The Huron Signal, 1887-7-8, Page 31
110I61•• amiss II1gig
I SIAM !MILLI ve,waY 5•/LL6ts
sxx,tx.f avaicaR•.
L.1, e1 Battle,. M male sad *ma Bleat 1 -- 1 1 H .. a by M
15mas of sae osel
ate•\e. east Shoo awes e a Mod. A0•e Mev wd Meme ofalsoS resole dm $4s Sird,
Me'ed�l Mai opal- ?NUNS tar bolo., He. u,:l.
walbae Suss �_.,, .. Maw rens/•ammo/• Prow eepoVie*. Ionia Ofmrr iA-e•MN. 1 Moe. tar Paamee itrlf. ''' I' Wfit\ the Armor .4 ►h.• drum t u.• , '.:•re end
T..ia sad 1'IV+ar. Your e>.Kr+•+t,:al•vt lea M:twata] afield the -
eelebrat•lsoak. lei ta--"rettl..••k. (.ray'- Hs 1)ulllrg•r,a Srwa Vella tidy, who aft.ue'} I..' .«tai'h s :.,-t..,,:...t,v•
bvm e• Twelfth-esaees, heard • rap at die seal ar oto lies w the /wan, n. • • .....,,. re
trent dour the other alterm4om and rsepomd.d whish they uwhthoa '11 . t... 1! .l.; .tt.n.led
M find • very dimingu..\ed-Inking geode- to .11Mu a 1 oat i...wd.w1.1 .ted ,. 11,. ,,,..teas
mom, utrea.Ny dmralti•d end ha.tdsa .a Wmn of ter. I.t 1 .. 'i .' y ane entirely .h. rued
"Ah' Mrs l)olhngrr, 1 belies.," be said. ef trammel t. -•t ..n holey ter seven or right
•'Yes, .erre" day. Won Flee morseled: Matta They are
"I eat," he mad the other day, "amid 1 rims Balton, 111., coned arid ma•i(nd W
have away.
eaten than 1 ams. • bey, a t'ar't. Dar Stoner and wile, and aarsted by
WI:11w Dune. •�
pleats t►f ewuwbtug. Fesera'w• ln"d, and .who
buys rattJ,am .•ake., and whoa earth
I am very wide ie my liheiee, •.Bene, 4. • do they went with *hes.!' you ..k. Why, for
rule any good food that tempts my ie.. a the (manufacture of t1.. new wore of "My amine .. ila,.vw tt 1 Irv. at Hers. •Bowed to dril,k only dame • day. and
b rMatmatimo A Arm in Philadelphia uses the s *salt W teat pteir u ,user ..sur. Web
Flet ►t : Flee{ time thus ora al•co
appetite, and (Yat is bs.t47 •noun n w tel in their remedy, and pave • goad prim fur taut'
.0.117 tempted: Fut myself 1 ala ad ' ever] rattlesnake delivered as their Wtuntarr. ••A••• ale.
el all food o1 whoa a ill ^lade •'Ab, fes, 1 ram seen, roll harps/Mud
7 7" I alt. 5:,,.er has contracted with the firm to ►•r. An. rey.w.url ua w tall ..d du • bite
dishes, but prefer food in its plainer 1 furnish dorm 2'10 of that species dorms she for its."
',..sant ea4sou at g'r.� sae4 tailor w wioa.are "(*. 7r; won't you mop an Mr. Harcourt, ,rami. wLalrt *1,.. ch.+t, the Mw•t arwl "eV
form.. Fir m«lits I est chiefly motto!,ims than four Inst ,u length. or w be Mae 'Thema you, 1 isle.. 1 will. Very fine f 1
and beef, and I use • geoid deal of than six yarn of age. The older the ••Wks ws,ather we're having," i renown in fiesta. The ea 1111.1 14 then in condi-
L "Y •len Take the awry chair.' nun to Pilau's fatigue. This trr:u�r.R v calledbelied, ten/ course, being u careful as 1
washed.' bey take long giantism. amid
greet •.-ntiua
ttm paid to the arr./wee
sorra el the hareem The Arab mays duo
after Of right day• the s•u ash d
Inter .tad act 0ryler rte a - •
• !bawlay the sun shoe out Might and warns, 'Thant. mei; pray don't flit yourself to any •'twlehoo. The hareem used in dos hwauai
eon tO got the beet. My own idea le; which brought out the seeks' in large ■uns• tr•*dle m 1411 .l,00unt." v+
Ily then , especially turI Is m.u-\ 1gliter than 'last to ordinary use,
Ion w (ask in the warm gans, sad, m art. "C.ralalr riot. Was men ember w•well?tall the saddle d the stir,: psi and the
Met w long M you have a'u.. 1, .weal Stu. et said, would be • r day to Woe • "lel. ell, ten w 1 ass I.►w-d w .a
food it doeea't make as m..:A difference' Kroll over "n$ farcy." I'roeur,.g • way, Niro lhlhr.rer, 1 have • little work Mn 1 uer1.u,rale ie di.le•ue•d with. Ti.. dwell. a1..
