HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-7-1, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1887. J11180dAL1l[ Or TODAY. I wages in trartwe e• Messes. IMUM pitett thea is with a geoi•el.ad Heal hie toe mal condition.. Dir use is unnatural, d.swrelaret, ►Magill mance, The Mosso l sue, scads owe be t hastier: rays ; us rmao.tious are all We- stviue. The wind. --the air we breathe —tit rid them of all impurity and taint, are nut to the vast ocean and the firemen poles. The water, that it may be free from filth that see tryst's and all adesix• turd of dewy, is distilled iu God's Wes - ed lar■ rat..ty aid .rut to us i °epe se s•ruwera, ur hltered through the purify tar earth to gurgle from the depths is crystal streams. The soil—powerful disinfectant. one great earth clout -- takes poeno,us exhalations and gives them hock in -hl....m and fruit. More wombsrte, than all, every organ, faculty aid force .-f our mortal bodies wan eosins( disease. end never ceases to war t.11 duab.ed sod worn out an desperate c ,uti..ou. conflict. Surely, health ia the osurmal condition. Our vital fomes are always on the alert ; indefatigable, utdis• mineable, always working fur us and attaint us They receive little considenti•.n. Not to speak of exces- sive labors, rzces.aive idleness, reckless exposures and incossant worries, our ts.d&Iy organs, particularly the digestive and excretory, are shamefully maltreat - }i 1. 11 endive through this surfeit, it eeeourages free, sodulgence next tune. When our patient, willing organs are utterly unable to do the work we require of therm, if we substitute drugs and diverse nostrums instead of relieving them of the oppressive part of their burden. we finish ourselves in wattle ur pass into the ranks of the incurable -- whenever a person makes up his mind that disease can be cured without re- sortug the cause or that there is any restorer but the vital forces, there is little remaining for him but to die. Yesti!ence comes from putridity. "Germs," indetinsbly ,malt, floating in the sir are capable of mischief indescri- bably large. Barnyards and stables should nn,t be tolerated within ten nods of the well ur house. Manure under over, mixed with muck ani plaster, as it should he, is very different from that .ystematioatly leached and its e..eucm and substance allowed to r. ntamtnste the ground, and in porous *oils finds its woe tu.the spring or the well. The privy vault should be shallow, made tight with cement. supplied with muck and plaster, and the contents carted away often ; cr boxes should be provided, easy to empty, and disinfectants freely used. That cesspool at the back dour, how do you know what "germs of typhoid or yel- low fever, putrid sure throat, or other malertal mischief, are generating there I ant satisfied that a tub big enough to hold for cue day the ordinary slops of the house, placod on wheels, and used .A I• taw /wawa Uewst Neves •- e:teewy sasses 1a the was t'tlp. ' The Holy C.ty looked eery prueperuw and beautiful from this [mint IMount l/iivetI and the winds w the !!:o re made a pleasant wood ; s we s..,"1 and look. I led at the sacred teachings from all our I lives came up about us whole •ud fair as they had been before we saw the , Jerusalem of today, writes a crresp.n- dot of the Louisville 1'.,urier A rusgh field lay all about us, with' aunty soil, where the trawled old odors., standing apart, looked as if they had freight hard for life. And all over the place wherever nature predominated over the slight cultivation, there grew a low bush - they call it •'cbapparral" in ' Tease - it is all thorns and gray ; at least the leaves had not yet appeared. Every• 1 where they grew, these low, th. ray ! bashes ; *o it was not far they had to weak the Master's crown. On the top of the M cunt there are a few dirty hovel and a mowque with • I hash minaret, from the top of which we bad a beautiful view. The Head time, lying blue and still, low down in its ver- dareleas hills—the course of the Jordan esutlined in green Jerusalem- Bethany, and all about the white roads winding away among the curving hills. Another view we had which equalled ('tis : It was from • hill -top on the read to Bethlehem, From this we saw the