HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-22, Page 66 tt'aa_� THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 2,1887. (he Poet's dormer. Leel ami sekedy asked ate take a drink. whet did 1 tell him 1 What do you think I 1 ledd levee -Ne. 1aaseleady asked M one day to Nay A gams ad cards; ad what did 1 say 1 I told plan No. domebudy laughs that I will pet swear. .ted Ire. sad steal ; but 1 de not care ; 1 told W -Nes tlsm•body asked pro to take a sail On the Sabbath day ; twee of tai raven ; 1 told him No. "If slnaers ender thea, sease.t thou aot.- )Iy Bible said. and ss oa the spot 1 told him Nu. Times** • Nslbrenre. All the flirting Mid deceiving. Captivating. make-bellevieg. K'I'M its temporary sweetaass, topes the pleasure off. day . And a thrilling memory Iipgers, Of the touch of deader eager,, :eaten s west neee.snillee and blushes tt haws vaata►ed all away. Rut perhaps you know the pl.raure Of possession in your osmium Aad • year of ad•peattuu has remodeled your desire. Whoa you modify the rapture 01 year hymeneal capture. .15,uu shiver in attempting to a-osstruct the kitchen bre. Fashion's Fancies. Cog," and then leave him to make the The bang in Bair dressing has resumed proper COM binetenu, a apt to be eugaited its sway for • week or twu ahead. In the work Large hoop earrenirs are again getting of the day laborer as in that of other Into far r. workers, there is much more room at the ribbons excel all others in nip than at the bottom. Picot -edged popularity. Farm one barber. if re are g.wwttig vegetables fat IIs' beldam at the meat fair, this til.,, est t0 Rive rows lee �yeltapmeeR, and stdkvate frequenily. 1f every farmer would kayo . pg.rdsa lad take an interest is it, it would add meetly to the comfort and eejgtment of tarsus, es weA as prove very profitable. To grow aim carrots the lend should be deeply smluvated, that the mots= grow straight and long.With •akivoiun then is nu danger of bushy roots. The att..tioc of lye 'economist culti- vator cannot be ou.tised to mere ruuuae of the direct mesas of remise/ and moth- ering hie crops, but must alai 0e direct• ed with gnat care to the bsbita el those eaemiaa which euaetaetly tkreatee their injury and deameetiva. As tomato vires begin to breach oat, the side runner" ahold be cut off, a t over three main vines be left to each plant, and after they bootie to bear, cut them back. li, new, three are trollied on supporta to get the sea and air, you will be surprised, it you never saw it tried, bow it boons the process of r canine. The kind of skilled labor m.rt in de- mand just now is the kind that can make • garden, set out a hedge, repair a gravel walk or build a terrace. Plenty et men may be hired to dig, but net to dig without • good deal of supervision. The moan to whom one an say, "Here is the place for the onion a,r carrot bed, here are the seeds and here is the dries - Meek soles. Corduroy is • favorite material for -- The clover field is the place to row the pigs uutd tame to pen them up kr corn feeding. Your horses hay as acute feeling as you have yourself, and a continual slapping and slashing on your part is .11 wrung aad unnecessary. Your horses will more than pay for the dy sets if you will proveae them Ger them, in the extra amount of work they can do by being saved the aunuyance of the die& See to the harness, and have it so well Sued that bruises and galls will not oc- cur ; b,..k especially to the collars and have them ht the shoulders well, and keep clean. 