HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-5, Page 51 911, 1111E HURON SIGNrAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 5, 1887. 5 alt A lei a .seeese w• .t/ ester w. the t -�1 L 8 d N PROS . I� .otos... inti. tly s �n . 1-1EAT IV. Marl tots t n. w er tun .th roe toll . N boa • plant j• •. ter.• t, It ta a foo w t, anon tush out .1 owl jet.. ti s mewl throve. the hot Wes it til) Inst. It is d'•e. hit d•. ttt.t, eosethln; 1. wreak. Sere/ pias. freak elite hear Mrd, fruit, three,. fish us ether .it else from w11i.b arty oder arises. Tile trey .is rt trsasely adios hs sheotbin,t power, and in a tory ahnrt tome they •raa.ulaminef rd ► the Iewr;uaao of uR sots its then ae b.r`trud, only sbich Ile pr'Jiu and squints bale til . IC" Iltatl t.Kg is dealt Oita. i GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, ST. DAVID -ST., GODERICH, HEATT' iTttu Doors Last of it►Relies Honks SAUNOERS1ao;ilhaa:rc-- Ct. Warble Monuments Hizist3zei 3satlap iecas, end :i 'sizds of Furniture Triln•nIngs in Foraitn and S o lv Are prepared wrwrabh ....nut.,. fuc be.t,ng PUIVATS HQt'$L' e►edeelt+ewes••• - PUBLIC IIU1LI/ INGS • Reported b) Telepkoae frau, Herbst Mello) worn OutnualeN. Aur. 1. Ila7. W b,M.1 VOIR • IA • N i. N w *.Asad. trod w1■trrl r beak It At • W heat, dpIt 1 1 bosh . ...... 1 Y N tt heat. P bush ........ 0 70 tl Plant. Ifs I1 I c wt . .............. 110 e Floor. Imt:odl r evil .... i 10 0 now,Raters,, owl.... 2 M re Fl.ar. 0 pee. .wt.. .. 1 40 rt 1 tet•, y ........ .. t..... • 17 r Pose. • I/ .. 1 as A fe Ibaiatee• • a hick .sees ••.• ••.. 0 N est 41 Sf�l,u,tter • a .. .... . u 14 to Kg trssk aspaotiotl i deo .. a 10 d .. a N d 0 It ;�_ uui nu ui uui IIQIG • J $r! SANITARY PLUMBING. 0 byy, 'bile Assts for Tim o tt l'. u :n'h:y OtSt lei n Stoves, Ranges ?i."1 r aages al.ort,,'r ted......•.•.•.•:.•.• •• • /Iran w tae I 00 w 1I le Newel•" r.wt ......... ., .. 0 w ^test. i w P2I t.s sees .:.::""A-•' yheettekiM: 010 e TAo atsrallserarisseein Pe dealer. D•SntiStrl� �.(•NIIOHOL'ioN, D.S.L 1 DENT*.I, ROOlttt, Right door below tis Past OD r. uutLLasca. aL'i-ly L WOOLNSRTON, L. D 8. s ee /►dd relieves /tan, teeth l:ederycl. ('hams tooAerale. Alt teeth Has er�-Italiasd Air gt%eu tor Iris- l'rs eztrfetloa of teeth. t110- kturua Lan*. Apar* rrnE HC1aON LAND AGENCYJ. sten ItLAL EtiTATIC OFFICE. nays Aad sells land la any part of Cabala or lbs I. silted Amts... un Con.sse•1oa or u.argin. or by apeei.1 COW tart. It Was *gouts in tie funned watts. Aad 1e ccery cossty to Catbirds. t operti.-s lett sigh the *wary for sale or p.uobeas ars advertised ter • rsssonabls Orme tree of charter. Rusk wow of evert denigration M oommestw• will real e....le ie eitAartekest by the aAsacy. quota as the "readingp et estates. retain/ 1 preterites. collection of mote. borrowing Aad losaneg senor. .te. C.lustlon of Brno, nus c .ad rill•gr proper- ty • ap•crlV• 1►ucamomts sad valuables received fir eats leepisg to an rxcelleat On proof rare. trier or Waite_ gas our ad cert 1..e.ole et Properties Want- ed wed F"or rale 1a the lending teal p.pera. RAT ii . ery ato.lerate. leo charts exempt is case of rale Rests collected .t • When eeoaaaisetsa, $potyl ratss to sel►citurs Aad Mil mane agelia. A very cxte•site list of properties wanted sad for sale. may Ise tees at the oak. free of iher pyseaa IblIve property ft.r .o1,. ur want to 1. �Itwtltp•yyatocallandseear. Auction soles, mos.hty or otterer If desir- able.at the office of the agency. when proper Ilea way be put up free of charm", sad is case of sale bring mast., the usual tee s ill be bar..!)