HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-24, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1881. EMU Baum Mr and Mrs N Wehms. see .sealing a few weeks lenitive friesd• et Hemlldw -ie sed Tutoalu, Mr Weston is • faltbfel D ry Goods O.is Tp.resaua ..p t boldily oyes, and we!l deserves and Dr. M. t\whams, the West serest &settee, takes the preeervaties ort the saturJREIg&Elo416"°""::?"• eey. abisis-tend farm 9 a. mo 4 p. fur tae . • patsies* eatrsotiw of t•sth. urrlilt'SPECIAL t'ALl E u. u... toUewtag Goods . DRESS GOOD`, PRINT, (,INGHAMS, MI!SLINS, EMBROIDERIES, PA RAS( ►L8. HOSIERY, AND GLOVES. ALO BARGAINS IN WHITE AND GREY COTTONS SHIRTINGS, COTT( )NADES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS. AND TOWELING. Special Attention to h.. Tai1orill Deparllllollt TWEEDS CUT OUT FM OF CHAItfiE. lllespeftlon In. ited. KUoods shown with Dte•aurs. -- fe REIO & BR©., Jordan u Sleek. Court House Square. rto.lerlch tatb May. M. tr•tdy New advertt e.se.t. This week. Penn for Rale -James Mentor. Dungannon. Versant Gal Wasted Mrs. Jos. Kidd. Tenders Wanted -Joseph Beek, Keltford. 'renders Wanted -Peter Adamson. -Pity of home' -A. Dickson. r. per oenL Discount --Colborne Ryes. %oo weir Tooth Paste Jas. W tan. 'ow Kstrsy That Healey. lirlp Weaned - J. J. Wright. TOWN TOPICS. A .air's ease nu pe. takire solea. Aa'%uide hell pre*/ it." It was Oso. Stewart who took the admir- able photographs' of the plprris and dna ers /- rafter the last Caledonian games. A Ban M,sa.- If you fail to Noe McCor- auac'sspnn,t stock. Varied. elegant. durable and comp. Be Rare to examine end save money. There will be thousands here Caledonian day. but you'll be able to tell all who got their clothes at V. it A. 1'ridham's by the fashion- able style of the goods they wear. Look and ore. For drugs. dyestuffs. cbetnieala. and inset destroyers. don't fall tocail ,t Rhynes drug , .tors. He keeps the purest of drums and the / latest and best patent medicines. Corner of Montreal St. and Square. 'file boom en Goderich has struck Sallows photograph Gallery. and the proprietor is kept at work, hemmer and tens. to auppIS his customers with tem -clam photographs. you have to ru early to get attended to. That last lot of Gurney's stove* sold so rap- idly that rounders t Sue have ordered.noth- er stock. which will be to band in a fro dab.. Corte in and see the bargains they are oder- Gregor lfieLma, relented hots. fres Woodstock cense* Saturday lam to spend his vacation, Greg. will take s hese of fun out of the rood wheelie' in Oudench, denies the days of hie militia - time W 4i,. -T. l' -The tidies of the W. C. T. U. are requested to Drake an effort to be all present at the m.tiag next Tuesday, as special business will Dome before the ...batt in .ssecties with Dominion Day. AT THE "SuooT."-E. R. esteem sed James Nesbit •tt.eded the shooting matches at Toronto during the week. E. It thinks the "bier end u( the loft" at any of the matchos could be taken by a team from Goderich. A Mae: were A HI AO Aa LuTEL A• A HILLwaRu TASLR. -Frank Siddel, the Philadelphia soap man says : "I have confined my advertisement entirely to newspapers. The man who does not read a newspaper does not use soap." Nr w LIMEKILN. - Messrs. Berchler and backer rev just finished • naw limekiln on the Goderich side of the Falls fte.erve, which is capable • tern - Mg out 300 babela per day. They are Loth pushing, enterprising moo, and we expect to see them do • good trade. JL'et eat SERMONS -"J abeam ser- mons" vers delivered in the different churches in Goderich, Sunday last. Elsewhere we reproduce in full the discourse delivered by Rev. O, R. Turk. which ranks high with thou. 'riven anywhere in Ontario on the occasion. C. P. R. TsLaoaArs Luis. -The tele graph construction gang of the C. P. P. arrived in town Monday last, and have since been busily engaged settit:g up the poles for the new commercial line The Goderich ageocy will, we understand, he carried nn by 0. Radcliffe, the C. P. R. teed agent. He wAs BoIXIN.: THE GODERI.'H GAMES -Stratford Daily [beacon says : -Mr D. Mc4' illicudJy, the clever editor u( the Ocderieh SIGNAL, attended the Stratford games yesterday, and helped to make things run smoothly. He is an enthusiast in out -door sports and is al- wsys s welcome visitor at such games. RETr•RNED.