HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-24, Page 8;•,k ,‘ • " 8 „'•••"., 1f4 THE MURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE t, 1881. , 4 .11•=11111•01101k 1 lis.10..dS. S. CONVENTELN. l',.5.'"iiwu "laEl g t lteTh/e. "“" metive. He thought it this •as null I Miss Bella Stewart, of !Ashford. has eri& Key. t.. It.10..d fur the lithe. - . delericheri gt64141 lot, rUiViltli t.0 apetid 'art el her The Delegates Spend Tao PIesit; "Ies" ..r "ii.• '' He 60-41Tell lo the (Act yr tillt Dnyri 21:1 GOlielirfr - l the Methodist Churdir• to Montreal, atom Stioday echo vla sere supportn1 I,y 3 - - the church. They hail bent *700 loot ligglea gems go ••• s„ asus, pear to the missionsries. H• cl vied in , Ilesellag lie be Meld at teeter. -- those present to ask for the gaidancle of ' th• t'uwn with r luunY "rill"' The Y. M. C hang oullected $180$ of the tiecesgo iory artintoo a V400 "0" sloorisd iref.4e onuses:ducted the WIWI IOU lee( their now builtliog at Owes Sound. e•tion The residetiro of Mr Bun, P , Ulm/vale factories makes an OVIPT.111,(t. Domias. etitereo bor.:lam Smar- t IISd* sad on Mouday haat 40 day night. The therein minuted a gold me mode. locket mid vi.•ius and to hoc valuables Mies Boo loth hs.s reeurned to grace Mrs. bauel.n, is at orament visiting - semen saes& see.retten._ggin goo • fear oivolient sentences, appealing h. the Holy Spirit. rauelling (bulk. friends, imp.sially under IU. permit/a • 7- The Rev. Wm. Johnnie. esirreaident, 1Vedneetlay eveelino, Julie la: then delivered a short address, returning The fifth eraston was "peeled at Togo thasiks f,,r the hellor d.nie him, and for Rev. A. Y. Harley is swey, attending fliodorich attest lard p.m by the singing of the 10.-41. hemp; end prayer by the president, Mr Wilson Minutes of afternoon read by 1 Tay- lor tool Report toms the committee Plenbs- the kind aerostatic* reudeied to him while C. 0. F Court, Berlin. He ale. intends dischargIng hi• duties as president, also to go to Halton and Woodstock to visit • for the kind retioluti.ni passed by the friends. Stristford Gotiesich eon vetition. A choir led singin.t in the Presbyterian Mr. W11111111. in aging noel bye, urgedchurch last Suoday. It is t decided tious was nod by Mr J C Stevenson, of every io home and go to work, next Samlay y ballot a hei her the con - and wale use of ell they had heard while gregation have a chon or • procents,r. • Clinton, as follmr• : - 10•44ved, that whereas th• tletettsto. hers. Rev. W. Mcqurrie, Wilighion, and friends of the Homo County Asses. Tile novetink was br..aglit to a close bt preached m the pees. y n Wrist' church last elation promised the sum ..f $100 at the the mitwii.4 of "Sweet Bye and Bye, Sunday un "The Jubilee" Rev. WK.. last c,tircial.,11, held n It i., 1:10. DCA- All ! by key. Mr. Smith. Cook, pastor of Meth .dist church, ion. rotary was mono:tea to ociid a cocular preached on the mine subject. Mr. to every Sunday acho.il ti the county COUNTY CO U RT. asking at !east $1 from each school. In answer to the etil s 11,1111k-wr of achoels g4. II. IIror 'auto. Toms. have responded. to the *mond ..1 which amount has been sent to the Pro- vincial Association. But. whereas, i8tbl- Cook, many will b' pleased to learn, 1. to remain another year lti Bluevele. A very heavy storm of thuoaer and Thursday, June 16th. light g plowed over here last Friday. et Steele.41 vs 31eMilliti. An action The tmris '-Ir Hogg of the boundary the sononit of 4-t0 remains yet o e co for hoard an 1 attendance in