The Huron Signal, 1887-7-8, Page 6A
Nor .t P•. a•Ireta//L
iw F. anise lsaaseed se.esb Olen Mb
fr, , ion /a, Lea LP. lime.
0w tetui... u Ines Mewed I 611.1 myself
` ers.fn,.t.•,t rah a h..1 felt of sswaapr cut
tiara. must of which ti.., is way or an -
loamy on w.y .dissect ..[.oc..s marine the us -
leeriness Lt.•rawre, 1 have not read an
thew cutt,..g., beams* toy sacro gth has failed
lee, but 1 Is ow m.stwwd enough .f them to
*how One that to many h.atan.vs they are sea
•remark:die f,.r •miahihty ,d tone. Seem. vo^
,wn,r shit the charges recently Wear again.*
!I• and .till mete notedly abandoned i,te
,true in sal..tane* and in int. Anse
;then:. t..-, 1 had eater "orange cams"
1 Inert that "Jw la oop..d I.wllly from
the w.Nk .4 an warene.I and I.wtg..tten
Within, .ill. I. aril I bud that th,;e te
atanJ.•n•, 1. 11.« w..: er none a digl.t nor -
take. 11.- meant that "She" was copied, .art
"Jeer'. I buil. 1.e. his many parer.), that
one _ of the scenes iu "Jews" aw
wrs from
• rsr...oio I.leal." in t,uoki tome ,wto
benne eel talks from Labial n t.•r. Fur-
ther. it o..ews that in the* wink ",le.:' I ant
tabs/del t., .t. Henan. Al... 1 fin•I it sou
1 test in "titre" 1 1*.• I*wruwed, two
inn •TI,« Epicurean," lest In,n, the legend
d 1•raahnaa. whale.«r that way he, which
la•, it, recently leen translated by Mr.
K.a..k,. •teeter he may Ito.
It .. •.,-..a.s.. these mud .iter. .hent.•* h...
'ren :....i ..res atilt I.etug a, nwiugrt•ntsly
Ispread "...t 1 ..vuun•, much all 1 •lahkr bel-
ling up y. w .mace«, to a.k you to prsut this
.Lt ter. "
lu the tint plane, as t.. ter verses in "Jowl
,Tbuae terms were sent mew years ago by a
friend win. is »ow .deal. awl whom .wigiwt
eomi..,thei 1 uakr.Io.n1 them to be, and 1
put, into the te.w,th "1.1e... 1 have way
o ••1d that 1 had u.. Ilea •.1 ■iy.nryaati -
LrCN leI.NAK TN Aa ittailfara.
1#s adawes•INrliabl il Saba ea Md
08111••• ow tlslaeis w ••ewsae Tuellog.
.•tilw as ds•... y. , ser Y. ps*t.ta are aware d tag eaten' d
prettier ki..J d d..,p ethw. kawew as (Mawr
dnnkl.,g. This article and is ter of
•lager, such a. 1 I..s up to the several per
prwoM V perpotattosia knows to the Ueda, or
the ateerlslde estimate urd.aariy .old oras tea
druggiies awrntw. Ha.lae moo inquired a
bluing (w it the victim beanrse se more a
etre to his appetite as lis* opium eeke or the
votary .4 °metas. In i1e effects it 1e mask
the rent saisom.w of all ecce prods•, far. in
the wens .f owe, it destroys the mutt,y el
the stu.n.rbi and douse ole rectos to a slow
and agonising dant..
