HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-24, Page 3:
"Du nut ewe too hitt." Tbst was
the wording of the t•' iersm wbtob Cap-
tain Richard Irtou held in his hand as
beget, iu a temperature of IOU" in the
_ ,g lade, on tun eersudab of bis Iudiet
"Do 1101 epms too late i" be muttered
to himself. By Jure, as d it were pm
bible that he would dwaddie now ! It
was just like Mrs Lennox to send such s
chafing wire a. this. 8e might have
been a long time making up his mind,
Let it was made up now, and he tnwut
to go home and marry her. It was her
list letter that had settled the matter—
the letter in .hich she hinted that Lord
Sbcrtboru was awfully "meshed." No,
be wasn't going to staled by and se• Dor-
ethy Lennox married to a cad like Short-
horn. He had been a .hole year, he
reminded husu.If, in this iuleroal sae
tion with its furnace hest, its insane
'gossip, and gots eternal tenets loud polo.
kiiiff—hrldbilitill The very sight of his
major's wife, with her white eyelashes,
her malicious gigiJe and her flirting man-
ners !
And then he thought of Mn Lennox.
He remembered the tint night he had
'net her—in the ballroom of • great
house in London - and bow he had seen
Ler surrounded by a dozen ether fellows,
and how he had "made this running,"
and had cut out all those outsider..
And be recollected the Ball he had paid
neat day at her tiny house in Park
street, when she had been w sweet and
graceful. and had talked to him as no
women had talked before. He didn't go
in for brains, , r any of that rot, but, by
Jove ! Dorothy L►nouz made bim feel
soother fellow. He thought of the cool
amber -rioted room where she always eat,
with its drooping palms, its musses of
azaleas, its Rajon etchings, and its blue
and white Naukin. It was always awl
sadoosey in Mrs Lennox's ho.se,and she
had • way of taking a folios a hand and
looking him seriously in the eyes that
-was quite irrrs:et:ble. He remembered
how it had become almost a habit to
drop in of an afternoon, to lounge on
her left divan. and listen to her half -
chatting talk and her low delicious laugh.
And when a women is deuced good look-
ing as well as clever, why what ma fellow
to dog Perhaps it was wrung to make
love in quite such a serious way as be
did, but; hang'it! she warn t a krtteu,
and she might have known he wasn't the
Bet tire rare l e 1 palmed away bless
her heeland's death, ani this uineteeetil
cautery Itappl:u had not consoled bile
me11. And then had cess the Dick 11.
tun episode.
It was • bright worming to June white
Captaiu Igto. armed at Chari.g Cnsa
et•uun, thoroughly fagged and veered
with bis longisomer He had a ane as bell the laandryw•ntu . to this back door
1 7• as mew, sells in •o rxddsange th., toles• for the clothes, but the frau would out
tart P. •ed O. steamers and mail trail img remarkable anecdote •boat • stolra
can bis a moo from liuwbay to the row d, it, sad every Monday morning the
Strand. but in a couple es;g of the bell aunoueced the arrival
A la
PI let bones lit ss stole a cow Irons ll,orsistowa,t.of the dtny clothes num, and shirts were
hupe.l to have rad nunee:f of all signs 01 N. J., goad sieve* het to Philadelphia for
hurried tato • paper and delivered to
d ire et a_Idet *were d floe tad sl tfeMlad.
pre, L• kse. the. he bed kid • moral ,
full -step whish he weal.* neseber ell A west aide lady flan been much sae
hie life.plead the hist.menthe enthe by the driest
of • laundry w•ygou who insisted us
Me Motes wow.
