, we will not fail
to make • note of it. lint, so far as the
present council is concerned, a report of
their deliberations henceforth can only
obtain insertion in our mama at lbs
and diM NMn ee r IM Mr
with the notate it Ottawa.
If any of Toe Sendai resisn sub-
scribe fur this journal purposely to read
the town council reports, they will
hereafter hare to put up with superior
literary pabulum, •.r go elsewhere for
their reports.
Mattel s of Moment Taken lip and
t arbsdy Wb. was •antis t. Soy so
rebate H...n..s. or Wimp ae.lres
to tltaaly 11:a• rte a. iu
we age rt.ZA.RI To es ,'ORUReTRh.
Ma Eotms,—My attention has been
called to a paragraph in TER Stovat of
August 8th, wbicb states that I have
been away to Owen Sound to see my
brother, T.M.CatupbmH,wbu was unwell.
Lest some of T. C. $ friends should
fell uneasy because of said paragraph I
write to correct it. T. M. C. i believe
is well. My visit was with another
brother to Sault Si. Marie and Petoskey.
A delicious procram we found it for this
hot weather. The mil on the Empire
to the Sault with Capt. R.betteoe, who
well deserves his popularity, was parti-
cularly enjoyable. The American Sault
we found booming. Hotels crowded
with tourists and others, every capaieri
of building available for business or ac-
oomm.datwn used to its utmost capacity,
some enterprising fellows rsktag in the
shekels under the shade of canvas tents
were dispenain,t lemonade and candies
u nder the shady side of a pile of packing
taxes A stormy passage from the Sault
to Cheboygan gave us keener appetite
for the unsurpassed, picturesque inland
route from that t:•wn to Bay View,
near Petoskey. The day spent on this
inland route through small lakes and
crooked ricers well repays for all the
expense and trouble of the entire trip.
The attractions of Bay View certainly
cannot be eieelled by any of the many
places of interest which invite to recrea-
tion. Mouse of the most brilliant talent
of the Union meets ooe Isere in sermon,
lecture, and song for thaw whoa desire
is that way, while Little Traverse bey
and Crooked Like provide the fittest of
opportunity fur boating and tithing. For
a fortnight or more of real rest without
stagnation and with oar northern lake
breezes, no better choice can be made
than Bay View. W. F. CAwPS,LL.
weed. es Ise Wage and MbeVwtse •.
"A Loom nr Oimoos Liri."—if
you comply with the ordinary news-
paper requirement, by sending your
acme to ase, not for publication, bat for
our own information, we will inert your
"1 WANT To K.ow"--The salary for
town clerk in Godereeh is $500 and per-
goi.itee, mob as free office, feel, light,
feast mayor's awns, ata ie the towm-
ships the seam work is usually done for
about $100, without office, fuel, light
Ae. The n$cm was not tendered /w.
Uke kisstn;, it goes by favor.
"Nrey"—The tender* hays notet
bees let for the *learn babe. The dis-
play at the Northwestern Fair will be a
business exhibition by the firms niter's: -
A Memorable July For Heat —
Tussling With fbe Gar.
Ile rber.weaeter "%raisers Utah. bet ail
sua.lr it. Or.w slot Acr.desl
w *culling walrie. Tbr
lad soiree I sett. He is now down t.. his first-class rowing
weight, 156 It». 11* rows ten mile. a
Tolman, Aug. 8, 1887.
l►na talks of the weather when he day, and walks six or eight, and u in
has nothing site to t.lk about, and when splendid condition He leases next
them is eery little in the weather iced( week for Australis to row Beach for the
to tali about, but when you write shout °p1O°ship of the' world ; and •
the weather there moat to something desperate race that wi.1 be. I eta of
remarkable in the way . f hest or cold, opinion that Beach w 11 need to row
reunion drouth, wand or dead calm. better than ever it he would keep the
The month just closed has furnished trophy to the Antipode.
weather observer* with some interesting The Ik,miniun or
Industrial Eabibi•
facts regarding the unusually high regi•
tic n t1M
motioning gf ba Tontu on Sept :rib.
for two weeks and the
managsn state that that dant every
IIand as .esr is not ..e.ly a fast rower,
results I believe however, that Hait-
ian will now f: r keeps, and 1 don't think
be will "throw' a race on hia own WOK.I understand that he is on hie good
behaviour, and anxious to win back a
meagre of the fame he once enjoyed.