-Jam. Strachan, teller in the Bank of Commerce, has returned from a trip East. Ile took in the Thousand Isles. Lachine Rapids, and the beautiful scenery on the St. Law. rence. ee Montreal he Fade good bye to his brother. Rev. John Strachan, who after • year's sojourn iu Canada, re- turns to the uld land, much benefitted in health. Tlie teacher• of Knot church Sabbath school will hold their annual ettawberry festinl and a:usical entertainment td Tuesday evening, .lune 28th, in the lec- tt,e room of the church, oommenerng at lag at the cheeping noose under the .us. 8 o'clock A meet program is being pre -1 ton pared, and a geed time may be expected. en; Admission. including refreshment., • which will he served at 9 o'clock, 20c. Children, half price. THE WoIEN'e CHRISTIAN Trwl'rsu!CE Vs los will meet retui.riy for the transact of totem's. every Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. in Knox church. kt-err woman i tmrueted it the work 11 cordially invited attend. Geode's Rlack Cherry Cough Balsam trot king wonders. Only ' :c. our own 'ondi- tioo powders at 13 and ?Jr. per package are also giving great mti.faetion. First clam dispensing a speciality. A'. C. Goode, 1)r. 1t,1. Albion Block. THE HURON AN1 HRi'a LOAN AND INrEeT- l1aeT CowtANt.-1Mp sittirs iu Ibis company have the best possible security fur their mon- ey. all been` invested in mortgage on farm property. Depositors have. first Tien in all the coaipan) s assns. Hate of interest paId from t to t per venni e•rdintt to amount and duration of deposit. y 'armee' hating sar- plusmea should Lail ad? see the mango. Mrs Vizzard, of Petrolea„ is visiting her parents. Mrs W. Swafield of Clinton was in town visiting her parents last week. tan Friday the dredge broke down, th result being • stoppage for some days. Colin Campbell is painting the hot recently purchased by hent on Weet-et. J. H. Bell, wife and tw., children. o - Fen William, are the guests of Mr Be11•s so•.ther. Mr and Mis A i::shop, ..1 Athens, tle.trgis, are the guests of Mn George Acheson. The man with the lawn mower ham been beautifying the Square during the past week. A little child of Capt. Oreen's, had its leg broken on Saturday last by .0 elder sister falling 0%er-it. Dr Taylor was elected Vi. President of the Ontario Medical A..ouati'to at the recent meeting in Ton,nt.E. Horace Horten has mold his property ren the Plume, ,caupied by Mr. George 11141a, to Mr. Wm. Acheson. Our fisherman who remained here to fish off the port have taken up their nets, sod ars preparing to Mil north. The W. C. T. 1'. intend giving • told dinner in the store next to the post office. on July Lt. Admission, 15c. Mrs, D. M. Hooker, r,.. Evens, and childrea arrived from Brutish Columbia last Wednesday, on • visit to her par- ents. Mies Oentaia Marlin returned from the Lilies, Weeleyna College Thursday last. and will spend vacation in Gederteh, Godwin Campaign who had been em- pleyed on the Empire, left her at this port on her last trip, suffering from a scalded foot. Mr. and Mn. Imre were in town last week, and after shipping their furniture 10 Tomato, left for their future bow* on Tuesday last. T)r McDonagh will be in G..derich ter cnnsulatien tea Saturday, the 2nd of July, and afterwards on the tint Saturn dad of every .o r th. Neer orr TIS Tim. -in shooting off the tie for the gun club medal last week Mr Williams Le°bam came out ahead, hearing Mown E. R. Wats,., and W T Woksh to • is, Tit AIANA.•EK WAS tic TowN.-J. D. Stewart, manager of the Caledonian games at Goderich on July 1st, was iu town Wednesday giving the finishing touches to the arrangements for the holding of the James. Dominion Day in Goderich promises to be the greatest fathering held it' the town for twenty years. The people are coming from all directions, and they'll have a good time. "WHA'$ Lieu HIM 4' -Since the days of Hamilton Corbett no better exp•,nent of Scottish song than Gavin Spenee has appeared before Canadian or American audiences. His voice is fall, fine toned e and of good register, and his expression and dramatic power is unexcelled by any living Scottish male singer. Mr °° Spence will sing at the Scottish concert in the Grand OperaHouse un the evening f of Friday July let. A CANDIDAT$ Yoh THE WHIRLPOOL. RAnov.