illness. line, was struck and hurtled to she lode& tteeide C, spensos of the cquii- Cameron Q C • and Ducey ground. All the implements were he ty assucietion, we would respeotvilly ask lir P for d id 8-0° h L Judge- was on t e bsrn in moue• the reinonio2 eohools of the otos to moot was given by His Honor that the aunt. satisfy plaintiff claim ; and actual opposite the P. O., went to Hamilton to' MC t.' Stesuns.,11, Clitiloh, at Nu early illieeed with c"ers- celebrate the Jubilee, and ale. to nog too -row et .11 vs Galant et .11 Action pleasure with business. Miss Addle, agile, a:worth' not less then 1-110 dollar for each ache vl. bring the matter before the officers and amount paid into court Is suttLieot Wm bieseer, our agreeable merchent, teachers, and "end it to the treasurer, I fir "emcee rendered. E. Campiet for his daughter, accompanied loin, they ensi Resolved, that WO learn with regretIt ; del:. not represented by &minor'. pect • pleasant tune. that W J Clarke, td Exeter. who has so Judgeineut *gaunt deft. for 8146 48 and Theis has been weddings in plenty lung and ably filled the te.sition 111111• C" uta secretary to thin assotoiti oi, is 1:0 . 51...Ciay DAy. An action for 'mai- Juritt, Who is stationed near Sarnia, but I Mr. Het • for • whose home has been un 2i1 con. of lately. Three in one week. Rev Goo 1 tower all.., towing to other pressing biomes'. ensrageinents, to continue in Mr. Cauieron for deft. By consent jury said othoo, and we assure hien of out was.dispensed with, and the case tried by His Honor. Jvidgmentireserved. The following is the. 1.5 AND JUST'S eggiltitTlIENT. The jurors for our Lady the Queen beg leave to present that in confoinaity with the usual custom of grand jurors, they have examined the jail 5.4 find the itame arid all its apartments clean and in gooa antis ot tts prayers and good wishes fur .1 °roar. The prL114,1vers consist of t ha his future uelfirev and the Pt°iPe' ill "I following : Ei4lit males and two females. the cause to which he has au earnestly Four .d the males are insane ; one. And faithfully devoted his life. vagrant 84 years of age ; owl Is under Resolved, that the thanks of this con- sentence for attempting suicide ; .me vention are heteby heartily tendered t., for fraud .waiting trial ; and one for the various Ovelerich churches for servi- horse stealing &leo awatung trial. Of sus rendered ; t.. th friends f. r their the Id female, o,,, is insane, perfectly kind hospitality ; a•_al, to all th.vse who hannlese ; the other is a •egrant under have enntibuted to the success of these sentence. Four of the insane prisoners meetings ; the Pima ‘ c.,mmittee and have been reported upon 1.. the Govern - speakers, and the various choirs of the nient ; the titth cess is under essnius- town. , tion. W. regret to find that DO poor Report from committee on nv rains- house, vvr place better adapted for the tions was read by Mt Heuston,- Hensall, destitute and the poor than a jail, can as follows: be supplied by a county so wealthy as Your committee on nomination. regret Huron. that Mr Geo. Steven, tioderich. declined We beg to coogratulate your Honor otlioe of minute secretary. We there- on go alight a criminal colander, and fore beg leave to ncminate, Mr Israel trust that oar county will always be Taylor. Clinton, to the said position. fluted for it, absence „t crime. Carried unanimously. We rejoice with all other of Her The question of whether it wM best to Majesty*/ loyal subjects that Her have more than one teacher in the pri- Grapi„us majesty has been spared to maty department was briefly discussed rwgn over us so long, and treat she will by the president, H. W. McKenzie and be our sovereign for many years yet to Jas. Mitchell, the speakers all agreeing come. that the matter should be left entirely All of which it respectfully 'Omitted. Sone service by the choir :.