HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-22, Page 71
rooms should he on the se -
,Mod siiey. They Afield be weld a red
sad kept eomkrtwbly Doul.
An s btuidered cloth, moiler the to
set before the mistress is petty and ave
the tablecloth. Whits, Turkey red sad
peessamst blue Goes is suaahts fur the
MAOUIR s MoLasssn Cast - One cup
„f tnobsaes, sup stags., cup suet milk,00t
quite cup lard aad butter eased, t aspetio
soda, two eggs, flour to crake as thick as
cup cake.
It is said that women uever embezzle
fur the remote that they ere ant trusted
in responsible plsttbs, witheet combat
Iva evideteoe of their respectability. With
men is is didereot
Mn.rox Mu►rtxs —Take awe egg, one
pant milk, cue pint dour, • pinch ot salt.
Bast egg light, add part ..f the 'milk, all
the flour, thea add rest of milk. Bake
twenty minutes ie buttered tuts. Eat
An exchange recommends • solution of
collodwu in aleuhul, to keep the sliver
from taruiebiag. Paint the silver with
the solution, which is easily matted out
with bot water whim the silver is matted
fee rime.
ToBrox s RAI•INu EAaILT, --Pour boil.
Wig water over them, lett►ug them stand
a arouent to soften, then poor it off. The
stone may then be easily piachsd out at
the stem end by giving an "sets term"
w the IroiL -----
Poole Man's FRg1r CA Rs -.Om and m
half cups bruwu sugar, two ell' four, our
each of butter and chopped raisins, three
eggs, three tablespoons of sour intik,
half teaspoon soda. hall cup blackberry
jam. This w . smallest as well as mono
Whoever rtes the following prepara-
tion for cleansing silver will never ask
for souther ; two ounces of ammunu,
two of prepared chalk, and eight ounoea
of rein water; apply with a soft flsunol
and rub with chamois skin. Fur the hi -
agree work use • silver -brush.
Breed, in Penia, sells for one cent a
sheet, which is about as thick as sole
leather, sad as large as an apron. It is
baked os the floor of the uven in a few
minutes, and is then •gpreed out to cool.
It as sweet and whulewrue, and with
fruit and vegetables forms the chief
article tf food for a great part of the pen-
Hay °trcel..—A good omelet u made
of small pieces of ham and one egg, • I
pinch of soda. one teacup of milk and
dour enough to make gone a thick tat-
ter, and a little ••1t Beat the eggs,
then add the milk, dour a: d s,da, our
the batter over the pieces of meat and
you hen a cheap sod economical break-
fast dish.
Pen glycerine has an active affinity
for water, and if applied to the hands
absorbs the moisten of the akin, in-
creasing instead of allaying irritation.
By washing and o0:y partially rryinv
hands Before puttuul 1.n the glycrr-
the duffialty is avoided Or the glv•
rte may be diluted with one fourth
its bulk of water.
The detection o.1 alum is bread is ac-
complished as follows : A piece of gela-
tine "free from alum) is immersed in •
coed infusion of the suspected bread for
taenty•fuur hours. The gelatine, upon
being washed off with distilled water to
which has been added a little of • ten
per cent. solution of logwood tincture
and amm-Daiwa carbonate, should not
&how a blue co:uratioe if the bread is
free from alum.
PIN aor tot ICN CILIUM. —One pound nt
pineapple grated law, yolks of eight eggs
.one pound of sugar, one pint of milk and
one pint of cream, • tittle salt Boil the
milk and MOM, that the pineapple may
not tarn it into acid, then add the yolks,
well beaten with the sugar, and grated
pineapple, stir all together over the fire
until it begins to thicken. When be-
giawing to set in the freezer add • pito
o1 whipped cream ; this is a great im-
provement, but may be omitted.
