HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-8-5, Page 4git
1 .
VA1II*L t. Tho bye is fk. 'it {NOR' -WESTERN FAIR. dr.w'e Ward hay. bra .o tweet,-Av.
lights is t6. ward ecb.wl the past fuer
T1s. Graat.st Ilxhibltloq )1,TK wOSka Thd c•lapult s supprred w he
the isMsumteut used iu the i,.Iredive
Held to Huron. work.
LAt•ttora. As we fly to piens we leans
Tb, r',eM•.tw IAM are tli.ass made
that arvsmggomeotr an w foot ler a
Now tee were remorse.. •mess scow make between this Hums dab sad the
asarewaews Tobe wrtrawesrd wag, Oak koros.....boa Tberedy atomism
Imkdrae bashes weal, pkat bean the day el the big ea. -
census bust that taws.
TWEEDS, are.
Ga1h' Reduced Pricc
Orlligbeat Price pail for flatter and r..s r
J. A. REID & BRO.,
Jordan's Hlock. Court Hoose Square, Aodertch
1st July. I. _ 1001.17
dew advensmeseas. Tri* Week.
New Good. -Colborne Bro.
legal yard -$eager k Molt.
Organist Wasted H. I. Strang.
1'empecir-Huron Land Altaic!,
Mosey to Lend -Meager t Rami.
rot ale er toxone -IM n Alex- Reid.
Public Nottoo.-Davison sr Johnston.
Wasted or far Oslo -Huron Land Agency
Faring mills mad pumps. - Armstrong biros.
Inasolutlon of Partaerahtp McGillicuddy
4.1. rf'ssm�-.�re yr. ember**..e R• �eitA A U pr1111 tf.
dome of the finest frame mouldiaino ever
hrougnt to (iuderie:h can now be seen to Gee.
W r a art's photograph gallery.
To THE t•'Asnste.-If you want a Mot -elms
plow point carol at the foundry. I'rt.es en re -
pain reduced 10 per wilt. Ht•NetMAN Mow.
A HAD Mies.- If you fail to sae Me(ur
saac'sspriasstook. Varied. Organ i. durable
mad cheap. He sure to water and are
The fact that nobody wears overcoat* now
1. no reason ttby gtarlemen should not look
ahead and W prepared for the fall If you are
fara.eringyou will Moat 1'.! A. i'ridbam's
.ad get '-sized...
The deg day., don't worry R. Hallows the
pbotograwaer. He still hangs on to business
and coolidently asserts that his photos takes
when the poercury rules f0 degrees In the
shade can't be beaten.
maunders! Son eats give yon a hot water
boiler at from $7.S up. and lit of by first class
workmen. Another lot of Gurney's stoves to
bead ebeisp, Glp sad •ss the prices. The
cheapest house under the sun.
The old Isles of the. section. w ho ought to
be the beet dud . may that the Liquor T
sold b7 Lies. Ma
Myna/ rats% be equalled eav-
nhere in the ar'Xlwt. Don't go back on your
g r.nay. but all in and buy some yount
Tur WotuNlS l'nwerl/o Trre me:ccs
Virtue will meet regularly for the transaction
et business every Tutwlay afternoon at 22s
o'clock. in Knox church. 1v.•n- woman In-
t.gested la the work is cordially to%ited to
roe all drugs. dyp-atuh. perfumery. paten.
tuedictnes. ct.ehtealr, etc.. beet quality
and lowest rates. all at l:ade's drug -rinse,
Albion Block. epeeist! xtlrution paid to .tier
�wtatits ofpresoripcioss sad ratan recipes.
'.� . 1'. Goods. druggist.
Tec Renoir .Nu Berri: 1..0•'o AND int or-
•torr CsNrArr. - 0lepsitots to ibis company
Lace the beet possible security for their mon-
ey. all being lnvosted in mortgage on farm
P roperty. Depositors have s nM lien is all
the cot s assets. Hate of intermit paid.
iron i 4 to 5 per cent, retarding to amount
and duration of deposit. barmen having sur-
plus means should tall sod or the manager.
Rev Father L•,tz Las gone wt can a
Milo Alice Spence lies been visiting at
tl a Nile.
Mise N. E. Berry, is visiting friends
iL Clistnti.
Mia Lowe. of Loudon, is the guest of
the Mimes Elterd.
Mrs Mann.. f Detroit. i. visiting her
•other Mrs S !root.
His Honor Judge Doyle left last week
(4 a trip to lrelanJ
Mr C. Ridout and lister, of Clinton,
are at the Puiot nom
Mir Limit, Mealy. of Clietta, is
visiting friends in town.
Min Mary Nichnlo.n Las returned
from her trip to Saginaw.