--"God is 0. C. WILLoos, to local circumstances.' the Refuge of His Peopte." "Song of Foreman. Trust." "Rock of ARM." "Like as a Friday, June lith. Father pitieth his Childree." Court opened at 9 a. in., pursusot to The president flies flavonnced the adjournment. topic for discussion to be, "How shall Steelton v. Diclmon.-Action fur non - the church beto develop a missionary mission on sale of lands. E. Z. Wade for spirit in the Sunday school I Should the l'Ilf : J. T. Gerrcut Q. C., fur deft' church support the school financially, Jury returned in tifteen minutes with and the school devote its funds to inia- a verdict for deft. His honor directed sionary purposes f" that judgment be entered dismissing the The Roe. 0. R. Turk lead the affirm. Ittalutin's action with costs. *tire in 4 Are minute speech. He sail Pepsi v. North American Assurance he thought he had the best side of the Co,--Interplessler issue. Gamow, Q C., question, and that the mind of the sod Beat f'vr Off. Judgment reserved. people were already made up. He Court adjourned at 6.15 p. in., till 9 pointed out that all other raliaitnis a. m, pursuant to adjournment Saturday June 18. schemes were local, Christianity alone was for the world. The Sunday school Reid v. Wede--interphtsder issue. was one of the great factors of the °arrow, Q. C., for pit!; Wade for deft. church, and the nonillion was, how ean .Judgment reserved. we net the gestates' good from the Sun- McLean v. Prior -Action on settle - day school. lie thought it was time we men' of cattle transaction& °Arrow A began • new system, and had the Proudfoot fur plff ; Campion and Elliott church selpport the school, and the fur deft. Judgment reserved achte.1 devote its entire funds for mho In the appeal cam of Joe. P. Fisher, sions alone. of Auburn, contravening the Canada For the n rotative, the Rev. J. H. ToloPotenee Act, the 'Snug."'" 01 the Yrizaell took the place of the Rev. G. F. witnesses with regard to the take of Salton. He was at a loss to know liquor w,n•Lralawd the intelligent 1017 :to whether the question was to be debated brine in a verdict of not guilty. i only to be discussed, he thought the rendered in the case of Lemard Cairt, and a decision arrived at, or if it woo A verdict of "nct guilty" was wording was not definite enough for a charged with b"The stealing sod Isons07, debate. that the subject was the most ow the ground of ineenity. H. is no* important one that had come before the !a Jul *waiting the action "f the Lieut.' convention. and was the great problem Goy, in the matter of his removal to se for the Christian church to solve. To 10117huli• the first part id the queetion Flow shall . The court then ad iourned. the church hest develop a missionary spirit, in the Sunday *chordl he thought Tug HaLtinty Farttr.-The follow - the church must have the missionary fire Ing, from the Brussels 1', .1, refers to the within itself hoot. He pointed out the woinaii and her vet daughter. wh i re - somber of young men ready to go in the field, if the church could only stud them. Eddetatn/11 IS 1110111ired. Every officer of the Sunday 'chord should be a missi.vnary. Ile thought the Sunday school supporting 'teen, cherished a epirit .if independence and infused life and enemy. A. H. Manning was the next speaker for the affirmative, arid handled the subject well and ex haust i vely until the president rang the bell. As to the wording rf the matter for dts• cession, he said if there was any fault to he found, it might he from the fact that threw or four ministers worded thesubjeet themselves sato the first Imo of the ques- tion, he thoeght it was not eincourag• nig a misionary spirit or self -eacrifiee foe them tei collect money for Monday eshool papers anti other requirements NI which they were to have • fell return again, but the church should supply all those things necespary for the working apprev.ation of his Linelly services, often rendered at great inconientence him - sell, and that he retires with the beet ensiles of our entire body. Resolved, that this convention desires to place upon record its appreciation of the past services of the retinng pried. dent, Rev W Johnson, and the &sour- mostly got out of Goderich jail. By it we see the suggestion made by TIM Swett. has been acted upon : --After s somewhat checkered experience. since coining from tioderich. Mrs. Halidsy and daughters started for Deloraine, Man , on Monday evening of this wee". Their tickets were purchased by Reeve McCracken from T. Fletcher, agent for the C. P. R , and the mumeicielities of Brussels and Morris hare footed the bill, which will amount to arnesehing near $60. Grey township tvouncil was asked to tiontrihnte hut voted down a motto,. to grant $10, although many of the residents of that township were tot, mentod for years with the •ppeals of the family for help. The Women sChnsteen Itforris, led to the altar on Tuesday Mise Oliver, of 3.1 ems.; John 3Iazwell, of whneo permits live cn boult• Bary line, on Wednesday, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Hanna, W'in (Jolley, of 2 coil., Morris, alw: on sante day agreed with Miss War- wich, of same line, to live no longer apart. We wish them alt a long, happy aid prosperous life . Couneil met at council rem's, nn May 27th, 1887. All the members were pre- sent, minutes of last meeting read and signed. Account of James Nlullin, clanniug, $15, for damage done to stage, hurl over. The following accounts were paid, N. McRae, repairing approech to Murdoch's bridge L. R. *20; F. McDonald repair- iug approach to bridge 8. R. 12 and 13, $5; tt Hunter, repairing culvert S.R. 3 and 4, $2.25 ; Welker. underdrain L taltAND l'Itt711111 Rail& 11111111M11. 11111sed. it v. f a. se 1 12:15 o m Ar. I $: a-•' 3tize.ie Wal. Mixed. Mixed. !I.e.' 011100at I 1:15 p.m! Ar. I ISISS•as I 2:15 p.oi I Mize& 3:21111pro 7 31 pas. Expense. ea p.m 15 p.as --- & NC1ENT ORDER OF UN I ?JD w Olt K USN. .• NIAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. ?7, A. O. 1'. W. Meets in their Lodge Room over THE *v L OM tioderieh en the dEt .t 5:111 WOU ETH MON DA Y S OW 0MM MONTH. VISITING BRETHREN ARE ALWAYS WELCtiME. 8. P. HALLS, 31.A. REES PRICE, M. W. Financier G. W. THOMPSON. tod3-ly Recorder. i Auctionsitring. . ../... IF TIONlEER and Lase Valuator, Onderich e l'OHN KNOX, ORICLItAL -ATO- igt'auctitatOilwlogAd t=secm'ekreaible. treri2g1" te• pm Catheter with aloe°. oils satisfaction all ion, riter.tione entrusted to hon. Order's left at PINETAILORINCIT Cientse Purnisslainip. waste a esseplets sarettineet or SPRIXC 61009,4,9 OVILIICOATINUS la all the New shades and Style* Aa wawa variety of English. Irish and &owls Awnings. An immense mock of Nms• rod Stylish Csuadian Tweeds. I ' CHEAP I CrHEAP I I CHEAP I If i Mr Retrieniber. all thresh, bought by the yard cut fn. charge. I B. MacGornao.. Goderich• A_pril 711LIIIEL _ 110114-_ SUMMER MILLINERY ILE1R,S_ Beget. sianoanee to the !AMC, of Go•ierich that si.elta, opened out • handrome line of PLAIN AND FANCY STRAWS, FEATHERS, FLOWIMIS. GAUSES, GLOVES, ETC. Special attentioa is called to her Pmalial)11 Cliai) S4lislilt 113Is, 10•OX Omni; Auct.oneer. Iamb -rich P. O.. cerefelly al tendes: to. JOHN . Loans anb 3nsurance. in's Hotel. or mat by wall to t. 5 -- E ARE STILL 1011111NO ATI: FUNDS at 5j per rest. straight loam. Interest payable yearly. Thom dee.r- ing to reduce teeor rate of interest should tali 411. Write tor part714ire. d EAU ER ik LEWIS. 30104 f Osiderich. e500,000 Ti) LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMZItoN HOLT &CAMERON. Gods rich. 1711 ANCHOR LINE YOUR DIPLOMAS & MEDAL ATI.ANTIt' EX I'llEsS sERVII E. AWAII/OLD. iirrzarool. lath Q171111:=TONITIN. gel sr nein.- from New I mpER1AL 'York. W.ne ICAO& v, July A uguat 17. Sept. IL and Org. it. Lamest and dame ps meaner antler. Saloon Permit.% lee to et . Second -Class.'"). ta L. -A.83 -0W 1211Tia,riTICIE. Steamers every Saturday Irmo New York te GLASGOW rag LONDOSIDEEET. Cabin Nomads, to Glisegow. Londonderry. Liverpool or Belfast. ii5o and PM Second' Chula. $U. Steerage. outward or prepaid. oNEY Tit LEND. -A LA RG E either Seri ice. FM. Saloon Ex,-ursion Tickets at Reduced Rates. amount of Private Funds for invest Meet AI lowest rates on .rst••• lam Mortgages Apply o LS ARROW St PRAM: DEotiT E E. SEAGER, • GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. (Writ% (opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderich. • Risks taken al 1.0% ES 7 ii..TES in ,e 101- ` Traveller,' elrealar Letters of Credo. and leans for any Amount issued m lowest cur- rent rates. For gooks of Tours. Tickets or further infer- matk a ARRAY 10 HENDERSON BROTHERS. New York. er ARCHIBALD DICKSON. Gederich. SODA WATER • GINGER ALE,. k.te.. Etc. Ask your Grocer or Druggist for these Croorls, GEO. B. COX, Firi,!sh hangs. Hotel. Ooderich. !WE IMPLatit I. 1.• universally retort -mint 110$110141TANItAltli HRAND. er apply to 11Par sale to an leett.eg 11,tele, Clubs. etc. IMIE RIM. 11111111111 111E11 CIIIIPIU11. II A 1111111T011 • Metism Beware of isnitatiotas. Zonweiss,'EPPS'S COCOA THE NEWNES? o flItATIr.V1" L -COM FORTING. lowine dee clime CI.1110110010: T111, London Amorance-Estatlished I7V. The National.o: 17,1*ml-incorporated lea .-la nd•in- H• n d -'1 he only Company au; bori e - ed to neon.. Plate Mae. in Casella. 1 Federal Life -timorous* Ce. - ateman s Plan.. Mit R. $7.50 ; H. Johnston, repairing S. R. 1 D RADCLIFFE, 6 and 7 $2; John K tlyetric, repairing it two cOverts 8 R and 7, $4.50, repair GENERAL INSCRANC1., ing culvert con. 6 $1. 65 W Shackle- REAL ESTATE root ton plank for bridge, con. '8, $1.41:1; K MONEY LOANING AGENT. McKenzie, ; culvert S R 3 and 4 con. 10 $9.40, culvert con. 12, *13 50, and r. - pairing culvert S R 3 and 4 $4 57 ; J. Gilmore repairing road, coo. 12 upper site lot 3, E D $5 ; Hussey, under - drain D L *7; A Sprcul funeral sz- penses fur Mrs Thomas *10; J M Roberta, goods to James Savage, iedig- ent, $12, and roods to Mrs Thomas in- digent, $2 84 ; W KiekleY going for coffin for biro Thomas 112 ; Mrs McRae, Martin and Doughy, charity, $6 each: Wm Holland repeiring *elven, con. 4. 