HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-29, Page 1ompipasetr" -
THE HURON SIGNAL' uP? 1 Midases vs. Geosees.
Tan f
every tehlay Itztrikteurij
1940T bruis... at their
eleoe'nel /Ortega, has bees hairalgel glio Pennillingiellnd 811611111111411$* from
ollowing, from the Woodstnellt
DODIRIOJI. UNTAIU0. Things That Are San:MOM, by a subscriber, with C.* request that it Exchange..
Di 41. --Will you kindly put
asiitaati Traiel - t'.:• io your valuable paw. A great are"' re`s" all •'" 111"" 4."."`• 4 "lied
Upped sad moilhembedi rftft sad
44444.44 --
FRIDAY. JULY Ow, 1881.
6 a a - • - - .
4 IT looks as if Salisbury was rinse to
lake Parnell and his pulley to but hoeinn
after a11 And whet will our Conation
Tories do 'Sim, poor things!
full particolers of which sipeared bet
Sea Cranial Teresa has DSO, more week, renidele we that travelling by rail
been duly installed as Canaduin High moseg° airroateirettront disasters^ thin
Ognimiesioater in Logsdon. Sir Climate „lag &tau tba in ships. bora
-11,011111-1-4.11 Cenadlan Praha of t hwy. etenipo-eetins who had" t-Te-iesiete
Many Tail. (Taos) in more souses than! .
4)445. up tueir coulee* t.. the sticking pitelt
before they could cress the gaugwey of a
Ji. Us. be insetted. It speaks fur :
ant ono of eon% erset itin has been indulg-
mat bit Frey tart* rad sere to jesPeeting tea Pedlars grocers rent Tate reek *Elbe 441•4 from oaf
11•16.- •
4 •f Illaklas Mar sieriewitasest rim%
- Tut roilway horror at St. Thomas,
SIR Du*aL» Stews has retunied fru&
Britain, and yet the (Th). bas not berm
wild by Mr. Nelson to the TUrIC• for a
politsral organ. "St. Ian." of the Tor-
onto World, who bas been dogleg the
prophesying shoat the dire event sheuld
try on a new hat.
• _
le it is self evideot that commercial
anima is of so importance to tbis
Casa. of ours, and is an absurdity on
the face of it, why do the T.orouto World,
Hamilton Spectator, BellevIlle Intelliteo-
cer,and ebeete of that ilk,devote pp twiny
of valuable orate to endeevoring
to kill it T
I for une, viewing it nom all sides and
from a neutral staudi:oint, cannot. bot
a„ opinion rums. hat utter,. to the The residents of Port Albert had • beer
hunt last week. It turned uut to be a
Dere 'The farmers toy they have •
right pnrchase tea ishowever they may bare hunt- There is no restriction whatever on a
deem proper. Certainly they hare. And The yield of fall sheet in the vicinity iolUtlf vendor, fur as woe as he gets •
strain s mu fanners bay that it is cheap-
er than they CAII get from the grocers.
U lit Wig any monomer and eamisine
the wholesale we will hod that k
is the cheapest in the market as a class;
aiel that ta the clam of s;reen tea the
dian by Act of Parliament. Loyalty tot
the British ~pre is very sarong
throughout the po virtu.
''As 1.6 Cuaillaeraial filth the
United States," the Doetto proceeded,
"it has not been considered, or perhaps
heard of, there. Another thing that I
notioed WWI the wholesale desecration of
the Sebbathi day. Saloons are open ou
Suuday, railrusd traffic is rampant and
the people use the sacred day as • *m-
om of festivity. They sze much behind
unlace) in sacred observance, and are
also behind us in temperance legislation.
of Brucefield is hot a good average. ow-
ing to the amount weenie kilted_
!Myth ie gather a very good or a wary
had pleee--lateet returns my the Set
home. it iii nut like ouni granted from
year to year, but it is construed as per-
m* n
saloonkeeper, therefore, violates
bon Army is making little progress there. any sedating controlling law. with me
There has been • rtranee mortality punisio Ile may gel to whom Ise
leke or ocean eteanter, and yet would Pedlars sell lo 'Pelting to grocers we antonrst foals in Tucker -smith township. pleases, mid elieuever he willies. There
find that they dill not keep thie tea prior : Th. „,,,,,,,,, has aci tar bellied the ostert. is • growing temperance eentiment due
untold th• treat platform for • wUrftey to the good work dohe by the SA omen •
to the pedlars owning around, for it was "rise;
by tail with,,ot &thought of the evil that a tea that would n..t sell. Dues the ---" - - tiring ?hrietian. Temperance Union and kra-
naioht belga from a misplaced switch or farmer rec. gnise the fact that the grocer . inner named Joseph King
germ/ 1144C1011ell. As to the Methodist
an obstruction .,gt the track. There wm tskes all his tenter and ages and giver ..
