HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-24, Page 1LO con NT' NEWS
an led to believe that the large majority
of the preacher paid more attention to
the Queen of England than to the Kiuy
of Kinds brat fiie.day.
WHt)Li 1f C31811►'lit *MO i
ly tfl.Oel& YKAHCUDDY e1ll ALROS VA?CCa
rsvov lima_ at their (Mee. Soria se
OODIRICH.ONTARIO, Things That Are Happening
Around Us.
holt the reports of the "Jubilee ear•
mon.' published in our exchanges we
A LITI'La while Wu, on the occasion
of Lord Landowne's return to Ottawa
after his attendance at Toronto during
the reception of Williams O'Brien, Mr
Blake objected to have the Home of
:tomt.!!!°O•Aooj-ytpreart bot i.,"ist"*eh_..i.4 -
afternoon to meet him with a "hooey.".
For so doing Mr Blake was stigmatized
as a disloyal man by some of the more
wide-mouthed and Darrow brained of
the Tory press. Well, Monday lass the
Speaker and webers were desirous that
parliament should adjourn over Jubilee
Day, but Sir John Msodc raid insisted
that a meeting should be held as usual
at 3 p. m. Here is a chance for the
loyalists to !semi inmost dialoyelty.
Listen to than bowl, will you
skews sa.r Literary Krltp.e La.. Week -
lbr Jubilee Mr Tragedy Tb. Veiny or
tsrol.g UnLounder .a a.8Mar..
- Well, I never, -ice, I really never
did Yet so taken down is my life as I
' dad last week when TUR SIOXAL came
elle, end I put on may glassesto read the
editorial AMa :....r r :ni: -isit ,' : ing to see
what the intelligent compositor had
wade me oddity of saying. There itiiin't
the ghost of an editorial utterance, my
own column wasn't visible this side of
Solt Creek, and the locals looked as if
the reporter had taken a vacation that
had lasted .Mout a full week. I wiped
the glasses, but the mistime links thet
bound use to Tea Stumm'. didh t show
up ; then I thought John Butler had
traded spectacles with me, and that I
was looking at tbo great kcal Reform
luminary from • strong Tory point of
view ; then I thought some fellow of a
malicious disposition has pasted the
Dame and dated Tait SIn'cAL on CO a
*Ty of the A!w.os4', bat the patent
plates with the "Jeno" serial were not to
be seen After due consideration I
came to the conclusion that none of the
neighbors hal played any pranks on nae,
and I began to look for • solution of the
i.roblem And it didn't take me Meg to
descover that the edition for that parties
ler week was got out in the interest of
the county eouomllors, the public school
teachers, and the Sabbath school teach
es.", and that the esteemed editor
and his able assistants, Webster Brown,
Jo. Mayw..d, yours truly and other
suns. moons mid stars of the literary tir•
element mf Tait Stumm., were undergoing
an eclipse fur one week, at any rate,
So I made op my mind if the other fel-
lows could stand it for • week I could.
and I didn't visit the sanctum with tire
in my eye and mischief is my hart I
thought the neighbors, many of oboes
missed my able effusions last week,
would clamor for an explanation. Reece
these remarks.
