The Huron Signal, 1887-7-8, Page 7THE IIIIILON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY K, 1Q87• 7 Fashion's Fancies. Thew are pretty maidens lron.ht out this straasw with upon wutk ansae!, sad setas with tuterwoesst patterl.e, Tie new shade of grey blas. called Gotsiin, is beteg shade up with white, and striper mud checks of ita two *oho and white. Tbs best materials in whits sod cream for but !Baran! ore ;.ouu.t, mu:1, mud thick musket' ; the thin will hardy stood the washing. The now zephyrs are, as a rule trim - mod with an abundause of too i,roldery b tM same color as that *lo,.h predo- minates ou their surfa3ei. Large plaids, many of shish are de- scribed is graduated so -as hers are evident epos sums of the Ltliputtan coatonzes lately imported from Paris. The Norfolk jacket style •d hudice u popular for both cotton and woolen gowua ; but the cambric!, whisk are usually for 'more dreary wear, hate tight-btumg bodices. Later styles of ruinintt, for nook sad ale.Tas, are made of loops ut narrow ribbon, with pees edge, in mauve, pink, blue ur white. Ladies generally odd to this u1 edge a lace, or crepe:isee ; as a hook-grntud, nest the skin. The new shade hats are of legborn, with wide, flexible brats, sad trimmings of wide mem... gauze ribbuo, with upon mesh, ur narrow maim rtbbowt stripe. Loops and bows of this hes a very soft elect, nand are prettily contrasted with pini[ heather, yellow mustard ur May jY.ry pretty dry ss.s are made of white nun's veliDg, with fail but untrimmed skirts. The skirt is mounted with wide hoz-plaits in front, tat -plaits at the sides, and in plata gathers at the back The short -wanted iodic. u foil, and unmanaged with br killes of white moire ribboe, fa tesed on the shoulders with bows. No injurious effects can follow the nee ..f Ayer's Ague Cure in malarial dlssasas- It contains a specific and unfailing anti• dota, jar miasmatic poierns, with reme- dial &clouts which expel the poir'num humors. portly the system, and leave it healthy and reinvigorated. New fiat "ruMings," are made of bias bolting cloth, the strong, but thin, silk cloth. used for stratums flour. It Is employed in double, or triple bias folds, with soft gold or silver cord run through the top of the asuue one -when there are three. This is a great improvement int «oyes cream canvas. and is more be- coming than crepe de Anew. 'That dire 1*., eo. whom rot aka • power Witless Beauty's transient lower.' is often foetid larking arcual the citadel of Life, in the disguise of • cough, weak or ours lungs, erre throats, hrunchitit, asthma, and all dtteeses that lead to ooneumptme, and for consent!). tom itself, take Dr Pierce's "Gulden Medical Discovery." Stems at interest. •41 1rw ale gritSRelt I i1MIaRAALs LIS.4Ilex. nrjfR{Ar4 "And yes twlld weer to b.aw, h... Harry iswils a loam who dirge n...w tee eetrie Ma bee infer s.h.d young Lleieplaiae of ►m of a living rm• humid, Meier Ruse, es r, rMoir t mew "Olt Ike Aa/eee-Padleeteakgs Jerrodhumid, Wil: Y tie dinner tal.ie and weer eisokiag 8.6666111 • tow days eA lArert Ile. but sigwjwsly, LUiui O. nem. with clouds Of wa.ler, I was •nested ly Mies Helen C. smoke. Harry et the Beery Rouen to tamed her lar "I ars Iyi.1g to Lear. u the Riese r7." wmee ul the 'enema. Mere !res, a "Well., about two wwtlL. ago Ise was stroll- emit • large 