The Huron Signal, 1887-7-29, Page 44 THE IIUE,ON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1887. JULY SALE NHL Ole r.tavwd hese bort Cbl- Lac.orte --The a'w'ls of (isderisb, I Hew Ifo DieTIs.I' M 1111101.-T10 sago on Tuesday Dight 4K, and ezpresees were "downed" i. fear Nrntg..:" by the I brr7 WO" is °Yoe tun tato Tear. N ear - h ..1( well pleased with his top.Bearers, el Sest ootk, Teedgy efter.oua IF er'ry Tear we Pear ut otos one Elijah Moore, am old tttleideet of WC The Beavers hors evidently getting p+'so.sd with putr,n ivy while Guderisb, lilt Thursday last (ur Thor, plscko er *Aid P•••••••*". a their Wesel( 6•er+es, inietlehum it for the vine oared, when be will beecefurth reside. side. It seems the Hems emit troll called Virgin's steeper, whish is closely pad Hulloes r tat elven of the Sd with erary dA that some. resembled. I will toll dime ate ' :: ... .. tags sea be avoided u (utas The Virginia D 39-7 wad va..U.os to agree a sprained ankle, aAT Trim, ]Ivor We DtasNs.- WNW hoe firs leaven in •Blaster, "Vi received at the ttea/oetb.eisket matt\. Drirkiwg water has microbes, milk while the peina is v bas only three This Wi•rtoo taw has bees esrasg+d IN. tTr'tO1q°°• O° has t '-v v••u• mores ID & elwter. All native vines clan Q*0,r,sod oeherwae improved, and clones to whoa.. '• uas Drain ai..aw sad boor have five leaves and clusters of fire wanA : 1 '7" •model limapaper. Mee. to dt ',,,w f or Lae kidney troubles. Seen whiskey bas leaves sre bared** crakes. And all of this is the midst of a I ' 1 A Jean in Brunei" has Mss fined 82 sooner t+nreg►t.-0isdsNatt Co.• Iireallv ` P) ll ^and oc.ts, fur setting two dugs tizbting. maoiaL f.t,+ iia 111 p Aker but and daagotva fur such : repeated b say List b w oversight the oases of Maggie Mc' jean, t The Misses Acheson left for Niagara• model school, 391 was omitted from the --- lice u( who the High on -the Lake ; tie Comedian Clienteles), pupils Pod Friday last, and will be about about two n4h09l ..trance uAwin.ti..o. er.o that ( whether you receive a first or secuud g I G ALE weeks. the mem of George Andrews and call we wast you to attend to it at once. Mn. E. R- W.(.'0, sults 1`•e. bele sit. Jeanie Ravine were plated i° mistake $715.00 worth of subscription accounts lug or to este jlreesd haus been sent out this week, sud there TWEED A Marr.. or IrpusTAaas,-That it not a Naomi notice, bet it te worth of serious asrsideratioo, all the same. Ti. week imamate) out • large out•'^:r of ac- •omots to ddisgven! ;4usaribers. Some Of kh• notices ars "second" calls ; but FOB ONE MONTH OIL ( some aloe past a still is • low are more to fellow ae soots as we can y eerdiliov and Iwo an entertained fur One ur TOa OLD Bora-Janis Train nuke them out. We waut that money, her recovery. or. of Ckia.Ru, a former resident Uf aisd nu haus Do bis W. susess to withhold it. G,oderieb, r a few weeks in T Owing to the body nowchurch, b.- •psndlelR Thu item is written fur delve teats, and loft made in the body ut Knox ohursh, Iowa Tb. nausea .1 /M peel tau or 9' service will be held in the lecture roomtw,yes have net gowned Jim to 1s of no importance to soy of our sub `el. se slay greet utast, and he lealle chanced Krib*n Dot lu "roam next Sabbath save in the mors rueful dicoW of his Mies Byfield and Mies Nellie Norriruefuls 1 brown moestache- J.A.IEIII1Bea CALL AND INSPECT ger I.dt•• •+ i•.i_e paid for Butter and ERzs J. A. REID & BRO., Jo dao's Block. Cowl House !Square, o oisr g t. b ist July. Mir. Slew Ad.. .se.erse•its Tata Werk. fray hers and Applemen- ('ha. ltd;s. 11) 1'. R. TelegraMt line It. Radcliffe. lUsetlais and Industrial 1 :MonsonHill. Toronto. its. deuce and Orou.ds for `;ale by Teader- U. W . Berry, Ooderith. Thoro'bred Cow cad Heifer l'.11 for Bale Mrs. R. Hawley. Huron Itosd. H. J. TOWN TOPICS er • A Oils se. &skin' notes. An' faith At /f Credal if." retrrwst d from Toronto laweek, mumsMill Denier Bvt..txrotpawr.