HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-22, Page 4i
Ga1h' Rthc4 in Pricy
zr ifigbeet Price paid for But:cr Gad lige,
J. A. REID & BRO.,
Jerdaa'. Btoelt.Court House eq Aoderich
1.1 July. fl , I-ty
A rowboat lodes wish eassesio.iMM
whish Inst between • tag and her bora
Tuesday afteruoos had • elves tiall from
Mr and Mrs W. B. Dieksoe Mn J. R.
Grant and Miss Ky, of Brawls, paid •
flying visit to the comity town during
the week.'
Quite • ..ober of the satire sad kw -
sign element in town ars now boil, ea -
gaged studying the Marouis of Qattara -
bury rules.
James Wilku,a a arrived hums from
Chiesgo teat week. He wet delighted
to set back to the old town after his
prolonged absence.
Will Trainer, of Chicago, srrired by
the united Empire Wednesday mourning,
and will view the Goderich soma fey
the Dee two weeks.
A Clinton paper ways :—Rev Mr Fris-
sell, of Goderich, preached very accepta-
bly in the Ontario street Methodist
church last Sunday.
Miss Jennie Moore, of Chicago,
daughter of E F. Moore, • former rea-
dmit of Goderich, is the guest of her
sunt, Mrs Geo. Cox.
De McDonagh will be in Goderich for
esesultation un Saturday, the lith of
August, and afterwards too the first Sat-
u rday of every month.
RPRAINID HIS ROOT.-- We aro sorry
to learn that John Berry, son of G. W.
Berry, Lighthouse St., is again laid up,
this time with a sprsioed foot.
Mr J. G. Bisset and Mrs Hammel
er, ..f Chicago, and Mrs J. H. Ric
of Carlow, are at present in town
ing their sick father, Mr Wm. B
New £I. -L wasiL.TW Weft.
Warmers' Attention -Class. Bates. lo
Assignee's Notice --Robert Gibbons.
earl Wanted -Mrs. D. McOillicuddt.
Basins., Stead to Rent --e. N. Lewis.
Inerrant Wanted -Mrs. Mathews. hast-er.
Waiters Wanted at Point Perm -J. J. W.
Assignee's Notice—John Koox, Hamilton.
Wmployment Wanted --A. B., Sion •L Office.
Fred McDonald, et Ottawa,
f Kdmootnn, N. W. T., an old
h boy, is in town viaidag friends
ill sojourn Lore for about two wee
niers owtowj yr. taken' motes.
ii JaitA he'll peer i(."
Mee. Stewart has been arranging for vome ry
excellent oil paintings during the past week.
He bens already secured a number of orders. a
To inc PARacna.-If you want a drst-class h
plow point call at the foundry. Prices on re-
pairs reduced 10 per cent. Ht .rciu•R Boas.
A HAD Mas.-- If you fail to see McCar• th
m.c'sspring stock. Varied. elegant. durable
wed cheap. Be sure to examine sad give ti
The regular agency ter /.lauor tea in Glade -
rick U at the drug store of Ueo. Rbynas. Purr
drags end chemicals always on hand, and
prescriptions carefully nude up.
There are knookdowas all around the
Square. but P. d- A. Pridham. the fashionable
1[aaiilors, have been successful in knocking the
The C P it Telegraph is sew wide
epee, reedy ler ail .ems«w•1 Weems=
to all points is Canada and Lha Uasibd
States. --K Raucures, Artier.
Mw Sueis Dowser., of Chicago. ssppselat
a few d•ye to towu with Mrs IWwt
Heud.rson, oe her way home ss visit
her parents near Pert Albert. like wee
aooumpanied by little Nellie Jeitkns. d
Loudon, grandchild to Mr ted Mrs
MsnTttre.—A meeting of the Yew
Woo,eo's Christian Temperance Unice
will be held is the lecture room 01 Knott
church Thursday erentag east, Jay
28th, eb 8 o'clock. The members ate
all requested to be precept, as business
of importance will be bruugh up.
Hs HAa • " Ooou 'ex."— Young Mat-
tie Magiin now spoets a fighting dog.
He had the animal up tow% Tuesday
morning, and cleared the Sgasro of all
the mongrel curs to no time. We don't
know where Mattie got the pop, bet we
know h. takes • pride to its prowess.