810 ; W JarkTi-mt, reputing estreS11 gravel road $1... -- Moved by Hugh (Wein and seconded by J. McKenzie that 00 be granted to purchase material for side walks in Dun- gannon (Ashfield sidle:. Messrs Martin and Anderson waited on then -tuned with a petition praying that • grant be made for the Olivet, purpose. At court of revision screw, of Ed. Flynn reduced from 781 to 69 7-10 acres Dennis Sellivap's acreage reduced from 168 to 147 1-10 (both certified by Jas Warrso, P L 8) G A It lborlaw re- duced $1 par acre, Thomas Hawkins $300 in personairproperty. James Dal- ton $100 on personal property, W Bs: ten 8100 on personal pr.iperty. Wwa Durnian $50 no personal property, John Buckley $1 per acre, John Keit.. per acre, John Webster $2 per acre on 50 sore. James McDonald $2 per acre, K McKenzie $2 per acre. Moven I.y J McKenzie and seconded by W 'Umbers that the assessment nth be accepted as revised this 28 day of Mar, 1887. rhs council will meet agnin at the council room oil the 9th day of July Mtn. W. Lass, Tp. Clerk. eloderIMIllissears• Reported by Telephone from Harter Millaj June IN {W. or re so el ODIERICH MICH A RIOS' INSTI- • 111000 00 V.:TR LIBRA R Y AND RR A DING ..• Si 0 0N ROOM. eor. of least street sad Square 1•1/ 75 0 0 73 stairs. •• 'MO Opoa How 1 tot p.m.. and from 7 to 10 pm. .. 10 0 0 011 ABOUT 1000 VOLS IN LIBRARY 0 00 0 211 Leading rtailild,„ troviiy tout Mottdraled • IM • :k 1 111131111117SHIP TWEET. ONLY SEIM. „ 7 es • le granting free am of Library and Rendlas .. 1110 0 13 Room. • 10 • • 11 Application for membership received by • se • • le Librarian. la rooms. .. 12 10 * 13 S. MA LCONISON. GEO. STIVILIIF. 11 110 0 11 0 President. Seeretary. " 0 Godevieb. Starch laic MM. 110 0 11'1741,.s4 ....• • • •• • .• •• •• • • • •• •• • • 510 - 301 es . Sheeetila00... 7=77. 0 VI " 11 M • The•eisevell011? prices ars to Sealers at ma jjj - - - - - - - - 421gookt Ism% IhrieurEleee Mid PINTRICIAN,• lime lerrat."Per•• FARM. TOWN AND V ILLA 011 ilasest. 17111„ Only Firat-rinae Companies Represent ar Money to Lend nn straight loans. at the lowest este of interest going. is any way tit suit Ms oorrower. EIr OFFICE - decond door from Square, West Street. Godericb. 1013-tf NIA TO LOAN AT PER •FIVV1.1 CENT. THE TORONTO OFNER AL TRUSTS C01/ are prepared to loam mosey at per cent.. pay able ben yearly. en TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, on Orn -class farm security. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT CAMERON. Barrister,. Goderiek. Agents for the Toronto General Tr -nets Co*y. Meters. CAMERON. HOLT Sc Cassano,: h•ve also • lame amount of private Dude to lea i on eras -class lama activity. Goderich. Ott. 1. 1010. 111114f $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To len. on farm and town property. at low est interest. Mortgages pnretiaised. elm- Int861011 C agents forth* Truett and Loan Consrany 0 Canada, the Canada Landed of Cassacia. intermit. 6. 61 and Tper rent. K. 11.-Horrowers can obtain money to OW* day.lf title oat isfactory. DAVISON k JOHNSTON, nora. Barristers. iec.. Ooderith Croat t Company. the Landon Loan Company Legal. 1) C. HAYS, souciroft, &,.. . (Mee. cerner of Square and Weft sireet Oodsrich. over telegrsph oMce. Pri rate Toads to lead at 6 per cent. WM- QICACIER LEWIS, BARRDITERS, iJ Gederich. C. Schenk. JR. J. A Marrow R. N. Lawn, 111M - el ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR 'CY iti8TIEFOI At t Solicireen. Me Onsierich J. T. Garrow. W. Proudfirmt. 173 AMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, Harriaters. Solicitors l• Cbancery. &e., aOCI,TiCh. 0. C. Cameros, Q.C.; P. Holt. IL 0. Cameros.. ('. C. Rees. 1731 - Amusements. Goossuce. W heat. 