HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-29, Page 6.1 '
CM Poet's Corner.
'1 alien lie inallaseed."
Not here. not here not where the sparkling
rade into mocking rands as we draw Dear.
Whore into the a ilderncse each footmen la:
I shall be rat naiad but oh' not here.
Not he tr. *bete ever) dream of bliss deceiver.
Where the a ore spLit never gains its goal
Where. Lanett -it eier by the thoughts tt.L.it
grieve 0..
A. rose us fboods of bitter memory cur.
rhere t• • land a here every pulite le g
With remorr varth's sojourners may n.!
kit**. •
Where heaven's repose the a eery heart .a
And peacefully Web tinie-tueeed entreat*
Far eta of sight. while yet Hie flesh enfold/rue.
Lies • fair ....wary a ben. air lkearte shine.
And of it• blest .• naught ioJr* wirodrour • u! !
Thiiis lair*, (Use nor44 :1 ahallb. salient. I_
Kat lofted. sat iefled ! The epic. Cs yearning
For .iureet companionship with kindred
to lido,
rue sileht 10% 1' that 'acre in,r,1 no ret.iruiag,
In.. Inspirit ion which no longer finds.
they be satisfied :he sears endue
-me aching o.I which nothing earthly CM.
6 tic what desires upon us) wail are thronsizg
As I hal% upward to the heavenly hi%
rbither my weak and weary feet are teal.ng.
•4avieur and Lord, with thy frefi child ab!de
4 -tandem* towed home where annoy wan -
&whine ended.
I shall then see rhee. and be satisfied.
Farm anb earben.
Mr. B P. Were. of Mearlelleall. ho-
rst. Ow the stover of Indian Corn will
pay ell the tap/mite id relent/ the °top.
iaeleding the omit el the fent; z•r used,
thug glving the fanner the grain as clear
pr tit.
An exchange says a cow will stand a
good deal of suffering fur want of water
rather than make • hung journal through
the hot sun to • stream or pond. There-
fore see that the cattle have easy emotes
tu water.
Remecniarr that the vastest enmity •
plain can have IS another pant of the
mum kind growl.* by its sole, as both
feed on the sante material. Remove Lite
vreokyr plants and leave the stronger.
true 'rood plant will yield more than tiro
plants under oaf.. orable conettious.
The problem 01 farming ansists in
making tbe *oil esereesingly fertile.
Manure is the farmers saving" bank,
••id if in Tis of them ert•urd have large
heaps of it every spring tetpread upon
their lends, instal...I of money at interest,
hey pr_opet. better in Ina end.
Three thcasend to. hundred hogs-
head' tr.bacco were recently bunted at
L unodle, Ky., by the tIcs:r -.ctioit
Lags tut aces warehouse. The gutters
alt rIVSfl f •tstos tro!Iu • t t aroma
:teed panty. "sheep dip" and extract
let Lobate.) were waisted. The fertiliser
men named a big chance.
The .ter Ehiturol farmer says : Ten
scoop a veiling seep will give the same
rtsults as sixty acres of posture ; and
!durum the lea dr y menthe et August
entitseetoeteae-a---Saitaislusto- tha.I
tP*$ta,N*Sbfl,4UP.W$M rive sear•
'17 Mae satinfactory. 01Ie man for an I
ihoer dining the early T ruing nil: gut
B. $.-Ie Illfeentlaufwedee.
"Illy hogshead was it...0.1.a with
dyspepsia fa wire dean fair years.
Tee experienced Open:tams dial hue ne
gaud We tee discouraged, aid d We
rend 61 Burdock Blood Bitters ; 1.. tank
only Iso beetles awl wow is as well a
ever, 51.4 Jo'aig heavy work all the
time. Mee Basford Ituwe, liarley.
Orit. Ft 11. S. hes cured the weal
mato of ttltruu�o dys2pepsia.
Ir. tl.• history of inediciute no preps
ration kits received such 'mita-eel was
uataidation, for Cie alleviation affords
and the pertuanent cure it effects iu kid
ney diseases as Ur Van Buren's Kinney
Cum Its action in these thistreeetng
complaints is aimply wonderful. Sold
by J. 2m
Wry fever is a type catarrh having
peculiar tyrupt . It t• atteuded by a.t
inliansed condit too of the holm* 1111,01•
bean & of the motels, tear dans and
throat, affecting thy keep. An acrid
nsucuus iimeereted,the discharge teacati.111-
pabioil with a bunting sesseatiam. There
are severe spasms of atiestitig, freeway
attacks uf heruitiche, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Cream halos is a mute
ay that cm be depended upon. 50.as.
at &nodal* ; by eat, merlons& 60 Is.