�ieput n la*Wheex1.rusrti ithe ked. still asses. Fur fat.4er particulars and 11.t of Isads wasted sod ter sale,oly lL at the efs, •r write w HURON LA Vii £QF;IICY, Lock x 1Oat (aavtad. Mx A. .C•t... Treas. L. N. Lawn.til%honer. wit. I. row. see, esd Oise Masa•.. J. ali- T. ss Can ass p.C.e a. Yo ssOOaaae7e Retrreaoc . --Boa or 1%wtM :- Cor. Aad N tt a1oderie11. eygo. 10.1.1. . LIST OF LA!IDS b All!!D OR FOR 9A LE: R"ANTEI►.-riga In the Wast Lod. 1[astelsits aeocrata► (fatten. good apps.0aa•s and pu..ade. EVIL 0.11.10.- Vessel lift L. ssasiseing .0 tedilairoleg wwpesww es seep en Ales�,payr�Ir�ew.t at ewes yds 'AA is t T• to atiwri: Ki los la is ;th b seed{ 1• kith sonsession limo. Bq ewes. 1'Aru et \n. 1I. -Eight lots. suitable for Ars raddeass•. bo.Megartbard. shade tr es.el tie board trace. 0a easy terms mit pay meat . las minutes walk frost tar Square. Pe scot o til. -Two Ortaoetl.4b1a�sadpartially ltttriatollhy T1c�w . • t t�e nn lob nylon e�11 • be betistat iso • reasonable adore it, this excel- Idolllros.M/. de Pam= No. 111. -Neale ad lot in Roderick telesa Nwith WM. pp.den. tine er- "` t hate. aur fir sett ems. rerfdeass. to t• a 1e I.t t - le wi re p. mit r. d r ` a Ir a . IF r. sr A �1 iaet. t1e mita - A�t.tgood owl - e. lake idet_.Mrwdr E. 110 WALT= TO Kiwi.. A ant -class rwsf- 4.aee sol abla for krone racily. ]lust be clam to bndesm portion of ?Jen. WANTED TOPi'RCif APE .- A instal hot for bullet.. porM••a. Nowt be about t0 ft front, 70 ft deep. and on Square. or whale sae lot of ss..e. FOR SALE Part of farm I.t No. s ow the :rd eoneaseios. Township of Ashfield. 60 sores. nearly all clamed. FOR SALE. Fenn lands it Midland, seas - 1 7. ear17. Iichyw. Ilse wheat hind. 7oat ted slaw to ,rake hawses for tamers' saes 10.- ciBe.t diatom. Near railroads schools .mid \arches, frim lase to slaw per sero. Smell sem flews Salsam es rosy term. EOR wax -Lei 07:. Town of 0t.Aerieb. acre. List 714. Tema of Roderkb. t acre. North half W r, tad eon. Waw.essh, se .crew. Isproved fare.. good hna.s, barns aad stabPart f love 7 and 1Sb .. cam. A.11*e~M. Part of tions :end 01h ow-. Ii. Dei A I Warren. two tarns ow tbew 101.: easy .ems of para.eet, small monad dews. 2110 - TO WEAVERS Colored & WWe Carpet Warp . at Mill Priests. 0. CRABS, April 7th. 1st' %M-Im r:.rdertch. C. L. McINTOSH Nest door to Rhya•s' Drs` Atore, keeps oowstantly addle`` to his well. selected seork..•huico Fresh Groceries, fnyrican Marble; also W inti tw and Door eil'.s, and House Trimmin'ie et all kinds in Ohie Stone. A:1 sou:. d•:vltf•.ad a..d e.e.-ut.d .0 best sty:e. NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Irl11111ON BItOd. deal 14110:4 i• :,:1 kind" r,:opeaa .oL CsaaJern Guttae, tui Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS .6 '.sorsa.ial woes.! n Ir called. It will pap to tall be(.,r.