bat tricky also, it u not sate to bet ons
tenuge of the thermometer. Hen are
backing. se the sup.rt ..f the chsirsaaa
of the finance • :owe.. I hid fresh
Things That Are Happening vantage instilled ricrac novo by hie
Around Us.anion, and w..uder.'d how I lied e.. e
watered, even f.•r n u...:nen*. It's quits
rr.weerls ... Fr., Trade ..Tar. sleet" erne the storekeepers are Sur tuwnamM
Opium 1s U. e'salrausa. A coir and pay eases', and nut stores, and pay
Field sad s. Fluor ear clerks, acid give. w titime.m our goods
1's` vee an
when the other fellows waist snob, but
these are sentimental smatters that hays
so rightto le dragged into adiscuasion ei
this kind. I rejoice, therefore, that lbs
finance chairman has sat his seal to the
-It isn't often that I am forced to take
exception to the cora pots.ed by TOR
SIoNAL on public questions, but right
here and now I must take issue with you
at the queetien of the tenders for the practice of eneouragiug outside traffic
town printery. 1 read the article in the publicly 411.11 ttlli.Oill teff what u good
editorial column' of THE Sto.rAL lot fur the town twilit not to be 'alarm=week. and I also "read, studied and in- to tlwiadividual.
wardly digested" the able article in your —Aad now, 1 might show how the
wteemrd local cuntempunry, and fromi town would be beorhtted by accepting
tenders from outsiders for the public
must ay that, for once in his life, the uthces. I will take the oaks of town
editor of that sheet had the=beet of Tum I clerk, for example. The present bolder,
Stinal., so far a consistency was con-'
sons. of the [scat notable points given bi 1.00111.001110r
ru`+eet of aarner and "re varied cul- who testees $5°.° a year, if be au.'"the Government meteorological ubasrv- corned. YOU dont Underatand me, devote his mind to the requirements of
'action of exhibits and entertainment
hu •ration Indus-
don.'& you 1 Well, I'll be as explicit as a i the office would mal
The highest temperature `98.8 lemur- geu
neranly than at .y previous
red on the 16tb July trial. The entries already quite nut -
The thermometer never wont below number those of My former year, and
57 2: and that was un the llth and 241h. I the space in angel departments u fully
Only lea. of an inch rain fell during the smgsged. Special exhiLus will be shown
waherwoman to a bad -paying patron. ' officer, but the present incapable council
You profess to be s free trader, and let I members c.omp.l hitn to think and set
yon think you ought to be proteeled in for teen to such au vaunt outside of
they instance ; while he is a protectionist,
his regular o•rli:c work that this year he
south. and, in his anxiety to ophold deme In- ; has hail himself open to •penalty of
Nish the exception of 1888 it was the ray Manitoba and Algnn.a. Extra prizes dostries, is true to mime. Ah ' I see I
hottest month on record. •
are offered in the live stock- classes to hare enlightened your darkness 900 for dereliction of duty, in not hav-
Then were only fix days on which the exhibitor* who will bring their animals tag the yours •
Fetapt stud up by t) •
—I've talked the matter over to the 6,1 'of Auoust,—that ie, if anybody
thermometer did not record 80 or lint
Ion the tint week, the same animals to neishbor* on the back street, and the
ter be ei:tible 1 .r• the reviler competition , wanted the money and would bring sat
It was the dee et July on record with greet ueGrrrified are •unit in the
belief !against him. Now, there ace luta of an
ors. . ti ani ons fifth cf the on the second seek. The must brilliant
I that •mea or corporation has • perfect
wool quantity of rein fell. display of fireworks ever produced in os the back street who would take t1 e
right to Ret work or material where it nae
The warmest day was the 1Gth, mean the Dontimicn is promised, in conuec- job et • lea • than the steam t
temper•tore 82-17, and the coldest the
25rd meso temperature bb. `l' tion with a representatirn of the some
"Howe Paarwrton• --No. Alth %
the veinal less • resolution os the
minute book, which has not been
rescinded, the 'lark seat tbe ....an' list
printing to Clinton. The clerk has the
Ictal right to get the .otos' lists prated
aaywhnr. M chooses. The may mis-
ittake be nark was is taking iadreetione
from the Gesnw'sonatas .ad amain
in the menet o1 the Modem.