Finis. —About four o'clock Wednes-
day morning the bre alarm was sounded,
and it was discovered tbst s stable W-
hetting to Mrs `'quires, McDonald -et.,
was in • blaz.. It was burned t•, the
ground. We understand there is an
Maumee) of 840 on the stable. A 6re
inquest is talked of.
Tess "Buvssui Pone "—The Brussels
Pod entered upon its fifteenth year of
usefulness last w.ek,and hooka all if it was
growing stronger as the years roll by.
Fish- It is • good local paper, and deserves
hard., the hearty support of every man in the
vest. village who baa the interest of the place
toast. at heart. Success to it.
r.osetly Croft TIM Bo4OM Or Tis Lest. -On
Ooder- Friday evening last the cboir of Knoz
H. church had • very pleasant mil for about
ko two hours and a half on the lake. On
the same evening the young people of
Victoria st. church also availed them-
selves of °Le of the trim sailboats and, to
the number of about 40, had a most en-
joyable trip.
Tag* ARRIVED Semite—The many
friends of Rev. R. McCosh will be glad
to learn that he with his wife and family
arrived safely at their destination on
July 4th, and are now nicely settled in
their new home at Pomona, Cal.
Pom,.a is a town of 3,000 inhatitants,
and at the present time a boom in real
estate exists there.
PRottLDINtis ENTtxZD.—A writ has
er o/
been sero upon the county clerk of
Huron by the license commissioners a
West Huron, to ro=omer the amount set
down to be c.:ntriouted by the county
towards the carrying out of the Scott
Act. Clerk Adamson accepted serrice
return and placed the matter ui the hands of
.•clay the countysnlicitor.
the Liget[.--We
regret ,a - rtt to learn that T.
Tns MER. t'Rl OS • R•eirmit.-Last
week we had some extremely warm days
and Saturday it almost looked as if the
mercury was wanting to get out of the
Chas. L. McIntosh has purchased the
house and lot on St. George's Crescent,
Fromm Mr John Stewart, and intends re-
fitting. Charley is anticipating the
Mrs R. W. Clarke, of St Paul,
rrived in town Tuesday evening and is
siting, her parent*. She will remain
bout a month enjoying the scenes of
er youth.
A. J. Moore. mathematical moot
e high school, left Wednesday fast tor
Detroit. He will afterwards visit eels-
ves in Soho, Durham county, Ont,
donne vacation.
Rayl' Ra LA,'•otmE M•T.'R. -A
lacrosse match will be played Tu
next between the Se•forth club and
Hurons of Goderich. For fu
rticutars see bill*.
"S•r.Ar,H.A".--Mr and Mrs G
hynaa, Mr and Mrs F. Pridbam,
k and Miss Slack are "ssratoga
t at Benmiiler, and are baring a
fun in the rustication.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the West s
tist, makes the preservation of
tura! teeth a specialty. Gas adm
red from 9 a. m. to 4p. m. for the
mime extraction of teeth.
Rev. Geo. H. Cornish, Methodist
muter at Drayton, One, formerly of
ngham, has received the honorary
agree of LLD., from Rutherford
liege, North C•rolins, J.', 8.
Mr Thos. Hsepky, ttrfio has been in
employ of R. R. Sallowe, photo-
pher, for the past five years, hu ac-
ed a position with Geo. B. Robson,
ONTRA•T,, Aa AIMED. —The contract
out of high prices in the first round. Imo
'Touch me gin ye deur." is the motto of It.
IL isJiuws an reference to the excellent ,peck- R
meas of art which be turns out to his adm tr- Dar
par patrons. career Moatr•ealet. and [+Quare.
