The Huron Signal, 1887-7-22, Page 3THt HURON swim, FRIDAY. JULY 22, 1887.
Bsaee s.•
Kr. T. 1t Terry says tide $s beau
his state of mind ever sieve he "km.
anything"—4oderh "i..u.tigh err heed
hides of every demeiptioo were .Mace
hast on or Isbs the other dilates'—sad
he am& • engeediv ieoiisel which
we espy hues Glemines iw he (,liftwei
"Ones when I was quite piss' father
•Ned is a selebrated pyeiid, .ether
.411 a week ses heady MM. Re sad T
was 'Iodises,' mid left • bus et pills for
me. 1 was .sly eight years old ; but I
had *Amor of pills. Mother fled om
up in • epees/el ammo and brava ht M
to sea I .astdu't mad wosldeet tike
it. Thea they dimolved it ea water, sod
tried to crake me drink it. At lest
they oilseed me • art gold piece it I
would take it, bet I wouldn't. Worried
oat, I finally told them to pat it is 5
raisin and I would try it nook it in
my month ; and as mother turned to
put the moos un the table the per west
.ut the open wt.dow. Nest mersiar
the doctor called. 'Why,' be says, 'bet
u muck better. Hoer b.sstifd these
Mlle do work ' Give mother tonight and
he will be all right in s day or two.'
Ire Mem aro She Ilene Gehl.
Aa amusing story it told me d t►• ai-
eMatsres of • lady to search of a servant,
as the orooklya tyigths. She wool to
OM Ltelig»..gage, ,Ibli eeth she might
Imre limes that arietemare
kite elf ase sstb Mille smelly to be
lewd la MBE *ole. Ili* aro regarded
ss "007 40W and Vas 1,., St .wly to
.001- Pienlerli 17 "Arpgburos" and
"ramie." le. .A, she west to ode,
sod bowler beta 'Aped • !!hely Young
women, fllgad bee gesjlgcstio.s fairly
estedete spy, Age hes girl tuned inter-
viewee . M
Md Det the meal
qwseten ere ser the stoat-es•trteds
'.1 Diads
"AndeMprekeep • man to put out
the seism Pv
The lady wse mol surprised, of course,
bet she me Wit the iadspendoot std
perttesl.r Abri mat going to wit
after all. '
"Oh, tae= aqheigial will do all that
he yea," ebe asewered, with • miscl iov-
oss twinkle is her aye sod an internal
e mit. •t the thought that her husband
meld be w oompbcent.
The girl pro.eeded with her cross ex-
amination, anl was accommodated st
every poem. It looked like an excel-
lent place, and she was ready for an en -
primate Bot the lady suddenly ask
"Do you sing 1"
T\e girl wee • little mystified, but
&appusine that the question of her cheer -
(Mem .t work, she answered that she
did, rod was very fund of doing so.
"And do you play the piano 1 '
This was • poser worse than the other.
She had, of Douse, to admit that her
early education hail been wboily ne-
glected in the matter of this •oco.pliah-
mau 1.
"Oh, teen, you weal, do at all, for I
want a girl who can entertain my friends
in the parlor while I am u work in the
The s.00ed followed the lira, and I got
weU rapidly. It was ten Tsars before I
dared tail the story ; bet meanwhile no
pills west dove my thrust."
Mr. Terry notes the eoaouragfnd fad
teat our beet rkysictans tow give hardly
say weedtaw, banng learned that pure
air, seashio, proper food, and exercise
as the only remedies, as • rule. It was
• wise man, tbosgh rather ahead of the
times. who wrote some thirty years ago
that "doctors do precious little when
they don't dc harm."
Auer Mag - teen.