-A. McKay, G,.denchs well known deaf mate, is a noted swimmer and diver. Saturday afternoon he per- formedethe remarkable feat of jumping from the top of the Big Mill elevator, diving Into the harbor, and taking there- from a pieof silver that had bees thrown in. The "Dummy" ie a diver of the first -clam order, and in his special line has few equals and no eupenora. Belem Ferree Snows. - Burka united shoes exhibited at Ouderiob, Tuesday attorney* and evening There was • fair attendance at the afternoon perform er. perfo seand in the *toning the large tent wee crowded in every pert. The per. foresee* thromehnot seemed to sewed istisfartinn to the show gazers present',ws on the uoie. Peat n .S -soot EXAMINATIONa,-The examinations in ouonection with God" - rich public schools will he held next week, as follows :-Nis Margach . room, Tuesday morning ; Miss Fletchers room, Tuesday afternoon ; MissLangstaff's room, Wednesday morning ; Miss Share man's room, Wednesday afternoon ; Miss Stair room, Thursday morning ; Mr. Eesbury's room, Thursday afternoon. The parents and friends ..f the children are cordially invited to attend. 1'. W. C. T. 1'. - Mr McWilliams, student of Montreal college, who is at pre seat asistant to the Rey Dr 1'm, will deliver an address ea temperance and Band of Hops work to • mass meeting of children, in the lecture rr.m of Knot i church nett Thursday, June 30th, at 7 •,'cleek. There will be members cf the 1. W. C. T. (' present to circulate the pledge cards enema the children and organise their Band .4 Hope. if ail re neceseer, arrsuments an be made, the Y W (' T U. will also hold their business meeting after, at 8 o'clock of the same evening, and will coattail* to meet fortnightly. Tien, Hors FoRw,cn AT I.A.T.-At • meeting of the 0ndench Board of Trade held in the council chaiher last Friday evening, the ("leeriest were elected tinea ,.Ri--en for the current year - President !the ' HMr Jos. William. ; Secretary, Mr Jea Mitchell . Treasurer, Mr R. Radcliffe. Council, Mertes Hutchison, Drummond, C S.•ger, Jos M Shopperd, Jia But• I Mot Iwr. T. C. Tailor, A- R Chrystal, Wee • eamphell, J. 14 Colborne, C. A. Nairn, stet C. Crabh, nos KJdd, jr E. Campion, I Jas Saunders, T. B Vac te's', Rees Price, M. Nieho3nn, D. C. the 8e -erten. le. W Bell The hoard then ad parried. The melt resider meet- i her erg i. the 2.d week in July. Of the in withers app.,nted !► are charter mss- I warn hen, and 14 meetly sleeted uses. I eh A_ JUBILEE SERMON. An Eloquent Discourse by Rae 0. R. Turk. Taw of assetee" -TEM asses• rear .f a ..teas... hetes ••T1e Ifimseedissal .f Heins. the W emampess •r women." The following is a fall report of the e legem* dimmers* preached in North St. church Send•y evening last by Rev. G. R. Turk. We oder so opology fur its ptoduotem in fell :- •'A Jubilee .halt that Mak year be unto sen -'-Ler- at :11. Our teat refer to the erect jubilee year ..on the Jews. When they On• tend the promised land the country wee distributed among the different trim., and trent the tubes to the several Mott- les. Through mismanagement or wiis- fortune a family aught lose its inherit- ance, and even personal liberty, sod be trade Blares. The design of, i llitituti.g the year of jebilee was tbal every 50th year, epos the greet day of atonement, all who through poverty or adverse cir- cumstances had forfeited their pnlerty or personal liberty should have their debts forgiven, time property restored and he sat .t liberty. Se that the whole c•.mmunity, haring their debts forgiven, and the same day forgiven byGod,mieht return to their former inhsnan .. The jubilee was • beautiful symh .l of the Mesaunic year td grace, when ell the conflicts of the universe ahuuld be re- stored to their original harmony, when mem might be made free trues the bead - age of sin lied restored to the first estate of righteousness and purity. The weed "jubilee" is not derived frum the Latin jwbifare, to be jubilant, but from the Hebrew root,which means to flow impet- uously, hence the loud and impetuous re- joleiogs which flowed over the land whoa the day dawned and the festival was pro- claimed. 