inroAthiet voishit* ef Stet hen, nes; Crtdi-
°t .thce• hen4,4)hoatoen on en cat. church," the Docter said, warmly. "it is
one notable eseeptioa to the last ride, him whatever he may rratitire ter them , '• ' l'is ' . . as strong there as any other religious
Would he, the farmer, like to Leek hts house ob Friday.
. body. There are 2,000 comniunicants.
however, in the cam of • Fiesta- produce newt; from door to doer to fed Exeter is rusting Si the building lime which rt.pr.ssit • Methodist population
Canadian Senator, sometime deceased, customers for it, *Lech he would he eon:. The brickwork a the new town bell is
who had so determined an aversiou to palled to do 1.mila:tie there were no re.mnpiisted_. t aradwork has been begun oo
railrogid travel that he coxed not be pre. segrmon. Andizeornor:ht&htanhtehat,ytheitgte.t cteehe thej.E.hinielish church.
wailel upon to enter a enach that mov- att an Ent Wawanosh
farmers' produce besides tbPse :rouble ILI fernier, ins thrown fry in his vehicle and
ed Lehiad a itterteeolivo, but regularly haoilling it. And again, does the tea- had both arms broken near the wrist,
diens a couple of hundred utiles to the Pedlar cirri auger s.,ing with him. No ! one day last "reek.
Capital each manikin behind • horse and 1.112itYtilte Pr& Tre tbhrTnegsi. litrirottei inaliitti , SeltIrdaYor %%1'4h1 7:radlillPhs7nd wcaii.st isineadt
cutter er bugoy, as the season permitted. el.__
-es to the Grocer and gets 1111S4f for 1 tantosni. fur peddling plated ware with.
().i his last trip, in the depth of winter, them. when we are all aware that sugar lout hsving obtaiILd • license.
he contracted a severe cold, from which is sold on a small advance on cost. 11
It Is reported that a wife belonging to
the tea peillar would awry sorer with'
a painter of this village,,and'untieho has
him as via as tae it "'Alia be very done considerable perambulating with
different ; but he takes the very thing
• young ladtes here, arrived Monday
IT has been defluitely decided to hold outigetitira of the lungs and death 101-
a three days' bill fair in Guilerich under lowed ; so that in trying to avert death
the auspices of the West Horun Agricut seci jest, Le sataatabad to exposure.
total Society. The days have been fixed Perhaps the best way to travel is to hate
for the 4th, :eh snd 6th of October, and
nearly $2,0,0 will be offer4d in prises. or dim^ h belorgs to no human agency,-
Tlis contemplated show will be the grent-
that Illati cannot by any gleviee add one
est event of the kind ever brad in the
comity of Huron.
Ito fear, conscious that the power a Me
Pornonsoiss Grunion Mt•LY.1.4.34, t II
ez-rinauce Minister, has gut in his week
(twenties financial crjtic by
the nesse of a post Ake in
Durham county from Cartwright to
Bloakatuck. There is a whole townehip
minute to his &Dottrel spin.
----I ries things are onneshat tangled
up in the sortzultural park basiness.
Sonne months ago • bylaw was stibmittee
to the ratepayers asking their ap-
proval of a ?reject to burtow $4,000 ft r
the purpose of buying a park fur agricul-
tural purpues, *1.4 erectine necessary
,astated cartorrosbt in Durham. and we bathing* cu the game. I was opposed
eau,. has to finish the joby takings to the scheme until I found that, as a
'natter of fact, the acreage was purchased
mienee and wiping it off the map. Let
the hated name be 'Cooed from the earth,
se en evidence of the wrath .4 a Tory
ram moan.
