HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-1, Page 54 THE $URON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1887. Alden% Maier AO t'yelemeet..1 aa»wsed•ei .ed .,,..nese. 0 or Ill the tine' salrao.rdN..r reerary enterprises of the ane is the *era •bteb Lean the above cite. Tb. speoima. lades weigh Ib• I..Wieb• et seeds free tomtit a,Mdisa.t, shoe Mo. type whsob M s trued Wear -lased AneAnew, ; wee I.form-.."Ideal" - fur euee.•hnes, .s.y for the eye, halide le hurt. The volumes will average stoat AO peeve each, arid there will probably 4 about thirty .•f them—the "Iilaai(Yld" somber will not w tiicoay.uwat ; whim you consult a Cyclopedia you are suppos- ed to know what "title" you are Wouldag for ; the letteriue on the beck rat each volume tells you at • glance *hal titian will be found within, w you do out look ►a the wrong nor—rind the •ulumes are sc "h•udy" you quickly turu to the sought for page. There ..II be several thousand Mee- trauma—so "aserr pastries," but eery• thing of impetauea that wall was to ►.- lustra'e. The Mawifuld Cyclopedia le to be much more than a "Cyclopedia of t ui- reteal kouwl.d . ;'• it sill embody also e Dietioaary of the Euglub language- to eluding every word which has any claim to a plasm in the language. How otter you have cossetted Ayerns or Che- ben's,..r Johosen's Cyc im ia and tai sd to find the title sow were Iwking (or— than co..suttee \Vubeter'• Cwttidged and were successful ; the word belonged 1.. this I)ictiui.ary rather than to the C) c' ppm! 1 tr you have ounsuIted Wi,bsesr, and found little more than a mere defiaitsuu of the word—you mast go to the Cyclopedia for details of know- ledge. Or, more probable than either of the foregoing supposition., you do not own wither a 6retslaw (iyctopedia or a first Class Dicti..oary, or only uoe of the two, because of their prohibitory cwt, w you "consult your imagination and "go hungry" for leek of the few linea of phut that would satisfy you! le the Manifold Cyclopedia you will find a surrey of all knowledge which is illustrated by the English LangY•we and itsco.t is within your reach, only 30 cents a volume fur cloth handing, 63 cents for half morocco; In this age of the world no genesial Cyclopedia cr Dictionary can be in any proper sena. "unginal" —each new rnm- pili.tiun, if it has merit, is based upon the knotledge foetid embrd•.d iu all ira predecessors. "litss wl.dre" as set forth to beaks tau ant be w.ncpolized by 'patent' lar "copyright" --.only the form of embodiment an be thus covered. The West discoveries (or iswginiwp4 of ib. scion tist., the latest "thuds" or frauds o` the srchs.tolosists. the latent theories of the political sc. monists all are sub - 'Met to the side drafts of the Encyc'oped- iit. Alden's Manhold Cyslopedla un• d •rt•kes to otou.urna in the mom aoovsn- rent and 0000w (and yet full/ and rc,a- omieal form possible, the results of the scholarships 1,1 the wuri 1. up to the twee of its publication, Availing hteelf of the lah..rsof its predecessors eh. have ac- weapisehed the beat results, the MANI• r•oLD C. u.rzDIA, draws iwom large- ly from Chamher', than from any other ..f the family .,f C)cI.. ,ilio, and more large y from Stormonth th in any other of the family ot Dict- ionaries — the Chambers's is an acknowledged modal for • Cyclopedia ; but it N adapted particularly to England rather than America ; Sturmooth is ac- hime:edged peer of Webster, Woromtei, the Imperial. and Murray, as an auth- ority, but without a peer in the combin- ed qualities of 000ciaet.w, cleanser, axuracy of learning. Nu autburitaa, however, are blindly followed, but