'Fall) 11 hash Wheat, teed wiatert Wheat. (Spollogl V boA Wheat. ir 111 busk Flour. If Di cwt. . .........• Plonir. xes•Ir cwi Moto% istrong bakers. ' awl:. Muir. 'patent) Wm% Ont Oat,. • bosh l'eus. V bush Periey.1,1 beak" _ Potatoes. 11 bash Ha), s tea ........ • • • • • • • • .. Dm ter. el 0 Egos. fresh Chew**. ........ . Short.. el toe .... ......, „ „ Bran It tem Chopped Vitntf, lit reit Screenings. 11 ewi Papers, cacti:toes, &c., On File. Tempersnes inion eery gesieemely PROPERTY roR SALL arranged three baskets of provisions sad I Reese McCracken collected 10 or $5 bill provide tor any enworgewer OR thE way. The family will he eared for by the two 1 hoes who are now in th• West. it was of the school, as it 555 not now looked , the only thine the, could b. jaw with tepon.se in days mime by as • separate in- them SP they were • great nuisanee ego oi..11, and very often with antarm. the pubhc.and wen, entirely vinaeonaint- inn Ht. retorTed 1'4 th• power 01 t All with work, and had they remained Senility school in murions, sod gave th* her. would ham& been a died weight on te,toniey of learned divines lind Betties some c -rporat • The •nment paid t. dolt whore the Sunday sehottil for their railway fare would go a small increase the mantling ari.oas tiocreemdistance in provoling a home, boast , Th• retro tilisnion prohison was not to I • toy them. I, he hviwi .L... ii will - RR. SHANNON A SHANNON, The Evocators mot Trustee* of the Retake Partalastik Illtrvarts. Arsenae.% Ike, of lb. lat• JOSEPH HERM. oiler for sale the at I. Illhasseal• rteedlreer. mar 00 tillowing valoabte Property. namely: ilederiee 0 0 sesannew. J. R. lighlses- Banding Lots members, 110 noel 111, la tket Now. IM1 Town or Gnierieh. i of an sere each. ratr.• reared. mid %try desirable for beadlike pwr- . Blillwright, thitiator, &c. C A. sviiiiii; --- -- - - P..""Half mass IN bootleg Mill Road. Towitit 01 Ooderttoh. bMng part of Lee 1 la the 1*54 COSee011111.0 nr said Toweeis* Nowt Frame Cottage and Wranse ntahle. 1.5 itemiser 1 Month aiele Hume ores& MACHIN...EXT. Meamilles. i of so act. small frame dwell' pg. MILI.:F.ARLIIIDAINT,ro. AGENT. dee. Loss nearer. Mt and Milt% the Tresitirlya:tattrieedle4iasnan.itonat17:61he of Herm ferww11. Ww4iww•las M•60 sad CeatWts Tates Ise Homo H01111104g by the Het Masse SyMilets. The Blast Lel 0 Con is. Wool Wawa _ IN aorta. wed taws. is eheary. Hot Weer sad Ora Dellara, LIttterallr 55 e dyed miles, it win, don* hy the ok,i,i. tarn over a new leaf in their REM horns rai'fa,„,,,g mps•••••• 11404•47 moos 4 mid other wasp, a••••• Ars••• plcoseats. 11111 Machisery. roe He referred fir oxsoillie t' th• sod settle down l., earn an hmest limb wine. frees no te eer I iii ehittirsin had with the High h,„,d. tam owes 'reeds. -- Prises hefnee f7Iinin'• erneilizion. - - --- 1 re. fartber parlleohars. errii_e• E CAMPION, PLANR AND vALCAT101111 IR 8P1101110ATIONS1 . MJima 1707 HIM 11031-esse ig • few poi, led retnark-s. i d in* on Seeds, morisieg. 