HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-5, Page 7TII E iI UI4ON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AW . 1987. Fun ant T*cij, A Suad.y school timelier t:.ld his in• fuels W ask a•.y gnars'tow they had in their wads. and a little use asked, •' When se the ascots animism 1" A Ciisaa. Riau wait inrested • few drys age, bemuse he became infatuated with Lied Hamdan, orad fuHowd her *host the streets. .t moa whom /sail could mush aheuld be ;solea to an asylum mu• Need of • j.il, Au English gra.eatonu tnwker sits or - 'dared to cut ou a Inoue the words : "A Virtuous w. man is • crown to her trim band." The atone, however. being small, he engraved ou ►t: A Virtuous woman is 5.. to Her Hu•baud.'' OM minister 10 young m mart) --- "Paul was • wuudetfnl idea, any dear yawn; brother, • woudeaf ul slam ; and thousand• upon thousands fl .cord to hear hint preach " Y .sue minister - "Yes, if Paul were alive today he would • my have to 'saute the salary he waist- ed." "That is rather • shabby pair of trousers you have of for a man cf your position." "los, sir, bit clothes do not take the man. What of my tcuusers are shabby and woes, sir f They coyer a warm heart, sir." "Ny dear, why are the sats storeys hard at breakfast, now 1' asked Sr Snaega. "They roust be egg, of the new brass," replied Mrs Swum, thought- fully "The saw hew ' Why should their eggs he hard,"' •'They are Ply - m .uth Rocks, yes know. ' "Johnny. come aside this instant. I intend to chastise you severely." Jt.hn- ny-•'Please, ps, "dimmer you'd whip I, see oat Imre where al4afe smithies/a. oats see it." "Whet. you yuuog r.mcal, do • yea west me to daeegrsce myself 1' "N.., pa. but I want the folks tc see that you ain't killing me when I ye1L' A rood dory is told of a prominent Albany Comities. an, who is an L'og- lia6man by birth. His name begins with H, and every day he would go to the post olive and ask if there was any mad for him. He always got the same reply, until one day Iie shoved his head 1 through the delivery window and yelled, "then, what are you looking in the Hay- 1 lme.x for T Ny wise begins with Haitoh. " Heger his lettere •free that. ••N.., Bobby," said h:s mother, "or e Datee of pie is glut• enoepth 1 .r yon. -'•It's tunny," tts,nosded Bobby, with an injured ate, "you say you are anxious that Is/teak' kern to eat properly, and yet you won't =ire me a chance to practise." "What is that big iron thing full of holes?" ''4xomuttve boiler," mud Tuin. Latin looked thuujhtful. After a mo- ment's silence she asked, "Why 1, they hood leeomutives 1 ' Twa, looking antes - ed, "To make them tender," he said, r'uwly, The following voile* epistle was picked up in the sanest : Leer Blll -Tbe ma- im I didu t laff whim you Taft at me in Jim post oilier' yesterday. wu becns I sv a bile on may face, and I can't Taft. , If 1 w she'll hent. But 1 !nee you, Bill, bila or no bile, Taff or oo tai "I ea.'t tall tar the lib eat ttae.".aid an old farmer is Muakuka, to a party of city linnet", "what los fellers see up here ter draw ye For my part, these .11 fired wicks have Ingo the worst things we've hod to contend with. loll, Its all right if you like it. We're ;lad to see ye ; only it's mighty funny " BYGONE! BONNISTS REVIVED 4-.Qee-ti'eNeni Weed. t.rs-cra..