1f sheep have free access to salt they will never overeat of it, but if satt.d occasionally and given it freely they will eat too much, which provokes unnatural thirst and possibly injurious effects. The 1:vr f W.,1,1 says that the great proits from sheep cannot he made by tamers who do everything in the grand wholesale way. No animal requires bet• ter are and closer attention than sheep. Lampblack mixed with strung vinegar will mark sheep so that it will retnaiu a year, and will not injure the wool as do tar and punt. Don't for mercy sake, use a harsh bit, and then yank land jerk the uo.:r horses until their mouths are raw and you can't touch a rein without hurting theta. Not one-half the injury to h. rsee ari- ma-from the effects if their atabies being too cold in winter, that results from their too close confinement in summer. from the fact that nature has provided such animals with a thick coating t., shield thorns from the effects of the cold :,f the winter, while n.. means are thus afforded them t.. avert the damaging, elects of inhai iu , kr hours at a time, the poisonous atmosphere by which they Mothers ' If y aur daughters are in are surr.,ended during their cl, se coo! ill Leith, or troubled with • paleness tins men' 51. summer. that seems incurable. .or if they sutler' .feneral debility, uervnusnees, Dncuor. mem Namely Troth. weakness, or laves of appetite, procure at The heart is weaker thin the head, once a bottle of Johnson's Tonic ifitters .oil yet tt cootrds it. and you will not regret regret the oar•• ening effect of this medicine is truly to,nut. u . ,,• .d listener. M. a a -1. w«es•e Order. "My has lad am 'welded with d fee more than lout �..r.. wT . asperi.n.d its pbyeidid brat toed. We Rut dieseerawd, until we read of Berd.ak Bl,st.d Bitter. ; be took may two levities and now is as well ss seer, a, 4 i.wrg heavy work all the tuna" Richard Rues. Harley, Oat. Ifs i. B. bas cured the worst oases ul i>r eels dy.tspm. 2 tailor-made jackets. The latest freak in writing paper li made fr.m seared. Maize is asserting its claims to be con• siderei a (rube sable color. The really proper reds are two only, Amaranth and ..Id Bordeaux. Lsdies' shoes must match in tint the prevailing cols', u( the gown. In the way of studs, the same designs are ah,wn for ladies as for children. batin-finished, eros grain, csuze and tadeta ribbons are mach used t -or tmlhn- cry Beads, or t s;.cak by the card, jets, are fashionable foundations for bonnets, Barques are declared not suitable for young women, and are consequently not worn. Velvet is used either in plain or in .oft, irregular bid" on the brans of round hats. The newest additionnto dower jewelry are the "Bermuda Lill," and the "New Zealand' ruse. • it is said that the tan shades of ,cloves have list their popularity, and that Coal grays are in favor. Puce was always an unbecoming color, end rechristening it "heliotrope" des not improve 11. Bonnet ribb'us are coming in aline They are not tied, but caught bow dawn with a jeweled bar of gold. The latest novelties in bonnet and scarf pins for ladies' wear are • combine( tiers t,` pearls and diamoads. Shirt draperies tend to long, limp and straight Burne Joneism ; poufs and watteau are nut of fashion. The very latest thin; in sleeve -links simul..tes the coffee bean ; each bean must be of a differently colored Auld. 1n fee omeet w ...mantras. 0WWI ratios. Iles received ease universal eon mended e., for the af.viativa affords and w permanent cure it effects is kid- ney diseases as Dr. Van Buren's !Gilroy Cure. Its action in t►..e diem= m e.plainta is limply wonderful g� be f Wilson. 'las Hay fever is a type ..l emleer) baring peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an inflamed condition of the bairns Mere - breasts of the wastrels, tear -ducts and thrust, electing Um lenge. As acrid meows sescreted,Ihe dischareeiamaxi on - palsied with • Mulling asmm►tiva There are severeepaann of messing, frequent attacks of headache, watery sad wills— ed eye.. Ely's Cream Balm is • reme- dy that can be depended upon. 504a. at drueeista ; by mail, registered, 60.e. York. l Brothers , Dra stn, Owego. New 1 tamer Toted N. west ! Neese tried Johan en's Tests lits,,, ! Then de se at eros. Ws posi- tively the beet 'mend (rale um tlw market. I've ohm heard of it but tbuugbt that it was to be placed on the bet of the many trashy preparation's that Sued our market, bet WOO* rum reowwseod et so highly I'll give it a trial Do s , gaud foe any auplaint au wkieb • teals is of beeedt, sedans be takes by men, weenie, ur child. 