The Huron Signal, 1887-7-1, Page 1T. < • WItLi NMMI& VICAMEL GODE*ICH. ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 1, 18bi. j Moot1.LWCUDDY DROP Prammstms. t $I.3O A VICAR'S ADVANCB e THE HURON SIGNAL TORONTO LETTER. 1.otwithstanding all that his so* lad Mbar Is puWtst,.d every Friday Vonte�y Ke medical men could d.. for his relief. be tertucUDnr Boos.. at their titles. North et GODZRIQH, ONTARIO, Notes of passing Eventsi ng n the Ptd away alter • brie( illness. Sir peratthew was never robust : a gun shot Queen City. fI*IDAY. JULY lar, 111S9. JV.ITSR WORKS. We understand the waterworks and slectrle light scheme% are making pro - greet. At the last council rneetn.g the [.atter was referred to • committee of the council, coasistint of the mayor, de - pity reeve and councillors antler, Hem- b:r, Bingham and Colborne, with the co.uperxtiun of Messrs Joseph Wit:isms, (arrow and McEwen. This committee met and organised et .he appointment of the mayor u chairmsu. Several in - portant meetiogs have since taken place. Arr•n`ementa have been made with Mr Chipman, • well known entailer of Brock vide, who recently superintended the construction of the Cornwall water works and also the Brockville water works, to come to Goderich and 000su't with the committee at an early day,when the plans for carrying out there im- provements *Ube finally completed and reported to the aroncil, and ten len will be asked for the immedate construction of the works. There has been some ducussinn in the committee as to the goestion whether there is s water power available at the harbor sufficient fur running the water- works and electric light. Most of our citizens are agora that in putting down salt wells at the harbor water was struck which spouted up and has ever tines continued to overflow. It is said to nee to • height of 28 feat stove the level of the late, and if a sufl:ci.nt 4ipply an be procured by putti4 down several huts, there can be little doubt that all the power required exists. This would effect a saving of $2500 a year at least in the reran, expenses. It is in- tended to take the opinion • f engineer Chipman upon the sunmmet when he is ben. , wound in the ankle while a youth crypt - el hire for lite. and m ntu en A Very nee Jew My-ibe tiers♦( .ekes*' tory Labita, *Inch kept him from active, UY.sla• e••rd.e• alae. k■.x stents. mu.cular exercise. He had a wiry frame - name, Asese like fear' ■.p.rlr.a • rusert'laesennoaasd.lbe'rer•esal 'and tough constitution, however. and as •, lawyer, politician and judige aceum- plished an itemises* amount of work. Jane 21, 1337- In fact, he worked too hard. He should The mercury .nn awa7 up 1" tl.e have reared within tire pert few months, nei4hb rhocd 'JO° un Thu:belay last, but he disregarded the advice of his and the city was is ane vast swelter. physicians, aid get w run down in Tii lire w as not w b.N • day all last sam- heath that L. fella prey to the disease m -r. And then the air was so oppres- which carried him ao speedily off. A sive. I never heard so many people short time after he was appointed to the Wk about a simmott fore. Anda lot poaiuon of Chief Justis be visited celled it 'siinoun' when ey didn't think. Goderich in his judicial capacity. It's a habit moot people have. They gut While there an editorial appeared in Taos into it at school, so they say. Smoot, in which a tribute was paid to him as an able lawyer, a clear-headed aid honorable political lender and a pore and upright judge. The article was written by one of the editors, and so one kuew of its eaten until the paper was issued. Somebody seat a copy of Telt SSluNAL containing the article to Justice Comecon at Sarnia, and the following letter written by him to the The oppressive atmosphere did not prevent a large and fashionable audience from thronging the Normal School in the evening to enures the dosing exercises of the term. The programme was $ pleasing one. The students sang goat - bitten, semi -choruses and 1 ill choruses in a hearty fs•hior., and Miss Knox, who at one time taught school at Goderich, recited. She was splsodilly .received, and was at one time most vociferously encored. She looked charminx, and n- o ted very pleasin41y. She is clearly in the front rank Df Canadian realer& It is rumored that the is going on the stage, bit I don't know whether or not there is any authority for the assertion. Dur- ing the evening the names of passed students were read oat, among them being