Moe B Wilii,son, is the guest of
Mies Pauly, of Chute's,
The Iowa treastnr is sway hohday-
rgdoew the St. Lawrence.
Mr and Mn Kiely, of Toronto, are
entities friends in Goderich.
The Hon. A. M and the Mires Ross
%(o visiting on the Atlantic coast.
Miss Loo C. Savage, of Be(alo, is vis-
i:setg her sister, Mn 0. W. Berry.
Mr McWilliams filled the pulpit of
eeriest Church, Henrll, Sunday last.
llobt Ellis, of $altford, has
Old Country,
left totem.
Miss Jeanie Wilson by returned
from a visit tot hr. Dieter, wife of Rev.
T G Smith, Linwood
J ohn L Sturdy, formerly of ti .,lerich.
now of H•rriston, was remota, fined $•iO i
for oonteavenine the Snort Act.
The Mires Lydia Smith mad Amy ,
Re.sly, returned to Clutter, after •
plemssst visit to the °minty town.
Mies Annie Sallews ban been visiting
Miss Peony McDougall, of Grey Roth
Left for Goderich to *pond the remainder ;
of their holidays
KAOAuat -Prof Clarks, of Goderich,
has Weir engaged es organist of Tetchy
church. Miteholl. He enters upon hu
duties o lctober Int.
i)r W T I t Reedy, in•pecior of Pre
sena lb, Ontario wit it tows sod • eying
visit of inepeetinti. Hens • humidor for
Nesbitt' ecenectieue
Cetterne Beware of the Spins
The dailies teem with reports .d their
d'peed ►M.as. They ars part malady
dangerous to ohi!Jren
Dr Metosseh will bon on (a.odnrtrh for
esw..ltatann en $M.rdy, the lick eil
Aegne, • .d afterwards on the Aust Set
Orly of •:er) month
gone to
to got the Ie;say recently
The Northwesters. Fair, which is to be
bold is Goderich on the 4th, Gob and
Sib of Oct , promisee to be the greatest
Arida forward se agriculture that bas
yet been shade in Heron. The peke
list kr been increased to nearly f4,00O,
and many ialm•ble kittens Rad. bees
added, and sew idess are still being
sought for by the men•gesieet.
G.s'erich town hie Quote forward
n obly in the work of putting the North-
western Fair ou its feet, and, iudepen-
doetly of private donslioss towards the
prize list, ha. incurred • art s.1 some
$7,000 in prnvidieg suitable grounds
and necessary butldtaga for the holding
el the great .how.
The c,utras* for the pwposed build -
tap has loose awarded to Geo. Neib.r-
gall, sud the fad that be has accepted
the contract is a warrant that the work
he Ant -class, and that the building
will to. On"?1•6"'. ;,y the time specified
in the bond
This year • new departure has ran
made, by the Board of Director 0'nd the
spring show has been •br-ndoned. It
was pointed out by -Pranloistit Allen that
the biiiug of hones ;or the spring show
worked •gain:k the efficiency of the
animals inc purposes .f tmprovemeut,
and 1'-e was backed up by the prominent
:•oreeusen so unanimously that the spring
idiom was relegated to the past, and to
small fain of the present, by the North-
western Fair. Ample aawmodstioo is
to be provided for hones and cattle, and
already word has been received from
many of the principal breeders that they
will exhibit their animals sud hold
them nm sale on that occasion.
Mayor Seger, we understand has
made arrangement with W. H. Walsh,
the enterprising agent of the Reyel
Electric Light Ca'y. of Mootreal to ham'
oke grounds illuminated during the
nights of the show. the Company
providing • dynamo aid • man to at-
tend it, •rel the town furnishing the
A pleasing feature is in contemplation
in the term of • aboral exhibition under
the leadership of 1=. P. Hall., which will
be taken part in by many of the leading
singers of the county.
W. undersand also that a special
invitation has been estended to His
Honor, the Lieut. -Governor of Ontario,
to be permit upon opening day, and
up to the time of writing the menagen
of the Fair are of opinion that the invi-
tation will be accepted.
Another feature that will be intro -
domed fur the first time to this section is
speeding in the nag, which has now be-
come so pleasing an exbibitiou et all the
large fain. Already • number of home -
men have signified their approval of the
scheme. Tuesday last the track for the
horse ring was surveyed by Tho.
Woatberald, 1'. L 8., and • full hall
mile ooarse will be constructed.
The prize tut fur the North Western
Fair is in the hands of the printer and
will be issued shortly, when it will be
seen that neither time nor money has bees
spared by the directorate so that the in-
terests s.f exhibitors and the public may
b. sub..rved.
THE SIGNAL will chronicle all new
phases in connectiou with the peogres•
of oke Fair that may o.eur from now un-
til show time. We will be found always
leading the procession.
Mia Hodgson, of Brampton. is visit-
ing at W. R. Robertson's.
Mr and Miss Humber were visiting
friends in Stratford last week.
Miss Comte, the surrogate court re-
purter, hes returned from vacation.
Col. Oliver, wife and children, of To.
roma, ore speudiog a few weeks at the
Puict Firm.
Rees Price returned from Belleville
Friday last, after enjoying • pleasant
visit to the old place.
Fred Widder, of the Bank of Montre-
al. returned to London Monday last,
after spending rscatioa in Goderich.
Mr and Mn Kiely, of Toronto, who
are spending holidays with friends in
town, took a run duwn to Stratford
Monday last.
Rev. W. F. Campbell, of Dungannon,
has gone to ire his brother, Rev. T. M.
Campbell of Owen Sound, who is at
present in rather pour health.
A Tins BILL-ti'hen it comes to a
girl eating ice cream and drinking lem-
onade to help • church, her patriotism
is bounded by a very elastic corset.
Ur THE LAKs -Rev Father', Wetter.,
Molphr and Tiernan, made a trip up the
lake last week, sod were hospitably
treated by Capt Ed. Rubertsoa, of the
Itkitd Empire.
()Nov Oxe I>:Dmott PRINTED. -A book
Ism been written "For middle aged
women." 1t will be • middle aged book
before • woman will to seen buying it
Mr her own rettdtwg.
Thorne 1*sMcKee. -The petition for
the repeat of the Scott Art has over Eve
thuuattd names •ttachel. it is likely
to be depneited in the sheriff • office two
weeks from Saturday.
PERSONAL 11ivNTtos - We are always
w illing to male • note of arrivals and
departures of tooweepeople and friends,
but ws annot keep track of everybody.
Hire es • bard, please.
Ili. M. t\ ichnleon, the West street
dentist. makes the preservation of the
natural teeth a ipsciafty. 0... artesian -
tared from 9 s. in. to 1p. m. for the
painless, motrastwo of teeth.
THo MAr2Rtu. is (t,,on. How foolish
it is to make fun of tier homemade
beetle. Thee is ant a girl who makes
her own hies* but is backed by some .d
the moat intimated papers of the limes.
WtIi,sm Rmmertoa, night foreman of
the Toronto Noes, was rutting his mu -
sin, Joh• Emmenne, of this town, hal
week. Sixteen years am the cantor and
"hilly F.w.mert.n Nuck typo nn the
edomts..1 the odd Tw.oao Trtryrwpie
tine 'tis yeas sine* last we mel, but he's
the .1015 jolly good 1.11.w es el yore.
A YFsterirur 8ohaoner Hoven
Around for • Day or Two
()ALT', Ctric HOLIDAY Ass Raaxtttawlo.
-The Fuseeters of Galt will hold their
aewmal outing ou Th.md.y neat, and
will have se excursion to Gwlerieh.
They will be received at the strums by
Cutlet Uudertck, and b.•rtily weloumed.
Aa III roe Ten But'ipvi. -If you
OM skew as any ilium prettier at tete
.omen than • girl 01 nineteen with gol-
den hair, rosy tAsek., ruby lips, and
dressed in white tulle with a Wue ribbon
moused her neck, let w me it Guelph
Nssruto.- The Yuman Women's
Chrietiae Twmperaoos Uoiow will meet
is the lemurs room of Kees church
mist Thmiday evening, August 11th, at
8 o'clock. Meotben are requested to be
present, u there is uurportaot Lu.in.es
ea cone op,
Rev. Fat K d'dondO4, of Maidstone,
cud- Rev. Y . Aylwatrd; of Wwenosh,
'gar, the newts of Rev. 8. J. Watters
for • few days during the week. The
three clergymen left Tuesday aftersmes
to visit their genial associate, Ree.
Shea, of Se•lotth.
Ezi•t'sm/ox rine Bareetta.-A cheap
Sunday school excursion i. b.bn •rrsn s-
ed to run to Goderich on Tuesday, Au-
gust llith. There will be no changing of
ears and the return fan is put at the
low Ague of 70 cents for adults and 33
oats fur .bildreu.
Hs is Orr ON A TRIP. -Samuel Kluane,
groin 'merchant is taking his annual
pleasure trip. He did Toronto during
the eerie part of the week and iutends
to take in the picturesque scenery of the
8agisaw end St Lawrence before he re-
turns to Goderich.
Tug ELInTtut• LIGHT. --Wednesday
last Mayor Seeger received tbo tullowiog
tel gram, which .peak' for itealf :. '.'"'"
C. $awake, Mayor, Goderixch.,...: