HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-1, Page 3'! ems:w,. 1'. kit
Jos kelt h.d •ppsared on the wens— !Moo of tterfect isedtQ,ren_e seemed to toe l
iVII, I felt tempted is break souther brat
leftism plate and all the remaining sherry.
ills••• as 1 thought about it ! And, if
It eat lhd Jen efts•• ,n relit bed ugly 'moire the state of went I
Se p y ; 6oli
can any day ever hombre ut:erty wretch- i was lit, she would macer have trusted aN
w wast tee J put them away.
whod div stewed to
y share theJ
meswsttd mop let Asir suss'• Jr.ite s,s has chain would permit and totem{ lung
ed ! I [Dean, elf purse, to the los"ple1
°t up au
.d ! halm IN►ea [tie r1Mao emir Newfusrtdlaa
••foga t.l
whim, lye sty osmole mud aunt, tile! aro ReUIU iakennel and
ke;.t tag from his 'goer! 85 far as
.,l q.'Ai getiet h.bits attd u14J6r.us
she dit.iep•ruuru mud have a sapper mud lima' howls. The cook aatd that
(,S r us. the
Memo bedroom. it was the sten of • death ; but the
1t was the d.y alter the party, mad h•.a•e.u11iJ paras.tel 1bat it foretold a said, ",.r eat up all the tarts and eiw
wedding- I did out (eel as if 1 cared tarda and cakes. I am wee"—wart»isg
every redivide.1 1111 111.1 bouw est miser-
to her subject --"the waste bas been
6 trade overacted.
"Oh,' laughed -.ate., "that explains
why the pu•,w Naos, ate tn$e instead of
fowl with his boiled hew, and never
(mind out the di.troilis e. 1 thought
what a curious taste he had."
hod • sestiIkea 1 had neveex-
permeated to all my esif•pueeeeee- life he
fore --1 think it was embarrassment -
amid I rose hastily from the table mud
left tio.
e r.u, preseinedly to lee "why
that dog hurled so." And Chru must
have felt curious oat the paint tow, for he
But aunt refused to her perified ; she also left the t.l,'e au -1 followed ate to
d u
had reached that vete' of ess..when Nero's ke,1,l.
troubles are p site rely pretense' to bless- When we came in again, Peter was!
alga. steadies in the ball with M• top -cunt ou,
••s•yio;; 'N.' t•. Mr H .wmr'c w „I not beesking his hat very carefully.
buy a use drawin,t room carpet. " she "Why, Peter," I exclaimed, "where
are y...*gouts 1 I should have thought
you would hare been inure inclined for
bed than a walk. Where are you go-
ing l
Peter looked at us with • curious mix-
able. Tb. 4.y6
trier tie• party had 'm'tcb it/Web it 6466 lir what !leavened— b
not been rewark *blip for e•mtutt,.l•ut wily I think 1 tett more isoliud fur • shameful ' When the ernfo,ctt� u '
they 15 Iraq had b.•en tiogol wily the funeral for ods
cadmium of hoose and I.r.�ht antnyuation, I ws' 4.11( entailed • breakfast mid another stogie qts or jdljr or ban:m+nye to !lure of detianoo and sheepishness ia his
while now of eh.ne reit. .,.....a Pamir• send back, fur every one had been brok- expression.
up as early a6 en into : And 1 haw you, Chris, take "I •m gyring to see Frank 1Ce nold.,"
said. •He told me Wt night that
ger o • wedding, especially if the man carne this morning, I hail not a
and bitterness," told to clam away a»d My soot and I hid ba.n I
Reuel the monuu we had tum much toy
get the home u. A, order tiya.n. This R` just r ap wnf.tl out of that expensing he �
would have seemed rather • dreary task
4 . to la in hod Chris and Peter of
an their inner •t the usual
m .Ly ctroumutanoirs, 1 dare s course
• ted d
b:u u hour, mud their luncheons—which they
Wats greatly $;t„ravrted by the fact that
we were *!I os. very low spirits, or, to put
at honestly, ni dreadfully bei tempers,
baring each mot all a specie; g oer:owe l.f
our own.
My uncle • household consisted of
• himself and my auet.Mr and Mrs f;,bee,
their two eras, Christopher ace: fetor,
always tt:ok with thein,and ate to a little
hack worn at the ofboe—pit up ; and
then when they had started for business,
we commenced our dowel investigations
through the house. We always (Siad at
sax o'clock, and it was nearly that hour
before we had succeeded in reducing the
porcupine, when s plainer cake already
pum.nenee4 wee close be you."