The demotes who toll me abient the thiol[
..y• flat as ginger euaueos cwtaius'weary iM
per cent- .4 ate, b.oI and whisky leer than SO
per cost. the 'uricof is therefore twice as We
bei ic.111lR. In fact, it is the reason who it is
.ied by hardened old toter. whose .tontache
are ao longer crook& of iwtoxivaUu t •tat„Yte-
twNe fries. whisky. They nerd Use awe
l..wwiul of the pure ate .hut la the
gouge extract He sued Ina ler had two oar
hansom -use • w.r.s• who hal contracted -the
habit through empkaing ole R.urr w" al
rccaaiee..s for stomachic Irina rho reed it
ag•,ede l her was sn grateful that she took to
it mon any recurresc.• .f leer trouble.. She
found. Mal, that the slight eahihuauws of the
,1..9..4 'enol ed toenail de rre.iou. In this
way oder ger to twang it ,rgularly. and Ilwlly
to such exceed that .1,e wap often grossly or
lox ,etect
Large doses produce • quiet stupor. Ad-
ditional dusty induce • i.rutuuud lethargic
.bink.c whtoh will last a son* mases for
twenty-four lora His vibe( epitome" was •
pedlar who came at a °onion ,aur atery
wurnirta, bright sf ur+wnce bottle and drank
its ...mono by noon. •flat titian crate.' this
these :a my ,.sun- 1 du not n. 0, .«r s. .s.1 stud re &meetly tins. he too u..o:. to go
tbe, elorr the , nes •f I,n•"••nt•d Itself to Shout los Iwasntwn until be had rot the der-
mY 1 in tie light In w h ch it has teen put ehu.nwy .4 h,.ag wuarl. in urraG.wt and started
before the IuWde. lint 1 sincerely regret tut, q,alat.= of out Woad be 'eons of ole
bat bug pnh Isbell the line. as i slid, not bei am brry draught. He says that the habit is well
✓ uder the curcuwi•tu:..vwn, i 'Linc that 1 did kuvwn to the drag trade.
what was wrong, hut lex•.ta.e 1 did a thing
that was ..pen to mistnkrpeWauou. l:v.wy-
laxly Mho uuw. nor i., 1 thunk, :.wan that 1
AM Iutt.• iucaletleles of wimluuet to take cite
credit .4 11.. w,wk .4 others. Those who .lar
not know me time, if tl..y an uncharitable,
cone 0, a diffrreut ,-.noels-,..n. 1 regret that 1
. 0., .1.1 lute thoughtles.iy corn them this
opportunity, and 1001.• than all 1•r.t the
wrong that I hate wuoi,.c..uwly dole to the
real sallow of U* Ines in question. wheat*.
she ret he nay be.
- Al... 1 wish to take Nue ,•pp•+rtuuiht to make
mono. further •rk,uwlwl,gneota.. In my first
novel, "ibawu," I have put moue lines into the
mouth .4 Angela. Those lin... were written
♦•y my sister-in-law, Moa. John Hagganl, aad
published aa they appear by her war wish.
In • Slit" 1 reset ed the kind a...humu;s at
tLr. •e ,main. ret and learned aeholarr iu een-
w ectum with the ,Harr, ,tir.uo lot :u 1 do IWt
think that they would like one to pi tot their
trues 1 refrain from doing" .n.
In " King Solurw.n'a Nimes," mote foreign
g entleman, allose tome I forget. translated
the inscription unto I'ertugiw•.r. A trilling
consideration d five plotting, pared utas the
occasion, but perhap eta awilauts will say
stmt I should mare aekeowle.lgel hu 1.0..,s.
• Arid now i par tel to thhe chole. against
"She." This charge has lately Ins.n alas-
dur:ed. But how h.e it Teem alend.uc„1' In
A psregrap.h order the head of "1.i4_rory and
Art Notes, etc.," the Journal which hat
headed the hunt against tie prima toy d«tial,
and states that Much parallel peerage. lee
waist in the two books are an ,ratan..•, it ,.
mow .witted, 1w1 cif limitation, but .4 literary
coincidence." How many people. I ask, who
have been im,tressed with the pimp ale! cirtn.a•
atweoe of the leading ortieles, the sleu..tewsd,
1M..d.d paragraph, and all tie tenors sr -tinsel of
advertised attack. will 1o. likely to become ac-
gna.nted with this moot twdewt awl retiring
withd.awsl! So convinced am 1 flet they
will be few that 1 wish *Rain t.. state not seedy
iial I r ter read a line of ..deer "The kiw-
i tartan" or Ilse pawn, "Alciphrs.n," batt a1,.., to
give the teal rums inn. which "Klee" woe
"plagiarised." Sane tier ago u lady well as--
gtu•uted with .%frica wrote mo Dour mere .f
nut to kgesda. Oise .f then. nus as (olktwa:
'• In the Kne.••Iw (serol tierces. Cote
Col my, there air imrnruvres,' Which .'retch
,.n -ori nn under the and the end
.d whirh Isis eesrr leru 110.1 lel 1t IA helieted
by truth Itere and mitre. that in the last
care there i* a spring .1 water ul.ich, d ,Ne
*WI drinks .4 it, Rites ••trrnal yout 1..
