HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-24, Page 7IF 7 -
Ulords of Ellisaom.
ll yam bit the mark you east um
heti* anew. st. •
AIMich,M, like the irontentith, shapes
.4 It amides
11'e count molds as nothitu ; yet eter-
nity depends upon them.
One kuuwe tine value cif pleasure only
after he hat suffered pain,
When we aro meat ready to pe
is lied ate -se ready to help ua.
'Sunday u the golden clasp that binds
together the velum. of the week.
Moderation may be cowi•lered as a
tree ; of which the tout is o inteitmeut
*ad the fruit repose.
Teere 1s a power to make each hour
As sweet w heave, deetaaed tt :
Nor need we roam to boas It huger.
Though few there be .Yet and It
We seek fou hush fur Wien close by.
Med Mee what nature found us:
Ya We hails here so charm so dear
Ai burnt. aad !needs arvand ua.
A body act ureny:theme the inward
holiness. It is a seed of life growing
tutu inure life.
Some one asked Celeridte if he could
prove the truth of Ckrutismity, •' Yee.
Said he, "try u."
The potation; are the winds which urge
our vessel forward and reason is the pilot
which steers it ; the vessel meld not ad-
vance without oke winds and without the
pilot it would be int
Whoever wrote be Christ liko-abould
be willing to wear Cltrit,r's drown , and
the crown in which he was revealed to ua
was not silver For gull, studded with
gems. The crown which Christ wore was
worthy ut Him. He came by suffering
to redeem the world from wbertag-
\ShsIl the 'wreathe be ¢renter then the
meter 1 Shell Cbri.t suffer and you
not 1
Tee Rix or FaETr1eo. -There ea one
un which is everywhere and by every-
body under ea tested, tolerated with me-
dia tolerate*, and quite too much oven
looked in nut vafpatioi 14 character. It
is the sin of lrettl,g. He who frets is
nevea.th* one who mends. Must men
call fretting a minor faun -a f01We and
nota vice. Then is hardly soy Clew ex-
cept drunkenness, which ..is se utterly
destroy the happiness of a home.
l M wort.. 1• wives.
Eono:rage strict a.nfidenoe with your
husband ; witbeild nothing front him.
and be picket in hesnng ail he would
c,.nti le to you, that he may always fly to
you as hie-etetteelior and best 'need.
Be punctu*I to • sea,nd in all engage --
manta witk your husband, and he will
b. the sante with you, and in thus do-
ing you wilt avoid much that is usap!ea-
Practice economy in taking cafe of
A Seems *ems tae lases. labiart+Ma of Meese
new anglated.
A visitiog"day in Reuse rural diorites
is • 44y of r erftrot pleasure to people
Wines tnewlemertta are limited, and
OM. Mks rut' se narrow, ch*iuisk To
row ilpltite " takes the place of opera,
•,mart, Iest.r•es, simnel gatherings and
all the .ether enjoyment. open 1.. rose -
deems of cities and towns A teacher to
a book me ds region thus describes the
arrival of visitor. else Sunday inuruirog
at his boarding house :
They carte about Moue o'clock in the
murniug, in a large wag:,u, father, moth-
er mod eight children all seated ow
straightlaacked wooden chairs, paiutd
greets, with sheep akin or rope seats.
The wa_ou wit. a rickety, unpainted
Vehicle, and the hoose were real "bees- l
"WO. good Land u' massy ! 1. this
rosily yeow Y' cried my lenlliady, rush-
ing out to meet the visitors
"Croke like us, don't it i" gargled the
mother of the visitors. -_'HMn't our
sprerits botlnw,"
"How do yerow do/ Cit out, and coma
right in. All well ?" I 1
••weal's 0"iigwn; hoe's all the folks?"
"Oh, M.'S to be 'r ouud. but pep ain't
feeliu' right pest. Ilia tickled to death
to se. vim! Here's Loociuily."
''L iseind," grinned.
"And here's Alcioy. "
"Alen'," grinned.
"And Mary Emmeline.'
Mary Emmeline also grie.ned.
"And all the rest of you. '
"A11 the ret" pet their inters in their
mouths, and tittltled.
"How du you come on, Mister Jlnk-
1.11. Uses.
There te • sort ui lasdnwttort among
tarn& Dyrs.n for One table linen. cud its
isaii.y lustre and trwoelul patlerus are
Ilk• pint.res to the houarwsiely eye.. Ir
its b youd the k„uaekeep.rs memos to
poems titre, beery damask, the can am
sole herself by thi,.kiog of the liana the
lwudryasaw would make in it with hie
chemicals, end* and lime. If eke table
linen can be carefully lautrdaisd-.t hone
Om possession of et is an enjuyaent, sad
it may even peas through several ops.
ot YN/fuln.N, before bets put away for
bandages, hut, etc.
Smell patterned table linen wean best I.
and shoes datui,,q !ear than that having
•huwy designs, therefore it is more soon
,mica) for every Jay use. When eel
worn such linen may be cut up for child
1 �
'!bb egri'iWe yet potent prepare,
IBM rutl 1' 'Warted fur 11.e relief
eu4 eek ul that clans of &smiler*
senesmiasit upset a low or reduced alae
parr and uettally accompanies iu11,N, 1YeRlineae Full
She Ileatt. Prompt n'.rt1,. wit
follow it. roe la eases of Sudd,•n Ee
hatistinsn arising from Loos of hind
emed F,t.. J.pa. New Tvta W,t Purap._
errasteure, S le. !gr W DUI!. This Tea
u Fay. lb. b word to sal ado
Oiler Jamas f.u,n tae. le SIs. per lis. antra Uoud Vouue Iliac*.from lee. lb, up.
Try a7 the. house ♦♦ppeeoeWay is Yews. arson TeaIn . Ib. lots Duly, tar 81 tam
e Hyman, eu.l thief it the Ch. -meet u, the u,erlct. },yup taker In rxchaagr.
At C. CRA88'S, Godorich.
PIING. UOUDS? Just opened outa full assrtment of my own im
gel •'sande- priers, importations. and sa•:lit.IC al
t weed t•eetimeres, Weal nikaam.s. Mtwawe aster
/Itt'a]l and Ser. Always Tweeds and fetteaNee at hire. 1t. Asselle1.
] pleased to shoe atom k.
Acuteorl hr„tuo Ikseneesi, and its the &pelt .the 18.1;.
the ro•.•very Irvin 1Y5nli n . ' '1 anise
remtrly win give more el.' .l tcO Ne
lis ry ni:ief ]t'
N 1'siF or in.beretiut+, ata ern ion on
the atou,u•it bring that of n Geet:r twJ
liaru.!esa .onic, escitinl; tI4 w :•lou of
digest/01i to artio,i enol thus •Cording
immediate and pen ute:it tenet The
carminative proven ie. of the different
aromatic* whit t use Elixir contents
reuder it useful its Flatulent Dyspepsia..
It is a rale abb• retutely foto ic
Ityspepsla, which ix apt to occur iu
Densities of a gout)) character.
leoretisl,ed Diced, Lose of
AL'peUte, l neepinMfencr.•al, I in ell cases
where,u, effectitu nail certain 'stimu-
lant ie !eo:firw,l_ the Elicit ai11 bo
found nooieablc.
1u Jeerer.. of n )f -lar!•) 'Tyne
, anil
the 4arh'cr - it rxul !.,pow hag expo
I I as lh.t. lurarL,b,
nn. rtapkus, and portions too much
worn for napkti.s way be made luta
;cloths fur wrapping round bread and
!cake ; but be wry to hem them t.icely or
they will soon be spirited away among
the rags, eepecielly if within reach of
I)., not buy chest, thin table linen ; it
w111 wrinkle and ret! ready and it e. uld
be wiser to economise in something else.
Au under Dover for the dining table
of canteen flannel or an old blanket %iii
make table cloths haat longer sold al.pe.r
of a better quality. Hand made hems
should finish ail tartlet linen because they
look won neat and iron better. Select
pure %hue .Iamatk and seven eights nap- '
kine for dinner use ; color t. sd.tiaeible
n breakfast and tea cloths with that:
eights Napkins. Lunch clothes and uap-
kina are fringed,
las repairing linen use rat -oiliness of the
'soot •.r a linen thread and, here is aD
emp••rtunity to display your atoll ss a
needlewuautn, for it is considered quite
a faahi..orbte aoeompliehment to be able
to d,. such wok well.