" I was troubled with liver oomplaint
fur a number of years, ending no cure
• I tried B. 8. B. .1 took four bottles,
and am perfectly cured, strum and
hearty." Mrs Maria Askett, At...,
11.1. 2
The ten of•Lu- tle
I keep a little broom to clean the ket-
Om, spiders, saucepan, etc. It eaves
time, dose better work sod eaves the
Mods. The little boom helps in this
way : You eau scrub around the ears of
the kettle with it, sad but sods will soon
make a saucepan shine. Try it. The
ease. little broom dues duty as a vagal-
, fie cleaner. It washes the turnips and
potatoes quits glean and much quicker
than the heads ; and bow one don hate
4 to handle dirty vegetables ' Jost try it. i
After the clothe* are brought in trete
the line and ready for sprinkling, • clean
Tittle brows., kept solely fur the purpose,
is dipped is eater, sod sprinkles the
clothes quite as well as • Chinese laundry-
man can spray the water through !.1i
teeth, and it .muss ever so much cleaner,
mei. Thee the washtubs, wringers and
washlosrds are kept in ureter with almost
no labor at all by having a little broom.
Even the kiteMo windows eu sty time
are washed down first by the inevitable
little broom, which cleats the corners of
the sashes in less than half the time ne-
cnsa•ry to •coomplish the work without
its help. Blacking the stove u no long-
er dreaded. A little broom puts on the
block and dose all the polishing nevem
ary and arse the hands Then scrub
the kitchen floor with • big broom, and
sit down to the enjoyment of reading
with comfort, suck as oomes from duties
dour ani tease eared from latish wore
for culture of the mind.
As OW aeeethrh awpeestIIIes.
Old `Scottish people, or those conver-
sant with the superstitious and customs
sit the country, are well aware of the
efficacy of the care which the as. was
supposed to have wrought in the case of
whooping -cough, and the following inci-
dent. will be read with interest :-Ons
afternoon recently a curious display of
supersutitio0 occurred at Mary h:ll,withe
in view of the police office Measles
and whooping -cough are prevalent
amongst children in the burith at pres-
ent, and a travelliog candyman and rag
gatherer, with • cart drawn by an ase,
drew up in front of • row of hours
*mown as "Pirrat's Row,' a little oft the
The pear Mee
Abase the MIMI, merest dr.ekard
e. Ike glebe, is the eider drunkard
Be does aot need to visit aaesss, his
tabes i. dao sails ; add he highs
. ad gamine, aid south sad emus, Mil
he make' his hemp • hal and Ills •
bseden to all ensued him. Then see
some who object to driukug rum w
brandy, bet think leers r so hares in
dunk*/ elder. The stimulating and
iatoiiastiut principle iu aider, wine,
bread', gin, rum lager beer sad all
thew other utosiwate is tae nuns
pois000a• sod deadly meat wherever it
is toned. Dual the slashed oat of elder,
wise, beer or brood', and what is left
would be simple dish -water. No ma
wusId drink eider d the .lothel was
takes out of it, "Bot sweet aider does
not do any harm," says one. No ; and
• seas puts a barrel of sweet eider tato
hie cellar ; he drinks • elms of it, rod
it is sweet ; be takes another sod that
u sweeter ; be keeps driskiag anal the
barrel is empty, and the last glees is the
sweetest of all, and then he is ready to
tap • new barrel. Yoe ora no more
tell when sweet eider becomes *our,
thea you Dao tell when a boy booms* •
man, or when • pig becomes • hog.
The man who commences with sweet
cider is likely to proceed to soar cider
and finish off with rum, gin, br•ndv,
whisky, and all the catalogue of aloo-
heltc poisons which rain mankind and
desolate the world. Boys, let cider
•:s row 1'N nester.
bat ifyouu sop constipated, or have sick -
headache, bed taste in the mouth, rush
of bioud to the bead, Whom complaint,
or any similar ditliculty, you shuuld go
at once to your druggist fur Dr. Pierce's
"Pleasant Purgative Pollee'," the most
eeteient means fur eradicating it, by
correcting all disorders of the lower,
stomach and bowels Small, sniper-crt-
ed, agreeable to take, and cause uo pain
or griping. By druggists,
. psoas Notes.
By tp_ing top $ flew shovelfuls d earth
bars ori thew. thuse will be so mom
Ay foe duet beam at this eseseea.