Purely Poore, wbo seems to bit
as good M telling stories about unseals
ringing the moat dour bell and receiviog
the dirty chate from the eervaat girl at
t tat dour. The lady had asked the ltirl to
• d to be bo the ab+dare got wu* • centum t, t coat, sate, BM was • common a,w enoagk the great man. The lady oould;ust see
y g exsect that she had hast her tail but why the laundryman should be more of
•rots around his liecK. H. felt very. society geotl moa tea r rer, toter
the shortness her tail he might M young areae, or oke ,gruo•r'. daw
and wmewliut rievesu for he
Park street, with Lii..rothy Lsonoli soft about •11 inches. Thief, fearing that by
n n u ►e butcher's
sleepy traced, had produced to sum• way, pro -
she would investigate. Len Monday
had nursed the unreasoning hope of see- bably from the slaughter house, another
in her at the ataeieo.sthou oh she couldwhen the door bell rang the lady went
jog 1. a nave tail, which be fastened .so in-
to the d.wr in her morningwrapper, and
art prisatbly know exactly when he would zealously to the short tail that it was
arrive. He bed started r, the verytold the laundryman to walk in. He
y out to be known that it had not regular' came into the hail, were she invited
next mail
would hararbwn nee sea om Bombay, in.
Het felttit` •riiely grown Sher.. M moos u the Jersey- him into the parlor with a quiet dignity,
man missed his solo he net off for Phalli -
and he could not fail to obey. He sesta
deed.that 1.11practical fashion.answeredad her
Hu+ter !curam delp.hia, thinking she would probably be •d himself in the parlor, blushing, and
carried then for Malo ; and it happened looking towards the hall fur the servant
joyed she would be to have Lim beck : that when he cams to the ferry he got
He hoped it would not be too much furwith the shirt., and acting as though be
into the same boat that was carrying
her—seeing him suddenly agfsiu lib•
this. s.r, throwing !,areas on the bed
in his reom at tie Grand estate!, he fell
N'hen Dick &Wok, it was three in the
heel got his foot into it clear up. The
over his tow and the fellow who ands lady did not seem t notice his enchanter -
her. A. it was natural that he should went, but acted as though he was a cel-
lists hi* thought very much upon cows, ler that it was her duty to treat
he soon began to look at this one with I pl
very great attention. She was iudeed „ y.
afternoon. Tubbing and unpacking took ,wry much like his cow, ha thought. It is a beautiful morning," said floe
an hour, and then tie
e had to go out and Her marks agreed wonderfully, and abs may` seauog hero![ on ,,wall oafs Dear
buy •tall hat. Ah
After this he directed i the laundryman.
had exactly the same exprseaion of face, He said it was, and then he looked
Out thee to f
tail the cabman to the bowie in Park street sc a appearance u her t was
TM shady mayfsu street looked` fur the girl to come with the shirts, and
so very different. teat drupe pe of perspiration appeared t n
his brow.
"Do you know,'' said the lady, ap-
pearing embarrassed, "1 am at a
remember your name. Your face is
familiar, but we meet au many people in
society that it is no wonder we can n,.t
piles them a11. Let me see, did I not
meet you at ]tfb. S•o-and-atm a recep-
tion I Why, yes, I remember now.
Strange that I should have forgotten
you. What a lovely time we had. But.
may I ask what happy circumstance I
am indebted for this early visit. I"
bright and pleasant as bit bansem rattl-
ed along, the houses smartened up fur
the season with new blinds, and window
boxes full of dazies and spires. A light
breeze blew in hie face, and a couple of
fair-haired girls in pink ectton trade a
It must be supposed that the new
owner of the oow felt rather uncomfor-
table during the examination, fur he
aeon saw that this was the person whose
property he had stolen, and he wee very
uneasy least he should take hold of the
bright patch against the ; rsy•toned I tail which he looked at so continually.