t,1Me1 •4 -. ■tick and d.rtuu.g a tear] pair ul which 1 w,uilu 1•k. w slow, a. 1 as• .un you metope:, n.an7 cha.tgel tb.'.la. sod
what klub it M Y Bww you eat it, law wa 'ria to ru awe r ttv ar« a,•usnl-
tr�t ur a,rrrr{,aunt«lit u,ne.l Swcer and warttW ten ,nte.•rwlail lar It .. celled 'IMmiel Ir• mg 7. 7
1 Innl:at err meal•
very particular to eat wooly,. 1 sat • Ituuu 17114;i11. hoot Runs it a comparatively I era the Iron's 1►rn, rd a Irl the Rev. Tiama• 'red too hwvy. The btatr
of role, without th,awtlrad, and the reins,
though very string, are 1.g14..
The time n eat las orshM lug ostrich huntine.
la when there ie the greater* heat. Ti... higher
the temperature the he* to the can. ah aoia w
defend .terlf. The Arab says that when a
mars stands ulr.gll1 and hia1haduw to ooh the
nig ,t a neap.• o 1, length .4 hu foot a the exact tune w hunt.
.t ihs day. It I haven't an hour has hshtniaaR manner. h• crack•241 hit a whip, Daniel w ten .tag.s. when he .urtad w go Each houseman is aetwst an 7 • ••,vont
musing .a Mrd w hart from its body and tato the damn, when he trot a little further in. called "summated." He eat mounted un a camel
steer al dinner taloa, 1 put utf diwntr • „x•d little hon he o1.Wr ken tiro lion. none• art carryon* f..ur meet iiia+ filled with water, and
,h 1 d B k( at u • h,fht ' new nun ul the maim b.nsanae•a, Wad teas Aad
taro In1M a •7 mea a as renal names •reales (Farm Leong bite
or hearty meal, acoording to how I fowl! the deadly but to i. k.Wrnis
! ( t T how w how may It H W ktY e
shout it •t the um., L'�/Ich n the
dnwdt wt 6.30.K 7 is the pflnetp•s1 uta. . , f wh le i Lu Lead in • written YLn« the Holy Scriptures. It treat. of
.l. ih'.Iter runny, end :1 ..•'n..e ,n terries parte
exquisitely Iroumd in cloth, leather, or sates
Rotes, g finely ,Iloot's:ash and .twuld to
r 'n bvndrvds
I solak., he y.ckal up • Mos rarer by rhe o(. r/wrs, tam v.•
was 1 u oo.led i■ tM sus- a.rtdet bx.ak, sad
,e every I.Ilrltry and I sou ak r
u cwt. .w+ b. ra,dnuur.g ►i,..
B,iU,:;e of 1114 Flay 1. always Ii,tht, and 1 wl th.t sing up r•erytsdl r r.4 ,ova .R and
1 light, ,n a half .*414.1x,, end ger• l all 1'rvtounoe ,t the wnert w"ntbrful hook
ted b
i14 Flat 14 " little rand � 1 wt. eM they were n,a reg their barley for t hone, till
i hod, though, ,row 1• winter f t ben m ,■ .unsmer. Tars. caber ah y P
meat and bread, 1 moat here plenty of d f f i th i the r lilt t, lar tit retmw•ru,g a,f the t uaew In camas of •c
h ( d then largest d w hoe h4- crw,r,nic.d then, that
,« u stn consent could et
t 1
ret :ren . t,
rhe • , wt. ch , mei
kind of an athlete without watn.� Amen.)' the a.q lay coded up, amu r {', • urrt , • tooth .ani d inset Lade. His teat rue gena,
1 large leea•k ren thick uoslow numerous cute, lit..'., ratio and 1.rautdul p k ! f
• n through the are I'r try* • w gat n, w e« o'•' em wheat'flour for the ruder,
,t , 1
' •mow w slasotre ■ .
pro -
(weber we caret to ' s,be tired
fIrthwhich t
evin c
•• l have i the lam wsurvey, igen a:mt •lata., a kettl
on Fla snake f•tm, here the au►k.. i cabala thus rotund w aaa,.it a there
flat aside froth I r d•c,dcwl a eat mortem wouldIw, and .vtfythung whichpuaibly b.
an than •esvrn d them mounds
oa t re arm, 1 mreaaarr, w ten ay ro.wenew r.. !
