HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-15, Page 31 see, ti TSS HUBAN .SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1887. • t/ttee•ew,e ss Ile Whew tier Is a V ewe - Mrs Blots visits Mrs Janes, taking her little bot with ber. The buy sow - Mite 111 sort• of de esidatious, and after e u taken away Mn Janos ways agytl/tn,o o "Gracious, don't 1 wish that by oaaf •nd'slratiasstttsp a.f his Ley treads. er We Dopy wtl�grtll of his Knttfyisl/, ates- 'aiwe fur • few garottes 1 Huss 1 wapiti eripsiu,u blister him. It u etrangs to ma bow a MissS•U1 T'fc8iiek, was rig d .,01 ig gritty as S red std gager.•• watgwaggonwaggonp two sprint seats, anal u,.o''e un.ra -ewes than a few. She heat o. a blue *ma with • reit flop at the sole tool a petty eueaetbing oe other ou the lather 11114••• Iw.k/eps 1a Massa. The edit igL the Moutons S.resAer attended a MIay-day ball, mid, Lie the licit tome to his hie. attempted • na- b1 Nu costumes for the ber♦.lit mother can los mu blind." A few days later Mn Janes galls mel Mn Bloke accompanied by her little so0 who puts hie feet on the plash -bottomed chairs who gives kis souther a works of euioy a*. When Mrs Janes is guise Ma Blake says : "Ary stars alive, how I du wish that boy was mine fora few 'minutes ' How 1 would blister him. It wit all I could a'u to keep my halide orf hon. It is • u•yttery 90 me how a mother can las so short-sighted. Stephen," addresehig her sen, "put oe your shoe and don't throw it aruuad that way, you'll break something. Stephen, Stephen, didn't I speak to you I There you naughty boy, you have broken a vase. Go out of here this minute. Stephen, Stephen, didn't I speak to you : There you guud•fur- Mit• Suss Sharp wore an eu trails rig; and could have L o.cked Mrs. Langtery silly when it sitn., to good I .,.ks. filer hair mew ea coil and her (ace en powder. S he ktld Sixteen ranee on one tinder, and brtkmism.lean to her elb..w. Wale Birdie Bloom was "the d,.int• test dsrltug :•f ah," in white toggery of e t00S sort. looped up in al•••ts. She were handgri ited gloves sad rappers, and i•amrwentry jewelory ; also the curb that havi been ••n exhibition in the the window of our fashionable hair dress- er for the pest week. Miss D reminded one of a double ratnhow, and was the belle of the •,ccasio•n. Its a c •:1 day ashen Lixy Ann D. Irity get. lair at a hall, and she nothing thinit,you have cracked the mit- was her beet last nt.ut. She is btu ror Never mind, sir, I am not going Hto ;Telly popular at the F.fth Avenue utu, h were she has teen head exok bring you a thing from down town, not ;nut ye„tr. She nes• •s *wast a blessed thing. 1f you don`t goo out of last nigh: as ne ..f bar .mere si.ede hen this minute 1'11 whip you, Stephen, dumplings. Stephen ' Never mini, when the rag I roan .mules I'll tell him to take you away." ..rose salve .. I used • crest deal of doctur'a medi- cine for kidney complaint during toot years, was getting warm all the time un- til I tried B. B. B. I took three bottles, gained in weight from 130 to 139 lbs • I cea highly recommend Burdock B1ut.d Bitten to be a gtoud rnedio'ine." l,hua testifies John 1Va.tou, of Springfield, Atter lees Ton. " I was ttoublel with.lirer complaint I for number of years. finding no etre. I tried 1:. 11 B. 1 took four }little., (rid am perfect:y cared. octane and hearty." Sirs. )tarts Askett, .rim•, Out. = Peony hese.. The comae of et •ui, i• a Golden c :d in a few hours the 1i.wi• appear to be its distress and iia,.. a terrtule noise in attempting to br torte. In my opinion a great many of the f ogle found dead Mises About ller.e.. under the r.,on:s t1 the m•,rtang are victims of croup. 1' 'mels should never l aloes the fare is very stunt' end the he exposed to currents of cold air, I roads roue., steep and hard, take off the have known a wh•''e pen o1 (owls to be shoes at this season and let the hof get!'nmeiny it utdht fr••m Nortmq a win - due partly ,!utmg the daytime, at such some natural growth. It is a •este f times it is weii to look udt fur croup. time and money to show a ph,w.team r ; Remedy, put the fro' on a wares place. farm•team in the 'owner. 1 i-cit•tru and give crackers or 'ureal socked in hot r collars ate the bane of farm terms ; they i Natorof a rata sprink:edyon thep c: w tens divert the line of draft and bruise the ( (one it down if the fowl d••es r.