Upon the whole he thought it best to
divert his attention in acme way, if pos-
sible, and therefore steps up to him and
says, "Neighbor that is a tine cow of
mine, 4011 t you buy her 1 you seem to
know what a good tow is." "011, dear,
me said the other. "I'rs just had a cow The ,man staninserd, colored up, and
houses. By Jove how awfully nice it
all was, after India. A man might be
story happy in Lindon, with a charming
wits who would know how to give little
4iuoers, and the club, and the theatres
and the perk. ' •
Pulling up at the heals, Di:les jaw
fell. There was an awuiug from the
door to the curbstone, with a crowd of
nursemaids and urchins raping on each
side. The street was full tf carriages,
too. What did it mean I Then Dick
remembered that Mn Lent on gave a
great navy afternoon parties. Welt, it
.as deuced disappointing, he said to
himself, Shen you had ctune all the way
from lode to see a woman, to find she
was ,jiving one of those infernal kettle-
drum■ the very day you arrind.
luside the house there was the usual
marrying sort. elbowing, well-dressed crowd that you
*I1 that was a year ago, hut he hadu't l see any afternoon in the Sen in Mal left hand, and with a jack-knife in his
l.orgntteu her a bit—worse luck. And I fair. Boys in gray coats with pint right, puintlug to the tail he said : "s.,
her lettere—ho. wfully 12101they were' carnation. in their buttt.uholes jugced if t!,is cow's tail were only this long.
how like herself ! Not spoony, like o•1.1 club -men in brown coats and white lyuu'd swear she was yuan.' "That I
those he wrote to her ; but frank, hum- gardenian.. In the dining -mom book -
stolen how we. "Well, says the
thief, "I'm sorry to hear they've got to
stealing cattle, but i'll sell off, and you
just then the girl came in with the
shirts, and be grabbed the package and
went out without a word.
could not better replace your loin than I The lady laughed and said to the
by buying this cow ; I'll warraut ,he's M girl : He will ant. ti the back door
rood as yours." "Why," says tine Jet' after thio.' —Peck's Sun.
etymon. • She was exactly like this
one, .only that she hid no tail to speak
tf, and if this one had nut such a long
tail, I'd swear it was guy cow."
Everybody now began to look at the
cow's tail, but the thief stood nearer to
it than an) body, and taking hold of it
so as to just corer the splicing with his
°ruin, and thoroughly fon conarudr.
Rang it all ! it was ranch easier to keep
heart -whole in Londa than in this eel -
try and monotonous hole. He managed
to evadeeompromisiog himself definitely
even whoa he had gone to ttei Mrs Len-
n ox good-bye, although he had been
p-rioa Iy near proposing to her that last
evening ; bat he had got away, and
nothing 1. 1 been Staid which would hove
tied his. down to an enggagemert.
Dick, in kis roving life, had committed
e ery frilly except that which he consid-
ered the hugest foll%of all—the frilly of
Bing yourself to one woman for life.
He remembered how he had congratu-
lated himself on all this when he went on
board the Jemna. Was he, the Met
looking fellow and keenest sportsman in
the One Honored and Fiftieth Hussars,
to knock under like any .peony yosag
sub, the moment he met a pretty wo-
man 1 But now things were changed.
He had never bergained for her many-
iug again ; be had got to :took 011 her
more or loos as hie owe, Whim she bad
written that letter with all the allusions
to Shorthorn in it, his blood had fairly
boiled. He didn't regret a bit the letter
he had written in reply. telling her that
he was leaving India the very day be
oonld get leays, and asking her is be hie
wife. Agar all,why shouldn't be many,
He was over 30, and he had, as he rss
membered with a smile, his "ding."
Tie other fellows in the regiment used
to clef him and call him "c•enal," and
cud he did today what be oould
put off till tomorrow. But that was all
rowers. He eoeld make up his mind
like other men, even to matr;mony And
how was her answer in his letter : "Do
woe Goes too late." Well, he had got
his leave, and would be with her in three
Mrs Lennox was about the sort of wo-
man about .hoes people's to.gne are
always waggiag. Hardly was her late
husband bots* beneath nodding plenum
to Kennel Oven than she wee married
in perspective, to at least a duties ad-
mirers. She was a great acorea in er-
a et), for besides being a charming wo-
man, she was a fashionable toed•.
writing words for Tneti's songs, sad pal . I not come. Too late, was the message I
lishing small volumes of verse, bound in I rent. [ted Ivo not remember that there
white parchment, and printed en extra I ere no full -steps in telegraphy f i was
thick paper. Tall sad alight, .it► married an hour ago to Lord Shorthor,.
est.otk dark hair and liquid eyes, she Colis0 in and let me introduce you to my
w d lace fell of character and deur. hisband. "
saiastion. To lipid( at Mrs Lennox was
to know that rhe was a woman she rap-
idly sad* op her mind, and who, nee*
J11Mvu'g done en, was sot likv'y to skew
nosed dowagers were foraging for ices.
while on the laming frisky matrons
loitered with their temporary swains.
