HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-15, Page 7THE II1; ICON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1887.
Fun an0 Fancy.
New Yorkers Au think tjr Piet this
town un Sunday mttwwse waive ether.^
kagels of midnight may f • horrible -
kerbing things w ewrspepere in the
",lane, do you lit• fiat 1.' "No."
"what are you golwK to feet ea. t leu f'
"Pie sod Pickles." -
..Live Agents Wanted," is sat *dver-
tiwlaent. A man would ha-dly wait
deed *yenta, unless be intended au start
a Kr•veyrd.
Farm ant, lbarden. a Used.sg„reitee.
An 1111i11• le tae.. Nye i * s.sssth clover
ss1 timothy, equal •right. sow a thickly,
sae►es the twat hay ha know* of It
dues well MAO u watts rather light need
lag ,•1 oafs.
Ataber cane f .r fodder should be cut
whim the sited is Io the hard dough.
%fleck fed on sorghum fodder needs more
water then when fel mil' ^cher booed.
Every rod . f tents ..n a faros, beyond
what is required to protect crops, is a
serious tax, but felt protectors' does out
New boarder (to nxrm-teate)--)That whggits/ a ""d td ferscri betwesu 1(ratu
field., nor that • bout shell be divided
dues that puuudlug Weals down Non :
y/ -
0.d hoarder "lbu rid •tisk f•into live acre luta
fast, If farmers in guy agricultural county
Because people usually use the right will sac their /acts against the numinous
hand us toausoulatieg a bawdkerebiel the ned
itlhbfrhots.•tlabblts that get into the
majority of MAIMS are said to tufo tothe charts' they in" 11-"e""I"muertslly,
right. - bttwlw utautiu•f eery •awoke tee yeomen
SummerY.rsrder -I have heard tits, 'ud jurira
silk tatte.le grow on your corn f FarmerA New lurk f,rwec this year tried err
Yrs, )lien ; aegtal.r gn yita/u Wk is ex;.rnmi'at m pLmtiuu hie potat• es, re-
-„ , tsmnuti the •pfouts, aid found they
cant•, up much quicker ; on ten oma he
"All things «auto to t in who wawa :lawfully placed the seed with the cut
At the same mete It Is sell to up two sine down aid took pains out W break s
waiter oosaswoally. Thi things .t,, mom ; that". were fully ten days *need
come quicker. tot others planted in the uoudl way. A
H. (anxi.wely)-Miss Jones, do you netehbni .,f his get • crate of seed and
ever put your hair up in Burl -papers 1 part of them stand 111 the hit sub till the
She (iidiguritly)-No, sir ' career. He sprouts were .11 'where(' up ; the.w, Lt
tenderly) -!!Is. Jwtes, will you marry ter were fully two weeks Liter than thu.e
The rule is unfailing -given two turn
of wlwl talent, health and fortune ; the
cite who laughs will live longer than the
otter sad acoowptlsb more work iu the fruit, as v• • .ustIC eflrt'ta are very harm
world. ful if used to molt (-stems. Sulphate of
I$ is a singular fact, but nevertheless awiwonu is mater ; y rd manures per
true, Chet when two young men meet y"'u.'y applied c the soil cull netts..
they address each .other, "flow are you It is a well known fact that the have -
old man 1' and that when two old fel-
low. meet they say, "My boy."
Young Sampson, who thinks he an
play the cornet, is .eres•ding his girl
when the old gentlentan auiarrupts him
with : "Hero you, we don't want any
where the sprouts were unin1ur..d.