-tree■ tad Rise -Mak -gases. A eorrespoodeit writes : "One of tke chief features oI the new fashions neem to be a revival of the colors and forme of the past. I saw a bonnet the oblige day, fresh tress Pari., That meal/ (id ical - d "Jan. Clark" of bygone tie tee. It wee a pale grilles colored blonde ken, • ths.ap"Mit used to be wiled, wag a wreath of bluish roses. On the top ut this Island guar was • kput of gras•y,rwn sad rtw►pisk ! What would the n,Aheties have said to k 1 Boat it was a very welly helmet, all the came. Ar .n her -still prettier- wu composed en- tirely of unnps ears (grown), over which w as drawn a veal of emelt tulle. Th• frost tree termed by a wreath of pop piss, sad os the left side was as •igrett of poppise-three placed on above the other, 10 gases! it up high -with the stalks dlswiaog. and the top poppy the attitisiIse uI the Wee. Different material or color to the drama ahoy another re- turn 1s VW old and very pretty fashion ; het great ears must be taken, or the toiltatls rrlll kook naIthy. Dun-aubr and dmk Mateo, eteuesober sod pale bleu. grey au& ss.pkl and violet, et, or dart p wan together.; bet the skies should always be d the more tellies selur •ed the richer material larTbs hes no great advantage over t5. part. Th. inexpensive •taffa of t..day are pettier than any semi of yore, men expeeialty the striped ones. I b.n *teem a .Maul weeposed e1 alienate strips. eI white poplin and white VaIs.eienee. Lee, which would seek' a lovely wedding dream for a bride in bar teem Another materiel was composed of altan.ate stripes of tusenre silk and lace of the same shade. A frock of that stuff might be worn with almost any oolor.and at the smartest day festivities. and would outlook two or three of the white camhrilos trimmed with brdderia Awaits', that threaten to bream, the mate, and need to be so very fresh and alien. !r. r Household Hints. t"•hed. Omitted weedio aimed he washed with add tea, •rad then, otter being wiped dry, nabbed sub Itueeed et!. Cloths dipped ioto hot potato water are resyratettnded for immediate and cumpljie relarf•.au the severest corms of rho teem piece of charcosl laid upon • burn toll raw tt •lauu•t unmcdiatdy, and n1 kept there about •n h..ur, it is said. t'.. wound want be Anise', healed. 1f owes arta wilted before they can Ins put in smart, turerrau 111• end• of the stalk• in cery hot water for a inmate or two, •ud they will !rgaw their p ietu.ta freshness. F.,r those auffea iva trim seek lungs or • lacking cough, a few drops of tar takes om • lump o1 ."Kar •111 Kir• re- lief ; five of six drops should be sufficient fur a ;Yawn person. Mute attacked by pslpit.tlun of the been, let the pot men tie down u noon as p monde un the right aide. partially or, the Lice. In this position the heart will resdlos its actiou almost immediately. O,klutha eliould never be leashed in het soap suds ; they should first be wash ed clean wild cold eater, then rubbed dry with • cloth wet with milk. The sane treatment ahuuld be applied t., • atone or slate hearth. Lime water may be made cheaply by tatting a fresh prose of lime as tante as au *iv, pouring two quarts of aft water un it, and allowing it to stand two or tbtee hours, shaking it uccasiunal'y-. Bottle and keep for use. To preserve goods from moths, do out use camphor tm an,y form PIM., of tar Met t llltttav Witlf"Wlett doles ire a better protuctluu. Five cents will buy enough to equip .11 the packing bonzes and closets pd a large house for a year. 1f a mother desires her d.ugblers to take the Leal ..1 their u,mu.,5 halms, .hot will teach thrum; by au.uple. the ob yrs yawns ul iota./ rid usath.,d. 1 ,may by example, became tie eats ue.ec teeeb thew by prompt ahem ; she must 1.e • loiter rxa,aply of the results vowing from the performance t every duty nu ate due swamis. Hy method .lour, and .duly by uarth•.1, 0411 a busy honey wily ads any p..t tan of leisure fur study, thought and all Imprvveoeat. II the mother nl daaicblers will *top to ask herself emelt such totality's as the llluwung namely, Am I nwklanx the best possible ua..t my tune 1 Is thin telt haat hour to do the task l sus tow en- ga,ed