Th. r. are eiellr...torir. tot.' .1 a.lsemulous
varies in *•parol, f this water deeming their way,
meting danger, both K:e •.tl}' autl bodily. and
f••:..g in their object at last. .k newly -
Mei reel
ewlystatrreel .ntple never retbrn..I fries
tlw r ...arch, *lei It was b„lw l.•,1 thnt harm
had happened to I1 .•,.., berme.. of
tote woman llm.t collimate! 1,, ..r.h•r 10 gain
her lu.losel. Kl,. had L•I:•.I 1.•n tines hu.
land eel hos lo..thei, .10.4.. 1.Y 11.5 n - •• law
SW WNW Lase had t., lit.,rrs', a- .hr 1,..,t :w.
c♦ ildnn, and she hail I . i,.k•h..l ter late t hie
mdnuoI h0sd..,'i4 w, that h• udlo...b u.•, mans
like • *Widow an.1 01 ..: ,•t.1)1:1114:11V n a* held
by her."
Here i Gaud th.• 4 Inn •.1 "ti...•. It a ,ll he
W. *1,1, w,lh.,•,t w..luug I.• I..r ant' pare••.,
la, .how to eortguealit • , 1 Walt (..r1v • sy that
I I.:ese• to soar extent dos. -loped the Idea,
These chsrges .f plagia. isut .sec . as) to make
nod difficult to di. w'.re. It is quite impost -
aisle fur anybody to write anything Heat dem
rot in acme way tteleh on entitle, which has
already leen _.victim by "Uwe. The human
mind is limited au'l unehaugrahlr: It never
thinks • now thought. The meet that it can
/tope to .lo i+ h' Iwemrnt 011 ••Id .ne in • tow
asp. t. 1 and, sir. yvtar °'salient resent,
H. Nn Plat 11.1.30 Alan I•
Mothers ' If y:.or daughters are in
ill health, or troubled with a paleness
that seem+ incurable, or if they suffer
general debility, nervousness, languor,
+ weakness, or loss of appetite, procure at
encu a bottle of Johoson's Tonic Bitters
and you will t.ot regret regret the out-
lay. The Tonic and generally strength-
ening effect of this medicine is truly,marvellous. 50 cta. and $1 per bottle,
at Omni a dru,1 More, Albion bleak,
I io Icrich, sole anent. [d;
Digby eleeti..n takes place July 1[th.
Tho gong earnings of the Canadian
Pacific Railway C Impany for Ma y were
Aesealsboos Iieteees-
It is the duty of every person who has
asci &•rhar', furor] i, Nvrrep to let its
wo:iderful qualities be known to their
friends in caring Consumption, severe
C•..trhs. Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia,
and in fact all throat and lung diseases.
No ponos can nee It without immediate
relief. Three doses will relieve any ease,
anti we c..n*ider it the duty of a11 Drug -
giro to recommend it to the poor,
dying eonsemptive, at least to try one
bottl., se 90,000 dozen bottles were sold
last year. sold no nee ease where it failed
was reported. Such a medicine as the
e:• resort Nyrnp cannot be too wider
kn••wn. Ask your drat gist absent it.
Samale heeded' to try, sold at 10 osnta-
S1egular size, 75 omits. Sold by all
druseitts and dealers, in the United
States and Canada. yeow
bee's apsveMM.
Ren no net in hayiwg4Atedieine, but
to., ;!tar greet Kidney and Liver meals-
& 4. Iggpg S by Dr. Chose, *Mbar of
Chowee _a Tt•y Aaser. user
Nataa WIterer•ft.
Proms tar Saturday H. roar.
Yrom such leo-sons you may hear that, d any
one taken the egg out .4 a rarer'+ nest, Trade
then. su as 10 render them snap., W* of ,near•
taboo, and replaces thetas, the 1,i -trent bird.
will Sy to a brook and fetch :hence a white
stoned the size and shape of the eggs Tins
stone, they arty, it place carefully among tie
.•rf;s and then oto ow eggs and stent together.