64t6..at.. nae, awl 1 occupied • wt nog as the Ir.Fbra when h. saw • young lady Lim th. rear lure whoa the wow. om the levels 1u grits dintrr... The tide had err &bet half I." ..116 • 1ar1 a•Mriali.ed en mid cut bee i n laiox returer " some lelest iu font d the c•hiaet, earri seng "i think 1 kiwis the exact slat." said the I low up s.ddsaly, as it wee., ,n.t of the carpet, n aj.a. "\F hj• It n• qut1C • "Anal".had•Mr. Alhm, the cosductr, ...d : " Dr. Mas, reminds hie V1 seam -thing iu Welter r(ou(L" hen r • lady who wishes to s.. you." Inas "K► tit I,nceeolln� w Liao el")., h. *•lied taken by surprise, foe at so 60•x1•! wbiei 1 to the kuty, wl..• owe tuw.rd hist Than h. I had ever b4iwe •tterdud. Either at the Hnry uherrv.el that she Ila.t :a dog with her, abet swan „r obs rsnuu. atlas w.diuw.e, had a whore estety .he Apyrase 1 the a. ea eiWw I a• t ..w. to on in that way It. e by meow se for her u.,." realities outman! the cabinet I A. 1 woods; "AI.' .mid the major, with. sard.xss ..c tilat ed bor.ase „aid : "t,usal e*an.ug Ikretur." "1 w it all now. lie ....t her. sod then elm How emaewh•t ed.erly twbd. 1 it'd not as threw her..ell into 10• ..,u... a,.d, a pane. hatyr•lusg to pas. that '.-ry m,nute. they were umansed, the c dkrg ao uttg the lout of heavy '•Aly deer Har," said 1)eladebte, with the yams that wax my turhotr f.r tM tee seriousair of a Den who has t(wweesn vex&uourly slentk s1.r mid: "Cisme with me to the light,' Interrol.t•.) in 1.1. •tory by some flippant re- and airs aMaally sad mms,y,eke. up w t/ a tie an n.ks, "du you want to know low Harry curse .4 the nsas, 11 E'autirety hij ser gained the heart, land and purse ul his rtes red with hath head., and aiding, plass bar wile. or du you woe' face within a fora .4 mine, and slate .Soagh. "Cwtrnuly 1 do. 1 am • trchekw in rank there .wet alio, Merryi who wY the midi.' of filet such an article, ud way tied the ku uw- for the antras thaw. I.ru.iinniug. 11e. tape war ledge useful" `glare 1e Utast" •'1 will. 1 ant, Tike a terta.ei animal, lilt earn . •• "WeU, when the lady turned her face toward him ire .u.w one of the loveliest he had ever earn. Throe was the slight, omissive bluets of eacttrlwrnt, which , 1st It up Inkis the potpie •'Wrh, 1 shall return an the same maelRer.' day at dawn Sim opened her hp., and a wr, Ute rept strata of music succeeded, alocl. was in thew 1 said : 'iNadlr, will yam I.kase glee M ward.: nano tater tine gave o.. the strongest ter ' Hy sir, ice tnv dog " that .ie could Lento♦ hat• gives. •• ?evert fur, madam. t. assist yew UP first Haring liarnany rm..%'red from toy owe- and mrand then .e will drink .d you dug !'1 . : "Nellie, will you poems some ••'No sir. Pies., oblige me said take dear , w h me ague to tote fight!" She readily Fid••.' •wonted, and tbte time the light shone full is "The "1"°`"*""d cram her i;p. but Frown . her face, and before me stood Nettie Berry um- ber eye. it mune like • gentle, inaudible mistakably. stream of elect, w indene. She then leaded Again .e retarwed to owe former prwnitiOS, up tier dug, wbteh Harry received with the ' when ate Bond, pointing to bre awn pece : gnaaet cars awl .11eatiun. and tie nett ••Ductor, this is all there is .4 Nellie Berry. pleasure he had the sweeter ple of wmet- L7 body. der jy iu yeson iM wins" ing the fair rewe.t d Fido from bet rspoly panting to the cabinet. rasi.hisg...d-lu•drstal 10 upper terra iron ' 1 said: "Nellie, I am to return with you al - Having arc n.pll.t cd his esirioo, he said : tat the mimes to the onstage wbenos ymiaow ,. 