-oh, don't blame Chris fur that aun-
tie '" I exclaimed. "It was done for
Miss Jones, If he had the power, Chris
would cut a bit utf the Koh -*-noon itself
she asked hint. '
he has a little terrier he thanks 1 shall
like, and he said he would lot me have
51 cheep ; au I mm Ruing W look at it."
''But," remarked Chris pitilessly,
"you know that Frank has guns away
front home today, and won't be back
noel Monday ; sad your journey will
"I would," said Chris ; "she is worth he utterly limitless, will it not if you
a hundred Koh i•noon. find only Kitty in 1"
"Really :" obssrred Peet, aroused at "1 shall see the terrier," muttered
Ammo to anything like order. Then lest from the gloomy lethargy that had Peter, putting on his hat, "and shall
their two dtug:ters, Little aril Sophy, i Lowe and fie h a
r p y A d their (inure!, in
isMeg Merton. the r�rphan the enlist of whrcb Chris and Peter ar.
daughter of airy auat't only 'Ivor sty rived, and we went to dinner.
mother had died when 1 was ei_ht reran
..Id, 111.4 my lather. whose habata were Chris fo fled his arms and pot on a
d• d d
by nu means of • domes'ic }arid, sent me his piece at the tab's.
Mfg an etermine4 look as be tea
to school, and allowed use to spend all
my holidays at nay au.1!s ; sod, when he
died and my school days were ..ver, my
temporary home became a per-
manent one This came t o pass .suite
naturally, and was taken as a matter of
course by any kind hearted cvuuoe ; and
and sant Charlotte. who bed always re. turkeys, with sauce oror them, will nut
gardod me as one ,d her own children, But '—turning u. me resignedly—•`nom
never seomd to suppose that she was for the beef to be brought in Meg ; w
cs.nfering any great furor upon me by here had enough unpleasantness for on
giving mea happy home am •n:•t theta Ding ••
all. But 1 appreciated it, and euJrar,;r "}f„w is it there is a whole (ark,,
ed to prove my gratitude to every way lett 1” tnqurred ('her, somewhat modified
possible. i was •,Wer than L ,tote and
possessed him all dinner -tine, and ad- leave word whether 1 will have him or
dressing Chris. •WVhat a pity she does out."
not ragas you in the same light ' She "Oh, I hare no doubt it will be a1l.
told me last night how she hated Jane- right!" I remarked with an in)ocent
k mg with you, trying that you were so air.
clumsy you were coestantly getting your
feet nn her dress."
"Indeed !" retcrted Chris. "She told
me the same thing about you."
"I don't believe it," said Peter.
"Do you mean to say I am Ma%
lies 1' demanded Chris.
'1 breakfasted off cold fowl," he said
gloomily—"1 lunched off cold fowl -1
rebs. to dine off it."
My aunt grew tearful again.
"This is hot could fowl," abs answered;
"it is turkey, and you might eat it. Cold
beef will keep a day or two --fowls and
Peter looked at me, and then said—
''What was the matter with Nen, f'
"Ob—his chin —I think—his collar !'
I stammered, taken aback by the.ead,
dourless of his question, .rid ending by
an appealing glance at Chris.
"Never mind, never ?mind "' cried
"Another quarrel ' grind goy --1E Peter, waving his hands. ".ts you said,
"(►h dear, dear, what will be the end of Meq, I have no doubt it writ be all
it all t" right ; it's leap year you know, and
e "The end of it all might be pleasant Chris has only acted as any other man—
• enough,' I replied with energy, "if only Here Peter darted thruogh the hall door
every one of you would disp:ay a and slammed it after him, otherwise the
little eomtn•,n sense. I am 001 tf pa• hat brush would have struck him.
tiene• with your all : ' When Chris and 1 entered the dining-
'•WVell, Meg," said Lottie calmly, room, aunt was there.
t "you generally seem to consider ycur- "Your wacle has just seer. the doctor,"
k self capable of setting the world to she said, smiling as .he kissed me before
d rights ; w can you set our little soda saving recd -night ; "and, if any td the
• etraigbt 1 It seems to Inc we are all other have been as ready to act upon
miserable. What cal you suggest to your advice, you can let us know in the
t make us a!1 happy ' morning I think we are a:l ready fur bed
ppear rd.
$ophy, and left ech•».l before t'-.1 ltd ; - "It was Meg's fau't,' replied son
and I became very earful in the hors. Charlotte. "Site Fut it on that dam
Allot Charlotte was of • nerrow, timid shelf behind the cellar door, and I four
nature, en 1, as 1 happened to be self* it then this morning quite forgotten
pe.amesote( sod co..I and decided, she worn i Hut 1 wonder Meg, you did not notice
came to Lely entirely upon ay judgment ; that then were only two turkey a
and merits ; and sit • year or Is." I was I supper ; this would have been eaten if it
housekeeper -in -chief, and my adri:e was' bei been then "
asked and pretty generally taken on "I dee' not have any supper,' I said
mattes. both great and uwll—dodged, for I thought there would out t
•'Jf g • advice' hecame powerboat in the mom
household. Naturally I Frew a little "That is merely an excuse," interpoe
dictatorial, fur I -hen wondered what d Lotti. ; "7013 were' spoonm f with
t.hey e•nld have done with.,srt me. John Howarth in the cons_rvatory al
Choi was the only tine I could not man -
"Common 655415.' I repeated—'•,.nly tonight."
common sense. Tate any advent and "I shall have W sit up for Peter,"
peaceewill be restored at once." said Chris.
• "Let us have it then," said my aunt "One of the servants can do that,"
querulously. . said aunt.
••a)h, !rt us have 'Melt's adtioe st "No, they are all tired out," answered
Once ' ' rumored Chris again. 'H••w ie Chris ; "and I shall like to sit up, just
"Bully the sifters as mach as you
like," he would say, "but you shall Lev.
I meant to look t'etiant, but i may
baste hooked guilty.
"Ili 1 he pmpoee to you asked
mr lolly ass ;" and somehow lir other 1 Sophy, staring at me,
never felt inclined to try. "I wilt put a stop to this nonsense
"Tilt ipfRed attaewig es ilii Atli stout John Howrertb 1" I said de•ermia•
take bet; os the whole, we wer+a eery idly. "1'ou shall all know exactly tow
happy family until the day alter the per- {b. .. stand. and them there will be and feast your worries. We will start something to their photograph -al-
ly, when. as I have said, we were each tan further display for wale wit at cur a .ubssrilti •n list for you, whu1 I will bums, and, observing them quietly,
it we have u of thuo.ht of th:a panaceas to see poor Peter's bewilderment when
earlier i ' a I ask him what u the oulor of the terri-
"I will commence with my uaclet;" I er."
began firmly. "Let him—at least, make "Oh, he woa't bewildered at all!" I
hint—see the doctor tonight, and he will put M. "Hell answer in all simplicity,
be better before morning." "Plum -colored" or "Navy-blue," and
sot/m.4 good admit, en• -u.1," said then wonder why ycu look surprised."
stalls—�r`_Nd*will tell him. N'ben aunt had retired, I noticed
a'o ter lou sant—go to bed at Doer that Lo,tty and Suphy were busy doing
ad all miserable. My uncle was Olin- ins itse. As Sophy supposes Mr How- had with tin *hidings ; and, if the I saw them exchange two photo -
fund to his room with • bilious attack, arth did propose to me last night.' ethers give with equal liberality &coo- graphs, I said nothing ' but, when we
when he lay groaning and 'mathematic. "Oh, Chris," iaterrupted L.14., "bo. ding to their mesas, you will be able to lett went up -stain together, they were
sac 1 the broken crockery and Fays
nary haggard when .he first came down way 1• Come here Tip -poor pussy. the white hearth rug cleaned also.
4a the moroinr, and said her heal ached "You should teach roar cat net t, "Tnat is good advice to,., and I will
badly ; and her appearance dol teas stick his claws into one's leve at dinner do my part by going to bed immediate -
brighten as -she and I investigated the time," rsetortd Chris ; "then he would ly," said aunt meekly. ' I am much
state of the state of the cruckery, et rid- not get kjt. obliged to you, Meg."
lig "that ehampsgee." my aunt looked could you hit my cat in such a age ,e(Ines al
. ol.