--ger pealed by Mn Yoriag and Helty Wil J. R Howell, of Seatortk, the di•tri4 tieing, of that city. tup•rintard•rt of the Methodist church, K Dr McDosegh will be in Goderich for 1 hes been travelling through the motion consultation oa Saturday, the Otk tN recently. Let week he was up north, 1iti Aguse, arid afterwards me e fist Bat 1 and divided the circuit of Dungannon °relay of every month. and Nile, sod Tuesday be attended the No RDtT nos I.e.-People not engag meeting of the North-st. quarterly ed in newspaper work, who can shoed Lard. it. are wise in takiad • %Nation, A yooag o w. and a. woos of ng -Chicago Inter -Ocean. women went sett -lei a mew me ' • G. F. Shepley, of Toronto, the well- Friday ovules, net, and as they did not known barrister, is putting in vacation return bsfoes darkness set in, fears for s' Guderieh. He doesn't know any their recovery were eetertaiued. It place that suits him better. turned out that owiog to the n,ugbnese Mies Angie Heodersoo, who has been of the water they beaebed tie boat be - teaching at Dumbarton, below Toronto, tease Goderich and the Point Farm and for the pact six mouths, is spending part walked borne. of her holidays in Goderich. A. J. Meager, book-keeper at the Big Mill. is spending a couple of weeks op at Sundridge, Storey Lake, Muskoka He is accompanied by his wife and Jjamily. BINDING Tama -R. W. McKersie, tf sou west tow • nine ditptar of portrait ' °t the cheap hardware store, Goderich. t rushing go to Oeo. Stewarts obaorraph bas just received another lot of No, 1 gallery. corner of Homilies St. sud Square, manilla twine which he is running off To THU FAtt*IHs.-if you want a first-class at 124 cis. per Ib. New point call at else foundry. Priem on re- . pain reduced 10 per cont. Itrtscisu5 Boom. A L'AILOAO or Hoaxz,t.-A. M. Polley Cougar ('Asia orient- Tor brrpatns Ibis "roved iron Stmttoed Wednesday with caret i. Purees Tea&. (Noon. •rte ail liuee of • load of horses, which he intends ship- A nt.c s spring steel. ar ed, feta o.e. fresh groeeetsa. tali on M. McOti..r. . A BAD Mies.- If you rad to see McCor- Ping by boat. He is doing • bye basi- 1 e ret, durable Hees with railway contractor. c° the C l sad cheap• tie sun to csam.De cad save , P.11. this season. envy• HOSIERY. -J. A. Reid & Bro. are sell - The trwuLr woo. for Liquor tea ID God, is at the drag mese of neo. Rhyne*. faro IDR • line of cashmere fashioned hose in ' drugs and chemicals always on hood. and all size, and colon lower in price than prescriptions carefeU) made up. cotton goods. Missei size,, 15 t0 25e. The question of tie new agricultural build- Pair. Ladies', Ybe. Lap.ppears to he agitating the public mind Per W e obscene extent- bat&1 are motioned that when Dr. M. Nichol.on, the W eat street good photegrap:•s are wanted. it. Ballow• is dentist, mak.. the preservation of the the MAD. The cold wareyese't effect the low prices natural teeth a specialty. Gad adminls- of grate) summer wear at le• t A. Prldb.ni s. tared from 9 a m. to 1p. m. for the They are twutid t be sd Id whir { c'o of teeth. r o u erso w in ass ex trscti the mercury st u 63 ur at ,u . cam andP• twr for yourself. dimmed. Nitric a - Parties contemplating putting la hes water furnaces 41.,, (.11 .hou1'1 ' wait .ad we one manufactured by James • Oven -art at l'o.. Hamilton. Trine about Ne. TboteSIkIy towed and guaraatoad. Maguire of O. !C. DAVe. Tus «'utrs ,'s emnuria' TsMPERA%C2 UNION will meant regularly for the trans ction of business every TuawLy •lessonm at til o'clock. in Knox rhumb. !vert- woman in- terested to the work is medially Invited to attend. For address. dyear •d.. terfamery. patent medicines. t hemicai,.. rite., best quality and lowest recce.. all at Cootie's drug -mora Albion Block. Special attention paid to Air pprroven. of np. sud family recipes. W. 1'. U e, druggist. W itrgr Wirire Oti_ - Samplers & Son have jud received a car load of water white Can- t Now i• tie Uwe to get your 6 be ..dist oil. wht-b they .re sellipng4u vorrr ma ODed. cheap Oil delivered to any part oft town. An- other lot of Gurney's moves. chap. The cheapest house ander the sun. THs HO.oM oro Hato LOAN AND iNvrsT- HUNT Cert•AN t.- Depositors In this oumpa.y have tie best passible security for their mon- ey. alt being invested la mort.ege on fano property. Depositors have a firm lien in -W the company's assets. Kate of late rest paid. from I to 5 per cent. aceeeditsg 616-1111160410 an4 duration of deposit. Farmen banal "sur- plus mesas should call end me the maas.er. Misr Maud Haswell left for Detroit Last week. Miss McIntyre, is the guest of Mr J. R,.., of Exeter. Miss Nellie Crocker, of Eteter, spent a week in Gudench. Miss Lewes, of itr.m;,ton, is visiting Ler aunt, silos Trueman. Mw Mornay is the guest of Mrs V. L Harland, Clinton. The Misses Isabella and Alice Shsr- 113n, are cutting friends in Clinton. Lindsey Flwuvi t.,e.k • "header" from hes wheel lett week and sprained hu arm. Misses S. Molloy and R Eaves. of C:tnton, are sienna IHeo l• a Gods - rich. Miss Noble and Mr Atkinson, of Clin- tou, are •ajeyin1 themselves to Clods - rich. Mrs. Harry Holmes, of Acton, is the easel of her sister in -6•w, Mrs. James Rubinson. Miss Mamie and Mr. Will. Smith, of Godeeseh, pisl a vett to Clinton friends last week. Mrs James Thomas is vintinl in Wtnghem. the gueet of her nephew, John Bell. Mn Thom, .1 Montreal, is in t..wn visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs M. H atchwon. Mn Harry Gorman sod the Misses Gleason, of Sarnia, •re the guests of Miss Davis. Mr and Miss Hatch, of Woodstock, era the guests til` George Stewart, photo- graphic artist. Mn Knox, of Clinton, was visiting at the residence of Mrs. Back, West et. during the pest weak. Mrs John Galt, of Monkton, N.11 , is visiting at the hose of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C Cameron. It is said the G. TR bee reduced Sun- day Saha I picnic rates, from Clinton to G.,dericb, to 10 and feet cents. ]Maher R. Bteiabach. of Zurich, spent last week is Goderichwits his anon d, Ilk r n 1 ser sed MBuswell. Mra B. P. Halls, who has been pese- iratd with gastric fever, is greduslly im- proving we are plowed to learn. Mr JohnPsttteer11of the firm of John Palmer &Roe. ofMontreal. le et pre- sent visiting his •o..im-law, Rev. G R Tot. TUC AUIICULTVSAL BVIDINUa.-At a meeting of the public works committee Tuesday it was reeolved to reonmmend that the tender of Geo Neibergall for the erection u( the proposed .grtcultutal hill, amounting to $2,750 be accepted. In addition to the main buildings, the sheds for stock wt!I also tars to be er- ected st • probable cost of =600. The other cost• connected have been EA* for purchase of gtoend., ,100 tor fee- , tt>(iS hies, with the cum spep'f-iii levelling and seeding, and yet to be spent in draining, Altogether the new gr•.uuds will cost in the vicinity of 87,- 000. At a spe:ial meeting of the town council Tuesday amain* the oontract for the buildings was awarded to Mr Nei- bsrg•tl. Psn*ooilc.-There were throe high AJi- ints'• KIND HEART. -Apropos of school teacbers from outside points in the good-heartedness of the late Sir town last week who had graduated from Matthew Cameron, a little episode hes Goderich high school. They were, C. F. Creseweller, of (tghew•, John Elliott, -4 Brockville, and Robe. Btother*, of Ottawa They ere all Jose; nem of promise, and what they hare done is but jury brought in a verdict of acquittal. an earnest of what they an do. The lodge gave the young fel:ow in the Gsowtwu Ur WIT. TM Cou'era i -- dock some geed advise and calling him Robert Todd, who some seven years ago in front of the bench said : "Yon have oe oopied tbs position of "devil" in esti. now been some time in jail ; you say you onto., bis, w• ars pleased to see, re- want to go to your friends at Ashland ce°tly secured the position of editor and I expect you have not got enough tnoney manager of the Sander Quw.fy Mimeo. even to pay for a night's Ldging. Take ren, published at Sardusky, Miele Bub this," handing the now thoroughly aa - un a hardworking boy, became a good tonished man • $5 bill, "make your pouter, and we have every reason to be- way home and ears an honest living lieu* will make • goad all•n,und news- from now out. The judge', heart was paper man. We wish him every soot.... iia the right place. been related. In July, 1885, at Port Arthur, • young Americ.n was brought up charged with a rather seri )os crime. After a long trial, about ten at night, the Rev A. McWilliams, B.A., who For CANADIAN W'1NNER4 AT BvrrAL.) - the pest two months has w acceptably The seventeenth annual outing of the St. assisted Rev Dr Ure, will preach his Andrew's Society, Buffalo, took place farewell .ermco is Knox church, neat Saturday at Lir wood i31en, and the plc. Sunday evening. Rev Mr McWilliams °ic and the games proved attractive preached is Remail Wt Sunday. On enough to 611 the enclosure from early Monday next be leaves to °[!relate III In the afternoon until • late hour in the THEY WANT HIM TO -ARBITRATE.-His Rev Mr Stewart', charge, Clinton, for evening. The sports were • feature of Honor Judge Tema has been requested the month of Argue, during that revo Ont., y Jotthtn McPherson, l ht Looe i:f ft. 0.4. - to n. adjudicate in an appeal ane of the gentleman's voeatiou, prior to bis depar- A -toting dplegstioes, from Brussel., Canada Company against their assear t°relto resew his studies at Montreal Woodstock, Turoato, Goderich, London os THsas Ass DouAss IN Ir. -The woe and Windsor carried off • goo;Iy num- tor of the Chatauqua (N. Y.) Com- her pt the boon Archie Ssuit, of mercial, when he u hard up has the fol- Brussels, was first in seven competitions lo.wisg unique way of stating it : "There and second in five. J. McPherson, of is a little matter that home of our Sub- Gederieh, was first in two competition., scribers Mrs seemingly forgotten on. second in fire and third in three. tirely, some of them hove made us m•oy Smith, of Woodstock, got two firsts, promises, but have not kept them. To Ben•ett. of Toronto, Ent In two mile es it i$ a very important matter. It ij Allston, of London, Ent in once mewl/Airy in our bosimsss. We are event, Moon, of Windsor, third in six very modest sud don't like to Speak events The Rankin., of Woodstock. •bout 11. Du you know what W. took three prises, a first, second and third. Alt Ow Thu Wel MAN. -The ("deo- dims. American Sas this to may of • former G. T. IL station *gent at Goderich : - "Mr. Arthsr Wily, who is originally influences connected with bar-rccom from Montreal, and is the non of the drinking, showing how its sssaeiations late Lieut.-CoL Wily, for many years director of stores fur the Dominion Government, has been appointed scent at Litchfeld, Minn., on the St. P. M. and M. R. Mr. Wily is • graduate of that grand old school of railway men, the G. T. R, be having been at various points ai cashier and agent till he was removed to Chicago. Daring the boom in Winnipeg he reigned his position there and was appointed accountant of the C. P. 11. in that city, and as the rad was built and new stations media be was selected as the first agent s1 Mo•sejaw, N. W. T., an important divisional station of that line, where be remained four yeses, leaving there to take charge of the contractors' work at Woodstock. Ont.,on the Ontario & Paci- fic read, which was finished in May net. Tea LIOHT.ovas 8amT BOAT, "CAN• Au*." -A boat midnight as Friday. the lighthouse supply boat, "C.sada," en- tered our hark r, and bright and early next morning the pesseegen meld be seen .trolling about town, admiring the beautiful lay -out of no place. Asperin- tendest Harty, a genial old eon of Brie, an old Kingstonien, was in charge of the peaty, and • happier man to make things run smoothly, even in rough weather, eould not be found. The following were passengers on board the "Canada :"- P. Harty, Sup't Lighthouses, J. R Rob - airtime, Ase) t-Suppt, Mrs. Harty, Mr. Heiken, Mr. 8. Halkht, Ottawa ; Mi.. Brannan, Kingston ; Mrs McKellar, Miss Vargieis McKellar, Mies Hattie lag was held is the lesion morn of BUrines' McKellar, °f bw rveport, Lt Mr. Pigott Mrs Pi mint by tbs town of Mitehell. Rev Dr Ure exchanged work with Rev Mr Musgrave, of Huron Presbytery, last Sunday. Mr Musgrave tilled Knoxw church pulpit in • meat uptable man- ner both morning and evening. Geo. F. 01d, of Ocdetrich, has had charge of the grocery store of Will. T. Yates, in the absence of the proprietor, who was away from town on ;matri- monial- business.-Winghsm Times. Sitter's.'Gii*IN.-The 0. T. R. em ployees were engaged Tueed•y, at the I moon 1 elevator in shipping 25,000 bushels of Sea fa STILL AT THE WORK. -IR place wheat which had been brought hither of the usual sermon on Sunday evening for transhipment by the Emily Maxwell. last, Mrs Rev. T. M. Campbell gave an Mrs. R. Brough received news fromst earnest temperance address on the evil Petrol' on Tuesday of laweek that her sister was seriously 111, and at ones, left for that place. Next day the mad intelligence of the invalids death rescu- ed town. He wee Hsxo.-The genial J. D. Stewart, of Russeldale, was in town dur- ing the past week on a business trip. He. laying low to make the Goderich Caledonian tames a bigger success than ever next year. Rev. (1. R. Turk was at Clinton, Monday last attending the committee meeting in connection with the 8. 8 Coto -entice to be got up under the auspices of the financial district meet- ing in September. UNrssl:•DENTEU.-There are $ large number of strangers sojourning in and around Gnderich this summer, and thedtiu number of old 0od*ris who have come hack to spend • few weeks in the place u unprecedented. Frank Bissett, of Cornwall, is spend- ing • few weeks in town, visiting hu mother and other relatives and friends. It u fourteen years .ince he saw (Inder- ich in summer time, and he is delighted with the appuaranee of the old tow°. Tee Par's or Arms. - - English come mouton houses warn Canadian apple menet payieg anything like last .. yea'''s prixfor apples. They soy prices In Zealand will rule 35 to 10 per cwt lower than net year, owing to heavy n crops theand on the eootioest. Nor YtT A1111•3010. -The eemmittee of OddfuUows hearing bees unable te o"art.r the United gaiter* for • trip to Port limos, have corresponded with the proprietors of that magnibeeot passenger boat Cble, but ss yet have not been able to make satisfactory arrangemmita TNR Rr..iri.t. fleawort' Ptsrr•RRD. The annual report of the Gselpb nom• ference was the "sermon" from North Si. Methodist pulpit Monday morning last. It is a nicely worded delieennee, let mot oof the oongreg.tioa would hare p e. erred the orthodox •entre Tway STWII m Tar Rt'MNNRA. -Mr S J Leavenworth, (bother -in -Illi of Z Holmes, Clinton visor Rns', lies bosoms .r1 proprietor .f the tit. Catharines Mil Ly Now* sed promises to kook. it •m A 1 paper. Tb. sw.p•per and print- ing business is almost hereditary in the LeavenworthLrenworth and Holmes familia. hie Mr Lieve.w..rt►'w grandfather, fallow and two sgelse all b•loagud to the *raft, while vas► d his three sisters married one trade, oof the same tde, .ad on oat on* .i d. • father and wide were m•eb pub - Ushers. Mr ieavenworl•, .r, published the third paper imeed i• old Upper Cased% led the young and unwary into forming habits of intemperance ; warning her hearers to shun snob places as leading toin reof body and soul, and depressing the fact that such plansshould be licensed by our law.. -Owen Sound Times. Hs le STILL ON HIM TltAvsln -The followinm g,frnTuesday's Glebe,evideutly refers to the parous who was arrested i° Goderich net week shamed with attemp- ing tart bistbrost : An old man with one lag named Daniel Morrison was charged with vagrancy .t the Police Court. He told the magistrate that ke same from Cape Breton expecting relations to assist him. bet found that they were as poor as himself. Alt Baxter issued en order for a