When ':.mending the linen closet ,.
wash the shelves and drawers with atop
and water, then with alum water and
l•atiy blow • little insect puwder into all
the cot ices. Among the reserve stock
et linen place little bags of dried goal
leaves for sweet geranium leave& as your
enndmuthen used to place bundle. ..f
lavender and sweet clover smolt the
home wade linen they stored away ,r,
great cheats with ponderous lids •
ich served them in place of the,
ern hums Mout.
"Oh, middlin', mlddtin'."
"Ain't sun any of you fer a aa}wb
age. Didn't know but you'd all dried up iii mina
and Wowed away. '
Evy?'body giettted or roared over
re Id tbe..d.l or art tt. ;i:b, r, it wed
prove a satiable restorative, se the
tombirt*Uou of I.Ine :una l'ait.utya awl
herpentaneare uuiv.•ratily n•.+,rgnitcd
&repesL,:a f.: the abuvro :used sayer•
iiohf by all Leeakrs la F.ttn j! , Medicines.
J'r'i''e, 81 tar Bottle, or
for tj.,.
Davis h IAwrcnc., Co. (Limited)
11%.1.1: 1'.' ]: \TS,
i.o'TREAL, p.(.
If kLeokint4ILD 1ST
Memo :era of Friel -Net
J1la,a .t i olio A'.trrrs ,.t 11....,. , .' •
Real fur Oft Tend tlee..eaermer. ! --e-it.riwA. rrerytituly el rears,§ere
tvhe Ana c:w gave i: a trios:.
1AtR4 INTERNALLY m1X4n erten A
i With many wo.nen it entices to be?
FI wore ,Gtees ornor tote AND
"Yell, all of you walk right in, and
set down and take oil 'one thing. and Muer >F d
make vueraelf right to huge. I meet
Sy round and get diuner. Hers you,
Jack, go out and kill four chickens ; and
what you have, i:eeprns a strict „mown you bnnq a loam and tatters u
el what you spend, buying nothing but I cellar, Harriett Jane : and bei
what you need, buyin, nothing but plume and one of
what you pay for immediately, and 1 tc«+•.he ►.i. loom
nuking your amount ..f each •t osth'a I) `yu ain't •gum to gin much dinner here
spent. This is a great way to w,n ! "La, Mie' Bitumens, as' yes the beat
a. rearseat, 4, maks him thiel he
1 • e to see how touch wont 1411.15, IT KILL DE It
can be compressed within twelve losers
d the day. They wilt sew, bake and
brew, do no end of work for charitable
p from the purposes, make calls, and then wonder
7 they are worn out, old and
fcrlorn and unable to keep up with
their children,
not f..ricet Ike a1/ attend ea the ne Sin
111.410. C F. f F, Q c d.rich.
TAILOR & CLOTHIER,Ilseju.t rec.•!:, tf. An.! ? now opcniuy a lar,c assortment of
..leo on hand a large stork o: the
i -,,r the a..ekr-up of t5I'I:IXt; -1'114
ASRAi3AM t3>•LXTas�.
Sam side Square, tiodericb, March flab. 1811.
iF YOU WANT iR 1't t' WANT
IF WC 1r,�'g.._m.
C.U.1. AT THC.
Toronto Cash
X111 are invited to come and exam:he the quality and price -lea
Reae.sesr the stand :-TIiE TORONTO t•Asli STORE.
I_ O'L��, 4met, Manager_
noderich, A Poi Jath, IBP:. 2O713rn
• Strait FAILID4
Srnnrx COWS, CHILLS, cox J1PP LQl
U test prend and Alli
APPLIED exteathittt,
axer.Mteect Ha. PROVEN IT TNM lase!
LASI:1 IN 0.43103'7441 555 rat%
wk it a that t , .AMPS
nt a jar or
sir i ren, who are approaching the
age wken the mother's c.mpaniunahi p
werid be their greatest pleasure In
resting it is not necessary always fu
sleep. An hour in a oomfontsble easy
chair with a good book will often be a
treater eeriioe to the tired housekeeper
a .than 'deep for the same Ieneth of time.
It is a rest sometimes to sit at cse's
writing table and commune by letter
*ith one's absent friends -
manses show you have more than you tulkses.
a matook in the country.
ems a little urines bank upon which be
can rely in tame of sickness and financial
Rule only to love. Strive to c411 nut
the beet feelings of your sband'a na-
ture with c„ntinwl !ovine'attentions,
which. though they may he small in
tt;etneolree, snake such • strong chain
around his heart in time that he cannot
turr: carelessly aside from you.?
out always with your husband, but
manage to make home so attrictire that
he finds no piece so dear,
appearance that he may judge your thug straits and incidents of the neigh -
heart by hie own.. Never allowhimto horbuud are discussed in every pomnble i
nes you slatternly attired. Eves be light. --Youth's Cuntpanion.
tasty in • kitchen dram or looking pretty
more a kitchen board.
Be stro•g in year determination never tee ra.v'f.I.tYear teseps.1.
to gossip, to harshly criticise. Nothing -- ovine•
men so much despise se gossip ; nothing And above all, be careful into what yeah
"Now. Mrs' dickies."
"Deed yds aim"
• "Lod o' amp, -`aid' impel
thing St fer a pig to eat!"
Loud protest from Alit.' risking. "Pap
Simmons puts its an appearance,
••Well, I do vita' How air ye, Jim -
kiwi, au' Mis' Jiokina, an the hull ca-
boodle rf ye! Wad to set Ila, all Iouk
natchrell as an old shoe.''
The "n,mp,ny" stays al! day, aad an
Drew. better fur your hwbltnd titan
r any one slam Take •pride in bis (1Oa"at.1 cbetter is kept •mp. The tn-
ural 1,11
Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings
Eteem Etc s Etc.
.The Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
STRAINS, IIRt•tc^S r11rrMA
iSI It.\y,
Vent per JloVIe.
gfrT' Beware of Imitations. -1611
is efiecti:e in small
doses, acne without
!wiping, does Pot oc-
casion mutton.. and
will not cr.:de Irr.-
tationitrni c•.Iirestiun
5 do tntu,y of the
usual cathartics .d•
ministered- !:. the
fore, of Pills. At..
dies having the r7o.ttt iene and
mach* take thio medicine without trey -
isle or Complaint
CAIPnt:Lt's t�1TN411T7r' CA31POteD
is especially adapter! for the cure of
Live.Comrt,,.ti' AND BILIOUS Ii7q-
uRl,t Ra.
Fort A. -in 'Telrtcit AND LORI or Ar -
11 Tilt.
R SICx ItRADACw■ AND preforms.
105Coeort ratio* on IVENRAit
ALL C.rm. -,'. II�lX0 1-505 A
Ilnnaant RLD STATIC or Tut tiro-
Thin medicine being in liquid form,
the dose can be easily r�tiL ed to
meet the requirements of different Iter.
eons, thus teak" it .equally well
adapted to the useofthe little child ea
the adult. Put up in three miner
and sold by al: dealers in
family medicines. r
Price Retail, 2•S Celia
•G T>, t ��
y't week tee-
�RrRdeR m
�O .If&a..d err t he e '
awe of that clu. of disorders 4,
af&adaat upon . low or educed
met. of ahs semi, aad ritually net
mmipRtid by Pallor, Weakees. sal Pal_
ritattos et tot He.[r. Preset result* will
k." in eye ie caws of Sadden E ahaeettes
Wiring lean Las of Siood. Ante or (-'breeds
D,.ea..., and in the weakness that .neariably
a.re_f e.l.e. the Keeney from Wasting Fever..
N. reamed! ren tin more red" relief in
or I .gertinn. toppveer.
h ,sh mined, 1.,,. of Appetite. Ues-
poedeer, and in all ca.e..hen s
an .eraGT,vg wed t RAT Mr
the ELiXIR all be
Attpfused t . C .
A tensible WU* Sas !elle..
The writer hes in his acgoaintanee
a beaatilui, bright woman venose hu$
band has for years been a political factor
in hie state. They hearan life, thee. awn,
with email fines cial rea.,urces, and up to
the last year here had so increasing
family, which now numbers five child -
mu, The wife look., possibly, -a shade
more nature than siren she laid aside
her ounce blossoms, bet has net yet de-
b ted into a mere nurse Ntaidd. As
came prosperity came glen, and
he woman, unwilling that the energetic'
man should go .head of her, kept even
pace with him. "My children will need -
me more when they are larger, than
they do just now, she one* aid, when
she relinquished some maternal duty to
other hands
Always a devoted mother she did not
spend her d.ys flouncing and tucking,
but so improved her mind that the child-
ren alwaye found her just a little ahead
of them, .ren when they began to un-
makes a woman rise so much In a tl.ud 10114117 you gn, and whit kind of tent- t
than estimative as to See her charitable, I P•°, toll keep. You earn .tot draw
particularly with her own sex. ••per too carefully Um line of distinction be -
nos with whew you are tog mist-
ed- Many a young girl ruined bright
roepecre for futarwromfort or happiness
by mingbet with emits -minded com-
large charity dens sever soil, but only
whitens soft white bands.'.