-Since my last an went has occurred
whieh has elm • Milli over more firm
sides than the nee direttly interested,
and has brougpain to more hearts
than those that dwell under the roof
where the Death Angel spread his *Mr
on tb.21st. The day was the day of
Jigh-olee-ref rejoicing that Her Moet Gra•
cions Majesty Qeeen Victoria had pass-
ed the fiftieth milestone since the ani-
venery of her coronation. And many
loyal British subject" rose with the lark
that morning, despite the lowering
.Muds, and carolled from gladsome
harts, as • matin song, the glorious an-
them, "God Save the Queen." I was
op betimes myself, but whether it was
my loyalty or my rheumatic twinges that
caused m• to forsake my pooch is the
grey dawn, it is not necessary for see to
explain. I had made up my mind to
seek some calm retreat and forgather
with the n..rhbors from the back town-
ships, loyally forsaking my "ccestomd
vocation in celebration of the glorious
anniversary which it has not often come
to the lot (.f the Bntiah subject to par-
ticipate is. In my •baoenos the tragic
event occurred. I will not recount the
particulars further than to my that
others undertook to celebrate the day,
but in • louder way than I ; that inez-
perienoe caused disaster and death,
that two men were cent from .Mar the
month of • oat.neo, wounded and
thrown in • heap , and tMt a boy,
younger and with apparently maaJ years
oI eeefelness yet ie store for hint, wee
stricken unto death by • cruel peejes-
til•- • young life was put out in • Sash
- without a moments warning -la the
twinkling of an eye, i was miles sway
whoa word came to me of the ds"aster,bet
my old heart almost ceseed to throb, end
my poles seamed to seep.ad its Nee -
tions for the tietebeiag when i heard the
tragie sewn I knew that, so far se Ihe1
p•rtwnlar calamity was ooee•rned, these
near and dear to be by blood relation-
ship were not of remit of barns ; bet I
ktew glen that the Angel of Death had
paid a swift visit to our town and blotted
set a young lnfe as eaexp.etedly es •
Ihghtnin g bolt from s (deedless sky ; I
luso that • father would ant, "My sow !
nay eke !" and that same Rachel world
Mill be • bey Whew, •rd would acs be
ee eferted, ►ease.• he wee not. 1 did
tet hew et that tiets the some of the
ttltrislten family, tet It was su*in.ent for
rte to know that Death had set.
Tait Government has "thrown a sprat
to catch • salmon, ' so far as Goderich
is concerned. The estimates show that
34,000 have been placed towardo the
erection of public baildings in Goderich,
and last week there was intense
jubilatise over the event .tannest .our
Tory friends. They are not as extra•
vagant in their manifestations 1r1 joy
pow, for most of them have begun to see
that $4,000 would be merely a
drop in the bucket, so far as the sum'
which would be required to put up
suitable puhlic t.uildings here is cue -
cornea. The real reason for the placing
.4 the sum in the public ..timate is
.rt r .Fest Huron will shortly be an open
oonstftuency,and the Tory candidate will
want the Government promise at his
back in the contest
THE resent fatal aoeidect in Gonne:.
Mon with cannon firing in Goderich un
Jubilee Day should be • warning to
many throughout the Downinion. It is
rot the first time that sock a calamity
has occurred, and we far, nothwistand
ing the additional warning, it will not be
the last. The inexperienced men who
go fooling around cannons on gala days
ars not one whit removed from the idiots
whit "don't know it is loaded', until the
shut -gun lays some fellow -mortal cold
and .tiff in death. They should all be
locked up, as • dangerous cls to be at
Sarna It's a very poor kind of loyalty
that needs the roar cf •cannon to make'
its presence felt. and it is to be hoped
✓that the fatality of Tuesday will give
the absurd custom ite gni.tue in Goder-
oieh. Monday last, when the question
was mooted, the editor of this junrnal
opposed it strongly and warned no* of
the moven in the scheme that casualty
was likety to result tr is inexperienced
civilians taking upon themselves duties
which required the most consummate
skill of military experts ; bet the opposi-
tion was of no avail. Today then w
mourning in at lomat one home, and
deep sorrow and suffering in othen be -
mese some would•be loyal peepls
tented to take • now to show their
...•'.tion to Queen and mantel. W.
regret the disaster, and regret it the
more that the •intim and the other
1 Ayers had nothing to du with the
.donosptioa, of the folly.
Lacanh•LL-The Herons, of Goderieb,
west to Stratford Tuesday lest to play
the Names el the eisasie eitp. Owing to
the 'hoary rain that preemie' ie the
wormiest, the game was deelar'ed off and
peseMeat Wdlisms and mane of the oth-
er Ootheii heye laft on the seas trace
tier Oaderieh. Before they resehed
=thhowever the sky ideated, sad
w•e every indbation of a lee
•Rwe.ne, gad they ntereed to Stmt.
ford by the train that emend d at Dahlia.