Ey Beakera , Meares, Owego. Nee
.ik. ly
Seem item.
lo Groat Britain the question of Home
Role is contru tridtisir *tient'(((( . the
Mon with a cold in the head or cheat the
safes* way to ensure Wive Itui• over a
Cold its 1st have en hand a bottle 4.1 Ur
Heys Hood hue time. Fut nailp a
J. Wds •air Prescription drug store. if
• timed art. euaiegh far two meals ; al the feer1in4
to the A'11111111 i$ C. -11y a vrry short chore.
• A o a c'tre for all summer cotapNints
1 highly reCominend Dr. Fowler's 'Ex-
tnict ..1 W81.1 a:rawberry. bavina often
used it with the best reeyflta. I hare
intro hey thanked far recanonserehng
it." Waimea Hee, Atwater, Out. 2
liabera Tsr.'
"It is mother's turn to be taken cart
of now."
This speaker was a 'winsome Veit
girl wh••se bright eyes, fresh oiler and
wager looks told of light Learted!ii.
-neg. Just one of 'chisel, she had t1.
air of culture which is an added attrae-
tion to the blithe young face. Ir was
mother'i turn now. Did she knew how
any heart went out to her for her un-
selfish werds t
The Booms need extra ears when nn
the atoning tna,:hine itt re t%.in they do
extra feed. The extreme 1.ea. causes et
trona. thirst and proftme perspiration,
oven when the latter evaporates so fast
55 th Nave but little indication upon the
i hag. A Mw swellews c•f water every
ho a better thee • pailful or tee pail,
fqawh*e u:Atitchied for feeding Ips fact
'he heavy erfokinz tat before 1..ding is
an nijury to the iaqmative powers and
• eery Ctidet:t ride.
Never Trlesi 11." -
Whr.t ! Never tried J .hnstrin's•Tueie
Bitten ! Tben do au at once, it. pain
tire', tt.e bell general !vale on the
: tnar.ket.
I re sften heard I :t but ti aight that
it was to be pItiaeZ ...y the list of the
malty trashy 1.:•eparati 21 5 that flood Our
market, bat since you recommend it so
highly I'll sire it a triel. Du s ,
Ti„, many i„„iiii.i.,,, in their ewe of good fur any c,.-:-..p!aiLt iu wi.ated a tlnig
is ,.1 benefit. and C..sft Se taken by usan,
their daughters, entirely overlook the wows, .,r clod& 50c. and $1 pee 11
idea that they themselves need fares- at . Ota. Druz et, re, A!oton block,
lion. They (11 without all the easy, 1 Gudesichoade agera. s
i ..... warty and chartning things, aud say ! - ---......
nothing atetut it ; aud the tictightera ALI _ Clerk a..--. employer) -WUt. ohs* I
not tkink there tit any acif.deniai iuro,...1 mark that new ha uf Clack silk at 1 Ls- le
" ' pluyer- Mark the selling price ten eh&
ed. Jenny geta the new dress, sod I hugs a yard. Clerk -But it suet only
neither wears the old one, turned up four shinnies •yard. Eurp!oree-I da'l
side down and 'trona shle oui, Lacy I. oar° what It c(mi• 1 an 1°11!"g off 11**
'ems on the mountain trip, and mollies, 1 •,lair41.1114. .11 0.1.
--a.--e• -se--
stays at home aud keeps house. Emily
t Me on Tatar aware.
is tired of study, and must lie down in I D ,..4,401,.. a „id in th,. head 1., .k.ef.
the afternoon ; but mit!her, though her ly and turely run irrtn Catarrh, when
back ache., Isas,ivliaili ter such an! in- you stn be czzeii f .r 27,s. I.y using Dr.
dative:ice. .. ••• -- ' Chase's' Catarrh Cure. A• few applsca-
tums cure in:ipieht catarrh ; 1 to 2 tuitip
thfir Sid°, tak° it"! can of Yuggienreterdinary catarrh: 2 te 5 bears it
*ethers. Coax them to let you relieve enaranteed-to cure chreme estarrh. Try
them of sonic ..if the harder duties, 1. 1 !hill'-•"•-' "ru- $.'U by
which far\ years they hate patiently 411 ci:U^41111 ly
I o:ne N
?mere, eansee.
