The Huron Signal, 1887-7-1, Page 6THE HUkoN 8I(4N At, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1887.
"The uM M imsendully measured
rll.,..p..,.udwiN • disappointed sir•
: -bay, it's three Meshe. abort ,
h'4 you kaiak till a rash int 1'
"Yes, wire me four mute.'
"Kay three "
••Well, three "
"He gave btu. • postage stamp and
sof''1' { burned away. That events/4 he was
' found hanglug from • rafter w bt barn.
teeth our while
e fuss.
was 'most empty.
glen Grace.
Aro, thine plenty au"LLeap
a' apple ser,
I told Obadi'.h
any memo groan. '.
au' blob,! c.wshtu t stat It ie he
nothing but skis aa' boas. -
, laws If you'd been! hint.
.At any hour of the. Mein.
• •prr)its' oat In that closet there,
''would have set )un crscy quite.
1 patched the knee of those tru•t.en
With cloth that was noway* that,
Ha". it *mucus.* It the p 0. es worm o0'
As fast as I set 'mu 111.
Te me he rid [eighty little
Of the thorny ways se inst.
11 At at I('ut • dozen tiute. • day
He Ialke.l a oyr: with Gaud.
Uuwn 0u ho kae;s in the: 010514.1
Tt.o• ems: Of nlstbne was µ1.a,1;
!our truadiab know how to prey
31u: h better than how to rat.
11111 .1111 11111 mal contrary
That if things don't go jest riebt,
1 feel like milts': buy slara.s u;, :41.11
An' i .cin' ready to tight.
Aa' tl'.e g4s4:e 1 alba' that %Cater,
I aitt gen' w talk about
.1..' 1 didn't even awsniain ,e. l:.rl,
Though 1 thank that He found it out
He left • few lines of writing. o..nttrtt-
ulating himself on the fact diet the nape
with .Inch he hanged bitumen mss s,
u►eap. There may be cluwr men, but 1
have never rust theta."
}touseholli }tints.
Oilcloths should not be scrubbed with •
brush. um should strong Mrpsuds be
mod upon them, as this dim. the colors
and demtn.ys the fibre. Wash them
every week with warm milk and water,
/Mowing a quart of skim milk to • pail
.f ware. water, •ud wiping afterwards
with • stollen cloth.
To clean handsome paiut, the tet
method s to have quaitmvrf a pound of
se whiting is a saucer. Dip • small
cloth aud rub It or_ the pion. a in rub-
uiog silver. Then wash off with hot
sub, and wipe with a dry cloth. Or,
use I orax to the water, which is the
next best met.`' -Udo and spill titan
Ingrain ..r other carpets, after shaking,
see brightened in color by apriuking a
pound of salt over the surfaceau3 sweep-
ing carefully. home persons say it is a
g.s.d plan to occasionally wipe .df s
teerpet with borax water, useig a thick
flannel end taking care out to wet, but
only dampen the carpet.
Wag the pout' of 4 cambric needle To flet rid of moths benzins is al sea
1 Jru' the vault tr.wn the door. effrdwl, and can be poured ■bu
War Iknew that we needn't •t'arscioissth buttons to furniture, etc., without mail
Or be lazy because we were poor. 111g er,leaving any odor, as it quick
An' Obadiah he wuadered. evap..ratea. If moths are found thick
An' kept nae patching his knees. Inn any article, put it in warm oven or
Au' thought at strange how the mail bel4 night, wed the next muneng beat
out ; thoroughly.
In the history of medicines so peeps -
mason ties ri ueleed swab ulslversel etre
mendateon, f..r the aIle. ath..n affords
and the I,eratattewt cure it effects ,n kid
may dunes« as 1) - %'ash Buren'. K whey
Cure. Its actin in these dutressrnz
outoplaints is simply wonderful. liuld
by J. Wila..n.
Hay fever is a type ..f catarrh having
peculiar sympt.nns. Itis attended by aai
inflamed condition of the linnet mane
bream of the austrila, tear duds mad
throat, alleettnK the terms. An acrid
mucous to worsted, I he d ii.cherge msec., m-
pmsied with • burning .wwaati,.n. There
are severe spews of sssoea leg, frequent
attacks of headache, watery and indene
ed eyes. Itly's Comm Balm is a reuse
dy that can b• depended upon. Meta
at druggists ; hy mail, regvteer.d, leOuta.
Sly Brothers , Druggists. O.•i... New
York. ly
Same S....
to Great Brits' the questis.n d il..ase
Rule is commanding attention. To the
esu with a u.Id un the head ..r chest the
admit way e. ensure Wire Rue over a
cold is to have .nl hand a bottle of Ur.
Harvey's Red Pine Own. For ado at
J. Wilsti's Prescription drug store. tf
Neal 0.perwtal..
Itr.n n.. risk in huyti,g medicine, toe
try the great Kidney and Liver restate -
tor, made by Dr Chase. "either ofChase's
reesipea Try Chase's Liver Cure for
a!1 diseases •.( the Liver, Kidneys,
Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James
Wthein, druttgist.
A r.eta.rt. uk,
Few men have accomplished the same
unouut .,f work and good in this world
Ys as the celebrate] Dr Chase. Ova,
tit 300.000 el kis works have lira sold w
Cai,ad• Moue. We waist every person
17 troubled with brier Complaint, Dye-
ly pepsic, Headache, Kidney or rrtay
er Trouble., to bus a bottle cf Dr Chases
111 Liver Cute, it will cure yvu. Medium*
- and Receive Book $1. Sold by all
As' sirmager we 41.1161 free:e.
• Blankets, if only occasion used duple
But i said to myself is whispers: • the summer, nay be kept either in
"lied knows ahoy; His Kits decenda : isrte [rung with bite of camphor in i
A. list always mat fa4t gar dew., or laid between two mattresses, th
As tar as the tinter -rods.` tatter method beintf preferred by loan
An' I wouldn't hare no one ,•eekon ( housekeepers who have Iiia large clue*
My Obadiah • shirk. fur stowing such articles.
For some. ) ou kap... here the girl 10 pr*7
There is quite a science oven in so
Aad others the gift to emit- 1
Har,.eet 1Yeekl3.sitaple a matter as dneing a nail• says
the f.'.:11., on./ if".a,/„,,.;: ,. A sore
-- - 1 respondent in an exchange writes that
M:Creger •!speed) ('err. he recently witnessed the experiment of
When we my licelregur's S;redy Cure driviint nails i -,to tinnier that had been
i,llthe only perfect cure for Dyspepsia, hard seaweed and well dried. The
Liver C:,rupiaiuu, Indigestion and lel- first nails. after plying threngh an
pore Blood, ell are :ellut4 plain facts, of ordinary board, went into the timber
which hundreds upon hnndreis Cau tea- about an tuck, and then doubled up
fy who have been restereu to perfect under the hammer. The tips of the
health by its use. We would therefore rest of the nails were dipped into lard,
advise you strotly if you are a subject 1 and the dm'ing was accomplishes I with -
of any of the above troubles to give Mc- out any difficulty. The remedy is not a
(Gregor'• Speedy Cure a trial and be e,,n- ! new .ae, but is simple enough to be
'Maid. It is sold in Jtk and 1$1 be.ttles recouimend.d en trial.
at G Rhynaa' drug; store2t 1
{ Aste0YSlas $.eee.o.
CLOSE MEIN. It is the duty .4 every person who has
steed anchor's Oerm*s, Syrup to let its
r wonderful qualities be known to their
4..t 1 al tieatiet.ea Who Were T.. friends in curing Consumption, movers
iwla1J to Hell., Health. Coughs, Croup, Asth.-a, Pneumonia,
and in fact all throat and lung diseases.
A party of men were speaking „i No persue can use It without immediate
Miugy people. "Old Peleg Gregg sea relief. Three dogma will relieve any ,ase,
the stingiest man 1 ever hoes," sa141 said we owtaider at the duty el all Drug -
Ab. Patterson. "Tell you what a a gats w pec.mmend it to the poor,
fact. He was sick toe true, jest on the dying conemmptiv.•, at Inst to try 0110
caving bank of death. blue member of bottle, as 90.001 dozen bottleswere sold
the family sent fur • physician. and
Inst year, and no one case where it failed
when the dudor arrived Pelee said . was reported. Such a medicine as the
"What. dy yer a= for yer medicine. It `4y' "P cannot be toe widely
Moon. Ask your druggist ah"ut it.
bottles to try, wld at 10 cents.
Regular size, 76 mints. Sold hy all
druggists and dealers, in the United
&tats and Canada, plow
t H. S. is. --le Worldling carder.
e "My husband was troubled with
y dyspepsia for ne•ro than four years.
Twe experienced physicians did hunt no
good. We got diacoureded, until we
read of Bat -deck Blood Bitters ; he took
only two bottles and no. is as well s
ever, arid doing heavy work all the
time. Mrs Richard Rowe, Harley,
Ont. i1. B. B. has cured the worst
eases of chronic dyspepsia 2
doctor - how much • dose 1"
"Let me see ; about fifty tents."
"How mealy do you think it'll take to
Iltlr. me 1".
"Two, 1 think."
' •Fifty tants spice ; 'bout as cheap u . _ _ --
Ter kin sell me ?' Poultry -Tangs.
"Tell yep what'll du ; I'll gin yer A neglected poultry -yard soon beef«
sixty cent' fur • dose an a half.' one of the vilest ..f all sources of offence
"Won't sell that way," from • mnitary or an esthetic standpoint
"Wall, then, getel-day." Notwithstanding this fact, which mus
"He was surely a very close man," he too evident to require demoa:stratiun
but you never heard of Sack Scollop, did ' how many of these atureac .1 f"ul ai
yeei 1 Ho lived down uu l..ngtnetre ! may he seen and smelled in every eountr
Bayou One day he was out in the district, and even within the precincts o
woods end • tree fell across him and many towns and villages ! It hu bee
mashed him into the 'towed. He yell - putty clsrly demonstrated that nuc
.d and yelled, and finally a fellow came of the en -called malaria which is charseel
along and asked what was up. w overflowed seeds, tad lakes, an
"Nothin' up, growled Sack, I'm dews, ' marsh«, and low lands, is tray. menu
that's the trouble. I want you to cher. factored on the premises of the cuff
this here log in two au' roll it off tee." by Just such fever factors« a thooe re
"What'll yer gumbo i (erred to. Chickens reared in such
"What du yer ax ?" ; pestilential holes as ars most chicken
"'Du it for twenty•five cents." coops at this O'Mara of the year, are n 3
"Great Scott ! Uv per think I'm healthy, and not Bt for human beings
reads oaten money 1" I is it cot possible, and even probable,
•'AII right ; won't do it for les." that the eggs of such fowls may acquit,
"Wall, how much lb yer charge ter go I an unwholesome flavor from their iia•
home an' tell my aim ter come cut hen 11 timate relation to crimple filth 1
"Teo oenta"
"Waal, je.' fur welkin' that little dis-
tance 1 Yer meat take me fur a foal.
Go on, I don't want nothin' ter do with
"Well, he was prudent," sail Bill-
ings, "almost morbidly so. He re-
minds e, in point of economyof an
old fallow, named Jerry Finc. One
day he went into a store and wanted to
buy six feet of rope. The dealer, know-
ing Jerry's peculiar love of money, told
bins he might have the rope for ten Dente.en
"I'll give you five amts."
"I oan't ser it for that. Why, man, ..i reek itI well have to
you've got plenty of m.,ney aandought ties tip tie
art to grumble."
ilea of portio' pictures in the parlor
••Yee, but times are powerful
Can't stand that price." ile
Sway and po,
after staying about tw
ante bark and asked :
'That nope WI away h"
"No sir."
.al and -bye."
v.. "Ho long.
'The nett day he entered the stored ''
tind rewsarke1 beat that rope s
&hie' all over the cnuatry."
"That •n r'
•y.. Hun' /bat over here at Genas
yer ken jet tea feet ha a nick's."
Don't want to weer out my shoes.
jay, hes it fall any here 1"
• Not • bit."
"Wall. pnnd-hys.'.
'IX. long.
"Two days later be Gane Wk. 'M
hila he, "halal"halalter r„tt some [lit 1
*Joe ken
nasseell cheap 1"
rns bt
ein't (ell one bit 1'
',mad the luck, take it Ore g for
"Me ever smiMd Apia
No "hardly ever" shoat it. He had
MI attack of what people tali "
nem,"and to smile eras impossible. Yet
• nen may "smile and .mile, and he a
villain .till, still be was no villain, but •
plain, blunt, honest men, that needed •
remedy such u Dr Pierce • '• i'Ieasant
Purgative Pellets," which power fail to
cure ;be h0u•nem and diseased or torpid
liver, dyspepsia and chrome constipa-
tion. Of dvwellis*.
hard. Morander." remarked Jeremiah Turnip -
went se.el, as he threw the bridle ender the
hour. table. "Why r asked Miranda "Ton
dear ! Why, I prised one tot Nem at
the city to -day, and the dealer ass. sex
he : "That's an old master ; its pries
is 56,000." "Why," .es i •'it looks
like a s.eosd-handed picture" •'Yee, it
is,' sex he. Thea, think. i if a monad -
hand picture ass that moth. it's en
ass t.. pries • new an. filo, Mirander, i
reckon w• will hay. to hang up it few
senores, "tied Bless Oar Home," sed
the eke, and let the pidnres en."
The residence •d Mr Bain, M. P.,
Darsda, was entered hy burglars !iater•
day night. The theorise s•.nvml a gold
hooker and chains and other valuables.
A Rawtan -(H nice .heart "yeasts
tv ' 1., any one snallnf the best four Iiu-
rhyme ria ' , the remarkable
Nitie item for the rapt and Rtt:.. Ask
lout druggest or address.
A erre
Amend each bottle of Dr Chase's
Liver Cure is •'medical guide and receipe
book coutainiug useful information, over
200 reteirms, and pronounced by d.'ctnre
and druggista as worth ten tames the
cost .,1 the medicine. Medicine std
brut $1. Sold by all druggists.
IM est Tear {isard.
D..n't allow a cold in the head to slow-
ly and surely run Mtn Catarrh, when
you can be cured for 23c, hy using Dr.
Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applica-
tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to ii boxes u
guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try
It. Onlyiliic and sure cure. Sold by
all druggists ly
■.w • Wade passu told.
A slim young man in the height of
fashion was violently sneezing in a street
car, when a companion remarked, "Aw,
Chawles, deah buy, how d'ye cst;:h that
dweadful cold." •-Aw, deah fellah, left
my cane in the lower hall tether day,
and in sticking the ivory handle, an
dweadful odd, it chilled me almost to
death." If Charles had used Dr. Har-
vey's Red Pin. Gunk his cold w.uld sot
troeble hits eery much. For sale at J
%�ilws's preseripta.n drug store. t(
'7ree Te mW, lees Ike reseed,
If) u de tool heed the warming* .f as -
ten arid at once pay stem** to the
1111•1010811•11111•1010811•11111•1010811•11.00 01 your heahh. glow often
we sees parse. put "(from day 1.. day
the perchers of • itsedssine which if pre-
cured at the nutatart .J • disease would
have remedial it almost inomediately
New if Johnston's Touic Liver PJIe had
been taken when the hat uue.suoa.s
made its appearance the armee would
bare been "uippel 1.1 the bud." John-
son. . Tonic Ileums anti Lever Pills are
drrtdedly the hest mediates on the ,mar-
ket for general loom arrd invigorating
properties. Pills 96e. per bomb/. Bitters
60 cents seal $1 per bottle. sold by
Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole
.gent. lbs
)lerensats se set their Rin Heath. Letter
Hyde. kc,. te. striated at this *Roe for rrry
little more than they ateerally ppaajy dee 111,
paper. and It bele to advertise theirbn•taer.
Call and ore seesplsa mad set prima.
Trseber- "What do you et.tillfatand
hy an unclean spirit I" Juveatip Cum-
memtatur--"A dirty devil"
- --
you Toothache i Cas Fluid Light
Have you Rheumatism! t se Fluid
Have you • StiffJoint I Cee F.uid Light -
Hare yeti Neuralgia 1 Cee Fluid Light-
Have you Lumhs4lol Ise Fluid Light -
Are you tn'ubled with Headache? Cat•
Fluid Lyth g.
Hare you any Patti 1 l'se Fuld Light-
It will cure you the instant it is applied.
Try it. 26e per bottle at G. Ithyu•i
drug state. 111
A ll.aderl.l *rasa.
The lamest organ, and one that plays
a eeetrtlling part eel the health of the
Indy is the liver. 1f torpid or inactive
the whole system becuaies dossed.
Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is made specially
for Liver and Kidney diseases, sod is
guaranteed to cure. Recipe hook and
medicine $1. Sold by all arum/Mts.
The best regulators tor the stomach
and bowels, the beat cure for biliousness,
sick headache, indigestion, and •:1 affec-
tions arising front • disordered liver, are
without exception Johnson • Tonic Liver
Pitts. Smelt in size, auger coated, mild,
yet effective. 23 eta, per bottle role by
Go.dr, druggist, Albino block, Gnde
nab. ole agent. I.]
TO Ike Median' Pressman, sae. all *bads
is may camera.