fes would riJ...t. The horseman wean a ,nen .Ht and
enet.•ties. No !nun can make any
and on t south ode
.: .we a r•. y trousers, and user• hu neck and ran eon a
.beet, Id t full benefit *4 i t t u an autocue, when tl lions r• -
h M j lid 1.• itwt7 t t and Doled got out emtwlla :•el with 1.g
vegeta Was. I take all ktnJs, a:ui tare. ntt Q. toren tectdrd with itanda4, send 1, , toy g it Ral-
and oiler smaller repulse, wt one Inee•I ewer k. noir armee at fit a I•art ten Ola tar , san. ailed 'ter Ila has u•.tl:rr gun nue
pretty much n( all fruit, to... ,. Ftait. .Latah ,•newest to ,•ego's• o,r plesemaw i enure wank. pert our .Hien .newer hers and ,
► whisk • 1 art, eleven arts mew puW1, hu null wears= bring a weld o: s'e or
y' the hunters meertain
once. contains prohably a dozen node of •Cgs aid 1 •'air. Harv.urt, sand Mrs i/lint er, rising when • lar;. number ,4 Duma.-. air w he
d Theall .•t with in the
are y,eod. A man can't •1A7 with .,tt Rorer .•d Dunn do not *11 off t ,. par r y." roomy* each
i I
1 L lea ratan] for Lreeding ready 1m n a oiunWr• pet. write under tamarind cluck, Sas .r 1111 tent Iw:g, with a
that kind of (lord. He hu n•, end.len
crop yearly, but
.• - bias lent at a en.L
vurpo+•s. ' Mr. Brown • name at the bottom art the 7
\1'h ".aid the former, "*41st mound tb.ra , siege Before start off
•• Yee, I'm Scotch,
oat novel ; but 1 don't
to sot too much of
breakfast about three
fond of milk taro
and I holi3ce to
think you ought
It. I have it at
times a week. 1
and am specially
each tint al least ten eggs. 1 have found nest • and rgwr•.'.*. her t.v-, ''yo, re a mean, f,.un y aro ,terser y u
that contmined as high m eighteen young rat- ' dstr►itful Maul agent! lie% out of my Louse!' plates where there t+a great Lel ..t grows. arod
d.ra, the largest not o414 ten ::cher ,n length. "1 know. hut Jwt en;rr-" rain has rwo•udy fallen. The hunters cum
Their egg• are shout the row of thus. of a par- '•G., on, ten 1 ei.+ll eer«am"' mance their j.:un.ey early to thriem..rn:ne.
trudge, but have a soft shell" The farm is • '-Jurteinly, verounly, .1 yrni .owlet: no Afar one or two days' traveling elite they
1 tract art virgin grains, and has vev rlt l' • an you 1+11 me the name d the have arrived near the slat, and begth
plow and Iran mays in summer rho not
it seen a encs. lin:
t thou gate the halt std eau.'
it Iris net door, our! *leer, eine.. of her fumdy 7 t
10 our traces o then
After len two intrlbgen.t save. ere amu:
am V rt�
careful :n -Irish it slowly. It's excelled. u ivy high, ren.l•rng K an excellent glace Ivo. Ah, you w.4. t� c!' ea tp ileomnloitre. They tarry a goat akin
food but e verybud to drink it fast f''le twptulrs to h de wh w. ‘5 5•555. tio■1 day, !atm Iti,ltuager 4 "a
A( to the hooter then two snake Road Jay gad w best u ode y,.l. � d
•1Iamok anuthv g•
u ,n. e
u i s ter retnneg - CI their nide and • huts leied _
,alk on unto the? v t tor ti
And it isn't good to take much l:o]'tid breeders e16.b,t«d • striae d rattles vera! sat•. '
11141 imbue g ��
the lett n Toted
h are .nerell . tt.1 paves. As
het tee.lttly wboti they
cy�tuzed t enm it • rww nue lies down to
any time: especially d morula I beak mer, i N ung( p awe 74111 •r Itarwae•a Silty de sethseisad• • b
little at my mesh I have a habit a the snakes puree twesky-ftyg f\it* tlali ' u net names w convey the un
, a Prowl tour It/watrared London \-rota. I formation to the camp. --T61 Liyds err found
• utW0. rutty rets{ B'u uniu, a scar w .0 ago
of &Beeps drinking • glad of weer who, and t'.- buiwtt I na-twe of a tear. •✓-
The will of the I:aroro.,. Bet d. f:.i, 1- I inx_,)es co_n_eit.oy stwn of se bony as Itty.
