HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-22, Page 55 acW O CD FACTORY :-OPPOSITE COL60RNE INOTEL, WNW ,::T raze I7 wsm1 413.FT 1 c1 e1 S i- n a a • I HE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1987. Fr 8a1e or to Let. r lti�c NT-R18IDSNCE wND EAT ,tIVUNIra M Lipp +ttn•et, appo- ; ; :•.d. c. t .:..hart Le�ti�W . ; LI OUSE FOR BALE --THE MN-- HEAT' N T IT . o r■.. ttet. ta M Ws.reemst i�t ush.r s e . waod1pd.GaTo�■°,` SAUN�ER$. e,Godh t i LOTH FOR HOUSE AND TWO Rood repair : lane ore I mese ositaite -7 lt■ra_ aped, to Y. It. WATSO: nett SON t.Are prapar.d to (.' ° teaming* smirk • 4S tea Lr"�rp1■deit�I PRIVATE EOCSI60U81116+ all oerrkh. IARNS FOR BALE - IN THE l� TOWIJBHIY UI tODRRICR. Rama .b•unq : Let 11 in the ted and 11 1a the uh con olos. Two of the heat Macro farms is the county. w miriog amok Sows thriptigh. Tor I) all Mearsd_ Oily 7 alio from ib, u ?t Uoderiek. For further &Tierra adArms W. M. RINCES. 1431Ick P o PUBLIC BUILDINGS Hot Air oijiot Water � 7 et ?fru LAISD t yj SANITARY PLUMB. 1.0 1� fru. et m � on Lake Htta■n '!k w .alas hem for a amallar farm sr saw mUl i as l `foie Ayton tor THE V. at ('. GURNEY food or wilt sell oa Yamy ease terms I Cu' i °wFe, f"' wparnGoderich. Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces pplr w oto. NY/HtROAI:4 1.1-at.o trWO FIRBP-CLASS FARM8 FOR I CALL ass GUT ask ht. a■1•. Ono la the town.hlpi( A.��ey�� reetatat.g pap sen■ : and oar l■ Ram L Rosh. containing1* omicron. Rete■. Fw •e Tun®Cbe�,i Rist. sI 10 lairolt at elli X0111110 10partiQde, mica. C RURCH FOR SALE -TENDER -8 UNDER THE SUN. are •+ked for the purd.se of the I West -at-, nest diw,r to the Pest Oboe. t ands //otledta1 Chore! at !i•pioitoe, I sad which wilt be received by tie sad= Goderich. Jul. 13.1107. ed Trustees at the there! as tild Arming Illi, at 1 o'clock p m- The buildine TO WEAVERS t •eels mild with or without the sears and tut- • Th. Tremens do amt Mad them- • -1- '..--P1 the Mw." ar sal tender un- iees satiate rnr further particulars spa Colored White Carpet Warp !ply a W. 7' Ll.d W Port Albert. or to W at Mill Prioes- '. CAMPH6LL, tluypnnon Superintendent .f the Circuit. ' 1011 -It HY ORDER OF THE T14('62E1:14. Fos SALK M^ West half of lot tet. Anhar Sine, with C L MCINTOS$, .mall brick cottage thereon. . • ii C. c RA.BB, April ;th. 1107. 71034m ! Oodcrici. RIILDINU 14778. -1194. IN. 111, "A Elg•n Street. W. Andrews Ward. Nest door to !Dunes' Dr•t Store. keeps 1y1, cmaeret Hams had Rritaa.la Read_ constantly adding to well - Frame It sassy how se Keays Street. lot selected slots. choice d sad half In. + n8s, several Awa t. Rood: Surrey. opposite opposite new .-how lj r'I,an.I.- Yla- Nu. it, 21. 10. M. M. H. H. ts M. All the •bore at LOW RATES. which will he found to compare favorably, IOGt! ('ply to butt:.a quality gality and price. with DAVISON k JOHNSTON any other stock im thus vicinity. .ARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE TEAS AND SUGARS PROPERTY FOR SALL The Erec.ttqonu and Trustees of the Estate the We JUSRPH HERR. eller for lair the mowing valuable Property. ..mole • RUUdi.F Lop numbers If and Irl. in the w. of ()odertnh. 1 of an .ere rash. Fairly and votgdeWtsble for baildIng pur- Let panties HUI Road, Towwehlp . Wag part of Lot 1 in the Mali - of said Township. Nice and Frame Stable. Mr t South side of Millar street. 