Wm, Hackett, of Asbtield. Mr Hackett sat and smiled when his mond was called, and Ma neat li.tle side Crown Attorney of Huron shows that rangements were completed, so far u a he could • reciate • kind word from a lit *tater what was right or wrong, du - pr confined his more timid .r less demon- committee has power to the matter. Liberal newsiuper : Tick et -sen ars and ticket -taker. for "Willyou kind[ sea ifyou can get *trance oppoueut I racxollect .an nue J the mala entrance and the grand eccasinn vol of the neighbors wanted to make a Ian whom he had aecommodat- stand hate been appointed, (.wether with constable* fair the outer grounds ed disgorge borrowed money to the bulk amount of $4. The sum wasn't • large and arena one, but it was larger than the original THE GRAND +T♦' i owner could afford to a loafing neighbor, has been greatly added to, and is now WHAT'S UP? Things That Ars Eappeel is Around IIs Nneelkise •hest Mr Wes feel) ROMP see. Tao least' Lawyer. lie& & *eaNh Sitlienb 5.. snslty we. *..h See ss Ike skies Tim.. —I as. a peculiar item in a .osaty paper the other day. It stated that at a mows( division court bead at L•ids- buro', then were thirteen lawyers pres- ent and only three ass. The item est sae *thinking, and carried sae beck to old times when the most important court in the section was the division court, and the most important day of the quarter was that upon which 11 was holden. In the old days we wan not troubled with the many lawyen, and the chorus were thicker than dust in a church. it wasn't necessary to fee a hwyer then to get a fair show, or have your ca.e heard with neatness and de- spatch, but justice was distributed broadcast after the fashion of equity rather than with ' an eye to legal quib- bling.. Technicalities didn't count, although sometimes the maul who .wors strongest mad stock to his text, whether THE GAMES TODAY. COUNTY CURRENCY. Probabilities of a Good Time All Along the Lino. The /teleses, Pipers sed teaseer• are foal- Is- 1 Ilse allele .r apart Probable - - a sante Al leedas. a of $perla►er. Er. awed. Up to the time of writing everything bide fair for the holding of the must successful athletic competi- tion ever held in Goderich. The rail- way arraugements are far superior to ar.y utiMei on previous occasions, aod the fact that no competitive games of any description are being held nearer than the village of Paisley gives a sweep of territory larger than has previously been our portion. The tints of the REVERSION T$AIN LEAVINu $TRATF••t:1' is 7.30 o'clock am., and is also in the in- terest of an increased attendance, and the early start from the lower stations is thereby obviated. Wednesday last John Macpherson, the shot putter, and Taylor, of Detroit, arrived, and every train since that time has contributed to the number of athletes, pipers and danc- ers. Wednesday evening the final com- mittee meeting was held, and a1! at - lice haif-a dozen copies of Tui SIGNAL rot Friday last ccntainiug that too flatter Vag portrait of your humble servant. 1 am certai;.ly much indebted to the writer of the article for the very kindly and friendly forbad utsnifested therein. I always tried to do what was right and just by my 41aoudom political opponents, and it is Tray gratifying indeed to find whiskers, i1 Q teemC;ty growth, will add that I have not been misenderstood, and dignity to his appearance when he re that party feeling in .11 quarters does tun.* to Huron. The Alin:lter of Educe- not run w high as to deny me the virtue tion made a brief and seniors soirees. cf good inteotiona I am by no means which was well received by the aedlence certain that you or the Sheriff may not of students and spe_tatcra. 1 under- ,tare had a hand in procuring so flatter- •ue stand that nobody was absolutely p' k- Ing a notice from so pronounced a jour- Totw.tto sees 1',500,000 gallons ed. Three or four have to write at nal u THs Si i'w. If it was nut io- of water daily, and the saloons continue supplementary examinations. spired by any such personal or friendly Vh to do •lively trade, ton.. There is aon wa •c t scandal to ccnwect i a feeltn3 my unitiatwro to the publtabsn McGillicuddy in charge the Superior Court repotting. line of I u greater ; and if it was the sot of a lawyer, and not only floss the original Ming and costume Mr Pamela's health is causing his /ha staff is charod wish lacking hili • personal friend, whoever he may be, hs sum but be put in for cost& 1 was lir- Strachan