How great an the reeponaitilitis of
houekeepen Sometime• an indigest-
ible article of food, by its edecte upon a
king, has overthrown an ehtpire. A dis-
tinguished 'Witticism says, that of one
thousand unmarried men there were
thirty-eight criminals. What • surges -
tion of home influences ! Let the most
be made of them. tionsekeepen. by
the fond they provide, by the couches
they spread, by the books they intro-
dues,bgtbe isfluenoss the bring around
their home, ars deciding the pbgioal,in-
tell•cttal, moral, eternal destiny of the
FRUIT FOAM Danner. —Soak half a
package of plstioe in half • cup of cold
water until soft. When the gelatine is
soft, hest to boiling ; two and one-half
paps of redmerest, strawber-
ry or grape juice woolen to taste and
torn over the snaked gelatine. Rtir un-
til perfectly ddsulved, then strain and
set the dish in ice water to enol. When
it N cold and beginning to thicken, best
the whites of three amts to a •tiff froth,
and stir into the thickening gelatine.
Beat thoronghly with an asni whip or
beater till the whole is of a 'did foam,
Miff enough to retain its shape.. Fifteen
minutes of good beating ought to make
it so. Turn into molds previously wet
with cold water, or pile roughly in large
•pnnnfula In • gloss dish. Set away into
the refrigerator until needed. Serve
with • little whipped cream same piled
lightly around it.
Pouring hot water over china tends to
jujus demi on whish the steam
hula dint only.In washing dishes,
a eatefei person fithe dish -pan with
water first, drains every cep into • slop -
bowl. serapes Nary plate and dish into
one dish, to be emptied afterward into
the garbage fail ; thee, ahmmehciog
with the leapt greasy. rubs souse soap on
her mop or dish-elotb, sad Appear •
glass, cup ore into the water, rubs
it lightly and leaves it to rises while eh*
rube a few othen with the game sloth
One oust of seep ea a sloth will them go
tepidly over awveesl pigeon ; these may
• then be taken not, druiaed sat mere
weaned, not having a pile ie ~ pp
at ming Chita or glass
sup suis without hong riwi, saver
kooks ss dor sad tpeshliRg so whim
rioted ; mad cubes that ems wombed is
solution of tem, colter eswsbe sad
neither look mow fhtd ..booth to
MO Mesh.
. asrastee ■Wety.
Then is auw is. Woodstock gaol on a
charge .of 'seventy an uld woman, who
early in the century was here with
br4bter primeness than molt of those
now holding good positions in society.
She was, as the phrase goes in England..
of gentle birth. She was bright, beauti-
ful and well educated, with family mrd
s cial connections that seemed to swum
f .r her • bright, it not s brdtaut futon.
eh* is, we are credibly informed, • re-
lative et the great Dr (Juthne, and was
at s young led; on terms of more than
lnend•hip with a titan who for more than
a get.eraUon has heap one of the greatest
of living statesmen, and whore tutee is
daily on the lige of the world. Lettere
from bum to her were, we are assured, in
eamteuee a few years ago, iu which be
expressed the feelings of ardent youth at
the shrine of beauty. What a strap.;e
world It is in which two lives once so
near together should have run se widely
sport Honor and fame followed the
one ; while misfortune mod at last pas, er•
ty dogged the footsteps of the other. The
lady in question, after • career of vicis-
situde, bermes the second wife of an old
man well-known, whc recently died in
poverty. Sines that she has eked out
existence by the help of charity. She
is now iso gaol at a vagrant, there being
nu poor house to which to send her.;Her
life is • stnns•e story, in which there ate
mans. sons eke.- Sentinel -Review.
The Greek urea is the must ideally hu•
mar_ of all features ; all other noses are s
compromise with animlism. There is a
substantial agreement among clow ob-
eervrn that the form of the nose is an
index of character. Thus. Lester, Red•
field, Alexander, Walker, Gratiolet, ,.nd
physiognomists generally. agree that
large, h asked now indicate • love of
power, desire to rule, acguisitivenea,ai-
grtesivenees ; while the opposite type—
the thin. straight and finely fashio.oed
nose—indicate& sensitiveness, delicacy
and decided .eathetho tastes. A at u ty of
the num ht the accredited bus' or por-
traits of Cesar or Napoleon will reveal
In every lune the vast ambitions of throe
eoloseal characters. The depression of
the bridge of rhe nose and the Orwud
opening of the nostrils are allied will
animal features, usually a000mpanyii g
staring eyes, and denote "frog -stupid-
Wessels as aleeptag rave.
