The Huron Signal, 1887-7-1, Page 7TE{8 HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1887.
Farm ants t arlben.
Oa, tea e4 by is es Misted h _•
two toes sot farY1w�.r mansre. illnteb
Oath says. " 11 . the mode
be televisor,
ser t the Bolds " if
by the orogen.
taches, weetlM,
etc., so will br tlkpplgtife, std the dun
terms" the i.iW bust miller its u•
C,•L FL P. tlyueu. nays Ilial ao atria. pi
go (aware, lamming( mil) by ruuaiult oat.
t►ro sa u would be abut* ea sensible as
eco et of a certain farmer to beef a
eau "iw • hurry" by feed's, her a samp-
ebovelful of °leer WWII Waal 1•1011• day.
Half the tuts„uty weld have beets
Arlo, wiled with chat! or aurae out fuel•
A ourreapoodent of the \'. B. drupe
•leer✓ rye : "Horaeradiah 1ui au excel!
out ooudieret to mix web the Hud of
sows to give thew an appetite an 1 nuke
them sleek red thrifty 1t should Ise
fed freely to all animals that are ofd
-rail, and it is of treat service to working
oxen trebled with lust. If given to
ewes in doses of a pint a day mixed with
potatoes ur bran It will prevent oaks iu
$h. bag. Few animal, ail refuse to e.t
it, sad lames will mit it grueddy, aa much
se half • pock at • ume.'-
Mulching with straw in the fall is re-
oums ssded as being • good thing fur
blackb.rnes and raspberries. liise no
enitivatiuo after the wWddle of August.
When a bush is stricken by reat,dtg it up
and burn it.
The /hunt,• 1'..,fer claims there 'is
nothing so Rued as green grass for twaddl-
ing strawberries it is clean, will shot
where at is put, and costa:us :so weed
seeds. Th.rdun, put the clippings
from the lawn around the strawberry
Au English RWdner recently sent •
consignment of rare datfoedes, reseed
from bulbs worth 26 emu each, to Low-
den for sale. The 2.000 blooms were
grown on a bat of ground eight feet
square, and wore valued at £20U.
Injodieietts watenntt u a great injury
to plants ; toss much water is °ttweet the
trouble teen not eru.ugh. The soil on
top of the pot will indicate the need et
water by looking dry, and, when water
is given, it should be dna thora.ghle,
end not to a mere driblet, that will not
go half through the coal. Nu rule can be
gives f..r waterlog, accept to give u
when pions neat it, and Dever with.,ut
taking off the chill, if cold, by letting it
stand in the Town ur add warm water.
Planta in warm rooms require to be kept
moist at all times, but not saturated.
As the days grow k.oR,r and the sue
gets higher, and the plants t.egus t.,
grow and dower, inure water will be
T. be chary of manure u not the
pr'seties its Hutlutd. Send sod manure
are the important mend mute. The
masers is us a eery decomposed state.
The fields are enriched again and again,
w that the fertility may moa be isnperrd.
A bulb dose not like to he in manure.
It should be coshioned in sand, and the
roots should push downward. Into the
rich provision from which they get rigor
and life. This tends so keep them tram
being burned up in the summer. It is
when the rootlet• hese u.ahiug proper
to feed upon that they toots too much
to the outface and then cutout stand the
bureaux rays of the sun. Fields of
idles ern be teen where perfectly inno-
cent of .tads, yet defog quite well after
this fashion.
Fur carnations. good deep garden soil.
yellow Immo is preferable eoriehd with
thoroughly rotten cow manors, came
leaf -mould, and if the soil is too ad-
hesive, some send is requi•rte. Dig
deep and thoroughly, and whoa the
weather is fairly settled, set oat the
plants, nine inches by twelve apart : stir
the surface frequently, and r seem es
they begin to throw up their flower
stem. ts. 1' $ neat stake.
The Germantown Telegraph says :
"Ashes are tun aseob wasted by many
farmers wbo du not seem to 'immolate
their importance as manure. They are
among the best fertilisers that ma be
applied either directly to the land o:
mixed with the compost. They are ben-
eficial ie all memo, and this has been
fogad to eppty evens to n.,•1 ashes which,
in themselves, here but little m•nural
.alta ; but the remota that even these
are se useful, is that they *boort, and re-
tain moisture. Independeist of the pot-
ash that wood rhea contain and trhtch
makes it each a valuable manure, an ap-
plication of K renders the air porous and
keeps it Doul sod rout. Fernier. can-
not be tem careful to cave it and spread
it over their lands. 1'pou sandy lands,
we eun.ider k equally as valsakilie uuod
fur p:.ond, as a guano.”
Tae eaeea es • Wrl.
Pett' years ago woo had the Masan, •
dainty !hale snakiest, may 4 feet 10 itch-
es 1s height, with a delicai• figure, •
flower-like Use, a slender arm and in
exquisitely poised head. The face was •
little pensive, het auwes erthelemirthful,
warners rner of the moth tenting ap r
decidedly as they now turn down ; the
tendency of the upper lip was to earl,
allowing • mere suggestion of white teeth
to appaar. A wimple gown of soft white
India mode, bared nand the small
waist with satin ribbon and embroidered
with field daisies, strings of pearls wound
round the white threat and tapering
arms left modestly bare, complete the
priers of the youthful niece of George
IV. And now the enemy of womankind
las stolen • triumphant march upon
Victoria. But one thing neither tuns
nor flesh bas deceived the Quire of, and
that le the really regal bear re
the snot
figure, the uplifted heed and 'firm tread
which in bar triuMph•f dairy into West -
minister Abbey fifty years ago Id the
beholders to declare she was • tall
woman.—Troy Tunes London Letter.
"They have • lariat sale le my dis-
trict," says • well blows druggist, '.than
aey other pill on the market, and giro
the best eatidaetiou for sick headache,
biloio.en.els, iedig*stioe, ate , sad when
c,mbieed with Jobaetoa's Tonic Bitters,
Johnston's Tonic lever Pills will pr-
ima what .o ether radicles has dans
balers for seflerisle humanity " Pills
23 seats per bottle. Kitten 50 seats
aid Si per bottle. Sold by Monde,
Dt , A : hips Week, aoderieh, f sole
This 8U! O NO7i
nis resat.. me« rlhes she as.. Mee Aso
prey Fasitspepay.
The I:ev. John Jasper, time esa-do.
Scott lhtlueuplier, of Rtehsaund, lite„
nal* Rowel LWIv, it.., Narsttw, lest
weidnt "
)IJasper still maintains that hie
theory —that the world stands still, and
(het eh* sum moves around it ie fru.•.
"Ef de sun duu't wuve," said Mr
Jasper in the most esteem manner, "den
why did Joshua c,wsussd it to sten
still 1 N.., sir, .ie winest.ra who tell vuu
dat the sui. stat.'. still and eat thi. or d
moves omitted her—why, dry a .o .-
taken. I1ey is lying to the poetess, wed
of dry doe't cheese their blest day will
dim its their subs
11 lien I milord Me J+•per what his
theory :.( the telegraph was lie said :
'• Well. de telegref stau's tO reesuu. 1
see de urincip'..$ of de trlegraf 'lu.trated
every day."
"How, Mr Jasper !' I asked.
Welt. de rider month; my dog stood
in the d...rway. His tail was in de
kitchen. while his head au io the diol,.'
eo ow. When he was staudw' dere my
wife see trod on de dog's tail and hark !
went de deg in de odor room. Now dal
watt the i•rinciplrs of de teleeraf •Iwtrst
ed. D. tail was one end of de tele:;raf
and de moot was de oder. DI bark was
de tack, click, ob de machine. Now, of
dut deg had born bee 'rough to reach
from !tightened to Washington, den I
could here trod "n his tail down der..
and de bark ctul•l have been heard all
ever dr c'rpital, Yes, 'eh, de telexes( u
plain 'lint, mud de tnoceuneot of the OUR
u plain 'sod, too, e( dr people woe:diet
pervert the aer:ptur.s."
Bow to Sand Cp Time Town.
D.'n't fret.
TAU. stout it.
rite about it.
Beautify the streets.
Patronize the !merchants.
Be friendly tc everybody.
Advertise in the newapepers.
Elect good men to all the offices.
Dots t grumble shout hard times.
!seep your sidewalks in 'g.w'l repair.
Avoid gossip about your neighbors.
Do your tradiug with your home mer-
Sell all you can and bay all you cap
at home.
If you are rich. invest enmetling ;
employ', be • "readier."
If you don't t rink - t any good word
dont ry suyti,Lg about it.
Remember that every dollar invested
in p.rmausut improvement u that mutt
cos ii.tereat.
Be cosrteoss to strangers that cum.
among you, w that they cosy go away
with good impressions.
Always cheer on the men who eo in
fur improvements, your portion of the
omit will be nothing only what is jest
Don't Lick at any proptreed necessary
isplovetnent becsuae it is not at your
own door fur tear that your taxes will
be raised fifty eer:ta.
Don't use rsMxr stamps OD your let-
ter hes Is. that is a dead give away on
your bususe... o° the town and news-
papers pub wheel in it. Get your letter
heeds, envelopes, business cards, etc.,
l: rinte 1 at the pnutiu. edict.
Remember that no man does as much
for your town as the local newspaper.
Every pater seat out is an advertise -
gamut the burster. the resources and
enterJr's, of the place; and people
abr.a•t ;et • better idea of it from the
kcal paper than from any other sourer.
If you woo to draw the people to your
section of the ceontry send them the
home paper, not one or toe•, stray numbers
but • full year's subscription. After
they have read the paper six int nths the
western fever will set in and no power
ou earth will keep them from coating.
1tbe ilast tent. aas0.
After the above year is waded there
Deed be no pereno suffering from Rbeu
ma!iam, Neuralgia, Toothache, Head-
ache, Ln,nbagr, or any acute pain, if
they °illy purchase a bottle of Fluid
Lightning. as it cures instantly. Pain
cannot stay where it is used. The name
is Fluid L;g1tning. Sold. by 0 Rbyues',
druggist. (2)
A Texas editor announces biome! as
follows : We were burn cm the %Man
frontier, hare been reared es Ski broad
prairie ; have plowed, herded esltle, kept
store. run a mill. practiced phygic, lec-
tured on phrenology, edited a Dewspaper,
•ud no • drug store. NI we bare meter
heen whipped, and any person alt-
dertakee it he will be certain 1t0
regret it till be dies, God, as the
Irishman said, if he that Tong. Ws
can be slandered, cursed, abased, and
ndiculed, bat we draw the Nue at being
An exeslleot di.positiosef the remains
of a dead animal of any met is sutysated
by 111 (r. IFIooper. I ono* had • long mw
of erapevines in rather roe soil, *rid a
lore* hoe having did eiler by,the Wham
was horsed near the tMYdhi of the mg
and nix or eight test Meal it. The vises
nearest to flu grave grew an luxuriantly
the next year and thereof:fir se to soon
appear as tf of qust. a different and very
mach more vigr►rwee *ort thee the others.
The orehsrd is • gond place in wbkh to
bury any animal offal.
"Do ant live ever a damp eellar an
hoar," imperatively advises Amesh of
ffygiee., and to improv the importation
of the injunction the writer also a re-
cent east sear Pottsville. Peon., where
seven children were down sick with
mot, as sasltyeis proved, dee to
11 a omemen Bourne (poisoned diakieg
water), bat t., sobternmsse darkness
and moisture that infested the whole
hoer* :—" With this tatidiows fes to lite
and health they ate sad slept seatented-
ly metal the favorite child, a tiny of
.1.r... wap taken i11 and died. Thee,
...pasting the damp cellar, the dais
was shared oat, bet it was too let*, the
eisahief wap dose and all of the eltildems
had the Cameo. As I looked b the
bereaved .ad addes*d !mother, i well
bet pity her west of k.ewiedg0 that
bed i ee gift Sash aAistion.
lasist—m weed..f latest/.
en, ROMP, *LZ*M.
The orotund item* orf Olds breed is uu
lead similar to tit which carries the
Lincoln to perfective, low, alluvial eels,
estrtwly rieb, each as elWttelo
'these are the warebee of Kent, whore
ii has dwelt dope a lies hayseed which
the oldest whab.••' .1 outset remember
to have bawd. It thrives with lees ewe
that the Liaool• w111, mud ie hardiest
seen to the lambs, and is test oboe
sheltered It h.. • lung body, o.. thick,
strong Wg., with broad feet, • wide sue
thick head and neck, Veit sides, wide
h..ue and thighs, lightish forequarter ;
there W. pent) Inside tat, the wool is
rather emir, and la lope. with • lock
fee the forehead, the fleece weighi•g
from seven to ten pounds, glossy, staple ;
in deemed for Mohair goods.
TbWe breed is id.. indebted to the
Leteratere for much of its improved
takes its name fro u the hills which cross!
the boundary line between Scotland and
Kogland, red is said to date from the
wrecked shape o.f Haat doomed fleet.
At first 11 ries a handy small sheep, of
Tight boor, but tum■rds the chose . f lest
coutury it was such iosprov.d, it 1.
thu,loht by a Lincoln crow, uutil now '
it is • useful breed, and, upon imitable
pasture yields etpecially choice west, in .
great demand. It is bonder, has a
strong, and solid looking head which,
with the legs. is white, and seasetiwee
speckled, bright eyes, small, clean lefts
carryit.g a long body, saddle and hied ;
quarter heavy and full, hut forequarters
light, (r in e11 breeds of mountain ,
dwelling .beep) ; they are quirt, tract- ;
*bid, and treaty rwtraiued and tattoos
quickly. dressing about seventy Give to
warty pounds .t three 3 sus.
Tb. ideal M reptsg *sem.
The " ideal sleeping rocas " will face
the east. It will not be leas than 15 feet
q uare, with windows un tore sides fur '
Tight and ventil•stion. For further ven-
eratilati,n it will have au cpen fireplace.
The walls will be hard -finished mud .
tinted a colour that will be restful to the
dye. The woodwork will he finished in
its natural colour, paint not `rine ad-
mitird. The flour will be of hand,
I polished wood, wtth small rugs for c..;u-
fort that are shakeable weekly. Ii;very-
thing that would invite dust will be
strictly excluded, therefore the funuture
have no extra carvings. The nue
hair mattress will be of the best qualey,
made in two parts for convenience in
turning and wring, with • woven wire
spring beneath. The bed -clothing wall
be the lightest, at the same time warm-
est, oor.suting of biankets and white
All extra adornments of 1•ubre.ptins
and fancy thing• of no use will not tied
• place here. The curtains will be "f
thin, writable n..terial.
The " coming woman" will plan to
have her bed set •way (norm the wail for f
health's sake •s well as convenience,
Modern , • couvenieuees " will be let
alone as far as stationery with
but and cold water u concerned, the
pertable washstand bring used nistael.
she preferring( to do • little extra work
to running any risk of being slowly and
genteelly poisoned. The bed will be
well spread open the first thing in the
morning and the sunshine and air invit-
ed in to du its part towards airing sad
elesneing of the roe, and the making
of the bed will be the least of the mors•
sag duties.
The "coming woman' will plea a big
'knot in each sleeving room, with a win-
dow for ventilation, if a possible thing.
It will not be a receptacle for old boots
or .hoes, nor antigyated bonnets, hate
or soiled clothing. There will be
pieoty of hooks at the proper
or her to height reach --not the car•
penter--not forgetting to put those in
the children's eloeet at a suitable height
fur them. The children will be remem-
bered in this houseeind will hare a room
with a hardword doer where aid their
belongings an be kept sad the�y! ens
may to their hearts csateot wehiriat be-
ing told not to do des er that for fear
of honing the carpet or furniture ;
when everything shall be treble and
bate/able, plenty of old chain and boxes
for steam cars or circuses ; when they
esn decorate the walls with pictures and
bene • good time generally.
*.w t. *ear rataree.
Trait them kindly.
Don't preach politeness and pry -
prairie to them and violate their Ines
yourself. In other words, let the ex-
ample you set them be • good orae.
Never quarrel in their presence. 11
you want to nuarrel wait until the chil-
dren are gone to bed. Then they will
not ase you, and perhapsb that time
too may not want to goat
Never speak flippantly of neighbors
before children. They may meet the
neighbor's children and have • talk
about it.
Teach thou to think the little buy in
rags has • heart in bio in spite of the
rags—and a stomach, too.
Teach them as they grow older that a
respectful demeanor to others, • 'gentle
tone of voice, a kind disposition, a gener-
ous nature, an honest purpose and an
industrious mind, are better than any-
thing else on a firth. Teach them these
thing., and self-reliance and intelligens
sad capability will come of themselves.
Teach them these things I say, and your
boys and gibs will grow up to be noble
men and women.
A rs.ra•ea W.4b.
A gentleman, whose family consists ..f
• wife and twin girl babies, came in very
!state's night and west to bed.