'Permit me t, wish you good tsoening, On tb. way thither pinnae asesk to mad the }fret reyyria. her, and milord ' \hlo is tt! "\Yhy don't you knew me. Doctor? It is Nellie Merry," partially remor.ng her veil Nurse.! 1117 mete 5Manuehment if./ I can sr.ni-trargma eat. clear and .41 r that of • obiti ilst tetur•nwl to our I.witu,n neer ibe e•bniet, ens, mill noticing my hewik *.s' $. stud: "Why, Doctor, yuu saw the way I came. did von only" •'Yre, 1 replied. without 1 can be of any further on to yea marvellous incurrence fear 1 shall not anode to "'Oh. sir, Pray coaw to aur cottage, rad let it till you have. S4be then took her position to I" seat thank y..'. 11 anything lad hap- dam•ierieliae iu limit at the cabinet. asd I as ``.coed M Fide it world bate broken Moth owe ,nosed pan way w my er•t, when ie uocarted hirers.' to me that, with her permission, I would re- "\W.U, as Harry nays, '.be 1..ok.A a ere! bte to 111e audience what bad takes Islam. I lovely that Il 1.11 my ort prll.itatt ( moire return..! and asked her pwrwhoo, tut she than notal, sad w T bowed and walked by her reteMa1 r.inrgi ..7s.„I►ant%, 1 ...ft" w.t side; and before I had rc•..bed the Ieautiful late - kin,w it fur, the world." .n.,... cottage, l,,.r.en- ewttege there she hued, I was over head Ptd tent.* was to me a very renartal.le Wet, awl ears In k.v.' explained why she cease cheely ...lel at tbe She owl }faro into tfi• hone, which era c,w,icieaceaenL i tetune.t to my mat, and, magnificently ieirui•I.e 1, end It was introduced'flu, she canes,w sIM went dematerialising iu um her noel*, Mr. an Rensselaer. one of the peal in-riflemen.nce of some thirty ladies and Theft wealthiest of all ,nu Patten.. Thocaste Mew. Amanda ACsp.... and Nina leu Bar - aunt -now .you kuoir all. pay slew who w«n .,tt.nrg within at u eight ••Lost parlay the)- .ere ..artl.d, and the feet of .herr thin oteurinI. watching aur old leer uncle. t- •hila d... u r at a quarter �• movemeatti .err mach iatererrtmd and pose DI a mdlew, RIta the lr.mm.es uI more woes Booed re. Risen st at the clues ul .1.e aealica the tonne r nus 11.. 'Y • id Adelaide ars Misr Berry and 1 E. -ft the seance oxen far the happy .s the day I. long ; as a peen' of which 1 onset say that, although they late Leers mar- ried mei* a weak. they haven t lied . stogie queued." The major gen • inch. std a he tilled up bis glees of Chateau Margaws, epiculstad : '• I'es rely. now and ever afar, to save a lovely heiress, Gaal her aunt's dug, an the same terms" For hic3oegb-bold the breath. Fur despondency -take • swallow of vinegar. Fur inflammatory rheumatism -eat .,we or two raw Wagons, daily. For diarrheas -take boiled milk and motor nil, al o btandy a0d raw sus. For many forams of kidney difficulty, • tea made of peach leaves is • sure cure. To disinfect • how,fsmieate by bern- ins sulphur or tar; then whitewash and paint. Eye water -for inflammed eyes use the juice of the strawberry after being strained and settled. A vegetable acid, such as lemon juice, or older. is said to be • sone .specific for taunt caw of scarlet fever. A woote may be removed from the eye, or the