• ordarkt,eleeutrote. WI .SOI%: EPOS. RederlcMoJune SSA. UN. Y1 '"' 'GOODS just arrived, the best value SUMMER MILLINERY ever shown in Goderich for 124c. a MRS_ Syard. CaII and See Them. Beg. 5.0 a c o.uee to t:.• La.l. s of O nlerieh I ,d .:' i tint, th . .:.r hal t.pened oc' a has troa.c Inae of CALL ISO ae-t relit ,, PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. GAUZES, GLOVES, ETC. P;trt Lal a: t set lea is i ' . 4,r ReL;;arkabI)ChapAad ,,Tiiuied ilk� The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. West -.t., neat deur to the Pest Otto.. Roderick. July L1. IRK. Farmers'Attention Another Change. p BOOTS&SHOES *JIal ear 1 ■m caw prep.rgto Prows Hay ►) the nese at the rare w boas. 1 .JI .W. bay a qn *tiny 01 Ila) during tie , tall. Orden for Pressing should be placed by the let at August. COLBORNE BRO&R C ODERICH_ Haring taut - urckrse.l :be Deaden Per. BALED HAY •Lea►. ►Iter (4 aaAU. I also tsawatsetww APPLE RARRF:lips VIM:It k HARKS:114. RUTTEII TI' BS. WIT WATER CISTEICNP, &c. APPLE DEALERS: Staab APPLE BAIIRELS A SPECIALTY. WI 'SCUMS. her supplying dealers ..l the pebllegenerally are aaequa led in the Cooley Pilotage tapacIty. 10,11011 Rarrels. Rally output (repack)). 111 barrels. Wye ore a 4a111. satt.6c$Y.s Lasrwute.a. wh.ck will be fo..nd to row.p.rrelt.r�favorably bota p h regards quality and *5111 sty other stock Is this vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS CHAS. BATES amp an Residence. near 0.1.11. iatioe. (: oderich. Oat. July flat. la/7. 1101-3on Polnters If You Walt a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If ou *sat a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN Las them at all prices If Ta rut a TEA &NTT, NAIRN has a full assortment If TN Matti Aiytwlig iv gNrnA, NAIRN has the finest display If Toa Wait luting 1t+ g4Auu. Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elbewhere. A arc.-IAI.TV. t. .storming thrills to nay csrstornoreete yetI would also Iwrtto say M ale will. is esti and inspect my Nock. O. L. MCINTOSH. mouth -N-e.t . ds of VI* Seger. attest►. F.11. lab. 1110. Far Pan. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CHAT A. -HAs; TIIt:At- EVERYTHING WA.it41ANTES*. YOUR TRAL► SOLICITED Qad.ds►. AVM sJtat. 1.10. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN IIID INVEST/INT COWART • ?hieC..w� V Lomat* Moen., on Faroe Areeriilt at Leeann Rale (' I+,tenet. MORTGAGES • PURCHASED. SAYINGS BANK BRANCH. .1, 4 .ed 5 per taut. lel,reet Allowed ea Deposita, ationiing to atwovwt gait time kit. OIFIO1:-fir. of Bernet $quer. aad North sorest. Roderick. HORACR HOLTON, H stemma* 0 Merles Amt. Ilik 1114. 11110 LIME The ssbrertbwe Mtn just completed their large Rta.kil., which eau tem out Iib Moir eM e b- .1• ewe. twe.ty-told Mere. aril are soca to sop*? all ce.toeaer. war; gesl►•y el geed fresh lime dally. 