efluit is carefully made to bring all mat- ter t.. the generally accepted standard of the most eminent American, rather thin foreigu, scholarship. Edi!orial talent setoud to onus it America, in experience and skill is au - gaged in the conduct of the work ; the publisher's pest experience m Cyclopedia making notably in the Library of Uni- versal Knowledge, sow known- -trebled in price—ss the ltetern•ticnal Cyclo- pedia) is i 4 teais for the pledge he snakes to his patrons that the manifold shall he inferior to no other cyclopedia in any of the important qualities of • popular guide to kiwwledge. Specimen free, or a specimen volume may r-rd•red and ret.rned If n.,t wanted. Jnxtr B. ALDEN, Publisher, :593 Pearl Street, New York. Since May 1 1846, fines amounting to $4650 have been imposed at Chatham ea violation of the Sent Act. -7 —. W. BRETHOUR CO.,U81.&Sl BR..A_NTI'ORD, COMMENCE THE SEASON ON Tuesday and Wednesday, 6th and Gth April, WITH A (;RAND DISPLAY OF Pattern Hats, Bonnets & Mantles IMPORTED DIRECT FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STYLES NOBBY SHORT WALKING JACKETS & DOLMANS OLTat Dress Goods Department 8 OTJLD EE 8E7£11T_ THE STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. THE RANGE OF NEW SHADES IS LAlt(IE, THE ('OM::t_XATIONS ARE ELEGANT. FRENCH WOOL DRESS GOODS, WITH HANDSOME COMBINATIONS. BLACK AND COLORED MEWS. IN PLAIN, STRIPE AND BROCHE NEW PRINTS AND CHAMBREYS, WITH EMBROIDERIES TO MATCH. WE SEND SAMPLES AND PAT EIPRESS CHANGES ON ALL PARCELS OF S5.00. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brentford, Men h $1811. 1117. ineyOst A =VV Pointers If You Wait a DINNER SETT, Look at NArR S Stock If ou Want a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has theta at all prices If Tou Want a TEA SETT, NAIRN 1 a. a foil u...,rU:.• rat If You Want Altytbiig ill CHINA. NAIRN has the finest display If You Want Anything in CLASS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. For Pure. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! ('HAS A. NAIRN — HAS THEM — EVEItSTHINO WARRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Oederieh. April lath. 1447. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND -INVESTMENT SOWPANT This Company is Lonnie, M en Pane &rarity of Lue'est Rake of Interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BAN'K BRANCH. 3, 4 sad 6 per ('*at. Iutereatf eaotod ow Deposits, a••.-orrliao to emoant and time kft. om('E:-C.nr..e Market Square and North Street. Goderick. IIORACE HORTON. M Ats goer' Roderick Are. Oh 1*8. 11011 THE BEST 18 Gearing_ dash Sale - r--0, MILLINERY! FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, BONNET SHAPES, AT SHAPES, &c., This is a G',auioe ;ole, as I intern/ gu.u', co t of aloe B'.sitses, ei rrtri he .I,,s and . f GAvas, &c. ••roil as .tlfesk- MISS GRAHAM, THE CHEAPEST. New Fruits, New Nuts, New Teas, Tae Square. next to Acheson A Cox's Dr:' Gn.x:s From. Geterkb. June :n4. 1vt". 2101. FARMERS &OTHERS We are clearing out a lot of 12 cent Prints at 8 cent;, and Drcisrt (cant, less than cost. We are buying WOOL, and paring '1'11RONTo price.' in Cash, anal a cent, !,y;her in trade. You will tint it t., your It.ivanefta to • Wal with n kiktitbk ktz k. itktti, she ► Isti.r.aat of 3 per reels. all.wrd on ail purchases sr Dry Coed, of One MIM, and .a.. OLBORNE BROSIF QO: ERICI-I_ WONDERFUL VALUE ZN DRESS MUSLINS AT • JCDETLOR & CO'S -glirtalTata• WAUKENPHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOES. Our Ctock of )lens, 11 omen's amt Children', shoes 1, r'orny:vie, sold .on.,.r:se the Latest Ataerkan ai.d English styles. WE