pain at least alleviated. by put- ting a grain of flaxseed under the lid. A tea made of chestnut leaves. and drank in the pleas ut water, is said to have cored most obstinate caw of drop- sy. A tea made of ripe or dried whortle- berries. end drank in the place of water. ie • speedy mere for many forms cf scrof- ulous difac0kiss• lees the *eat. S� Dr Fowler'' Extract of Wild Strew - be rry is the Leat, moat prompt and safest cure for cholera inor►'w, dysentery, mirk stomach, cramps, cholic sad cholera in - Unto= that has yet been die/moored. Its popularity is undimmed by age. Ad modicum dealer* sell it. 2 A nermen by Sam Jose&. Sam Jones, in his sermon to mothers, said :-"There an enema who go about Tarpsatioe,iI doom of tweot to Canty minims, will sot only remove headache, trot prods's. in a wonderful manner, a soothing influence. Who imager. "It always acted like magic, i had scarcely ever need to give the second doss of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for sin sm.r om0pl$inta" Me Waiter O.waaleuk, of Ethel,Oat- 2 Oil of .iaaastos will cause the dis- appearance of warta,however bard. huge or dense them may b.. The application. gives rise to neither pain nor suppers- *, tion. cottage when .her wr tetnpurarily stopping, and her Eras words to am un our east wire, "Well, Doctor, •iii you have a good trance?" "I acwllaot," I replied. "I/id Ecu tee a17..0e you knew," "One, wax said after • hearty laugh. I asked: 'Did this eser ....our with you before, Nellie!" "No." wen bar reply, and then oho 11101 this brief explanation: "While entranced in the eaMpat I said t. 'Charley' [her a,ntrwl� 'Now, I am a .tint with the reit of. you, and era! can.% 1 maten.lirr awl ga. est: "He rr1died: 'You can :XV, and the facts, as above related are the result." WODin W1of EAetIKa. A■ Inte/e.tteg r'etteettM se Fans tor n New were roper. Prem the Nev. York Sea. dome very Interesting sire. as to women wage .•mere *have been obtained by Air. working 1,r temperance and foreign mato P.ligntan'a new weekly toper, the Epoch, }rises anx wen..n .0. 1....5.041114 thoeub mans and ell that s ort of thing, who nes- ;loci carefully std intelligently. gleet their homes. sister, God don't They all .same that the eltief muse of the want you to go saddle about thew shoes* cal .ax-cUw "f wotnem wtrkrn 1.117 higher tl lock of CARPB�S TONIC EIi.IXIR and neglect your own house. No women lan ci emr•h•7meots 7 sr bra nIttg. Women,' 113. )ire. 1. W. Betts, "tn their can work successfully abroad until she work *11,1 i1 Owir .tud.es, tart often do not go t, the lectom of thing; they :ire not thorough."1 Be•idee, a tirl .in not enter business I. ke a b.v, expecting to devote hermit to it for life. She is kn.kmr forward t. • alt tar distant day when she will be married sod supported Therefore, until .he I... tn.•.e.I the we of :6s In no other medicinal preparation hare the results of the most intelligent study and tcienti6o inquiry bees so steadily and progressively utilised as in Ayer's }sarsaparilla It heads the list se a truly acienti6c preparation for all blood deOellet - has worked successfully at home. You go about weedin' out other people's patches and pour own st home is all growed op with weeds. You're too clever by far. fix mute ( d duty t home du works emir as a ntakesh:ft. As to the you won't have time to run about stuck riwge, :kyr*. P�tiA tit rIk• tsar thea mi; t «nm - dome of you want to do this attd that and mainly be bettor ensoiovel ;u tat) roR earn d gee gaddin' about the streets. and I have lreo some riding dong w ith a poodle dog. Just think, when my wife gets to Edna' around, hauliu' a dug, I am going I ign.ranoa" Anna R. Brown, the Sotrr- stra,.kt W Chicago and Iter • divorce. ,ntrh«t.