The hove of both glebe were then looked
up and the dame bseegbt on eo late in
cube eftevneos that • Imaged time had to
be set. The Int goal wee taken by Strat-
ford, bet after that the ood.d.b bays
had the matter pr.ctieally is their own
bands They took the sssend goal, and
when time was called Will IOsrd bad
jest obtained the rubber sad wee prepar-
ed t. pat et throegh helmets the Sags
.a second tiara
W. A. Heekett returned from Tcret-
'N► ksst week. We aro glad to hear Nat
he was e.ees.afwl is obtaining • stared
dame professional esetide•ta at the Nor-
es. A grand pieaie easier the einghwe of
the Methodist AMA will he held kt
John Aster's grin les the afternoon of
Dkomiaiem clay. A p- --t tIss i• ea•
amongst uur neighbors in a numberDOMINION DAY- 1 A TRAGICiEVENT. FROM 1YASH1\GTON.
.fur the Wanner of memo I wept not,
my heartstritivi wen touched, my How Goderich will Celebrate' Terrible Accident at the JnbT2ss' What Has Transpired at the
•,pathetic feelings were played upon Canada. Natal Day. Celebration in Goderich. United D.;ates Capital.
1s paWh
l.e3 every Friday Morel.rlc. by Mo .isnot sudden and startling; 1111111 although,
u e chords u
th hard f an Instrument by •
alg lily ideate/ hand ; and involuntarily -Wawa le Wear Ilse alega• T" Tier bath. 1 A Presnale 1111,11nollaa Cason. tale M./h in tt easbrr The Tatt•wal Orin fen.5.5
an aspiration went forth that the b.cks rrtng .r Sebe !Wee lbey are tension .r a My and the Woefully' of Toe"' leer' er rw . ra" bra 1 troll .t the
from all Ale is. Uwe. lie. --hall Anraniall of the tst.aeter. tr publir'. ne.ta.
'to bear the severe stroke would be
'streugtbened to the teat -that the bur ----
den would prose not greater than could
he borne. And although that day men
from Huroo's county town had roue
forth to almost ell. pits et the cotta.
pass, I tirtnly believe that trot one learn•
cel ut the fatal a_eideo without es -
i siellrto'gileling$ akin Ih thine wnki5
' fell to my portion when the sad news
reached me.
--And right here and now I want
to enter • solemn and earnest protest
stalest the foolish habit cf burning pow-
der on gala days. Of course a lot of
people will say it has been the custom
almost since gunpowder wee invented,
whish may be all very tree, but the
custom is none the less foolish for all
that, Ia many well -regulated towns
and cities steps are now taken to deter
the youngsters from ./•outing off fire
ersc:ers au1 whirlpins i.t public places,
owing to accidents that have occurred ;
and how can rrowa people consistently
ask the law to restrain children if a good
example be not set them in the matter
of powder hurting. As people become
educated the absurdity of this noisy dis-
play should become apparent, and the
frequency of accidents should stamp the
custom with the disapproval of all right
thinking people. 1 don't are • red
cent whether the powder is hurried in a
32 pounder captured at Sebastopol from
the Russian Bear, or whether it is touch.
ed off from the vitiate blacksmith's anvil,
the risk is eot:ally great and the practice
is just as criminal.
-- When I It., beck, I discover we
have made little or no advance in the
matter cf intelligence . n this point since
I was a boy. Then there were young
fellows who had linen • cannon, or
who. if they saw it, could not tell the
bnsenese end from the breech, who want
ed to burn powder, and who wc old un-
dertake to load up the village smith's
anvil, and awake the echoes shortly after
..midnight on the morn of celebration.
And looking back I can well remember
many a form laid cold and stark and stiff
in death, and many a frame shattered and
maimed by the village anvil, misapplied
enthusiasm and • moderate quantity of
gunpowder. It is the same in the United
States as it is in Canada, and today in
the sister Republ�c, then are more
maimed veterans of the 4th d Jt pale-
bratluns, ten tomes over,tbaa thereat. cf
the great Rebellion, although pensions
are paid to the latter and not to the for-
mer. My advice to .11 who want to dis-
play their loyalty by burning gunpowder
w "Don't you do it ; it isn't heelthy ; it
isn't vias ; and even if you succeed with-
out meeting with an accident there is
nothing gained, and the powder and
your time is wasted." AJAX.