The et.Nee .enures vitality to the eggs, and,
after the in-iledited amid hat 'down, it is
lett behind ,n the nes It lea., how-
ever, suffered a great change. It is
.now semi -'rano _rent, and lar etery respects,
except to weight mat hardness, i. exactly like
so egg. 1f It be placard near *ay loomed
hind'.he-yelk begins to store 5iolrutly. and
ttu. wares tbs. (ortraate i-"ewwer of Ins dan-
ger. The lapwing 11 'omni luute given to
sorcery. It always dnpwits a •tune of the . of a pea 1n it. neat, What use it is too ole
host ,x its lamely aro one eeeut. to know, but
1f any nee finds ,t ntwi Omelet .t waiter the rh-
ino of a aleeptng permits he will suiewrr every
question that •1.w. ilea . ....l 11. ,,mats of
human ku owledge with perfect truth in
the tsnguaee in which it ie asked. The mar-
v,I. etr,n. 4$.I •d .napes.. are .unuwrr-
abi.. Them is one about a yap! •�u lrn,;tb and
an thick as tea •1p.pe1 part •.f ...tnmg wan '•
ann. which haunt* dry w•els{`I 1•i,w-t•+. It is
▪ vwrw.u•rsw4 envoi:1%11 r o, , t4at not only
will the lint twee, it tote. sen test month die
himself, het atyune sub•, stand., 1s•adr •les
°*ww to help hum will share. the sere (ata
if he falls berate a tree. that, 1.s', if it to
very large, at least we -ball ef ,t will
be kilted. Again, .d alt kinds are
very ford d milk. la 11,e ..1.1 days, before
the railway wit,. built, a overlunon, who treed
to drive no the road,eu dagga. and
Naples, once fell aan•p. ••.,r -,dr kale
while hs burn Mtge 1100 0111f. Iles.
waw upew and a Make crop. d,.. uu his
throat. Mine this 1:e felt unwell, th,uy;h
he .1,d red kru.w shy, and none ..( the
,kuetore could tell what wee the natter
with him. At lost he con.e•I•e.t the
wufe.rwur .1 ole• 1•gitrr arty ..f 's.m• .�
'They hues hum up by has fret .owl p.".-••1 a !,
great l.rwl et milk letw•atl, his I •1'..w
snake, attracted by Utr ouch, inept .wet t
drink, but still kept a great 1s,t .4 its i.slr
in the mouth and .4 the ..Aaeb,,•.,n. .'.
y.sugt d,.e,t.r etwatrg f..rwant. bull -.1 1 out .
eel threw it away, whets .t was kitlieL It was
about two soul a h.elf twit in leagtk, , After
this rte patient wile a■ o.11 as .ter. '
a a U. -se weah&.Iss•d•e.
"My hatband •w bwwafed with
dygepwa feu tuure them Ayer years`
Two eapwteuc.d pl.ysisNll did hies to.
good. We got disenumpsd, eattl we
road d f Burdock }Hood Bitter ; he took
only toe bottles end ..oe in • well as
ester, and donna heavy work all tea
Maw" Mrs Rieb.rd Rowe, Hawley,
Os:. B. H. D. has oared the warms
cases of chronic dyspepsia 3
les. the history el semitones tie peep
ration has received such movers_, eats
tee.datio n, tor the alleviation .1..ds
and the permanent outwit effects in kid -
trey dhows as Dr. Van Serena Mowry
Cars Its actino in thaw dilemma
by J. N'ilwn. 'tm tela,,
oosop into is simply wooderfuL
Hay fever is a typo.•.1 catarrh baring
peculiar symptntw. lea attended by an
&mod cot dltion of the haring t.em-
brans* of the uoetrils, tear-dsots end
threat, affecting the lungs. An acrid
mucous usecreted,.1.s
tauled with • burning seneition. There
are severe spawns of sues:lug, frequent
attacks of haulacbe, watery and iullam-
.d eyes. Ely's Create Halm is a r,'si.
dy that cats he depended upon. bOcta
at drugged.* ; by mail, registered. Wets.
Ely Brothers , Druggists. 1 sew°• New
York. _ ly
-•s... r,.erb: Rae b. Sliardaed.