to, or'would it he better for we to do. ...use other f Is what I a•. Doing likely to produce any good results t 1f not, what shall I du to bring forth some fruit for future es well as present goad 1 Am 1 Josue the test i can du toth my powers, and ion I by my example bring• nig up any chtldreu in the way that will be wlsa.t for them to fu.lue 1 Or, •m I doing anything with a set purpose be - prod pr ynarinz food and clothing and c'eaoing bon. ; and •w I doing that with any wine method 1 If a aoaten cannot mower these self - put questions saintictorily, then she may be sure she is not acting wisely aur wall by herself or her children. I have often heard women criticized severely t .r honng too mvthudical and too strict in their rrqutr"ments in the matter of service frau thaw children or from hire- { ed erratum, and I have esu often heard .•thou cr.ndeaeeed for • total want vt system, allowiag everything to be dose or omitted at haphazard. Of the two, I prefer the woman with too much method tethe woman without any, for at least there is some hope of Rood walk from he:, independent of good living. because she has leisure, that great blessing from which eco many rood things may folhw. L• is both rr•sutable and proper to de- sire and occurs leisure and recreatis:a ; indeed, every one who performs his or her duties in the best wanner deserves both ; but there is • vast difference between waded t. and leisure, and also between idie pleasure and recrea- tion. Neither an idle nor an unsyste- matic person can know the beauty ...or meaning of leisure or recreation ; that is resetred f.,r the methodical Lard werlcr. A bx.ttle of turpentine should be kept in every house, for its uses are sooner - cies. A few drops sp:inkld where cock- roaches congregate •111 exterminate them at nonce ; also ants, red .r black. Moths w ill dee from the odor of it. Besides, t! to su ex..11eut applicatiuu for a burn ur cut. POTATO, COOS,. -Mash the potatoes, and with milk thickened with fiour,,aake into • thin hatter ; to every pint add une agaf. Fry in small cakes. CREAM S/'sioE CACI-Tiro ewes, hell cup sugar, three fourths cop dour, one teaspoonful baking powder, two table spooufula cold water. Beat shoes and yolks separate.y. Ru.o Pisa --Your eggs, well beaten, stirred iuto • gn,rt of milk, two cups boiled ria, sweeten to tarns and dasvr. When boiling race add a little salt. Hake with under crest same as castard pies. STEAMED OATMEAL -Half pint nat- msal, one teaspoonful of salt ; put in two quart b••in aid pour orer it one quart of beaks" water ; eel in *femme and steam two hours. De not remove the cover dewing that Clint Cocas CAE?. -neat together ore cup sugar and one-half cup butter, add one sag, well beaten, one cep milk, one and a half teaspoonfuls baking powder, flour *much to *rake a diff batter. The bak- ing powder ,bowld be sifted in with the dour. Bake in • moderate oven. Bier k aye. E= t -Chop pima o1 beef- steak or cold roast beef req Ina. Make a batter of mei k, four esti as Ns, and mix the meat with it. Put a lump of butter auto a mucepat, let it melt, then drop ILe batter into it from a larg• spore. Season with pepper and .alt, and a little parsley. Fry until brown. CREAM Czucer. - Cut the °elegy late inch pieces; put them sato a saucepan and corer with bodes, water ; boil ten minutes. Make a agues with one tea spoonful core stareh stirred into s half pot of boiling water, and a little butter sed salt. Dein the celery, put it into a vegetable dish and pour over it the gime while hot Danrrso Euo'u -Have on the stove a saucepan half full of boiling water, into which pit a little salt. Break the elan first into a saucer to be sure they are Rood ; drop them gritty into the