The Huron Signal, 1887-7-8, Page 5,....11111114.1111111101 TUUK EIURON SIGWAI.,'FRIDAY, JULY A, 5 Daum,. ( . FEW • Mia Ruby Mamie', of ReutaslleId, and Joseph Oese. of Hensel', were viutua Isere, the guests of Mr. Allen. A see hero i. being built by Jobs McAllister, Lerman of the architect's matt ou the Muak,,k1 Farm thus eine Tbt. is Jack's tint building. Pattaol.ai. -Sterling McPhail, of Por- ters tl&II, recently returned from the Northwest, and *save our burg a vnue leas week. He was shoots the Indian estop and the wiudmtll by our eu,tuueer,- *ad we also think he Tett a soft comer 4 his heart behind him. Th. mill whistle blew with • will ,w the last Thundsy afternoon of June, which was joined by the hearty uppw• Don of the went' at the smithy, aud.3 squad of beuedtcts with Queen .lone wnakete rang out seseral votary* in sharp succession, hat served with the {rued salute to nearly frighten a pwiug Iridal pair uu their way to become one. She groom was vn. of our meat popular beaus, but, alas ' John has bowed his koala to married life. ilerattt. -Oatr tv ap,man, D Cumming, *tended the recent games io Gol.ricb the 1st, and in gooiest took a part, meetang two of his old antagonists, Law- son, of Lacknow, and R McLean, of Goderich, the former .tuuing the first prom with others 1, ;omits and 17. The judges then declared the game closed. Cumn.:nr a,1 t!at the cvt.test should bene hero moue owl bet wawa him and Mc Leas fur the second prise till either got up the remainder of the points. Now, without further remarked, we are au- thor -teal t . cha.ienie 1L,bt McLean, of (k,derich, for the championship of He- rm, in quoiting in the town of Guderach on the 30th of July, 1tt47, u p.m.• to mart D Cumming, who appoints John Beaty n. his referee to twnfer with It Mc Le•n,to make His arrangement*. He win play fur • stake as high as as 32,503, or for honor to see who is the beet player. W. expect R SicL.an s auswrr unit week. Colbora•. Abnut throe weals a3o a valuable yearling b'ood colt bei..nvteg to Joseph MJma, .,1 G.rbraid, was so belly gored that the lutestines could lissom between thesrib.. Mr Morns .as anxious that the colt wou:,l not he I..t, and secured the services of J tikenhead, V. ti.. of (3.Iderich for the wounded animal. The i1odeneh, V. S. visited Gerhrai,i to company with deputy re?w Jfclnt-s5, ••f Tutrkeneuth. who is also a veterin- ary surgeon. t' on .xamioang the ani- mal they expressed fears of staccato but went to week and sew, up the gaping side. Sines that time Mr Aikenheari has attended to the ease, •na with such nonoses that the wound is healed up and the eat is as good as ever. Mr Moms desires to return thanks to the vets., for their skilful work. The council of Colborne met in the gownship ha.l .,n Saturday. July 3,i Tetve in the chair and members all predict. To. minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following ae• coasts were ordered to be paid :-Hart & Co., f ,r stationery, 21r; James Jones, `ravehtn, on division line, $20; Wel Young, breaking stones and doing road- work, 31; A Shultz. breaking stones and doing roadwork, 75c. Alex McLwed, re- pairing relent and toed at Charlie Mo- Hardy'e. $7,P 8 Potter, buitdieg oel- vert, $12; I) D&ie, inspecting `raveling, SS.50; T Buried, graveling on 12th con, $48 25; Mr Leo, iespsoting grandam, $4; T Bdunet, gametal, 318; Wm McPhee, erecting sags boards, $1; Wm `urethan, (sra.elusg. $21.28; Wm Cou- ains, graveling, $20; Robt Redeems, itaspeottng vowelise, $L.80; alert for opening road, 65c; J M.Lsrty, gravel- ing, $32,83. A'motion made by Nathan Johns, eaooaded by A Young, that the Perk native as part of salary the sum of 