Dead Bea and Olivet, Jerusalem and )t izpeh,Bethlehem and all the fair green plains whore still the shepherds watch their flocks. By the time one makes the tourney to Bethlehem, h ,waver, one hag b,ccme dull and unenthusiastic. The town is dirty and the geld* talks on in seesantly ; the manger, a meetly gni/th- ird marble box ; the Altar of the Stars the Altar of the Innocents, the t. mh of Jit Jerome and the tomb of St. Paula neem all to be of equal value in the eyes of the Franciscan brothers who show them 1.. you. But the cell of St. Jerome ; just the place a gloomy dyspeptic would chose tor his abode ; this seemed of more w,rrth. !father damp it was, with the light coming in from above, and nut very much of it ; but not at all minket- liable. Upstairs the Greek church is im- prsssive—impresiye, because of its per- fect simplicity ; for the brown rafters we all unpaiuted and uugilded, and ere the resting places of many sparrows and swallows, whose twittenngs and &sittin s lilleed the cool glum'. It re- manded me of the peaceful Campo Saa:- a o and Pisa ; and with Gethsemane, a td the wheat fields about Bethany, is t .e calmest memory I have of Jerusa- lem. A its■.rosy ■sabasd. A sunshiny hutbliid makes a merry, beautiful Lorne wor... having. worth working In and for. If the man is breazy, cheny,considerate and sympath• otic, his wife sings in her heart over her puddings and her mending basket, and renews her youth in the security she feels of his approbation and admiration. Y .0 may think it weak er childish, if you please, but it is the admired wino she wife who hears wore. of (praise and raceme smiles of commendation who is capable, discreet and executive. 1 have wan a timid, meek, self -distrusting little kxo.ly, fairly bloom into strong, elf re• Tient womanhood under the tonic and the cordial of companionship of a hug - bind who really went ost of his way to S ,J ..cession for showing her how fully ie deferred to her opinion. In home life there should be n.o Jar, to striving 1 .r place, no imitating on prerogatives, or &evasion of interests. The husband and wife are each the complement of the oth- er. It as as much hi. duty to be cheer - tel as it is hers to to patioiit.his right to %ring joy into the house as it is her'• to sweep and garnish the interior. A fam- ily where the daily walk .of the father snakes life • festival, is filled with some- thing like a heavenly benediction. The Trlwsaaphaal Three. ''During three years suffering with dyspepsia I tried almost every known remedy but kept getting worse until I tried B. B. 1*. 1 Mao only used it three day. when I felt bitter, three bottles cooripletedly cured me. W Ntch,.ls, of !teeth!, Ont. 2 summer and winter t^ ^-onvey the dope to tht! garden, will prove a paying invest- ment, aside from sanitary considera- fesk. They disarpsered ; b rsideatly swallowed them ; Mt what *boss the saliva to be mined with Me feel by de liberate and t`treeeyh elaatieatims what will the peteio joists du with the I n sudden asi Massasoit11 ',Shin was hin five mustag by ea tw e. mikes % teer'ed and swallowed w tie re way t whoa I he dies et pasemoeta twenty years home las ddwied family will say it was because Ise mea sought ia a severe atone, not so. His persistent glutteey ear feebksd his vitality, till be was an easy prey W whatever assailed him. When his graa.dwta contrails suicide fount 4.- m/tic depression lbws cakes meat be ci oesidered particeple enmiuia. Well, there ie "the Still," Satan's workshop, where mischiefs are made. Put that and all its dougc iuto the list of cur self indicted curses, add tobacco and opium --sum up lin 1 have named, and 10,000 bad things, big and little, that we do or are responsible for, and the ailments of this world are pretty well ac - c ounted for. The malaria that comes from marshes, that man didn't make, occasions sickness but is "preventable." I beg readers to remember that we do not acquit ourselves well by merely re- fraining from making cesspools, whiskey factories and filth deposits ; we are to do as well as refrain from doing.