Unto* will meet regularly for !be transaction of
of wetness every Tuesday afternoon at :10
o'clock. In Knox church. livers woman in-
t. -meted in the work is cordially invited to don
Myr all drugs. dye-stuts, perfumery. patent
edecinea. chemicals, etc.. beet memo,
and lowest rates. call at Oesde's drug -More. pa
Albion. Block. Special attention paid to eis-
ppeensiwt of pprmscrlpifoas and family recipes'
Goode. druggist. 1 mi
This is • had time to talk of beat wit h the I eelthermometer among the nineties. But now
is :he time togrt in your heating apesratws. d
Mr A. M.haders. of mei Jt dum nor4},oi re i Cu
estimates to thaw" air ,ot wati.v'b%eting,
and cur .free a great el& lob- 'Me elleapest
house under the sue. the
Tile HuwiX •ND Itnt','1. iw,AN AND i .VP T gra
Naar ('o*PAN r.—Depeeiton, in this company
have the best possible security for their emit
a y. all being invested in ntongmge on farm Pet
Property. Repositors have a first lien in all I C
the company's laser_ Rate of interest paid.
from 4 to 5 per cent, accenting to amount
and duration of depunit- Partnere having sur-
plus moose should can Gad see the manager.
Miss Lowe of London, is the guest of
Mies Mord.
Rev Father Lot? is away east on a
h•,Iiday trip.
. 1 nue*, of Port Albert, furtterly a
school teacher in that section, and well
eor,(e known to many in Ontario as a writer
of verse of more than average worth,
has been stricken down with insanity,
end has been committed to Goderich
jail as a dangerous Baas. We hope to
tree see him re toied to his right mind short -
the 1y.
ing New dal* --J. A. Reid & Bru. re-
ceived their first shipment of fall goods
this week. principally dress goods and
tweeds. Reid Bros. are bound to do a
big trade this fall, as they have bought
more than double the amount of goods
they did last year. To make room for
fall gords they are offering at a great
sacrifice their entire stock of summer
RryrRtcsn Hoslat Slce.—We regret to
learn that Mrs 8. P. Halls who went to
Portland, Me., for the benefit of her
health, has been forced to return home,
for painting the courthouse has
awarded to Elliott & Pretty ; and
tinder of G. N. Dave was accepted
repairing water -pipes, &c, 000nec
with the roofing.
New Dwerole . - The brick work
Mclatoah's new house is being pro -
ed with rapidly. A pretty red brisk
is being used. which almost matobee in
Dolor the venetoa red now fashionable for
outside punting.
Lag.:E Ex.'Cttritoy.--Tuesday. last •
Isom excursion came up (torn Seaforfh,
under the auspices .1 the Methodist and
Presbyterian churches of that town.
Ten coaches furnished the necessary rail-
road accommodative.
Taw; Wgas "Dowries.—The Humus
lacrosse club proceeded to 8eeforth cast
Friday and got downed in four straights.
When the return match a played next
Tuesday the Hurons must try and re-
turn the compliment.
leen bawing been prostrated with gastric
the fever. She and Mr Halls returned
for , Tuesday evening, and it u to be hoped
ted Ithat
in the quienoon of her home she
will recover her accustomed health and
of strength.
Mrs H. L Strang is visiting at Kin- 1 oCied
a,rdine and Brussels.
The hotels in town are now fairly filled
with sunimer visitors.
Miss Kate Dutton, is visiting her sis-
ter. Mn T. McGillicuddy.
Fred Bluest is on • visit to Belmont,
and will be absent about a month.
MiGs Maggie Reid of Hamilton, is
visiting her uncle Mr James Saunders.
Rev. G. F. and Mrs Salton will lest.
England for home the latter part of this
itev It. W. Leitch. of Point Edward,
is spending a few weeks in Uodench and
Mrs Mnorheuee, et Pinconning. is
voicing at the residence of her mother,
Mrs H. Cooke.
J S. McDougall, 1) C C , was a pas-
senger on the United Empire un her
downward trip.
Miss Hogan and Mrs Hogan and
ehildres, of Tilw,nburg, are guest. of 1 Judg
Rev. G. R. Turk. 1 here
Mrs Jas. Thomson, of Dakota, is visit- be att
for th
"Ty') was ifs Towle--Amowgst the
excursionists to Goderich from Seafostb
Tuesday Ise was young Frank Wilson,
the Highland dancer. He took • trip
around to see bre (needs, the officers of
the Caledonian Smutty.
sels Post says : Crosser* say it is time
e Doyle attended Divisic.n Court
at th*t Judgment summon. ,onld
ended to. Ile bas sent substitutes
• last three courts.
ing at the home of her parents, Mr and
liths A. Kirkbride.
Elijah Martin was to Kincardine Run-
dey last attending the funeral of his sin•
ter, Mrs S. Fisher.