• .t eat shoulders; they set L.oe'y and chafe is I hive seen cases whoa I consider- tbe neck. Too often the cullan are tui l ed it membraneous croup. iu such a case lose. in tine saes one of the zinc co:Lr it is best to dres. ,•:f the f•,+rl if the remeay bove Si .es rut r shove. Care pads will shorten the collar and prevent ahonll btalatera that after a fowl .as bruising the neck. Muddy legs irritate I had one attack „f croup they the skin and produce the pustular in- stain take cold, as a rela?se is tiammation known as grease. This 1• j daageroous. stuns easily prevented than cured. Wash D • not I+la:e .•tis roost hig.oer this avrther. 1>rhen w •rrattgd the Letts rs legs and rub them dry whenKer the war ell growl :'. •he hi.Sest, 1.savisg harms Indies wet and muddy. Glyeer j the Ismer was onoxopied. The hotter sae is the best emollient for the skin ,but pita is to place than ott- a .Kiel. more basses it a easily procured. Tboti is U. ^ eearsity fur batiol the roost any hiz .tr than sitys•Wly to at. m is ant efaath.nt i Gash l>utleMp s*W'1 t .w a sp►c nits them for the fr:e cis and betiiwg, and thin ptri�ilsti poiaun- culanoh of aur. log of the skits, softens 11 and prevents The dust lath t the f owl is ',hat the heating and inflammation and cures His- wash -bowl is to the individual. t1 : e i ease when want of care produces this a hen is incubating she comes of as rr tulerly to duet herself as sbe dovet feed. w tut, common result Frick with • ; instinct tel ,hung her that :t is t:;e woollen rubber, either dry or wet, as the best method to free herself of lice. TSH J U DI Lila JO IP- rise (is.rud .es ver t MOM net F•41110104° on over I.dlgwaa* tiI•akess- The wag u( the Jubilee has turned ups and all K.tlasld as laughing over Mamie- ems ersue•oeee. He cawed the circulation all tbro' the country of the report that every baby born os Jubilee day would receive • pre- vent of a silver cradle std acs guttural. or • 1,0u1 *31, from the Queen. It caused the greatest excitement among the moth- ers of the laud, .ud they have been wilt- ing and coming tc Bucicuytbam Patrce until 400 have already responded. What lent tt probability is the fact that the Queen although stingy as a rule, has generally sent $15 to every soother to England or Scotland who brought trip- lets int.. the world. One proud mother who arpeared at IiuoIinghmw Pslsce with twins was especially aggrieved, as she considered that, like Mrs. Chick, she had inside "4.n effort" to honor Her Maj- esty's jubilee and should not be defraud ed of the cradles and her ugh. She would, site said, change the babies' names, which had breu selected for her by a local schoolmaster, the boy being called Jubito and the girl Jubtla Higgins. The officials disclaim all knowledge of the matter and hesitate to tell the i)ueeu 41, 'sit 11. T" the most children the hare sug- gestion of a tit se of castor oil is nsu- seeting. 11 -he physic is necessary for for the little ones, use Ayers Cathartic Pella They combine every eemential and valuable principle of a cathartic meuicine, and, being sugar-coated, ars eaaily taken. Norsk was loam. Up in the mountains shoot Marietta, Ga., we came 114:91. a tall, barefxoted, bare -legged girl itopinintly about 20 years old, who sat on the around in front of a ler: cabin with her feet in a sand pile. She made no. move to get up. and the mother, wh., came to the door as we rode up, noticed her and yelled out "Sarah ' Sarah "Vi hat " drawled Sarah. "Where i -r manners t ''Ilain't got none'" -i i!+. you hati.'t : ' Gentlemen, excuse me ' She picked up a limb and started for Sarah. Sarah jumped rep, coot a whack on the back as she dodged a stump, and as .he %ailed over the hush fence in front of the house the limb took her a c • n with al ;.roper energy. '•N,, she ain't got nu msnners, and that's s,.,• said the mother as she ting down the weapon mud came bock to ua. "I aaut her to chop wood and hove corn and read Sha.:speare, and the old man hi wa..ts he: to trap and shod and learn Latin, and betwixt the hauling and pul- ling we've got her manners all upsot. ' ay A'wnst every person has wine form of *en,fut .us poison latent in his veins. Wheu this poison develops to scrofulutiL sores. uicers, or eruptions, rheumatism, or orzantc dieeaeee. the sufferiat is terrih.e. Hence the gratitude if those who dsac'•rer that Ayer's Sirsaparilla will era..:crte this evil. cue may be, to excellent fur the skin, and fifteen minutes spent every day in rubbing down a horse will be well em pluyed. For all kinds of vermin rub the hair, not the skin. with • brush or sponge, moistened with kerosene and glyce ins in slued parts. — N . Y. Tri • I:e..d are. Mem Glen sae "As • cure for s11 summer annpleints are ism trdvg T. Trowel! D•n t forget a sutnly rf that Dr. uewew mImawt. The frequent segue. of Hang r attempt• lug bowel complaints duriug the summer and fall is the liability to check the diarrbrra h •• suddenly. 