I hot get up; spring water if can gat* ),r-. Swc.t also had in a box of sawdust i Dodd. widow of the Lt4. harder .lint-,. ]duyrw 1 TiSl aM,Fit, Smiled be the .coat. travel
ander a ee knbritnve, .w.nt''4wvem ntla.rrteke d• iiothm,e,,i:j. L,:, d 19 Ilex• Lafitw., 1'... cautiously toward the triune. Th. nearer they
I dont exactly knew why I do it I inset tittti which, •h. earl, woaul'1 l engin W hatch m *j, A ale srw,t the• gmratrr t• then caupnt.,
when• ,halon 4o•n.t. 1 bun. was l''''' '' ,n 1tr,- and wMe they reach t4,.- last r:otgr wh,•_L hldr.
known that it a very good f••r m,. I a dew dal., atter we tc trent then ..4clul1lm be, oar. Atari 19, tg Baron, iluatar« Samuel them frons the aatr:vbes then dun.ou nt and
guess it a because I like it. There's no tiny
would �kri•t Dry atdity trot w feed tLr
Ie. lance. d• }t1. hr•h.kl and Itartr, Mooed Creel' forward to ascertain w Kh«r the b:r!.
accounting (u[ fast., jou 'roe. Wier `out tare wvera Jr ens .neer ,amt • u two .e call Nter-. each is then awe m.,+lentr
ari'utd the Loi1r, w :e\ Ufa u Iminnlw r i el del ecen,4ers, then valet' d the preanal Le:toy d water u given to the hotfoot and
"Tm i. m7 greatest stimulant. I ac thong sae hail crab moo un4* win and pnoor.eSt T!:•
- t. a .w ..
1 41 f ed with Ler II th.A.,‘4,..,d f bind, carrying considerable tea -black tea always ; 1
k S end ll to 1 t tuner J de P her.(W t d t! anis, and two I ate
k (ten . mail• to porarn. 1K , .14.4.680".
ya .o h..glaaul awJuu ng w "Pward art ,rota aYcsmrl, follow • Jttile dvtance bc-
.ion t drink march coffee, bat 1 .!o take , t..en rrm,,rrd frim tM routed their mnnttN : . ! ,u wet:, them corn an4 woof,
tan their anon. eaipt wt p:nc s. a e 1,, trout c' a h- era• . rom J d and i 1
F•nrig done whew tM a•akw were wider thou her fattener the -+yam! .d !''.t• the bark at such a d,+Lane• as nn
e r>u a o. , i�,e hnra.n,•n wale
a .r -art a core
newer use green -and 1 take, is with influence of cl.o.rofwL4. They hav« nu room arrund the .he,, at
g b*Rwnsew, *rnl 1'.r n, aid ala
a• .a&srsolnatdra an Fla. tu/tan:rr ,prints tier dam aww4 AI d"enure ,:,..tare
rotor and Wilk, and enterer take it toed.ti 1
t.»p the I ae. Erre from b!,134 and bees, sad Filnowld an•1 her g•rddr,uthu r Helton,
I dont believe in iced drinks. I don't
mean w hen 1 ml 1t Is any greatest
stimulant that I neva take anythiiist -
stronger, I very ei Idem dr, but some-
times just trfwe a race, for instance, if
g 1 need it, I take some brandy ; t1.. malt
liquor. That's bed, especially lager'
-Lager n very bed.
"Io trajuiug i WWI, I snake no
difference in my diet in training. 1
only try to keep men r*gutar hours,
e.pecially in sleeping. And I take no
physic. Payne is had always. In
tratutug it's fatal."
From allm.ltoba.
"I bare heed cured of ohrnric dear by the use of Dr Fowler's Extract
of Wild $tawberry. I used about twelve
bottles of it and am new entirely free
front the disease. William McLaren,
C:earwater, Manitoba.
It to nerd! -err 4. ear t!v n•iR•,iorsalai.lrt' I dee d•tagt.ter - .f het Into .w' Karon tialonwon
do not tn.ulle the Strom, 1•,•11.04b,.11. . I A. t ,th.e1,,M, I.r•fer..attal legatee.:n ,resect
SO 11w said real a«tate; and, a. an .n.drn.n,ty
]en. 6wmsta']'s F45115 to fir da..ghter, llareseves. Nethanvel du
$r.d'ach.M, gives her 110,000 franca
Trim IAr F•,.:f.•ne"e Amt., nes. TbK !armoury need other article. placed by
Ser Mr. levy 1nnetry . ryes ars lend, are her jot %hg t •.at •an .1r Ferrrrrr. Mr Metre to
they! '4'h.t a pity hr thew.• b g, heaut.ful bet stn Alpheil r, and gore 700.0110 franc. as
•les, as "Mvt•f..4 as a row'.," sr mime ono imdwnnuy %. meet' el Ino other .tin, ti.etave
said one., with more r• si truth and ftwosful- The Villa de Rart\ac\ibi rho Connie, with all
new of e1pre4+rn tl an .r appall rl.t e+n fleet I the fur•itnre. 11454,4.4, Iwarwre+aad 14btecte 1(
hearing the iohrar. And :t :s *trailer •tobody ! art ref every tlrectuptrdw,. ,d.e odea. 1111.5ns w her
loner the 1417'. r. •,n was unto roil nail a see Alpl los., as uan
hoindemnity ndemnity
MIontrral nran1gee s..4 leer, • fen. say. age, Tl41ieN.1(ras:o.rn1Hn4ewI.whaL. teo
and itatn.attl.