On the 10th the wind hada record of sod bomhardmeot of Pekin, with ex
31 miles an hour. termini scenery and living actors, to be
The famous "hot wind" of Saturday,
the 16th, blew 20 miles an hour. and
would ordinarily brings drop of at least
seven or eight decrees in temperature.
Considering all these things it is a
treat wonder that then was nota single
°see of sunstroke reported during the
Drowning accidents were not fregneot
repeated st it.ter,als during the Exhibi-
tive. Emersion rates have been secured
from all the railways
All Kinds of Opinions on the
during J a1y, but A.agust has already Subject.
added two to the list of victims of the
greedy waters of Toronto bay. On what .ar sretkera ef the err.. Mare so
Saturday two young men while bathing
at the Vi'inian baths, got into a hole
worked in the sandy bottom by the
screw of • propeller. As neither could
swim, they went to the bottom in about
eight feet of water. One was rescued in
time to save his life by earefal treatment,
but the other was drowned. On the
same day two other young men in a row
bust attempted to change seats, when
they were Capsized. line of them swam
to shote after an hour or so of • despe-
rate straggle, during which he grew al
moot delirious with terror. The body
of the other than has not yet been re-
covered. A couple of canoeists were up-
set from their frail craft by the swell of
a passing .teamer'on the same day, but
both men were picked up alive. It is a
wonder to me that oiore accidents are
not the result of the recklessness exhi-
bited on the bay hers. Young men olio
know little or nothing about boating
conduct themselves in the most foolhar-
dy manner crossing to the island, often
in a sea that would make an experienced
oarsman and a good swimmer keep his
head cool and his eye on the keen look-
out. Narrow canoes fitted only for the
placid surface of a ricer aro made to ride
in the ;amity water* of the bay. and the
men with the paddle is perhaps the
merest tyro as • navigator. Then,
too, the occupants of small boats
often foolishly endeevor to run
amiss the bows of • passing ferry.tam-
sr or pleasure boat under sail, and bow
so many happen to keep their craft free
from collision and their own selves out
of the water is • wonder. The sant
astonishing thing to me is that of the
.umber of deaths reported by drowning
in the bay, as many appear to resold froln
persons slipping into the water front the
docks as from boating or bathing. It
may he that all the persons who drop
into the water off the whereas do not get
is by accident.
The Toronto seniors won the four -oar-
ed rag. at Ottawa oe Saturday, as they
pleased. The grew is said to be the
finest amateur foot of Oesedians who
ever pulled in a raw, and then is talk
of median them to ib. sent Henley re-
gatta They will make the Englishmen
look like • tow. This crow defeated the
Amerman Amateur, at Chataugea, and
IM Argonauts, tttewa. and Laehiaes at
Ottawa, and now hold the ebawlpioeship
of Amerta and Canada. The enew
sneer 170 Ib , ages are 23, 23, 24 end
18. A Turemo Isar also wan the denim
s iell neo --a walb .vet.
Arid that tended* we that Ilse -
lea and Teener wIN rem kw
"WASH. "— Toe ars miebbee. Th.
Ito en Mira walks en the
tial riesi sM IpM . it is otreet rwtmss
.Iim' e11 ai a.ali♦ wi'► ah. Waal_
Mr 11.6.1 15.• meeest Moos* 5.
-'Tse Mesar- - Tb. Old
sad Ike sew.
THR EDIT R. cit1:11a OF couroIT.
Hamilton Tine..:—The McGillicuddy
Bros, of Tea HURON SIGNAL, have dis-
solved patnership, TM.•wa retiring
from the business. which in future will
be carried on by Dan. The former will
assume the p.ritiou of shorthand writer
to the Department of Agriculture for
Ontario—a position whin h his phono-
graphic ability and journalistic training
fully equip him for. Mr. D. McGillicuddy,
w ho will 000tro% the destinies of Toe i
Swett. in future, is a bnght newspaper
man, and that journal is sun to gra of
and prosper. It is now in the front
rank of the country weeklies.