50c. and St per 1 at Ouvde's Dreg entire, Alain) Meek, Gkideetch,sele agent. e All the had lack is the world wuelds't pay the etmpleat 'interest on burrito .d betted. Sense lime In Great Britain the question of Home Rule is commanding attention. To the man with a add in the head or cheat the safes• way to ensure Helve Rale over • ould is to have on hand a bottle of Dr. Harvey's Red Pine Gum. For sale at J. Wilson's Prescription drug stere. t( Ilene Specialiste. Run no risk in buying medicine, but try the great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made bT Dr Chase, author of Chaser's reeeipea Try Cease'. Liver Cues fur all diseases of tb. Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. gold by James Wilson, druggist. lay. The Tonic and ,re.erally strength Next too a g' td talker, as • c ,uversa- marvellous. 50 eta and 81 per bottle, You can listen a great talker out of at t:.rds drug store, Albion block. lall he Ynoes in Just about sixty mica (:odench, suis agent. Id 1 uvea 1 know people whose life is a constant (lesbian Recites. ' strugtle tietween ovaries and houesty. Letstift fiance —Boil one cup of sugar Providence alone can tell which they and one cup of water t another fifteen have the meat uf. minutes. when cold add the juice of one The pedigree that a man is gt,ing to large lemon. moue from his ancestors don't amouu' DOLLY VAlthea CaaR.—One cup oats to much ; but the one he is going t.. m- ower, three tablespoonfuls of melted 'lea~ to those who follow atm ix all un butter, one half cup of sweet milk, one 1 portant- cup of flour, whites of two eggs, one tam. If a man is right he can't be t•.•, stiff ; spoonful of baking powder. if he is wrong he can't he to. hmher. W HhrE CARR. --One and nne•half cups ' Thera is lots of temple in the world of sugar, two ergs, one-half cup of lard, 1 who can't seem to find their level ; but one-half cup of butter, one-half cup of ether folks can find it for thea, withou: water,one tesannotiful of baking powder; any trouble. baste in greased pan. Laughter strengthens a wise man, bit t;tt( ra CAKE.—Whiten •of eight ergs, weakens a f,rnL—Josh Billings. A f reaeatsse Less. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world as the celebrate ) Dr Chase. Oyer 1500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- pepsia, Headache, Kidney or Unny Troubles, to bu• a bottle if Dr Chases Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Receipt Book =1. Suld by all druggists. two cups ..f sugar,nne half cop of butter. one cup of sweet milk. ear. ceps of sifted flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, flavor witn lessen. M; rriw. ---One pint of doer, one tea- spoonful of baking grinder, one•half tea- spoonful of salt. one and ane -half pints of milk : mit into a sntn oth hatter stiffer than for griddle cakes and bake in greas- ed rings. WHITE Mss; nAIN CAKE One cupful of butter, three clips of ,agar, one pint of dour, two teseponnfulsof baking pow. der, whites of sex eggs, nn. cup of milk. lake in jelly tine. arrange in layers. with i ties a. t grated cocoanut milord together between each layer. ••Marr Tr.wbK, re•l hr raprrre•d. if you do not heed the warnings • t 0a- ' tore arid at once pay attention t.. the maintainance of your health. H..w often we see • person pat "IT front day to day the purchase of a medicine whi.:h if pro- cured at the mustart ,.f a disease would have remedied t• sem,it immediately Now if Joht.