Ar a sleeting of the hotel raen of West
Harm, held in Goderich Monday last,
it was decided to go of with the agita-
tiou for the repeal of the Seen Act. to see sent* uf the neithbors ah. lam
There was • rayons representation me_ basted me OD the occasion veer around
and h • es -mob ." teat to my way of thinkine. so far as the
last meat, and it was no use crying'
over spilt milk. I was abused for nay
oepoititteu tu the scheme and called
mum aud narrow-minded and pen-
orese, and a lot of other pet names, by
ones of the advorates of the plan.
bot I have east:tag:ea to lire long enough
neither aboo.,, sof times should be sp,krea neetlisesnees 14.r incurring so muito cost
of 8,000. liscelleut work is carried on
amongst the 'adieus by Methodist mis- i olio come to invite him to %not St.
sionaries. There are 2000.Indians un- i Lenis, after the encampment of the
der the control of these missions. and Grand Army men. The President re -
100 were added to the church during last lobed that he would he in Washington un
rear. There are two fleurishing orphan- 1 Monday, hut he has eo far *ignited no
ages for deserted and housemen Indio.' ; intention of se•cepting any ‘.f the invite -
children, and this 7505' this department itions ettended to him.
will be extended hy the estabiisnment , Secretary Lamar, is at present the
of an industrial school. More mission- only member of the Ce‘oinet out of town,
aries are sorely needed for this work." and has gone to Georgie to attired the
The rev. gentleman then went on to wedding el his daughter. Moe Jennie,
speak of the great boon conferred oft to her cousin, Mr Lamar, a young how -
British Columbia by the completion of yet practising/ in Washington.
the Canadian Pacific Railway as a na- The Secretaries of State, War, and
tv - 1 rn ' i acid chit - h r husband who "'nal high's'. He tweeted the excel Navy, held a confereeee un Saturday,
that the emcee makes a living by. d
1 wasgrugrzi gestl astonished at her ' -eat lent acix*inneodation of the cars, the , and have at last named a eucceogior to
leaves the sugar for him to sell. I I
would like te enquire how neorh taxes courtesy of the officials and the hoepita- 1 the late Engiuerr, Harry Lee Snyder,
from ReglaYnd. There is a moral is this
bl cl- - rams whish are
lased et who was Superintendent of the State,
illc411CI:PAY_' !Moe Pea
$1.111A gffAxial /WV
What Has Transpired at the
United 134.ates Capital.
Tbe Pre.414rate• 11••aretaral* apaimat ilea
!Sew Lnain -yr thee ft ant se 114.v• •
•••11• • re- •restass lbw Trara• mart Nonni
-se meas. Twa•Dallarte,
(*rum our Special Correspondent.
Ws%ftixi.rir•:, 1). (' ,
The records of the past week show •
little more than the usual amount of
public business transacted in spite of the/
1,31.14*. beat. The President remains
entirely at Oeit_Ifiew., end will cvnlinue
to do so ail Ma premot warm weather
continues. But his secretary, Cel. Le-
md, ont, is daat the White House, and
all matters of importance are brought
before executive notice through 141.usury. Numerous invitations hail°
been received inviting the President and
ho ells to lieu the West, ait.I especially
the Norther sateen cities of St. Paul, and
linneepolis. A oriel:rain has been sent
by the mayor ..f St. Louis, seiong if the
l'resident would receive • .2.41.1mpition
mut be some thouesnds of deflate each oi
all the grocers pay ID this coconvenient county. it ,
pnts all alone t e route.
!item for ladies seeking inetnetioay.-Kx-
year and the tea pedlar only pays soto teeter Advocate.
V111:1. Moonier. -A certain puma in He arrived in Calgary on the first Sun -
per year, and I do not doubt but that I day of June and observed that some of
his Alm tea pedlar's) preen for the , town who is noted fur his good looks
I •
the high lands were covered with tour
year I40.5 large if not larger than tbe and aloe was briar at Hayfield reinch", a mow.
whole .11 the erocers pot together cent'''. and concluded to reduce the
I temperature a hie body by a bathe in Brant *shed as to whether he enticed
. in :
this c milt,. And all he makes is taken any signs of progress ea the Northwest
sway out of the coanty ; while cn tire I the (exiling waters of Lake Huron, so *04Manitoba since be was there two
other hand whatever is made by the 1 "He bung his clothes sea maple limb
.And Jumped into e ayears ago, he replied: "A great deal.