Mrs C. F. Cromwell/or, of Oshawa,
sed eon ars the guests of her parents Mr
read Mrs Wm. Dickson.
Godfrey Heiden returned to Detroit
Saturday last after speeding two weeks
to ider the parental roof.
BIILLINu Orr. —Mrs Mitchell, Hamilton
Si., has sold her steer., and intends to
disposal( her stock of groceries, As.,
by auction sale, eommenei.g at 1 o• -
clock. p.m, Saturday. John Kern will
wield the gavel on the occasion.
t )tta w
in obi
Chas. Heal*, of Tits SPINAL 'LA 1 honor.
upending a week's holidays among 1 the ex
j ffrissda around Lueknow. Law
A blind girl from Clintrtn was one of ing a
the attractions at the 8alvatiun Army gamut „
westing Sunday evening. was fo
J. W. Ward has sold his residence on county
Brook street to • Wawarush farmer, and I poor to
is moving to Dungannon. I crow.
Mrs P. Adamson left for Lone Branch 1 Pr.'
Wednesday last, whither she has gone to ' •ss an
r.eupetate by the seaside. waterIs•
J C. Rot aunt'. teacher, of Brampton ' sent a '
blab school, is sfendieg his holidays Inn A
th the old folks .t hones. ..bat ak
Rees Prise bas hneght two Into o stories.
Montreal street fens Hoe A. M. lilies i wind sap
Ile e totesto build os them, used b1
Mrs Au.ebrook and daughter have , h'
been wasting friends in Paris and nein i tha bail
sty during the last one* a weeks. snit a
Richard Parke who was so badly ie- 1 rations
cared by the moms disaster ee Joie at the ti
tat, plate is the bead tie the 14th last .ovines,
vlil I. CruTt►r.'Ay*. — Mies
B. Ralph. has rdt'brned from the
• Normal School, having succeeded
alpine a grade A, certificate with
. her mires being mentioned by
amines as specially satisfactory.
yer Galbraith, of Toronto is spend
couple of weeks in town, the
f his cousin. Samuel Steens, He
✓ a number .1 months seting
-attorney for the c.enty of York,
the ar.pnintmest of (1 W Bad',
£torr AL. — Tb. anglers talk of Mn.
d piek.rel fishing off the brook-
ed sten. but sone of thew have
'string" to this one* for inepeet-
a a onsernuenm we are .toms"
eptioal with regard to the flak
town Danreen —During the
ren Saturday sight the ladder
& Pretty in painting the
.pew, which wee leaning merest
ding. wee dashed to the retied
(( n s.. - —
portion of it was broken off
rely no ped.stri•ase were petty
me of results might bare hese
Honoes SaowER&D 1"14,N Hrtr. --
At the potent meeting of the Grand
Priory of Canada at Brockville, Sir
Knight Joseph Beck was elected to the
office of Provincial Prior of London
District. At the seeking at the same
place of the Grand Chapter of Royal
Arch Masons, Right Excellent Com-
ppa•nion, Joseph Beck was elected Grind
District Superintendent of the Hotton
Ho Fos Nt•o•q• FALLS AND GRIME -
BT. —The great meal excursion to
Niagara Falls and rim.b;,,, takes plane
on Thursday, July Tickets ooly
52.00 good for two s. Trate leaves
Goderieh at 7a. nj_ rued' always go
by this excarmon, and to add to the at-
tractions, the famous Georgian preacher,
Rev. San Jooea, will deliver two of his
inimitable sermons at Wesley Park,
Thursday. Everybody should go.
To F•RMER/I AND Aril.' t'TSRA.—
Cb•rfes Bates has 101st purchased a Did -
rick Perpetual Hay Press and is going
largely into the business this year. H.
is also in • position to give big induce-
ments to apple buyers, as he claims to
have special advantages in the cooper-
ing line W. like to see enterprise in
our business men, and we hops to sae
our townsman well patronised. Farman
and apple dealers will do well to read
his advt., which appears in another
Cum Tim Way.—Th. I;nited Em.