water ; with a teaspoon dip up the water and poor it over the yolks ; an a few seconds the shite will oompt.Nly cover the yolk. ; lift from the walaa and serve on toast or brain. i essmisserlitheen• w "Zit •• There are peaky strip- ed tad checked Ammar .15..The silk musk in de- moted this segtaen is Mae Alt. it comes in alt faahnisable aha... both for street and evewims wear. it is enftl, nen be easily and greeslsl1 draped, mil maks • ohm a drsem Chmama ita Mlles e trill - s1, • si dress patters in the piece, sad also its qs ntittee 55.1 can be bought bj the yard. The fancy Chits silks, t'coee with Wipes sad karat, •re mid ns eh eh1a7Ifr ad are sot essay as lash ioa.ble ala they bate hent. The is toe - mime time are se dloaaly imitated in *Maass 1 the better qualities of int - Wiese it M monopoly pn•.tble to 1 the �mfltets eM1L lease the alk with - eat 5.sasa t ff it. AVM i 'teeters+ is Misses MI 111111014 ! , The importance u( stat mot tasteful Maw drrwut--oano•d he nvere.t.mai eel. The matron wbo or p. -are trwf..re the maebers of Tier family n,. a 11551.5. , r,il• d wrapper, and makes Ike excuse- -if, indeed, she takes the trouble to make one at all -'k-,t "it is se mach more eumb.rtahle," has little idea of the pa•ihtr c..osr1uences ut such a course. C..u61 rhe but realize that her drew an •vel exempla d. her dam/bias, and one productive of c .ncequencee that will reach far beyond her own span d 1 life ; that her husband and sons cannot fail to draw comparison* between her drew, and that of the ladies they meet in ether home., and that thew vim - palmier heteeen her dress sod that of the lado:. they 'strep in other hones, e nd that then, colupari•ona cannot fail to decrease their respect for her, she 'nicht be induced to give mite attention to her personal appearance. Slot even Ow burden of care and a,nstaut employ- ment can furuuh a •ulhcicot excuse for careless personal habit., for few things sr: more ingatrtant for the well being of a fami'y. There is an old saying to the effect that au untidy mother has diaohedient children ; and while neither persists nor children may realize the why or wherefore of it, yet there is always a lack of respect and an indifference to the authority oaf a mother who takes no pride in her penonel appearance. And it ie not the mother alone upon whose shoulders rests the borden of re- ep nsibmlity for hoax neatness and order is drew ; the father has his duties to hook after as well, and should never fail to insist gess the younger members o1 the family presenting themselves with well kept hands, clean feces, nn•lly brushed hair, and orderly dress, at least at every meal when the family ar- semblew. -Brooklyn Magazine. •e ss Tear beard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slow- ly and surely run irate Catarrh, when you can he cured for 25c. by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. A few applica- tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 too v bcxe•g is guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c and sure cure. Sold by all druggists ly Lemmas la Ilse Met R.e.., The Retaartte's Release. - The lemon is a fruit much need in the The public do out -crow haw much sick room, and, many times, unwisely. public speeches are "touched up" by the i emona.' being a very refrrahiug and reporters. Even the lomat accomplished agreeable drink, is easily taken in excess speaker, threegh excitement er want of by persens suffering from ferers, a fact words, or because of interruptions, occa- which should not be forgotten. in ty. siuua'ly looses the sequence of hie argu- phoid fever, fur instance, its immoderate meat, and repeats himself t.r breaks off ase would be attendee.' with danger, in. before