If dee d•. not biped the wanness lot w-
sere end u ono* pa attentive to the
umenteiwmoe of your h. Bow Asa
w* sae • persue put off from day t• dy
tea Perehaa* art M etedteiae whoa R pro,
mored at the rutMart lJ a dieeasn weseld
here remedied at almost ial..diately
%ow if Johannes" Tunic Liver Pills bad
bean takes w►.n ;he Met eesamwew
wade no ypemone:0 the illness would
have tette •uipp*d 1.1 the buil.' Jobe -
sun's Tune Bougie and Lever Pili ale the hest medicine on the mar-
ket for gained sortie amid iuviintalIrlg
properties. Pella iso, per bead.. Bitters
hill soots stub $1 per bottle. sold by
Geode the t iN, Albite* Week, sole
ageet. rod
MeoWte ant air tisk �M IMti� Wiser
Needs &a. ko Wen. et rile eines air vee
gstatialk pat=
/agaule Sall ews Wort verttw
Gs[ sad eM seanplrraol-get prism
Teacher -"What do you •g4Msteed
by an unclean 'punt 1" Jessers Com-
tswitator--"A dstey dell "
Ham,,ee Toutbisbs i Vs. Plaid Light
Have you Rheumatism 1 l'w Fluid
Have you a Stiff Joint 1 Use F. vie Lilglit-
Have you Neuralgia 1 Use Fittid light
Tbs madereigned � mass r,. y to Wens t esti'_ es er Ooderick and ear-
"' ..enwlry. Haat hat urg boughs NEAP' !Olt Chem' tee . markets of Canada
lead the Vatted Slats,. very eupenw wdck of
FRESI3 Gi- 0c 13a.mS
Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's Ile ate n1 cam;
prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and lacks, ass and
which are to be found some of the very choicest imported', for
desire to call special attention to the same. Also at Sups. •�-
Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated' and t1*.
er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-
anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,
Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits,.
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca
Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms,
and other useful arti.1.. esumlly krp' ,u a Ant.iLa* cit) ratablniLmrut.
Ai 1i•rad T1•% ad •1 a aeoelw torted **Lig IVES.
Sacra on the Square, Betwer:l B. Downings and C. Crabb's.
- - Rense tate. Meg. Gdderlch, April 21st. is :.
Io Great IRitain the question of Horne Hate you Lumhego 1 use Fluid Light
Rule is commanding ..tteuteon. Tu the Ara you tr.:ubl.d with Headache !' l .e
luau with a cold In the head or cheat the Florid Lighntimg
ci way to ensures Hcaa Rale over • Have you any Pru. 1 Use Fait! Light-
cold u to have en hand a bottle of Ur. mint;•. D
Harvey's Red Pin. Gum, For sale attheinstant it
J. \'•i:son's Prescription drug store. tf }'r,, cure you a 1 IaApyil use
1 Try it. `:5e per 'wi'f'e ac di ilbyttai
Neat nperelate.
Run re risk in buying medicine, hu•
•ry the setts' Kidney end Liter regula-
tor, mac,* or Dr Chase, author a C here's
receipts. Tres Vbaas s LIVEN Cure for
all theca/tee of the Liver, Kidneys,
Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James
Wgeu , druggist.
A ?roUs.Wr (Life.
1.- PP. MO have accowplisheol the same
amount of work and good its this world
as the celebratai Dr Chase. Uta,
500,000 ..t his works have heel' sold in
Canada alou.. We want every person
troubled with Liver Complaint, I)ys-
pepeia, Headache, Kidney or .tiny
Troubles, to bur a bottle cf Dr Chases
Liver Cure, is will cure yuu, Medictue
•ud Receipts Bock $1. Sold by all
dm store. k)
A Ideaderhl arum. tie 2 -
The largest organ, and one that plays s
a contrcllutg pant on the health .•I the
body is the liver. If torpid ..r itlaetlt•e
the whu•a optima brumes diseased.
Dr, Chases Liver Cure Is nude epochally
for Liver and Kidney diseases, slid is
guaranteed to cure. Recipe book and
medicine $1. Suld by all druggists
Row • Dude Caught Colds
A slim young man in the height of
fashunt was violently sneezing in • street
car, when a companion remarked, •• kw,
Chawles, deah buy, how d'ye catzh that
dweadful cold." ••Aw, deah fetish, left
my can. lt1 the luwcr hall tether day,
and in sucking the ivory handle, as'
dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's Red Pine Gum his cold would out
tn..ble hie. :my much. For sale at J
.%ils..u's prescription drug store. if
• siyp•y Priory.