1 of an acre, small frame dweili..g. L ds numbers Era and Mt, bra tie of an acre each- Bea ti ior uth side or llur.. rarest. Kot (:oa. I t- West Wawa hams. good _ rJ • • 1s mM. 80 .err. clean' II mUla treat Wing Good rend& further puticulars1 to S- CAMPION, Barrister. udericb 'ow. I. HIM 111071-41 Loans anb insurance. E ARE STILL LOANING PRIV- ATE FLNbarrow OP et pert to reduce Moir iahre �teemt elu.1/ WI writs for partleurr.. StAGER it LEWIS, 11100-tf osd•Ncb. (.00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLT a CAM=RONt 30 God. h. ONEY TO LEND. -A L• R 0 E .m.runt.1 Private Fos ter ttr.wwt GsARRaVYysaLsPROa Drst-aDarOOOT~ llitgaga Apply E. STARER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. nes(k�s�. takes at LO TES la the ~`fa- int A••lRd taMMbed 1110. Hat!_ is - to laser* Plata 0l.m 1. (].ail.: LYS Awsace Oa - tHkMm1 11.0 ant RADCLIFFE, NERAL IN8URANC'L, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY LOANING AGENT. Plirst. ' the rats Lead a la,tto Street.A.aa WSW d.er from WOO�' 50000 TO AN AT 6 PER Ta10N7o GI1QMAL TRu a CO',r Is boas messy at 6 par mat.. pay m SUIT BORROWERS, r illmt-elaa farm •ss■rity. 'IYA]fUION. HOLTk CAMERON. Barristers, Oils Ger. Tomato for thTomato (a.serml TrailsGey. mama Carinae.. Hata It Cartewll have tab ta Asa�Mt emity. t Get_ 4. ISA. 111141 ,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Is.i - en farm •d tows prM•rb at low la M kam CyenptiTubtad• Loan Loma c mpsaylnM ..tamest. R al and 7 per most. 00.- . were e.■ oblate mosey 1■ on. u *A V IRON Jt bHH00TON. Rarrwtws tee.. tlMarid Old pace in a New Place, d. BELCHER, THIS HAK EI , M lb, M■bsm, sew *let wriAirrit A SPECIAL TT. Inrrturaine thanks to my customers for their p.:rwase, 1 would also Invite any oth ere who will. to call and impact my stock. C. L. McINTOBH. South-West aide or the zignare Oedericb. Feh. 100b. RE110- A FEW Polnters If You Want a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If of Want a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has them at alt prices If Tu Wait a TEA SETT, NAIRN has a full assortment If You Wait AoytItiog is ERINA. NAIRN has the finest display If Tou W,at Myth!.( is ELAS!, Tr}- NAIRN ;S before purchas- ing elsewhere. - For Pure. l'■sdoltented FRESH GROCERIES I CHAS A. - HAM THEM - EVERYTHING WARRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Ooderieh. April Illi• 1101 - HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT IMPART This Coiapasy is Lara!•, Hewett •w Perm Security at Lowest Rates of Ittbrpd, MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 tial 5 per Cant. Interest Allowed as Deposita, according lo amount and how I•ft. OFTICE: -(ter. of Market Square and North Orem. Goderieh. HORACE NORTON, Mew am' Gebrleb Ale. Kb 118. MR LIME Th• wb.crib.,. base /1114 completed their large Itm•kU.. wide& •gym term out >Ir hush .2122= tw•.ty- 551 kours. mad are now M IgM* MI eesesesers with • rneihy et pe/ drub limo daily. It will he to the of every tae r - we sparednes Is 00 with pe- as J. M Tho ION M al at tb. hits 21 .rvt imatmd e BECHLER B BICBBB, 1'HOPRIETORS. Jess 170. 