his sentence is completed. When dicing, as it might, additional derange - the reporter writes nut his report he is meet Pt an already inflamed intestinal ezp"•'ted to "stale sense" of it. One of mucous membrane. In all irliammatory sur local aldermen gut out of favor with diseases cf the stomach and bowels km the reporters by complaining that he had onade should only be given after the at - never mid the things planed to his credit tending physician has ,auctioned its use. I or discredit. We had no right, he main- ; During the past few years lemon juice tilted. to comment on his speeches when has become quite popular in the menage - DRIVE IN TEAS ! Basket Plied Japea- New Taos tcareasted Pure, S :b. (Jr 11. TLia Tia le Weal te aay N d at We. 1k by pedlar* m Other Japa . froler ro Me. per 11.. Kilns t:ood Young Mises. true 3e. 1►, •p. A sppra.r witty i ti 1 ming Hymen Tea le 5 lb 101. only . feet! M. Try my Lau. Young llywn, and a„d :: tl.e rheapeet in tl.. snarly'. t:mp, taken in esc►aags. At C. CRABB'S, tiodoriohe ODST Ja.t opened out a lull assert :tient of my own tmpar.a-.00*. sod ac::.t$ at n I o:o ale price, Reel 4 animators. Kwon Nt5/rtes. $..l5w. Sar cetera. Twerrs muff I.U.sades sl Freres Se ANesMSM. al Tall and nee. Alaslr pleased to •boa stuck. WOG not forget tl.e u:1 stead oa the &mare. %er11 7111, UNIT. lowstfC. CRASS, C3-odi,ri31. NEW SPRING GOODS ABRAHAM SMITH TAILOR & CLOTHIER, Ihu;est retched, 51,11 r now opening a lar,t' .tenor 0.. ,,• of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Al... on bend:a targe nock of the LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS 5 e nwlr-up u( yl'I:INti !SUITS. ORDERED WORK A SPEC IALY 1 ..A. 13 12.k.1--1...6%..2.1, S &1TFI'6- East Sade Square, Goderich. afar:h 24:b. 146. YD3• IF' YOC- WANT IF 1"Cl WANT lr YOU WANT BARGAINS Toronto Cash Store THE SPRING STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE - term: aro incited to come aad examine the qu,.:It) and price.' Remember the stand :-THE TORONTO CASH STORE. Oad rich, April 20;h, ISA:. Mil -3m Ma +ager IA: 7II. i INS ON. Lalest Freuch and AlilOnOall Styes ! HATS, BONNETS ®others, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings Etc.. liar . E'r. The Chicago House. we only gave garbled instead of re,-baf;on 1 stent of diphtheria from the supposed ac Agent for Domestic Patterns. r'pirte oof them, too the reporters, who tion On it. membraneous deposit in the WI`ST STRSIiT. UODERICI_ had put themselves to some trouble to throat. There have also %Ain attributed Ooderic Apra; this MM. tilt translate his disjointed remarks into in- to the juice marked virtues in the func- 1 - . - - — - -- — ' telliglble English, agreed to report him tioual derangement of the liver, common 1 DANIEL •ORDON, r.rfwfant nut time. He never wanted ly called "bilious disorders " Some per - another rerbatint report, and it cannot be pleasant to him to know that many of its persistent use, the symptoms of nth- hu friends preserve that one- en, however, hare been aggravated by it, AND LEADING N ee 5 ahem Wanbrated Meer •sdereen- They tell a very strange story of Mary Andersen's last visit to Knalawd- She vas being entertained at titjl famous Kenilworth Oentle, amid the Omahas told the baaetifel esteem a stare of the (ghastly tweeds that either round the place. Among tireswas ens to the effect that a certainber of tbgr house was haunted by some amme- ter of the noble house tel Kenilworth. That was enoup6 for the fair sstrese,,end she insisted upon sleeping he that very apartment The story go*J at in rte middle of the night her sit iia were out short by a terrible wit* epos bet *hest which reread to Wes life sad breath net GI her. 81mtnigolnitio to make