"1 shall •reser give a party again e
* he said quietly, but it was the quietnem
of despair. "Niue champagne gleam
broken, two sherries, acid three of the
best chine plata, and a great slain upon
the drawing -room carpet' We might
have been entertainint a set of barbar-
ians '
Christopher and Peter, usually the
most affectionate of brothers, were now
=mot on speaking tonne with each other,as
r my aunt aad!I saw at breskfut time;and,
instead of going to bu6ioem together,
Peter lingered until Chris had gone, and
'then started about tire minutes thou
weak. This unfriendliness arose, as I
.ve11 knew, Manes of a stylish disagree-
able London belle, whom some friends
-of own had brought with them to the
patty. and who had flirted da.perately,
bet with maddening impartiality, wit*
n both my deloded cousin.. Hence their
.,Mn... to each other this morning. As
foe LAtU* and Sophy, I wrked, before
the day was out, that they were Dot oe
speaking term., fir they were maim(
as each other all the rime, and finished
jest helms dinner with a downright and
spiteful quarrel ; and seat Charlotte
arced. 'their grinning was about two
brothers, Tom and Harry N.will ; for
Lottie liked Harry best, sad Sophy liked
Tam ; ad, with the peal eontrarinese
et ms.kisd, Harry was desperately in
love with Sepby and Tont with Lotti. ;
en it was seal, after 'eery merry-mak-
ieg we might have, for Lettish mad Sophy
to fell oat abut them. f felt vetted
with everybody ; but I think 1 was quite
satisfied is being so, for they would aft
persist is balieviar—.s saying they he.
Bevel—tbet 1 was in love with ridiculous
Jobe Flowattb, jmt bemuse he happened
be M is love with rne,aad took ears that
Wray ease abould hoes he was too! I did
tNak some et them at hot might have
bad aha masa /Ad mor We dee bas.
"-He/d�ras not touching you '' return-
ed Ieostie warmly. "Ne w0 begging
fait• int ffensovely. '
[merrier than Reuel, and quite friendly
Thus tate day beoun so dismally mid -
ed right happily : and i s results were
happier still -foe Peter and Kitty are
reamed and happy stow ; Lottie and
"As for you, Peter," I r)ntin(Sed Sophy are whispering about a forthoom-
"dnuble wedding ; and Chris—hav-
condescended to take •'Meg's dv,oe"
once—has • wife who worships the
very ground be
serves it too.
severely, "I thin:[, instead of -4 -carrel- ing
ing with Chris about Mos J•.nes,pou had ing
"He was sticking hie claw, into my better turn your attention nearer home. fur
ieg," reiterated Chris, with quiet and I knew poor little Kitty Reynolds would
etnetaggravating obstinacy. nearly ery her eyes out when the got
home last night, or rather this morning:.
"You know noire Oho I do than, re
Meg tell as about Mr Howarth. I have turned I'eter.
often read shout proposals in tales, but "yea, I du ; toe 2 am to Kitty's conn•
i have never heard a real heel sib one donee, and you are not ; and I knew
described. Do tell u* every word he what Kitty said to mar when she was go -
'flow don't you two begin quarrel-
ing,' said Sophy impatiently. "But let
"Did be go down upon his knees
asked Reitz "For, if he did, I wish 1
had bees there to see him."
"I shall not tell you whether he went
down upon his knees or not," I answer-
ed calmly ; "nor shall I tell you what he
said. Bat," I added with sentimental
meditstios, "behold some very nice thinge
indeed to me---»te--nicer than you could
put together, Chris, if you tried • hun-
dred years."
"I ear *seers you f ens not going to
try, even for a minute," answered Chris
giving rim • most savage hook.
14y aunt soddenly buret into tears.
"This is the finishing blow," she sob-
hed— "Meg t ming to be married ! 1 will
never give another party as long ea I
lite! it was against my better jedr.
meet that i yielded this time. 1 did it
to plasm you all, and this is the mirk—
ferniest?, rained, eatables waisted, your
father ill, you all quarrelling like this,
and Meg goring to be married ! No,
sever another party in this home !"
"What—not even when Mee marries
John Howarth r' sneered Chr
•':No' set twee thea," replied aunt »-
desblittg hew mita
"Well, deter q, aaetie," 1 inlerpoe-
ed, "fee I aim set wise to massy him.
I wee hist a rag daaide 1 'No.' "
(>iela beta Over * geuok maters glen
is wg d*-'eetles 1 otter w►tek kis esSWIP
iog home, and you do not. And my ad-
vice to you, Peter, w to make up with
Kitty, artd leave Miss Jones for tho»e
who want her."