Oan*ty.-Th. following from the
Loekrow $settled refers to • brother of
Mrs Duncan McMillan, of thee town :-
Many of our readers will regret to lents
of she death of Mr Arebikold McMillan,
of West Wawanoeh, which took place
on S.tterday afternoow deet Deceased,
who was to his loth year, was .in* of
the oldest residents in the section, hav-
ing settled hen when the whole county
was a solid as.. of forest. He was d a
kind, motel dispsition, and during his
long residence in this neighborhood, he
enjoyed the hearty good will of every-
body with whom hs became acquainted.
He has been in declining health for some
years past, but during last winter he was
* soddenly stricken down with maser of
the stomach, and which Sootily termiset-
d in his deme on Materd•y. Mr Me -
Milian was widely known, wad his foam
ral to the Kinks cemetery on Monday,
was one of the largest that hos ever
u•e**d through the village. Mrs Me-
n and family have the sineer..yes-
pathy of • very largo circle in their sed
b.r.ev.ment. Deceased was • native
of $outh.ed Kintyre, Argyleshire, Scot.
FATAL SyA.•tra. -Mr. Alex. Clyde,
of the Township of Wallace. hada letter
the other day from one of his sons, writ -
tea frown Palomino City, Washington
Territory, in which ea soonest is even
of the fatal Nabbing of one Boyd whet
was at at one time • eenstable at Kia -
modiste and (inderieb and who had •
brother a resident of this plans The
murderers, Bergin, Ilse been captured
and is in the hands of the •nth..rities.
The bialy of the murdered man was
buried im Ilse tank of the river near
where the deed was eommktd.
At New Deeded' ca &steed y 'debt
hergl•es mitered Bollard, Aeht del Z
Ch.'s More, blow open the oafe and get
M cash.
The 1st of July in voderich this year When it was mooted Monday after- I From our `ioe..al Correspondent.
promisee to be the greatest event that non' that the old Russian cannon down I t%ash.ngton .lune ;20th lit8;•
has taken place for years to this section at Light -home Polus would to called in -More than likely the Sultry summer
bpwt of the past sew to e. has not beet
Of the country4, AI 7 the ;reetsetlu. 4, le tt, y s' iss joysl j,e.o r °� , „., ,..
pub1icLDF' i`+reefl~ei•c rad is eu�" a Goderich, so dia lie custo,nar _t -gun is very apt t.. set uuie every other per -
towns along the Wellington, Grey and , "Royal Salute" could be tired on the day i eau which• does net aid to its attain -
Bruce R. 1:., from Brussels to Kinear- I of Jubilee, the eristo •7Ks,.-.ov.--•e?t' r-1 mrnt.
'tete repent topics "f ordinary o n,
dine ; along the London, lluron andi lensed member of the community shank I Leto. n aryl of news paper discussion he.rr•e
Bruce R R. from L onion to 11-ingham; their heads. and deprrcatwl the icheLlsot !glided' t•o allestal.•, but rather to
!along the Buffalo and Lake Huron 11 Despite all warnings, however, those whoIrritate the nrtural rs:hshility of men
Branch and along the rain lines of the. had oounceived the scheme, went on with ul rn their asnuments •n uatohed
Grand Trunk R. R. responses from1 the necosary arrangement., and on j'ne St. Louis ep ode, where the
cities, towns and village. have come of 1 Tuesday the atteiupe was made to tarty i municipality and the Grand Army of the
out the program laid down ; but a i Rrpn►.sic both send inclined to die
occurred and the program was j claim the responsibility for the invitation
, ut the Pr.5dent of the United States to
of completed. The followin: from an I the c.ty, during the period of a cele -
eye -witness is a graphic aero, out of the (bracioo which belonged peculiarly to the
the sights and ,cue. of the great day dieter :- latter, watt iudrumentel in aturing up
of spurt in Huron's cuanty town. The firing started sharp at 12 o'clock, considerable feeling
A Vier!' To GvuLI:l. l! about 200 people having assen.bled o,,
More recently, the battle flag oon-
elhe ground. John Roberts, of the Bio
tr versy, over -shadowed the tint topic,
on the day of the games, means ons of dill, was tiring. W.LPennington and and with the electric qualities of both
the most pleasurable excursions that can his brother, t Jlecer, loaded the Ent xis speed and heat, was likely to have assent -
Oliver during the summer months. The or levee charges, when the former ed • decidedly angry look, but thanks to
town is famous as being the prettiest in changed off at the ramrod and Rich• the torrid wade, the multitude spnntane-
Canada, if not the nest on the Ameri- and Parker took his place. The accident ously emght some lees heating diversion.