pies, heavily freighted, made this port
shortly after some oe Sunday. On
erterisg between the piers she got
aground, r.msiniag there shout three
smarten of an hoer. As the Empire
Dame in very slowly in the track is
which the dredge u working, it is
evident that that msehine has not fully Tet
enmpletad ire work in that portion of the A
harbor. Th. (lomnonent should ap- then
point an inspector to examine the work Row
supposed to be does by the dredge. was
Rous STauone Tang —This is the of • t
way the Derham Chemed' pots it —"if
• person owes • hotel or storekeeper • I outing Meek
4,11., f..r • year or mors without die vsni
*tightest seksowl.dgmsrt, although re- ' th
Tax BLrowrt Duero. --The follow-
fisg is teem keel the Selvedge Wer
( ry, and refers to an tudivtdu•1 who was
in Godench on the 12th ..f July, but
open whom neither boots nor burgs were
visible :--"A towage the many trophies
of the (salvation war in our Downie",
there is, perhaps, a ou enure remarkable
sae thee the subtext of the preeset
sketch. A od amuapt the assay that
have been brought from i arkness, drink
sad d.yilum, Daniel Moran, once known
as the 'Seefeetb Deed,' stands out a cue -
spice" as object."
Postage Brier Cotrillast,X. —Poi-
mastar-Gooeral McLetau has made a con -
minion with regard to the reduction of
the oummiseun on stamps allowed to,
veodun from three per cent. to ooe.
The changing will not effect the whole
postal system, a•d only applies to large
cities such as Montreal, Tomato, Hamil-
ton. Ottawa, Halifax, Si. Jcbn, Quebec
and London. With respect to villages,
towns, and cities of small population
there will be so .lavage, the scents re
miring their old Buie evmmtssicus in
lieu of stated salaries.
%Vs y Hvao& Aoaicutrt'xtt SocIITt
MarTltt,,—A largely attended meetiuj
of the West Huron Agricultural Society
Directors was held in the grand jury
room Saturday last to complete the pre-
paration of the prize be fur the fall
show. The date for holding the show
has been changed to the 4th, 5th and
lith of October, u the three days origi-
givally specified were Lound to be on
three of the days of the Western Fair.
Over 82,000 sill be uttered iu prizes
this year, and it u expected that fair
week in Goderich will be one of tb.
great events of 1887.
INSTALLATION. —At • special meeting
of Huron Enoapmest No. 28, I. O. O. F.,
held on Monday evening, the following
utticen were installed :—C. P., Pat P.
Holt : H. P., Pat. R Thompson; 8. W.,
Pat. M J. Proudfout ; R 8., Pat. W.
Knight ; F. S., Pat. H. W. Bell ; Tress..
Pat. N. Campbell ; J. W., Pat. I. F.
Toms : Sentinel, Pat. J, Nairn ; Guide.
Pat. t. , W. Andrews ; 1 W., Pat. W. H.
Murrey ; 2 W , Pat. W. B. Mathews;
3 W., }'at. J. W. Smith ; 4 W., Pat. A.
B. Cornell ; 1 G. T., Pat. Jas Robison ;
2 G. T T. Pat. C. A. Nairn : Prop. Co..,
Pats Nairn, Toms, Ball ; Finance Cum.,
Matthews, Smith, Pruudfuot.
THE Cou.serOax ARS AaROAD.—
oollectors for the West Huron Agri
ural Society aro abroad in the lana,
we would like to saw our business teen
and others deal liberally with the case.
Usually the merchants of this town have
shown that thew appreciated. aoy et6.rt
made to bring trade to the town, and the
work of the agricultural society on the
present occasion u certainly going to be
of benefit to the pines- «'e uodent
some so called business men have rep
pared the establishing of a three -d
fair in Goderich, and have refused
lead their aid,oa the score that they ca
afford tt. This should not be, and i
hoped that all will join in the endea
to make the next fall fair a great suc-
H c'+ RIKINo. —The Brussels Amt of
lest week had the following ctteeraing
L E. Wade, formerly of Goderichos-E.
E. Wade u representing St. John's
Lodge at the Grand Lodge A. F. d A.