The Amami ohm et throwing A
arab pearl stool ue beet merle
Mass is • very good use, sad the meals
is roma ie she rem equable tempetrtsro
w Akin.
Datapme is heal Po young Miser,
sae tome greases lags Ms wheal
glee. The minstisis t• seesaw' ere, nit-
rogenous toed. iamb, dryrses sed fre-
quent feeing.
The 'test beth to the fiewl is what the
weehbewl is to the t.di•idual. When a
hes is isnubut' come off as regse
ktttt le dost Mehl as she does to lewd,
trental te.ehi'g her that it is the best
stetted to free Moen of lies.
Swell skis -stilt for fowls is d great
adveetsae,it aetJded beams fed. It is very
besltlegnisg to old sod muakinet fowls.
Do not give all the skies -milk aid dsio-
ber to the here, bet remember the fowls,
if yea would have them remember yips
ea KV -
De rot place one roost higher then
the other. When so arranged the ham
will all mord to the iugltest, Meese
the lower ones .sessepied. Tho batter
p1.. r to plane these all es a lova.
1'kre is so 'moronity for having the
seat my heehaw than simply to allow s
spate ender them fur diets,* circulation
of sir.
The P.'oltry Monday says that when
fowls form the habit sit feather satiate K
u hard to stop these. A correspondent
soya be world give these • beaded d
feathers and Int them have all they
want But a batter wav is not to Id
them form the habit Give them exer-
cise ; make than scrota,' for their feed ;
hang up cabbage or fresh meat where
they can pick .t it, sad so give teem
something to do.
Not a particle of calomel or any other
deleterious substance enters into the
composition of Ayer'. Cathartic Pill's.
On In the contrary, those who have need
calomel and other mineral poisons, as
medicine, find Ayer's P111. invalual le.
0e Les. rhe mass.
.1t electie•n times ;he Duchess of Gor
don was • terror to the Robertson,
Brum, Ogilries. Blacktes, _titans, Cam-
eroon, and ether north Tories But thea
Bonnie Duchess did rot kiss for politics
alone. When the famous Gordon High-
lander. - -now the ted—were recruiting
in Aberdeen the recr.ou came up slowly.
The Duchess heard . f this. She placed
a cx.ckade an her g e::garrp, put a plaid
of theOcrdoo tartan ..ver ber should
and offering • kiss to everyone w
would take "the King's shilling," quick-
ly eul*Med a company of "brew Juke
Hielandmen.' for the Gordon* After-
wards the D•ichess was reeouuting this
feat in the saloon o f a Whig magnate in
London. There was preseut • young
highway. Two children !icing in the English noble, who said —"1 wish I had
pouter are offering with whooping -
been present, your grace. I would have
sough. It has not transpired what cum -
taken the kiss and the shilling myself."
peneation the proprietor of the ass re- "Lst," said the Dachau, "you would
vee for the superstitions ase made of nut have understood what I said ; my
it, io the belief that it would cure the botch is so broad." "Oh yes, I would.
children of the sough, but after a short I know every word of Scotch, no matter
coovereation the mothers of the children how broad... "Well, I will try ion,"
took up a position on each sets of the
said the Duchess. ' If you tell one what I
ass, One woman then took one of the mean by this, 171 Five you • kiss : "My
cbiidren and passed it through beluw the rein}' rarfr, roast prve ,o•l elan . Thi* •lased ort.
rof --
Mare esserkabee
Found at last, what the true public
hes been looking for these many years
and that is • medicine which although
but lately introduced, has wade for
itself a reputation served to none, the
medicine u Johnson's Toric Bitters
conjunctionwhich in conjunction with Johnson's
Tunic Liver Pills has performed some
mowoneerfal cores impure or im-
poverished blood soon becomes purified
and watched. Billioese, independent,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, ata, soros disappear when
treated by these eellent toter medi-
cines. For Sale by (food, druggist, Al-
bion block, (loditisb, sae met. Id]
now N 00 M..