1t w111 he to the adva.tat* of Ivory see re- quirtsa nate to cell or esrreepeed with. w. a• ws an ppreep•tad to deal liberally with per nes wieldsg is purehass Tho kilo Is situated os tN Rodentb side of the vase Reserve. BECIILER I BACKER, 1'RO P It' BTORS. Jure Hob. li7. I leidme o-aD E111.IO8 PLANING MILL 1081 A IILIRH10D It Bachman, Lawson i Robinson The Largest Stock, MESSRS. BERRY & SHEPPARI) have tliopose'i of the G-reatest 'Variety, And Best Value 1' TOWN. AT IMRIE STOCK 60065, STAT1OERY AND FANCY GOIIOS TO E. DAWNING'S. Cor. East Street and Square, Goderieh. ALL THE LE 4 DING STYLF..ti IN LADIES, GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR pllitsfill paRTER 81 KA I Ladies' GenuinTe tPBlel nCcW-Egd 1CBa. ttaonLXBuoIts^ , at 12.00 - I-l'LEND11t \"AL:"►:. miss araa:muse er Sash, Doors & Blinds agat.aws tt AAL stir*• Of Lumber, Lath, Shinjlea sad belidew's suserlel .t every da.erfptl•a SCaaal FYaailVal A SPECIALTY. arA Oe.:br promptlytattsaded to. "..dodo h t A ut L Iia 11..ty WHO INTEND TO SELL OFF A GREAT PORTION OF THIS Large Stock TO NAILS ROOM FOR NEW GOODS WE MUST HAVE MORE ROOM, CONSEQUENTLY ARE GOING TO SELL GOODS CHEAP. -OR- GIVE THEM AWAY. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. NOTICE TO CitZDIT01143. All peri.oni indebted to the late firrr. of BERRI& SHEPARD will Ball and settle with the new firm of FR•xxk, PoirrEn & RAv. Please call and /tattle. BERRY & SHEPARD. WONDERFUL VALUE Zig DRESS MUSLINS ALT 3. C. DETLOR & CO'S Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, 'at $1.00 and $1125 G.% c hie a . :., and v. show. . ou ut:: eer.ck w: is p:easure whether you buy or sot. E. DOWNING, s»us,b s B o..1., ('or. least rt. amid 54.1 tart:. N.B.-TO THE TRADE --Leather and Findings in any quantity, at Lowest Prices. Goderich. June 2nd. 1867. 1101- WAUKENPHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOES. Our Stook of Moat. tomato and Children'a Shoes .e Comp:rte. and comprise tar latest - - Aster,c•1, and Koslow: Styles. tlla IFA#s-is00fa IL tell ►e1 CI .Tell weer. J. DOWNING & CO'Y. 1887 SUMMER GOODS 1887 L greet the public with the sasouncementt shot I hare opened out • Choice Assortment of NEW AhlD Saws 9Rzss Coops Suitable for SUMMER Ware. Toe range of Te::ile Fabrics are to varied this season that even the mess fastidious tee he BUZTED_ PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS Black Aad Colored. Plain anti Striped Plashes and Yawns Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. 3 -loves dr, Fixe IIosier-,y- rt,it ranee. Aad at pries* unprecedented in the tamale of the Hosiery Aad Glove Trade ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL RE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. An usutually large stook et Cea•Ilra end Imported 1:NITTING YARNS ,Bast Makes. KICY NOTP: Goods sold co their marine. s• mierepresentatiose made. and strictly sae wee Ooderlek, Aptii 7th. 1617. • i1/- Draper end Hakerdasksr. Clearing Cash Sale •; ----moi--- . MILLINERY! r. FATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES. GAMIN*_a` BONNET SHAPES, HAT SHAPES, dice, oto. Div� MINI 81Fsic!Goo4. This Si • Qress"r A•slr, dr 1 ,steed grn.'q en t of ie Ressiwrss ru ren hedanwd.f L/I ISS GR .A. H �..1VZ, t "!,Jsrt ftoNr.md �,1 obs YYs+ls.l flap Or �' JORpAN, a.i will ►r Aad Prk+s Herd T Fa..► r..n •.d sea Sass. bedew w.atht »+r �e JOREAa, maw. � e PRICES NEASONA$1.E A1' SIGNAL led. NW - s The square, sen is Lobos. a Cove Dry Geed. Stem t] sawteh O t-