reilwsy pees to help him oa his journey bome.r. The ( .4. Pnts terien says : "The first eoennanion is Melville ohereh, Cote 8es L, Au•idkis, sirthe iud.ctros of Rev John McGillivety, B. A., was held enders Jen* 9g. ?oedema now eetbsrs were added to the emersion roll Mr Mc- GillivrayMs •loosely gm trained a war plow in tne affect/ma d kis people, and `e ministry gives promise of great enc- ases. - ee.. The egregati•e is at presses electieg sldere. the session heretofore beteg an interim ass." Oe Agree be, M ilivrey knaves to speed kis four walk: veestsoes .t the se• -ode ; hi• brother D. McG tlivray, IL A. supply- ing his pulpit daring kis abeenee. Tegiegan a Wee OooAsaT6o.. - A'meet- McKellar, iss North serest Methodisi ekes.\ Keay toff, Mimi Pigott, Bowmssville ; Mrs. Der IM pttleps• d 'semis• a Potreo' rn, the Mimes Pearson, Mr. Dale, Miss Williams, Toronto ; Mn Haurel, Miss Zealand, Miss Fairgrieve, Henan tog ; Mies Gipson, of Brentford : Mr. Kimg, Mr. McCall, Sarnia ; Mr R Mc- Gill., Mies Balmer, Oak wills , Mrs. Foley, Port Hops : Captain, John Me- 0ire, of O+krill. ; Purser, Wm. 0. 7.e• and, of Hamilton. During awRater- takeo port in bT Mea Turk. Rios•, ay there was • heavy "Mow" 44 the C'.o, 11o0illvr•y, (lue.a. Buser ani lake, and Capt. M.(lira decided to le Nyan, it sues deeide5 to proe•od with by aid wait for it to moderate. About the ersasisatios of • eodM te M called a p i.. eke wind want down, sad the {h• eideretk ProbIWi.s L "Camila" " get up steam end proceeded S itiref g oras% were them sleeked on her wry - PntddastN. lm gdifihy ; Viso Past Awow- af kerma.- W• hare tete ..•d d.mt, A. h ; 8e.s.taty J. A. Reid ; the smssal report of the m wnslu's Medi- Treatierer, J. A. Nett . 'IE'►eps+mM cel College, Kinghos, whieh ie •illiatsd tseminsted a eomm(ttes •omsiifgg of Menem ?ark. Armstrewti, 'yhtam•am. Robertson sad atimie. snfi a ewsttilwMa The wpsaIleg hus d- b mast *pie h Street t1i i1t shank sett Mro5ay •wMimg •t $ e'+11e& WW1 orgenlsatios is Goi•eteh. Ahoet sixty temperass, workers were prim. After singles std gayer. Row. Ci. R. Turk, who oeoaped 1M chew, os• eti.tsd the object of the w1estiop. tt«a were read frees Rev. Dr. Orilla, Dr. Smith. F. 8. lipostee, soil Raw. A. M. I bfMp. es to the Mol memos at ea pnisioM After a diaeus*ius *hitt wee with Queer's University. The report oenbine valwibl. teler.Mleg M ladies e)eeinie. 0f .t.Jyl.g .•lids•. A tmeopt the portraits is ems Dr Marina Oliver, • rrimioma ar•da•te, who I• kerma b meal she, some threeyaps heels( .I•tar, hoer Mim Belle Oliver, oho w.e awn tweb--i-nowt taleu up, al: Mail* aaslwbRidsrt- ing in the high .cbo.d here. The fol $ !y t.. _rt the first i..igoraing sniffy/ lowing biographical skestc!t a:.-'-.i.l'dues ' pure lske air. Tnr day was but, the wird the portrait: -Dr Marton ii.trer WAS b•.ru ; us* ilusigg towards shore sod the air at Aruobauk, near St Mary, Ontario oD the betake Uf the mighty Hetos was She was .cheated at the public and le)gh .imply doleieus, and made ore (ovgst all school& of tit Marys. She taught aek.w.l atr.ut the sweltering best tit tie pest very successfully for eon's years. Freon oaturday at.d Sunday. We may here childhood she had dreamed i f devoting rr.aark, i .re..(1.ctially, that a finer her life to missionary work, su.i wiles, a...kintt 1.4 .d p«K,le than marched the Foreign Missionary society .•1 the d.rnu;h the .I reels ..f the °runty town Presbyterian church s.guitied their de .•m Tuesday is not often gated upon by sire to send out lady m«]tcnl now - the geed folks of the ambitious ceetre of .ries to the Zemin" women of India, she the iu..ot pn..Tereus county in Canada, at once offered herself, and beg,¢ welt and we further venture to predict that known in the church fur Ler ¢••..d works, they w„t.'t be similarly privileged uncal shat was rs:rived wit:: delight They tile- neat extarsi.ou from this town. sent her to Kingston in 1•'t.. si.•I she Alamo six o'clock the match to the st•- took her first session in Om Rovat c••'- ' tion was again resumed. A eoeuiders- lets and the other three in the Wto reed's ; We diSerene. betweee the bearing and Medial college. She graduated' • ' complrxi..$) ..1 slime)* every owe was 1886, haring taken the second, third and I quite ...sliceable between the Farad. in fourth year scholarships, which ere offer- the f.•ren..uu and !het in the evening. ed by friends of the college for general ' On g•.in.t lis the park all tripped •lino proficiency. In October, I$53. she left with light ani lively tread, but oa the far Iadore, India, and te now Ie*rning homeward march the bearing was mach the native langtwge with Dr Beatty, ! I.ees jaunty, and the gait decidedly more preparatory to segueing in her prone- l,linred, white the beautiful, clear, ale - signal and Christian duties. I baster oowipleeious n( the morning hail THE WArgawotuoi Segni" A meet• ' rh. esdthe env tuo le asouse tnshish; of the waterworks committee was held . T Monday evening. Mr Chipman, of ! rouge bedecked Broadway belie The Bruc'arille, an engineer engared by the swere,on their way to the beet tows an town. council to advise upon the pn•per• et: scheme, was present. On motion it the o any, which they reached i. satsty was decided that an inremtgati.,n ` se to •bot eight o'etoel', nut •n emidast ur the feasibility of memoir's a water supply ,then untoward event lariat eiss•rrsu from the harbor flats he node. Tarr i d' war dui enj•.rmeal of a mart p1•asalit day and edneeday, Mr Chipman aa- 7 luted by members of the cement tee made examinations into tarious mattere per- taining to the prcpo..d scbome,and Wed- nesday erening aru•tber mesterei( of the committee wee hshd. The engi-ser made • rerbsl statement. He had gamed the 6iw at the Hawley well, and it ahnw• ed a quantity of about 200 gallons a minute, or shout nne-half • hors* power. He would ni t advise the use of artesian wells for power. He had ex- amined the Attrill well, and had obtain- ed information of other wells, and they appeared to bare a uniform level of about 33 feet above the lake. After comparing the Williams scheme with that estimated for in the town bylaw, he went on to ghee that if the source could be placed below the hill there would be no necessity for a lifting pump, but it would incur • greater length of large mains. 10 -inch mains were suggested instead of flinch up to the first branching He had an esti- mate which would cores inside the 1164,000. The standpipe should not ;be abandoned, as for • small town it was fully as useful es the direct pressure It was decided that the scheme f•)r obtaioiag water power below the itiii be not adopt. ed. The ererineer then stared that he would submit a written report insole of a week, and the committee adjourned. Tex MAt-riow... - The Cuagma•- tional Sunday School & Publishing S)• testy began with this year t he publication of a ftmr-page weekly for youngest read• ere in the primary department of our Sunday schools, the name of "The May- flower' being given it as appropriate to tks "Pilgrim.. series 01 publitatiotu for two exhibitions combined in ore will Sunday esbools,of which it was to furs a without doubt be the geaedeat sale of "Det osanoft DAT." - Hero• Eo- eampteen; went to Clinton Wednesday afternoon, to assist Cliotow Lodge, No.) 83, L 0. 0. F., at the deerr.tioae et the graves of deceased brethren. Foam raves, including tLat of the late A. Kerby. were dec.trated. The osr.,aurty weevil* through in a very creditable renter. After returning to town the Coate rich brethren were entertained at the Kennedy Hone by the members d Clin- ton Lodge No. 83, who also e.su,ted them to the station, beaded by the Doherty braes band. The treatment accorded the visitors by the Clinton brethren was ..1 the best, and was duly •ppreeisted. Wrest- SNE' -The following item is from the Tnn•nto Telaerw,., bat we hare been unable to place the prisoner who clams to be a resident of G•iderieb:- Maggie Paisley and Jamie Masse were nett tried for disorderly eondemt The former pleaded guilty to the um el ob- scene and prone* language en the street yesterday. She has reepeetable parents in the country and was f01110111 - tot one week in order that her friend& may come and take her hems The other prisoner, Jessie McLear, of God.