for }reach (4 e01ot:i t, aad.he to1.1 an recur* 'loam at Gann•+, 1,000,110D (new.
that by Peri are eery •Irhimee..n•1 th*t aha IShe tln•tiinet!rt0o,emframe. totor deugIter-
could not lacy at \l•ntreal h rs,w .he ts un in -awe 1Lwnn.ria Solomon de Rothschild ;
ler the care of a .!utrngiosb•sl Nie York sou- ZJ0.000 ftan.w 4. h. -r granddaughter,
Let. The fair I.w:y w:ao at the floral ',chow at .lane.. Edouard .1.• Itatha:hald ; 7,:At0,f00 1
the Itden Mur -v. a.t Thursday, add lot ever frar:ce 4 •.Jiial,'1'- the portion. of her grand- f
wrtsed b*auJ hntrbt anal l,m,p.d an alw•ya. chddrwr. teen : L.oLwa of her user t:uata. P• m
She wore the new r! :a•le In IM.ttul.r, and her the •sent of cheer brine her belt.. ser.. 1!,t1Uto.
oneteme had long.! .k.rtdnp•r:e.with 000 frau.;, wads w. Lucie, Aline non, .,Ltrette.
widw pleats lendemeiy bn:ded .14 the mos.. sed 1,500,017• Mints to Robert, and a l:n-
.hade rd gold. The. 1r. suet hail a braidedaio..aatj eat 30,000 francs 4+ Leel up ale, with large ,:Venn I... of two *hada, are dr Itou:o\'+u
ie while noalel.:ted.'
is ti.e front and •-lilt..;.oar, the front • num A. 4. t:e rem:omelet .,f the ,n.-fo,.rth .4 her
net-shepat rim hm,n.l wah re:s.•t, a elaah on ' rrp5rt4 .?..• •„u' Newer he law to desl.os. i4. 1
the left side and born, lento -.+-n. }:vv.. the abs g vex .mi r .84 :-atlas the rmvao her three
- - .uu.1151.1e matcee.1, hero* on. .l...! m1 •I1m1a qur� rote,•, A1plm,um•, i.�•,Mr. ail Film.wwl, and
to mau-I, the :1, t of the Ore.*. K:,. 100444•.) Ilex daughter, t, a ea..1 !Lorimer Nathaniel de
rhanuinyf[r ...:«-.r., stn! ,I11.1.5:h!.••1!v she was ! 1{uth+ct,•1.!. r'.e n,utatru hes triton .e4•rate
--- the h■ .iometer nt the hell H.r eye- Inrtruct oo, a. to I.Ifaa.e+ Atnl c: ar,tablo hx-
•.eia doesu41 4141•). to effort ler here ere New gt,rote,
�1 arap•t *57. 14 *b..14 R ani*. levy York. In th. peen the lady .4 .I.• soy Lr. al-
gae!, 1n Ltda. ways lw+nAIM toscore. ,ago. .withu.gWhen- Intim, T. •trwm rawer.
tier .die .saw it. In an article 1,:bl:,Lail ,Y one lit Cue French
in answer t•. • St. Louie Rrp&treren•w .:aiftc j.,•.r,i.1s •:e write, as.s that, fen nn
re:'.rter s question, • prominent dentist
la:d : "Children should he takes to a
dentist &* early as the tad year .•f age,
and closely watched by him until
the second tet of teeth are all
in place, which may be any time be-
tween the lf$th and the 40th year of age.
Often the wisdom teeth are not tempted
until the latter age is reached. Duey
of tate teeth is • disease of youth-, and
should be remedied during that period.
Children's decidooua-first tet -teeth
should be filled and kept intact until
their places are take% by the personae
set. The first tet are twenty in number.
The first permanent tooth erupted ars
the first molars or 6 -year molars. gene
rally taking their places joist bock of the
first set at 6 years of age, and aro too of-
ten neglected by the parents, who often
think they belong to the deciduous set.
These tooth are four in number, and dA
root of the wlastiation from the time of
their er•ptine until the second molars,
or lith -year molar., are erupted; aerie'
this time the decodwous teeth are lust
and their places are takes by the per-
manent ones. 1 may withal ...entrant
attention is the pries of pettifogs dentist-
ry. A small fillieg is time will .ae. tb
tooth sad all the pale that sroulid follow
**Elect. Most people do not visit the
dentist until they to compelled to do .o
by the admonition of • pothole! tooth.