• on's Tonic Laver filly had been taken wh n _tor first uneasiness made eta appe.rr,ce thn a' newt would have Leen "nipped i.t the hu 1. ' John- son's Tonic Il.tter. and Leer I`.a are decidedly the hest medicine •.'t ;he mar- • bet for general tonic and invigorating proper Ira. fells :sc. per bottle. Bitten 50 cent. sod 111 per b tile. sold by Ho.de the druggist, Albion I.la•k. tilde Am kmereean comic' seine was much ,ago„ (bJ addicted to drink. Hs was on the read ' and bille.I to appear in a shall town When he came upon the starts he was Mo tipsy that the audience hissed him. Steadying 1 i noel( against the scenery.. the tie'. I. said, "Ldish and ehentl.mese, when an artist ..f my ehtend,ng consent. I to errear at all in such a Tittle one-hn(eb town ah thie,h must either he druid* I et e,.t.hy. 1 reefer to bus erinehidered me inebriate." ib &edito n reared and f f reeve him. A _ The t tiro tan bS eafefmdl.tR is when /!a l *int fdW Dfm�tm, te(e sma►t SOOTIIIU$, CLEANSING, REAUNS. U Cess T. e..esee is tette. Learn your besieges thoroughly. Keep at uta thing --iia neves change. Obeers • system and ardor is all you du amid undertake. Never foil to keep your appointments, or be pummel to the mise e. Be self-reliant ; do not take toe mesh advice, bat rather dlepeud .•a ywrse 1. Never be idle, but keep your hand. ••r oiled usefully employed earept when sleeping. l'se cha with all ; Ivo generous in thought afld deed ; help .:there Weng lite'. thorny pathway. Aocestn. yourself to think and mit vigorously, and Lys prompt and decided tor the right against wrong. Make no hone t.. be rich, reme,nbe r- ing that small sod steady guns i ve competency', with tranquility of win d Make few promiee&. Always "peek the truth ; and in your business rela- te. be guided by strict intsvnty and eadinching honesty. Mew • Dade ('a.gbI ('e11. A slim young man in the height of fashion was violently sneering in a street ar, when a companion remarked, "Aw, Chawles, deah boy, how d'ye atzh that deceitful cold." "Aw, drab fellab, left my ane in the lower hall tether day, and in sucking the ivory handle, sa dweadlul cold, it chilled me almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine Gum his add would not trouble him eery much. For sale at .1 1% ilsua.'s prescription drug store. tf nems aptedate. Run nn nee in buying ,medicine, but try vas great Kidney and Liver rtrgula- err, made by Dr. Chane, anth•.r of Chase's remipes. Try Cham'. Liver Cure few all di.sansa ret the Liver. Kid- neys, Str.mach and Bowels. So d by all druggists. It ain't re much the abuse as it ea the want of it that (Attu ruins a man. A REWARD—Of one dozen "Teaser RT" to any •ane sending the best fear lin- rhyme on "Taaaause," the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Eat:.. Ask your drugtest or with mei To Ilse Medical rrese.ms.a. sat a/1 whom to may tumors. Ph•aphstine, or Nerve loon, a Phu. - plate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulmon- ary Consumpuuu, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the hu -tan system. Phoephatiue u not a Medecine. but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but sirup: ly the Phosphatic and Grrtric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sutticiont to convince. Al) Druggists sell it. 11.00 per house. Lo was & CC.., sole agents for the Dominson, 55 Front Street East Toronto. Go �MEocm. D scoVERr CVM** AILI. MI hots. from • common MIWen, or Lrw.te.r, to the worst aerofoils. Salt. rheum.. " Fever . sere.,•' Sealy On ileoa Ilk I n, in do rt, all ilia-s,s mowed bad bland mala conquered hy thio port -entrain. funs. and entlt:oratin rte hire•. rest amine` Cicero rapidly Mel tenter its tr.. Maga Iafluenoe. rugsrtally has it rn•rntesttd I•• In .