'Tis in this sense we use the word in cennectioo with our Queen's Jubilee. I may be asked why do we hold this Jubilee 1 We all know that Der nolle Queen has reigned fifty years ; but to undersand the cause of rejoicing, we must turn in history. The first three decades of this nineteenth century, the 30 years immediately proceeding t Victorian era. were years of darkn and uppresien. The world was shuge ing to get over two French revolutio and the efforts made to bring peace beet, was in every way worthy of barn He was both rood and wise seen* us that .hasher .4 death, while it .elle forth tears ut sympathy. was radiate with Chrieliss haps. For the last few .1s.y+ the Qsees vellum 1.1. her hu°b.sd-e aide. She performed the most tender Lama At his request she OWN( ower sue overeaten hufarurite hymn, "Ruck of Ages." Soros that day the Queen has w itbdrawu almost altogether from covet Ids, appearing only whoa ueeessery, yet trenaaeiiog besieges with faithful•.es and skill. Her grief at her husband's death has never been s,auled.except by 11se who has promteed to be the huslraed ut the widow. Many of you have echoed her pelmet words, "I am luuety, s lonely," as you crept hack from • ne made grave whicleoked received a for dearer to you the& all the world. leu like the Queen, your loss has made yen feel • deeper sympathy with the boer' e d than you could otherwisehave done Hear bet words to the poor widows the colliers : •'Her Majesty's tenderest sympathy is with the poor widows mothers, and her own misery makes het feel the mofur them." AmeIter heavy stroke to the Queen was in 1878 w hen the beautiful princess Alice, wit several of her Welly died of that fell die seas, dtptherta. The death of h daughter coming upou the •noivergsr of her husband's death, was doubly Today our beloved Queen sits thus ch.a awed and eadden.d. Let us pray f her. In the beauty .4 bar womanhood she riaabove her Que•nhood. She w the most bemired am,.sg living weaken. A.-atr Sovereign she holds uur restreat, and as • woman she claims our prayer's sympathy. We have reason te be pvgsd UT • her, She stands without a blot' stain -the world's example. I know in these days of anarchy some dastard* cry out against her as the repreeenariv of constitutional and responsible govern anent Yielding to the wishes of he suhjects,nexe-Tuesday she will appear t her rubes of state. May the God u heaven protect her. It may be nom crazy fiend will seek to du her harm Blasted and shivered be the hand the would de her harm ; palsied be th tongue that would speak ought again her. Let every subject in her world girdled domain. y,., all on the Bart pray. "fled'lave the Queen." Let us turn for a few momenta to noetics the or ',progress of the British nation during the he past fifty years. First, with reference to eat reform in laws We have seen how ee- l- just were many of the existing laws at no the opening of this century. The crimi- to nal code is more humsee ; the laws w w t u • t►1 •os. • n e er and. air rises • 0 • e t e K the nations. It was the see of }agent and military glory. But shire the com mon people were ground down harem oppression's iron heel. Loud and bite were the cries which arum. Crtmin laws were aay.ge, ■rid brutally enforced At one time in England, there w more than 100 under ,entente of deet one a little girl ten years of age. Th beam of light was the aboiilien of the dare trade, art, science and learning, were making herculean efforts td lift the nations. These were the days of' Cole- ridge, Smithy, Wordsworth. Byr..n, Sheely, Keats, Campbell, Moore, fits Walter Scutt, charmed the latera world. Sir Humphrey Davey was 1w McIntosh the authetity in Philosoph n But the gat throbbing heart humanity cared little for these, gra masses of moral truth were tugging their consciences, and alinement wrongs cued for redre.sal. Religion had sunk to the lowest forte, church abuser were appalling, with some notable exception, the essentials of a popular clergyman was to be a man of society, able to follow the hounds and take part in the bac•naultan revel, like priest like people. But as the sun rising in bis might dispels the dark shadows of night and chased sway the miss. So when the Victorian age was ushered, immediately there came a change for the better. In view of whathasbeen given this yetr,it is not necessary to give but • brief skated of the history of our Queen. She was born May 24th, 1819. Her father was the Duke of Kent, the son of Geo. III, and her mother was pnncess Victoria of Sate Coburg, her father was the best of all his family, and her mother was • good woman. The future Queen rereceiv- edmoat training. Deprived by death of her father when she was but nameyears old, the responsibility of rear- ing devolved upon her mother and well did she perform her teak, (the import- ance ,.f • mother. Some might tbiak . that because she was • prince'very whim would be gratified. Jest the re- verse. On the 20th of Jan.. 1837, Wm.eer IV. ped away, and Victoria become Queen. Her first words whenshe