Thisis all wrong and ere • perallsl with
the patient's •clinee who would not send
for • physician until death was plainly
vpprr aching."
It,w'ns why you should , 'trch.tse
Fluid i.:ghtniag in preference to all
other remedies aro : Rapid result -
cures instantly. It is easily applie•I-no
trouble --no lint time. It does n..t ri-
g.are oon.t.nt use -one application is
effectual. One bottle will remove more
pain than any other remedy in existen's.
Try it for Neuralgia, Toothache, Head-
ache, Rheumatism. Sold at 2bc.. bottle
by (1. Rhynes, Druggist. 13)
a comtwl r.s. made !!r Mtn of the reauit• of
animal and steam '.lamer, a. employed In
Prance et :elm, the Ont tamed is really the
• cheaper motor: Ant :e; is the a.nvenialn of
chemical is. mechanical' •wens•,. nine(
evert. wee foundnl to Ire to le 'tine 11.aa u� rah enjoy the pvet.u,t, het tb p.-'. w!:11
against .752.7•5.:0t in the animal. lir leas also k^oat how h. arrange foie it 4. 1t-.1. The
1 tumid tMt Flee stern boric' '" eu4trsr7 tam usual plan m, for Il:. teres Ado. en harra,n
the t generally name ', - 11
tmri:J:y exceeded lay that d tine h.w,ra Thu1
After , I
re.•d tee n
ache, Ltn
�� liMwsn,... Arriis
the above 70.5' w ended the.
.. p.tvw suffering from Wore
N.ta1•eelRia, Toothache, tia•md-
utrsga�, of arty w..rrw gin, if
MI ,.lily purchase a ►.,til. of Fluid ;
1.111 Lan, M It cores instant:v. Pain
otbn.d',ay where tt .. wed. The name
is rind Lathtmio4, S.•1.1 b, 11 ithyua.'.
The Appetite
Way be increased, the Digestive organs
strengthened, and the itowels regulated,
by laking Ayer's fills. These Pills are
purely aegetable M their composition.
They contain wither calomel nor any tabor
dangerous drug, mid may be taken with
perfect safety b7 periost of all agta.
1 we. * great sufferer from Dyspepsia
and 4 04.tlllalion. 1 had cur appetite,
became greatly drbllilate.l, and was rw1-
.tautly witted with Headache and U.tsi-
sees. I consulted our family dueler. w bo
prescribed for no, at various time., with-
out affording mune Num temporary relief.
1 madly runtnienced swan* A'et'. Yilla.
In • short time my digestion sad sieptttte
ply bowels were regulated. and. by the
time 1 lint*I.rd two boxes of thr'r. gibe m
trnde.t•y to headaches had disappeared.
and I bn•.un• strong ail well. - Darius
3d. Logan, Wilmington. 11.1.
1 was troubled, for over a !C5'' - with
'rtwru: l
1c• end U
Lose 10 Appetite.
1 eomra►at'tdi takiYg Ayer's Pill., arum, he -
fore Ilniehing half a box of medicine.
nay appetite and strength writ resumed.
- C. U. Clark. Danbury. Cour.
Ayer. T.:L ere the Dost tr.od..clne
known to oar for regulating the bowel*.
end for .11 (Inverses raimed b. a divo,urred
Stomach awl lover. 1 •uffrred for over
three years with 1leadacbr, indigestion
and Countlp&tIt. . I had n"i a .1*1,te, Indigestion,
war wank anti nervous most of 1t.c t:1ne.
three boxes of for,'. Pills. anal, at the
same time dieting n oeelf. I 55 se tom-
A:etr:y cured. My diye.tive organs are
now to good order. and 1 ion in perfect
beaab.-Phlity Limtw tot!, Topek a, H ant.
As-er's P4 4. bare benefited me wonder-
fully. Fur mouths 1'marred Irc� h it
gsstiea and Aeadache. was yr{t•eM at
night, and had a had taste in my mouth
every morni.g. After taking ono box of
Ayer's PTAs. 611 theta trouble.* demi-
peered. my foal digested well. and my
sleep was refreshing. - Henry 1.]. Hem-
menway, Rockport, stain.
1 was cured of the Piles by the use of
Ayers 1',41.. They not only reiiev.d tae
of that painful dia+rdrr. but 'tor nit Io-
erres.d rigor, and moored my hea;th.-
Jutae Lazarus, St. John, N. 11.
to be not.cev! by them. Th. servants halt
whom the horsemen separate. and as ...soon as
they see their mast... in pontt;oe, they walk
below their last. Tit riches Cee, but are
net by the hunters, wbd.Lt lint only drive
Pine back into the circM. T1»y are made to
run around Flt ling, and in Li.. way their
strength is exhausted. At the tint sign of
fatigue in the birds the Morse, dash in, and
the thick separates. The aflr'Rht.d birdsolw;l
their wings, which u a ager orf great exhaus-
tion, aid the !rioter, now fer::ng e•:ry r4 hie
M�ij g¢{• his bird and nuns it down, and
ae* it with a t.:ow on the I..xd with the
olid • stick.