It is amusing to watch some women
get ready for bed on a sleeping car, or it
would be if we could penetrate the
curtain's screen. They unbutton their
shoes, unhook their dresses and unfast-
en petticoats and corsets. Then, arm-
ed with • big fan, they lie down out-
side the cover and worry through s mis-
erable, sleepless night In the morn-
ing they rtfasten their garments, "slick
up" tumbled li.cks, and look as bot,
feverish and uncomfortable as they feel.
Tu undress decently and comfortably
and go to bed is the best plan ; at least
remove corsets., •hoed, stockiege and
d,'e... Roll x11 removed clothing into
a newt. compact bundle, put trinkets or
articles easily forgotten or misplaced in
to your shoe. A woman dressing in a
hurry may forget her watch or her
pocket book, but she never was known
to forget her shoe. Have a pretty
onicrod wrapper made with yoked front,
Watteau kack, and • ribbon belt to
sleep in ; then, in the mooting you can
slip or your shoes, take :your elephant
and bundle of cloths and go the entire
length of the car to the dressing room,
in pleasing contrast to the lady who
prepared for the night by merely un-
fastening her dress. —{New Orleans Pica-
• ueaNby easeeUN7.
A young man thinking of buying a lot
out near the city line mod building a
house on it, went over to look it over.
Meeting an old settler, be asked if it
was a healthy locality. "Gosh, I should
say it won," replied the old man. "My
daugbter was out west a visitin' all win-
ter, an' when she come back she wwz so
weak she couldn't vias • fork to her
mouth. Well, are key' a breathin' the
sir, and a gittin' steriliser. and is a week
did the melon ' for the whole family and
churned ten pounds ell butter. An' I'm
blest if last Wednesday mertnii she
didn't get up, milk six eons sad drive
em to pasture, curry the bone, hitch
him to wagon and go offend git married,
all before breakfast That's a kind of •
place this is. Fact of the nutter is ht's
too health Nobody's ever died here
an't get was to. Most of the old folks
when they find they're getting to be a
burden. my good bye to and go off to
Rochester, or Lockport or To.nawaeda
where they usually die inside of • week.
Of Douse there are some old oarmed-
reeae wt.o are determined they won't
die, and these we have to take away by
(oras. Oh, it's awfully heathy."
weaseled !lap.
The Viesr of Pitemoor has Leen speak-
ing oo the mode, of marriage in and
near Sh,lfirld. He states that people
are there married in hatches ; that the
"bridegroom almost invariably rot the
ring too small.' and bad at times to
"liek the lad;'s delicate little finger to
indium the stubborn ring to move ler."
it seems to be no uncommon thing to
fled that the rine is one difficulty
through its presence or its absentia
The viear adds, however, this Misr
good story e- "Then, again, when they
MUNI to that importsat part of the
tuarriage service when the minister
calks the man if be will have this woman
to be his wedded wife, the than will test
eefregwently turn to the women and
may: Wilt the' husk sty hooter' and the
wombs sboosti will ;
d tan
. the s rejoins, ths'slt
said it," toted he bless her to," Smell is
tho tsilmobits to misers.
Words ot Wisaom.
lwfe seeds for it* happiness. end char-
acter for its stability, • deduite ai..., en-
ergetisalty std regularly permed. What-
ever moaetone there w in that se itself
as enensa& of boppucem which saes aan-
not afford to do without. It gives war•
ity, oe.L.tenos and trust sou themselves
and in each other. It hires asst to Tile
sod slakes relasatiuo possible and pleas -
As the pleewn the year duds in rhyme
is said to arise from it as recurrence at
measured periods, fri..s the entified ex-
pectation that st certain Intervale Do-
teln effects will be repeated, so It is in
life ; the recurrence of the things that
are the mine or similar, the content in
t' a fulfilment of expectations so familiar
and s. goods that we are voamely cnn-
s boos that they were formed. hese a her -
noel end a charm, avid often maks the
only d•ffereutx between life's poetry and
N.arly every intelligent y•.oth knows
sn."+biug of his own bias. He knows
whether he is inclined to he hasty to
phi's/rustic. idle or diligent, frugal Or
eatravegaut, selfish or geueruw. If, act
cording to this knowledge, he will culti.
vate assiduously those qualities in which
he is deficient, seeking opportunity for
their exercise sod rer..,lutely bringing
them to the frost wL.eoerer they fall in-
to tLe rear, he will acquire an e'er in•
creasing power of self control that will
go far towards establishing and strength-
ening a well-balanced lid bsnuuntuus
The Setae Nall fomplatas.