only meed erre'h to wake her maid, and the two w.,nen shivered until morn- ing. All this goes to -indicate that the noble buttal. olf Brinns *lig adapting 165 United /listen fashee..1 gertieg pia le their guests for sapper. --Albany Jour e el. Talbr-1 .4s Tame seism A be a new departure Landon hileepenieSok sad eagd'a bear • 11 alk and arrvttii •s, armow, pals and e•btsd elamiao is silk and wool, pale -lard Belgravia Ind Linonlnahirs summer ars all bm. int used as well as seem plain cloth ones OMtrimmei with velvet Rome have stripped velvet skirts, posh qi th riper are plea". Mt many me ray • ad quadrille'.. This will; it 'T wed, add • gnat feriet] tri meek brilliesey !n sesame' deal +leas eons so affected have found benefit from ? L1 7 1,j + I hewer yes •"cry. Net a Nr.k Agrai It doe. no good. Some sine hare • Mr Goode, druggist, is rot a book seeming compensation or apo!. gy-a *goat. but has the agency iu Goderich present gratification of some sort -bit kr Johnstwi's Tonic Bitten, which: he' anger has norm. A Foy feels no batter can heartily recommend fur any cum -1 for it. It is really • torment, and when plaint to which a tonic mdicina s ape the storm of passion has cleared away, phobia. This valuable medicine Inas it leaves one to see that ha has been a been with most astonishingly good n- ine!, and has made himself a fool in the melte ii cases of general debility, weak - eyes of others, too. An angry boy aide nem, irregukntes peeellsr to females, aothtog to the welfare of society. He extreme paleness, impoverishment of the limy do some good, but more harm. blood, stomach and liver troubles, logo Heated passion mikes a firebrand, and it tat ap tate, and fur that general worn is a wonder if it does not kindle flames of discord on every hand. Without much sensibility, and often bereft of reason, he.peaketh like the piercing of • sword. and his tongue is an arrow shot out. Hs is a bad element in any com- agenic. mooity, and his removal would furnish omission for • dry of thank.riving. Since, then, anger s ssebss, needless, disgraceful, without the least apology, and found only "in the bosom of fools," why should it he indulged in at all 1 int feeling that nearly every one n troubled with at some part of the year. Don't Covet the name Johnston s Tonic Bitten 50:. and 11 per h"ttTF'pt Goode's drug store. Albion bh,ck, Guderich, sole Oar r'-- Pe•fate Os•lited. "I notice," said • clergyman's wife to der husband, "that it is no longer fash ionable for the minister to kiss the beide at the wedding ceremony." "Yee," sedty reepondd the good man, "many of the pleasant features connect- sd with the wedding ceremony have been discarded, and_" ''Whet's 1Lat r deaauded his wife, ominously. "I mean - I mese,' We stammered, "khat the ssnselaam custom of kiwing the bride should hate been •tn.!islid eng, - A rumor was is ctreelmion, say. the Washington NM., that a lady, haring partaken freely of strawberries, became very ,ick, and in • short time was afflict- ed with ambient, or "cr•oat-.yam," and that • physician, when called in, gams opinion that her complaint came truss he.trawb.rrie., sed that is four or five et Deers he had attended the oyes were affected in a similar manner from Ibis same es... felonry into the mat- detsleped the least that 111. lady in emotion had been taken tick, a. stated ; that she lad bemire ditty, and at times see disable ; that whin the phyitla•m was called las foetid that it was atmply a alae of indigestion *risme from eating the srewhervisa, and that he suitor! that es amount of the strawberries poamee.ing mese acidity than e.eal this mason magi of indigestion arising from seting them wen quite seam ow. tui tr t1M F1oev «I eteRkti ♦«—I�e11ttA/ ..1, Htbtly with white vanish iwiee a year. Claan lboinughly before applying !be garnish. t•i•l' 1 Ftti'� { i a] a %etyma A g• 'sl ltapti.t deacon residing 1n a curtain town in the old Bay State, and wt.o is elan superintendent of the Sabbath 'shoe!, has the mi.fortbne to be exceedingly nervous and excitable. which trouble often leads him in his remarks to express himself in a manner (El:t eat from that intended. On one occasion, it being the Sabbath evening pryer meeting. as he was eaataenting upon the Sunday sch-nil lesson of the day, which had been the faithfulness of God to His promises, Le startled the eoegregatioe by series : "Not ons tit or j•.ttk of Hie word .hall fa:1," when, noticing a anoprssed titbit among the audience. especially the Toon ter portio., and nt,tie..g a blunder, he attempted to mend the matter bf syinj, "No ; f meant not one tootle or it'. Harpers Melazisa. " Why don't rot stir aroead and get something to do 1' was asked el a key fellow "i don't know," was the reply, "antes. I'm too •aperstitioea." "Super- stitious ! what has superstition got to de with it 1' "Wel I read somewhere toe. that "everything comes to him who waits,' and i d-on't want to d„ sty• thing that will be liable t. uajure ay prospeeta ., !Mn Putt-- "Jonas is overran with baness mores jest now By the -way. le Mr Call in bunnese r Mss :ell - "O, yes. deeply. lie told is. that raawday he tw ilgh t 1000 barrels 01 tib, tlad 1 don't ker.* he. mast hoahels at *haat." Mrs ]nett-- He masa ha ilei./ • boohoos- whom la it's 4ore r. cat --"N. hag ass .taew. Pe amp W Ills goads na "n sate awl el a rased, I Wars' Mrs Putt -"Dar saw, iu't that sine vsntaat ZINDERTAKER. Anyone can advertls. but I can show •:,r.Steck. i hair cno,-c stuck on hand ties ass two beam) Ie town to titian from. FURNITURE. lime* now en band IO different roles of Bedroom Spites, A diffetrtt .tole o.' Sideboards. 3 Parlor Sutter, and alnico any -thine in the Furniture hue. all of width • 511 be sold AA CHEAP AM THK l'HKAI'ZRT, ANI) DONT 1101' FY►R(3BT IT. 11. the UNDERTAKINU l gite persocai attention. anti the ie•nett con of nearly 10 years' exp•rtencei think I hare the beet Hearses In the ('aunty of Huron - i will Mare the public to l.adtte. 1 hare everything rstylly kept in a Rrst-t- a.. e.:ablisnment. w, b as Caskets - Shrouds. Habits, OW es. t'rapes to. imhutm:ng dune when required. Ouaraatse to Isis. satisfaction is every case. OLD STAND BETWKKN P. 0. AND RANI: OF MONTREAL, O.derLck. Rept. til, heel. t11Ni�as —.411 .111..410 PATENTSpE Obttaiuml indda/lbw10reelii t ..C.P.hTteat Oras ute•ded teat NOD1RATR Io'REri. r.ttioeis opposite the I'.14. Potent Or- iels, and we eat *brie Patents In len time tha• those remote trona Ir'ABHIA'OTO %'. Saud NODIL OR DR -4 W/A-O. W sA- vfea as to p 1.ntabllltl froe of dreier - an.1 we melte Fel eNABOB UNL Mg P' OR TAIN PATRNT. era serer, biro t. the F'oetaaswter,eke Hula. af Mosey Order Div., and to officials of the .r-; RPatent mace. For clrr.tlar, advice. r1.111 sad retereweaa 10 aetusl o11Nta Ina our ow. Serie or (Oust 7. write to c •. ages t ca.. ('ppfte relent trot. Washington. D. C. I FARMERS &OTHERS A PULL LIMN Or PLOWS, REPAIRS & CASTINGS kzPr 0111 RAND, AT i I Ln0NABi.Y PRI( lata 1' 0. A. . !Camber's New Warehouse, et. I)avtd-.t., ,rear VlderWet. Chor•h I hare been appointed Agent for T, Dingle's lodel Combined Drill and Seeder ; also Honey's Improved Fanning Mill, Idea 'teetered tea ta•bawa, Oat. Than are 10151.1 Ube. la tees. aaS It i. las meat papular machine la the maris< • wept. Mill ata he vests at R. PRICK Igen RTORt, sed the Drtu at my waswb•a.a. A. C.*.LL SOLIOIT1oD- m'u1T e5. LtiUUT 1101 09MUT C_ .A 1317.7M29E1T.aa Oedertrh. 11.5 May. art. rime