Mr. J. W. Foote, Hansen, Neb., tells
The Indiana Firmer of two brothers wi o
bought at the same time each a set of
farm harness made by him :rote the
same lot of leather. One, by proper
care, kept his in stood order over ten
years ; the other "never oiled his, but
used at in wet and mud, and in three
years it was hard and dry, and cracked
and ripped, so as to be nearly worthless.
For all this, of course, hi blamed the
harnwamaker. ' Those who prefer to
oopy the example of the terser are ad-
vised as follows :
"Never oil a harness when dry. Nev-
er hang it in the sun to dry or for the
oil to strike in. Some leisure day in
spring, fall or winter, take the harness
into thea sellar or some damp place ; take
all apart, and soak thoroughly in warm
water. Then ash uff all dirt sod gum
mud when nearly dry on outside put on,
with swab or brush, a heavy Gest of oil.
est her beat tuner's or beet nestaioot oil,
nth just enough lampblack to color it
well. Lay in a pile in the shade till the
oil soaks tn. 1f very dry and hard It
will pay to put on a second cocoat.WhWhetsweII soaked en, take caatele soapsuds Sod
a coarse rag sod wash it well. This clos-
es the pores, gives it • gloss and prevents
cracking If this be pruperly done twice
a year the harness will keep as rice m
i 101111.
new and add one-half to its durability.
ass's belly to the other woman, the
child's face being towards the grouted.
The woman on the other side caught
hold of the child, and, giving it a gentle
somersault, handed it back to the other
woman over the a, the child's face be-
ing turned towards the sky. The pro-
cess having been repeated three times, taste my mouth."
the child was taken away to the house,
and then the second child was similarly In Brief, anal laths ruset.
ted ed While this was ening on two
Her Grace said with great rap I
pronunciation, and the English noble
laughingly sail : — "Oh, that', French.
not Scotch.' i "You have lost your kiss.
my Lord{{ "What
the Duchess of Ger-
don. "hat I said tla. Scotch, -and
means :—"My handsome fellow, come
reg. .
other children were quickly brought to
undergo the magical cure. In order
that the operation may have its due effect
the us must not be forgotten, and at the
close of the ceremony each mother must
carry her child to the head of the animal
and allow it to est something, such as
bread or biscuits, out of the child's lap.
This proceeding having beef performed
in turn by the four mothers, the pre-
.eribed course was concluded. When it
began there was not many people pres-
ent, but before it was finished (sets •
crowd of spectators had gathered. From
inquiries roads afterwards, it seems the
mothers are thoroughly eeti.fied that
their children are the better of the en-
.b•ote sot.
Them son of a well-known New Yorker
left the city last summer and went to In-
dia to maks his home with an uncle wbo
bed grown rid in the Orient. Several
months ago the fatally received • letter
from the peels saying that bis nephew
was deed, and the body had been w-
baimed and mot home in • sailing dip.
Lest week the vessel arrived hen sad
the young 1050'• parents, attired is deep
mourning, went to reeeive the remains
A peculiar shaped box was delivered in�
this and wee removed 10 home.
When the undertaker opened the .hest
to rive the parents • last look at the
body, it was (Deed to eentain a large
if•apl tiger. The surprised father at
ones 'tabled to his brother in India : —
"Snrrte mistake, Go,egi a body not .t'
ri•egL On * oost0ib5d I9eneal tiger."
Ind sight the rower was received :—
"No mistake ; Owego inside these."—
N. Y. Mail and Egress.
A Break ret she stay Mid.
T have jest learned to make a very
plea,*at, mild, home-made beer, which
is very suitable for a .ismer drink. As
it soars quickly it should be kept iu a
cool phase.
Two qoarte of barley parched to •
very dirk brown ; two quarts of eats
browned to the same color ; tee quant
of nice, dry hops ; Doe caplet of ermined
sifter, or mashed ginger root em bo
mid. Boil •11 together is a lugs shoed
kettle until the strewth is ex'ruusd.