m- erited the announcement call fnrth high- est respect and admiration. Turning to the Archbiabop of Canterbury with tears in her eye, she said, "I pray your grace to pray far me." They all knelt down an4 this reign, which has lasted fifty years already was inaugurated by pray er. We may not follow Her Majesty through all the. yam. Everywhere she appeared as the mese wise, tender, faithful sovereign, recoeoizing her re- ,n•ibility to Ooxf and her obligation o her people. She is not only religinos, but a Christian. The well known inte- nt a her handing to a foreign emboss - or a Bible, with the words, "This is he secret et England's greatness," roves her to be blue el the tmpw- Mice of the Holy Word. t'prxt e occasion a minister brought some mpnrtant papers for her signature on to is Sabbath. She invited him , heirs anon on the Sabbath which she had ordered to be preached, and .ver since only the mrt ,at impoant business hart been transacted on Sunday. in this what a pattern dee sets for all her sob - )sett. Her kmdneee is universany known. Her word* of condolence for th ry which touch the laboring class. have - been much imprtved. Labor new re- th ceives fair remuneration. I have often st er thought if those who are crying again al capital would see the program" made and . he thoughtful. While on the other hand as capitalist* must own that owing to the it, unproved condition of the wworldly,• nun he needs greater remuneration forna labor in order for him to retain the po- sition he holds in society. Corporatin are no longer allowed to hare children to slave in the' mines and factor. tea. Free schools bays been es- tablished, and parents are compelled ry to educate their children. Saving esestablished where the labcnss ng clas y. may deposit than savings for safe keep - of ing. Postal laws are such that tar a t bride communications may be sent all at the word over. The penny pit was introduced shortly after the Queen came to the throne. le 1839 the lettere deliv- ered in the United Kingdom were about 82.500,000 ; in 1885 2,065,000,000, From time to time the franchise has been extended, till now practically every mai and many women Loki the sacred right to vote. The eats is parliament are no longer controlled by noteility, but are open to the humbiest io tbf y'oalm. Duelling, which was favored by the elite, is now prohibited. The rule* in the army and navy are much improved, Flogging has been abolished. The prem gang system has been dome away with. The system of buying commis -1 e ons which filled the army and nary with incompetent officers is practically gone. Now rising in the ranks is a question of mint. The army is now the nation's army. We see • Wolsey taking first place among British gene - rale ; arbitration taking the place •.t war. Pugilism is rapidly falling Mt* contempt. The time was when • parliament would adjourn to sae a prize-fight, aed a premier would be found jostling with the thieves and pick- pockets in the ring. Not in the least of reforms is the way we speak out in con- demnation of immorality. In • word, all laws mewed to be based upon breed prineipl., which command public re- spect, and are backed up by public sen- • timent. The laws affecting religtoe have es greatly improved. The great inequality between conformity and non -conformity has ceased. Broad Older -thermic meas- use ores hate been enacted. Science and literature have made giant strides, uni- versities and schools are free and com- mon. The Bible Society has grows to Q wonderful proportions, seeding oat the Word by millions of espies translated ts into hundrwna of languages and dialec into all the world. More these 800 char- itable and religions institutions eslelwat- to ed their sneiv.rsaries during the past year. More has been done for the cause of miseries se sies during the50 years than tim ever before. This is not the e vee to progressplace to note the progress of committee so and trade. The fast express sod sinew 8t bust lin., and the telegraph awl tele- 11 phone h•v annihilated distance and is O skit ea er in the scientific world. Sir Jam - honks under governmeut protection ars se de gel p en 11 se e doth of Presidents Linonln and tear - Id harre welded the hearts of those ra- n She is at heron amo nsgg the poor. •r presence breathes henedietions in wards of the hneptala. This she hes to mlMitted to at least en. of her daagh- /ep•-the prances Louise -whom 1 have hi the heapital