- -
The frequent source ..f Jaeger at:etel•
ing b 'wel complaints daring the atinener
end frill is the 114'1,114 19 cheek the
iliarrhiea tier suddenly. Dr. Fawler's!
Extract of Wild Strawberry will rp•t do
this. Itillaramation of the bowels pea I
not f 3m.its use, as is bio often iet
owe with powerful opiates and astrin • I
eats. It cures promptly and in a natar I
al wanner. 2
Ile Weetel -
"Did you hire that young IllAn who
•apheil for yenr school t" waa asked of al
Dakota school district °liege
"Weil, I should rather say we didn't
"Why aid
'•Ifia adicati-r. didn't crone up ti the
"What in 7'
"How did you find it out ?"
"W'y, he got in my wagon to ride
from the field to he house an', says I,
"Did ye ever drive mnch !" "Of late
years,says he, "I have driveh very
•Drove eery Hill.say. T. 'I Leg
your pardon, says he, 'but 1 mean
driven."Drovs is right,' says I. 'No,
air,' says he, 'driven is the most grams-
imilietie."Oh. well. gabby ye know,'
may. 1 sorter eareart ie. '1 reckon 1 dn,'
says his. 'I'm ies' comin, out here to
learn you folks something.' Iai you
see that mad r says I.
he. 'Well,' treys I, 'it were to town, all'
yea won't to gat right out sus' hempen
yeree'f down it mighty faster., 'ranee I'm
wain to begin to kicker ye in about a I
minute by lb. cloak !' Ho maw 1 knott
ed more 'bout 'mower than he did and
he got out o' that waeon an' sentited
darn the road. You het we're role' to
hive a It -weber that understands grom'er
or nt or. at ell Dakota Bell.
Mr. Mc-Cerir.ick Narth
Branch, Mich., hag made a drew, the
like of which t. pinbably not t be fend
in the countiy The ititerial is emu -
mon .p --'t threat. white, and the entire
dregs hand•cr •zhaed work„ nauttful.
ly flowered and snit, lad 1.0.000 rird°
of thread were aped is is eunstruetien.
The sleeves am crostheted in the proper
shop. and are fattener:1 in by a lock -
•m h*fed atiteh. ft is very iumert.ful.
peel speeelase.
Ran no relltin haying medicine, but
My the great Kidney and Liver regula-
tor, made by Dr. Chase, author of
1 Chase's receipet. Try Cheese Liver
Cure Ir all 61:.eatoss ..1 the Liver, Kid.
nen, lithmach and Bawels. So'il by al;
Elderly gentleman (to little boy who
is buying calde':-"My young friend,
dont you thin Z that instead of spending
all the pennies you get it "Yoh? be bet-
, ter to put some of num *ray for a rainy
day ?" Laths Ito; :----"Navr. What's
the wee of money en a ram.; der' ' 'Mit-
tman Nts sue stir out of the homer."
Go us V. gweete•
het if you are constipated. or have sick
hearlackei bad taste in the mouth, reel
of blers& fa the heed, betimes co.nplaint.
;Amliar difficulty, yen should should eo
rout droned far Dr. Phony'. i
Purgative Pellets," the meta
Owns for ersdiestme ft. ey
all Militias"( f ibe fiver, stomseh
mod bowels. Small, sugar enated, agree
•*ole to teke, and came! no fain rip
117 draggiate
The beet reel:afar. t r the st resell
end boirels, the best cure f.'r teltoesnese,
Melt headache. Indigestion, and si'latlffee-
tions seising from a disordered hew, ere -
without exception Johnsen • Tonic Liver
Pills Small in site. trust zareterl, mild,
yet etrective. 25 eta, per loath, wile by
Ove•wie, druggist. Albion Meek. Gede
rich, rale agent. 1.]
--thse• f the most eloquent preachers
of New V -*k tells us a veld I die at his
nen estentre as f•tINies Ufa 1 Ilse
in Florttia last 16 ter 1 preached to •
steer., cenvent rase al anday tre C net ng
myself fawn soyin mash oa a o eta of
rep pent hes th. he tattered mulish*,
•it his c'esitigr red reel
TAW& hires beetier has
preached 40 us is hip part, weak way.'-
- - _
It rare.
Orearegp fen n
Nadal pmetages
. Sae Ilto threat
trod larreselea espeateeeillbl ateelted UT ()S-
tare+. iI,l by Drente., or sent prepaid en
of rle.18. Me. mar Anrese
FYI -TORO & 0e., IlreekvIlte, Oef.
Deal eperehtle.
fl III I..) risk in buying he'
,ry the great Kidney and Liver rezuula
.••., jt'. 1 t.1 Dr Choateauthor of Chase's
ry Cliatiee Liter Cute for
all cusaases of the Liver, Kiducys,
At 'wadi and Bawels. Sold icy Janie.
Witten", iiruggiek
• reaniabie Life.
Few Men have at complisheil the sarne
amount i 1 u.,i k and good in this world
as Cie celehrate I De Chase. t.trin
300.000 of Ids icor k. have beau wad to
Canada 14:01144. We want every person
troubled with Liter Cemplaint, Dys-
pepsia, Headache, Kidney or Ur toy
Truublee, to but a bottle ..f Dr Chime
Liver Cure, it will cure yuu. Medicine
and Iteenke Welt- $1. Sold by a I
Sow a Diode Calming Cold.
A aleu young mau in Use height ut
fashion was violently snoring in • street
car, when a ctimpanion remarked, "Aw,
Chitties, dash boy, how dye cath that
direadful "Aw, deah left
my cane in the timer hall tether day,
and in sucking the ivory beadle, so
dwitedful cold, it chilled nie &bleat to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Liar-
vey's Red Pine Gum lois cold would not
Liszt eery much. Ter saki at J
ilety s prescription drug store.
ire the isolate' erete”sms.ana. all turban
It may terrine.
Ph•eplhatine, or Nerve loped, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Fae Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. It • i Batten, Mass., cures Pulmon-
ary C..o.teription, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and ail wasting diseases of the' human
system. Phosphatin• is not a Medalist's,
but a Natriment, bemuse it oontains ao
Vegetable or Mineral Poieens, Opiege.
N ircolics, and no Stimulants, but tamp°
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Election s
found in our daily food. A single hottei
is eufficiont to convince. All Druggists
sell it. 21.00 for bottle. +sewing &
Oa, sole agent* for the 11311ainion,
53 Trout Street Rut Toronto.
For Toilet Use.
Ayer's Haar Vigor keep) the hair soft
awl idioms, 'Jammu to It ties lustre and
trealtneee ut youth. Malin 11 to grow
humnantly, eradicates Deredruff, cur. -f,
ell scalp disease., aud tbe most cleanly
4.11 hair preperelltrere.
AVERte Hair Visor bus given we
47 perfect 04iniaetion. I was
.seely bald Go sit years, during which
thee I used many hair preparations, but
without suctunia. ladieed, what lade
lair 1 hail. was growing thinner, until
1 tried A er's Hair V*.or. 1 used two
„bottles of Illy Vlielf, sad wy head ke sow
wailcovered w oh s sew growth ot hair.
-Judenu B. Chapel, PeaWdy. MEM.
tam has become weak,
and tatted, may have nerds
end color rea,ored to tt by the use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor. "Mv hair was Skin.
Iste.land dry, 111141 foil out in large
quauctie• Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped
the falling. and „restored ray hair so ins
ari no. Ais • drools, for the
r. Na. preparation bat MP rotnia- -
*airy N. Itiootrsed, ftellwater, alum
1601Quilt, and flce lari.:rrmmhJrsony
be pr. -served riai mu.lIlultr prriud
° *la
the nee of Ayer's flair Vigor. ••A i11. -
emir of the scalp canoed iny hair to be-
come harsh and dry, and to fall out
111•04- Npf 1 triod seemed to do
20,eallataeonted estop
H Three bottle, of
preparak ti realised ley kale to a
keelthy coaditiou, sod It is now rat
add pfteric. v ieaatlisrlargy. wed. awl it
is siso free trues - Mrs- E. It.
Fora, Milwaukee, ta.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
0,14 by Vrogilste sea Perfumers.
Plaverteavirre, prompt -tion. aid
wenderhill ctinitive properties, easily
place A$er'i Tills at Use Bead at the Net
o' popuiar veniality for Hick and Nero'.
our Headache...Constipation, and all ail-
ments originating in a disordered Liver.