M., at Brockville this week. We are
phesed to bear that he was honored, on
Thursday. by being elected. by acclama-
tion, D. D. G. M. for the 5th Masonic
District, succeeding J. F. H. Green, of
"'alkerton, whe has so efficiently tilled
cult •
ud- arrear. We watt every -.rte who read
aye this paper to look at the label and cam
to it is paid up. Even if you hare Pores
o t ed the paper. look at the paper and see
t is if it a paid up. If the 62ures show th
it is not in arrear, well and good, and
you know you have burrowed the pipe
from an honest man ; if, on the oath
band, you see that it is in arrear. yo
need feel no cortscient•tus scruples ab.0
having borrowed it, for your means
isn't half as bed as the ..hap who pre
tends to be a subscriber and deadbeat
his literature. :sow, every subscribe
lock at your label, and 'if you are ,noL
right, get right. Weil postpone „u
holiday trip specially to write out re
ceipta for you, if you uuly tell us wbe
to expect you
® t>3
WE EIrRND OUR Sema:in.—Ain
the victims of the St Themes duets
were:—Mr. Zealand, brother -in paw
Mr. Robert 'kliegs at uta V. - E
and his infant child, who were bun
beyond recognition. except by their
sunal effects. Mrs Zestaid, Mr. Holm
sister, throw harslet through a car e
dow, but was so impeded by her clothe
that one 'of her lower linihs was broken
two places Her clothing *lieo caug
bre and every shred was bursted except
her c-rsets, which, fitting closely to t
body, resisted the of the h
fiend and were probably the means
giving her lite As it is, hieh have!.
terribly buroed, and Ler hair comp:
sensed ort. Though her injuries
very serieo.s. hopes of her recovery
entertained. Her mother, wife of
Assistant Pronncial Liorarian, was
Stratford on her way to Clink.° but
ones proeeeded to the scene of accede
AN OLD SAYIN . —They say, •'a n
is as good as a wink t.. a blind horse
but it takes a heap of nodding, a gra
deal of winking, and an uncooneci,na
grist of plain talk to make a.me pe•.
aware of the fact that their paper is
ung AT Ter. I'..INT Faau.—Fullowleg are
water the arrtt-ats at the Point Farm —
of B..the. II. —Alr. Ltughtu., Mw V
r•, 1 o1 ,!,roan, pita J Ltugh:ous. Clinton. —
ir) Jt•It ltid„uta 11 a (tad -uta D.etmit.—C
per- Sbeery. Mlrs Sheehy. Flint, Mieh.—
ee' Mian Mani 1'stters,.n. Guelph.—Mrs
in• J 8 irus crone, Bert Armatrong, Mrs
ne D Guthrie, Master Ihouald Guthrie,
in ; Hoare Naomi,' (Guthrie, alis. Evelyn
ht Gut I. rte. Hamilt,.n. —Mies Coo.taaee
ee Luce. Mester otanley Loess, Master
ter Trot wee Luisa, snit raid. LOO410411. J B:.ckbur;i. Mrs Itlackburn, Miss V 0
of Mack born, Miss L E Itlackeuro, Mies
to Kanto (Brum', Miss Ethel Glaooey,W b
.Ks:) hsh,.lm, Mrs Fenwtek, ala Femwiek.
are Mniurep..ts Minn.' -1) $ Frsekslto.,
are Mrs Fr.ckClturi, and haby. M.tter.nL--
th. N' Ewing, best rtb.—Wm M Grsy,
at rs Gray, Mos Annie Gray, Miss
at 1 bbie Gray. Miss Gerrie Gray. &ratho
ut y. - -Mies Ada Billiugtun. Toronto. —
o,d 1 Henry Kent. Mfrs Kent, Rtrschen Jnuee,
;Wirida,r._.l),, eau Doman. Mrs. Doe -
:1 a ;i, %five Nsla..n, Mr. Worthington,
bie i plrs. Worthington, Mn. Emery, Mies
ply (,,,,sue Emery, bail and none.
iu i ;posy N.rarNeenTgR\ Tae.ana•FM
p' l to r1. E The office o1 the Guest North -
I western Telegraph Company too been
Lb' eougbly reuos'ated, and now preemie
at! a beat and attractive appearance. This
oomp.ny u alire to the public interest ;
r lis wires and connectivas now form a
r' complete network throughout Canada
lir sod the 1. rated States Having dupti-
t ate direct wires and c.otina,w electric
ass !currents to all points, no delays ie the
tranani.ssion ..1 telegrams can oec.r.