1)r. Fowler's Eattwct of Wild Strawberry will not du this. Intl t,,,u of the bowels ayes not f allow its use, as is too aunt the case with p,werhil opiates and satrtuit- uata. It curee promptly and to a natur- al assuage. 2 • alskee'. Ideal m1,1. A Western Bishop has gives to the world hia ideal girl. It would out be rash to faucy, says a humorous para - grapiest., that the...Bishop's wife was flattered by the description. It sounds very Tike what mea say "Mother was when she was • girl." She was a little girl until she was fiifteen years old and she helped her mother to her household duties. She had her hours of play and enjoyed bor- eal( to the fullest extent. She sever said t., her mother, "1 can't—I don't want t.,," for obedience was to ber • cherished virtue. She arose in the morning when called, and we du not suppose she had Mr hair done up in papers and crimping-pina or banged over her forehead. She did not grow into • young lady and talk about her beaux before she was in her teens, amid else did not read dime novels, Dor Ws. she tancying • hero in every plowb•,i she met. The old-fashioned girl was modest in her demeanor and she never talked slang nor mad by -wants. Stk.- did not tooth at old people nor make fun of cripples. She hal a respect f.,t her elders and was not above iiatenine to words of counsel from those older than herself. She did not know as much as her mother, nor did sae think that her judgweut was as good as that of her graudmuther. She did not go to parties by the time that she was ten years old and stay till after midnight, dancing with any chance young man who happened to be preaeni. She Wein 10 bed to swoon, ►net doubtless said het Provers and slept the sleep :of ionc- cense, rom up in the worniug hapio' and capable of giving happtoesa. AS nosy, if then imam iia tashi.,ned girl 11, the world to -day, may Heaven blah at d keep her and raise up others Lk. her. ' l hIIdrea 1n MIN.. Not s Renk Agee Mr Goode, drutgisf, is not a hook agent, but has tic ay;ency iu Goderich for Johnston's Tut.tc Bitters, which he can heartily rec.'uuneuid for any cum plaint to which a tonic niedicine u ap• plicable. This valuable medicine has been with most astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general debility, weak- ness, irrrttulanues pecuitsr to females, extreme paleness', impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver trouble., toes of appetite, and for that general worn out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Don't forget the name Johnston's Tunic Bitten 30e. and 81 per b.,ttle at Goode's drug store, Albiuu block, G ,derich, tole agett. Fowler's Etttact of •Ytld Strawt.etrv. Fi ,rence Marryatt, an English grits.: It is • superior remedy for sea sickness, and a positive cc • for ail bowel c.•m• planta induced by bad water. chain ,if bun*. Ij diet. or of climate het h er at h me or abroad, it should he kept at hand to case .,t emergency. 1 highly recommend Dr. F.pwler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry, having often ' used it with the best results. I have often teen thanked for recommending it." William Haw, Amster. (hut. 2 Orderly Mrs. The simple matter of a hny's being trained to be orderly may seem of eery alight moment in determining the bap - pineal or unhappiness of his future home, bot at least ever: housewife with a carless husband will appreciate its im- portance in practical living. A lad as customed to have his sisters or the servants pick up whatever he chooses to leave about will come some day to be a constant vexation to the tidy soul of his *pools, when he might almost have been taught to aid rather than to destroy the neatness And order of his home. The mother who allows her so.