Phosphatine, or Nerve ltooa, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Fut*, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. IL of Beaton, Mees., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the' human
system. Phosphatine is not • Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it cuatains no
Vegetable ur Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but gimp:
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elemeuts
fownd in our daily food. A single bottle
is sutlicwnt to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. 1.., was. &
Co., sole agents for the Dominion,
66 Front Street Kant Toronto.
resetting Mil bog �'trbe Wight 1 ll►:AP ►UIrtCA N la ~Melbest markeof ts of
aid the Canted Oinues. a ten • aparter s1,a . of
FRES=--= C4-ROO===ES I
Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, corn--
on=prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans anf3Blacks, amongst
which are to be found some of the very choice+) imported, and
desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior
Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth-
er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-•
an&es, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,.
Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Gcods of all descriptions, Biscuits.
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelia, Tapioca, -
Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms,
and oilier sseft.l i.lea usuaaq Lep: in • drat -clam city est•hliebrnent.
.t% 'Serie THIN 01' *Is Lemsip. kI *51T mnLH'lr►b.
Store on the Square, Betty,: z_i E. Downiug's and C. Crabb'a. •
Outlet -els. April 21st. IS :. :lIKL
mr-o-G-Ti /.7-Lsop2
Takes pleasure IN announcing that he has now on hand a Ful! supply of
tel ll'Altl.►: !'tilt
Excellent Fats, First -('lar Work, lease orders early. to the spring rush of pat
rue50 :satisfaction aaaure•.L
srltam•dsber the I•Iac -Wel street• rex door to flank of Meatres1.10
Oederlch. Mersa MM. MC.
Pert les wittbieg to perches./ Plato..., blame, ur any ether Musical Instrument,
will de well to see
hefnre doing se, as he keeps nothing hut the very best. mpkes.
Tz'i xnp1iant Or€;ins
A preteeti:, the value tit t,,,iu $12 to e.ill, •III toe uaue to those purchaatug
either of the above.
Vic)na and Meath Organs, Violin Strings, Mosaic lin bks, Sheet Music and all
Musical Instruments.
.dr'T a Chespst H.,ur in the Pr'•vine.
Lessens 011 Pal*. Orr/1u, Cabinet thews ■I.d Piano.
tha Music Warehouse, West street, Gtderich.
For terms, .tc, apply at
tf--err n
:SPORT! PC 7DD72.w.
An r.cantat to t zs. Contain Roden.
Pt]. 'i I t m sero, aid 0IIrelaal
destroyer of wedsa la C,Aki.ea or adelso.
As�rdhwe are many Warier
b• ■ eta es'.e�mid al e 1
as Omahas
some am
i - reputation d
sanwbmnts trad-
our wassedsse
we ladies
meltts&n '
melt imposition b7 craw.
Me their •ttentloa to the
necessity of seeing that the
lavalids' Notes ad Si nal lostitirtsi
Mutt or I. lwhie.0 a*K rig seed ase *WW.
Fal rbraha.' and Mai elP em
ratk•nts treats, \error et these h"n..s.. Many
treated .t home. tbr'ugh .* do l.r. AS
quos'.. fully as N here In person. Prose and
sec ti•. or send is ems In stamps for our I
"Iwsokols' Ould.-Ssak," which glees all I ks.
Want. AAArese: w•u$t.n'a Irks.
IAT-IAT-1.141.m.,, err{ Wain At_ Buffalo, .Y.
1. stamped en toner Wool *44 Cer$liiw ted.
Intbeet wMsb arae ass /lander
For "wmm-nut.' "rim -loam.** AehIht.t,'d
**nal teseher•a. muhi n•nt seamettvera. house-
*.o.p.•rs, anal overwamked women w,•rx•'lI.
pr. Pierce's F;.*-orn, Prra•rgrtkwr b tits Merl
1.1 rill n wfnrnt •„• fnnh•a. It Is nota " careo-al1.•'
Mit 5Arnlrshly (tallith a dneh'n.w of purpose. 1
below a must potent !lpecfn' for all three
Citron:, tt'eaknnasl and DkasAaw e•"+dlar to
wor.teo. The treatment of many rh"oteemis
"f ew•A moo*. at li.. Inra11A,' (Hotel and +ore-
icsl Irian .0.• To ATIli-4. t n Ir rim ' p"vj,•n.r
1n tut•pring r•-,u,,!•'S 1.,r 114. 1r 1•11n•. *04
Ir. Pieta's Favorite Prsloriptia
1. tl'e roving 0f this vain ex fpw('•rrYW•nt.('r(' rer
Internal ee.teatlen, 1Nftausaaatlen
and wleeratleu. It 1a a %prelfle, h
la a i'' '-rrtil wene•e1p. M w, -II iv ut.'rin .,
enol n.r%-I,ia, •nparta rlir"r and weeny*\
to the whrde 001. rn. 11 ('5111 emt:wee M
Mmwerh. Indl�esw:on, bloating. weak t'aek2
t.•rt-01) prpHrstle•n, ('zlruanron. de1ll4y and
%eepkeaah.•an, in oft 'terser. ►aror't. ' s rt
ten 1. sold by Arosslata unAer our poet int
ran r".. e,. see ern ['Der •oral raft le.