occurred while the thirteenth charge was WAro the thermometer is endecatiog
eau continent. l be .trace are the being rammed mod it was about ninety degrees, suffering and perspiring
broadest, and the drives the most plea •half way down the gun. Roberts, who humanity forgets all else save a desire to,
sant ; the men are reputed t , be best of had his thumb on the vent, was force) mop its face, fan itself, divest itself of
(dome, and the maidens the most cvine• bJ hest and pressure to raise his hand
ly is the Dominion. simultaneously with the explosion. Park-
( er was dose up to the ramrod and eon-
e•rt.•1AL RAILw*Y ataA .:HME\Td sequently got the most powder. The
have been made with the G. T. R. con- chargee used were two pounds each, the
pany to and from •11 points, mud every. full charge for the gun being five pounds
thine possible has been done to cuntri- The boy, James Coutts, was shout 25 or
buts to the oonvenie•es of passengers 30 feet in front of the gun, asd,aithough
A great attraction un the day of the
games will be that all from the interior
will be enabled to avail themselves of
the opportunity to
•n Invasion of l:udertc`t on the
The gravel roads and concessions w
also be lined with vehicles that day,
the wwtahipe will stud their quota
as the train will arrive in town several
hours before the commencement of the
superfluous raiment, and administer
cooling decoctions to the interior depart.
men t .
The politicians will, however, mn ney,
to keep these t-/piaa alive Ids s *bile
longer, in the hope of making capital
for their respective parties; but the
promise of the era of good Nona( which
warnings had been given to keep away all patrons hope for sed eipeot, /rows
from before her, had run over suddenly brighter and nary fulfillment every
to place a piece of .rockery on the beach year, and no one Iieettoktfully consider-
ingon the edge of the bank, to see if it all the circa of the taw will
would get blown off. It seems he was lie daoourgal by t sM y.
noticed by very few, as no danger of The sction of the P t to prompt -
premature explosion was apprehended ly and sensibly ahsnmlMln.g the Proposed
by any one. Mr. Coutts, father of the return of asptur.d Ilags, wbem be dis-
games The work of making the carry- boy, and three of his sons went on the covered what it. .Snot would be upon
ing u.t of the games a success is in the grounds during the firing. Th• ramrod tb. minds of • large class of people. and
hands of a most energetic committee, was •boot nine or ten feet in lewgth, and that a doubt existed as to 1b. legality oI
and the manager on the occasion is n.'ue about two and a half inches flock. the traast-r by him. unauthorised by
other than the well-knownTho boy had pieced the broken eruchery.