•s always to consider his own interests and near to feel that the comfort and wishes of these shout him are his affair is proper ing • husband who will some day render w.i.enble through sheer thoughtlessness env sensitive woman who link* ber des- tiny with hia. Sive Them • [Sante. That is to say, y- sr lungs. your breatbine machinery. Very won derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of Intl* tubes mad cavities leading from theta• When yh••• ere elated and chocked ALO A correspondent of the boron t r,,01- , ,••m:, r says that in convening with fruit turn he finds that the beet success with plums has been to yards where pigs and p wl- try a• • confined, and where the er,,und is kept hard and bare, sad all insects and defective fruit that drops are ;.ick ed up. One man said his grove ••1 plume set full every year, but the curculiu took about all 1.f them. 1, ,e *print a large lot .f frozen turret were scattered in among the trees, id for is few year. no corculio touched his plums. The .r0, n1 was too strong of turnip for them. with Another roan said hie plum orchar 1 in illino.is set full each year. hut curculiu book all. He told hu wife be would cot all down and use it for • h••g yard ; his wife said w,, fence it in and pot in the pigs. He did so and ever afttr had a good crop of fine plums. One man in Iowa brought a bole loot of tine plum trees called the Spanish I King. He set there in his pe•ultry tut, I ane in due time they commenced bear- ing and every year b pre a guxd crop of Iarie, fine Alien. His neighbors thought it n'1 due to the hardy variety, and he sold all the cions every year at a bit price. _ - - E final pae%s sir Glare! limo an•f asltea. with a little tat and sulphur mixed and scattered over the ground, just as the fruit begins to ferns. is a good pro entz- tive as well as a gou'1 fertilizer. who visited this country last summer, states that she saw • little girl of six years take her place at a hotel table. On being ashe1 by the waiter if she ought t, be there withoct her parents, she :only answered, ' I guess I pay my way. A writer in the A,' .lac supplements this story by one of a 5 year old girl whom h. once saw seated alone at a crowded tah'e of a hotel. She called first for wrap, then ice cream, then m..re woo. "Isn't your mamma rnming to dinner'" asked the amazed waiter, as he served bar. "Nu," replied the younj lady, "She don't want nuns. She's dead. t;e.'r<e Autrnstas Sala, when to this count.-•, said : "1 object to two things in America—the pie and the hotel child- ren. N .t until the child is made into the pie will I tolerate either. -[Youth's Conipanio.n. James MoMurdook, writing from Kin - ode, says : "I). B. B. as . remedy for diseases o: the blood, liver and kidneys, hei an excellent reputation in this Inial• ter which ought not tone there, ity. i have used it, and speak from ex• f t wrens, u wall se observation it as 'anent hall d.. there troth. well. others 'Rioted to try ot. 1 Call it cold, txwgh.'croep. pneumonia, catarrh eoneersption ow an of th. family of throat sod use and bed Alt d t obatriitions, mit to be got rid of. There is jot nn. men_ wayto get rid a theta. thr t L tabu Pzoelt••'a Gentian Syrup, which say dra int will sell yogi at Sat .spm • bottle. Evgin if everythag ell& has lalDA yy0t+�a yogi say Vied siva eV. for cett•t . a] A wagidrrt.l The largest organ, and one that p'aye a cootr..liing part on the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or inactive the whole system becomes diseased. Dr. Chase's Liver Curs, is made special!) for Liver and Kidney diseases. and i, guaranteed to cure. Recipe book and medicine 81. Sold by all druggists. c� ArriTalsl rto •rndenlir'teol has last received • large nd,ii1iun to his .t,.. k u( °� the .ml mullein* 1 want, and 1 advise Ant what they do, they cannot do l F.aracbe—take a bit of e•atna batting, pat open it • pinch of Mack terse. gather it up and tie it, dip it in sweet oil, and insert it in the ear. Pet • Ban - ■sl bandage over ob• head to keep it warm. It will give immediate relief. Tare sr— "What tlo yep linden/NM by an unclean whit r 3ti.apile Cosa uSSta:Jt—"A ditty devil" DRY GOODS All new and seasonable : also a fresh stock o1 GROCERIES The First Sign Of falling health, whether in the form of Night Sweats nal Nerpuuwese, or la a sense of General Wearies -fa awl Lea et Appetite, shitisbi gugge.t the use of A see Sanscarllla. This preparation 4 most et<a-etive for gtvleg tom end strength So the enfrrbkd system, promoting the digestion suet assimilation of food, rester. ing rho urrvoua forces to their normal condition, aid fur purifying, enrkbleg, and t Italizlug the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago myhealth M to tad. Iwo* troubled wita l4ttes+log Cough, Night Sweats, weakne.