•nLef rise Women'. Branch d the New Say, r, t you c your u y a e,nntiatr wttpe rarnere •fear mar - b their boom. •ud cmldt••t: for what they worn /careelr maks U. for the hue ie. -woofed by their inattention to their domestic affairs. 'They are wage Earners tort.. chose,.'• she rye, "est fr.rn arts+sty, Except as more mm money ei needed at lemma bemused their owe Whew my wits curios fret bleed bah, 1" .m k City )Li+ion Raw* }.other and eapI-.'uPs rise aero flat "It err not tote ed by around with bar, I am proud of her. 1'n,t de:re that 'els& 51 .lenld M wage Some of yet haven't spent a whole day s aro.rw anal wlru we ansae w the right «m- ditwu .J e..,..-tv tr-rr few d them well work &t home for twelve months, *aims it was (u wages." We ufrr that she means married maim' Or halin' or something tr. keep 501)111 11.11' p arttool.ttly, 1..r she std. whet a o from Rohn' out Three hundred ling a. n1«. "drit.k 'q. tlte•r wags. meed do tint you rnpgwt 110.4? faunles w.nntlI WILL taw 10 days in owe year catches Tss doss work" Thia.ryete$it d arousel in the big !reuse, whether yen tine. at )'u • very pd wrar u rr many muted owes the gabs. abs. want to buy anything or jest gars*' lutrly fntio'et to work lot wages. for other aria. tliry w nht hear est n -4 r, at all. Th.y around ; as the old eRlgted man oak m1»t agq.wt ,,..t rnsl7 ti•elr ebiMres, but "Your're ja.t Lwin' ea wl`aguueawr also newer red..lrwi and drwawa htlambas. It tray Its, tee, that when they arra under no Some of you complain bestbtr girt Sass' .each as.'noty thee bas we their Mamie te bands don't stay et home more. Iwo toss t ms p n'et+.1.l. w,,. than .tfm pate you that when the taloa* er clod: tell hhlbl- y ffm ararlt•-ma.l.clod:for ebrtna'Ivs„ rad their nog hell becomes mere MtRee ive'then ebildr.n, toed a•jn that o•mtnf )nn w m.es 5555 n wh..n obs •noted in vnemsai bes*ss. '!oras of 'Wisdom. It n alike dishonest and dievraeeful to .-n.tract anneoesoary debt whtthout the Ewers of discharging it. There is on men who is not butter or worse today b means of whish he thewght, designed, air did yesterday. Antosg the many mesas of pony and ig.'eieet work is the habit of hurry wbieh takes posseasioa of loose busy Pe Strive for that ac -unity of spirit that will .Datae you to make the hest of thins*. That means eoatasttlaest in its best seems. °Measles= throws fanlight on all with Pe dark log eve*ife eevishness he moot diMast hon. s.Ie. Wham we have learned to avoid dist reg time on 101 ON head and "erowd- klbr" M ea the oilier. we begin ,tn sewe- d/see Its bee Wee. 1!11 (ilh. see Bite a wives will biomelf merits* see the "�R se the wall.'. tee world wry set reset hitt Thin a•:n•esiIy e l Fut prepare - Coo is rsoces•lly d g�TRltaral for the miler sod cure of that of disorders alit-tdaut upaut a low Or rrdnced autte of the'latent. awl usually arout(ethiml by faller, Weakness and 1'aipltau.Nt of the 'lean. 1•romi.t mann! wi11 follow Its use 1n caeca of Nud•L•.m Ea- l.au•tion arisiu., from lwtes of Blood, Acute ur CIIr•.ni.) 1 tiae.aoi. aiol ui floe weai,,waa 111.1 htcar.aVI aciv.uy4it.Pm the recover. fr.ru Warding Fr%ore. No rentc.ly will sir.