The moment the bird falls the mat, ei:uickl7
di,monnts and encs it. that, care to
hood the heal at -one dietante from the body.
.o• w not to .o,1 the par;lustre. It is said the
male bird utters load a• are ah !r dying. brit
the irinale dill, in silence. When the ostrich
w on the point of living taken by the b,:eter,
d he doee not wish W kill !t he son easily
dear It with the stack to 44 444-41' t1. •.14.11 u,
a in in such an e4haueted eiral:t...iv. After
the binds are 'bled to dea'1, t' -.-y are care-
fully skinned, ov, that the feat hero may not
become injured, and til• skin ie .retch.,1
upon a tree or a hnrwe, and m:t •. aell n,binxl
into it. Thea • fire is belt and the tat
of the bind ,s two.led lar a :or; too. When
it is very liquid it I. len red into rattles
made of the ie of the thigh a -e1 leg and
str.u.gly,.ed at the. Ixoti,.;... Ti.ifat c(
cr. bel a generally a.tti._.nt to r!I two./
throe cane, and it ie .amid the iet w...1.1 *pod
in any ..1114-4 ...el. After the trying nut fir.
OM the flesh :. . roared and •m.1ee. *"7 th.
hunter. wIM J...e it wet! wftlr 41r atom end
floor. 'tCln 1 :he it gama� an the hones
are carefully WMl••1, levered mid fed with
cernt and the parlr.rilllfle dirt : ! ;')-
eight, hours to ret tt�r renit'n •. ... •'..,t
they ,Fuer* M :1 - .an.,.r welt ',o - me.
T.. the Aral the cl:-+r the .4* h... a
don14. attraction -thee . a--1B:g Biel rd
profit Tee pu". u: (aimed r H.• .i:1n erten
Conilrn•-.t.-. 1.., the lisp um, 1.1y do
Jsaak's R/sidsw•w.
An old lady, her son Jamie, and • ser-
vant lassie, lived in a small cottage on
the banks of the Dae about fifty Tears
ago. Jamie was a dome, ready -witted
lad, end mold keep M secret as close se
any Sentohoots. His soother suspected
that he had some ability ie the way d
keeping secrets, and. what war mon dts-
tmteful to her, respected that the nue
secret wee an attachment between him
and the servant. Jamie was often out
late at alight, end it was the servant who
admitted him, tbe�old lady herself (.-
tiring early to reset. One night how -
Peer, shit/determined to swot his coming.
in order to verify or dispel her suspicion,
and •ecordiwgly sent the servant to food
At last well-klwwp b.oek Dame to the
door, mid the mother going into the
dark pawns and opestes the door found
herself it. the strong ammo( her son ,who
kind her fondly. M awn as she re-
covered her breath, she mid esru.M tally
'(tk, Amite, ye'n kited the richt' Jamie
saw his mistake, but with eonmee%dable
readiaew spilt took her to his blame
and htlaesd'�er, saying, 'Well, slither,
is it ani oydtlty tae bs kind bar you f'
"Reader,'" in informing you of this
wonderful remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, &oeshitis, Cossumptius, end
all *F..tioss .f the threat sod loots, we
feel Met we as1► dein* you a great haul-
ages, as if yell 'vee say .1 the above
euwpleietot lit oar will nsly try it we will
n.rawt.. is wary eats .r
mosey ,braid. Ask tenor Metltssstos
Lerbottfe.t i ' DPries 50a. sod > A)e,
th a loos letter hest John R Hall, of
Baddiek, ape Bestow, R. N., h. lays :
'I believe were it not for Burdock Mood
Bitters i •he.M he in my grams It
tiered Fera of hiders, end lies, etrtaf lai%t
sea amend deblhy. with* Md atm */
oast with +lime om w1,o i. e. hat d. tee II"' \":". ref
i 1►1'r) 11y arta •ieoi /5 don ere hie Icor,, tamed, i.nru.'.t end t.,, -11.:r..1
the ar4-w17 pn,vr.nrI.. The leo-"wet fnr-
sildw,m dew renaming think Feral 4..- remit of
the old•+s is data Weil in the- game prop.rtiolm.