Clinton New Era :—Mr Thos McGilli-
cuddy, the junior editor of the Goderich
SIGNAL, and who for a short time bee
beet assisting Mr Blue, the Assistant
Commissioner of Agriculture, Toronto,
in the prepintion of his statistics, is
permanently appointed private secretery
to this gentleman. This will .eemmitate
has withdawal front Tot StuaAL, which
will hereafter be conducted solely by
Mr D McGillicuddy. "Tom" is thmro-
tybly eotapetent fur the duties of his
n ew office, being an expert abortbander,
sad he is to be congratulated on getting
into a position when he will be relieved
of the constant satiety and hard week
incident tn newspaper life.
■R RN1OYvx tUVORR WR CA11fi W.
Kingston Whie: —The McGillicuddy
Bros., of the Goderich Romeo, have
dissolved partnership. Thermos marine
from the business, which in future will
be carried on by Daniel. The former
will ammo the position of shorthand
writer to the department of agriewltere
for Ontario. D. McGillicuddy will cam
trol the destinies cit the SIGNAL. lie 1.
a bright newspaper man and an old
tie w Aviaries On
5 s.tadar ..'laude lira are sissiewiensfia.
TOR 0111110N or AN xxrERT.
he had to the best advantage. It
$ I clerk's salary, and I guess there are et
human nature and horse sense to sell in I a few men in Clinton who would gladly
the dearest and boy in the cheapest 1 jump at the Wet even with a reduced
salary. I don't think the work is
guest it the clerk doesn't want to be the
heed, tail and spinal column of tb.
couneil. Why, when I lived at the
Four Corners, the clerk of the munici-
pality did all the wcrk, and only got
$80 a year, with four jury panel selec-
tions at so much a day, the fees for re -
market, sad, I fur one, am glad the able
chairman ./ the finance committee bee
pat his foot down fairly and sgaarely on
this issue and nailed his Hag to the
meat ; and that the town clerk has for-
got his fossilized Toryism, and shut off
his wind on the question of protecting
home industries.
—And now that that matter is settled vision oourt appeals, and the regiatr..
to my satiafaction, 1 want 10 see tha tion of births, marriages and deaths
chairan of the finance e•mmittee thrown
snatch the other grievances baldheaded, d
sol in. Of Doone he kept storm,
and show that his war on that hydra- anran the post -office and was secretary
of the township mutual fire iusarancee
Stratford lfewee.t:—Aar clever friend,
Mn. T. McGillicuddy, has accepted •
position in the Dep•rtmeat of Aarienl-
ten. Toronto, as secretary and macaw-
grapher to Mr Mee, • position for which
he is admirably olnaliled, and Mr D.
McGillicuddy nnw onnduets Tse Sawa.
. alone. He can do it. and do it well.
"ALL ALONE rt uses O&A*T."
headed monster, Protection to Home
Industries, is to the death. During the
year the °corporation employs many
officers and lakorer., and pun:baass
material of all kinds --from the nesse-
everseries of life that feed the town pampa
to the coal that runs the fire engine.
Mebbe the neighbor* have misinformed
me, but I sin led to believe if the tour
and cordwood, sod the coal and the
lumber and the nails, and the clerk,
and the inspector, sod the laborers, and
everybody and everything that draws
money eat of the town treasury were
tendered for, we would be able to
improve this town and make it
better to live in because ..f the leasoed
taxation that would remelt from the
saving effected. This would be par-
ticularly the ease if we were to send to
the cities for the mereantite goods, sod
swept outside tender* for the Alas.
Stratford H,r lA —Mr. Daniel Mc-
Gillicuddy will hsneefortts rue the Gode-
rich Signal all himself, his brother
Thomas hewing left his editorial poet to
take a prominent position as shorthand
venter in the Department of Agriculture
at Toronto.
Marines Rabe.
All par cella/ thelr sale Msla prated at
I this l ce willent a t Is
• settee werted b
that iter no mills flee of sale.
Asetion tale of farm meek, implomeay
and Imes, the property of Petr Fisher,
we ibm preemies. let 6, ens. 9, Colbert*
tow.sbtp, SD.. by C. fiseskea, *ter
$tones►, 0111111111101111111 N 1 o eb.ek
On e NO. 1ia 1..