1'. M. Augur, who knee all about
atsawberries, save nitrate of soda must
be used with extreme Cautilni •m Oil
radish does Dot produce seed. As fu u
obeer.ati"us go, it is evideut %bat one
reae„u, at hast, why the horseradish
dorm Wit, seed is the alpine complete
failure of the stamens to produce the
!emitting dust. The plant propagates
Koh at the hoer of the to tbt ' itself so rapidly under gr..utad that it
)Wife (four cm•)---( ahuuld think y.,ii /probably finds littleoir no neva of meet's
would be ashamed to hear the cocks crow ! The use of tall on asparagus is confin-
ed to the keeping down of weeds during
oa yosr way home. H uband--" F i , euttir Tootime. T.mrah of it will in
weut t' bed (hic) five 'clock. I'd crow,
lou. That's kind u rooster I am,"
When Hareem heard that among the
Pope's Easter gifts was an ivory egg,
Feed with quilted satin and anchor.4 a
ruby and several diamonds, he cabled to
hi. representative In Rome t, buy the ! the comfort of having a good supply of
hen at any pry + it.
"Madam," mid the tramp, "I am hun-' We nee t.o., vouch Pars 2reea c.r
g. enough to rat raw dog " "11'ell," Ln 'don purply Willi the plaster. The
she responded, kindly suiting the actino thins( is to mix them thoroughly. One
jure asparagus but a light application is
harmless ; as for plant 1 nod, salt doe*
not answer, and we must look to go id
Manure and fertile-rn for this purpose.
There is neared no trouble iu leruwing
asparagus, at all commensurate with
to the word, ' 111 whistle some up for hound of pure pain green well audios
you.' The tramp left, taking but ap, for two barrels ,,1 plotter if we only take
petite with him ithe time to mil them thoroughly. In
Opera. At the Oper-"I can't explain the I this ase the minute is practically non-
sslcoes. of that water.' "Neither eon I, poisonous ; that M to say. no perscn or
I. "She sings through her [tote moat I animal, by any accident, is liable to e al
attr .ciossly." "Perhaps that is the res enough of it to harm him. We regard
son why ever) one is wavtug a handker-
r'uif at her."
New Yorker (to Jersey man; -Hae to-
bacco smoke any effect up..n your local
m(rquitum 1 Jerseynun with pardon -
gale pride` -No deleterious effect. I've
the above al an iUI, rtaut suggestion.
or Y..rLrr.
The ve v simple medy of common
salt : as cared eases .,f fever and
ague, A teeepoonful taken in water,
sad a teaspoonful deposited inside each
known Rahway 'skeeter* to smoke tete I Stocking, licit to the foot. as the chill is
packager 1.1 cigarettes • day •n' grow fat coming un. This comprises the who a
in 'em. .: the treatment.
Ladies troubled with Pimples,Bl.,tches A Nil-11WAY T,, COOK C..t l N. -Cut
Rough Hands or Face, or sores of any up the thickets, put into a pan, coyer
description, should use McGregor & 1 with water and let stew as usual. When
Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It will leave done make • thickening of cream and
the skin in perfect he4lth, smooth, clean suer ; add butter, popper and salt
and good color. Be sore and get the Bare ready a nice shortcake, baked and
venolne. made by McOretfor & Parte. 1 cut in square. Liy the squares on a
Price 25c. Mold at Geo. Rhynaa Druy dish and pour the chicken and gravy
Store. (S) : over thew while hot.
The inadvisability of knowing too,
much of what goes on in one's own
house was illnatrsted the other day by
an ineideat which happened in s Back
Bay manaicn, Tit. table girl was sick
and the doctor had ordered her to take
a broth. A daughter of the house'
mored by charitable i spoke, herself
• rried the broth to the patient, but the
invalid absolutely refused t • touch it.
Uid Awnie make it : ' she asked,
Annie being the wok.
"Yes,' was the answer, She made it i
on porpo•e for you.-
"1:len I won't taste it," the sick girl i
insisted querulously. "I mars Annie
Maguire put her finger in the sup every i
day sines she has been in the home, to 1
see how hot it is, and i can't taste it '"
And moved by the memory of • long
succession of finger tested soups. aha
burst roto hysterical weeping. There
was • vieency in the kitchen of that
hoose Tay woos after, and the first
gsestionthe mistreat' asks of each candi-
date for the place of cook now is : "How
do you tell whin the soup is hot enough
to serTe r
Ilan iIlason eared.
McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate
has bun tried and found to be the only
tosttive cure for Salt Rheum, Pimples,
Blrtches on the face or head, Cuts,
+ Borne, Braises. or any Sore that nothing
else will beet. Try McGregor it Parke's
l)arbolic Caste. 25c per box at Geo
Rhynai drug mots (4)
MIs sloes hirer LYtt. V was.
.t Montreal business man's wife has
been away on • visit to the old home in
another city. He has lived during her
absence ostensibly at home, but really un
porterhouse steaks at the hotel, and hal
put been elected president of a new
whist club in which he had a young red-
cheeked girl for a partrer, and while, of
cs•urme, he deeply regretted the enforced
absence of kis own dear wife, he was
managing to get along without pining
away very rapidly. The other night he
and hie roseate partner had just swept
the hoard. They bad had • thirteen -
trick hand, and the rest of the table was
The Montreal man went home at half-
! st ten. Things looked just the same.
He composed himself to write his cus-
urtomary letter, beginning : "It u now
half -past eight o'clock. I have just
ovum in front my work on the books. I
am awfully tired, dear, and raise you so
much. I don't want to hurry you house,
and I want you to sty se long as yne
feel like it this time, fur I shall nut wast
to let J leers me amiss, eta
He (fault d the letter and stamped
and directed it, and then took a look at
the star lit evening, and thinking he
would finish his cigar 'he never used to
smoke in the house) walked out to the
corner. When he got back he heard a
rustle in the dining -room and looked in.
The light had been moved. There we*
a head bending over the light. His
Mite's smiling fess looked up out of the
radiance beneath the shade and greeted
him. She was reading the letter. His
heart dropped down his trousers' leg.
He felt like death 'i'm reading a
charming letter from you,' said she. 'So
kind of you ! It steeds like those you
used to write before we were married.'
The lady read it through and then read
it WOO('
' 1f she'd only 's got mad i d been all
right,' mid the Montreal man Tuesday ;
A Tigorons old tea captain, who lately
buried his fourth wife, was accented on
the street by a brother salt, who. una-
ware of his bereavement, asked, "How's
the wife, eap o 1" The sapiens looked
hire squares in the fa, and gravel re-
plied, "Wellre, to tell the truth, ru gravely
out o' wiles jest now."
"They have a larger sale in my dis-
trict,- stye • well know. druggist, "than
say other pili on the market, and give
the best satidaetiow for sick heads '1e. ' but she didn't --she laughed. Every
e lninnsness, indigestion. kr , and tile one of my yarns tw -ted her up, and she
e. mbined with Johnatnn's Tonle Better.
At thio arasuu •.1 lit • year for •nifty -
rune caused t„ •I.mn •.a 1. e.• • slid
ss ...11ult.re b(seal .n.nuu,. It► 1.• .IIIVV
*pony, an 1 at all time,, it. wha' i. a11 -
ed Rood a ern weather, it t. •isle ti,a.l lu
5, es eut the Nuck eaten? vireo_) t•i put
them in goad condition. The aus.0+'a
will .land In the w.Qr or peas the treat-
er part of the d..y 111 the eheele ratites
than *woe tbeani-Iv, s to the •lrnahlur,
it tug out 1.. eat only whet, drl.en by
hunger. They quickly had Beek, the
flow of milk shrinks, anon • lues is it •
Currrd that cannel sadly be grad+ i...r.a
again. At all tortes a le• •i 'red ..f %r.fn
h: ne•ical t•f .tock, hot i Is. espe.•t•ll .
5. ishen dies are very *waling. since t
will tit, Much to ptrveut .1,1 ii i..e �•t
reels moil Milk. Il.,rsea r•,.1 n li: c .A A
ally tis protected, 111 a 4r, .t Mee Ae,re,
Ili ''if°,g them ail "ter etch
dipped in soap suds u, w i d a :.tic
o,rie.hc acid has been .ni tr•.+.