1107. t3oI uxQH PLANING MILL ZVI A BUSHED N Buchanan,La lBobime ra.tr•atwe utee M Sash, Doors &r Blinds saeba■e f. a1s 01*114 M Lumber, Lath, Shingles gal beEllere watellell et every llesistriktie area 01111111111141. Another Change MESSRS. BERRY & SHEPPARI) have disposed of the 5 IMRIE STOCK BOOKS, STATIONEllYwAND FANCY NM FRASER, PORTHR 81 KAY WHO INTENT) TO A ORE -AT PORTION OF THIS Large Stock NEWMAR WE 1II'ST HAVE MORE ROOM, CONSEQUENTLY WE .ARE GOING TO SELL GOODS CHEAP /Look Here ! We are clearing out a lot of 12 cent Prints at b cent., and Dress Good, les than cost. We are buying WOOL, and paying TORONTO prices in Cush, and t -rent, higher in trials. 1.,u will find it to II your advantage to lira. with us. Ilkkkkkkkkkikit4t • rtw■.t K per owed. allowed ea eM S• ebeeo. or M saga M.M. Maw.•d over. QODFf3RIoH_ BOOTS & SHOES The Largest Stock, Greatest Variety, And Best Value IN T011 N. Al' E. DOWNINGS. Cor. Ea.et Street and Square, Goderich. °I°IT$EM AWAY" LADIES, CEALL THE STYLES IN NTS' ANDLEADING CHILDREN'S WEAR FRASER, PORTERJ KAY. Ladies' Genuine French gid Button Boots, 'at 12,00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons indebted to the late firth of BERRY & SHEPARD call and settle with the new firm of FRAsER, PORTER & KAY. Please call and settle. will BERRY & SHEPARD. WONDERFUL VALUE - IN DRESS MUSLINS I JT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S Clearing Cash Sale MILLINERY! FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, GAUZES, BONNET SHAPES, HAT SHAPES, &c., &c. TGu u o Genuine Sole, as 1 inlewrl poise) or f of .he Bruises* ss .arts as .`pork can be disposed II. MISS GRAHAM, The Square, next to echoes. t Cox's Dry Oasis Store. O.deriei. June lad. 1117. 11M11 - FARMERS &OTHERS PLOWS, REPAIRS & CASTINGS KEPT 016 HAND. AT RRARON*RU.K PRICES, IN 0. tis Humber's New Warehouse, Dev*LM-. sear •lcter lest. Church I bays bete app.tated Asset ter T. T. Dingle's Iedel Combined Drill Gad Seeder ; Honey's Improved Fanning hill, Maa■faetared al Oshawa. slat. Tae ere 11.11 et lien le two soil R le the meat powder .aebdw r ib. mnbt. A sesepie HI .ae be seem M R PRIOWI rasp STORK ad df. Drill el lay weeeba ee. J CIA -Tet. sox zorr!D. woo i . MIRY. A mesomer r'7► AT VERY CLOSE PRI::- A I.'NE VF SPLENDID VALUE. Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at 11.00 and 11,25 Olve me s call. and we will show you our stock with pleasure wbettcr•you buy or E. DOWNINNNG, I1 Crabb's Bloc.:. Cor. East et. sed ligapn N.B.-TO THB TRADB-Leather and Findings in any quantity, at Lowest Prices. Goderich. June Ind. lair. 2101. -1%111EWyY RM WAUKENPHAST or COMXON SENSE SHOES. Our $Nock of Meas. Women's and t'hildreo'• Phemi Is Complete. and comprise the LWst Amencau and 1nglish Styles. WE TAME o• sat•ssa mkt II FOR (I OTS* R J. DOWNING & CO'Y. 1887 SUMMER .GOODS 1887 1 great the public with the asneuseemeat that 1 have opened out a Choice Assortment of NEW AND STTLJSM Mass Amps Suitable for SUMMER Ware. Tne rase of Textile Fabrics are so varied t.1, season that even the most fastidious aa. be 8 V ITEID- PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS, Runk acrd Colored, }lain and Striped flushes and VC%eta_ Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. C i-lOvec <St Fine IIo ie - y. Frail range. and at prions unprecedented In the annals or the Heeler/ and Glove Trade. ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. A. o■tasually Wye sleek of Canadian and Imported KNITTINO YARNS -Be4 Makes. KEY NOTE --Moeda said a thole .mita. no mI•representations made, and strictly one price wilsw 2\4"IrigaNTISOm Goderick, Apel! 7th. 1107. Draper and liabirdsalise. flruge& Fc! Coods