Ita rates are remonahle, the service
r prompt and reliable. The exp.rieaesd
manager and operator. Mr H. Ars-
e strong, ooh.. has had charge of the Code”
rich office for nearly eighteen
n years, informs us that, frust his long
I experience, if business men and
the public would make it a point to
- •newer telegrams promptly they would
r be surprised at the lively manner the
'elegraph system anhihilates time and
' d a'•uce. We understand the company
have extensive impr.vemeuta and ex
tensions 111 wires and contemplate 000.
strutting a fine to Tobsrmoray and
other points, a want hong felt by the
shipping trade of Georgian Bay.
Tall by the Lame of Dan Morrison, a
cripple by misfortnne and a tramp by
occupation, created some little .xedte-
meta Tuesday last by attempting e. cut
his threat in the vicinity of the market.
1 He tint borrowed • knife from old
John Sturdy, but it was not sharp
enough to let blood without pain, ani
he gave it up in disgust. Then he got
the knife of John Reid, caretaker e( the
courthouse, but was unable to tell the
edge from the beck, and after a futile
*tt.'ir .t to cut his neck with it, was
fun, .. t o relinquish It to the owner.
He was taken in by Constable Vole, and
on commitment by Cr -mayor Horton,
was relegated to the jail for safe -keep.
ing. Wednesday he was bresgbt Le -
fore hie worship the mayor, and order-
ed to leave town. If it ween'
the position. Mr. Rade is not now t
Worshipful Master, nor is be the Rig
Worshipful Master• but the Very W
•iiptul Master, and his next step, if he
goes up, will be Most %Worshipful Master.
We feel assured be will diacharre his
duties in • way that will be satisfactory
t3 alt.
By Tis Dominos Levi. —Mrs Har-
riet Swanson Galbraith, sister of our
townsman, Geo. Swanson, left on Mon
day to take naseage for the Old Coon
on the 21st, by the Dominion lineateam-
er Orson.. 8he purchased her ticket
from A. Straiton, local agent at God. -
rich. The Donnekiii 1Tte runs from
Quebec to Liverpool and Bristol, cabin
850 to 880, second cabin 830 and steer-
age at lowest rates. There is no ex-
pense for transfer and baggage is check-
ed through. The Dominion line steam-
ers come direct to the railway wharves
at Quebec, Portland and Halifax. A
special train is despatched with passes -
gent soon after arrival o1 steamer. Pre-
paid certificates Issued at lowest rates
from England, Scotland, Irelatsd,Francs,
Germany, Sweden, Norway and any
continental point to any railway station
in Canada.
HY1rRNg •L —A pleasant social event
took place at the residence of Mr N.
Weston Wednesday lest, the occasion
being the marriage of his daughter
Saily A. to Mr W. T. Yates, of Wing -
ham. Some thirty-five guests were pre-
sent and witnessed the ceremony. The
beide was dressed in cream nun's ymil-
ipg with lace to match, and the brides-
maid, Miss Lila Berry, was similarly
attired ; the bridegroom was assisted by
Mr T. Gundry, and Ree. G. R Turk
performed the ceremony. North Si.
Methodist church choir, of which the
bride was a leading member, presented
her with • handsome chair, and the
other presents were numerous and valu-
able. Mr and Mrs Tates left by the
afternoon train tog theft home in Wing -
Aum, and were sccompanied as far as
Clinton by about • dozen of their
friends. Tns SfotAL'e slipper again
Cremes into regsisitsoo.
R Cat•Dt•t Pas.. AswnaanoX.—
meting of the Executive of the Clans -
Prams Association was held at the
n House, Toronto, meetly. It
se'dad to abandon the propnetins
rip to British Colombo'. A quiet
of a few days on the lakes of
oka with a day or so at some eon
he ! ALDEN'S MA•nr.I D CY,'tnrg11A..
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ination by all searchers after know-
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pages free to any applicant. Joni( B
A Lnst, Publisher, 393 Pearl St. , New
i'ork, Lakeside Building Chicago.
Knox CHt a li BAND or Hope. -.0e
Monday evening • temperance meeting
was held in the lecture room of Knox
church, for the purpose of organizing •
Band of Hope in connection with the
congregation. Rev. Dr I're acted as
chairman, and, after some opening re-
marks, called on his moister: Mr Mc.
Williams, who gave a short and forcible
address on the evils of intemperance.