eupevintedant ing on the ninth concession then war competition, and Capt. and so be sought the aid of the "poor espable of accomodatin` several man's court." The sat who had borrow- tbouaand persona The arena is of oval ed the mousy, instead of paying it up shape 240 feet one way and 300 fest ills other, with a dancing platform 32 incites high plaited so that it will be in rood view from all parts of the ring. Every precaution has been taken to ensure the best of order during the performance of the James, and the rules mos -erase the events will be rigidly enforced. The con- trol of the games is in the hands of J. D. Stewart, the veteran Caledonioo nagger, and he has a assistants D. like • man, went off and hired Jim Boo mon, • lawyer chap who then lived at Sesforth,to come out to the Corners and fight the ase in his interest Then wean t an available lawyer within thirty mils* to take up the cudgel in the causeof rightness, squareness, honesty and fair - dealing, and it looked as if the mac who had lent the four dollars would have the bark peeled off him by the Seaforth [rands Mata anxiety. He look* wasted, tessi tali itlipeeka*d is extremely Maar outs. ff»i s tbsilat! lien bribers suffering from sohssisg of the brun,bat this is denied. bills—with seething his transcripts—aod' has my suto.re thanks" ss atgsiLsi triH,tthoetly'ke oasis foto tha TR* Stolt•L alone (alis apsiuosible for matter. As the ems is g,. ;lune,. 1 can the tribute, and Sir Matthew deserved no more than indicate that the examine- , every word of it. tion is going to come oS The c8lcial' _ ___ reporter of the higher aoorts wet hand - Ma. BAtteO has notified the Govern- ment of his ioteetion to resign his seat for Queen's meaty, New Brunswick, bet the date of les sew election has not yet been fixed. This show. that Mr Baird believes itobt Porter, M. P. for West Heron, voted wrongly on the Queen's county ones. LAIR MOM. comely pard, when their perquisites are taken isto consideration, although the Item• er'stesaeaK'hs 5sta Mal rt.. ib. work is said to be very wearing on body "(sea ftsasNod." rind mind. They are all toot -class men The steam barge Belle Wilson, before so far as note -taking is concerned, but leaving on her upward trip last Saturday there is a whisper of crookedness. area the matter is going to be investigated. J411 Ross Robert f theT 1 > n son, o e rTra.n, Peetmsat r•Geaerol McLean will yclept "Pompey.- was in the *knees tax last weak. tailingabout his conoea- last week, and unloaded a cargo of lam - took leave for Nov Scotia un a visit, be t•.ok om board eleven car loads of hay at the°. T. depot, fon use in the lumber seri& The schooner Pinafore was in bsrbor r and salt from Port Frank. aod on his raters here be will go to tion with the waterworks pump deal. A The schooner Mary S. Gordon arrived Maaitobs sad the Northwest and British Columbia os bssisw conn cad with his dap esters( On his totem from British Colombia he will take steps to- wer& establishing a parcel post service with the United States. Negotiations ere now i• progress towards orgseidagg a tti*Itlsr marls* with the other priseipal colonise of the Empire. Sir George O. Trevelyan publishes • letter in eontrov.reion of lib. •tatemente recently made by Joseph Chamberlain and other Liberal Unionists, that the only obstacle to the reunion in the Liberal pasty was the refusal of the Glad- atoniatne to make any ci oncessions in their Irish proaramms. The Oladstosiaos haw*, says Sir George, made conaemiaN in all the disputed points, and therefore interpose no odatsele to the reclaim of the party "The Liberal Unionists,' he I Mr. Jordan was talking up the water- I June 20th, at the Homewood Retreat, works and elsetnc light schemes in truly patriotic fashion, and Tommy Wright and Charlie Smith. who wen at A lambdas donate& says : — The ad. the station seeing the boys off, sighed as Owned (.qua*( fstn as eirestastenees they longed for a visit to the old tows aet.editti the death rat the Chatham as the mouth of the Maitland. Tommy voloateo. Ralph ti►aw, •,n the night of ' lash hest., was se resented khat WOO. iia realms, of a sessile of gab He is with N.rdb.imer- reporter on a rival paper 'the (Vora) lot week seat. n credo of timber which was permitted to cross-examine him, and she discharged at the G. T. dock. the gold watch matter came up. it s.:1 tarred out as TIE SIiNAL had it a month t ago. It was • reporter on the To,,gram, , Jobs R. Robinson, who got the watch, I and not John R. Robertson. It was a great day for the liberty sit the press—an editor and reporter in the box telling how they helped to load the pumps on the peblic, and a reporter on a rival pa- per cross-examining them with the "Mai f raid of a Q. C. The press men of To- ronto wear large hats now -a -jays. 1 saw George Johnston, of Texas, in the city today with his brother Harry. I hadn't time to get pointer on sheep ranching, but I suppose be is an expert I Cornersville and it w happened that s'ter, n- ibs man who waisted legal advice lived .wpercisetr of racing, d:c. _ ..