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The Huron Signal, 1887-6-24, Page 5
q THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1887. Dungenaea. Mr Walker is rutting friends here. SI r. Osy hes ease to Exeter. Mr. B. J. Cswfurd is vwtiu* friends ie tioderieb. A wow in amnesties with the Sngiish oberrh will be given in the drill shed Jou, Vaud. Rev, A. MoKib)ion pr .cb+d his farewell sermon on &today evening to • large a,na'reaatk n i.i the Methodist church, Pio carries with hist the beet wishes of meal, Elena., es he pee to his new held of labor. Hose of our young people visite, Point Farm during the week. A strawberry social wads, the �neptees of the Y. P. 8. will be given at A. Pwttand'e on the eveaioa of the 2811, of Jests. A good time is expected. I .sea a. We were • little astray with toleration to the welllbein;( dug by A elution, aad should hay* started 10 ft is diameter instead of circum(eraoow 11 Brown of Clinton was the guest t f Mr. Foley last week. Statute labor was done on Thom Car•ney's beat haat week. Miss Jessie Mums, of Gerbraid, is visiting here. Mr. Thos. Carney went to court this week to answer the call as a Juryman. Communion will be held on'lst Sunday In July. It is expected that s number of members will partake of N. Miss Horton was in Clinton this week. Tb. Aedfe.ee womb. Set Walt. The Pell M.0 Gu:ette tells this story of Miss Mary Anderson : While she was rehearsing the ,rsrt of Juliet, an eminent physician, an intimate friend. was pres- ent. The performance delighted him till the cooclu•ioi of the play, when hie countenance won a to ubled expression. I When it was over be wrist up to the ac- tress. "My dear young lady," he said, "You are wrong is one of your effects. Don't you know a ourpee doesn't stiffen for at least aka hours after death r' "My dear duet..►," resi,..nded Mary, slowly, speaking in deep, rich tones, are1 adopt- ing a strong American teeny, "do yne think I sin going to keep my audience waiting for six hours while I stitfen." eusttgbt. No arttete of forsakers that will not stand • sunlight should lie put in a room for every room in • deriding eho.ld have tee window eo arranged that some- time dude( the de the ettnligbt may enter freely ietc the •parttneete. The importance of admitting the li,ht (.1 the sun freely to .11'parts of our dwelling cannot be toe higbty estimated. Indeed, Perfect health is neerly es dependent es pore sunlight es it is on pure air, exoept when to bright as to be uncomfortable to the eyes. And walking should be in height sunlight. A sun•beth ,. of more importance in preserving a healthful c iti•.0 .4 the body Coat is fenrr•Ay • It is a well eeteblished fact that the people who live couch to the son are RNeially stronger and mote healthy then Nese whims occupations depri t•.• them Robert J. Burdett*, who has tame friend• and fewer twemies than any be- teg writer in his peculiar branch of his- torical literature, has bees elected a dea- con in his Baptist alma at Lower Mer- lon, Pa. ; sad he will reek be a mere unbend is the ullios either. When Mr Burdett* was summering in the Adiron- dacks last year he was hunted down in his retreat by the Waitaki of a hale Baptist :hurch &boat fo.r mCim from his camp, who insisted that, in the abeam* o: any regular pastor, he should SII the pulpit. With his customary good nature he complied, and for several successive Sundays the 'Mee that had many a time, ros.el the mirth of crowded halls as he told the story of Tom and Laura in the "Rise and Fall of the Moustache" was beard in the pulpit ..f the little church. Ne pre.elsed nut only a full hut • free esivetiom in every sense of the word. for he charred the goad brethren nothing whatever for his services. 1111011%. In OodertelL ea the Mb last.. the wife d W umor at�i el a ma. WALL PAPER —.A•r___ UNDERS ien�r —sToRE. p0� tRll'M. • t 1 1 hr to Ile. sew M. It. to ter. sewe. .. se » ,p. le tar. ..I I. These are keel yeses' styles. baa fur Manor:, r:, Lebis r Tank TNt1 111E JUST Tiff 1"111M. A Fresh Stock of earn Papers Now on Vi TeERst House DER THE SUN. *11541., Met nest to the Poet ONee. SOW& Mali D IIID. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO.L�ok Here! BRANTFORD, COMMENCE THE SEASON ON Tuesday and Wednoeway, 6th Dad 6th April, WITH A GLIAND DISPLAY OF Pattern Hats, Bonnets & Mantles IMPORTED DIRECT FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STYLES. NOBBY SHORT WALKING JACKETS & DOLMANS Oval Dress Goods Deparm e t taiOVZ.a u 1152121121f. THE STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. THE RANGE OF NEW SHAI)F.S 18 LARGE, THE COMBINATIONS ARE ELEGANT. FRENCH WOOL DRESS GOODS, WITH HANDSOME COMBINATIONS. BLACK AND COLORED MERV:S. IN PLAIN, STRIPE AND BROCHE. NEW PRINTS AND CHAMBREYS, WITH EMBROIDERIES TO MATCH. WE SEND SAMPLES AND PIT EXPRESS CHARGES ON ALL PARCELS OF 55.00. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brantford. ]larch Het. tem A FEW A FEw Pointers Clearing Cash Sale If Fat I$ • DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If os Wait a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN bars theta at all prices If Toe Want a TEA SETT, NAIRN has a full assortment OF MILLINERY FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, GAUZES, BONNET SHAPES, HAT SHAPES, &c., &c. This is u Ge. is ue Sat,. u, 1 •,tui 'Poiuy w t ..f .i.e Baainess w auwi us .'Tteek •..t be diepi sed MISS GRAHAM June fllsd. 11N7. The $quare. text to Acheson R Cox's BiZQp.ral1rt. G.dericb. If Ton Want Anything in CHINA, FARmERs & OTHERS NAIRN has the finest display ; If Toa Want Anything it AUS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. Par Pore. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. STAIRS — iIAS THEM — EVERYTHING WARRANTRU. YOUR TRADK SOLICITED Gedw{cb. April Mth. kaki. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY nils to*Ftswy is Lr.ee,e19 M on Pers Security at Lowest Rules of /Merest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 .ear( 5 per aid. interest Allowed * Deptria, .ororliev to at.ouwt mid sluts k1t- OPTWE:-(her. of Mertet Seoare and N Street. Gedetw. HORACE HORTON, Ooderick Ant. eta Illi, Ira THE BEST THE CHEAPEST. New Fruits, New Nuts, New Teas, NEV G000S EVERYBODY INVITER TO OMs AND SEE THE Finest Collection OR CHINA evw itipaemd son 1.Oderlah C. A. NAIRN Court nesse egnese. &sedate& Dec. 711► Mat A v.,4i, ,,,,,,..,.,, dy „,.5..,,,:+4" '1'0 WEAVERS! Vbiorsd i While Olirpst Warp � Ines ASMI 0. 1-11164. B, A FULL LINE OF PLOWS, REPAIRS & CASTINGS KEPT ON HAND, AND AT REASONABLE PRICES C. A. Humber's New Warehouse, 3t. David.st., near Victoria•st. Church. d CALL 8O ..ICITED. artily 1M WROUGHT IRON SMUT. c_ .est_ 137-72\/rRER.. Ooderlob. 26th May. INK. MOP BOOTS 1 SHOES The Largest Stook Ci-reatest Stook, y, Anda Best Value IN 'TOW'S. AT E. DOWNINGS. Oor. Haat Street and Sgnatle, Goderich. ALL THE LEASHNO STYLES iX a LLMES', GENTS' AND CfflbIIIIEN'S EAR AT VERY CLORE PRICER. A LME OF Ladies' Genuine ?roach gid Button Boots, at 12.00 SPLENDID VAL('K. Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at 11.00 and 11,25 Give me • cell. sad we ell: show you our stock with pleasure whether you by or not E. DOWNING, t'rahb's Sleek, ('or. Kea et. sad `tueare. H.IL—TO THH TRADE! - Leather and Findings in any quantity, at Lowest Prions. flod.rie.'- Jae !•d. 1M. !1M. FOR BALE. t No. 888, on Victoria -et. in the Town of Goderich. Geeupied by THOMAS KKefRiDK. TMs1'Ites& i. s geed par�tjof the Toms.Muse. Wi M,g'Item s& atta he thermos has = palated 1•loy. sad Is 1. a geed orale of ple- RRHS Or EA LA :- Ralfistp alma hal. %t j OAARRROW • PROfIDtVOOrT, Arpoo•.+snub. Mot. fhb. tall Me( °iri'c OODE>RZaZ PLI SING MILL 11x17 Att.1$HED 11 Buchanan, Laxsen 1 Bohiesu tea.vrawrtltteae M Sash, Doors & Blinds s.Ataa In ass mum eV Lumber, Lath, Shinjlea sad bulldog's r ears* wf ,►,y deeert{ttes. KIM a sf scsa T,. /A Draw ingegreislowsohol w. Gdwt.h A.O.1 tai f y Wean clearing out a lot of 12 cent Prints at 8 cents, and Ureas Goods Itsei than cast. { We are buying WOOL, and paying TORO\m prices in Cash, and 2 cents higher in trade. You will tint it to your advantage to hal with ,kt takkitittkkt.fr,frti,ki*kk aad • seertelrenal of 3 per eras. allowed en au p.rrlaa.seRN re .r Dry Hoods ed e . r C2OLBORNE BROS1, ©1•oaai>:111.=oi . WONDERFUL VALUE ZN DRESS MUSLINS AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S -ivIEwiwNrorsK- WAU KEN PHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOES. Our Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes is l'omple'e, and .omprt+e the Lae* American and Kaglisb Styles. we TAKE IiO aLt • rl.scE FYI 4'1'.Til NOHk. J. DOWNING & CO'Y. 1887 NEW SPRING GOODS1887 1 greet the public with the announcement that I have opened out a Choice Assortment or NEW AND Srr IsM DRAWS CQMD° Suitable for SPIKING AND SUMMER Warr.. Tae range of Textile Fabrics ars so varied Ink. season that even the most fastidious eats be SUITED_ PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS Black and Colored. Plain and Striped Plashes and Velvets. Buttons from a 5c. Size up to a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Clasps for Dresses and Mantles. Gloves dZ+ F'11z.e MICCie- Full range. and at prices uapeeeede.ted in the annals of the Hoofer) and GLoie Trade. ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND WELL ASSORTED As nommen; tal'e's stoat of Gaadtaa ud Imported KNITTING YAii.\3-Beet ]takes, MET 1(OTE-Geode told ea their _erre. no misrepresentations made. and sine:air one price Ooderick. Apeal 7th. M. A.. M'LTNRO_ >MI• Draper and Haberdasher. On11:1 111111/11111111:17 FlOCI rill/1)113 Jest Received at the Medical Hell by F. JORDAN. and will be sohi at i'rieee to Mit the Hard Tiaw. Call sad see them before mating you: pur.•beaes. F. JORDAN, Medical Eall, Goderich. PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER AT RHYNAS' TM= SZR'LTC+C+?.61T_