1 bort kpesin -mat sufferer from
Ittatilavbe, and Aaltr's Camaro.: Pill°
arc the nl,- medicine that has ever
given um relief. One dose of these Pills
will quickly move my bowels. Mai free
my host from pain. - William 1. PAP,
Ybellallatattt Va.
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared_ by In f.c. Ayer k o.LowII,11.
Ion by all Derriere le Medicine.
A RILWAnD -Of one doge.r "Tgartxx
RIC to any ene sending the 'met fiber Itti•
rhyme int ' reatieratv, ' the retnerkattle
little rani for tl.e Teel h ini rink AA
Your delliftellt Of adltir.sel
13 TT IR,
'1n. Lee most re.peerfully to inform the lerlinbitaats of ket.-rich and rm.
ro Lust couiiir). that ha% tag bought l'HICAP 1014 4 A::11 itt ibe 1. at mai let. of Cauda
aud 1. (m, -o. -tate*, a ler) superior tooth et
Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com-
prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst
which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and
desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior
Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth-
er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-
anges, LemonsAssorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,
Pickles, JamJ
;, ellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits,
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca,
Sago. Rice, Brushes, Tube, Pails, Brooms,
r.4 Whet' oiled arliclee est:ally Leto !II • Ara...Its it '4 ciitabl:af- meat
55 115•rFATIO't 01 0111 LOOP., 1.15111.11 .11111.1t 1111.11. ,
S!.Dre on the Square, Between B. Downings and C. Crabb's.
Co,!,:-..1..;pr.1:1st, IS 7.
7.C'EFFHUT"E F 1117 G -1:I 113 lal\TDOP,
Tsk e:ea-mn• la ealiverr I 511,a, `,,itt moo on and a fur ,upply or
User Complaint, Dymemia, 1 adayesian. Bilionmee
Illaandice,Ih ratatees, Pain in the 11,1
-estiveasea, es ley 'haws IflNt4 from a derange
Ser. De. Cmaar 4 lavas Curs erill be forma • me
rad commie remedy.
Liver • mos &okay with Me Ixt dot it i
fla• smocura of De Chreas Urn" Care i
)ounpouided hoe...tures eatl-k.ioeu liver regulator
111A‘DitAkg_.411,1 DANDIL/0%, combined with mem
Aver invaluable mem larks and herbs, Lasing i
xviverful vest 0. tl e Kidneys. btoinasl, Somas saa
blood. 600,000 SO le
nee. meitay rt..n srf Dr. Chase's Reg* feee
evv. siss:giameasis a1IM& Ws goon /Wry oma
..t. Id tehe is IsrossMi .414 1--sovs,
*mat to Vv this .xvr'u .-,d,.
$mm mw cn. awn set - •
Wrapped .cursi every boo* of 1).. Chase's Liesvers•
is s vslusLie Household Medical Guiee and Reap
Koch (.14b1 p.(.-), containing over no useful recipes
medical men and druggists as inva
aiti-vriardttee tines the prim of the eledicisea
I Sally as aims.
Waft • *e
Cea. h l amottle
1 TV WU'S KIIIRT Ain bete Pais. vs darer No
Sat.° BY ALL. DEALERS dlle
V =BABSON 5 CO.. Coto Agewee. Illeeinfort
hile=cie .1"Yelthinf.rijutwor
&aline by Sofia salad
principled aterchan trail-
ing on tho of
our filligkir
are veto the ladies against
pleb Imposition by draw-
ing their attention to the
reicainity of amen, that the
Welds' Rotel and Sorest! lutists
eta!r of f :skies.* ?.p. esee.d sus4 *Mire
rist4elna-se and sierwream.
*Lk Cl 'OW 0611EMICS A SPECIAINirfii-
Melte tn efed hem nr at Weir hoine.y.
1 news. thromtlf Thrrement +low, as
here In wrens. (bane sooll
Pee rsiol ten nuts in stamps for our
••levolide erfv.a all letrtio.
;Our.. Woet..n• %RV MFI:t
CAL AMINWILA:WA. ekt Main St.. Hantaira.
15 starcpod outlaw ekes ed •:1 Unrallibegenda
'Withal' wicket's... are gernfir
rot - were-. tit.- " run-lown„'" ,h4nInnted
IllotionlenteIreni. milliners, wo044,41014141.11444.114slan-
bPeLand ..v..tn.... rer,wit• Pr..retie kvi IL th.• leilt
it,w1t...1 men t -not
nf 511 net. eat ,,, ton... MS not a leuric-att,"
trot iiii•ii.,ahlv f_1101. a iff Pt
hot a must pt. e roe.