Congress, should end the matter. Al -
J. D tem -Wets
onto( the most enthusiastic Scuts that
ever breathed, and perhaps the most
competent man in Canada to fill the on
emus position. The attractive bills and
programs that hare been got out to ad-
vertise the great event have proved that him turning it downwards into the
the manager and his assistants are will-
ground about two feet (aril the sign• of
ing to let the people know that the the bank. Parker and 0 Pennington
�romtomt moss of antes i Canada 11 were seen to fall first, hut as the smoke
and must kayo tarred partly around though, doubtless intended to promote
facing the pun when the explosion tock thus :co(i fee:ing sildeh eat io eon-
pPlace, for the stick passed through his "Dicunnsly disylayad Gere at the National
left chest, a little above the heart, pass- Drill, and is now being ehbibited by the -
ing out at the bask on the right side, the
entertainment at Bu.tum and Lynn, and
falling motion of the M.y as it struck elsewhere, of Robert E. Lee, Camp of
Confedersta Veter•ns,t Orand Army of
the Republic's poets, it � the effect of
reopening the not entirely eicctrized
wounds, but the balm of better
w C n . • r quickly cleared away the horrible spec- acquaintance with the pnrrms and
m: a andn in Goderich this year. over . tache of the bodystrungmidwayon the motive. of each other, will event -
mile one-eighth �t programs bats event-
ually heal these tender spots, until
been pieced in cireslattun, and some ramrod presented itself. The bo)! was J P
1,200 feet of large Natters have bear quickly drawn away to one side, and • complete reconeiliatwu of the sections
Capt. Murdoch McDonald pulled the will be effected.
pet up w vow ; and t, bot not Few, stick out of bion, it having passed These two questi ins, referred t.. hae-
the ler zeet and best I of ea.A orisea
offered in Canasta so far this year has
teen placed fur oompetition amongst
Secretary Horuoa and D. McGilli-
cuddy attended Stratford games Toedy
and secured the attendance of Robert
Inland, the champion piper of Amerioa,
F. Benton, the celebrated piper and
Ammer ; Donnan S. Johnston, the well-.
known Scetttsh and character dancer,
Toronto ; Arch Soot, champion all
round athlete ; 1) M. Sullivan, chant-
pion )nailer of the, world C. Currie,
champion shot putter ; and others, to-
gether with .ucn juvenile dancers me
Frank (Little -Tug) Wilson, Johnnie
Rattray, J. Campbell, Helen Taylor, and
Katie Ash, of Leedom, Angie and J.
Rankin of Woodstock, and J. t8Jlan•
tyn., of Brussels. Additional catrles
are also constantly mating to head at
the Secretary's oaks, and the greatest
field of athletes and dancers ever
brought togothee in a Conadian park is
oonbdsntly looked for.
Teg T44* or wok
between Ashfield and (lodench town-
ships promisee to he an event of great
importance. Last year Capt. J. R.
Holme of Goderich township, got togeth-
er a fit. teas. to pull against Colborn.,
but owing to the tam from the latter
township failing to connect share eras no
draw. This year (!apt. J. Macdonald,
of Ashfi.lsi,has eaten the matter in hand,
and promises to place a team on the
grnuud the: will -pull any ten men of
Dederick township out of their boots.'
However, the Goderich township men
will nave etmething to say shout it, and
we believe they can put a team in the
Geld that will make it interesting for the
stat worts fol .m the north.
1't te'inetaT le TUE STRAIN.'.
plowmen to M . grand eapneition of the
song and daroes td Auld Scotia. Mina-
ret rltewart will ittrodute the members.
Vocal mase will be rendered by idr
Gavin i.penee, the meatiest exponent .f
Semi nth song .ince the days of Hematite'
Corbett, Miss McNeil, of London, the
peerless $sottish lady sower, M,.. Meg -
me Rankin farvorably knew• to
.any hleettieh aodoeneom, Mr R. 8.
Rankin also a goneral faerriu in
this section, and MIAs Wynn, of Code-
►ich, has kindly promised to assist The
prom winners et pipette and dimmer
during eke day well .1., teppat ttoo edee•
' lions at the semen im the SNriwg-
through his body folly three feet. The
dazed father picked up the hody of his
son, • child just 6 years end 4 months
old. and carried him home, hardly
realizing what had occurred. Dr. White-
ly was on the .pet at the time of the se
cident, and immediately set to work to
relieve Parker, who was burnt with the
powder from the lower pert of his chest
on the left aide up to his ri,.ht shoulder,
including hie head and left arm, the
clothing being torn completely .,fi that
portion of hi. body. At first it was
foaled he was blind, but by an effort he
was able to open his eyes and bee He
w as taken into the lighthouse, where all
was done for him that oculd b•, while
the doctor went tip town to procure what
was necessary to relieve the sufferers.