Frost am to two hem of hard boiling All
be reg irsd. Toes peer the molests of
the Mills into a seat mid draiw It into
ea Meillies jar. theses the geek as
when hilly
White this work ie
is egteraties, Malmo four � sir
of s,
fresh bran .netts/. Po ibis ill• the
seek sad drain the weer let. the }r.
Add brows *emir tet miihMss scall it ie
.ilrhHy sweetened. when Meese swish,
add •ser dry yeah msbea, or gas eisp
few it' IbeesrMby Yea
Thi assealal sad as tessity•tesi More
k oral be flirt nee, it .5414.1.
sued do ikerre
fireriaiieBi�e. w1b ' asesegi0le
ars TN side h Sewed f
DOR.' fowl a etlepp:y of that Dr.
Foarlet'e Ramie of Wild $tr$okerry.
• it k ..etpeelet s. a.dt ler w eielBei,
sada pesilr'..rse ter .B buwel sew.
tiaiaU Metol bbabese* al
I waSlheiler.rr eb bars
Dynpersis is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is • fro to
gond nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the moat complicated and wonderful ,
things in existence. It is easily pot out
of order.
Greedy food, toneh food, sloppy food,
bad ccobery, mental worry, late hours,
irreitular habits, and malty other things
which ought not to be, have made the
American people a nation of dy*Teeptsta.
But Green August Flower has dune
a wonderful work in reforming this sad
business and making the Aserieae
people so healthy that they can enjoy
their meals and be happy.
Remember .—No kappinese without
health. Bet Green's August Floweri
brings health and hopping,* to the
dyspeptic. Ask your drafti est for a
bottle. Seventy-five oast& early
"As a cure for all wmmer complaints
1 highly recommend Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry, having often
used it with the best results I have
often been thanked for recommending
it." William Haw. Ancaster, Ont. 2
A young lady visited a jeweller and
Old him that her father was going to
buy ber • pair of diamond earrings, and
that she would I;ke to look at some.
The jeweller, knowing her father by
reputation, spread out a number of cost-
ly gems before her. She hooked them
over critically, and, having selected
the moat handsome pair, asked if she
might tale them home and examine
them more at her leisure. The permis-
sion was promptly accorded, and the
oast day the young lady brought tack
the minis, and Bald that she was not
quite satisfied with them, and she
thought that after all it might be some
time before her father would indulge
her taste for diamonds "That's s great
pity. ' replied the }swelter ; "I was at
reception last night, and I thought
them very becoming to you."
esmss tarpN, U the
"�' .:: PILLS.
bowels are..atlp.s.d, ee 11 the etasaae:b
!alte t. perform W testiness properly, es.
CA.ysi''a. P11ts. They a�nwlsvv.bmbis.
Per sane cars =reran 'a reset rafts W► I
imam reamed ♦ a ha MN—sal Pills
no et Amos
kehbessy, H.sderse•, W. Va.
Feer vears I have relied more open
Ayers Pills tf•e seytbfsg eke, t. .
Regulate 1.
my bowels. hoe Pills are solid to belles,
therande with wort l ime� y...
.mee Iattea-
Mi, Mammy sad Dyspepsia.
— O. F..iMNsr, ♦ttlsbrr.d, lease.
Ayers Pal eared me .r llleaseb sad
Liver troubles, frim whisk 1 had as/sred
terears m 1 madder thethe beet pills
n eeds d wield got hes wttbent these. —
Morris Gems, Dewnealle, N. Y.,
I was attacked with Maas Fever,
whisk woe teemet ed byll heni Me s, sadeds e
taking Ayre 1116, sed id/vuoverymama m
o,F t1.. , wr�th sad Ogee Nebraska. agree—Jame C.
raatl��twag 1 enthral panty Teem •
e/�pbnusr ss ells. la epee
messed the° limb empties.
ww. 1t► lion
11 tgestisau�i� dlditt lbe s '
1The Bowels.%
By the advice of a friend I ►arse lakleg
Ayer's PIM.. 1■ a short these 1 was trim
tress polo, my teed digested properly the
..res us my body cored bea�,
sed, la MaacomparedDoe month, I was curreedd..