- rtch, was arrested for tryieg to wet Maggie away from the eoestable. Her explanation of the affair was week that she a•. • ) ischaeged cad advised to Te- ter.. t.. tiuderich. Tem Douioto, AND INDI'• TIAL Ex- inarrrow, Tonowm.-TM Dumiwi.s Bx- hibition for the premed year is to to held at Toronto, from the lith to the 17th of Se,,temher seat, in oonjuaetien with the great Industrial Fair, and these part. The society bas recentiy learned that • newspaper bearing the same name had for years been published at Yarmouth - port, Mese, by George ULir. Thio has led to • friendly eorr..posdeeee, and Mr Otis, with evident sympathy in the work of the society, oordially melanoma in the use which is made of the title "The Mayflower," in connection with the juvenile publication •bore referred to Acknowledgements are due to Mr. Otis for his great courtesy in this matter, and it ahuuld be clearly understood that bis right to the title, "The Maybowsr," as applied to a newspaper. u in no way af- fected by this um which is made of it, with hie knowledge, and consent, by the Congregational S. S. & Pub. Society. Mr this'. "Mayflower" is an attractive weekly paper (eeeular) of eight pages, and is intended for the family. It has • large variety of reading matter slaptd to old and young. is carefully dited,and its price, 111 per year, places it within the reach of many readers who cannot afford the higher priced papers --Con- gr.gatiunaliet, May 26th, 1887. We understand correspondence is being had with Oliver Optic. ,James Otis, Horatio Alger, jr., and ether eminent writers for the young, in order 1.. e.e.re their is- twreeting contributions for the Mellow er. The Mayflower will be sent on trial for two menths for only ten aunts Try it. Tate Lxrr Twat* noon Lone). Ra Nino Tanga - - The Brpoonte'r amottgut ether tillage has the foltowieg about the receipt gss} 8. 8 immersion : -Then were MI tickets sold hen, of whish 348 ...ere for adobe) sad 9110 for ehildem Gedetieh station was ressbed about eleven .'.reek. end the Mee of march Irani the steam Ie flit bider peek wee the kind we have yet had in Canada. The prices offered amount to the lanae sum of ,•30,000. The Tomato people are making great respirations for tis shhow, and although their exhibition grounds and buildings are already 'he beat and moot •stesmve in the sneaky, yet they are adding 210,000 worth of ed- ditionsl buildings this year. With • view of ..caring the show of live Nock the first week as well as the seeow& large special prizes are offered fig ►asst. cattle, sheep and pigs, to be shows during the int week of the exhibition in addition to the register prises to be awarded the second week A large number of superior special attr.etbwe are being secured for the exhibition. and they will to dietribeted throughout the whole time, so that the slow the first weak will be equally as attrsetive se during the "snood. Cheep railway rates sad •rearsinns will also be given derma the whole time of the imbibition. eo that everyone will be afforded an equal opportunity of 'intim, this great show Entries in all departments, •:- sept for fruit and grain, have to before the lath ..f Aslest,sag hi - towline exhibitors elm have not yet oh- taind • eopy of the prise Iib iseld Ion no time in deist so. They sag be obtained from the Sesreheies of gY Agriealtur•al Rooieties and ikikania' institutes, or by dneppisg a post and to Mr Hill, the Secretary at Trirwto. The Toronto ethibition thio year pre- miere to be enesosllyattraetivs, sled ear readers who may resolve on vise/Aug the Quotes City at the time of the Few he September. will we *en one bare me saner for diaaAdgigNsl, dntiipmsi tm tfli; pHs.