•nr:tp Triter, Meer Ba•k, ..IIs. one les, Store !'tee, Serf. 1.1.ws sorest sod owe111ag., Hip�- j.ini OI.ra.e, Wfalte Stesellloi•„ Glassine. or -. ,1 It hi ern. sail IE ttilasMe. "art t. n titian in ,.tamps • hirer motto% with mk,n'l plat.., in Ii1raa.•., .w the .anew emou set fin • treatise .ao sorofuh,ta Atrr. .e. " THE ■LOO In Tiir Ltfi'F.„ Tio,rooetit ch It by usher Rn rtoreeh. Golden Ti.i l learevery,nnd gees dsee.liest, a fair eh In, bweyans apt,. Ile, and wised.ir.sgraht. t beestat.li,ind. CONS[J IPTION which is rerefwla .f the I.wnses if ts. naive and .toad hy this neared). if tetra Iw.- ft.n• the• loot nttleiv.st the Meow aro rotteh.d. From its marv.•iitt,rs..ea power neer this, e•rrR•ly fatal .1 , when first ntferini that raw .whkroasl n•ttwrly Mi the public. lir. Pout I.'urht a.stuudy f •Meng It hie "real. •nmptIon Clare," lust Outwit mod that tmov .w tt., limited for • ar•il.it.e wed. h. rpm, lis wnw.k-rfnl t-.mMtsaf.m of to 441... atrrnyrthenliag. alterative. or hlond-elesumirg. at ti•t•fltnis, S.-'inrtsi. and nutritive proper - •Ms, is unr.tunkt•tl, not t.nly :,n a n•rw.l - rr •. naomptbm, ittts for all (brenle sees ,.f Inti Liver, Blood, and If you feel ski .Mew.)..k•hih r. . �irrn ss.l� w cake of skin..., y.ik,wMh-brow n faro .•r Noir, h•-yu.•nt headish.• rem, Ind mom Is no oath, Intel -1101 r.r atilt& alt, -,lathes with hot EisM+� Met ■red •!..omiy f. n i.nMnea trT4T1I et el•1•••Nt. . an.l o..,ted t..riwiw-. you err M.ffrrtn,a�e from Indlge 4l.ly s ap.Mla, nd Torpid I.1,er. or "Whir,,•,, he ashy rovers ..nly pert of threw sy am a=pe. r.. rad. S. a m•m.va // .r .II .pi -h 'e , O►. Pierre•. (:.Iden MI441ea1 Nu. ,.very 1. un.urpamrd r.r Weak Lange, .pIISIs of Woad. a.erine.e of wrraik, mean. .11ise. A.eb.a, Ort ere ('.elks, and kln.in.l ef,rlk.nq, .t ran tllrk•nt mnwM Fol.., .T t•E(A...t.r. at 41.00. Or ft MwTTLR. r ti do. Send r. n to ,n Wain few i r. Pl'ier's Wer hie sponsor, Tiedle&1 •Me. chile*, ,5. Unto .1,,.$ nerve lei. N. Y. C.II Is Rol 5600 REWARD RAY FUEL le of.v d h, the M.rs altos f Dr. !(SV, 's s DrblAr.aas f�7 mete of see.oarvfslf hfteb sf f *NI ta•••a•• ' � nave ' weltlw��tls� a a" .4 threat " MM t>wttrh eat1N ti/^S;M� I pfmipaY w 1� L[ A1TD pit b'C+�s %AIM E LIOM LIVER CURE NAV' YOU Gl 14..rC•mplaiea t lediestiss, Silicosnse' koandoce, yssdacae. Diname. Tea 1. the hat .,a.uwaesat or ami, .Cfeam areas.' fres a deraar• earn, Da. Coatis Lsvaa Cons will be lowed a sat ,.d certain remedy. NATURE'S RCM COY the aeesardad soxeu of 1). Chew t Liar Core i Liar Complaint rens misty wilt the fact that it i ...poended from &stere'. ,,cubes,:, ;ever ,egalaton Msrosaiis AND Dsnou.roo, combined with roam Aber .n.ai&sble roma, barks and hart.. baring ,owerfd disci ea Me Ctdney% Steeuc4 Bowes ars Rennet 500,000 sols :tour s.s4af/ _i:lies ,J Dr. t-Jast's Resifr deed non ,sff is Canada alone. We oast r. en, mea. +er.rw awl slitd rise 18 trelika w,$A Lnvr Lor oleos: to try MIs excaffent r.mvJj- teio mI a 11[w. Owe Aver Flu ,,'rapped awedaa�as.rry� htxtlsof Dr. armee LiverCnn is a e.Ies to Hoesel.old Modioli Guide sod Reap mock (Fe pages). containing over son rueful recipes pronoun;ed by medic,: men and druggist. as iasis ale, and worth ten times the prim of the medicine. A safe and tie -wool) Caws Catalina cent. rie1L Por TRY CHASE'S Ksmry aso lista Pira. ss <st-Pe, hos SOLD BY ALL DEALERS 'l� T CDMA 4001 a Co-. Leto /Mew**. aeedsere PURE pARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' T 7Q- -=ST. NEW FAMILY GROCERY 1 The undersigned erg mma, rtipea'tteY to tutorial the inl••bttasgs of (todetit* sad mr ronwdtes country. that hat,ai bought GA AP Itrot (.(z! in the boat markets et cassia amid the United elates. a Ivry superior stock of F'RRSI3 GROCES Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young H'ysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca, Sago. Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, ■nd other meet] articles usually kept is • ar.tr:aas ..'y establsimefa. •T i1a�171et1 er ole se0M 1111% Ott n.LN'tlas. WANT TO BUY A QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES i POTITOES. REES PRICE & SON, Store on the Square. Between E. Downing's and O. farsbb'e. Cadent h. April flat. lay. 'att1 BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As there are many Inferior g.►,ds, oord.'1 with )rte. hemp. etc -offered and.otd se Contains. by Boum un- principled manthatls teal. ,a od til. repataaloq of Mir timemese COMINIBIP. we ware the ladies suet) fmped:foe by 3taw- Ioy their attention to the asswetty of seeing that the taw CROMPTON CORSET CO.' la stamped on inner nideof all Coraltn.goo.1A Wittiest which none are calsis, THE KEY TO HEALTH. jUtLIt! K EL1.;1IU 'Unlocks a!I the clogged avenues ef the Bowel., Kidneys sad Liver. annoy. layoff syearredlutl' wwitthtioo�ut��_ s land bid lI4 Yaw Gorrs'ting �MA4t a tibw s ctbreau Dye. Dryness iter t]< vdabos, aallidies, halt Mama othforedNeesrrvefouulsan, els'slu. tatnneddrtaoGvnee' er ssbeess .11 to ny }ism a e. EMU a ism. Posobil.. !mete/. To the Citizens of Ooderich AND Sl"RHOU NDING (Y)VNTRI• : Marine ono/theme' the Wird *i11 awes bee t. nr . of one well-known teen:s naw. H. Ureas, w. are are prepared to to all kids of PAINTING 4 DECORATiNO rmMaoed les •e, line. tt', w.eh Ie 'storm the good mum* of t e.wimnnity that we an hero is Star. gerntly w. ant pr.p.red to ,,meet rho Iowa* Mlles poles. Salk , Itig • for share of year patronaes, weer' yew's to easement, ELLIOTT fMr PRETTY. w Mlk-w s tp t.rt s i r1/10/4 010. PRING -GOODS HTS" GH IT NLOP FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Takre pleasure in annousrm•.g tt.at hr bas sow on hand a full supply of s TEEDS, W0RSTFD3 & 0T6ER CL0Y95 , SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. Etce:len: Fits. First -('let. \%.•'k !.at. orders early. on :nig to the spring rush of pe' r./1141‘4. ?•at,.t.rt inn assured. g 'Iteraember the I'laax West street. net Mier w hank of MoatraatZl Godericb. March 315, 1187. ITA"VINo RE - i, 7CRNI9HI:L esg &ur le the Wes Three Sem ypetyir• twn�lbem the cele- brated ob brat Reeh•,t.r rupees; kairs.ad hired a journeymen Varier, we are la • W/panty. M dotseeser e,rIt them hereto - tore. limpea irctjaallaghtma& a ate all days Homers and 8c .tromed. Wim_ KNIGHT, Wert Street. too d..nr. rut of P.O., Oodsrieb The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diaeaeed Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles ! The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving assumed and fancy nines to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public 'me -rally, in the all-innportsnt subject of the preservation of sight. there are only two article.. iron which the spectacles lanes can he manufacture.l. viz Peh',l.• and glass --call glass by any other name. it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's own utannfact.,ry. It is a natural crystal found generally in free - `tone formation, and is harder than the ruby sad emerald, and near- ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond (lust, and the greafent amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the gram found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any pose.ibility impart. All spectaclesand eyeglasses are stampedB. Land can only he purchased from TORIsAN, 7th IST/. SUS Iv Druggist, (lode rich. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. (iEO. mayartir CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Godsrich A turd esaeetse•at M'Nehes. Aad -teem. Ilte!eg Show sod Purist Pe'Neare aza. hlss. (sobs their, came and reamer eeetedt. regiheaeds, bnnl-eseens. litattrersm saesg.ge Lamp& Was. W hat-141Ma Leek tag Weems. S. --A ecm amoismeet e1 Cellos awl amok alwys se beret alae $sere,, her him11111•1111titarwei 1111hoeslaiieime 11 al ma kassa 9