1040 -Carried. A committee of tb. Whams Agricultural society asked the tl•ttsil fur a grant of $50 to aid the said •neiety. A Young moved. seconded by Nathan Johns. that $40 be granted to- wed the efotwid bociety - Carried. After bearing the tenders reed for the 13enmiller bridge, James Gledhill mor- ed, .ssamded by Jae Taylor, that A Board's feeder of $93 for scud bridge be seeepted-O.rried. A Young moved, s.eoed. by Jas Gledhill, that iae- WhieF s tender for sawed cedar for Bee miller bridge be accepted, prn.idine he two fernish it by the 25th net -Om- tried. 1Er Rowden asked the comma to remove a tree in the Colborne ceme- tery that was dam•rtiog a head steer buoy to him. Ale& Young moved, seeoeded by N Johr.., that Mr Rowd e he empowered to remove the atnnasid tree. Jae Taylor moved in amendment, seconded by Jae Gledhill, that the reeves Le appointed a committee to further in- vestigate the fasts of aforesaid tree. The • l& reeve voted in farm of the motion which wee ferried. A Sends was appointed an inspector over they stone work of the Benmiller bridge, The clerk was In- structed to write Mr Iloegel, the coo - treater of Seemlier bridge, that he was requested to notify the reeve when he would annmenee said bridge. The counsel then adjourned to meet again on the 17th of A'*ust. J. H. RI.cwaatx, clerk. $ICUMMINS, IIM�i, NEAUNB. Is Owes CATAAAN, cm N NIM, MY FRET .trans Nadal pem s sad a..:+.: s Vigo ibloss las tlis *mid by ace. taws alibi b 011118110. se woe pr.•w+d ea v.•1l1 d psis.. OI.. mail- Adam, IIPLIP0611 A.D.. O'DsRvI$w. Oita. TO WEAVERS Oolorsd • White Carpet Warp at Mill Prima. 0. CR*BB, April 7tts, till. 111111•-tm .Morita. u PoIntersij I w If You Want a DINNER SETT, I 0 Look at N AIRN :S Stock If oar Wart a BEDROOM SETT, prices NAIRN hon them at all If You Want a TEA SETT, NAlRN hugs a full wt ortenent If Tor Want Anrthi% IR CHINA, NAIItN has the finest di:play If Tou Want Anything in SUMS, Try N AIRN :S before perchas- ing els.:where. For Pure. I.uadulienteI FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. — HAS THE]t-- EVEI:1-THING W-AItRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLTC!TED G./erich. April _iib. Ity:. WALL PER SALJNDERS VARIETY STORE. AEE OCR PRICES Fenner tette. Ile to Ile. mow se. • re Ois tar, twin ler. ) '• " We to me. aim lie. - Three are est years' atyl•& but for Ho'waeepers, Laodlords or Tenants Tuft ARE JUST Tiff TNiIN. A Fresh Stock of American Papers Now on View. The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. We.t-at., reit door to the Poet Orae. Ooderich March 10. lull . HURON AND BRUCE IRAN AND INVESTMENT INPUT This Campswy is Loaning Massey en Farw Seestrity at Lowest Rat., of interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. 1 SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 awl 6 per ant /storm Allowed on Depoata, aceordsne to amount and tine left. OFFI('E.-Cor. of Market agnate and North Street. Goder.cb. HORACE HORTON. Mau matt' Yedeetak Asa. 5th 1I. lits 411 0,4 4i 144 4 itN ilo 5 a 1 W m W int 1 if g. 4,2 •sud I'COLBORNE O ook Here ! We are clearing out a lot of lit cent Prints at y cents, ant Dress Goods lens than colt. We are buying N1-, ►OL, anti paying T1)IWNTIa press in i_'.►+h, awl 21 cents higher in trade. Y •u will tin.: it to I your ti•ivantare• w •:,sal with us. A.verMar. se eeut et S masa. alMwW es em Relcbese..1 try {seeds el one Muir QODZP.ICH_ Clearing Cash Sale MILLINERY! FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, GAUZES, BONNET SHAPES, HAT SHAPES, &c., &c. This is a Gel, aim.. Ode, ,a 1 i.J•..J v.