Artist thwter.-
The people are more hopeful. There
ts not the despondency noticed on my
former visit. I observed that all along
the road tame seed has been sowed, and
the crops look remarkably well. The
people are hopeful that they will have
grocers is *pent in the country and the
county derive a benefit from it. 1 can-
s" help ecniog a great iojustios in this
pedlar system to the general trade in the
whole country and if continued or tol-
erated by tier euonty coencil then it will
finally have an effect of putting the busi-
ness of our county into the hands of •
fe•. BvirretiPeit.
After enjoying himself to his heart's de-
sire he **Deluded to dress, but wasstart
led to find that three girls who were not
aeperently afraid of seeing a man naked,
were calmly watching him from the
hank. He waited it, the water in the
hope that they would retire. With an
coreplaceocy they sat and en-
joyed the fun. and after he had waited
1 until patience ceased to he • virtue, he
1 palled his clothes from the Slab, and,
standing in four foot of water be deliber-
ate"' `sr latereaa .1*5 IIS4* Wit• 111•1110, ably put oo Isis rainsent in that undo-
ne. Deep. , siraiiie attitude, to the great delight of
_ _
his ueknown tormentors. If he had had
The scheener Todmen delivered a I
^ green a paid", shawl to protect 3)154
cargo of lamb" "1 Dintent.14 Cu.. dock :from their gaze. it would mot Mee been
laet week. •
i so bad. -New Kra.
The schonner J. G. Kolfage arrived
last Thersday with a oare,o of lumber for
War, and Nary Department. It may lie
remembered 'bet fitagimser Snyder died
euddenly a few weeks ago. Chia En-
gineen Thos. Willigonson, U. A N. Rae
been nominated to 611 the place, and a
commission made out and sent to trak
View fur the President's signatnre.
Eogineer Williamson was formerly at-
tached to the Psoitis Squadron, and is
maw at his home in Warrenton Va. on
waiting orders. It is said that his ap-
pointment is as great surprise to Lim,
fur he was t an applicant for the peti-
tion. as 11 15 disappenornent to peso
eral engineers h.. were tryieg for the
this veer 15. 5.11 harvest they *V.'S had. . place. .
The erestest .igns of improvement ! The navy yokel at Washington has
notice.ole are tete/eon Broadview and , been transferred to the control . f the
Brandon. The country in that district I ordnance bureau, and the yard turned ot-
os being rapidly eettled and developed. 1 to a gun foundry. This change has met
As to our own church, it is extending I with much complaint and some ridicule,
its circuits and missions at • very rapid but the won progresses favorably not -
rate in Manitoba and the Northivese withetanding. Besides the regular ins -
We have now eighty circuits and mire i shine shoos for the manufacture of naval
aims there. I hear no c.mplaints
Isdian depredations. They are peace.
able, and a great many of them are ha."
ginning to adopt Industrie! habits. I did
sot 'such improvement in Win.
ordnance, • Oran hes been orranizeu to
train seaman, and is now being ir wrest-
ed in tha manipulation and osse of gone,
earriogra, ammunitisn, sed ail the Nin-
etieth& id guaniug. After the coarse
in the matter. We are ieformed that 1 for the unnecessary 'ask was ooncerned. deoord & Co. THE PACIFIC SLOPS. isipeir, but yet the city shows signs ep completed here, the seaman aryeent
already I only 1,000 signatures more .
As set forth 111 111S blialS, it was • me ee oleo. maroon ',tenoned a life end business activity. On the whole to Newport, I. for ins months Monne-
' •
I believe the Northwest will be a great Wei at the torpedo rtathol. aceuir-
purohase and foruish it in aOld 1t In th• ar
the anti petition. It is quite prebable the
bee tt bed t estimated that $4000 would complete schonner last Wednesday, and rigging Stet. J. D.D.. Clive Eh Ms-
pre•allime of Se. oountry before many years." ing the required percentage, they receive
'Ile Doctor conetuded the interview by the y of semen gunners, and are aloe
that the battle at the polls will be fought ; oboP• for the parpose required ; but I forTaimeocirrhooncer Cotter left last nun- saying that he had travelled 7,000 nide, idiot le t.. the position f warrant o. ti -
*5.1 to 0*x:1,4,46cl:tuber, cers. With the completton of the new
()it the question daring the omit,* ee buy it tures Dot that th• .um necessary which she will Tram the Toronto World. July 11.
Rev. Dr. wiliama,
oaaarat soperin. shit^. he left Toronto.