Pennington was badly burnt about the
right hand and arm, his wrist having the
appearance of being almost roasted ; a
rued deal of powder was also hoisted in
his week. lite clothing was badly torn
and damaged. When the effect Of the
powder beton to he felt upon the system
the sufferings of the men were terrible,
Parker at times being rinite deli•
nous inside of a minute after
the aocident {he place where the
tragedyoccurred was nearly desert -
d. o one card to ask .Ivs.•ion..
The place where • few eeo.oed, before
the eannon helehed forth flame at.d
.rooks in tones that could be heard
miles sway, was now silent A look of
blank amazement was thornily expression
n.t.ioe•ble. save upon a few latrine heart- as (i. A. R Hall, is o n of the meet In
d men who ran to and the w"coded and posing. on the meet prominent limo-
r,.ughfars .of this city. It is directly ep-
ing occurred almost simultaneously, and
the prominence which the Grund Army
of the Republic has taken in each, has
had the effect of attracting considerable
attention to that organmzstion here and
elsewhere. Having no political meaning,
from a partition standpoiul, this org•n-
iz.tlon is but a kindred one to thaw that
hare existed in most countries, and
notably in that of France. it is • power
in the nation. but • power exerted in
behalf of loyalty to country, and of
beneficence toward the Country's defend-
ers In this city, the order ha. some
peculiar features, ouch tae the Depart-
ment Employment Committee, which
sees to the enforcement of the provisions
of few rompsettnv the prefererswe to he
given to soldier and ..door,. other things
being equal. both for appointment to
and retention in tellies ; • P-'n.ion Com-
mittee which aids the soldiers, hie
widow and orphan, in the establish-
ment of proofs necessary to place them
nn the pension n,Il. ; of a Relief Corps.
which comes to the succor of comrades
who are brought here in the hope of ob-
taining either pension or employment.
and whose means have Mame exhaggled ;
end, hotly. the important pert taken in
all parades and ceremonies of a national
chanice or.
These fosters necessarily place this
department of the G. A. R in the fore-
ground. as • represnatatire one, sod a
glance at its present condition here, map
be -1 interest The new building known
to tenderly ears for the deal, while the
faint -hared turned from the place,
hsrdly daring to hook hark. No more
shots were fired, and the balance of the
ammunition was sent to • place of
safety. Parker and Pennington wove
conveyed to thele boomse as anon
se it was possible. The swah need for
cleaning the gun, was on a stick similar
to the ramrod, and was kept wet in •
peddle of eats near the gee.
On Wednesday and Thoredav Pee-
ninrtom was able to be mooed, althooeh
still bearing sad eviden^e of the terrible
&evident it ie feared that Parker's saes
will be • harder •.re, as in oddities' to
the injuries ..meed by the exph.aiea, be
se.taieed the fracture of • rib u. falling Aro'ibishop Feb" a dangefeeei7 di
to the gnome. from an attack of dropsy.
fit Catherine's taxpayers :rave vended
Th. Canadine Belli, Railway bridge to purehase Muetehella thinks. ea a
. t Lachine will be eumpietd tied public park. The bylaw was carried b
mouth. • largo majority,
po.tite one ..f the first hotel*, and is a
.Moore. improvement over the old de-
lapitated buildings, which stood upon its
sou so loveo to the wnwder of strangers
looking from the hotel front. it is freer
stories in height, all but the grossed
door bring weed for Grand Army par--
arpnoes. (M the second fl..or is a spisadid
hall with ante -none*, eta, and the third
and fourth, is devoted to the rtes of the
different poets of the department.
The o.rganmsation hers Nin • f►rospevoae
eond,tion, and numbers opnn iia meeker
rills, no, most prominent and inSame-
tial citizens •4 private and of ollleisl k11,