W.•.• 1/W.•4aus.
Three things of short continuance --a
laity'. lone, • chin tire and a brook d•.ud.
Threw tu.aeries of a Mao's kou...-a
smoky chssuny, a dripping t ••r1 roil a
scotd,ng wife.
Three things that ought never to he
1. house -the cat, the eht.ncney and
for h•,uwwtte.
Threes essentials to a f.1er .tory truer
-a good sue y, a bold foo asd t•
for an audsolce
Three things that are as good es :he
keit- br,.wu breed in famine, •e11 .akar
Ill thirst .ud a gray coat w cold.
Three thi rya 11 at are s.•en w a pee -
eek --the Larb „f au angel, the walk of
• thief and tete y..svc o1 the devil.
Three things it is unwise to boat of
--the tt :.our of thy ale, the beauty ,h
thy wile and the contests ..f thy purse
Three wir,.taunt fr-'1s1 the grave
-"Thou Fu„w-at what I was ; thou
most what I sus ; remsmi.r what thou
art to tee."
Mew se t Wipe,.
Keep your temper.
Practice strict tenni era•ire
Never be in in untiltin,t burry.
Tl la agreeable yet potent pupa..
tion is r•ta-s'ially adapted for tb rrllei
and cure .4 that ciao* of disorders
atfeis i,tut upon a low or tetlnc'tt1 state
of the st strut. and usually *resit nis ed
by l'idlor, Weakness and 1'alpitatinak
of the 'lean. I'ronipt n•u;ta a.11
follow Its tree In caner of sudden EE.
hastatiou a tn.:ng fr ba Lose of Blood,
Acute or ('trod" I I..eaata, turd ill the
weak tread that iucariably seconieseies
the reeorery from Wasting Fevers. No
tensely will give more speedy relirtin
1 tyate lyia or Balige,t inn, Iia *ct:ou on
the etoluacb being that of a gentle and
harmless ss utile:, eleitilig the amens of
digtawiota to action. and thus adording
iiaiiwdiatesoot loeru.ativutrel1.1 The
carminative pr. �; ertits @t the diU, •tot
arowathe wlur i the Eliz:r commie'
render it useful its Flatti!eut j1}'slr•iris
It is a valcable remedy for Anile
/Platelets, WIit'II is ant to eCe'u in
tenons of a gouty character.
For lwtoverisied Ilk o'l of
Appetite, Iteaponileucy,toad inall s
when au elk -dive and certain stunu-
lant Is: rt tuircd, t1. Elisa will 1*
bad invaluable.
Ile Fever* of a llatarial Type, and
' t1e'aerate t ri! results foiinau,' expo -
to tle`eo1.1 or n•• t weather, it will
pure a valtlttble rretot:ative, as the
eotolnttati.ns of I Inchoua t'alia.ya and
Iiarpentar:a ore ruirersally woe:1,1red
Of speadies ter ate :thorn -waned t:i.ur-
*id by all Rattlers is Fare iy Medicines.
Inc.,iel per I:.'ttie, fir
Jit Lotfiss for Doi.
Davis & Iaawrenco Co. (Limited)
. l'.sr r.AL, 1'.4.
Mir PERRY DAVIS' "1111
la 1 SnoxiwtivDLD LT
Persevere against. disa.uraxwmrnt. JPgyasrf,nra. >finix c"i. i/ atinnnr.ea,
]Maar vers off i •r - 'ries. 11 irk•.sonei,
Riseoearly and be an soeout.
at of Pfyar,ui,.ns, wi sea ,„ a„,,,,if,aa.
time. ' -in aN orf, rriiniirulyererytnkere
Never .c-nniesce in itanieftl or iternt-
cious •,pinl•.Iie. _
M'.intain diinity wittiest tM sppe•t-
anee of pride.