1 cruigers, well ectoipped and manned by
turns. to make everything op to the standard The steamer Ontario arrived &turd* tewdest a the Methodist Chfttsh. oho
- -
VaSksuitah. trained 'seaman, ion navy be no
----------- will be about twice that amount. Yea hos bees derin the last three months on longer a reproach to us. nor jou:1y Cos
Mr. Nee" a rube work, de- seism t upon your eyes so wide and
&lenient of the storm. " °lie"' cant " tkitis"ultimt'iL the
Miss Zama Hamlin of Goder:ch, is old minstrel juke snout ha ^mg "plenty
inernint end lett at nightfall en the •
The three masted schooner Souvenir, . Narthissat Territories '',"„d Msnit"h•• has visiting frioods here ' ' of water," arid may wanting/ • -few
of Detroit, ran into Goderich on Friday • 5. Mies Smith has returned from a visit ships to make it the enrolee* nary in tha
returned to the city. roe wail seen sr
tkci mad last evening at is residence world, or."
is Maitland atiast, and gave the follow- to friends in Chicsgo-
mooing to escape the storm. The count ef cash in the Treater?
The dredge has increased our lumber tine intseesting impressions which he Mies Baskerwell, of Dangles, is the 1
dockage considerably, by dredgino . tiiiished or. the Illed, .4 July. This
vaults. begun on the 3rd. ef May, •as
the nt rth west corner of the harbor. at formed of the Perak and Northwestern ittn st of Mra. Echlin.
Th testa ba e Belle Wilson and the
partisan bee gone to 'lark"' to book mare *1 me, for speskrng by the
after and make arrangeteracts Jot „. ,0 . «bin
easetractios of that promised dry dook. car", and u"n s you I Met it whin be
The Kier/Monism have lora no time in tar cellectur comes around. Didn't it
snaking Su John 1.161 ins promise, as goat about $1,60) to buy the lot
thee have mom to dread the *mai" Well make a note of that, and then add
emstasted election.
The (mutest is Laprairie for a rapes-
. sestative for the Local Holies, secordise
to reseal delete -bete wales wane, but
the Liberals eel oontident,notwithetand
km the corrupt influencer of the Tory
s. Tise latter an swayed that
issrarpleau refused to &dap his Peri. you 71 see dist it makes the total
.. rasa trio to giro them • heed in the sea- Wig,. Then the other day tenders for
WO for poring up the fence ; that
Miss S. Treleaven, of Lesekuow, is rite count was rendered necessary by 'Se
The Doctor arrived lk Victoria via nine friends in this viiiiaity. • chanee of U Treasorer, My Myst,.
makes $2,400. Then there'll be drain • Jens McLeod, Koine* and Souvenir all teen Fremisoo, but returned bones over , Mr. and Mrs. Drawn and little • of loom Aging 6 US 4 • •
ins sad the cost of levelling, and making le.tred from this port on Sinday mors• she Canadian Pacific. Railwey. . While daughter. Ago., ee„ gone mobtrod. , who rescoed to accept tbe position uf
is 86is Fraucisoo he wu struck with the o u it Vice President ..t the new National
Th. yawl boat of the Jug) MeLewl opposition manifested towards the . nes. "`r• '""!' 01 "ces- flank esteblislied in New York City. cg
the eatt'• ring and flee course. You Inc;
min put the figures on that yourself, and wow the other day eut en two by the Chinese. The reason is that they work Pied tha.Maahtidiet church pulpit Sun which ea Secretary Merin De is Pre-
Wt- r ChsPhisis sr" "17 "its. B. petting up the buntlines were Lined
giew the Dam* wee up, and did not wish
for, and the only tender was one at
'vs Sir Hector a chance tu smile at
1, over another Cbgembly defeat.
Ferry speaking at a banquet at
,gi. milleistal os Mosday &meowed those who
..,:, illm said accused the Government of bre
' ieer anti national because it would not
11. allow the mob to interfere with the de-
liberate action of the duly constituted
publis powers, nor follow the mob be-
hind the ear of • god of the music hallo
What del France the greatest injury in
She eyes Of glirOpa was internal divisions
sad apparent government (4 anarchy.
t is sencluded by driaking to "the Re-
grablis, anitinr under its patriotic ben,:
tow all Republicans. all Freochisen.