—Hugh T, Brooks. •redsees. There are few of us who do not remem- ber some beautiful homes, where the poet's ideal was carried out and drudgery seemed made divine. It is only when the rough edges of the housework are deftly smoothed ..ver by an able, willing hand that all the machinery of the house runs smoothly. This guiding hand must be the mistress of the house. The roughest part of the hott+sework are those most likely to b. neglected. We re- member a distinguished Congressman's wife who though a beautiful woman and a society leader made it a systematic Practice to spend two hours or more each morning in the kitchen. "I do nct do much fancy cooking in the kitchen," she said laughingly ; "I am generally engaged in overlooking kitchen sinks, seeing to garbage pails, etc. These are the things my servants will not attend b I see to it that they do. I m it to feel sure my house is clean in • part." The Virginia colored help 1 askance at first at this Northern usaa's nncompromuing ideas ed neatness; they fell into her ways finally, as usually do into the ways of the m whether they be good or bad. utterly useless to expect an ignorant girl in the kitchen to appreciate the danger to the health and comfort to the family which may even mew Sae vee remelt moms room tasest/w r cue .'f the chief mums that make ex- tracted hooey wieldable is the tact that it granulatee ur candies—as It is termed and ass its "good looks" are injured. This deem sot injure the heavy at all ; either in dater or appearance, .Mea again liquified by beat, anima tau leech bat is applied. Granulation is • teat of purity, as adulerated honey will out candy while pure honey always will whom exposed to light and air. Many eaperimeut have been made to prevent granulation ; only one of which has been found successful. Exposure to light will cause granulation, e ven when the air is excluded, fur this reason it is found that liquid honey must not be kept any length of time in glass vessels. Teets made by myself as well as uthene show that when well ripened eztrscted honey is Fut up and sealed in tin cans in the same manner as corn, fruits n( all kinds,meat etc., in fact any kind of per- ishable artacles of food, that it will pre - ' erre its liquid state for and length of time. I have found ii keeps perfectly for three year, how much louger it will keep so I do not know, but saw no reason why it ahculd not indefinitely. For the inf,rmatinn of those who may not understand the modus operandi of canning fruit, etc., in tin, I will state that for honey cans holding from ons to three p .ands are the test sizes ; the honey when well ripened, and immed- iately after it has been extracted should be put in thew cans and coven soldered on ; • small hole should be pierced in the top of each can with a medium sized brad awl, and the cans then put into boiling water till the honey is heated sufficiently to expel the air, then a drop of *alder should be flowed ou t, the small nolo and the job is done. the cans can then be labeled for market, or if designed for home use the label can be omitted. It may sem strange that the above fact is of recent ascertaining, but the reason therefor is that experiments were devoted to glass almost entirely, and only recently was the granulative action of light fully xacertainco As it i) far er. (tee a remissive When 1 was a girl mothers were ohjsot of veneration W ate ; and unto as .rue of the cast army of them, 1 him to sodium the study of their peculiarit- ies 4 character. Yeuerataou still stands first ea the list of my sentiments tor them, but alas ' how many another fed - um is aroused During the study—atlases- smut, pity, anger, end sometimes dis- gust. I remember sitting one dry to any nur- sery by the crib where my boy lay nap- ping, when an iutituate friend appeared at the dour, and eutering cook into a chair. •• What is the matter, Mrs It - —1" 1 enquired "Why, Per is dead " "Your pretty horse ?" "Yes, beautiful animal. It is fileafs sit with me." "How do you mean !" "Why, of course it is my handsomest horse. It was the acme with my child rets I lust the beautiful one— the nth ors all hued." I looked up in astonishment, ■,ad then and there true veneration 1.1 the case resigned its place to atuazeineut ; am: yet that woman was the mother of several well looking, tinely - formed healthy chticiren—the ones that would nut do. Agan, one lovely summer day, on the way to my room at the hotel where I was boarding, I pried the hathrnom,the door of which was wide open ; there to the direct draught 'twist door and win- dow stood' Bridget, • really gond-natured though "green'. Irish girl, holding a baby under the wann•water faucet. "0, Bridget, you sill hu rt the barn r exclaimed. •'Nirir a hurt. S!ture I soaps her first and then rinses her off• 1:eep•ng up a swinging motion with the baby all C..