"Capital advice ! But I never asked
you for it, you see ; so I don't consider
myself bound to take it ;" and he went
ort eating tarts
"And now, girl.," I continued looking
at Lofty and Sophy, "sake up row
minds to the inevitable, and change
i evert Thea are twins, and as ranch
alike you commit always tell which is
which ; and i think it must be merely
eontrarmess in you two to pretend yoe
like either one better than the other ;
and"—with jest • careless ;barge at
Chris—"contrariness never pays to the
email So take my advice transfer your
affeetiona quietly, and say no mon about
it. '
Then i helped myself to some Mane-
msnge, and west on sating my •ditiner.
''Bet you hare forgotten me," ole
sorted Chris ; pray have you no advice
int M !"'
I heaitated a moment, then looked et
him defuntly.
"Well," 1 said, "f think the advice I
have given to Peter might also apply to
roti ; ieeteed of making yoeeself Mime -
pone sheet Miss Jones, f think tote
migkt lad some one to admire nearer
:abler, ,•wise to Psea'n aleligiled
"•pais Via/ 1" Alti Metdj- daft
de -
A ladles menet.
"I'd give a good deaf d i hail such a
Gars, healthy Mon w you have," said a
lady to a footed. "Just look at mine,
.l1 spots and blotabse, amd rough as a
grater. Tell me the se.r.t of your Bete
ones In always looking so well. Then
is co secret about it was the reply, "1)r
Pierce: *Golden Mdtoal Discovery'
Messed my blond, and when that was
don.. my akin which was worse than
roue, began to look smooth and healthy,
as you see It now."
Owl leeewtae,.
Run no nett is buying medicine, bot
try tie Brest Kidney and Lim regula-
tor, made by Dr. Chaos, author of
Chase's reo.ipse. Try Chase's Liver
Can for all dwarves of the Liver, Kid-
neys, Stomach and bowels, t o'd by all
SALT 1(1(411, rite STOtirIACI,,
NUMMI,[11111 NEN
«n"ar orMaet. eat
Cukor, and
Can be
cured by '
the blood
I do not believe That
♦ger'• sarsaparilla has
air equal ae a remedy
fur scrofulous lite
mon. 1t is pleasant
to take. Rens at h
.m1 rig veto the k .
sad produces a mg*
permanent, la.t , am•
molt thea say
1 ever used.— K.
Haines, No. Llnyihle, V,
1 'hove used Atrr's
SaesalaN14, In my famt.
Hy, ff66rr Serofuta, and
Meow, If It 1. takes
faithfully, ft wig
ttk�ter�rible disease.-
W. Ir. Yowler, M. D..
tlresavllle, Teas.
For forty years I
have suffered with kry-
slpelas. 1 have tried
all sorts of remedies
for my complaint, list
Issued so relief until 1
• r' s Sar*aparfa fly
£ft taking ten bot-
tles of Olds medkiue 1
mm completely cured.
-- Mary ('. Amesbury,
Rockport, Me.
1 have suffered, for
year., from Catarrh,
which was so severe
that It destroyed my
appetite sad weakened
my system. Atter try-
ing other remedies,
acrd getting no relief, 1
begaa to take Aver's
Sarsaparilla, and, 'In a
taw month., was cured.
— Susan . Cook, sm
Albury et., Bodes'
iftghlands, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is superior to any blood
puriller that Y have
e'er tried. I time
skean It for Scrofula,
'ankrr, and salt -
Rheum. said merit rd
much beIellt from it.
t is Rood, •Iso, for a
weak stomach.— Miner
Ane Peirce. South
Bradford. Mar.
AIWA_. Sarsaparilla,
1'sgmeea air Oft J. C. Ayer ' .'. • • 1.nw.il, Naas.
1N61, St i els isetttee, OS.
A sw.f areas letter.
Tilsnnburv, March nth, 1337.
T. Milherm at
Sirs.—Pleas ship ei . •i thr,•.- , .., !t.
B. Bitten. Best wino_ mr:t,,the;shop. Sold seven to•tt:e. t.. tiny " 1' -urs'
truely, C. Thomps•.n.
The above sample is 'KW •f a bun•
dred of similar expressions rr_ardiug the;
popularity of B. B. B. 2
c� Arnvalz 1
'Mr undersigned Ira Just received is 'stew
,.dd,i .,i tea two stook of
in'v and M•a.uaabie : •!„o ■ fresh stuck of
and a toped supply of l'1. itK1) )IKATst; •leu
ales.. in stock. l P. P. of all kinds.
r ra'all and ser before baling ,'Imre brse.r
'i•.u.ba sold chevte for cask. or tarns prodesa,.
lu: wash the hatch".1t price ell be paid.
liudrnra..tyril Mb, We. 111101-11
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