Than i.sgyp.ey aw•p. iw•:r Ilartf.•rd• f`•.na
whew ruler Is k,ws.a as '•Prisee
Two h.,Nd_wne ea-za.s w,nth steels mop
apisa eate just been .anplche,! in Fair Haien
yes )a Huyel Itrpuat,v Hvgi,:w•... 'Ile
wages* are held• .1.'•..C. si.l Wal ter 1._1.11
Arwewved wills goal tw•.uie. 111.r•ip.,w.wk
M 1.e$rltV' 1'l.te.1 w Kb .il.. r. The "1'ru.,. ' is
we!1 hike to 1.5,1 the 1•,.1 fees tar. gorgeous.
Nlrrral rises.
Nothing but pure extracts from pleats
and roots are used in pre paring Mc-
Oregor's Lung Compound, the modern
and now popular remedy for Colds,
Cough+, Bros-chitts, Croup, Asthma, and
all affections of the throat, lungs and
chest. All mineral poisons and danger=
arms substances are avoided which ren-
ders it safe for children or &dulta. Bold
at 50c at $1 per bottle at (i Rhymes'
drug store. (2)
Mr Jobs Astley Captains ■ Pickpocket.
Prow ''Mealy Floor.
An amusing Pinwale took Ow., ..1 d•:p.wen ,N.
Tuesday. A. Sir John ,tstlev was going into
tt�a�Mick, he was w,rnwmdr.I by a gang of
one .4 oboe,, .naleln.l at h,• watch
acid ran away with et. With an Agility .4
winch one would hardly hay.. .upeete.l hitt
Mir John wave cheap and, having capered Itis
cies and kite/eked huu down c••u,I.ell..d bits
by the application .d gentle pre..nre t, the
. M,mach l., ..shoe the .i -.len ir..p.•rty,
Nett. •. there were of ,,.,r.r no pd,ee
about, Sir John .dniene•teted a Lisle• tap to
�hw redoes'. right rye. Iwo leen toy feeling d
dl et11, hot merely to rake sue. tai knowing
him agar. wine nyu..etr; awl a p.d,r.•man
wsesteally vaunts -nom seq., Ile• raft, so. given
veto emerriv, and w:,• w•ee•rod sunt •byayy M
three math.' laird labor. M .•1d.... Nltae-
tag had hie .lew,ach eq.wSs.l• OA kis eye
The will of the late M 11. aselt,
dJ Montreal, lee ..1 a hetes. et
$'50.000. •
Cleanses t b
*lead. Alia
I n/amfosb11e1en
Sols die
Rs01or 1 t b e
Barn i$
Ilia GH n 17 DOP
The twat roes/MAIM for the st rotach
and bowels, the best cure fur blliousoes•,
sick headache, indigestion, and ail affec-
tions arising from a disordered liver, are
without exception Jobe/ion a Tuuie Liter
Pills. Sinai' in size, sugar coated. mild.
vet effective. .5 cos, per bottle ode by
Geed., druggist. Albion hlul:k, (}.de
rich, sole agent.
tir b"t[HASE'!
CAT[D r�
T. the Nrd.e.l Protesta..a, arae au wrens
It weay renew.
Ph•vphatine, ur Serve Ipocw, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientifht
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Baton, Mass,, cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, sick Headache, Fer-
rous Attasits, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting. diseases of the' human
system. Phusphatine is nut a Medecine,
but a Nutrtnsent, because it contains no
Vegetable er Mineral Poisons, Opiates
N ircotics, aad no Stimulants. but *imp;
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufciont to convince. A11 Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per battle. Jet west &
Co., sole ¥ta for the Dominion,
55 Profit *reset Kest Toronto,
cunt» All.[s mgt::ore.
from a common Shalee, or Eremites,
vim want Salto Means.
Fever . teres." mealy or sowpg%
N ato, In short. all d'armelis owuad by bed
Mond nd are c..nquer..1 to thea powerful, purt-
1r1ootgg, and lnsignratlnytg tor dlene. direst
tmiing /"leers raped). heal under to be.
neat mittens. Fige•tinlly lee it nsndeeted
Ito I eoc curing rku1gr Tettow, Rene Rash,
Reil , CarNIse lee, Sere Lye., aerof-
lors neige. mad Owe111ng., alp.