• time that male nim diz,:y. "Doesn't she ever cry ! ' "NISir a whimper. the darlint." And no wander. Iler eves aero c'osed and she Looked drawn and white the mouth, while the rest of her was more than rosy from the that wine, of course, warmer sod • Veneration Belie took her leave, and easier to- raise • crop of extracted than pity reigned instead ; for when I told comb honey, the abere fact in regard to of the baby • younger mother she watt keeping the same will probably aghast and only too glad to hair, interest and advantage to many who Bridget taught better wayr. What I have become partially discouraged with wonder is how she could, as the bee-keeping.—J. E. Pond, children say, -trust t.. luck" as to how. her baby should be bathed and lose the No injurious effects can follow the pleasure of giving it a bath herself. ! use go Ayer's Ague cure in malarial dis- eases. It contains a opecific and unfail. Veneratiou has fled repeatedly fr ! mir antidote far miasmatic potions, ulth ; the presence of disgust when I have reinediaL•genta when expel the poison- heard the all too cononoe ge "I ous humors, purify the system, and leave trust my nurse implicity.' ! it healthy and reinvigorated. lurk in the folds of an unclean floor Feather eating is cttued by idle cloth and often in the nondescript, un -'and a lack of suitable food. Strew hemmed, uncared for cloths, which are , poultry house floor with dry ieat•es tions. Vitrified pipes, property trapped, used in some familtes as dish cloths, en in the fell fur the purpose, or use four inches in diameter, tight joints, Every sink, every receptacle for garbage I stner and scatter the grain food so gond descent, placed hef,w the front and every cloth used in cleaning s fowls will hare to scratch for it. Gi line, -extending too rules Troy I atically be washed. Soda is • variety of food to which wheat nr netters to the 1 h bet both f d to a deposit of muck and other absorb - admirable genera washing, It or neer a conal enble part.A ents whish are to be removed at frequent admirable for washing ranks, old pails, M little rooked meat occasionally will be plate a few handfuls f about out body water, e arta Day and Night ex 11.e prustratioa aateakd web ;,r aa acute Miark et Mrseekkis. a urktisg la tea threat, as/ m dry. baektag rough, ares Wrap la bestaMtjd, and great s. This disease is Me sad ausiselmia Lome ur Voice. t0 llabls to become cheetah.. la%ohe the tt gs, and terminate family. Ayer's (;berry Peworal &fordo .peedy rstkf and cure W cases of liroo- chltfs. It coutrul4 the fyapodt:ou to rough, and induces refreshing/gasp. 1 woe here a praetielalg Pb fur twenty-four vier.. ■sal, fur l e twelve, bane wf'rrJ from saeual ..f Itronehhb. After exhausting the u.ual remedies Without Re1101, I tried otter's Cherry Pectoral. It helped cur Ituut..Iiateh, anal elected a speedy cure. -6. alibi roll . )L D., C arr l It oa, Ay re's ("berry Pectoral k decidedly the best rrtue.lh. while' my knowledge for atomic lirottchtti•. and all lung d{.ewass, .t. Must. 11. D.. Kota h Paris, Me, 1 was attacked. last winter, with a severe Cold, which. from expo.ure, grew wens and death settled or my Lungs. By 'light son cats 1 was [whited drama to a .kvktou. Mr Cough was tesetas.t, and I frequently .pct bkocd. My Oracles told nor to ghe up business, or 1 week' ant lives month. Aft', vedette tee- d*•. without reltrt, was /many Cured By Using two b ttks of Aver. ("berry Pectoral. I am now In perfect health, awl she to rouser business. after bon stag beer pro- nuutare.f incurable with l'oaaseipttou.— i- 1'. Henderson. iauli.bµrgh, Peag- For jean I was le a decline. 