-__ _ amity sold clue* bores for which he up on the same line, and as the neigh - animals. CONcFRT realized upwards of 5600, they were bon had a pretty good et,oceptiun of mJ , at the Grand Opera House in the It animals He ha. purchased two colts of the "Tontine" strain, whiten Isvelheadednsss, it didn't surprise me on evening, promises to be one of the finest giro pr,miu of being fast the morning of .uart Ay to see him expositions of Scottish song, dancing Recently the Neer Era mentioned the and piping ever given in Goderich. fact .•f • bonnet being stokers fr.•m tis The numooen selected in the program bedtvxtm ..f tiaraSwart., at the Prince et are of the test quality, mud will, beyond ttais hotel. The thief's eunacienee evidently troubled them, for they lately of the piping. event*: D. C. of the heavy T. N. Dewey Pencilling* and Scissoring* &ns(t Exchanges. Ilene. ream all .ter ■are■ ('.ssiy, 1-e1lyd- 4lipped e.4 1 .ades.ed rook alit rooms The rick of ibs beige from ear i. iebaaae.. 31.Clean Brae. shipped another large lot of cattle from Clu.tou station this week. 1'eter Thompson, of Brussels, has re- ceived the cua•ract for building a flax mull at Btyth. The editor of the Exeter A.lruo,Ie' is practisisi,t bicycling to overtake oalu- quent subscribers. P Kel:y, of Blyth, retuned boon front (►hawse ou Monday where he had been f.,r some time. H B Pro.dfoot, P. L. S., Clinton, left for the Nlattawa district on • surveying expedition last week. Tweity-six contested election ares in Quebec and Three Klver* district. are said t, have been settled. Hensall has a soh and dor factory, two carria,e shops, one wt meal mill, a grist inial, pork factory and salt works. t. Thewill, of Moms, unshipped an engine at Blyth station un MoaIay,whieh he intents using for the caning thresh- ing aeas.,n. Mr Kennedy, a Methodist ate - dent for ministry, will take charge of Blyth circuit until the return of Rev. Mr Touge from Lha Old Country. Loy( 1lrange Lodge 924, Exeter. meets on Friday evening next. A fell attendance requested. This lodge in- tends taking the Exeter band w.th theta to (;oderich on the 12th. Mrs John McElroy, of Morris, left the Brussels initial on Monday fur New York, where she intends taking one of the fast steamers for the old country. Rev. R H Barnby, who bas tor the last year been stationed at Honest', has been removed to Rockwood. He Isis many warm friends behind whom best wishes he carries with him. Police Magistrate Williams sat on five Scott Act cues at Exeter on Wednesday of last week, Fines were imposed against Messrs. Brirnaonmhe and Oak, and the other charges adjourned until Wednesday next. At the recent examination of teachers at the Normal school, Toronto, Mr Join McGregor cot a god clan -eerti6eMM grade A , and Thos. It Butchart and Neil Gilmour, of Stanley, each wooed class certiticates, grade B. Mr J..Itn Hawkshaw, of E come and talk the matter over with me. The long and the short of it was that 1 took his case, without hope of fes or re- ward, and agreed to put it through to the best of m [.gal ability, or words to that effect. When the wort tame os, and I got the delinquent in the box, I pulverized him u. the cross esasinati.a, and dragged him up stony bills, and led into tboray paths, and down by tousled shrubbery, until be was footcare and weary, metaphorically speaking, and had owned op that h. bad (borrowed 54 without Ovine value received, and had Th. Beaty Line steamer called in out refuted to rstsn it,. funds os. tit, day Wednesday and took on a number of nominated in the bond, or within • psae.ngen, a quantity of freight ands month thereof ; and instead of en doing had sent back an ungrammaticel and badly -spelled Tetter. loaded up with "sass, spiced with meanly little pima cuss words when they used "re's for mo's at the end of words onmmene pay the revising-uflie.rs. ing with "d—," contrary to the laws For the five months ending May, the esd the statutes made and provided woe C. P. R. cleared 5652,633. awing the constitutional rights and privileges of the liege subjects i.1 Her The Scott Aet Association. of Guelph, Maj�y the Queen, and I showed has decided on rigorous action. the chapter and vane (tram Vic., square Lieot.