• more pertly relief in I/pipe-p rim ur h.dtceeliwl, 1ta eel :..3; on the .t..ill...1r bring that of a get,t:r :.Id harmless .otic. sacking ore Omaha 01 dIlestiou to action, std thus affording lmoutedial* and I.cnoauhett IOar( 1 110 carttilcttite i.rppa nits of doe tl.fferrnt arunalice shirk the Elixir contents render it useful lit Flatuleut 11)spepsia. 11 1. a al We remedy for Aluuc 1)ys epda, which is apt to .occur hi taerwru of u gouty charactt r. For lmp..rrrialore► 111...1, 1...a of A1.petite, I luapuodrtcy, aid It all Pasta were an effective aril Pertain salmi - 'ant Oa required tLu Elixir will be luutd Invaluable. lu Yoram of a )I:tlari l Type, and We various evil mentos follow nag topo- sure to the cold or wet weather, it will prove a valuable restorative, so the couibiWU.1u, of (',ns Iona ('ali*ara and 6erpeutans aro universally rt -cognized as steadies Nur ' lee aIuvo-ttatutol disor- ders. 041 by all heelers is F.Mitl� Mudicises. Dice, n.1 per B1dlle, ere Six lt,✓tics t. v t •. Davis&Lnwrenc Co. (Limited) SULlt A'iENT6, Movra&a,, P.Q. eianrm Itis brim., vont howl neons regalSkag 'amply Ore claimed that tier w"r. olds to badly, er you hating got a jair far a hp- make tread. and only one r•wl'v .i.d make it." • user eel acne nese is .. tetter int to .tr e nng t• from flim the better. ' I%egtded to the tn. hiker's 1.r Iwwsi, esti .1 they are able to do die e..w,ng ao l tb. o..'. nF ' 1•.•n:-•'. t w'. inflrone. of society in ketrplwg people W.. ,.bmervr, ix the mss.. th•i b,r•t Arra Old of church A little party ie jest a Betts end Mea ,. tae parimeut:u stere But u m bawd and theformer pia get • div0«s tp.,.., h L.tl Ir nod and ro to h' rt with short sloth** on ; that is °rano tie; t.w they it( woman winker. M t; party stake at. tar the AeOcvnciar cif t�..rst sold all. We put short dresses, at the bot- lend by the drinking of iter. and Mrs. Brows to., on oar littleir1s, and short drew- �b'am tt the ►alai cue 'greaten ti.- g meral'.tatiem" n1 tM soot erg .rwahm '!limas es, at the top, on our big girls. 1 hill.,. that beverage hos bonnie w popular," she say., "wnrkinganw hers bees 111.032.1. the that it 1 had to cwt our a doses, I world habil d France it ..rv.d st .hair msalti cat it at the bottom. i1 my daughter en& gradually, meg N ib.tr tlphm don't have Mot one dress in the world 1 wad dsrhiers have biomes .alt d beer' are going to pt her cloth to make a drinkers" no far r thei5re.ve.shng $ssakr*M whole d not iece of ora" et the em'tene i' e.acetntd. that is e&dsethhad- rw. P ty tree. tet ea to iii deumor.(mtise effect ere ewe mile take her week sol alae .are she This Trrsaflt,Mtgt Trews. epode from ..lmwrvatirm- "Darieg the./ year. .elsriglg with Tb. only 1 r.tneahy s*m.