1 bad n rah lung.. mud suffered from Bros. -Mitis and Catarrh. .t 'war■ Cherry Peetoral re- stored sew to health, mad 1 have been tor s lout time coni1.aratltrly vigorous. Lt roar of a sudden .old I alwans resort to the Pectoral. and dnd speedy relief. - iidward E. Cunt.. Itutlar.l, Vt. Two tears ago l suffered trent a severe Drnw•bftb. The ph. ai.•iaa attrndtug me became fearful that the diseare would t. r- minale io Pneumonia. Atter to iier n an - owl medicine.. n ithout beergt. he finally proscribed Avers Cherry Pectoral. w bkb relieved me at once. I continued to take tide medicine a short titre. and was cun-d. — Erurst Cotton. Legal.spurt, Ind. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ire 1 1, Dr .i r•. Ayer & CO, Lowell. Nam by .;1 Lreemens. Prior 1, as 'levee Treadles: What ! Noor fiord Johnston** Tonic Bitten : Sta.is..1., a.. at "ore, ft's posl- tively the hest genera) tunic an the market. I've open hood .4 it tt4e risott s that it was i.. t.a p.lace. ..Ia.. it ..f its. many trashy prrperetu'u •that flo td user market, but .thea you es -commend tt ser highly I'll give 11 a (tial. 1)., wa. it'. ;tool for 'goy o•emplatet is which a Laois i. of benefit, el eon be taken by man, women, •cted. 50c sod Sl per bottle at lin s Drug .vows, Maim block, Ruder' auk agent.. neo Iu nu other medicinal preparatt. n Lars the the results of the moot intelligent study laid and scientit:c in.gatry been s, sttadr and cut progressively utilized as to Ayer's Sersa- pantla. It leads the list as a truly scleu- tlt* ; otic preparation for all blood d,.eases. re a ew Y.ak city consumed 25.0010.000 •.zen rifts last year arta tat 1 $.1.000.000 for thetas. Thr estint.tad pfo.luet of the whole country was :50.000.400 J.,zvu. Elliter WIN WUst a 'rely heeuttful woad we Iirn in ! Nature sties m graud.rur •:f ..ur,telt.e, ijeus tied oceans. and thousstoie.4 woosssa..t esj•,vment We can desire e,1. totter whets to perfect health ; but how •'ftin de Ilk, majority of te1'ple feel like ovine it up di.heart• ened, djae•'ura.ed and worn out with bran — iniesse,-achaa;hep-N so. ..soon fur eau f* tt r HMO that are c nhned in satumer this fvetins. es every sutf Oe- can east:y must hate green fu. d, It is an easy (dooms '. ry I r o`, :ern s matter to August Uus.r, w.11 m.Lr than free intervals, will also he a safe and profita- ble way of disposing o!f the liquid wastes of the house, which are death in one shape, beauty and luxuriance in the other. 1n nine farmhouses out of ten, from fall till late spring, decaying ap- ples, potatoes, cabbage, may be found in cellars under the rooms where the family lire. There should be barn cel- lars, for all fruits and vegetables except the few required for immediate use. o Don't build on low, damp ground Ceniett the bottom and sides of you cellar ; whitewash it every spring, as don't let any decaying thing remain in it Keep in mind that your well u a drain drawing to itself the liquids for a consid arable distance round, and see to it that nothing focal comes within its reach. "Driven wells' do not drain to the same extent,and in filthy surroundings aresaf- er, there should bend filthy surrounding.. Howes in gradual decay, with !hidden accumulations within the ceiling., musty and mouldy materials, unsuitable wall- paper, dampness, and deficient ventila- tion, may hare a good hooking cornice, a , fresh coat of paint, and an elaborate front door and yet be unfit for human habitation. Men mast die, but that is going oat, not sickness necessarily. God and ; nature work for health every time. I have yet to see that there is any con- siderable amount of sickness that is not preventable. There are many heredi- tary ailments. IA•ubtlese they originat- ed in "preventable causes." Such in- firmities should be limited in the future by confining marriage to healthy persons. Accidents, such as broken limbs sod .cnntolio ono from turnovers end smashup., are mainly preventable. Thousands go gradually into "decline" ; (hey avoid n ight air, mull their throats, get pre- sariptinns from eminent specialists, .eek health in salubrious climes --all in rain. they yield at last to the inevitable—net $ bit of it—thy yield to their own nr their parents' folly and crime, whieb sealed their doom long years before'. 