stroking the brow of eiek child, or en'1'riring abet the e of those in the sectdent ward, lid like an enrol visitant from bed to Oto the '2trd of December 1851, 1 Queen stood tare to fare with the ' tlmteen hour of Ivor life The stream of married life, which flowed with un- terrentnd pewee and joy for 21 years broken The true woman in nature tee forth. Her buab•nd,Prince Al-! Linea e• to us is p . le.asat place" Witness the pewees iu stein and t(wrrttl Numreform. Nuthe imprvren vet in oar Near law.. All the great chinches are • emit. Witness the ree..lutW IN •hieb have I •ao41 afink freest our ssoafere, nes, synods sad gesar.l esserblies. Tits total p..polatine ..f the British pwtasasiuos r nearly 300,000.000. 1e Caned* the pupuletwu has trebied is 60 year+. L,ukiug tote the future there may be dangers which threaten the British .e- pirw, dangers from anarchy and revolts - tem. The Irish yuesthm is mot yet set- tled. Wars may arise. Eaemiee may press us son. Our Queen is growing old. and there dies not seem to be one to summed her wbu is worthy of her mantle. But the 41,A of Lateen is our anentGad. He bas sleeted this anent to be ta the world's Missiener to es.ery the right and reform the wrote'r, to hold aloft the standard tf the Cross, to lead the world'. rations to the brightness ul the Sun of R•ghteousuess If Britain but to herself 'were true, she near calmly, triumphantly face the wore, and aio.ai Our present duty is to render th,ks unto God fur the peat 50 years, to take the sup of salvation and call ere the name of the Lord on this jubilee day to bring • our rejoicing to a focus, uur praises to a clime:, and pray and sing and shout ••Gid Save the Queen." Then arc soave who cry out *menet these jubilee ca.- br•tions, They say it is all gush, ..t m' want, excitienent, enthusiasm, bred snobs and kept aLee by fawning syco- phants; that there is nu muse for all this display. Aw.v with all these. 1s it t odhu,g that Victoria fur 50 years has been the queenhest of queens tej, the wo- nliest of women. Pure in her girl- hood, virtuous in wifehood and suavity in her widowhood. Forever silenced be the tongue that would impeach ber here.rc Is it nothing that during her reign, aed surrounding court iutidelil►w she has given w her subjects a model home ! True one or two of her children may have done evil. Were it not for her (aithfolnses we might have been made to blush for the very name of n.ylty. Is it nothing that this empire, with its ever widening sweep embracing in extent cite -third .:f the globe and one-fourth et the earth's population, with the excep- tion of unhappy Intend, is the abode of peace ani plenty 1 Wise, firm and patient legit/Aeon will yet settle and solve this Irish question. 1s it nothing that this wieley empire is everywhere the friend of the distressed r The pour mum is se sale as the rich. The tm of the sires who cleared the seas of Tratal- er, who stormed the bei by gots or rima and tebaatal,..I, and swept the bele at Waterloo will nee to protect the hum- h'est British subject. 14 it nothing that Si. George's cress is tb• ytubul creed that under it there never treads • glare ; that a Britain, white ..r black, may wrap himself in the folds of the Inion Jack, and if hisv cause be right, bid defiance to the weed 1 Is it nothing that inewith- staniing the,tnngeocy of the times we h ave had fifty yeam of ever widenteg commerce ; that in the face of search,.organized and red-handed, the life of our ,liven has been preserved ! 1s it nothing that England with her colonies is the .insert star of murals, the world's Miueoner ; that mon has been done to Iv the lust world during the past 50 year's than ever before. Is it nothing that science, art and literature hate made such rapid strides ; th.t educationis within reach of .11. Alas ' alas ' that sued this blazeof light and privilege airy should sit to darkness, t• law however benign, can crake man 1 from site Oh, friends, think of it. Th is G,d's great year of jubilee. He waiting to strie the fetters from th goal, to bid the sin bound captive tree Will you not come to Him t Knt ye not that whom "The Som shall mak free is free indeed-" In conclusion w would say, let the nation rise to tit Q'aeu's jubilee celebration. Int the bete) discordant Knit. Sweep up out of the minor key into the jubilate major. When the first cann.,n shall boom at the gates of the royal palace, let a w,.11ey thunder around the earth. The proces- sion formed en Tuesday next will belt the globe. Never will our National Am. them be sang in w many lands by so many rennet*. It will sound out amid the crest, of leitttary bands. In mighty cathedrals the ...tyrant' will pool forth till column sed dome shall quiver 'lith e.