•f i ter the dyspepsia i tried almost every known ly, rind mimes b to r ttt��Adt ; remedy bet kept worst until I us,s,st, 55510 kr estsomtwl iortrod« no; sr: triad B. B. B. i only used it three woo wish, eves 1,. the trade. is whisk days whim I felt batter. Minot bottles fwtm.rly shay led shone a nomeipsly. what enmpintedly eared tae, w Laois. will til tt.../.o IP= the mem .nth mime keelei. eat f skilled labor they samr.eei The Sed reassess Pon an the Wooed. Tbo "Wirt" fetJaleia pen is the hest thins yet invested la the way of a eel - feeding net. it hie ageld tttlh, Arise lest es a dippia* pee Ms. sad •seer Ws. It in a writing! _weeder. ♦ Leta. til pie eau be sees et t Adler Tie, lawyer, dower. albums, u54 bsa•b- er rad bedews risen desats haw 0011. MSS. ie1ll eel' bee keg earth. /i? PERRY DAVIS' PAIN -KILLER Is SICO tc*DSD ET Phrefririra, JY,L Were, Miasfomar•ies, Managers of Ru. smites. 11'.•rir•ait..p, I'lum[atl"s.i. Y,Irxs is ILwpMnls, -in sfih„rf, everybody ereryerher s who kis/tor gears it s [ri►: yA5(7 rJNTL&NALLT MIMED WITS A WINE n i.Aas OI I1OT DILE AND $1:0AR, IT 5111. 55 voices A *53x5 FA1LI*0 CURS POE SUDDEN COLI)S, CIILLLS CON-. t;ESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCCLATIIN, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- YEII ANIi lit/WEI,. COMPLAINTS. SORE TIIROAT.Lc. APPLIED ZIT1I:NALLT, EIPSRtsmtg HAS retorts IT TUS NOIR 1FiSCTIre AND Star L111IDL7C- Ox LA*Tla IN R*ea.3I50 1x5 rale ARI•;N0 FRO* SPRAINS. II! UiS^S, RiIECMA- TISM, XLURALGIA, I W}:LL D FACE, Ti►i)TIL\CII1:, BURNS, FROST BITES, i.., Lc. :.iris. pe" R4fle. -. Hewers of Imitations. TRis Like ttl.sb d with Pim plea, Bkowbes, bearb Beads er Fs.s, or awes of any P...4$i . sltesld w Ntlearagor t feb'�t dsgisW sur It oil Iesre tie wiserek slew _g bce. order. re estbe p waded hyy�t SW et 0... a .' ala.. (3) CAMPBELL'S - CATHARTIC' COMPOUND is effective ho small donee, acts without griping, does not M- em/nen 000-e %. and will not en ate im. tatiosl and emit:eeti•s as do many of the usual cathartic. ad- mipiet►r.d In the furan of fills. tr. Ladies and Chil- dren harms the moat ornsltir•e sto- machs take this medicine without trou- ble c.- e.omi.lstat. CA tar.'• ('ATn.i7TIP Cnwrnl-vee is eapeciaily adapt. -d for thornr" of Idvaa COsrt.AiNT. AND BIL!.) , I)t.- 01:10:1t1. FOR ACID LTODACtr AND Loa Or Al, rrTITI. YOU MCI: HEADACHE ANn I)r.TrnrA. Fog Cu*arleATIOi on Comm . 1 Iioa ALL Colt MLA MTN Aatalsati IRON A DI.ORDCaao STATS or THE hTu- EACH. This medicine being In liquid forst, the does cast be easilylatrd to meet the requirements of different per- sons, thus making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child is in the adult. Put up in thine imam potties, and sold by all dealers M family medicines. Price Retail. 25 Casts - DRIVE IN TEAS 1 laic Fired J&gaa-New Teas Warr•ated Pure, a Ib. tt.r El. Tale Tea le et;ual M sat w d at mc. 1► by pedlars. Other Japers from Ws. to es. per 1\ Extra Gaud louse Hyena. tram Roc. 1k up. A 11110111010 la Yumag Nyasa Tee is fr 11.. lot. only. fur 51 in 'Try my Sec. Yoasg Ryser, sed lad It the i-'besp•st 1s the !market. F�nte takes in examinee - At O. ORABB'S, Goderich. RING GOODS I Jaw asts- Jaat upesed out • full &a.ertarnt of my own impertstloss. rad selling at wholesale prices. west tease«ere, weed •elat.5.. Ewen. reed Pelota. Tweed. sod Ceetearedles at Pitres 1. anemias. WOW and err. Always planned to show atockK1k not forget the old stand on the Square. s.prii Ii.. i*. 1111-ItC. ORABB, Goderioh. NEW SPRING GOODS ABRAHAM SMITH TiLOR & CLOTHIER 11a„ just received. and s now opening • large Assort weal of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Allmon baud • large stock of the LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS 00 CLOTHS Tor the roake-up of tll'R'NU t<t'IT.4. ORDERED WORK A SPECIAL'S?' I 1k ER1 ,A7ed BDdITII 13. gest Side Square. Oodrrlcb, )larch 21th. 1687. 