TAKE 1• •ct.Yl• FLA( L FOR t't"*TOO WORK. J. DOWNING & CO'Y. A FULL LINE OF 1887 PLOWS, REPAIR & CASTINGS__ KEPT ON HAND. AT REASONABLE PRICIG4. IN C. 8w Number's New Warehouse, St. D•vidot., near Victors -,t. Chum', been its T. Dingle's Yodel e Combined Agent rill r and seeder : also EW SPRIN&\\G000S '7 I greet the pathic with O. announcement that 1 have opened out • (choice Assortment ot NEW AND STYLI'S," Vnz$s GeoDs Suitable for SPRING AND PC-MMER Ware. Tile rarde of Textae Fabrics are to ts$�I1ta season that even t\siost fastidious eta be AND BROCADED SATINS, Honey's Improved Fanning Pill, PLAINBlack and Colored. Plain and Striped Plushest and repass Manufactured at Oshawa. Ont. There are 10000 of them in use. and it is tl:e moat popular machine In the market. A Sample Mill nae he seen at R. PRICKS FEED STORE. and the Dril: at my wareltoi:ae. A CALL 60LICITED. WAST AND IRDUCNT IRON WIRT. c_tA._Hv =I:. Oodsrich. IStk May. Nor. SIM - NEW GOOD OF ALL KIIIDd FALL EVERYBODY INVITED IN --- WALL PAPER SAUNDERS VAgIETY STOFE. RCC OUR PRWCICP p.rsrr rel... tea M Ur. sew me. :tt . ..• M gee. new too. We se w. u.w tar. Thos are last years styles hat fee Hetelteepen, Lad r Tait= TIM nit ANT TIR TIS. A Fresh Stock of American Papers Now on View. Thu Cheapest Ease UNDER THE SUN. Wesd•st., mixt dross to the Pest Ores. Y•lslf-- liar** M. TO COME AND SEC THC Finest Collection OT CHINA ever swished eat to Oodsricb. C. A. NAIRN, Court Rea Stuart Bederle1 Dee. Eli. NM HAY' -r• , LJ'7ALSAM BOOTS & SHOES The Largest Stock l__ C-reatest Variety-, And Best Value IN TOWN. AT TO WEAVERS Colored & its Warp 0. ORABB, April la. 11 i• 1 alto I Odsetsb. t• E. DAWNING'S Cor. East Street and Square, Goderich. ALL THE LEADING STYLES IN LAIIIESI ENTS' IIJB CllILllRE'S WEAR AT VERS CLOSF. PRICIIB. A LINE OF Ladies' Genuine French gid Button Boost at $2.00 SPLENDID TALUS. Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at $1.00and $1,25 Rica me a call. ani we will show inmost stook with pleasure whether` eu buy or Rot. E. DOWNINOrabb's Bleck. Cm. G, et.ad yaws,. N.B.-TO TEE TRADE- Leather and Findings in any quantity. at Lowest Prioes. Oederieb. Jane tad. IPA. St01- Amusements. GODS RICH Reece ASIoi'- Tt1TE LIBRARY A1rD It 1A rya 1.: R001/41, nor. of firs street •M Ops teem 1 toe p.an.. and from 7 to ABOUT /000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Lediag Deify. Weakly mead masfr'wMJ Parrs, M.!stsitw, d c. , os rile. DOCIIRIRPHIP TICRCT. ONLY ROOK graattee free am et 1 andRemReadlsfa, V(•rr sass ssesit p received W ete.,. P- NOeiMllksl f t. 9110sl IP .sr. . pll. MMeI! C}O73Z11ICS Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. PLANING MILL Cal ABLISUID to Cloves at Fina, Hosiery Buchauantl aUen : Bobinseu Y *NUT aCTVRUMs or Sash, Doors & Blinds ntALgws M ALL ttlrwe lip Full range. and at prices unprecedented Io the annals of the Hosiery and Glove Trade ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED. An uuu.t:al!r targe stock of Canadian and Imported hNITTINO YARNS—Beat Makes. RKY NOTE—Goods sold on their merits, no misrepresentations made. and strictly one price Lumber, Lath, Shinjles sad bsllde. s suMtial of even dasotipt+as- =SOL rtM■twt • a1R01fAn. ICA urea .N.1 M..l.l.es. edset.b A.B.1 Ur. M'Z.TNI o_ Getter, sot .April 7th. 1007. f0d/- Draper aM Mabsr. sker. 1 Perkillry&Filic!Goods Just Received at the Medical Hall by F. JORDAN. and e!:1 he sold at Price, to suit the Hard Times. Colloid see then: batons making your purchases. P. JO DANT, Medical Hall, Goderich. PURE PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSEf;T POWDER RHYNAS' TICE rATSCFC1-ter_