After Mr Strang, acting as secretary pre
e,o, had read some entracte f
t lakeport town will probably fill
• prlpna
pe eedly dueled for it ---the transaction ed szcersioe .ill be plainest and one is tag
woeld to compered a mighty mann one, which all the members can psrtieipate, it sob
sed they .otulda't .crena. k, tell
e bill fcr the pr Bent year. Th
minutes of the Young%h"' the
Christian Tea °nae° s
whose auspices the Band hasbeen
ed, and *Ian • list n! those who hadnel I ed
pressed their desire to b.com. members 1 K
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing three mouths : Seers -
terry. Miss Nellie McKnight • financial
secretary, Master Scott Dickson ;
fellow is • cripplea es see
the cat o'•nin l $would testes with
would sees Oke his
anxiety for notoriety oat of him. He
hails from Cape Breton, sad hae been
around G.d.rich for the past month.
1f he ever commits suicide it will be
by drinkinz whiskey, and some there
are who contend that that is a very slow
Hein SemrxaL Boum Magynco.—The
board of trustees of fiodmrieb high
eehoel Leet nag Wednesday last - Present
ch•• -
an, T. Dr Urs, J edge Doyle
Messes Williams and Jordan- Applicatioee
for the p eition of 3rd aesi.tant teacher
were read Moved by Dr Urs esened-
hJ .ludge Doyle, that Mr James B,
aiser be appointed third &• oistest
teacher at the salary named in the .d.
entsement. (lamed. Moved by Mr
ordan seconded by Judge Doyle, that
a fee of 83 per annum be required from
each pupil attending the High School,
commencing in January nett viz. 83.00
for the first for
treasurer, Mw Kate Campaigne, marsh-
al, Master Peter McPhail ; meistant
marshal, Miss; Grace 11rsen. In addi-
tion to theme officers of the Band itself, wawa
the Union has appeared Mr McWil. j law
liana superintendent, and Mr Strang
seconded by -Dr Taylor that the seers
and Mr McGillivray as tint and secon
undo the said fes for ' 00 for the
pad in advance to the ooh term to
•tried. M,v.d Head Master.
by Mr R'illisssa
assistant sspar,ntseesets. After the I tar
eleatu.n of oMic.rs am utterelong pr , i th
grawame of ruoihtmns ceadioga a ling H
, was gone through by the rhiidren, t
o had been care( trained by kin I th
Maroon, 1co wh.ee eiGnng *floes the! the
aeon of the band is duel and Prof,
it, but plenty o.* newspaper mar and
an such 'asasl) potatoes, that they
would rather speed their money am s
bond than pay it. The other day .e
me a men treating Isviahly, whu has
owed this . i.a nor warty titre. years.
Mae who wield rather pt ti'e than pay
threw .seta • week ler value resolved
dotal summit to mash. Therefore we I
ask 'why is it Healy J "
meeting that the coat-
was stated at the m t
mitts* would have to report at the ma- J form
heal westing of the assoesation tote hold
at the Rosin Hoses is the seeped week
of August the very gratify ing result el
their interviews with the Ontario Gomm -
mens on the libel Iowa, and also as a
promise front the Meister of Jetties et
oils that they might expeet seam
•anted m son to to the libel V inett sir/ A
of the Domains Hoses.
, rernited the town noosed to
e sum of 84000 for the support of the
,ah School for the currant year. and
!at $101iA of this sameet be
e credit of nor tr.as,r, r, se or behto
let of October teat, to pay the
salaries doe .t that time.
Gerold Aoreunt of eavetakee for extra
work was read. Moved by J.dg.
Dnyle serv,n,ted by Mr William', that
Mr Haste be lard. We mason loner
ever grant any ,rwrwe.. of Wary. as the
bested sbo eramna.d the Hieb Reboot
hue reported that it is set kept in •
eat setory •'nnditwet. Carr ed. Tb.
board thea adjourned.
01•I'h, Maes i• Hamlin and Mr A
(launders also enntnbuted an inerromen-
tat solo and sort` to the programer.
We are regeeste.t t., .id the • meatus,
of th. Bund will be held in the lectors
rem sett Meade, evening at 7 p, m.
NM 8 es anaeened at the meeting foe
the perpute of sempl.e g the oega.tes