— Samuel D. Wbhte, Atlanta, Ga.
1 have hug used Ayer'. Pills, In my
ftisdly, sad believe them to be the best
pile lode.— 8. l: • Drdes, Darden, Mu.
By wife and Mule girl were taken with
Dysentery a few days age and I at owe
began girls( them small d
doses of Ayers
Pills, tbtokiog 1 world call a doctor It the
disease became any worst. in a short
Mme the bloody discharges stopped. all
pain west aweysod heal& was restored.—Theodore Ealing, Rkhrnoad, Va.
'Ayer's Pills, 1,
llnpred by Dr. .1. C. Ayer • Co., Lowe;I, uses -
held W all Denims la Medl haw
Ras. .err tela s
PuttiesriiNk Omits for mos
kited 1 It is beetled deem the see
peeps/Moo in the •.•tial ler tweeting
h odSures. Bores. Bata•. Q.M.
Pimples,.latches. sad is sibs
eel ' ed -
.e seethed sit .pplyieg
Said at 0. Rhysaf drier more fir sae
per box. (1)
Every Man in Business should get
his Office Stationery Printed.
As Irpest.M Thea IYsstraeM.
From observation in sy own garden
tbie mason 1 lin rw there is • large
amount of labor lost in fare- gardens
generally. I do not allow weeds to I
wed, net do I nee usenet* unless I
know it is fres from weed meds ; tem-
eegesetly all the fast nart of the .mama
there are no weeds whatever. None
sake their appointee* till the past of
smelt, and those are from seeds colt
on by the wind. i lave mow • plot of
1110 brads of cabbage whieh has woven
been hoed, became T was away at be*'
hog time, and it is just ee good as any
of my neighbors, •sd geworely freer
from weeds. in this case "a stitch in
time" sated more then "nine." T will
add that mise is an old ~den and net
Me head. —{O. W ilar,e, Thompbi•s Co.,
If. T.
Bill I -heads
Note Heads
Letter Heads
Memo. Heads
Counter Pads
Parcel Labels
Shipping Tags
Eiuminespe Cards
Envelopes, eto
A lady writes "I have used Ayer's
Sarsaparilla in my family for many
ears. and could not keep hoose without
it. For the tel'ef of the pains omen
gams upon female weakness and irregu-
larities, i consider it without at. equal."
The best ripwlehws tut the *Meeh
. ad bowels, the best sere for Woman,
d eb Madsahe. ledliebties sad ail Abe -
Nese atbl.p has a Jlearie.d Nest, are
wittiest itiersais Pais 1Lher
Pier 11101,
rw beer.
Am geasewrot ae F.dse4.
and then it will be a pleasure for you to do your corresponding,
as well as helping to advertise your business.
"Father. I don t want to sew any
',cod to day ; yesterday i sawed shoot a
thousand Gorda and mother oases me
Wilk about i hundred miles and Garry
three or tour barrels of water lot her. 1
heaen't had • holiday for ten years. Let
Jim saw seven ne eight busrdr.d ooed.01
won't for a change."
"William, you meet mese this esws'.
Renting shy of tdkieg. I'tts ephileeftp
you sheet it users then a WNW
.sd if I have to de it aggele1111 beak
your seek.
Ejr Our Stock of Printing Stationery, consisting of all
f' the leading grades of Plain *nil Linea, ruled amt mo-
t ruled papers, Cards, Envelopes, &c., is the most corn -
MI se Toew timed.
Duet allow a cold in the bed te ghee
11v and sorely ton into Catarrh, when
you can be eared for 26e. by sense Dr.
Maw . Catstrb Core. A few •vdisa-
tio•e ears ktilpleet;e tewh ; 1 to I hese.
Mem ntdin.y estate* ; S to a besol is
�esrotee t. eine.8usals Try
' ..- .,..,aid maul& ...r alae as.
far pletet we have handled. and we guarantee the .luality
S and price to suit all who will favor u+ with their
gar orders. Call and •lee our samples and gest our prices