-Gov. Mamma is said to be s�f- and above board, a.sording to Hoyle. (snug from soften's' of the brain. and warranted not to fade or decry with Fifty carpentere*brted from London years of **rota, but, on the eoatrary, Tuesday fur British Colombia. that the la.s and the statute* In the Two lunatics escaped from the asylum beet town•hipe. large number of horses. Montreal is again flooded with count- erfeit beak bills. The A.ditor-General is preparing to in wool and mutton by this time. W, for the insane at Hamilton on June • NtwIT down hum pc-.oedeet to Proodfout, F. Jordan and M. Graeme I rand' It didn't make any difference t.. me that Cameron were also in the city last week. Mr. F. M. Workmen, a veil known Benson pat is his spoke, and said I was Stratford merchant, died on Monday not foliowine that o.�die.ry rules of divi- question, give universal satisfaction. brought the hat back and left it where Piulluwing is the program : it had been taken from. PART I. I There must have been • stick in it, 1- tlostch Reel Toe weans' for this is the say the W ingbam Ad- e.soaw......."gcotland Vel"- - - - • Mr. $Peace ranee man put it :—We attended the L-spss . "Bosnia Prince Charlie - Miss A. McNeill meetine . f council of the township of /-asses- "Bowwie Door. -..Nis Moate Ilan" Tunberry on Monday Inst at Bluevale, s-Dsase....••Miehlaa r/Us1"'rbe s brat Lst . air note book on the wayhome, a-s�s�. "Js.W.Dre.m' .Mr. q e 7-Dustt.."white tIalta'..Niwsee Mr. Y.ankin w cannot publish lit:• moots* this lit-ileag . 0. Whistle aod I'll Come to Yoe" week. Miss McNeill ti-DHstt.. The Pitot" I Dr Gann performed • suasselal Messrs. Spence aod Rankin PART II.• operation on the hand of J. Paterson, .t N-PfM Msstc Robert irelsnd . fltiegham, last Saturday. Mr Patersem 1t--asas...."Renale Dundee... .Miss wpm had been troubled with • cancer -wart on le -deet... -Seats. w ha Mae'•Nr PPence • the batt of his left hand for • number et 13-8.aw..''[he Scottish Blue t mks meNeiil years, and finally commuted to bare it it -Reel co' "rotten .. • . .The Nome cut out The wart was fully three ta-Vela. "fete's imam is tree inches in eiscimference and near[ am Him sad Mr Rankin J .s -)[sale_. . ablate Gllwm" ...The Wesel inch thick Drs Campbell of Detroit. iT-ewe - "Hundred Pt re- Mr. *(peeve M„rphy of Michigan, and Tarter ei to -Bowe • I's Wed My [teat'. Nl Ate” Mos )tcNeill te-(haul "sailer'. Hornpipe- .The weans Amid hue arse sed tied Nave the Q'seen. c..leds, "will be unable to destroy Liberals, bet a onion of the Liberal par- ty would serve to moderate its policy." '' I will be at the Point Farm during Au- in*tta10ksls 01 the prisoner. of tie dstee- I Masa wipe arrested beam and of the deetor' �etb.rtasst�srwsle Barnumrr..t• Mee bole the pelt mortars esamiaation )ras eaten. The latter deposed that the dossed was abseil fuer lochs is length, aod had been drives with mob foree as to divide the te*Ik rib. it world wily haws bass iasis by the knife fated to the prlswer's home, and tet with a bayonet, as the lateness tried to't ake the jury brie•& The jury reared se reideight,asd after an absence of es hast and Sweaty minutes ret.rned wttbsk- hollowing wordlist ;—"That Walter Ito ..ass did no the 114th da of Josefelosinady, wilfully and with makes afersthetlght kill and murder R.Ipb el os bie seek, bet it try msolly 6001111F6001111F. i , .ed has bees retard 8'twwmo' Sheer." mi fit (twee el *mid tied •d • for rreaiseelee Guelph. The General Assembly etcertion party celebrated the Qween• jubilee at Glacier Hosea on the summit o1 the Seltirks amid much eiiihwsiaem. At Ramie, the [rand jury frond • troe bill against Alfred Perkins, • re talent of the township of Euphemia, for child stealing and abduction. After the picnic at Orangeville oWiesenJuly 1, Mr. Wimmean given will speak at • -Liss Tt►MNe N fytrmeangiven by the sant-snub su .aessw sM "1""P"r- iats of Durham sed Northumberland at s� se "Tee Mares naw l" Teerda lees- Port Hop• oft Jwlt. 4. King Otto. of Bavaria, has developed [teat eppeaeets. Toronto, Jesse 26, 1887. Yesterday Kir )lythe. Crooks Came pts, who for mast yesn has been a not- able Agan in the /[ansa, passed away a wants to abate all peasants foetid tear his retreat at Mymph.nboorg. This msa- ia is gratified by allowing him to fire at a poweet hired Inc dm purpose with a Mask tannage.An ingnst will be held to, -da at Bo w. ([Glee bedew seeie room fi..d to ha her msnvdle im the body of Mrs. is.. a week. A short time ago what Hearne. tot (Karl", who, died sad" a*rMd to one • simple a•rbowele appear. egos. nitIbogy was interred at Besp.ato le sespiiiwss eir•mmmasesa some isosths tion court law. Ob, so ! I just retorted that I wasn't on salary and wasn't after law, het 1 wanted jostle" and I was going to recover that 54 .blob his client was endeavoring to beat mine out of, with costs to ocnt.rbalaaee the hes of princi'al, less of interest, satiety and weer and tear on my client for two months, three weeks sad ter. day& 1 knocked out Jim in the first round, so that he refused to wrestle moth me on the forum any Image, and the ease went in his honour, who without bitb.ring abaci making a lengthened deliveranes, de- cided in favor of the plaintiff for the fall amount sad oasts. After that until lawyers Nat more eesseroes, i was fro quastl! asked bi ill. n.ighbors to bold op their sad M aivisiu. suer(, but bsiww Wingham, were in attendance. (lin Wednesday last week between the hours 1.1 rote and two • terrific bait storm tweed over a small section Howie. Inilff31111, The hail was about the sine of a rills bullet, and did very street damage to the On Saturday *Teeing last • large , spring crops, principally the pea crop. crowd of people assembled at the rail- t which .as literally levelled to Lbw way depot hove to welcome home again t ground. and badly cut up. Grape Tinge Dr. M.odonald, M. P. for East Huron.. and fruit trees `eserally were moan after his first visit to Ottawa se • repro- 1 injured. emotive of the people. The crowd was On Monday morning,. Mat: A Heed- poeed rot wholly r f Reformersbut I ssrvalivwa TM cheers which greeted , his dog was bleeding at the mouth, shad the doctor as he stopped to the platform I nu honker examination, discovered that *bowed in • marked degree the esteem ibis mouth was literally tilled with poree- in whish he o held by the penpal of i i tnluills. With dnw hem out, and rto. k he procewevene,]-- ad heaven. TM town band was hecresentde- eight from the inside and twelve from the stead headed the proewi to from the de- , outside of it. When the dog fell in with nom Sas( n..ticed Chet there .as $ lame representation of Con swoon. •.1 V. swmn,.eh, pot to the dow•tors house, where the crowd again assembled. Stepping taut into the balcony of his residence Dv. Macdonald delivered • neat speech. in which be thanked the people •.1 Wing- Last week the Clinton N.rr Bra hod ham for their kindness toward. him sad the following: -Jas Darr, Mies Fur A H the respect .hewn him. and hoped that Manning aod Chris Dickson leave la- the the same ,food team woele always • morrow morning to etch the ste•m.hip exist k. Ontario at Montreal, which .ails 'I'weed•y ml•rnir R. Mr. Fur sow A.'.'Ilre!TT TO • Maes. -T C Delp pin), on business but mostly for • reef. m had a an and foal pastured bra theI Xr Melton it e• to buy, if he can do as farm of W Weir, and nn tiatorday even; to Fiord advantage. He needs a not, • entwbett hied of a ass 1 invarsbly re- Wm he was very mneh anrpri.el to learn sad we hope •til come hack gristly re- fused, and from that day t.. this 1 waver that it. lig bad Moen broken. H.,. it o*yer.ted. Mr Manning goes partly .. Wok part in say legal t.rmnds, bet have been *notelet to not upon my bard - • ,.el teasels, and wear the chaplet plass ed upon my wrinkled hosw for my [Deets• .ie ability sad legal tonnes on that toommoe. Bei the day. of old fealties - ed division charting are gale, tad we'll *ever ear their like *Fait.. Acis his enemy is not exactly known, bet it se sappos.d it was on Sunday everting is his owser s bush. happened scan .sly be surmised, bet the sop' hussars, and its an open morel isdieations 'point to a desperate tight that he will be entrusted with • erlrlsjs- with another horse, as • pleas of its 1.e ; sine by rhe Ontario Edastiossl Dgest- was broken °lean net. There was no Tent to investigate and report seem alternative bet to kill K The man was some phi's.* of British industrial Eden - nee of Mr Dnh.rty'• black t..m, and tion ant the Miehanie's loonies* spe- worth at the least 5130. - Cltntos New tem The party *toed to Mon IVF II"'b I o. aeptrouner,