1 saw a boy sating griddle cakes for break- fast. They were good mise. He put two together, buttered them profse.ly, swallowed the two at five moethfsle, one after asether, jest as tact as he All algal at flame. "What a set of Iahtnaslites we are '" exylaimed a kindly old clergyman in our hearing long ago. "Every man's hand is against his neighbor. Nation against nation—farmer against farmer. The landlords preyingon their ter angry, the tenants on their land- lords. the master on their servants the servants on their masters. It is a predatory business all through, and at the last we are all preyed upon by the worms. Ah! never mind !" said the Rental moralist, "at a:I comes right is sb sod--tbe birds prey open the worn !.—London Agricultural Gazette. stet tea Met. Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is the beat, must prompt and safest sere fur chokes m.hrhu., dysentery, tusk .tnmaeb, ersmps, ebolie and cholera in. rescues that bas yet been discovered. It) t ss undimmed by aro. Ail soil it. g • r, d well as cleaning clothes of ever d armful, also finely pounded froth bones Kram Y e' P' each morning and gine too the poultry. thin. It is en excellent plan to pour a A little salt may do no harm, some teed- But it is essential, and very few hens strong solution of potash and boiling ers consider it indespensible to success. ! will lay with-- a grrrn dirt in some urns water down the kitchen sink pipes once Much would he injurious. Clear corn' form. a week. 1f the educated mistress of the I or ccrn meal dough are imperfect foods i house neglects to attend to such matters, for either poultry nr others. Corn dose who has been taught In shoola and col- ! not furnish a suitable proportion of flesh leges the positive danger to health aria-: forming material to maks eggs and sus- ing from savor gas, and the various I tato the health of fowls. poisonous gases generated by unclean cellars, unclean garbage pails or even old eruptive humor that covered his head la Seiler Pinar taew. "My swagged eleven was cured of an scrubang-clothes and bruebes,ts it reason- able to expect the untutored servant to do *o 1 An uneducated person cannot appreciate the necessity for scrupulous neatness, unlet instructively. If every- thing appears neat they usually feel that all the requirements M* been met. Ten chances to one they will hot com- prehend you if y -,u try to explain it. There is no drudgery that seven • useful end that has not its divine side, and face *ors, by two betties of Bur- dock Brook Ritter. and Pills," teetiBea Mrs Mary Fulford,of Port Hope,Ont. The Mirror and Parnvr says that in a month or two some of the old hens will cease laying and begin to drop their feathers an advance of others. Do not be tempted to market them, as they will get through moulting early, and be your but that does not minister to the higher life winter layers. Keep all the bens that of the man or woman by ministering to moult early. his physical comfort and well-being, luting him free to think great thoughts Parka's Carbeolic Cerate for sores of any and do noble deeds, Those who are able kind 1 It is beyond doubt the very best to take their religion into their lives, inpreparation in the market for healing to the little daily matters that lie around pimples Blotch". and to the only prop Hare you ever tried McGregor & and curing Sorge, Burne, Berns, Cute, them, they indeed are wise and happy. ( er method of applying Carbolic Acid. ••ll he 'weeps the room as for thy laws Sold at G. Rhynas' drug stone for 25c Makesthat mad theaction floe_' I per box. (1) ateepteesaes. Rise early, exercise freely in the sir, and do not sleep in the day -time. Eat light suppers, and retire at a regular hour. Sponge the body with tepid wat- er, and rub briskly with a coarse towel. Winter night clothes should be made of flannel. sufficiently long to cover the feet and prevent contract with cold sheets. Do not gine a child paregoric or soothing syrup, for sleeplessness or fr*tt.lnees Sedatives should never be a.tminietered, except by the advice of a physician. The latest remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Ccugb, Brwehitie, eta, is )teOregor's Lung Compound. There 1 ne remedy in existence con- taining any nn* of the active ingredients eemonsing M..