Metre Reueseitande MUi,
Found at last, what the tree public, pkwy. kemember that you are sagged
Inas been looking for these many years by the corn n ou k
and that is a modicumwhich althou y n cep- Your mullet the
gh •f life, your oocer&ahonal power. the
but lately inttoduoed, has made far purity of your ImeginatticM, your feel -
itself a reputation second to sone, the tote, yosr s.piretiets, your desire., your
teed/eine is Jtbcwn'. Took Bitters teueral demeanor, depend vert ouch
which in COmJ'uncttoe with Johneo.'s
Tonic Liver Pills has performed some
meet weoderful cures impure or im-
poverished blood .non becomees purified
and enriched. Billiou.ness, indigestion
upou your association. I. life.
Your character is very muds aeoeided
by your daily e..mpanions ; and a girl
sinks or rises in the 11xk of society sc-
cording to the company she daily keepa
sick headache, liver complaint, languor, I Brush away the glittering externals. and
weekomn, etc., soon dimppear when l discover, it possible, the undertone of
treated by these
excellent tonic mach- the social circles into which you ate os-
cines For sale by Good, druggist, Al- dowdy invited. Beek pure minded wen
bion block. l,todench, sole agent. fill pony. It you osn not find atah, do a
_ _ __ _ _ -- thousand noise rather without : live a
winesers Are Matt the names roans* W. saosg good books rather
flan mi
isn't you know that if I could raise a
beard my praetiee would be tete*, and
possibly thee* times, aa large as it iso I
hare tried everything to bring the lair
out on ay face, bet it will not come,
mil I have about given up all hopes of
e,etadding whieben to my numerns' at-
trActiona Although rem 29 years of
aye, and have been practicing several
yen, I find the greatest difli ulty in
making people believe 1 am not a minor
jut starting out in bonnet*. I tell
you, in nor ptnfession whiskers aro half
It, battle. Eieeybody pater« the
physician as an old, age -looking ie-
divideal with long, full beard. -"phy,
minim" to !:ebe-De'rxrat.
Tan Rine 11A►nte.'. HrotthAIL
term "Zoe." mod its Letfn ttgeival.nt
" eta," are great atemblitag Meeks to
the illiterate sign painter. A Rwea-
etrost sign reads. " Groceries, previsions
and Za" Another east ride sign has it
"shot." still other forma noted are "and
etc," " Z Infiniti," "et etc , "&.d "and et
einem." A Black Ruh man who believes
in giving ba eastesaere their sluices lens
a large stook, hangs '.at the situ, " Dry
trrreds, e► esters, set , &a. "-.Astetlelli
paper. (Th. milieu of this teems le N a
par with the enmbivatmtn, "Bow Joe -
i t+.s ")
nglie the mysteries off ti • sciences and
arrogate with the Iautuages at schoxo'
Writers, fund of flowing rhetoric, are
gives to dilating on the fa•hionable
mother who netiects her children for
the ball room and opera house, but is
not the o
makes a aboaspt of washing ignorant asshinghear ehildran's
face. and tying up their bruises just as
bed t Certainly it ie n[ infinitely mom
value that a woman tl .o.ld strengthen
her boy's intellectual and mors) nature
hen that she should embroider his
baby frock. -Kansas City JournaL
gl• in those shoes morals are
not of the hest. Bat look
around you,
and depend upon it yew will find the _ _ . _
r'iltitt sort of compauy,-ii,eoklyf Maga-
maw Maur Maines Aar steeper
There a an old saying that has
frightened a great many people fraat
taking the rut that nature demanded for
them. "Nine hoer' .r. enough for a
fool . ' They may be, and tint too miter
for a wise ass whe bels that he need-
ed nine hours ; what is better he took
them. We primate it i1 eoeeeded by
all thoughtful per.one that the brain in
Ivory young childnm, say 3 or 4 year, of
age, requfree III .{ twelve hoer+ in twat
or sleep. This pesiod 4 short.A1
gradually mien at 14 ream of age the
boy le found to need only tam hours.