•..W ut f of 'kr ibis. moss ,i,1 sine,, as Mork 8 p i.r dolloped •f. MISS GRAHAM Jose fid, 11r. TM • next to Acheson C Cue'. Dry ( kid. Store, G.lerics FARMERS &OTHERS A FULL LINE Oh' PLOWS, REPAIRS & CASTINGS KEPT ON HAND. AT REASONABLE PHIChM, IN C. A.. Humber's New Warehouse, St. Dared-st., ear Victoria -K. Church. i hare bees appointed Agset for W. T, Dingle's Model Combined Drill and Seeder ; also Honey's Improved Fanning /till, Manufactured at Oshawa. Ont. 'There are 10.000 of them In use. and it is the moat popular machine In the market. Ataiyb Mill can be seen at R. PRICES FEED SPORE. and the linnet my warehouse. A. CALL SOLICIT=. train 11111000NT IRON BOUGHT THE :EST THE CHEAPEST. I WES, MS' AN] CIIILIIREfS WEAR New Fruits, New Nuts, New Teas, C_ Hv =R.. Uederiekask May. tell,. IIce BOOTS & SHOES The Largest Stook Greatest ;Variety," And at Value IN 1YIWN, AT E. DOWNING'$.� Oor. £sat Street and Square, Godedllby, ALL THE LRAILNO STYLES at NEW GODS EVERYBODY INVITED TO OOMI AND SIN TBR Finest Collection Our CHIN ever gonad net in Oed•rieb. C. A1NAIRN AT VIRY CLOSE PRICKS A LINE OF Ladies' Genuine hrenok gid Button Boots, at 12.00 PPLENMD vALt'K, Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at 11.00 and 11.25 Dire me a call. and we will *loco you our stock with pleasure whether reit buy or not.. E. DOWNING, Crabb. rack. CAW. Ease-aL sad Nears. N.B.-TO THH TRAMS Leather and Findings in any quantity, at Lowest Prices. °shiriok. Jose fnd.el�t- Amusements. GODRRICH MIRCHAIII(JIi' 1NYTT- TUTR Li$IIARY AND RRADiNO ROOM. mer. .f Mist street and Square II* r Open how Itell y.lw..nod ?rem 7toNRm. ABOUT.l000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY Loaders peI)at;tyr Weekly weal A/wat►wted Pars, Ma -.rano, ti'. , .n rile. MI 00RERAHiP recce T. ONLY M.M. traetfae ire. nes of l4braes and R.•dfag Ram. Apptae.ti.. Ins t..aabankip rnMived M uirarw. 1. rooms. a MAt.(7o7i(sssl aleO. OTTIOD121. s..S_..e vaso .tarT. ptiertei. MAWAh Iaab, ARD CIOrtlEIRIQB PLANING MILL RS1 ARLIE/1ED 15 Buehaaan,Lanan' Robinson ranryvaovumte• WONDERFUL VALUE IN DRESS MUSLINS! AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S =MEW' mlra a= WAUKENPHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOES. Our Stock of Mews. Wome•i and Children'• nose e. Complete. and comprise the Latest American and English Styles. WE TAIL NO SECOND PLACE FOE CI ATOM Woetkk, J. DOWNING & CO'Y. 1��NEW SPRING GOODS17 [greet the public with the aunouacement that 1 have opened out a Choice Assxtatent et NISW AND S rzGY s F Riss QOO9S Suitable for SPRING AND 6l'1111E11 Ware. Toe range of Textile Fabrics are so a tSMIIItTEum that even the most fastidious can be PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS 'Mock and Colored. Plan and Str.ped Flushes and Veltela. Buttons from a Sc. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. Sask, D ors & Blinds tw••tl 15? ALL IMM N Lumber, Lath, Shintles sod bailie" triose al of every dtiwel10212. ISMS 1111111111111 a IfiEsatn. Mr Order presa14TylastiesekM. e.i.tsb Ava. s. HN. My . Gloves d F' . e Hosiery Full r anima ot the ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL eASSORTED.�e An uuurually large stook of Canadian and Imported KNITTING YARNS -Heel MaJtee, KEY NOTE ---Goods sold oft their merits. ao misrepresentations made. cad strictly one price Ooderlok. April Tlh. LOIN. 1\27.71NTR0_ Mr- Draper sad H.kurasear. PerillIlleff&. Floc! Gild: Jos• Reoeay.d at the Madinat Rau ►y F. JOR;IAN. and will Ite add at Priam to twit the Hard Thea tall add see them before mak,na your Rtw'ebases. P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich. PARE PARISGREEN, flELLEB0RE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' z� aRvc+c+=sT_