His sleep was broken and he tossed
and tumbeed and muttered etenethirg
bout "two of • kind," and • !lanai'
Pate -
"Poor John," mannered his wife, "he
i. tired and is dreaming of ti • chee-
rio." —Register.
Taking the ciente of tbs meeting
—passing trotted the his.
Beware of imitative, • the menthol
said to the dads
The toper iwreastwl— taw mope
that "there Y siege ret et Um tsp."
TL's nzre.ible yet potent prepmr►
this 14...l.tertaily adapted for the relief
-atid euro of that class of du.u.len
•ttenskut titian a low or reduced aloe
of the ayj eeist.and it*ually ttor.ulwnled
L Pallor, Woodinville amid Palpitation
0� the Heart. Prompt result,' will
follow its o.e in ea...,. of Amit,, ex-
Laustkin among fru,,, Lora of Blood,
Acute orl'hr,•.tin 1hea.e,. •t..1 in the
weakueaa that invariably ace,move:lies
th:ereruvery frog %Vastll%Fc.rra. Ko
reawdy will ; ive mere speedy eeikdiu
l espepsiu or led i;;rsaitst, its action on.
WO stomach !wing that of a gentle and
Lar a e...4 untie, t•xcitiug the aeries of
digestion to action, mad lbw affording
lmniediate and permanent relief 'lobe
carminative te
pro rties of the different
arr.uuiics which! the Elixir notaries
tender it useful its Flatulent leyspetsia.
It is a rideable ruon+ly for Atonic
l)yspep.ia, which hi apt to occur In
Dereoes of a gouty character.
Fur Ilupoveri•hed Blo.eI, Loss of
Appetite, J)es j-wdwicy, aunt its all cries
where an effective and certain 'attune
last is r.' uln ol tin; }aixtr will be
tumid Insaluable.
Iu Fevers of t 31:lariat Type, and
the various ous rvit rrauitm following expo-
sure to the col.1 ur wet, it will
prove a valuable restorative, as the
combination of iirachosa Coolieaya aril
Serie-num& are, ituiverrlly Irseli0.n.ix, d
as specific* tour it,, above -unravel dative
.Seftl by nil Iho:rrs is Family Medicines.
per I: d(le, or
ties for 0.
Davin & Lawrence Co. (Limited)
SOLI: •t.liNTS,
M.' ti t4L,
if •ICOrrRtetDED De
Pitysieia*a, M;sisters. Missionaries
raof F.u:rn '
.g9r use. H'•.r.-
—In+til•.et crrryi.rly errr-ywhers
Lobo Aire see r;heed it u triol.
Wirt GI.As$ or DoT KILL Axa
setae, IT %TLL Ma YWi,D
. A Nagai TAIL,.
--Cr ng Toa
ArtLIED ex Ttt,Attt.T,
ErrscTt1E nen. ags? Llfi ll E'T "N
Atlsu!W IMOD
?1S]f. i1t1'l:.eZ.(;IA, $W RLLKB
- FAC:i, TrrsT1i-\('11F., -
tests. pr Bottle. ...-
V Beware of Imitations. 'lel
is effertire in small
dowel, seta without
griping, doses amt °e-
rasion naneea, and
will not er-ate irri-
tation and a ongeatien
an do n:ant of the
usual cathrrtice ad-
minister, d '.0 the
form 4N !'et. hc. ~-
Ladles and CbIL
drat bavtn_ the *non itemiser sto-
tnmachs take eL is ttedleine without trou-
ble or cr'mpiauit.
Is especially adapted he the cure of
Livra Court/one AND BILIOU. I)ie•
FOR KICK Ilxanactis APO Ilvartreu.
Foie Conan re nein oft CoeTI V Iiithee.
Fos ALL C•'MM.AINTs ARain.t .•Roll A
DtMtu6ti.D ,Tara or TME bTO-
Thie niedkiu.'' being in liquid form,
the dere. can 1. rawly regulated to
meet the requirements; of different pee
sons. thus makiug it equally well
adapted to the a+e of the little child u
to the adult. Put up in three muses
bottles, and sold by al! sealers W
family medicines.
Trims Retail. 25 Oenfa,
0 Thi. 44
�p s ed f°' ''P
sets edema claw d_
albumins opus a i.'. « reduced
elmm of the +y sem, and sewage se-
.sipa•isd by Potter, wealmensiad Pae,
yiWimof tie Hurt. Prompt monks will
rd b. Its ow in caws of Sedda• Eshartion
urning beet lee. of Mood. Acme er Chiowie
Iliauser, and in dot ....haws Mr invariably
atowapnis the recovery Iron Waiting re.erw
No mad, will ``i.e more mosey relief in
or ledipetion. For tapow.
b.eipyo lMsd. Lew of Appetit Deo
posdcy. and in an r. where- V
4 as nr.T,VI and ta•TAIS 11
r1twt, mut i•
the ELIXIR.$I he
Psefosad etnuu-
Sold )y is:: ✓balers in Meorevs.
DATA k LLW ElKIE 00. (Limited)
Ecu Amts,
Becket rued ism, New Teas—Wang� Pure. 5 :'r. for 41. This Ira Is equal to aur se 4
Other J• et ems'- ie. i ��'
Jaime. tern as. to Its. per !b. ttxtre Good 1 .o , g H.. ou. (1tes 25e. lb. up.
A It► la Yowl {Irvin era n 5lb :, fur ell .a
Try my sty. Yong Hymn, aad find it the t'treat'r-' .•'1,r n.,, .c,. F AO* token 1w rxekan.s.
At C. CRABB'S, Goderich.
Just op ped ovt a full as.ertwrat of toy own import•eame. and ...Undue
cal gentle pal, r•.
Weal 4'•a.e.eens, wee 1*r1Nave, Mei.r.• and forint..
twrrd. n..4 4'olt.*adr. at relieve to A.tsata5.
Kt'al1 and ere. Alwi)• ploa.ed to shun ata 1.
Agao not forget the old •:and on the Square.
'pril ith.
$nts"C. CRABS, Goderioh.
!las J.ut recch•e.l, and • now oprninz a larze srwetntent of
Also on hand • large'•oct of the
Four the nitke-up of
Zest Side vyoare, Godertek, hilar, h 14th. IAR:. •-ren*
fF YOU WANT it y(1 is t`: IF VOL. WANT
Toronto Cash 'tore
•:All are invited to come and exanuit.e 11.e l(nu;,t) and price.
Remember the stand :—THF. TORONTO CASH STOVE.
P_ 0'==.48A., �,Zazs.a�ger_
Ooderirh, April 'Nth. 1A6:. 10!1-3m
IS WIzf�NS c .
The Iciest Freuch and Aiiier!caii Styles !
Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings
Etc Etc •
The Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
Ooderie April riff. 5111.
Anyone can advertise, but i can show the Steck. I have more scud: on hand titan any tee
houses to town 10 aeieet from.
I Aare now on hand indifferent styles of Bedroom Suites. fl different styles of Sldeboarda, 3
Parlor Suite.. and abloom anything in the Furniture line, al: of which well be sold
in the UNDERTAKING i Rive pennons! attention. ani the knells t.ow of nearly 10 years
e xpertenee. 1 think 1 bate the beet Hearers to the County of Huron —I w111 leave the public
to indite. 1 have everything nanally kept In a ar+tclues establisknsent, such as °meets.
comm. 4hrouda, Habits. Gloves. Clime's, ole. Embalming done when rewired.
del Guarsatee to give satisfaction in every case.
Gedericb. Sept. 411, 1 flail -ass
t;AgE�T �A TRI
AIV; Obtained.
Glace attended to at O A by leaving their erten at
G.r setts c ems!. the U. a. locant G EO. O L D' S STORE.
nes, and wr cat • ata Pat"" I■ ire tiwae
than those remote frost. WASHINGTON.
Rend )IODRL OR DRAWING. We ad- Our agent will call at the store daily for
owe u to patentability free .f .p.ripr and priers. Also on hard. a lot of cheap wood
we make NOCHAROK UNLESS WIC OR sorb as .bort stall, edelnp. et,. )'1 the
THIN I'ATRNT wn.t can tomo bought at the mill or deli +reed
Penins wishing L ,*r4 Wood at the
rut rates can beret
esmepromptly sq j
We refer, �er*. Ie the Poatm enterA1e Snot. as t he buyer desires. Promptness gnome -
of Nosey v., and to °facials '( ttir teed.
1'. N. Patent Gees, per circular, .uvtae.
terms and references to actual plies$. ar
in ye
own State or Moot write to 1
acre. Fall R.osw. MLip.
ithowitd Wrhingte►n, D. Q Jane 3rd. iAIM. L
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in