Re guarded in discourse, attentive and
slow ti
Think nothtug tot conduct uutup,rtant
or indifferent
Manner 1e something with everybody,
and everything with mime.
Preserve self•po.aseasisal, and do not
be talked out of conviction.
Be pusetual and methodical in hum-
ans and never preen -timate.
Looking up from • desk which had
just been given him. the .inbitious
young reporter, fresh front the educa-
tional institution of the state, thus al-
drvsaed the grim old editor :
"What do you find it m-iet difficult
for Iteepertenced men to write P.
"Sense," the old fellow replied.
There Uhl nothin" harsh in hia vase.
yet the young fellow turned to his desk
and didn't speak again during the even-
wt 11;pe clover marks* dusty hay.
It is estimated that three tone of en-
silage are equal to one too of good hay.
aleerr* is Laing f.mp.eed.
Harr you a bad Cough, • Chonie
Hoarseness, a feeling of Tightness in the
Cheat, Weak Lungs, or any similar com-
plaint 1 If so, buy at once • bottle of
McGretnr's Lung Compsend "It wilt
sure y:ru." It contains entirely new
apecifia, of which one dose is more effec-
tual than a whole bottle of the old time
remedies. It is put up in 50c and el
bottle.. Sold by G. Rhyne*, druggist
Try it, std you will never have reason ,
to complain.
.toheetnn's Tonic lever Pills will per-
form what no other medicine has done
h -fore for suffering humanity." Pols
25 tests per bottle. Rimers 50 omits
and f!1 per bottle. hold by Goode,
Druggist, Albion block, Gnderich, mole
spent. [e)
A little fellow was arbor bitterly on
the street. "what's the matter with
am, dearis ' asked • kindly old lady.
rhe boy, amid his s .be. estl.imed. that
Ise had lost `'tupptuee." The old lady
put her hand in her porn. and tont. out
• three -penny hit. "Uwe ins ere. my
hith alennie, and don't cry. het tell sae
h..w 705 lust rotor money." Drying his
*het • with hie sleeve, he replied •
'' I lost it ere askhet Willie M heeds or
A wife of a h,ccilch Bailie, overtak=en •
jr a heavy shower of rain, took refuge'
in a draper's shop, and proceeded to
make a few purch.ees. "You seem to be
very quiet today," *be said to the newly
engaged showman. ''Gracious, madam,"
was the reply, "just look at the weather
what respectable body would venture out
(n . day like this 1 ' •
laughed until it made me sicki sewer
trot mach a roast, sad the worst of it is
l've last all .f sdy reputatins for veeeeity.
If wy I have been soaking lap a trial
balance at the office and it keeps me tate,
she drew, that laugh on me and I wilt.
It's terrible. I feel meaner every day.
11 it keeps on I'll believe fix it up with a
sealskin cloak.'
The distressing paleness so often ob-
served in young girls and women. Is doe
i. ' r wet measure to a lace of the red
, • purcles in the blood. To remedy
this requires a medicine which produces
these necessary little blood constituents.
and the tree' yet discovered is Job 'elm's
"Tonic Bitters. Price 50 oents, and fl
per bcttle at Goode s drag store, Albion
blo :1-, Godet lob. Sole agent. lb]
Some young fellows of various nation-
alities had been teastine the particular
beauties o,1 their sweethearts, till it mom
to the tare of a !male Seotchman, whose
loved one was more distinguished for the
alien* than the possession of good
looks. "Weal, lade," he ,xclainied. i
lookin_ round at his smiling companions,
"At blastnull allow she'. grit • bonny
dimple in her elbow ' '
The Irma. Weer. ISMS
After the above yesr is esded there
need be ne panne suffering from Rhea
matiem. Neuralgia, Tonthsehe, Hoed -
m -h., Lnmhagr or any acute pain, if
they "sly parches' a bottle n( raid
Lightning, ea it aures 'instantly. Ria
esenot way where it is Need. The are
5 Plaid Lightaing. held by G RRhys.',
druezith (T)
tura, Amster poen is a trio:.