•, airy Nervous - mew. i tried oarium remedies prescribed by diluent ph%.letans, but became so week that l could not go up suite wfth- Gout siopptult to rest. Ily friend, tveuw- mended me to try Airr's sat 1y, which I'dld, and 1 am now as healthy sad * grow as ever.— Mrs. E. LJ '1/'Ullauu, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Aver's Rareapar/tt▪ a, In m family, for Scrofula, and know, If it is taken faithfully, that 1I'kilirt onwghly eradicate tido terrible disease. 1 bate also prescribed It as a tonic, as well as an alter- ative, hemative, and meat say Wet, 1 bonen iv believe It to be the best blood me-dlelne ever compounds -J. — W. F. Fowkr, D. D. jus 11. D., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. it would be Impossible for me to de. scribe what I suffered from Indigrstloa and Headache up to the time 1 bean taking Ayer's Aar'aparil4. 1 was under the can of various physklana and trityl a great many kials of medictttee, but never obtained ttiore than temporary re- lief. ...her taking ASarmparllla bar a short time, my headache disappeared. and my stumach performed its duties enure perfectly. Turlav say Iwaith 4 com- pletely reater.d.-Mary Marley. S.pring- few, Mass. 1 have been greatly benefited by the prompt use of .torr'• Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigorates t he n.tenm, regulates the action of the dhgcsttve and asslesilstive organs, and vitalizes the blued. It 1 without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yt t diaeovered. -- H. D. Johnson, *13 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayse & Cs., Levst1, Nowa Prim 111; ells beiges. 11s. 3 _ ---- .t.. _ Have you ever tried $diregur t, facie's Carbolic tlerste ter site• of any kind f it te beyond 'fount the very bast perspiration i• the market for healing and cunug bores, Burns, Butts, Cuts, Pimples. Blotches, and a the only prop- er method u( applying Ciirb de Am& ti••1.1 at U. Mynas' drug eons* fee t3o per box. (1) fi co O bo44 CLO W in C�oA 0 .Ng-oA d ; 0 U it s el H a 3=j Ia ts — H :_ W r c e iW-f O!3o b. F � s r 41a -O O � ' EVERY PEN and a road viypl) of CURED )TEATS; also what Mr W icarea . •''flare you got a raiser in the hoose !' asked! an Indiana man who registered at Willard's late last night for one p*ght only. "I don't know of any, sir. ' replied the clerk, "and the barker shop bas been closed fir two hours." "Ranter shop. thunder '•' •nelaimed the impatient .nest. "I don't want no tarter shot. I'm tired uut. I went to go op stairs to bed "A11 rizht, sir, and 111 venal the hent to Teo in the morning, so you can shave before breakfast.' 'Young man," said the indisian, as • CHOICE FIAILI FLOOR always In stock. FF.I:11 of art kinds. }(er1Ia1dosheae pbeffoorecsbnhfng fealsrwpt;7121e :.,r welch the htgb..rt price wo.11 bemepaid. R. PROUDFOOT, (iurleri..b, April 13th, led7. m714t READ THIS. Every Man in Business shouldet his Office Stationery Printed. 01? FOWLER STRABER� CH--1CLERA CHOLERA INFANTUM 4,. AIL SUMMER COMPLAINT` SOLO BYALLDE4LEPS. DO NOT TKAR SIII!F.TS OCT Mr YOUR ACCOI.'NT BOOKS TO WRITE ON. RUT GET YOUR B111 Heads Statements Note Heads Letter Heads Memo. Heads Counter Pads Parcel Labels Shipping Tags Business Qti,rde Ciroulars nvelopes, eto light dawned upon him. "you're of Thu people's ddivery with; 1 want a raiser that gi ll tilMar y'nr haw. 1 don't wont nn razor to shire � up stair, wtthn'tt harm' to walk. ' tan`s r Then the clerk tnmblee. and the bell boy led the guest over and put hum is the elevator. Imps. tsar sew. It. n is. C soxaTow e. — \irs Campbell has hers ' ' troubled for a nomher of yeses with Tn- 4 restion and Constipation, and was in speed to try Mc(lregors Speedy Can and found it ail Chet was needed, and would reeommen.l its em to any pens ,n similarly tronhl.d. This invaluable re- ,mady to wild in darer/ part s Osaed• at -Nps. and $t per bottle. Soli George ' i a So .•''fr.g MUlw. (1) ' PROPERLY PRINTED ON GOOD PIPER, and then it will be a pleasure for you to do your corresponding, as well as helping to advertise your business. READ THIS. t t 37 Our Stock of Printit IS onerr, consisting of all the leading grades of Plain illnd Linen, ruled and tin - E7 17 JOHN KNOTProprietor The uheerib.•r Is prepared 'welsh to nlsh litliteratiepa Ito The Finest Rigs AT RSA>>ORASIs PRICZS Ca'LAXL) egg bS ane the Cellar oa leewhA rata last* las: rata 17 ruled papers, Carola, Envelopes, ncc., is the plete we have handled, and we guarantee and price to Nth all who will fav orders. Cal fir M --Q11r Mwples mid most Cont - the duality as with their 'a our pricey "THE SIGNAL NORTH—St, GODERICH.