wheel of • propeller. We understand so cheap that a white man has no chance day ""ing 0**7 see•Ptabil• &Watt. Doe c‘ilut dtvelotord but os•
the captain of the McLeod obtaiumi • , in the labor market. The anti -Chinese The nag aid, "it"! aP th. 'all. aids of error, a shurtace of $2 50, promptly
fair sum from the propeller's eeetain- I laws hare resulted in Itouning the , Main str"e ob,o1nrt quote an improve- !macho gbod by the clerk. obese
Chinese populetion on the Pacific omit ' runt, but wri think if.there was 000 ou 1 thrugh carelemneim ,n the h mar c,tunt,
b about 20 000 As to British Col- the eastern rade also, it would add great, the error 405. The sisio„/
$2,750, which, although I was told it seihia. lie does sot think that it sts
pare/ysed the members of the public Miss San Flillir, r, ef Goderich. is Ma- ever be much Irma as adritteltstral *tend -
worts orintrnittee, was finally aecepted. Lereoying her holidays with her cuisine point. It is toornountainom and 450 -
for that pursuit. As to the climMe.
Then there are th• horse an] cattle Seely( Warra.--The painter's brush be said: ''It pat me eery mush in mind
sheds which .41 run the figures up m-
oths/ WO or $1,000 ; shd there'll be a
heap of unforeseen expenditurea in
between. Under these circumstances, if
tit. crunrieting °f *ha infrieatta"1 Park holes in their fences, es the free pimento the leek 't( gesseal eaterpries t roue ut
and its fittings oan be kept tinder 117,000 on the roadside is hare the proi ince. Netters has done • wreak Miss Annie Conie, formerly of Gode- 41ItI.III I., oat t.i pnettnester. First
it will surprise ms very mach. If the Mrs Stringer, of Poet Austin, Mich • deal for the settlers, bat they seem to rich, sow of WinniPtig- nos visiting old comptroller esethen, „j,os ti • ream
moteraortuo soh s and the electric haht returned to her home this week. flor du little for themselves. The only eity Moses hors eSio wook- Ilas the 'Tonna that MI One a• sat -
beck ith that shows an life at an ie Vassouver. MAW lisekifta, ot IthePPIrdton. In titled to draw two satiates front the goy -
17 to the appearance of the hand la National Brink cues, and local
tender ntors was eis7teeo •
I „ ,
D1111111). ...drew days, bat the uoiien
- pied with a large forte of men to do the
Fell of years to the number of thirty, work, two m. ntlis in c.-unting.
The resent postmaster 14 Charleston.
S. C., Mr. Mowry. was, at the time .1
his appeintment. Gnirk to the Committee
of the Hoare 4 f Repreventatiees. He
now claims the salary as clerk of the
Committee, t:p to June 13th, in ed -
has enveloped Rueewood Fenn \nue* is of that of the Sarah of in . Oa rpm, bol,corolf Mr Tobin (bed 60
"snowy white. ' firs€1 the kneel and holly &sunshine/ wiwk.
Stray sheep, or siren) flames reunion' there, and in fact al1 tied* of foliage cuss. Loeis, ni punose. 141d.. 15
at lane. mused s•d complaints from that indicate • genial end lemP•rete eimtair his uncles, 'Chas. and Wm.
three who left their farm gate ajar,or bad climate. 1 wee streck, however. with yeses.
a ter, we .5055
The lomat was received with greet en la"Pfait""' "la proportionately tisar her on a visit ni some isiontha Ske It is the terminus of the C P R. end spending her !solids'," wash her Unita- ernment. The jet:Liens f the 0.171D-
. the estimate, it will take folly $100,0(10 5. 0318014 mimed in our ..01$1 circle. se melt is destined to eclipse Yietoria, pares* Mr and Mrs A C. Mord meld. troller appears fair, bot a4•44•1411 that 1!1••
it Deepen.. aorta have lime mule the to see the buil:sot through. There's & The self binder purehiseed by the Tall the capital. es moo
t ammo •
past moth, by Sir John and • small hwy., name tr, pot between y„, teeth Le -rd has turned out • soeseasfel ven- , fully from the goy dewier *bilk over-
hand of his henehmen, to num the no-
ose/Dar, feeds to establish an organ for
the party in Toronto, now Hutt the
has demented their eimeee-eostractors,
eiretem and sugar monepolista and all tits
other "boodlers'• who have befitted by
end clime
-There are mum other thing, I afield
like to draw the animation of the neigh
tore. and already several borehole, friends mine it last year, mid has now a pope -
have persuaded him to will theta shares Wine •120,0100.