- acy, It will be sung beneath the polar bear and under the s,uthr•r cruse The millions of India will take it ap, and sable Africa will send it hack in glad re- frain. Australia, Fiji and all Polynesia will send it echoing from island to island. Inthis Dominion from the hardy fisher- men of Newfoundland to the dwellers beside the mighty Pacific, from Ontario long the great lakes and •cries the ighty prairies to the shores of James 1' Bay the anthem shall roll. .•, all na- tions shall for a time forget their differ - cm. and catching the• spins of praise seek to share cur joy, the earnest of the coming universal brotherhned of man and aing, "God Sate our Gracious IN Qcor.--The latest arrival at the (meaty jail is one Charles Steinmetz a sharp looking young man, who is alleged have been operating the "white in wter wheat" swindle in the neighbor- hood of Zurich. Henry urtwam, is the matt from the ooneession line who claim.* have been roped in to the loste of me 6240. if the case is as represented eirmit..rtainly deserve to have hie Lefty curtailed, but we also believe it about time that ignorant tree like rtwain who cannot read, should cease ing notes for men who tssspt their pHitty. Herr Serer. -The Mitchell Rrenrdn ASS raw* to • person not altogether smkown in this section :-The fellow Brows who, it is said, has embarked in am imlf to the aanoe.t enterprise ,0h 00 nut i, enrich ftheprofits of tb• Goderiek StoNA,., was in town, they say. this week. We are not very saw game shoot the rumor being cermet, for toy the fellow was sober that was , lest weed- W. understand that ern who was hen teat wine O3Ibmu. The faU eshibisiun .4llulborne Besiege Atteiuulturals.•cwly •ill be held at lar - hew 0u We li..ley and 'Nurse iy,;;lfo.y- wtrbe 28th mud .29th, ltett7. - A stool fair under the .espies. tot the Cg,llieree Branch Agricultural society will be held at C.rlee ibis year on Tur.d.yj, 11,;tnber 1&b, for the sale ,d all lied, ..1 (.rue meek. Dentistry. M. NICHOLSON, L.D.S. DENTAL HOelell, Eighth door below the Pat Odes. Wimeet t., .bane its. •fly r , L. WOOLYERTON, L. D. P. UMoe Odd Fellu•s Hall, Norah St-, Oonerlch. Charges tnwterate. All work oar-- rowed. ar• torted. os.. or Vitalised Air Elvan f pala- le.s extraction of teeth, 1NF Domestics Wenteb. U ttt)D GENERAL SERVANT GIRL WANTED. Good w to a goon girl. Apply to Mite. JUST. Atte), itlontreelwna, Uudrrick, 2t04Jt HELP WANTED. 1 will par *10 per month far good mart girls as wade: a and c ham be ntafda. Apply et eece- J.J. WRIGHT 101-tf T1.,' Point Farm. She People's Column. 10ST•-,,A HEAVY GOLD SEAL. J with dark -groes vies*, with crest •ad letters, "A. t'." Tee !seer will ne suitably renarded by returaing at to Dlt- McLICAN, TTENTION TO THIS -101.* MAY ti ss. we It again -One headrest aero of rt. r,.rat land in the l,rsltluest part of Gale- na. being the went half of lot 5. cue. 5, IC Di- vision. Ashield. too. Heron, About M aeons l•-ared-ricer of stump.. Leder first -plass ullit;tr ion. Halante .sally cleared. mall rich claw loan.. les el with mouth we•teru slope. ti tarred by spring creek and walls. email tretue house. Good frame bans and stahla. Orrhsrd in bearing. Clear and free deed. A groat b.rgain will b. given If sold ,sten. JAMr:a HARLOW, Dreti•ts1ow, 100 -It TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be receive-! by the underslgs- ed up to Jua. fink- fur the masonry werk re- q .ired to rebuad • wing of Henmelle' Hridrr- sp.•oiMatimt can be seen •t mss ot•re, ti!•lt- furi. al. any trine pr.%love to that date. JOSEPH RE('K. Reeve. Towaship of Colborne, ba;stord P.O. June *22nd. 1M:. 710E -It OT1C& - leaders will be received by the uaderaige. ed until teaterday. the tad dey of July, pro-. • for the erection of a coal house at the Regi. - try elks for paiatie( the woodwork sad sash et t window, cm the outside of the court Hpuse, lacindler the the team, out - rouse .td steps with two coats of paint .N also putty the windows; and for palatial' the hair maid* the Court tour, with one coat .f pallet ;• for repairing the .retreugb• sad con- ducting pipes of the Court Howse. Spruf catioas may he seen atm - utllce. The lowest or say tender not .ecaumrily se - *opted. PETER ADANMON, (1s.. (]ark. Jan !fad. IM:. !linnet SI;MIdER WOOD FOR SALE, A large quantity of sum- mer fire *cent. roe. eistingofsiert hemlock slab* sod heeding turning.. et from SI to K.Mn a lead. Apply to veli. NKIISERGAf.- 101 hem O.derlcL sad Donis; P.0. I;EES,:OR SALE. 1 will supply a swarm of Aral -elan hybrid here f..r Si. provided the parties re.ntriag them supe) camper his ea. PETER FISHER. !!O0 -it leenmiller P.0 s FOR SALE -A PH.'ETON AND A teed BET OF SINGLE HA HNESM in first-rate is coudittoa, at eae-halt the original Bash. is Apply to OR. MIMIC KING. !lie-lf ° NOTICE 114 HEREBY GIVEN FOR- ee I RIDDING u1 pawns parehaat w late CAME-tLLE\'S borer (roan e BAILEY am it doesn't' ally priors( toBalle►, d for. Also shy pens. • indebted to ghee a has not las CASE ALLEN please is pay rat and sere crista. retf Mits. l• AAE ALLEN - ht the natio.• vire* together. With the poet laureate we may say the. have been "50 years of broadening tom- arc.." He might have added with an- other, "Fifty years of rising freedom, 11ty years of stresgthesing jetties, fifty Fenn of growing seanhood." Net oseeof all the many cameos bet progress ase been made. Nowhere •_*is. this proven more noted than in this do.niniion. We have permed throorh stormy days. The rebellion of '37 was perhaps • mistake, bet it Wight the a to know tAei eerie r they strength. Never ee it again be prose here 1,1e for a erMnbinatiod like the Family Bit Compact to bear sway. We have arisen from s divided number of prov- isos* to • mighty ennfeeeracy stretching from ams to sea In this Osterie ear poblie school systems i, the best is the world. Taking it all in all wit have the beet climate, the beet soil, the best time *rimiest in the world If we are dissat- isfied we have may to take a temp 'Lena" le nem m setistied. "The limes s ea as the deg is ltd a Iket arta r et e- 0 r(q nus M 1r+ whet the Re-enter id abut his after he left. This evens though he had • presentiment that Re1wreko. had en opportunity of sal ee.r°ihing about hi. that he merle re to eoss.weisl advantage Well, it n't. it did.'t say that h. pasesssd eagle vines, este& to aeneired . Lne he W ea anima.* or propos. - appEseeee. o. USIC.-MISS COOKE, AFTER 14 years study of magic, is prepared to twelve pupils for the PlanII lemmas quarterly. Terms: -tit per quarter. tlifie SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMAN'S PHONOGRAPHY. Tay lama papaw- qa teat taught. l ostrestlos books for sates, Tea Mortee oaks an ab°rtbasd-fir her ail Shisreld Strives) dint$ COW ESTRAY-81RAYED FROM Ifth.tuno a red aaaadlewhite cow, with • 1subscriber eueday.Jt kt tdrne.i o, .red with a rope arwad head whoa It stray ,-„ .. way. Aay ponos ghees worms - nos teat will lead to her racemeey wet be selably rewarded. THOMAS HEALEY. tee a cineasoet-. SalwrieL For Salo or to Lot. • Lt3RNiSHND HOUSE TO RIM* role seIIMER MONTHS -A fklItaidead house containing tea tenter. Mete laws mid May grosses. In • eeetral part of tbi tows. it partteet.,. addres BOX 10. 0(odoetcb- L1OUSE AND TWO LOTS 1OR BALI! cheap -ea pal ene collar, -7 aoswnst mord saM., 11 't R aced repair; lame arc F Wears apple to left. WA N. 1Pbt.ts 0.11 Clederlehe FARMS FOR SALE - >.N THE TOWNSHIP eeantO ' La . LI I In the lied aad tRl. Use ate see ..sloe. Two of the best Macre lame ib the toasty. A rprtng crest Sows welt Near - 1, an Bleared. Oa 1 .0.. hem farther IZe Tetra sof e Y NINCEdMatt. Pworutt 6.derlemt.0. FOR SALE OR TO RENT_ 000D PRAM HOUSE ole N!tseeteeY planing mill ivass, iy orwhauled ted red. ready ike emu. paacy. or yeti enc Rotor • asia lse bees. Apply to RORT. REID. Ooderteb. ell -It 94.% ACRES OF LAND -CLAY ' 4 LOAM --/M sego fess er „vpps_e ernes trout Oederf.h on lake Burn. To tr- ek for • eller tu'n, or saw nen hi s weedsmaller or wilt sell os very easy tome at apply el W Dr►O[A. NEItI sem. Fer ttOot • OOMaeelhm TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMR FOR sate- one in the tewaship o< Ashaeld. oeatalni•g IM aeras : attd .se In East Wawa - seek, rontelotsg lea aeve& war portion/are $ppb to Cat..,. Hen k Cameron. Cede- Ft►R SALE. wean w halfeek aotf let let. ArthurRtr.t with es therms. R1 it.etrseeLege i j I1. let, est. glee •tweet. to A ward. OE opener et area sad grtte.itis Read. and Wr lleadd. os trove Ietrast. veer Skew *eerie e!lsi ,g.e Nese*4'. •ultwey. opposite nee Fe.Ij • -1 lbw M N. at A II bei a JM t. RATttR. DAPISON t JORNPTON.