1 NV. I, MI. 104 1 rya. 2. um Me Jae iteholl cloned for the negative Mrs Mayhems! of Adidas iir,,plei ' narrower. illse rb 'RAO? STR" EET, . ,. W. PRICES REASOIIAILE AT SIGNAL , 1- Tooth ..., aatritioe. and by • eereful &polo...40100 of laws which govern the operations or digestion "By a thorough knowledge et the natural BREAKFAST. : the Sae properties of weldtelected Cocoa. Mr. ileee ha• ...ovided our breakfast tables with Paste a a;iicat; rftal7er"iduebe • judicious use of sus h articles of diet that a which may ass - bias aims Lea y toes' lis. 11 is by th: coostitut ion may be ernaually built up mull AT • atrone enough to restie every teodency to diatom. Hundreds of 'subtle maladies are Rooting around us reasfy to attack wherever there hi a weak point. We may escape many • fatal *heft by keeping morsel wee wen foetid ed with pore blood and a properly uourtassed PRRSCRIPT'ION DRUG ST033 tr. - "eirti Scee.c. Stsizeite.- I Made simply .,it. binning water or milk. 003D3ClitICIEL. i roM only in esdkets by Grocers, labelled J. WILSON'S 1met= lionswagaihic Chemists. London England 0E110 BOILER Un Chrystal & B11.* --3,4 Manafactarere of all handset STATIDENT, 1111111111111f. UP11116111 AU MIRA BOILERS. 41ALT PANS, SMOICR STACH8 and all kinds of Sheet kola work. STEAM ATM WAVES FOIE FITTINGS constantly on head. 0. lamid. ready for delivery: 1 all SLIP. Now Mee, Metier. * M.P. New Motive. A liouplet•12,1-Itsa1 Tliroshigt OatIt Defier. Endres, Separator. be.. all in good working order. Will be sold cheap. Mail orders w111 a -melee moonlit &swath:ie. We.. I *pp, 1. T. 0.15510... P.O. BOX 381 0e4arleb. M.gMk. INS- , Tips Wilier LAMP Botanist' Fewer Nn Globe, No Chimney, No 8111011c, Ne Odor. No Heat •rouad the oU well. Positively Non. Explosive. EVERY LAMP Guaranteed. Made i.. ail styles Table. Bracket. to attach to dun deliera. Library. &C.. &C. which .111 b. !amid to colons favorably. n his r - THE BUT. rsr•VC"rt "at' smell and ridt Ames. Dv. Jags '- me is th. best. It is the chil- dren.' ined.eine simple and eam to lase. The best known remedy for Ifeadeeive. HAIMMIMPICI0 and lionstipat te Lk gee FM* aim tie se ma., For sale at r. Jordan,* The Canadian Pao& Railway True People's Favorite Rome between MONTREAL, - TORONTO, Q U MEC OTTAWA. - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT, - oHICAGO ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, AND ALL PoINTs EAST AND WEST. Yoe Maps. Tame Wares. Tickets. itz, apply 10 R. RADCLIFFE, OFFICE :-Wst etre.% 0. Mee. Lton't Irarget the Goderich. Jan. I ith. WC. 112111 - Ca L. Mcirrosg. 7 Nest door to 'Rhyne's' Drug titan, keeps constantly addle( to his well - selected stock, choice Fresh Chvceries, pries, - $4.50 hothaz rostre.:tctst:sluityl ri:rt. with and upwards. Walser C &White Machines Pianos and, Organs, all from the mesa exlebroted makers cheap ear Oaeli. GEO. W. THOMSON. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. itt retorning thanks to my customers for their patroisam. I vtould Mee lavite say oth ere who will: to (.414 and Inspect my stork C. L. McItITOBH. south We,* .14. 01 the Square trent. Oolatielt. lath. 10111. Reeldeser--Firet Howse Cost of Sesseetles - Manias Mill. WS -a W 0 OL1 LIME , • bay* just completed their IspTsjp=:kiels ems tura eat MS bomb Kb ass twasty-tont beers.meet assd are 10 1111111011, EH CUNE01110111 with • ites8 7 et geed fresh Woe daily. It M the advantage of •very nee s- lits. to mill er oorrespeue with as aa we nee prepared to deal lieseMly whk par 1110 wishing ts porthole. The kiln is mi wood an die fiedorirti old. of as rob. keeerve. BERM & BICKEL PRoPRTETitRit. Farmers Attention I Tao Ingham prices pup will Ift Oral far Wool 111 Porker.", ter soma each am sad rears. Tweed.. Wankel*, Plbsist Cheeks tiny and n bite. a54itr..= rations shade% at V arse ay. Them geed* are wen ma4. 01 Isom Sara Wool and poet twist th Man efasouriset ear= west a specialty. As- A CALL SOLICITED ail E. McCANN. afteeperk,ihmed elenaAt Nein A.