Ioint Duress• White Mwrrlllug
oltre. or Tlle'k Neck and Lrlareed
lands. semi ten eta In stamp* tor •
laege irn01 , w1*5 ookxtd .,t.•m stn '•tela
Diet•aawa os tee .cantpi1001 utad.e
on s.--igkurnatmo
uLorena' It by 'stair . r1ereon•*
Golden Medical SIar y,and Reed
digestion,* fair shin, buyawt ■p
ad ar-
tts,awhat *Nang* b•,.wa
, will biaminl
which te'scrofula of the Lunge, is
.=b•mated and cured by Ilia rennet, . tf Sart 144.--
last stages of the disc*. aro tenehei
seatrale ewer h
ail whim era olferinrthimis+
ACV ot k Ito the pulse%els Can-
e nsioptlera
roe' but abandoned that
name es hon nam'e'd fore medicine whh h.
from Its wonderful mmMnation of treble, or
Mn•ngthentag• aIt.rstive• or blen.1-eleoloing,
anh•li:i•erra pe•rerrrwl, and sutra's e proper.
'sea. is unequaled, u.N emly e• a r for
c.eneumption, but for ell Cbrewle 1a1w
eases of the
fyrerCo+aplaiat, Dyne 1 iBilioatner
�ta.de_e, Hsaiacae. iAsswa
.• u
P. . the h..1.
_e.aveees, a any themes ari in. hog a damage
,tams, Da, CNa.a s Ursa Cuss w.-1 be ford a see
tarartai. remedy.
rho sola Bled faeces. of Dr. Chas's Liver fere i
Liver teeepiaiet rests wlely eith the Got that it i
convoanded froawature's r.11-k.own liver regulate,.
NIA.u.An[ Aso 1).'..neon, co -whined rich mss„
Neer invaluable rants, larks Ana bells. doing -
...verstreut,' m the Kidneys, Sion' tab, Bowels sea
.,:node soo,noo 504.5
ion .orad/ .esiiiee eJ nes. C Iaatr Recite lash
.err arid in Canada ..rev Ilse 0.40 n..!7 maw
Mean• wed eked ?cis 1, an.A•id Moist Lon Cada
Magas 4 17 ala es.atlast r mase,).
SessenNIus New. Oleg Asay fat
Wooed ....and every bottle of Dr.•% Liver Caw
• Household Medical Guide and Bee*P
▪ .-: tis page.k containing over son maul mire,
n.-,. 'nerd by aadc*l saes and ern s as invalr.
ate, .sea wank tem beetle price of Cie s acardia
TrI Ce.s4's Canna Cpl[. * .ate aid Math"
•r.. .. 14:... •s cs.•a..
-:'•::Y..1 -_'s groat. *e3 lent Pus. ai°- per toe
- •s. ION & CO.. 0.1e keewte. ersdts.A
Take, p'easarr in amounting that he has sow on hard a full supply of
SPRING eiSii "sviixEa ween.
Excellent .•Its, Tina Ulan Week. Leave orders earl). nwntr to the spring mob of pal
'easier.. eatisfa,th*w soured.
si<,orember the''lane-lads street. sex door te,Baak of Mestreel.1111
Goderich. Meeh 3114.
Liver, Blood, and Lungs.
if you few 41111;Smite,, debilitated. have
d ellnw n.hw of .kin. or yefkowWs-l.n,wn
ea fare or lreIy. teepee* hevrl..he esu MMwee-
n*m bet task in mouth. Internal hest or
Wternettng with Mor hehw, ktw •ppb
pioneer fnr•bredinga. trr•rylgr appetite.
raid t you are wt rte from
��y apologia, sod Torpid
.I..erfr rpaatcslull••...essa.p"ms In mem
Res. Aa anpwt.4y Ter aq rap
• ( ww•A
rleree'. Qol sew IRNleal M"
ery N un.urpSm'4.
ppar 'Tort�a, molarity N
111.•4, Ili rtwaena •t srenrh feat
hsi lSt .Batts, . it hie een reflotratConseil. Masi
hates ler ihptr pt.N, er 'R
Los for •
ItuN ten Kitts In stamps Tow Dr. P8.,..'.
bank Motennespens. Aftdri
Merles Riipewawry laedles1 Awe•
osmics, SU leis Sheet, IIv»Att4X. T.