A f,rmet's wife writes One failing we
women liars is a wiliugnsa to worry
alone without proper utensils to' du our
work with. We go no lifting the beery
Ines pot to boil a half-dozen potatoes in
when a three quart grenite kettle or ev-
en a cheap tin one would be so handy.
We dc without the extra broom for the
best carpets, and this is • piece of poor
economy ; we lack a gond sharp knife
cutting meat, • little one to pan vege-
table with, a boiler for oatmeal, a car-
pet sweeper ; then is • scantiness of
clothes -pins, no shirt board for ironing
dresses, and u nu. This lack makes the
work ■ third more irksome. No man
wound blunder along so. But he is
master of his pocket book, s' me woman
aye; gill, we think by giving thought
to the subject site could ;tet the desired
articles, because really these things do
n ot cat much. The usual kind of hired
girl will not do without the cooveoien-
cs which her employer has denied
herself, and it is better to have the
convenient utensils and then dispense
with the help if passible. As nuskilled
as the etch' for housework are new, they
often Largely increase the nervous wear
of house -keeping. A good carpet sweeper
is a great help, but be sure it it a god
one before you buy it ; of .wree, it
will nut dig out all the corners or per-
fectly sweep the room without the aid of
• broom, but by sweeping • sitting room
about the edge' and corners once a week
thoroughly with a broom and finishing
it off with the carnet sweeper to t.kt
up the dust, you keep it nest the rest
of the time by • daily use of the sweep-
er and without raieinz • dust, The
thread' from your sewing, the seed and
feathers from the bird cage, and the
children's litter all vanish without your
having to stoop once to the floor.
moults Isdu try.
Some one has said ani very truly that
there is no end to work. Rothschild
was once asked what was the best way
of freeing and he answered, "selling
matches." The fact is a great many
never acxomplish anything because they
are always dreaming •boot making a
great splurge and jumping into a fortune
or into fame at ono. and without effort.
What is indispensable is to make a
beginning to get foot on the ladder,
though it be the lowest rung. Plodding
is the grand thing --keeping at it
Plodding, in fact, is more than half the
genius that is going. What ear. a man
expect if he is always dreaming of some-
thing els 1 He is bound to 'ail if he
takes no interest in his work and be
everlastingly flying to something else es
soon as then is any little hitch or difh•
culty. People wonder that some people
are such cited failures. They have j
abilities and a good many amiable and
attractive qualities. What is the matter 1
They aro nightly and unsettled. They
are everlastingly seeing F in the way.
Their fieuers can't ache but they think
they ars going to die. They believe
they would be all right if they were
away from where they are engaged in.
In short, unstable as wtter, they cannot
excel, and don't.
When yodi cane seat chain begin to
wear out, mend the break the best you
can by weaving in cords, or if very had,
replace with a piece of canvas securely
tacked on ; put on • generous layer of
cotton batting or curled hair, and cover
with a piece of any upholstery goods, an
embroidered pattern. crazy patchwork,
or a large "log cabin" block. Fir ish el e
o des with furniture gimp, aid fringe if
desired. The beck may o. finished
with • siettlsr panel.
The following is described u • pretty
way to make vestibule cnrtaina Cut
white tarletan enough larger than the
e lms to admit of an inch wide hem all
around. Cut from large 64ured cre-
tonne. of satin finish, flowers, Imre. and
butterflies if possible. Make • thin
starch paste and paste the figures 1,n the
tarlatan in sprays and wreaths Turn
on the wrong aide and press until dry
with a flatiron. The light shins
tbroesh them and they have the effect
of Ming painted.