Tense 11TEnNA1.t.T DISKED WIT■ •
wr•li t: LAes OF Mtn MILK AND
a1:4Aa, IT WILL as eta:*D
• *Aria PAML1Xu
CEEB ros
SURF. T11R AT.hc.
AI'ru1gn E1TaaTALLT,
$ RPERtt4,•E MA* .some lister Mori
arrE(-tivs *ND seer? Lt*I1RPT ON
L-ARTIt IX *L*url*O Tea rAIY
ARl5:*,i TOON
ACRNS, Fitt►('1' BITES, lac., &c.
25cts. Per &,tic.
lir Beware of Imitations. 'g
Ladles wet,.
The completion is only rendered un-
sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and
Yellowness These it is well known are
caused from an inactive Liver and bad
blond. 1h Chase's Liver Care Lsrr
the blood and whole eyetsm. iter
cipe Book for toilet recipes, hints and
suggestions on how to ppr�eee.eetve the com-
plexion. Sold by 111 druggist.
A ItawAassaL1 Pvt.-Fifteen Wirt
fountain pen, have hew in wee in
Goderieh during the lest 'even months,
and all of them have Fiver satisfaction
to the owners. In wasting shorthand Or
longhand ; is the registry office, the
sheriff' ones and in the law Atom ; hi
the pastor's study, st the book -keeper's
desk and .t the dr.fgiet'u preeeriptl a,
counter ; in the lady s betidoir. and by
the tnvellia* t.Atei11 ; the Wirt foan-
min pm Ass been owed in 3odeeteh su
all these way' and 61s been found re (
liable. , Alt pees gearanteed to do
pubes Ire*, sad sot to go hack nit the
writer. hole *pa 'Moa ¥ iOrLu-
MI Ni.
is effective in small
doers, acts without
griping, does not PP -
C:1111011 nausea. and
will not r• -ate im-
tat ten Ind e r.& .i•In
as de teary of Ole
tuttsl cathartics ad-
minialar•d In the
form of Pille. *c.
Ladies and Chil-
dren having tie moat sensitive a:..
mach. tyke this medicine without trotw
ble or &seaplaint.
CAtarw,LL's CATMAUT10 Cnwpsw-',s
le especially adeitol for the cure of
Liven C.t1PLA1*Ts AND DI.n., . lite
ver'. aa.
FOR As 11) `TOMACM ADD LoaA or AP:
Foe SICK 11* t*Acwa AMD I'tTargests
F nil ('os.: 11•ATIo*'na C01.11 a.
Fos ALL ('oMt.AIR' Aa1H*i. ) gilt A
DImOIlDEaLD *TAT* Or TM* Erro-
ll Ai
MA• M.
Thia medicine being in liquid form,
the dente can be satiny regguis:ed to
meet the requirements of different t•nr-
*,•na, thus making it equally- well
adapted to the tree of the lett:e cell,' as
to the adult. Put tip in three ounce
bottle*. and sold by Al: dealers in
family medicin8.
I'ri •e Eeleil. _n Ceara.
G T-.,. F4
agree:.'. to
yt potent pie '
0 oRd fowl
ei ecrfiand
tate gtlhM cis.. of d..reneaa
essmdwa spore . taw se reduced
sale of Ike. stem, ■.d thrall. at.
1. y Pal I.w. n-esk neo and Pr1.
of the Heart. Primps results will
hew its me en urs of Sodden Exhaustion
rising from Lost of Rood. Acute or C1ruaie
Messes, and is the weakness that drawable
accompanie• the a.c,n•ery hoot Waring Pram.
No remedy will give more liespeedy
Llyspeleisa or ift4bi.d Mood. Loss of Apetite, Des•
academe, and in all uses rhes .7
an ,5P5(Tlat olid CtRTAIN
sT.ecLACT is TeltlieMl.