A guth BON( A positive Caw%
gel e: 1►e Liver, Kid_ ♦ Isle �I•/ late emelt nostril tied (g
Si eases at f r -o ens : ser
�jpgags� Bowels. >,rlli !s ail , tees. Circulars free.
Illews. Otte, Nel t.
14 055054 by *10'
.4 Dr. *tar's
ttoe a heyismof essse
OWL U111
As then are many Interior
�g•, Is, Donlon with late.
ecus . 11s..omasl and old
asiby ma un-
porrf1.dwyl.Atast seer lhai Ra trad-
our trseiee t?Nwusw,
we warn the ladle* Solna&
such imposition by draw-
ing their enemies to the
orras.tty of teeing that the
L stamped on Inner althea( all Corallne goo
IFIlbat which ansa are mealy
Dtsleolu ante* doafNd motions d theDowels, Mellow"mad LLTer• emery
based gradually without weakening obs
Arial. an the imyurfties and tool
humors of the _eeteatsaa tat the same
time Corned.. 01 the
Vetturn.con.the gain.
iar. D1s ,dist.,
illi Heaaarrtt,, Nsrmumialsae, sad Qother similar Complalattekrt=
tet5I DebMtt,T ; all them aid a>
mum a M. leech, .a. T w%
To the Citizens of Boderish
Partial wi.hiug to process.- PI.u•.., 1 tri ane, ..r .uy other Musical Instrument,
will •h.• well to wee
PROP_ CTL A 1: ,gJ
bt doing so, as he keeps 1,1 thing hut the very best makes.
T=i -La. zpAasit Crgars8 I
A present. the value .1 tram $12 to $30, wt:l be made to those purcbaaiug
either orf the _bora
Viola'. and Mouth Organs, Violin Strings, Masao Boob, Sheet Mem sod all
Musical Instruments.
w -The Cheapest House sen the Province.
Lessons 011 Plpe ur¢.u, Cabinet Orion. and Pian_ Fur
th3 Music Warehouse, West street, Guderieh.
taros, etc., ap:'•• st
my shop in the latest
style. psi is Three
vee aarbe►Cba1.w
woof ;beta the oek-
arated Rochester
flitting C ha ire. and
sired a bieraeya*an
harbor. we are In a
peons to do setter
Werk thea hereto-
Lady's a C►hldrrn'.
Halrenttiag made a
•pec tally on all days
except fiat
Ilaaors sad ',ossa..
WM_ �iNIC -I T
_ret t Kest Por et, two doors east of P.O.. Oedertch
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles !
The fronds that -have been perpetrated on the spectacle wes
public by most wpectaele dealirs and peddlers by giving assumed
fancy name, to ordinary glass. speaks for the ignorance of the public
generally, in the all..importnt.t ,subject of the preservation of sight.
there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses:tan tip
inanufacturea. viz : kibble and gla•Is-call gla.., by any other name,
it still remains glare. Pebble, oe the other hand, its from :nature's
awn manufactory. It iS s natural crystal found generally in free-
stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald. and near-
ly as harden the diamond. The Pebble is not more or lens than a
transparent stone, out by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest
amount of power il►pleiced itumedliately over the centre of the grain
found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness,
freshness and a pleasant Heeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses
cannot by any possibility impart, All spectacles and evegla-sees are
stamped B. Land can only be pnrcha*err,1�from
r +/ Cem 7
7th Ink.
Itltalr Druggist, (ioderich.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
: sur
ifs geed willNsad NM•
to 'Asses
w ggw w to ii tel N
In est lire
e wisInh to Iwfwrw ter geed ewrM of We
onelle.alty that we are eRo+ere+. to Nov ,rower
ly w+ are fvaes••e le ewer the low* • tale seam et lett esteem.%
we see yeses is ewmwr0A.
N. R. -W. a .Mlle a wwet.lty w sur«
hg sad idalsaiisishig.
3.5eliak dos. V. tUt.
Hamilton Street, Ooderich
teawt N Maid-rends,1)satwg Radom sad 1�[te� _Iltrwltafe,peh as Tr
tea wratait Yat -star lean reed s, wsaartysgs
Y�OINN g�Isatillnseat of Colina awl Rimed, dumas ea hood aim Nemo* Ur We
r g e$r�l�-A lel Oettetted