A ..• w_mumeave end
Tts tifenewasit
rall4V, rt the I nv.ifir
d Ille..1
. it, l* aaffrweb 0, brae
tor r-merli••• UR their , i
Fane P
Ie -nue
• itte remora , f 'h., vast i T11.sC. For
internal r geoid* . lis avoussatin
said •keraflp5nl* I!•
ie a powerful Au ;XIS.
sm, neresoa insot '
to the whole r.er.m. It . , na emitters. of
nave. melariniu u. teree•iie, ,..k 1-.,
pea fwfiefentlon, 4 !blow ,,,n. r1 -Maty o
t...x.,n (44eirirtz, t, r.vera. 1
tl. -*- i • ,feir our
plinranagir. See wrapper an...m.1 Nrog,..
PROCIE $1.00, ILInx
send Mesa* in wimpy for 1,,
Treellape ce Sioresere .4 ir,00rr,
venal). Adeline* W..rsv.
RTIIL AtWoCia=6,81. main
.10....-;V •
,11 UV=
liAt A. I) PILLS.
INTIN0I11.1101111 one
tin7Slo401 NiMg!
ritZ lie .wW&la 11
mrWellIve 20
weds • t Ill
OTSF•tr':!A, DROPSr,
Miff r
Aavi meow easteirs et Nowa
Mlooneseeda= .2.1.3,7mar,
To the Citizens of Goderich
flaring perehnserthe ene4 will end berd
Slim of ear loall-kaawls toureemen. 14. tiers&
Wears are prepared to le all kinds of
embrace* le ear Iles.
referimmpal y ahog ere are here in .4*. essaele.
Ws whit to lobe= the wed of IBS
speeuely W' are prepared t• meet the *west
er lam gala
eakithig • rah` *hare of tour retrousse.
WS ***Sews se anwesiee
N. ft -We oak.. sportally of Plattee-kg.
3. asail Ka'asuslahm.
ffekrilli. Jai 11111 Om
SLITtllLI' 1-01:
Excellent It., Flret.-Clase Work. Leave orders eerlr owing to the apring rush of par I
A/Remember the Placeelettsfect ion a.voired.
retill-Cest sweet, ties door to Bank of Montreal.lia
Goderia h. March 31e, 11187-.
my shop In the lams
dile, put in Tare*.
we of =ell:
ted ocli•ster
rifting 47 ha ire, sad
aired a Journeyman
*weber. we are in •
posts.. u)4oitesser
Werk 'has hereto-
Lady '4 & Child ren's
Haircut t ins toad* a
rprelany ma all day•
*seep: ?Sturdily.
ltasers and Scissor*
2011 West Street. vs 0 doors east of P41, Gedealeh
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Acis Cut Pobblx
The frauds that ba.' leen perpetrated on the *peeled. *rearing
pulilic by most spectacle dealers and peolillara 11 giving assume.' and
fsney names to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public
generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight.
there are only two articlea from which the spectacles lenses can be
manufactured. viz: Pebble and glass -call glass by any other name,
it still **mains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's
own rnanufaeter'y. It is a natural crystal found generally in free-
stonel%rmatinin, an,1 is %Osier than the niby and emerald. and near-
ly as harder; the diamond. The Pebi4e iit not more or less than a
transparent stone, cut by aid of fliamond dust, and the greatest
amount of power is pliceil immediately over the centre of the grain
found in all pebble. It will give to the npectacle wearer the coolness,
freshness il a pleasant feeling that the ordlnaty spectacle lenae
cannot by any possibility impert. Alla es and eyegisines are
stamped Ft Land can ()Tihe purchmeir
7th IBM.
Druggist. Godarich.
Extensive Premises and Sp!endiki New Stock.
CMC). tW
Hamilton Street, Goderieb
A geed az:met ef Kitchen, 8e4-reesti. Talon roenn tied Patter .Turaiore.gesa as Te•
walk ewes _,Agele sae evert ereteet. Cutdroarde. Dedat-eade. 1.511 reser* oaleitatio
Losepea Watt -Nem. Looking Glasse&
tamaaseals resew
X *.-A etweetemareartwoest of realm arse Intretiale always.* bead ease Menem tite biro
• 15selse4.-.4 al Mettelted