When felt grown and in a healthy ere.
diti.n the man may find a night of eight
linen sukeie.t to repair the *theme.
tion of the day and new -crenate him foe
rho morrow. But if he doormen that Ile
Deal. .mon% sleep he should take it,
There is surely something wrest shout
Alin ; perhaye a t° *ottee waste meet be
repaired. His sleep, evidently, kas not
been made up, and until it hu and he
efs spring le hie work with en eehilpp-
ttee toe it he should *eligibly stun llde
to let kW instinct enalrol him and may
le bad.
"What can I we le dams corptj%r
Use your husband.
/reefermaaee a 4 Pretesmes.
An English writer pertinently puts
the gnestit.n, "Woo'.d nut the world
be touch wiser aced happier if we were
to lay it down as a enteral rule th it per-
formance is inverselyproportioned to
pretension 1" Certainy to be eohrinc.d
of .hie, and tee know that either' also
weretrenriaced of it, would be • most
salutary lessen to those who now waste
en much of their energy and life in try-
ing to appear what that' ars not. Insin-
cerity of this Find is not only wrong, it
is also en foolish, 10 imTotent, en short-
sighted a policy that we wonder how any
reasonable and intelligent man 01 woman
can adopt It. It prejodieee persona
against the on* who practices it. en that
they are unwilling to &dant his actual
!.vee retied thh
What ! Never triad JohnsteNn'e Tonic
Bitters ' Then de, so at osee. it's posi-
tively the beet iteueral tonic on the
i've often heard of it bot thought that
it was to be platted on the lief of the
teeny trashy preparation's that fiend our
market. but .teed yoe rueomstend It en
highly I'll give it a trial. Do en, it's
peed far may nteepiwt is when s tonic
nee benefit. and sen he taken by lean,
Insaaik, er ebiM. title. •ltd SI per bottle
Osod ase Dreg More, Alttieit bleak,
•ederielb, viol. pat,
Seri bl'all Dmitri ire Mrdrinn.
fol.a Austere,
MOtarrat*l., 1 Q.
Galeria April We M
I Anyone eat a.'r.-rtise, bet lean .how the !tcrk. 1 have more stock on
� houses ,s teat. to Wert from. head' Ulla any two
[ bare now nn hand 10 differentUTles of Redrconi R N I I U R E.
Parlor suite.. and &Ime.t anything In the Furniture! ndifferent %%Webaof will 1* add
ren' a
A+ CHEAP A11 THE CHEAPEST. le)N'1• ytir
in the UNDERrAKzN(I 1 give inew of IT.
experience. 1 think i have t et pommel Hearties in the c ant the benefit now n( seed, a public
• nt.lg! 1 have e►erytking tumidly kept in in a fntu� eut establishment. su lv *j caskets.
Coigns. !shrouds, Halon. Gloria Crapes. d4- Embalming done when required.
eel t%':sea•tee testes satisfaction in every case.
leder!r'b, 8ep:. •1b, Zai
CAVEATS, TRADE BMA errs COMMIS Persons wirbin
Obtained. and an banners (e totrates t gond r ori wood at the low•
t)t ce attended to at Mf PLJ A F t'EL ■t p lea ng their orders ata promptly supplied
Onr °Mee is opposite the 1'. S. Patent Of-
fice. and we cat a ainEO Niteroi in lees tumor G O L D'S
than those remote frac If „ , qIf0,,,.,,: . STORE.
fiend JIlODRL OR UR t 1PI YO 1r
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a *4. Our agent will call at the store dally for
we mike .V01 'N.! �qrr sit'- Otto'!.. Liao on fraud, a lot of cheap moat
WT41 e IN PATENT. ROF. C.YLF.SS R'1! OR- null as .hon slab.,
Rerefer. Acre to the Nostmat,tt-•rhe Sept. dgf • et or All the
p weed min er Lonny ht at the m111 delivered,
of Money Order Div.. and to Madill* of the as the buyer dealr. • Y,vmpt..sa gunflin-
t '. e. Patent OOoe, roe cltcvlar. advise. feted.
.erase and references to actual clients in your, IAViER BABC
own State or County write tona
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Oppositel:e Patent
ORlo on
e. Washtoat. D. C. I Jeans Fall Reserve MW...e fed. INC
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in