PRICE ;1.00, ::.7851."7.14r,
f14.11,1 10 014111. In . estop sir i*. Purse's tarn.
Treatise nn Dbrsr•n M Known 1 lap para.
paper -covered•. seeress. Wont.n's Nom -
stag INTc*. AaMn't.eTtn. Ain ?lain !tr.N.
Hu ficin _ , aaA i A Li
% s% 9►v‘t, LIVER
pillows� ha.
�lahw i., ['awe„
lion fIsidl ..tire
and RIIleas Aefaebe,
r .JT ain•A . M
le..•e Ties
restive Pellets. s
away • vial. 1, p[�Ilr1
'unlock, all the deltoid avenues of the
B.wela, Iidn.yi sad I.itTars earth:
big cid gratiusdly withoet mediesing
system, all the end Leal
honors of the esetatiwi sf $bp mess
tines Corz 01*(
at the
esh. B[3sisest lea, D-
of a Th. Dthms
Vidovu. JMalt Rhus
treatppsslas, 7e. and amthe -
oral bilityew 5 U*sue and then
y : an these and many
other similar Complaints ybM to the
it�+y Dingy �isDQQ=
T. malts • tlfl.. Peelehlone!„cant
To the Citigena of Uoderieh
(NI) Pt'itltt)CNiNNO (M NTRY :
Harlow purchased the mord will and ht.4-
weds of our well-kaowa towaeman. H. (loam
we are see prepared to 1e alt Yid. et
e mbraced In ter Ilwr.
W. wash le Inform the parpl. of 4111,
e sammanity that sr, are t• Mar. Ae..
�• enwu,gseet1w' are prepared to meet the Lavoro
aott'Ttfw..• fair of resp paaemens.
Ira aro veer. t..•.wnwraA .
IL R - bre make • .t••r5117 e1 to'pee-hatg-
l•. sad Ka'enesidry
_f 4me!reidle alto
11 VCR14l8HIil
w slap la the late.[
pet la Throe
v.w Stvbsrtf'aa/rss
ere of them the cele.
Meted Rochestert
mired a joerweytaaa
Barber. we are is
position to do Steer
meek t►•. hereto-
Lady's t ('biidroe'.
Hal rent ttag mad. .
rp.cialty us all days
except tlat
Razors iii
«'muni V ICH T,p
1Nt %vest street. two doses east ef P.0., Heid,
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Disssasel
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles !
The frauds that have been OerpetratG1i on the spectacle wearing
public by most spectacle dealers and pesii.11arw by giving assumed and
fancy names to ordinary glass, speaks, for the ilmorance of the public
generally, in the all-importrsit subject of the preservation of sight.
there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be
manufactured. viz : Pebble and glass -call glass by any other name,
it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from :nature's
own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free-
stone formation, and is hamar than the ruby and emerald, and near-
ly as bantam the dianionii. The Pebhle is not more or less than a
transparent stone, c'it by aid of diamond (hist, and the greatest
amount of power ie plowed immediately over the ()entre of the grain
found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the 000lnese,
freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses
cannot by any possibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglasses aro
stamped B. Land can only 1s.• purchased from
Druggist, Goderich.
Tth up.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
GEC). 3e t. rt,,w
Haxiiblen Street, Goderieb
A ss 1 essertmwt of Etieb•s, iial.veew,, urate/
=Ire Wsad free A wood s..strd. Corliss
a, What -Wets. Lashing 4 hese,
R e. - A eeneleseassee a, $ sDOsd♦rs end tan
M reseesehl. rats.
1N1te1. />ttattat • iat7•---dual wU.ttN
Ream sad Parts, Ter/Mars, leech as Ts
Ma. I WA -steads. M5ili'1 is, N ss►yra•t r
sich aiiingr ee host sits Hearses fey lb*