in it se all can got • little shoed in the "The people are." continued the
rem of farm businees. Doctor. "far behind fu enterprise thee.
bars to, but real'y and truly the weather in the •heericti of Mr MeWilliams, fe eastern provisoes. When Obey were
Air John's impodet a.04 attiotohave
has ham "utast ma to soltaktavatta foCITT:tiosahlbS0111,astots.0.411;tiohlio goodie areedways • Cralt est eulogy they 1414toozechttoidowe
boom appealed to fore net the dimes and *tient. cad 1 *173* °•T'1'7 lid" t W•1411,0110 when he conies. In amine publie boildinipi, were .11 50111 st
"4 arts the country from the Grits. "The be. Yoe see, I'm tett ing op in yeses, his address he referred to his Aret visit erneenst vaporous, and they have ego
perty's loet, gentlemen, unless you Oran and I's more aforted by the heat then here eleven years atm with Mr MeNate trot into *1. 8754.0 of depseiding urine
' ' dotes foe the Eimpir.,- *aye 81, John, 1 owed to he, and thee. sultry afternoons and the changes sines. therlselves yet. As to polities, they
' hat oectordiss to reports it would srpesr kind of knnok me (et of the reenter rein Arias • shingle es • portable desk to have none They are illegish 001111444 -
as ij the pockets of his friends are but- of doing liminess. However, l'il take a entry the anti -petition for the repeal ad hien. first and hit. Thera Is ..6 trims
, tooted .p Otis time and pretty tightly - fresh grip arum the eserttring +Whitt the ferott Aet, and • mracil, R Ellie esti Canadian eiriatbsissit piessaset there.
,n1 the quarter of a 'sillies reqeired s-1 . o•er, snd let the it/delve., knee Jae Wells of ft %laird. rielte.I here to Ilene, as you will fisile say fib Osterio.
iugly a tittle ovate quartile the ainnasi sogne points that they vorron't 'wire DI 0110111.0 *ignore From anise of one asp* I They look th• provisos so se
, . 4 a. Menne! time Ths Aat friends tOey rime et mwith tell level 01 • tl*14.Doesistina • They
616k los the Enirre aleJ les Ihs J ohs f tcpies le large, but the labor.* is antssents Oust of them was alerist seem tme o =hlm twe
mesfie n
hal Wait pros14••• - this • pre y .
It was Mr Thos. Hairline. not as, S..preme C .ert has ageoLled differently
that we mentieseed lest week. Ole ur another awe
l Gnoa'. that a Mr.
friend duet y*het pleasure to god sash Illpeeders. now s clerk at the gro-iitivo
mieleion.„ who 44•• at tits Wins of ills 5.ram willing to Sa7-4143.
mom, hi. wens and it.. gni,, a rdnttnebt. clerk t i • Conereesi.e.ed
altford, our burgh a unease for etlat.._nrv.ttee. At any rate the Comp
memoir,. 1„e the „pm' a the soma tr..irer 'Iniquities to 1554 the came •gairli..
Aet. They metered some. end Postmaster Mowry •Ili emote^ hes
time to the C ,uris. H• may loom *14._ ___ _ _
law on his ridge hut he certeinly is tory
Saltearl. avaricious te 'Rol two . Ai mil st the Game
*late. eery itlly whew there 540 54 *say
3- H. Moc". DI 1111.1111
"", to Tioiliall i wouldb
.. • tbre 5.14.r.,iutaids is time
at Newry Iltsietkee. °old, eh.) irt old tejoios in the Douse -
shin of . na. Orgliaerily the decisions of
A pile it f weed 05.514' s* from a milk the Septets, Coort of the l'nitell Neter*
sae at the reeidowee r f Mr H. Tedford. are gee' tool intabltsh the law of prem-
ium. Springfield. one day lam week I. dem. foe al lik• cum, hot thorn Isp..
woreht 1.105in 44. • hoer, sod they at telling eh ii • heed of • harems wrielMie
lent terrigergel Hos Pint Via. Thai ?Milt ' the tieivera own. 041 not dare do epee.
'4a1. w Ise ht 611.5 wpt4absstab
th ort peak daring dill d'SIL A.1,44. Reminded to roinquish has miasimi. who Ass ha vat a Caw- eta 10 sot poen.liitei tlit roar,
ass! * 7
Ifsoc,r, ft