14. 1M 0LIXiR will be
fogad Inv ALB.
ilk APL&
Seid .'y all /) .!'r: in .tf..it:rue %
DAV" & LLWIEIOE 00. iUnited)
sou Au*,tm,
Itaaket Brod Japaa -New Teas- Warranted file. 3Ibr. fur lit. This Tea la equal to any se d
at nue. lb. by pedlar..
(Mao.' Japan. front Ss.. tie 14. per 14 Satre Mood ioa.g Hiram. fkrp 1Sc. lb. up.
A ppeea�l*lea iu 1 oung Ily.oa Tea 111 J Ib. tut• oily, tor /1.M
Try ea tee. Youth, Hy.uu, sad Clad it the Cheapest iu tin• market. Eton taxes V exchange.
At C. CRABS'S, Glderich.
Jost upward tout • full aaaertmcnt of soy own importations. and idling at
%lout. -...le prices.
55.55 Cashmeres, wool He1Mae.. 11..11.. atsd rrlwl..
Tweeds and a easesades al Prue* le Asa.alea.
KCail at.d ate. Alway• pleased to whin
Lar Uu Ines forget t 1n• old *Laud oil the Square.
AprU 7th. 1107.
C?. C7RABB, O-oderioh.
Hu. Iasi re.. -o ed. and . now opening a large *mom mem of
Also on hand a large *tock of the
ties make-up of SI'I:INU
118R1lL]E3laM BMITii'8-
East side s.inare. Guderich. March Ttth. 1x57. 1030
.. .tr roto
Toronto Cash Store
ifAll are invited to come sed examine the quality and prlce.l1
Remember the stand :-THE TORONTO ,'.ASH STORE.
Pm 0'7=0Ans, Maz .ager.
Goderich..tpr1120th.1581. m!1-7ms
sv=ssS ON.
The Latest French and American Styes!
Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings
Etc.. km t Etc.
The Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
Goteric April 915.IRE 2042
AND I.N:A11111U
Layette can advertise. but I an show the Steck. I have more stook on hand than any two
houses in town to .elect from.
rx� e[s�r
1 have now on hand 10 different stirs of Bedroom Suites, a different sty les of Sideboards, 3
Parlor suites. and almost anything in the Furniture line. all of which will be sold
In the UNDERTAKING 1 give personal attention, ani the brant cow of nearly 10 year.
ercperienee. 1 think 'bate the hest Hearties In 11.e ('Dani) of Hurn i will leave the public
to Judge. I have ever) thins, MO in a ora -class establishment. establishment, such as t.'aakrte.
COMns.:Shrouds. Habits. Gloves. crapes, 2c. Arnbalniing done when required.
WI Guarantee to give satisfaction in every case.
O.derieh. Sept. fah. 1006. :ts
Obtained. sad .. business n theteat
Office attended to a: MOi5F.RAT *PEES.
Our orrice is opposite the U.S. Patent of-
fice. and we car. obtain Patents In 5.we time
than those remote from Wr4SIIIVGTUN.
tend MODEL OR UR.1WINO. We ad-
vise as to patentability free of chars, ; and
we make AOCHARUE CVI.F.SS tt'F: UR
SV.' refer, bore. to the Po.tatsster.the Supt.
of Mono) Order Div.. and to °Metals of the
t'. N. Patent OiMee. For cin•slar, advice.
terms and references to actual clieste la your
own State or Count). writeto
C A. $idoW t Ca..
Opposite Patent Oboe. WattbtagMa. D C.
Persons wishing gond cord wood at the low-
est rates can hare the name promptly supplied
by laving their orders at
Oar agent will call at the store daily for
orfers. Mao on hard - •lot of cheap wood
snub as short slate, ed inaa, etc. Ail the
wood can be bought at the mill or delivered.
as the Yater desires. Promptness guaraa-
Fall Reserve MOIL
Jane ltd. link. 10Fly
Wholesale and Heidi oral„ in