Oat of a discarded carpet of large sine,
• soegt: that is bright and seas can nttea
be got to make a square or rug for the
centre of the noes ; then the floor
around can be stained with walnut nr
sherry stain. This fashion of rag and
stained floor Is in every way deairrble ie
comms time. it gives a 000l refrsh•
ittg. artatla appsarsteee to the roots. It
does sway with oho dust constantly
arising from all over carpet. for the rag
ear be takes wit of the how and hast-
e& abate whenever necessary. Uafnrt u -
mately wan floor are too rough to be
wised. is that eco take tits good
pleb of the old amps* to sever smeed
tits skim of chs /ore, sad hey flat she
maim of the nem sae e>t the "wester
Nate SIM ie. m sopa*.
Ti'Is atonable yet point pn'iarA
Um is especially adapted for the relief
alwl dire of U.at a sea of disorders
attendant upon a low or redoes's' state
of the a) -stent and usually accompanies'
by Pallor, Weakness mewl Palpitations
of We !lean. Prompt results will
f'.Itw its use ht eases of Sudden Ex-
haustion arising front law ..f Hlomd,
Acute or ('Itr...via lnsea.es, and 1n the
weaklier' that lnvariobly ser-nliwiiee
tl.e recovery Irma Wasting lett r. Nu
remedy will give re apwvdy rrliel in
1)) *pepsin or Indigestion, i is an ion on
111. stowach being that. of a gentle ural
harmless tool., cxtiuug the ogra us of
digestion to art , soul tone affording
inunteliate loud 1+vrman.eut relief '14.e
carminative properties of the different
aromatics which the Elixir montane
render it useful in Flatulent l )ysf opsia.
It is a rah:able remedy for Atuuie
Dyspepsia, which ie apt to occur in
Persona of a gouty character. —
F..r Impoverishes' Blond, Leas o1
Appetite, I)eepondeney, awl in all cases
where an effeetite and certaiu atlmu-
lani ix required. the Elixir will be
found Invaluable.
la 'Fevers of a Malarial Type, and
We various evil nmu'ts following expo-
sure to the c..1.1 or ort iv -rather, it will
prove a valuable restorative, as the
combination „f 41m -bona ( 'al inapt son!
berpentarsa art universally recognized
assetas ice for the above -bowed disor-
ders. - . .
*aid by all Dealers ix Fundy Jfndichoes.
Price, 11 per lioall, or
his Routes for 4:1.
Dads & Lawrence Co. (Limited)
501.11 at;ENTtr
Movrastat., P.Q.
1S 11ic000EiDED DT
PAvstiri'M, Jfinisfers, Missionaries,
Manu lees of FN':.?all. 11 ur."-a% npa,
Pfaulutiows, Susses In IIoapitais.
—ia short, everybody eseryefters
who has energies' it u trial,.
INTEiOALt.T NI01D 'frith A
•LOAR, IT Witt a1 rocliD
cess -TOR
xrracrirE mit REIT LININERT 4)0
ARteI7t.: TOON
.olds. per Bottle.
lir Beware of Imitations. 1111
Is effective in small
doses, acts without
griping, dors n'•: oo-
casien nausea. and
will not crate irr.
cationulromodi on
an do Nanny of the
usual ealhart es ad-
ministered :it the
form of l'illa. Ac.
L.tlies and Chil-
dren haring the most "en/tit:re 'no-
mads' trtke this tvlicine w ALMA trou-
ble or o..mpiaant.
CANrsr1.L'n (.'ATh*RTIC C'urnrwrs
L especially adapted for the sun• of
LITER CnNrtalwT• Lib Blunt • 1)I.-
FOR Acts 4Toxacu A71D Iwo or AP-
r.rev rt.
FOR SICK 1l1CADACWR A!n DT,rrrs:.i.
FOR CON•TIrAT:oat Mt Coer.,Rtrtal.
Thin medicino beim; in liquid form,
the case can be easily regulated
meet the requirements of different per-
sons, thus making it equally well
adapted to the nee of the little child As
to the adult Put up in three ounce
boxUes, and sold by all dealers in
family medicines.
Pnee Re!hit.Ceara.