The man Iv.. 10wnye WWIitaltetb:ag e0n0- to t.•I1 y. -i. ,..41is rat. aprons Ad get-
ting yon Ido lr..,Ll«.
the cost of Pm -title .oe t1 • aloetl.arnmterlts•-
tale Ione of railway proved to 1.• for each ear,
dol m
, ace filmy seven francs, while dee ..nae
w.wk wl.vnrrforte .l In the horn ono
rn at t
exceeding i•wty-,er4-n !ranee. in aiew .i(
them awl owilar fact. hearing on the miso-
liewt. the ow.clu•ion arrie.d at ae that, for
moderate 44,4•551., the cu.,.,non .d ehwmie.l
to mechanical energy 1• rasa,,• ec..rtwmially
effected OSr,'4d a1.lrni • toy throe 4 steam
e s►nsra B.%.,t.Yle Min.
Found ■t last, what the true public'
has boon lookingfor these many ysl
and that is a meicine which althmegh
but lately introduced, has made for
itself • rapwtation second to none, the
medicine I. Juh%son's Tonic Bitten
which in cow)ancawn with Johnson's
Tunic Liver Pills has performed some
moat wonderful cures impure or 1m-
poemrished blood moon beams+ purified
and enriched. Billinuonem, itdts..tien,
sick headache, liver ootmplaint, languor,
weakness, etc , aeon disappear when
frosted by these excellent tunic medi-
cines For Rale by flood, druttgist, Al-
bion block, (ioderich, sole agent. NJ
One of the most important regnisites
of home life is the intimacy that .hotlld
.xis between the parent snot lie child.
Tnfs is the foundation on which all gond
infieenoee may he moat securely laid
Thie control which i. .obtained through
finer, or forge, or bare authority, hes
*otitis( *bid* in it.
5. sway Rhos, Sew.
"My rt. n seed eleven, wag eared of en
eruptive booster that .iov*ed his head
end feet sores, try two bottles of Ror-
d•rok Blook Rates and P.I1s," testier'
Mn Mary Felford,of Port Hop•,Ost. 2
A Raw,uts-Of on. drays "Taos".
ay" to sty wee a sedi.q the hid four lin-
r44710 Os ' Ta*elasr, • the
tae the T.d Bat. A.k
r Nh aiat alit.,
t.eaoress s tgise'iy core.
When we say MoOregor's Sw.wly Core
p�tbe only perfect ours for Dyspepsia,
HiO.r Complaints. Indigestion and Im-
pure Blood, we are telling plain facts, 01
which hundreds ..pon hnndreis ran tes-
tify who have been re.tured to perfect
health by its use. We would therefore
&deist, you rtronly if you are • nobjegt
of ally of the above troubles to give 1rc-
0rti.-r'. Speedy Cure a trial and he oo.n•
vinceet. 1t is mild is 5O. and S1 bo.ttler
at (1 Rhynas' drug store. (2)
Olevr'IY. ht'Iam'. wlvle Were 7.nel.M.i
e"a.. 14, rasAre 41,14
T)e women iw tM R,iltan'. seraglio *4 0aw
. confiner). hays just born vaccinated to the.
n umh.r of MO, in •• largo hall, under the
suplw'ntendenre d fever gigant•c .on•* -h.
TM Italian gunroom. to whom the task was
.n.h*1ed, our stationed In front rel • huge
weer., and the mimeo ween oriocealed behind
.t. A hole had b..s made is the centre of the
seem* ,'..t large.4.4.1(11 to allow as arm to
pro through; and la tm*nner cite erns* rel
trariern colors lieddeo were ineernted to the
lip+,ar in rapid chi simi..e.
I t was Inertly isgfsidt le for the 1'*rgeon to
g►t • gl.nsw/pa* el hig jn te; Ant, .n order to
guard ldgarwat NO .Msaw of h.. Wing able to
see through the :der*, two •mnneluq who
mood M the rtpwaMw, theme a a1•*wl reser he
Iwo the Instant *m operation w al •yielded,
a'.I dod n54 ,,mien.. ,t till th. next .err bad
lienee 1.;*eed i* poestim4'.
MM iib. t► r..M.'
M:0reignr s P+eke'a l'►rbnlic Cerate
has Man tried and found to he the only
wp+eitire lure for Seat Rheum, Pimples.
klrtol.e• on the face or han•i, Cuts,
Warne, Brahma, a,' soy time that n,tline
e se will beat. Try M.Oregrr d Parbe's
Ctrbehc Cent* 23e r.1 `^x at Ger,
EIpposse trig outs'- Ip
Ayer's Pills,
}repo byr4r b C. Aver a Ce., Lowell. Mass.
deli by.It ort. WI. l.,eWn M Noraiet•a.
TIN u•drni;Md bJ Mt 'aaaPred a Nate
All sew and tnaa.mable • also a frc.h stock of
and • good supply of CC it 51) ?I K.%Tit :.Me
s!wtys in stock. ELY') et all kind..
r)'Call end see before bio,ag glsewbere-11111
tdssold cheap fur rah. or u prodeoes,
no which Ike highest price w:d sold.
Ooderich. Apr.113th, (tar. *Di It