(Iregor's Lung Composed, )o do toe my you have tikes ewerythieg setas you have tried this for your sold or cough, and your opinion will be theme's se all who haw* mod it, via , that it i) tea hest. Sold is 110. mad $1 bottles by 0. Rhymes dtttt t. (1) The ran of a henhouse should be dug up every morning. Each time the yard is epaded.sprinkle in a pint or mon of oats. This will keep the hens busy, and the grain that escapee biddte will sprout in a few days and afford the poultry a dotter( of green oats. seem manus$.. "I have been cured ..t cbrorie d' rho.* by the use of Dr Fowler's Extract of Watd Stawberry. I used anout twelve bottles of tt and em new entirely free from the disease. William McLaren, Clearwater, Manitnha 2 The Y. M. C. A. have collected 4' of the necessary guarantee of 924= re - gamed before commencing the inatttus ..f their new huildier at Owen Bawd. sAhs tawte. "It always acted like malts, 1 hale scarcely Omer need to rive the dose of Dr Fowler's Itatrset t1 Strawberry for eusa er eampletella riles Walter (ioveeleek, of Sthrof Ant. t ..illi sememaevtaa. In a long letter fr John H Hall, of Baddick, Cape Breton. N. S., he says : "I believe were it not for Bnrd•.cip. Kiueel; Bitters I should be ttt any grjt•e. It cured ate of kidney and liner complaint and general debtlaty, which had Pearly proved fatal." 2 %ata R..k Awes Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book agent, but has the agency in Goder,ch for ,Iuhnsten's Tonne Bitten, which he can heartily recommend for any com- plaint to which a tonic medicine u ap plicable. This valuable medicine has been with nowt astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general drbtlity, Werk - nes, irregulanties peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss of appetite, awl for that general worn out feelitpt that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the veer, Don't forget the name Johnapun's Tunic Bitten 50c. and =1 peremetle at Goode's drug store, Alb,t, block, G•,derich, ode agent. al Tiis Tato certify that hoe used 51.;:- t8 pee•ly Cure for pepsin and Liver Complaint, and do one.tly say that if cont me .one hnnd d tt .-. ($100) a bottle I would not be\eithout it. aa it has d••ne ole more good then all the medicines I ever used, and I felt like a new man.—Y.nlrstrui.rltttt, Cedant. Place, tint. ly. Thi.AmezedicSinals for safest 50c and $1 per bottle at 0. Rhyn.e drug store. (1; "w, CATAIR R H CREAM BALM Cleanses t h e Head. ALay Infars.r ation Howls the so ae toren t h e LSYMofTaste B sri Hasrtns from .iise.er, as mho., burn. Dyspepsia and Livor Conel'aint are the direct rause of uremia -ere per cont, of such said isSi tee M Iltti..nsua-as, Iudtg.stion, s:qk 1..-adsche. coot: • teas, nervous prostration, disziness .1 the bead, palpitatio.ts .1 the heart. and ether distressing avorpt s. Threw doses of Aeguat F ower will Kowa its w•.edeirful effect. clamp;e bott:se. 10 arias. Try aqa y ansa 7crw,118A T M 51 BILLIOii LIVER CURE _ et, rH AIM TOY l.ueduew Meadarhe, 1)4.....,.P.ta jam - , 1). (-NAV . LIV ES Owes will 1. Isswi war rod certain ,sweaty. NATURE'S RtYCDT 11. ererleified ..scams of Dr. Char's Lime Cure i Lirer Complaint rests defy with .M fact time it i '.mpnan•kd how welt.known liver r.wwla..n (teat,.....so D.sut.ton, ce.abiaed with tar mher .nraisablr root., kooks mad ksrt,, ba.Ug •n+•'.fui cEe.t an the kidre,., Ste enCa. jeeo4 aro wood 500,000 SOLS ^'^ ear -1x1/ .er.%iwa e% De. (bah Rer4se tri r roe reef Ile w..f m7 .... a•-.rr■ ad .-b1/ s.1.r fr Mabel arise L4.► Cir t ....f t. r.-, t4.'. rscvfeaf er.ew/r. karma Ertl. Oita AWN Pitt irno.e.w ,.oa„e *very Anglin of lam. Ch..Is Liver Cr el a ra,nal i. Household Medical (.nidi syd Reap Look (As pram), remaining e.sr sac =Wk/r.c1pea araaouncM.a by eel.rai me. and dn.grlrs r 4war aa.l wants ten clonen the price of the ..dleiae, 71111 Giusti CATNIP, Com A sats end Math' vt tante TOT iiuttt•t iiom, ate Uvea Pitts. •s as. pw I w SOLD Sy ALL DEALERS 0 •SMAr.O0 a 00. Ufa await», tllese/eel eople's Livery vittY • ttoisk )Must A positive Cure. Sato earh nostril end i. mato at by JOHN NX011' Proprietor. T1 it abet rib"? Ie prepared to arrteh the Pub Ile will The Finest Ri AT REASONA*Lt PRICKS, CA IA. A:ND gs,, got oWm' 1.ke Cease aglili,t.Ir eat h tbe__