G T...• 44,
coo agreeable
TO potent pro -
O mhyfaa e.eat.d4tau* of that ca.. adfsotdan
sessadsei aeon a b. w /educed
pnsala• d eMtMby •IH&nhm. WaFronnd.aas
rq,sailed. kaN
follow is ase in caws of Sadden Eetweuian
arming from toes of Blood. Acute or Chronic
D'.asw, and is the weakliest diet invaruib)y
.ec.aps es the recovery fr w, Wetting iears.
No reaady .01 K ware aped relief in
p s,a a Is t' astr'n are?
jAid Rteed, Loss of Appetite, Des
poedancy. and as an case. where
V an sreacrlvs and ropy A.,'
aT'ommoT i. nr..ro.d,
4 the ELIXIR ..11 be
mend t err aLm.
Ake ANN. Or
e et
.Sal! Fy all inateet ie. Media iwe/.
DAMS a YJWBEROE 00. (Ieiwitsdl
Sot, Action.
faaaket Pined Japes' $.w Tete Warraated Pure, S Ibe- fur di. This Tea le sepal to say so d
at Nc. 1►. by pedlars
Other Japass frees tso. to A.e. per Ib. Extra hood young Illyaaa. from roc. Ib. up.
Try my W. Teaagvpoa specialty d. Ind 3. he CA pe la Ib. Iwo Duly, IncgI.N.len an exchange.
Hyena, aad. ad It the Cheapest In the market. F
At Ce ORABB'S, Goderi b..
Jest opened out • tell aeesrtm.ent of my ewu importations and se.lsng at
wholesale prices.
Wool r'seatsrrres, wool MlMaee, svealli a as/ Prises.
Tweak sad feslesadrs a1 Prins N •slswlM.
Weals rod err. Always plumed to show stock.
arca not forget the old 'Landon the Rquare.
tprt' -t h. 1887. 111141C. ORABB, G-oderioh.
!las just received. and a now opening a tante asseeteseat of
Also on band a large stock of the
Fur the make-up of SHUN() SUITm.
♦HR173 ]1L 11113LIT2r8_
East 81de Mown, fleierteb. ]tarok :lib, 1MC, Ian
Toronto Cash Store
srAIi are int lied to come and exalm:he the quality and price.T1
Remember the stand :-THE TORONTO CASH STORE.
P_ 07=-A. • Manager_
Guderch. April20th, gaff;. 10r1Jm
The Latest Freuch and American Styles!
HATS, BONNETS ------- ---
Feathers, Lowers, Fancy Trimmings
Etc.. Etc t Etc.
The Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
Dolene April tth. INC •
Anyone can advertise. bttj 1 can slaw the8teck. F have more stock on hand than any two
houses in town le elect from.
I have now on hand 10 difercet stylet of Bedroom Suites. a different styles of sideboards, :t
Parlor Spites. and almost anything in the Furniture line. all of which wilt be sold
i• the UNDERTAKING f give personal attention. amt the benefit now d nearly W yeses
experfesce. 1 think ! harm tbe best Hearses Is the county of Huron - i will leave the public
to lodge I have Peery -thing renally ke in a tiro -clam establishment. such as Caskets.
CotIas, (Shrouds. Habits. Obves. Crapes. et . Embalming done when required.
It l Ouarsatee to give satisfaction in every case. -
Oederich. Sept. ash, LMa. 1111114410
Obtained, and an tat.nets in the its.
Office attended to at MODERATE PIPS'
Our ogee is opposite the U. lt. Patent Of•
Gee. and we ear obtain Patents in lose time
than thaw remote trap N'ARiffAWTr)A'.
Send MODEL OR DR Fr NO. We vi-
vito as to estentabilityy• free of charge . and
we make Ar)t'HAROF. UNLESS WE UB-
We refer. hen. to the Postmaster.the (Supt.
of Monr Order Hr.. and to officials of the
I y, trot testes. For clrcolar, /410,11.ters 'd references to actual cUea4 in ) o•i:
f^ d 1 t
41' BAL Q
!lc gi
/ II
:state or Count alk o
alk CO..
Opposite Patent Odle*. Waebingtoo. D. C.1
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in