1 rases kr Nit. MOIL et
—Here's the way I figure it Noel"
trainman in town who acts a middle , If a neon in an outside town has a sr r -
plus stook of dry -goods, or any „thelt
commotion that he would lice to *end to
Gudorich that we who have alittleash in
the stocking could receive a benefit iron,
the town council steps in with • pro-
hibitory bylaw. and sa. they won't let
him In unites be pays $100. besides bis
rents and other eeper.sss. for the few
weeks in which he cook s2ptoly w a11.
The figure f..r license fees was small at
one time, and the town got (1051. & now-
orher in the ymsr, but now vow the rate
has been raised. the town treasury gee
no benefit from the license bylaw, and
myself and the neeghbors get no bargains
and are forced to put up with the priors
local buyers see fit to d'art,. I Dopa
the finance chairmen will at the neat
meting move to de away with thin
barrier to fres trads with uutaider%.
—`&ebbe you've heard of Captain Bob-
adil's method of defeetint. an tray.
Well, thee'* my method of bendiest sp
a town, and it is endorsed by the chair-
man of the finance oomaitts. the desk
of the town, the members of the councils
a number of our town merchants, and
many of the esighbors on the beak
street. The coneegoeees is that, el -
though the plan has Dot vet been am
thoroughly tested as 1 would with. as
elegant sutlicie iey has Men dome by the
town council and errata individuals int
-"or midst to show to, the wend wby
tiodenrh occupies tie politica in oar
mores sad ;red, ehi.;h she does at pre-
There may he Moms who may take
excoption to the plan of bu,ldit*m
up the town which I hays ostliapd
as the policy which me st ➢ream •doped
hen. and 1.. thew, 1 may *tau that they
need not endorse it. What I haws
written h Irk• the salutatory of the
Wasters editor who, bowie. laid dome
the hoes upon which his paper w is
be run, °untended ley states', "The
above ars our pain -apses. bmf if inky
draft emit the iM.l/ieswt poetise 4 Geo
.oa0T,10 *WPC
here •t!Nign
coca any, sowed and split hie own wood,
took Dare of a horse, drov3 a pedlar's
wagon three day • week in rho summer
season, counted the coppers on the plat•
us Sendai, and was arbitrator 00 pretty
nearly every lens fence distaste that •
came up in the township. A..d he
always had his hes posted up before the
dib of August. Now, if a man like that,
with • healthy wife and a growi
family. could be brought in from one of
the (outside municipalities by tendering at
$I00 • year lees than the present clerk,
there would be a saving to the town Ind
an increase of populatioc to the tenpin
of the family named ; and the retina*
clerk euuld remain in town, and carry
on the salt business and the inmranoe
agency with neatness and dispatch.
The ante plan could bre adopted with
regard to the other ofhoars. Make the
place• of emolument open to oatssdeis,
and thus eucoura to people from other
places to comp and settle in our weds
--There is another way iu which as
on the hack streets who are not su trade
suffer at the hands of the town roma?.
011111 for any commodity has to get his
profit, and pay rent sad taxes, in ad-
dition to the origitaal suet of the article
in the cities, and I think the oorpontis
maid make money bydeeliag tinnily with
the outside, thus dwag away with the
eliudleoasn's profits and saving mosey
by making the taxes leas. We talked
this question over on the back stoop, the
neighbon and I, and es noes of tin were
is the non bunnies we unanimous'',
agreed that a we got no percentages or
profits from the council, .ad yet had to
pay as many cents on the dollar tease as
Oboes who did, we undoubtedly had f
gr.yanes ; and if the council knew its
business it would go in for the tender
system on all mitten that called for
dollars and dimes. or we would make
our premises felt st the polls at the
n ext elation. Tea. Fes for having the
prices brought down to hardpan. inti that
the man who isn't is trade will be placed
on a level with the man who is. Then
should be no invidious distinctions
—There is soother plate of this gees-
untion that has Popped up, mod that is
that many of oar prints einem, mead
their waoney oat of tows M Throats,
Brentford sad other pluses, baleen
May afaim that they sod goods shaper
and better pods there Now, the a-
tm. of the &airman a( 1%0 (tiaras eom-
naittaa enioress the motion of thuse is
divld•sh who dobee todo trade he sewn
nu the ground that they sea do bene,
oalaiiw Allhnmtb I'm a hweradur i•
theory I mast admit tb.t I bind of
wtisbesd when this phase et the vow
die sow se. wail I eessivellitrik NEM