On the stairs Dick met a woman he
knew, an enthusiastic g:rl rf forty-three,
who was dressed in rnure juvenile catb
than when he had last seen her. Mut-
meriug "Charmed to see you back—
happy oacca.•ion I" she ,stiyped past
Happy occasion, was it 1" said Dick
to himself, wishing his gushing actinide -
and the rat cf the estate at this bottomt snimal from the shortness of her tail.
of the sea. It would lave been a hap Indeed, -hero was proof poeitive that this
was not his emir ; so the thief, going
neer with him, wild him the cow with
uut any fur:her fear of detection.
A osiers, Lesser,
Tilsnehure, March 15th, 1887.
T. Milburn A Co.,
Sin.—Pleas ship at once three dozen B.
B. Bitters. Best selling medicine in the
shop. Sold seven bottles to -day. Yours
tritely. C. Thompson.
The above sample is bot one of a hun-
dred of sunder expressions regarding the
popularity of B. B. B. 2
1 leas iew•pepers,
wcn!d," says the either, who began to he There is a growing feeling in healthy
very much confused at the perfect re communities against journals which
semblance let his cow except in this ons I make it their object to minister to a per -
particular, when the thief, with a ea
verted taste by leaking out and serving
sudden cut of the kuife, took off the tail { rap in • ,eductive form di/agitating and
just about an inch above the splicing, j liters.'°. revelations. There is a good
and throwing it overboard, bloody as it I reason to believe that the clean news-
was, turned to the other and said, "now paper is more highly prized to -day then
swear it's your now' ' The bewilder it was four or five years ago. It is also
went of the poor man was now com- safe to say that as veople in all ranks of
pleb" ; but as he had seen the tail cut life, who palest their own, at least,
off, and saw the blood trickling from it, from contamination; become more «,r-
he could, of course lay no claim to the salons of the pernicious influence of a
certain claw of journals, which ars call•
Pier occasion etii$f be cs old hate found
his Dorothy alone in her amber -tinted
rpom . e
When Captain Iron reached the doo•,
he could see Mn Lennox standing in the
midst of a small crowd of people, .lo
all mensal to be talking at once. By
Jove! bow "fetching" she looked in bar
l-aelew. I■gurum.
Tbet terrible scourge among children
may be speedily cured by Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry. All forms
of bowel onesplaints, nausea and Vomit-
ing, from an ordinary diarrhoea to the
silver-gray gown, with a hogs boyuet of mast severe attack of Canadian cholera.
orchids, and that gray tulle thing she
had on her head ! Was that a new
fashion, Dick wondered, for lumen to
wear Sonnets of their own "at home r
And there was that w Shorthorn cite.
beside with $ partieular!y fatuous ex-
preaisie on bis face ! It was high nime
be had written, Dick thought ; it was
high time he bad come. Why, the fel-
low was fargone—over head and earls;
Dick could see that by the way he ap
propriated Mrs Lennox with his eyes,
Time one .f the circle moved away,
and Dorothy turned and saw Captain
Irton at the door. Sbe looked as if .he
had seen a ghost, Coming forward, he
took her hand, sod thee be saw that
something was wrong. Without a word
she motioned him into an adjoining
room, which for the moment was empty.
"(loud Ood !" oke whispered, "why
bsve you onme now 1 wired that you
were net to ::'ne, that it was too lata.
I wrote, ton, but yogi cannot have got
my letter."
"Too late, Doherty, what do you
mean 1 Your tel.(ram paid "Do not
none too late.' Well, I .tatted the
nest day...
'Poor Dick,- she said at last, "what a
dreadful mistake von have mad.. "Do
can he subdued by its prompt ole. it is
the best remedy known for children or
,dolts suffering from summer comp-
laints. 3
An earnest Christian is always, peculiar
and half nneompr.henaible to the world.
He has something which they have not
and which they do not keel how to
reckon in their emleel tinea.
IIDt}y Mil.
What a truly beautiful world We live
in ! Nature eaves us grandeur o1
mountains, glees and oceans, sad
thousands of fleet,a at sa juyeaset, We
ean desire iso boner whoa M prise'
hedth ; bet bow vine, de the majority
of ;sepia feel like gieiag it ap disheart-
ened, discouraged and won oat with
dowses, ',hem there is so s. --ase for
this feeling, as every sufferer Otis easily
obtain satisfactory proof, Orem'.
A.gont Flower, will make them free and as they ineeea•e, the journal that
ed enteprisine because they ars anxious
to serve up dirty scandals, they will be
careful to see that the journals they per-
mit to be read io the family 'circles are
the claw that never forget the pn -
prieties of life. Already men and se-
o-men of refinement and healthy morals
hate bad their attention called to the
pernicious influence of had literature,
and have made commendable efforta
counteract the same, ivy causing no anti
literature to be published and sold at
popular prices These efforts are work-
ing • silent bat sore rerolutioe. The
best authors are more ge *sially read to-
day than at soy previous day. The
sickly sentimental .tory paper and the
wild ranger and pirate story books are
slowly but surely yielding the field to
worthier claimants. In praise of the de -
east newspaper it may he said that where
it ice a place in the family and bas
bees read for fears by yswng as well as
old, it has developed such a healthy
toes and such discriminating taste that
the literature o1 the slow !.as no ad-
mirers.. Pnrtuuatsly, the number of
such families is increasing in the land,
from dises.e, sa she, bots. Dyspep.is devotes itself to sickningg revelations
and Liver CumpWat are the direst
eaeae of eevinty lr. gore rant, of of of immorality .i11 be compelled to find
who practice via. and °rime, nes are am-
hitinea to lean to follow such wayr. --
Printers' Circular.
maladies as diuuwess, iudipstiea, its supporters solely among those elegem
sick keadaehe, enativesee•, servant
prostration, dizziness u the bead,
palpitations of the heart, aged ether
distressing symptoms. Three dol u1
Assort Poorer will prow its woaderfal.
effect. Sample. bottles, 10 cents Try
it. yeow
When • man has no desire hot to speak
pain troth, be may say a great deal in s
very narrow splen._
The i.teet needy for CowgM, *olds,
(;reap, Whn'.ping Omagh, Brrenchitis,
et e., is Mcfregnr's Lang Compound.
There is ne remedy in existence eon•
binise any en* of the active ingredi.ets
composing McOr.wor i Lang Compound,
so do not say yogi have taken everytbiag
And this was Hick Irtnn'a little ions- .nh1 you htv. triad tku f»r yr nes n,ld tr
take. There are r•, fall steps in tele- I ooavk, .nd Feer opos will batbesarise
M all who have seed it, vis , that it is
graph'', bot .hem, ten minutes Inter, 1,h, beet. Said in bOs,tuad $l hot this by
Di* saw Lied and lady Rhdxthon a. Rhyne druggist. (1)
a r'tew.ata__I tiplisssa,
Rey 1! Oennee, M. D., Listowel,
flat., says rewarding B. B. B., " 1 have
,teed year esoellent Beranek eompoend
ht peonies and in my howdy sines IBM,
sad bold it No. 1 ani my lit of sanative
remedies. Yoe. three bogy B's inner
sting, weaken of sorry. 4
The distressing pelen.ss en often oh -
served in young tub end women. is des
in • areal met•ser* to a Leat of the rod
eorpael.i in the blood. To remedy
this r geir.s a esedieine whisk prvdue.s
these necessary little bloat ensetite.ats,
and the hest yet discovered is Johnson's
Toni. Bitters Plies 11) 11 •111114, set $1
pee lw'tti. at O+oie'e dreg sore, Albion
Mock, Gorlovka► sole sheat- its)
Day and Night
Durltig se acute attack of Brom:bite, •
ceasekr tkklleg I. the throat, and u
rahau.Upsf, dry, hsaksg cough, a&ct
the mirror. Sleep Is banished, sed greet
pruetrulua fuUows. This disease le Moo
attended with fioerseneas, and sonsetles.M
Lusa of Voice. It 1s liable to become
chromate, Involve the lungs, and terminate
fatally. Ayer's ('berry I'retoral affords
speedy relief and cure In cares of Brim-
stone. It controls the disposition to
rough, anal ludwws refreshing sleep.
1 hate been a practicing physician' for
Sweaty -four years, and, for the past
twelve, hate uttered from Manual attacks
of Bronchitis. After exhausting all Ow
usual remedies
Without Relief,
I tried Ayer's ('herr, Pectoral. It belprd
w imwedlately, au.l elected a speedy
eon.—O. SIo,eaJl, 31. D., t'ou rufltoo. alis.
Ayer's t berry Pectoral le decidedly the
best remedy• whhiu nay knowledge, for
shrunk Bronchitis, and all lui+g di+csses,
—M. A. Must, 31. 1,., south 1'uia, lie.
I was attacked, last winter, with a sever.
Cold, which, from exposure, grew worse
and ,troy settled on my Lungs. By
e ight sweats 1 was reduced almost to •
akektou. My Cough was tn•raant, awl 1
frequeitly spit Weal. My physician toll
me to give up business, or I would lent
lice • mouth. After taking t •mutt• rtu,u-
dka without relief, 1 was dually
Cured By Using
two bottle* of Ayer's (herr, Pei -tore!. I
am now in perfect health, and able to
resume business, atter bat lax been pro.
uuunced incurable with Co.suwptiou.-
1L 1'. H*.tleraea, Raulsburgli, Penis.
For years I was in • elreltue. 1 had
weak Iitm!ttmo,� and-uffrred from Bronchitis
sod ('u. Acar's tberry Pectoral re-
stored ane to health', and f bare beta' for a ,
i vlgorinto• In
ase of s a isklena1cold 1alwa 's resort to
the Pectoral, and Niel s ly re f1 f.—
Eslward E. Curtis, kutiassl, Vt.
Two tears 1 suffered from a severe
Bronchftl.. The plat lotion 8tteudkuc its
became fearful that the dioses would ter-
minate in Pneumonia. After thing tart -
out medicine.. without betsetlt. lis• finally.
prescribed Ayer', Cbtrry Pectoral. whish
relieved me at once. I continued to take
this medicine. a short titre, aid was cured.
—Ernest Colton, Logansport, Ind.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Said �y d by Dr. Ayer & Co.. taloa, rasa
sena D Prtoe DI; as bulli.,, O5.
This isto certify that 1 hare used Mc-
elreuor'a Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint. and do Lonestly say
that if it cost nue one hundred oilers
($100 a b,o•..Ie 1 would not be without
it, as it has done me more good than ail
the medictos I ever used, and I feel like
new man —Yours truly, Ar.sx STrst.,
Carleton Place, Ont. This medicine is
for male at 50c and 11 per bottle at O.
Rhyrss' drug store. (1
c� ArriTa1s
The u•dersigred baa Just receded a tarp
skirts n to his stock ut
AAA ser sad saassatb's ; stse a perk sash at
ands goal ripply ut, I !: NILAFri ..1ae
always 1• stock. 1kkU of all Sado.
rPtaUsad see before buyln& elsewhere.11
(toed. sold cheap for mull. ur faros produce,
fes which the highest price will be paid.
(1o4144r..1,. _ti'r.I 1'11h
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