2D30 17 YOU WANT IF \Y(' WANT ll' YOU N'.tNT BARGAI NS -CALL AT Tilt Toronto Cash Store THE SPRING STOCK I8 NOW OOMPLETE. p'All are invited to come and examine the quake) ant price.lells Remember the stand :-THF. TORONTO ('ASH STORE. P_ ., 2\2arnager_ C.'MPBELI '9 04' �` agrerAM ' yet peteeot�pee 4O e►e'se erene 4.401A,d m1e of Ibr elms of disrdan rs.ast spa • few or reduced wr s=gishesystsw, sad ....soy at - by Pane, t-b71.0.?, wesksem sad Pal- e the Heart Prompt resits win ie res . rates. of Saddam Kahan -wen amiss from less ef Mood, Aare or Circmir Ihmeses. ad is the weakness diet F sa.m peeim.►. necotwy Som x 11e tessedy will speedy relief is i.ored� Ler of Appetit.,For mew pdsaey, sad 10 an cams where �_` e Moret$ and n1110T$IW ��the ELIXIR win M de fond t Arta 40, .Sall by .l1 Destine iw Alidlr'os. DAVIS k LAWRENCE 00. (limited) tots Arm. rt. YOM7T.zet. F. Ooderlcb. April Inh, 166:. 3D2.1 -3m MiSs wC77.i7...cc2N1 ON_ The Lateat Freuch aid kiuencaii Styles! HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings The Chicago House. Agent for Domestic Patterns. wltsll STREET.00DERICR Ooderic April Inn. tag. 2012 DANIEL GORDON, CABINET UNDERAKER.1M Anyone can ad%ertlse. bat I es houses the n towck. «elect more stock on hand than any two FU RNITURF. I have now nn band 10 different styles of Bedroom Suites, 8 different styles of Sideboards, 3 Parlor Suites, �and almost mouthing 1n for Furniture line. all of whkh will be sold Al! CHEAP AS THE. CHEAPEST. AND DONT YOU FORGET iT. }In the UNDERTAKING 1 sive perswal attention sail the ►welt now of nearly 10 years experience. I think i lave the best Hearers in the County se Heron- I will leave the public to judge. I have everything tally kept in a first-class establishment, such as Caskets. Conies. Shroud,. Habits. °levee. Crapes, de. Embalming dose when required. sr! Guarasies to glee.sthlactbs is every care. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. o. AND BANK OF MONTREAL Gedeeieb. Sept. ebb. 118 1IS&r DUNN'S BAKING EER ATENTSCORD WOOD. MUM TIME btr[eem�U Persons wishing Food eerd wood at tNTgih Obtained noel Mat est rates can have the same promptly sag�e� (Mice Artrndld to at OD A by leaving their orders et LCR TE FEE!;. Our *face 4. opposite the C. S. Patent Of - ice. and we ear ebtallt Pateau la tem time than those remote from WA8HI'SOTON. Send JIODRL OR UR.1 WINO. We ed- GEO. OLD'S STORE. Our 'gest will call at the store daily tee vise as to patentability_free of charge ; acrd orlen. Also on band. • lot of cheap wood wee coke Ari • 11AROUA'LRS.S N EOR- ouch as abort slabs, edgings. err. All the TA IN PATENT. wood can be bought at the mill or delivered. W. refer. here. to the Postinaster,mbe Sot a. the buyer 'dtslres. Promptness gwarmp- of )(ons�T Order Div.. ani to anklets of tie teed. C. i . Patent Onloe. For otrcular. advice. 1enn. and refereaees to actual clients in your own State or County. wriest* IIYIER BABORLBBL e�w a e0.. Fall Reserve )lois. Opposite Patsmt Ones asbiagtes. D. ('. J one n..1. lett f5 5-1y R. W. MCKENZIE IMPORTER, wF RLQ Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SHELF :AND '.' HEAVY HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH.