HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-29, Page 8• 8 TUE IIURON'SIGNAIL FRIDAY. JULY .9, 1887. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. ; MUe.. ,Dentistry. - Assignee's Notice. (lnrtir,wr.f fn,wt 4/A puyr. N Too last for last week IdULAIO- N LS. •� r SSIONSE'e NOTICE TO CREDIT - I Edmund Downs, of Chutun, is h vele 1i. Q ` 1 one ter holiday.. D 1 V T 1 L ' O O M O: of JOHN !ITHONO, of the V i'lage of Ford- . NIM w: a•. . Wm llieaet is *bhp to be about spin ! J. 0. Bisset .4 Chigoe, who was Fluting his sick fritter has returned .'me again. Mrs. Forbes has puret.sal %the eon- ?se.• sottege next to Mr. Thos tln.yd, Paul Mrs. Morrow. I * was the p e paid. Mrs J fates and child, .d ('6ir.Ko,are i the guests of Mn S. Yates. Mi.. MiY- Inc Yates, of Dutton, is a mo %letting at I the h.nne.t.ad. I Fraser, Porter S Kay hove just rocAv- rd • fresh supply of the celebrate.) Am- os lean fruit p in, p..ader and 1i• laid. Try it. Mery or Turit Neigh I: -1::i muter swamis left for Niagara Falls Thursday no -ruins to hear 11616 Junes preach at Weary Palk. The sermon a, tact come amiss to any of the Itarty'. lyra„casts+Ill.- The ladies f Knox church love dSvotea the prueseds e.f the Martha Washington eutrrtainmuut 1) reeiroating the audience room. The culling is being Hated cream and the walls *Trench grey. The managers are throtoughl repairing the . edi6_e try paintiug. &e. Tilt C. P. R. TkLiuia!H Coir Or- ste•a - By advertisement elsewhere u1 this imus it -will helmet, that i l.e C. P. R. Co. has opened out a commercial tele- graph agency in (ioderich, and oil be imparts' to d„ their share of the t rade of the t.•en. Direct wire to Stratford, Toronto, Ottawa and Mor.liral, doing away with "moonily fur repeating. R Raduh�, the focal 'gout says he doesn't sent all the trate, but only a share of shot is going. MIsstoN Semen hymn ---The officers est the mission Sunday school will hold their santed picnic neat Thursday. Aug. duh, (D. V) They will not canvass foe provisions this year as on f�•rrncr oc- casions. but toil! trust t. the I•berality of fnnnds t,. m•k't„1UP.ow) •'''catie.na to 4111 event. The school is nndenontina- ttona! and is deserving of support Per- s.n• desirous of helping the picnic along will kindly leave funds or provisions at the stove of M Mc0tlrvray, North Si. up to noon of Thursday New Fr excites root ilia Fran -At the meeting; o1 the directors of the \\-est ' Huron Agricultural Society, l.eld last week, it was arranged that a committee be appointed (n confer with uray, r Seager upon the advisability of getting up 'portal features cf attraction, for the coming great fall fair t r be held In ('.de - rich on the 4th, 5.h and Gth of Oct. The committee sill meet the may,4r this afternoon, and, we believe, arran,tements will be made to secure a number sof spe- cial attrech.utl In a•uuectlrn 1itk :he show. / 1. rsitio T,:A,'Hilt.. A- -' . I t TI. N - The twenty-seventh annual couveotio,n of the Ontario Teachers' Association will be held in the public hall of the Educe- t.on department, Toronto, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A •;wt 0.h, 10th, and 1lth. 1n additi• ti to the general association walk, sect •ns have hoer) placed on the program t .r public school, school inspector. and hi.h school work. H. I Strang, 11 A., of t:„dericb will have the honor of delivering the president's address. The executive committee earnestly calls the attention of all who are engaged in the work cf educati•rn to the Import lined of attend- ing the shore meeting. Certifcate,r will be tested to those who wish to ett3nd the meetisig, entltliuc the hold- er to return tickets on the railways at reduced rates. These certificates may bs procured from the monetary previoes to the commencement o1 the journey. Paiamcnnt. Misses Mary E. Mutchoon, and Litzie Murdoch of this place, are at present visiting friends. the former at hiocar- ditto and the latter at l,-usaela. The Murdo eh Erre, with five of their seen, are erecting a fine atone dwelling in the vicinity of Ethel. Dewdrop Lnnlsre. T. 1) 1:, T. held an open lodge last Friday tight. The at- tt.edance was not very large, but was as large as could be expected owing to this time of the year. The proyrainse was of • high :order. Thos •ro the lot confining tk.usa.lris pretty meek to the greet causal that they are banded together for. Every person went home highly pleased with the evening's entertainment. the !people of this vicinity may expect an entertain meat of this kind at least every three months, and perhaps oftener. What might have been a serious se- ntient took place last Sunday afte••n.o.n. As Mies Martha Murdoch was driving her sister Lizzie, who has not been well for envie time past, to Sunday •choral in compay with Mise Lizzie McMillan and t wo small children. Divot Murdoch, and hie niece limes Cameron. while going dews the hill the beeeclrieg broke e,t► 1N,th sides. letting the buggy runt against the horse's heels. higbteeing him w that he ran away. A crowd of boys ahead seeing the affair, att cd in a line screen the road to slop hon, cawing the horse to at once take the ditch which was not very shallow. All at once the shefta which wen attached to the rig with a spring, came out and the horse gat clear, but not without taking Martha with his. She was dragged about 20 fast. She saw she could not hold him, and she let g0 hat not without getting holly hurt. As luck would have it, Dr MoCriwmon artived on the scene at ueoe while .wi hie way to see a patient, but his services were not needed ally further than In take her home. The root got off with a had fright. One of the shafts war splintered aid two ri the side 'pokes of the eover;/i►ilolted oat e.l plates W. are pleased tai hnt'n thtt Martha i. re-creriag 11.e tele' °eery staging on which the ».ohms. of F.dtnherg stood at hetlite boat laeneh Mrrtd•y at the labs of Wight, convent' during the ceremony. The Piineeta Destines was precipitator] The cltldren ar:d niece of It •v Ti,••a five rre visiting f, iewda near Chatham. , Arthur Irwin, a former Aubwen boy, riutd �.ur town last week. He was looking his prettiest. Wee Woodman, sof this place, was tun - struck last week. Via Windmill was ileo smittott Both, se are glad to sty, have since recovered. Samuel Scott, who has been to the Old Country on a bovinest tt up, an iced hOuto Friday last, right end up with care, looking ss if his two months' trip bad agreed with hon. Gabriel Sprung bad the bad Tuck t.. hen one of his min Aga homes on FriJay, which was ya'iordd at $90!1. its death was caused by the bursting .f a Wood missed uP,ile drawing on a hal fork. The lien eveis! iaeld by the Methodist church ch••ir en the gruurids ,.f (1, Sprung, was n. t as largely attended as it was expected it would be, bat a very nice time -was spent by all who were present. i'a/NrtL A•:r-irs*T.-As JanIes Clerk • Klalldla bole Otho N tet w ten County of lloroa. llraeral Store - u. 1lsdbly keeper. an luso: Teat. L. \\'f1uL\'ERT0If, L D. B,1warThr toltrut has as.Itued to ewe fee the ��. Ihi a Ode Fellows Hell NeW Norte . (t ouof bis credhon wader SO Vk.. cap. ILlMt. 1',..41.ors must Ale their 'Wilms Whim atm Gugencb. Charges moderate. A11 wort war-. J w or before the 11 It day al g.pte*Mr neat. ranted- Gu. or vitallard Air ambers t°r t=iw• after which duce i .haU proceed telHatriitwle cessevatraction a teeth. lNL the some h+,'int) regard claimed to the clain _ 01 w►kat I .baa lh..thate no hrs. JOHN KNOX. Tredve, She People's £olumn. i Nth'. 1{'' ' 4-.l, Eaet. Hawiltae. TOR BALE. Hamilton. Mlh July. 1111. . Whit r THOIiOI.OHHRED (•TW WITH 11E1F i N TUE MATTER OF R CALIF A Wk.EKd OLD. l JAMIit ('ROIKKRY. h will rimae in l'anadua Hrrd lhwk. u1 the Village of Wttrlr. 1n the Comity of It ]1RR It. HAN'LKY. HYtVD I:W.1. Hurus• rosea tido. Redly a\T. II�MPLOY'11ET t% ANTED -BY A N.w,ne i. beret' dreg the the above aam- I Weedy nun. et soffit habits, and with • ' rd J 001 l an .. diff en rhe Dell day of half Mttpcatton. (•o=pen at lo take a positive J-tly. lit a . yk•, an ase.groorn, to me est all et la a Me. Addreae A.B., this oMos. 1040ht.,.ow. and oil eta, In pursuance of Chap. AA of Pi V u-.. ow. t'1 RENT -THE BEST Itl'$INLSS ' tmreuutrottb.creditors ..fthe mid luso! 1 „rat tar ,be appo4,tment of In.pn•tun. and ritau.t, o0 the hs. business strut in . ilii• wirltid of r.areetiwu ten tie dLponil est tt„ Town. Wore ottupptta.dd at present by Mrs estate. will be held at lay'A.e, In the (ban Mitrrtell. Will be al'ered and nrutlrrlved t1 • llfttfe. la the Town of Uudericb. On gait tenant. :01 tf E. N. L tit Irl. 1 Fruie•t, Me 114I. Jq n of Jwly, at the hour of twelve �o'clock. oouw. EAPICR FOR KALE --A I3AkoalN l re4iton are requestrA t* Ale their „lain,. is .A►r.d IQ A Champion Hraper, v, •p etalaat the estate with we. w it h walla. ii a. - little used. and cow in thorough repair. Alen tatted; Igloo nature and ra:ue of .weeny, it • l-ire-I'reuf :lata in good ur.i.r. apply to any, bel&. on or before rite .bay' l. 1.Inter- ITR.tI'HAv. =1�• • ,iiia was doggies co $sudsy bast his horse `ti PECIAL NOTICE. took fright at a reaming beget. end ►,7 threw hies out of the vehicle. Hts 1.g THE POINT FARM. wag moth! An As spokes of tke hire wheel,and broken, causing • eery painful injury. Win S'urdy has purchased the firm of T II Tn..mpson for the sum 1,1 $4,100 e, 1 T II r ttlortf[i"lltlh't!l>R"Tft-Erjtb to live iu I quiet retirement f - t• the rest of his days. As the old gentleman is a red h,t Tory ! it is sapected he will give a baminet to kis political brethren before !.e Inv as ' f:.,. week's item..• l;uArtetly service will be hr•.d in the Methodist church Sunday next. The weather has been all that wild resting operati,,ns are far advanc•.i. William Symiugt .n, who has been laid up f..r some time peat, is tow ' around aga•n. but it will take some rant? for him to get up to full shape a_ein, as his t'lnese to.k hint down r.'nsiderah:J' be desired and as a c •nae ! son. ham The painters are at work on the prernittes of Mr Helwick•, Mn Tamer. and 1:. F. Y-•,ungblutt, and the trault sill 1Nl toward its r ,ving our main street bdiblinrs to www extent. It is uluiersto.,d that •,ur business men and prominent farmers intend taking Fsusihstta the; Too. aheoltairtrseliorlotto the cares mud •nnoyaiiees or M,pyemteekrreing fur a few weeks will receive very 1lbered rstastur the =oath of July. A. 1 have now a very et- elebt snag of cooks wa:tar. Rc.. 1 s= well fur buetntw. The placegeaerally b ✓ ee order and very cnniferesite1 J. J. WRIGHT. 10i -t f Proprietor. - I 1' \1'(l11D FOR SALE. .1 large 'luau t'ty ref rummer fire *00!. con - +icing of hot' 1].S u.luek „:ahs and 1 etnil•.g ••3rnings a: from •• to $ NEIN lewd. .tpp•v to 101 2nto Widerith and Dim lop P.O. NOTICE 1' HEREBY GIVEN FOR - L--RIDDIYt1 any pinion purelaserig the IsM CASE ALLtr:N'el horn: trout JAMES SAILE.Y 641t down'* legally belettgto Boller, for :t has not been paid for. Alen any person .)n¢e debit to the lave CASE ALLEN please pay uta and .are arta matt ?lira C -psi ALLics. action in the smatter of railway connec- `I rsrc. -al bas ci lOICE. AFTER 14 -. r year. "tidy of tousle, i. prepared 10 re/•e.ve pupil* the 'the ?aline. 24 ierraona quarterly. terms:-ei L -r quarter. 203D- QHORTHAND.-ISAAC PITMAN S kJ PHONOGRAPHY. The most popnareye tem taught. instrnctioe booka for sale at Tan d.uN•L office. Every buy mad girl should ora ahorttand. 710* tins with Goderich, and an effort will be- ; For Sale or to tet. oboe), nude oed, to divert the extension front Wicitham :•t Auburn to (iuderich. S+rare of the railway wr,rken • f (ioder- ich and Wingbrim will be incited to be present at the f :eating. The Canadian P.cit"r railway will ex- tend its Southwestern line this summer. It has Men decided f,t proclaim, un- der ,he Crimes .\.t, a.: counties its Ire- JaoJ. Largs dep•ei:e cf co.al have been dia. covered at Cron a Nest Paas in t?:e Rockies. Freak E. Egon. so old London print- er. is Deputy Secretary c State, for Michigan. Mia Rose C'ere'and, the Pte+:dent's sister, will take a position in • F,i 1 arena', New York, sch•oe•l in September. At Louisville. Ky . the psi^e of ti bee - 0o has advan_ed fly ;,0 per 100 pounds in three clove.- Thi -}race .due t.a short crop, The Art Association of M. ntreal has received* donation of 1110,1.00 , n c' e- dition that tt elnaletaogee to :he public A On Sunday, The new Canadian Pacific t•ridge,ct.•as- Mg:the St Lawrence at St. Anne's, was completed MIorday, and the List train parboil over it. Premier Mercer has decided to accept the offrer of $12.Z.,000 in lieu of Montreal's indebtedness, and the amount will be paid over by the city. Huts are being erected on Lord lans- d, ane s est•'e at Luggscrrran fur the 1 evicted tenants. The place is now call. ed Campaign Square. Ily the loss of th.a .teener Sir John, Levens*. in the Bey of Bengal. bef..r. reported, 800 live were lost mainly fe- rule pilgrims to Juggernaut. John W Mills, shoo* trial was pend- ! ing in St. Thomas fr.r bigamy, levanted the other day. and his father was called upon to pay $1,000 r'eoogt:ixance, ROBERT GIBRGNd, dhoti, Co. It -iron, A te!gnce. r7.eritr'e Office. rich• Juh.lati • ire. -'1 PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS. P TAILORING Gents' F urns shings• lane mow prepared to show a oempt i. a.eortnSat Srszxc Coo9s, O V EKOGATINO$ 1.611 the Near $h .a and alb s An eedless rartety of Y.agllsb, Irltrh and t iso dulttuge. An immense Awl of New aid $tjliah cassettes Tweeds. CHEAP 1 CHEAP 1 1 CHEAP I I I to ltra►tarbN, aU Coeds bought by the yard cat free charge. B. MacCormac. Onderi eh, Awr'il i tl'neld. i~w SUMMER MILLINERY MRS_ SAL3�LD Pe gm to awnoance 1„ the 1.., !.� ... flueb•rich and vi, �a.i that .hr has opened out a handsome Iles of • GAUZES, GLOVES, ETC. "i.oans ane-3ns_urance. _ WE ARE STILL L1; 'NIN9 Parr' 0 ATB FC'NDct at 31 lever „eat- fittlrt t InlerwtpayableTt•riT. TM.. liniaiii31)1v an?a��1 S� tl�sl�l 1 Ti���e�d il�to reduce teem rate of iutersst should trill } or write for prrt:ouJare. • ! BAOER Ar LL( -Id 755i tf (iodetich. 1pec,al attention is Called to her Q800,000 TO LOAN. AFPLY TO I' CAMERON HOLT 1 CAMERON. Dodo rich. 17M ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE `L amount of Petrel* reads for ineestmtat t ' at lowest rotes on ar,cls eMortgatles Apply touARROW & PROVDrai . E E. SEVER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. ' OFFICE opposite Cdhorve Hotel. Oederieb. ' Risks taken at LO'Vatt'T HAUS fa the fol owtnR fist elms Comsrnlm The i.ondon Aeauranue-Ertabli.hetl 1720. The National.ot Ireland --Incorporated lett Haad-ie-Hand-The only Company autburia- al to insure Plate utast In Canada. ! Federal LUe Assurance (o. -- IHman oe Plant. 11-11 R. RADCLIFFE, 1(1ENERAL INSURANC. , REAL ESTATE AND MONEY LOANING AGENT. Oa' p Firal-doss C'otrpaolrw Repr•rereted SI Money to Lend on stre4 Inaba. at the Ilowest rate of totere.t going. -,---------- _ -- _ n aay way to RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS suit tk. norrower. RESIDENCE At1OFFICE -Second dour frOal Square. F:IR *ALE BY TENDER. Tenders will be received up to Ao[;t st belt for the brick residence now occupied UT )tr. Williams. hanker. situated on the bank over- ' fooling the lake and harbor- one of the finest lucatluo Is town. House commits double parlors, dining room. kitchen. Ave bed rooms. pantries, bath room. wash room. inside W.(',. hard and soft water. cellar field star of house. furnace. mantles and all conrenienv.ei. Kate eeltlect to :•rase h. Id by tenant. Owner not paced to accept the highest or any tender, Address: U. W. BERRY. OOder:c',. Ooderlrb. July 77th, 1157. 21447* West Stmt. Goderlch. aICSt. S0,000 TONT. LOAN AT 6 PER CK THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CO'T are prepared to loan mosey at 0 per test.. pay We boll early. on \TEIUIS Ti) SUIT BORROWERS, ea Ant -class farm security. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT t CAMEP(tW. Harriuere Oodericb, Aweta for the Toronto Gement; Trusts Co'y. M.s.es. CsH6kox1. HOLT t CamasOR bare also • large auto -int of privets Sunda to log t ►RENT -:RESIDENCE AND °i ami: Ofraii, rtty. 151141 T'us URut'ND9 on Lighthouse Street. opra etre D. C. riiruban'e palatal premiers. I $300,000 PRIVATE FUNDS 105-t1' Apply to s. N. LEWIS. j� HIZI'4E FOR SALE -THE CIIN• VENJENT and comfortable ret on East street. itntnediautlyi epeeelte lkwo: ch:nub -carat o.•cupled.ty the ituir r t !t eo.nial .i =s. *114 .am Yktt wood sh ie. and has Hard and soft water WI the premiere. Terme cash. For _p�aarticu- Lnapp, v to WILSON SALKELD. 106:1 Foundry. uedsrkb. UOI•SE AND TAO HITT FOR 11 PALE cheap -on Paltner.lon-er. New frappe cottage 7 rooms Rood Mable. A in gond! repaid' Low orchard Far ppS�rrttieulgte app:„ to K. 1t. WATSON. ilaieter. 104t t 0ederich. FARMS FOR SALE - IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OODKRICH. Huron coanty : Lot II In the 3rd and 11 in the tr h coa cession. 'Two of the best Se acre farms in the connty• A . creek tit flows throetrh. Noor ! To Ier on farm oral town propery. at low ret i:,`ereet. Mortgagee pnretaeed. No com- munion charms agents for the Trutt and Loan (•.ompany oC Canada. the Canada Landed Credit Company. the Loudon Loan (company a*sda Interest. d, ea and 7 per cert. B. Borrowers can obtain money in one day, if title satisfactory. DAVISON t JOHNSTON. 1773. Barristers. !e„ Osderteb Auctioneering. JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC t 1IONEER and Land Valuator, Dodtrick Ont. Having bad considerable experience i•• the auctionerrtng trade. he is In a position discharge with thorough satisfaction al: dam mun lao. entrusted to him. Order's left al Mortal's Hotel, or sent by mail to my address. Ootirrch P. 0.. caref• lly attended to. JOHN KNOX (county Auctioneer. 11157.1 ly all (1017 3 totes from sir T'owa _ est Ouderi -h. For further perimetersaddrw W. M. HIV(•Ks. 1'wor-t:memo, 10.14t uueenub P.O. - Societies. 6'4 - ,ACRES OF LAND - CLAY •w LOAM - tai, area Tree of at amps -d team from uoderich on Lake Huron. To ex-' chantm for a smaller larm or saw on.11 la a rood locality. or w II. ern on t dry easy terms at less Mai, IJ:, per re re. Fu. call parti„ulars apply ta UKO. NEiHEHGAI.L 101 -lino tlodortch. ,TW(1e 71BST CLA'B FAlthlii FOR 1 sale. One is the township of A.hfeld, containing 111/ owes awd oar i• Kaat Wawa. nosh. tnntaisarl5 n acres. For portico a5pty to Camerett. Hatt g C'aaerm.. Gwie- rit b. dirt Y ■Allteera. -- CHURCH FOR HALT. -TENDERS and which *al he , ere?er, by the undersign- ed Trustee' at the i March oa lYeelneaday, *ueust 10th. at 3 Woke k p m. The building can he no:d with or without the seat. and fur- nishings. The Treeless do net bind thea - "elves to ac.ept thr lowest or any tender ga- lena tat1�fect°r For further rNtrnlars ap- ply to W IM. MIAOW. Peet Albert. or to W. II CAMPHELi., negane w Popertntrndeat 0, the l5rcuat. Knit HY ORDER OF THE TRUM E. At rlaltfe-A. on the fall J'..ly by the Ret. irr. 1 re, Mr Richard (,lata to M.st .(goes 1. Itrlt Al •he Methodist personalre.. Ben m.11er. ow the Jath inst..ty Rev. J. Entitle. leech P 1. kea, to Mier Men H. holt. both of Ooder.ch. Ntrm. la Gederirh, on Puede,. July ,,tth, alai. R il!!mse Jardlae. aged 7e years Domestics 'fenteb. QEItVANT WANTED. - G0OD / Deseret Servant wanted. week 1itttt Ap- ply Mita natter we. East street. elf WANTED AT ONCE AT TH* Point Farm. Two mon good wa t5rr tied a smart tresses to wain dloirea. 1 tr GIRL WANTIMD-APPLY T'f Mut. U. M„axe.ri CVBDY. PIetonetrrtt ot► Mt a -M,. O Ya1tf Legal. I2 1', �I A 'S. SOLICITOR, Rr. l • ' O re, nose, it loners apt Non street eh,' otear'te�rapb corr. feel vate.!<tsda M Med el N tsar aeot. Wen WADER .R LEWIS, BARRISTERS, 1 Oederic C. $014tH. Jn J. A Mowvow K. N. Iwo i• 1907• CI ARROW It PROI.DTI1(IT, • ' RtETRIIS \ttornr s. Molititon. Dederick J. T. narrow. W. Proudtoet. CAMERON. HILT & CAMERON'. Sanction in Charade . R , are heittg a.ked for rhe ptsnahw.t of the Canada MethndIst. (-hurrh at She , ilea F ►lt SALE. West half of lel illi. Album I lee 1, it lib 5�a11 b-: k collage thereon. r1rtnritun Llan.- 158 110. 713. Elgin Street. Pt. Aadnws ward. 1111. ea Mref none aadiri taMUt Read. Frame" H Mary bowie 0s `Myr P'rret.:et owl half land. oevenl Mots in heels survey. •poselte weer Elbow (1rouw.M, v is. Noe V. 71. lit. M. M. Si All. At si. All the .bo.. at IA)W' RATIIS. A:•ply to I)! -tf DA V IDION t JOHNSTON. I; ARM. Tl►wN AND VILLAGE 1'HOI'ERTY run ElAI..:. Th. Keel-oanes wad Tro.teee of the gelate of the Irate J I IMEPU 11V.11 R. nR►r ler sale the fop•'wing s aleaM. IYcgterty• warily : R ldlai,� Lout number. 1J/ and 121, l0 11. Town of (idtlrri.h, 1 of an sere each. Fairly fenced. earl ;Try deearahle for building pur- Half acre lot fronting )1111 Rant. Township M f;n4erich, Awing pert of dart 3 is rhe Mall. land ('onertr.on of nal/ Tnw•tdrIp. Nlo. Frain* (•outage and Frasier (•table. Lot cashew 3. Kona, .lde of Stiller terms. Ilse at as Oink n /sews w Incs atm nesrhlro n eM s, in, Ike Tows of momma 1! of as sAv Mka. Nva 11 fully titw•hol .a tiestlt was est 0.,.. Wren. a 3 ies�ical. Nay festeed - - ---a, '� ii �i d Int ti�ix it vett WawaNO Y K.RO66LiCENT1 ATI OF ANCiE`T ui.I►ER Ot UNITED WORK NEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, Na. :i, A. 1). t'. W. .Meets in their Ledge Itaotr over Tua r.i.NA1. O1ke. tioderosb, en the SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS OF EACH MONTH. VISITING BRETHREN ARE ALWAYP 8. P. HALLS, M.A. REES PRICE, M. W. Flaancler G. W. THOMPSON. :701: If Reporter. Amusements. Gc►D>[MUH MECHA1I ICS' INSTT- TVTt L1RRART AND READING ROOM, cot. of East street tm� Bailors top twain. Open from 1 toe p.ma., and from 7 16 10 p.m. ALoUT 2000 VOLS IN LiBRARY Lea•linll rail,, 11%-ekly and Illustrated /'n/r r.<, 1/a •. • a i Tres, d r, , on file. MEMIHER(IIIP TICKET. ONLY • .M, granting free nee of 'Artery and Reading Howe. A1- ::cation for membership recr!Ted by Likrar.at . 1a rooms. ft. M.11.('0M90N. GEO. STIVKNP. Pree'dewt. Mcretiry. Ooder:ch. March 1414. MRS. Millwright, Ualuator, &c. t. A. NUMMI. - - MiLLWRIGHT MAClII,; EOT, VALt�ATt1R, At1R'1tT. dr. Eat' mates Mase and Contracts Taken for House Healing by the Haw Water tydem. its Water and Stea-wt31o�en. Little Want WILSON 8Ros GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS ST. DAVID -ST, GODERICH, (Two Doors East of Whorl)'a Hot,:.. Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Healetases, Mantlepieoew, and s'11 kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble; also Window and Door Bills, and House Trimalin;s of all kinds in Ohio Stoae, All work designed u.l eseented in best $'; le. 'iV1L •ill\ BROS. deal largely in all Linda of European an I Canadian Granit,, which special ait+ntiewt i. called. 1t will pa)- to call before ordering elsewhere: WILSON BROE1- Codereh. June Sits, 1101. WAS 1 ANCHOR LINE nmrr11rm8 Rs Tr ATLANTIC EXPRESS SERVICE. LLVs%11000r NUL QUWITO'RX. teteam.hlp '•ATT or KOt5.- from New York. WPDltxrt'st, July JD, Angllt 17. slept. 11, and Oct. IG Largest and ducat passenger Summit *Rust. &aloes Paemgr. WO w 5100. second-CIass.5J0. aro & •0W SERVICE. tearnere every etaturday from New York to GLASGOW and LOODO DESRT. C.bto Passage to Classes. Llrerpool or Belfast. =M and 0 (lam, 511. !Peerage. outward or either derviee. 510. Saloon Excursion Tickets at Rell.,x4RatMl, Traveller.' Circnher Letters of (credit. awe Drafts for any Amount based at lowest cat. Mt rale.. For nooks of Tours Tickets or farther infer. I =alien apply to iIKNDF.Rri0N BROTHKIt". New York. or ARCHiBALD DICK 40N. Oud.rieh. 3tel DODERICH BOILER !ORLS stal & Black y '1len Orals stn, of all kind. of STAT10IEll. RAMIE. UP*IINT AND TUBULE!! BOILERS. fALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kiwis of Sheet Iros work. STEAM AMO WATS& NK iITTIMC• cosrtaatly on hand. Om hand. ready for delivery : 1 as H.i. Mew steel 1 • H.I. new Moller. 1 Colltple -beat Titreabiog Outfit Boller, Engine. Separator, he. all in rood workless order. Will be said cheap. Melt orders w111 receive prompt attention. Weeks t Opp. 4. T. R. nhtlea. P.O. BOX 381 Oderleb, May 15t►. SSW The Irma LAMP 111111 NW@ Mev No Globe, Nu Chimnry, No Nt•ehe. NaOder, No Heat around the M1 well. Positively Nen- Ktplosive. EVERY LAMP 0 warn n teed. Made In "Hating -Table. Bnek,t. be attach to cha.- &Ne u Library, Ate-, &c. Pries, - $4.50 and upwards. Tuve C & Vhite Machine:, Pianos and, Organs, m festa the most celebrated maker* cheap for Ca. h. GEO. W. THOMSON. A gamf- Reasldenee- First Ilos•e Fad of Menest►A Planing )1111._ and Mbar Water N').ee1e. Agricultural Iw- • rlemorots. Mill Machi:.r r7. Zonwbeiss! PLANS AND tll'ECiF1CATT0�8. oALUAT10Ne HAIM EA •T STREET. - - OODERiCH. Fre. 3. til•. - Mei THE N F'W F,,IT (Amerce. Q.C.; P. 011, egret a•• M neves ejesi 1) 1. ; W. y A Rms. 1751• ww�et • teaeltd retort : 4.7ait rest A e Rn al 1'c.o x,g� et Ph Neiats. Feta tai haw I.nehaew a.4 a alis" from bile a ew South Mee of Haailltwr•.t. yew, liond read Ygp4 Ihu pratse teuttars. iCSWAN, d==iner, u.deiwh Ilii. 4. U1• >K1111 rtlo WE tool ~pow 1ra5Ftf ('ir1 ar,4 1KY pi', an4 est towar.t the sea, and barely escapes e. dwelling. An old farmer ten Halisrlten township, stein ppootad .s were kith mot 14 ng go& wea oit'rwd w dollar a bealam! be Mie h.rsJrtd bushels. SIs hos betr 'niftier •ver sire*, and would giddy take Ray a vela • busltesl for these wssw, let es new p,tato o are in ho will likely have to feed oM ones to his plMa travelling tbuibe. ---- utiAND TRUNK rAe.. Kzrtest. MutedLDV 0Ideritis/1.v. I sillis ret t 111:1!1p.in I ai Olratfer41Ar. sN1a.mI 7:13 p.= 7N .e. Mixed. Mixed. E��rwr� mats era Le.I ale em I:14 tun 1505.0 h (l wter,c; tr. 14 ;Newt f edit.. rue s • Did ,0MeLRAN, PHYSICIAN'S NEON, Oerwer R Once and StPrime iman Inemceed Nx wen weof 17N. 11Eld. SHANNON A _SHANNON, l.! at . pwee,ace. aId'.a 1 mod „kik 0 0. itis moral. wear, Tooth Paste. AT J. WILSON'S IPERSCRIPTION DR7TO @TORIII DODmRIcrar.. EXHISPflON TORONTO Sept. 5th to 17fi 3O,OOO IN PRIZES ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST gilt. This. bolas the laomiiioa and Industrial E. bibitie.suumbtaed, will be the grewtwtezl.t- hirtea of tae l It mal and INuatrW ducos c.1 this roe o u pro. rotatory ever bold. A 4rasd rr.R•aawme of rp,elul Aeeese• flaw. b setag pnp.rwl. I:eturn o,k.t. of single fare and cheapex- (ardous on all nil ..;• ditrlag the hal tiny et the KxTibitwto. ' Tbe greatest Ergot of the dekko Tar For Prise Liats and full information ad dr ow J J. MITNNOM N. J. HILL. President. Mgr. sad Soul. 21004. Toronto. Ott AT KFL' L - Anl]t FORTINT iFPs's c0c03& Bit KA K FAST. "By a thorongh knowledge of the ftratoral laws whack govern the operatlose( dlpstMa and nutrition, mad by a careful spptltatkn of i the One orwertlee of wM1-slectei firers. Mr. Epps has providod our tweakfaat tablet with a delicately flavored beverage *idea us*y tare w many heavy doo nss( bale. It ie by the judicious use of each atticles et dist that • esneutation may lar grsdomlly been up motel Meow enough to resist every toy to disease. Hundreds of stabile neer are floating aruwwd m readyto attack wherever Howe h p a weak int. e may wars ratan a falai .haft by Wooing eared Well wen brilfl ed with pure blamed mad apprrwsppeerly nevhked frame.- -" (chit a,refre Qasettta' Mods eimpty with holUseir water or milk. Shod may la pockets by Grocers, labelled thus : JQME> s 1 Ce.. liumtsepatttkasie nd e MISAINEEk TheCrudian Pada Railway Tae People'" Favorite Monte Were.. MONTREAL - TORONTO, QO'EBEO OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT - CHICAGO . LOUIB AND A1..ANSA8 ( fy1, WEST. For Maps, TIms T.hles, Pers, Tie hots. &a appy to R. RADCLIFFE 7ge�. OMCE •-West Street, pp�te TMagn Ogee, Dna% rorvM the I9aee. Oedertei Jam. nth. 1!117. I5as- WOOL! Farmers' AtIollh!oll! The Highest Wool le e Ceeoarse TOweeis. �i14 '.41... a js aill of Tares Tirhe a ortdd •wo will tw eM niMssiMae specialty. Jsf-A CALL SOLiCI RD..ai' dr. ho mad& et low aha acidthJtw e•lem work • 1 r*Miinerit ter E. McCANN R•' .,4 e11. Jw,e 5 MUNE