HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-17, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 17.
,/fid l 40411,4 4414 , •
Farm anti CarOen.
a'.dte se t�•swe.
This disaa.e M caused by judo.*«tors,
oeur•feedluft, ar by Riving cold ..t. r Ira
latus quake, or by canal, sour grata
If ..lee occur, Irons salting sour again,
one of Lha beet resets,a u a low lumps
of eharw.l Palverw it tine sod pour
vis H eke.op• (tart ut l,.,dwg caster.
1Yhew wed, strain off and _lve. 11 the
abuse does act rite relief, stimukota
should b. given, with a view t.• .rote*
the stun ae'1 and get relief from the fer-
mented fwd which it contains. I'untee
aro 4 no .ort of me for the porpoise of
relieving •u owerleaded stomach ; there
fore if uidaastron M present, their use Is
peitively injurious The use of milers
tut and turpentine, which is 50 popular
au agent among horsemen, are nut al
W*Ji the proper remedies Tu make
use of the former, being .*, anti•aeid, u
is supposed to cosbsue with the free
acid in the digestive urge's, sod shoo
n eutralize it, but if its use is palliated
in, it will injure the mucous u.emlwarr
of the avouch. Turpentine se • power
[til irntaut, and it should ower be made
use of ssoept by them aha 'understand
its action, and neutralize it ty noising it
w ith hewed oil. The foiilowing has bona
used with Rood results, and can be re-
commeuded as safe and etticacioos ; sal
phunc ether, 1 2 2 oz... oil tit pepper
melt, 2 snows ; water, Di ounces. Mix
and shake well before riving- i1 not re
Havel, give *gaits in half an hour, Ind
a inrton pttfl'•+^;
IM :brown 1't:, the reelala.
Lr Rowe, u[ (iss giees Hiewrit`vg."'es.L`'a'•4i�..••...' "..-il�i``►Wy' 1•r
colic, or gripes without flatulence, give
6.m • dose of whiskey, say from two to
four ounces, that being Irsnerally handy ;
amino .tie .sass,
If (rte.'s sir banbtieeld b. et•an'ished,
Ma . much a abatis, perhaps W 'pie would
think it such an sudl.p..0 able luxury sa
to be indulged in at any oust. Hut ss it
free as all ..utdoore, wenn n lit every
track stud cr4u.1 of our homeo t., rash
in •ud rake pure sir kt to breathe, It is
act much considered, wren if It is 001
rliiotly shut out and o*Iled unhealthy.
A traveller riding through one of the
• uall place* near the White Mountaii s
in wmmet, noticed that every d.e.r and
window of the farmhouses were tightly
closed, ,Holy the stables had op. go it,
strait the delictow •uuuutaiu air. He
was not surprised to bear the people in
that place were troubled with tualar.a
e nd almost every other dtsoute human
Doings are bar to. A holy said that for
years she took add so easily life was a
b.uJuu. Site weather hotel ail her
W aldo*., lin! even etuff,d cotton in the
keyhole., and always wore heavy furs
when she went out in winter. The
more she tried to: guard against colds
the worse she grew, till malty she Ind
t ,stay within doors for weeks at a tune
Then she turned over • new leaf. The
win low .f her bedroom was left down at
War ,saver dames Men. 1 -
I was talking with • destiot the other
day, and m.uoh t.) my surprise be but, re-
e d me that 1144411014 underwent dental op -
orations better than num. He said he
vastly preferred wumeo patients beams,
they were leas trouble, submitted more
easily to what ass necessary t.. he done,
and bore the little hurts t.eceee•ty to
such 0perata.ua with grimier fortitude.
"A woman has much more endurance,"
he said. "A. Warn as }..0 begin 41 oper-
a* ua a man's tooth he begins to flr'g a •
so 1 shrunk, and every Bute •.,u touch •
Leader spot he wauta to jump out of his
chair. His ounduet makes the operator
sorrow .,tel tired. The average trout u,
however, will sit the,ii•.h a whole after.
n ovo of dniliut'mttd doing mid harm:net*
i .a at her teeth like • major. You u•
•1,!e to do. more ■atlafactsry work for
Iver, and /eel loss fatigued when you
have finished. A tousle generally girt
a 41.1114e. hat louder scream than a man
when she has a tooth pulled, lint she
approaches the forceps mora l.r.vely,s,d
is Not s.. apt t.. here the toothache scared
awny by the sight •.,f the de*,tist, as is a:
(item the awe with the mount of tli
orale persuesiust,"--$reding, (Pa ! Her
:he top, sod Ko Continued though the 4 = +--
ooseetlease-4141ae6-else aura. laanjv. Dr. Wild, of Toroidal, is able to draw
Cn,wO ati�
soon. Me f'"'i.. want r't' t'ucasIonal:y, het he has also all
every +y, baso weather or 1uti1''� o Y + Core •o' Out>.'s' "C"Ci•;e4 "'r't'•`�"°
caches to swathe her neck iu many coif, if a recent Berm .n of hie slay be
fed*. She now can get through the
or a strong does .d peppermt:nt or spear- eolimt winter without being • prisoner
Mint tea, but ;bot If • drug store is t the hoes., or even catching cold.
near, gime from Dae to two ..uncus 4145:11
laudauuat and "piste ..f okra ; repeat Mothers do not consider health enoo,b
the dose in !aN to hour if nreessary in taw hednrt is.. They are often 'null,
11 st u datuteett.iihe, the horse bloated carpeted, and eaowdel with furniture.
with Bass, tit', • teaep.wthl of ssleratus I it is such a nuisante to sweep such cramp -
in hal( a riot of warm water, repent
tforafortsbly with the wild blowing
it in ten minute.; if this d•n.a no goo,., ed quarters that is let go for weeks
give an eanee of turpentine in • half I Dust c Meets under the bed, ornamented
a pin 4 hu•e.d oil ; or you may give I perhaps with its althea cosy gait and
half pint of cu'd water. 1 i widow,. to
the store direetinus, in all cases give eleaant lace pale." shave, and th3 one
warm water injections, and let the horse window i. kept tightly slam/. Then
'recast*, quiet, allowing lout to ro'I it he i the mother wonders .vhy th.e baby should
wants, to gime friction to the helly, and. ouch c .1.1 so easily ani 'move a croupy
give soft feed and test afterward for a
day Or two,
The.Y•'••tr'.msrtla P'u.;.,,,iso rectos -
mend. salt, awl as this ea kgown among
housekeeps as useful for colic, we give
chat the writer says : "Spread a tea-
cupful cpm the back of tine anin.al over
the kidneys anal lone, and keep it Mint -
.teed from twenty to thirty *,acute., air
k.oger if necessary. i( the sneak is
severe, drench with salt water. I have
a valuable Gull, wenghiig tem:tess or
twenty hundred pounds, which had a
severe attack of colic a year tan last
summer. I applied salt t.. his beck as
abate, std it tiling dtaieult to drench,
put a wooden bit unto his mouth,
keeping it open about two inches, and
spread alt upon his tongue, wl.*eh, to-
g thee. with the salt on his Mack, relieved
him at ooee, •nd within a very short
ti tie
equilibrium', appeared fully rector- Tra/waag Marx
.1. I have for several years past - -
tuocessfully applied this treatment to If it is desirable to straighten • horn
other animals in my herd. you may frequently serape with a piece
An cfbeev who commanded artilleryof glass, or •knife, the hollow side
d -roan the late war need the following
mope remedy for colic in horses, which which will tatty it to gear tater on t1 at
he has tried with perfeet success in hon- side ; but in that ease it 'Dust not be
demised '•see : Rab the horse well oro- scraped deeply, ser thea it becomes
tween the fore legs aid around the girth wager on that side. sad will be turned
with spirits of turpentine. Immediate
relief follows.
Another remedy is the following :
Take re ne rood home made snap, and
.oda ; then take a quart bottle, till it, opposite side jest enough to make it
and dren:h the hone. $,.ratetimes as grow faster, and that will torn it toward
IN" as a halt -gallon any be tteedtd. the thinly scraped side. If you wish to
eou.h. The most hesRbfut way is to
have no carpet, but Mists is front of bed
and bureau, and have the 8,or wiper
over every week. Hesvyourtsins should
be abolished. LA nothing impede the
sun and sir onmiug so for hours every
morning. A celebrated doctor says :
"The eery best cosmetic and eye•briglit-
ener that can be rsnmmertded, as well
as one of the bent prescriptions • physi-
cian erer gives fur any and all the it;s
that desk is herr to, is deep, round, re-
freshing sleep, and plow.., of it. And
nae of the great seet+tts of `eating it is
plenty of 'fresh air in the dedruota. "—
Detroit Tribune
towards the wester side. Some scrape
the side towards •eitich they wish to turn
the horn quite thin, and then scrape the
aradlais;ad areew/ees.
Many are averse to cutting flowers,
and thus loos very mash enjuymeet. Fur
if a plant is crowded" with blocse it is apt"
to become .shatsste' m the effort to re-
paid .11 fully. If half ate retoo.ed when
i , bud they will often open better and
lost Ioag.r to water than those on the
bosh, sed those left will be more per-
fect. Then tb.ri is the pleasure of giv-
ing and the *mentor work of cutting
bright bods than of gathering up laded
wreck. Merry ruses, if not cut till na-
ture, conn drop to pieces, bet if taken
while in bud remain wore anti bright
for several days. In cutting however,
some dlrcriminatton should be used as
t:, where to eat so es to thin and reduce
without diefig.riog the bush, but rather
improving its tidiness.
Tho or.•yr'.ossa is not so .anmanag.-
Sbie a weed se some consider to It will
make good growth un the poorest land,
even when cl, ver can scarcely be made
to 'catch Been with the bid of roller and - ssr_reepoo ..owe emmeteine .
Leash -harrow. Its manurial twine when Hare yo* a bed C..a;h, a Chani.
p' sighed in for wheat lir other grain is Hoarseness, a feeling of Tightness in the
scarcely inferior to that of clover. Then Cher. Weak (.ono, or any similar um-
* high moot is that when the lend is ea• pQ�isint T I1 on, bey at once a bottle of
McOregorin WConspoend "It will
Sure you.'" J$ egerses entirely new
specifies, glith nee dose is more "free.
teal them* whiwie honk amm old time
How Tree all that is about young aeon remedies. int put tip in fikc and $1
thriving in new counties through living bottles Ltd O. Rhyme, d.w,Bitt.
Oriel and enduring hardships with Try it, said poseal
will never hove resents
chearulness there which they would not to osseplain. (4)
.nhmrt themselves to at or Dear bora / PssnT'a AIw AT boli: RPAaRow.—A■
With all our tall o' glorious todepen.
Irishman tried to shoot a sparrow with
dance trhnf slaws an ,n to the fashions an old Queen Anne musket He fled
The Mrd with a chirp or two flew away
enco:teerwed in the foreground, sad Pat
the contrary the continued ety of gwenb was swiftly and noiselessly laid on his
him -
*lid friends is. •'Y hat *ill people think spino inand background. Piekleg bird.
of you nr whab will they my, of you du calf ieI and , "11.j be 6K at the bird,
this or wear that r' And we teach sed • eirped ed, olio jab. yon i. e d o
learn. net ti do what is right and true a chirped if you'd been at this end of
and discreet, but to do and say what the Rum.'
ether people around as, and especially a
little above ea in purse -power, cheese to seepemaist%w• 10.1111.
-bio and to my.
torn a horn op. serape on the soder aide
just enough TA maiti it grew fester on
that side. A very barbarous way to
taro • hors is unseAiles* practiced, by
Haring with • bot iron on that side
toward which the horn is to be turned.
This prevene. the growth of the horn on
that nide, sod the growth upon the
other side tura the horn. The boron
may be poli.h.d by ribbing them with
Ilse aged paper, ,tad then with pumice
shoe, and then oiling thepi. But this
artificial ss.aipal•tioa of horns is seldom
n ecessary. The horns of well.fed cattle
will grow in comely shape if let don..
The hair is sometimes oiled to give i .
a glossy appearance, but the been gloss
ie put upon the hair by rich and appro-
priate feeding. Natal, under proper
'Daddies*, does this work beet.
itched so that grass or grail. grows strong
end well It R.oially yields the piece to
them and quietly disappears without
making any trouble.
e nd cushions that talc. the lead shout
us This pitiable weakness should be
discouraged in youth, but it is ttrt►t. On
R...nn. why you shook! purchase
F'uid Lightning in preference to all
other remedies are Rapid result—
ens instant! ). it is easily applied—no
e no kret time. It does net re- **"1u geld in oven fast! of Needs
orrestant nee one application i.
1. One Mottle will reamers mere fie. surd d1 For hottM. Sold et 00111111
IM* any other re er.!yy la esistea we. "Yosi drag gumgum(i)
Try it for Neuralgia, Tnntlaaehs, Head- —
ashe, Rheumatism. Sold at 9i..same*. A heavy strike of raaaekurd V reported
Off O.?braes, Druggist. Of frees Shd►erae. N.&
Consavnws. -Yin Campbell has hots
troubled for • number of years with Ia-
gestion and Constipation, and was ia.
doerd to try hfcOr'.gnr's Rpeady O.P.
end foetid it aU that was needed, wed
would ren oesoond its ase to any perms
similarly tro.Mei This iatrduabie r..
fairly judged. 11 'hits denounuing "Billy
*'Brien," as he termed him, with all the
Gitteroess at his oommand, he urged that
he should be mobbed, offering to help 1
necessary, using lu.guago towards him
that was entirely unbecoming a minister
of the gospel, ani stating that a good
many citizens of Toronto who hold diff
*rent religious views to his own, were
only ."tolerated" by the eras of men
like himself a* d others. There was al
saw Tiled It."
What ! Never tried Johnston's Tonic
Bitter► ! Then du s„ at once. It's push
tively the beat general tunic on IOW
I've often heard of it but thought that
it was to be placed on the last of the
way trashy preparation's that flood our
market, but ounce you recommend is so
highly I'll give it • trial. Do a,, it's4
good for any complaint in which a tonic
is of benefit, and can be taken by mac,
woman, or child. 50.. and i1 per bottle
(:.,ode's Drug store, Alotun block,
fiederich,.ote argent. e
together too mach personal bias and
political prejudice in hi. sermon. The
Toronto Furs gives the eccentric divine
a sharp rap over the keeekks when it
lays : —
"Rev. Dr Will oeebd tete the very
last Iran in this city 4, raise the ques-
tion ns to "What we should tolerate r
A good many people, it they were con-
sulted, would be disposed t•, draw the
line at buffoonery and mo•unte-ank an-
tics on Sunday, ni a building called a
church.' -New Era
Tt ewgbrfaa ran..
);ver; dog is said to have his day, and
why should the tat Ce lass favored ?
Here is • eat story which certainly isjj
not outdone in the evidence of intelli-
gence which it affords by say dug story
that has been done of Lite, mud an be
vouched for, Mistress Pima, who is the i
heroine of this story, lives in a family S.
its best loved pet, and has much careful ,
attention. Each year when the faultily I
goes tato the country of course Miss'
Puss gees too, and thus she has become
used to travelling and its accompanying
discomforts She ties become stied u.
the various signs of approaching mlgra•
tion, and knows what it means when the
carpets come up and trunks are packed. 1
This partichlar ateaut,, Matures. Po..,
heing the happy possessor of a promote' I
kitten, wee very anxious and nervous as
the time of flitting drew near, sod at
Lot became so troubled that she atua/t-
ed the attention of the bandy to l.•- ye -
either behavior. On following her, they
found the cause. She had packed her
little one in a partially filled trunk lea
it should he overlooked in the marine.—
Boston Pest.
LADY Bron AND Bt'rv4Lo Bsrn.rA.—
K. F. B. The specimens of beetles
whit\ safest yaw house are the two
spotted lady beg (.dabs bipectatai. They
•ra sot only harmless, bat eery useful,
as they feed upon the aphis or green
nt-hoose. Last year was a remake -
mission according to all authorities
for the pleat low, the entire spline asap
baring been destroyed in some pats of
the country by a species of this family.
Fortunately there were also lame quo -
Sties of the :tidy hags. The wee house-
keeper .h.-itld pretest these beautiful
little bootee with the birds and bees as
one of her most useful allies. Tr is not
as, uno'mm•n, error, however. to mu -
take them for the buffalo beetle, which
is much finial:ere while the lady hug is
• quarter of an inch I.c.g. The buffalo
beetle 14 seldom found about the house
except whine laying its Pens it does
not eat garrets, hut feeds upon the
pollen of the spires and other plants It
w the larva which hatch,e out of its eggs
whssh is in deetrnctive to carpets : this
is a hairy arnh ah.,ut half en inch long,
B inder in appearo.,ce to a small cater-
pillar, and it *say hides iu the fuz of
the carpet.
This exorable yet potent
salt XI= 0',' is r.preially adapted for t eh eeltef
t.r,d c,.,e of .hat Maas tit dn,onlen
an.•n•t.oct olein a low or re.luc,tl st410
of the „ostein, Wel tau•:ly lucoull,auled
liy 1'..Ilor. Weak tams and Palpitation
of the lleart. Prompt resin's. will
foi4•'a :Is use 111 nates of Sudden Ex•
h.tn.iiout ariainit front lens of Blood,
Acute or ('hns,ie 1►iaranes, and in the
weak,vse bleat iurariw
.blyy se.nipausea
the recovery trims it slating Feet re 110
n•lut•.1) wt.! giro *,m+re lgewly reboil'
l►)siclsaa or l*,di;;eatMit, Its artum on
the ,.bonier" lasing that of a gra:le aril
barmiest' ionic, exciting the organ* of
digestion to action, tool thus afrording
it3i'ns-.liate nod l.enual,rnt relief The
carni:mauve prvertite of the differel,t
araualics which the Elixir contains
it is• it .enable }remedy or Atom T A 1 L O R & CLOTHIER,
It is a rah:able remedy for At ins
Dyspepsia, which 1s apt to occur iu
•••••• lits Piot received, and r now opening a large assortment of
Appetite, iespndency,audits tees READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS.
. Loma of
when: an effective sad terrain stem- Also on band • large Muck of the
.suit 1* required, this Ellltr will he LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS
:'1 evs:tna f
' In }!vera of a )Ttl!>Lrta] :vie, and hair the make -op or til'1:1V1i TIT+
the ramous evil uranins fvlkowit,
Basket rind Japan- Now Taw Warr*ated Pare. ! them fur ♦l. This Tra Is equal N say woad
at mc. Ib. b polsrs
Oilier Japans from Sr. w bk. per lb. antra Good Yoase Hinton. fret. Iso. lb. up.
A eplee,ce*aKi fa Young pent Tea is S Ib. lots only , tor !]I S•.
Try w5 :ec Young Il sea. and and it ib. Cbnapest in the market. t'YA token In exchaagr.
At C. CRABB'S, Goderich.
.1511 opened out • full aewrt,n'-',l of toy own ispurtatiuru. and eN
rl eF-a•In
Neel flask erre., wool eelalaes, 1t....a. op/ Priam.
Tweeds sad l'Mt.aadrs all Midg t W AasealaK.
t!t'all alio s,•c. Always pleased le show stu.5.
Mill, not forgot the u'd eta* Sp the square,
Atoll ith. tt -s c. CRAB d erioh. _
Devious of n gouty) character.
For ]m :rtinlird Illon.l
aura to nus evil w vets folk,lrergh g e p L WORK . $PECIALY I'
P5' a valuable ,e„toratirr, i the ♦ Qlsi[ZT8'B-
tfi<to►bst►atitfa off f"iaailon. 'alias} a and iaM !!fele Square. aodericb, March 25th. MT.
fderi,<atayy ars auta,nrel r retvgl.iurd
M tlpt f.,r the ralioTe• -"'
"Te . -
Illrit bs atis Female
:lor;Ta*AL, Yt.1.
11r PERRY DAVIS' lie
15 4ZCoxxL.nED Dr
jby.t'-ions, J.fimisters. Viaatensries,
.M up, ^ra of Ft:,orieii, 11'-.rim-M.ps,
J' txlrtrrena, . wrsrs f a H•,egiGrb,
—in u.••,f. ever,,►..1y ererywhere
oohs Au ever feces is a trite.
Wink GLAND or Moe DILE A%t'
a GAR, IT WILL', roCaa
a Navas raulzo ,
&reuse Z TtUUALL1,
greteeIra AND easy Lrstr*ST 'e
Rasta *It s&MorLTe Tran bus
a*.•Iatse ,now
ir R3 S, FROST RITES, fi.., lac.
nets. pee Pattie. i
IJ' Beware of Imitations. -Ot
aw '1 I
ytse� tM
is effective in small
dors, acts without
griping, dors Dol oc-
casion nature. and
will not er. ate h•rt-
tsnon and e I*grati"n
as do w.'nv of the
n:nal caUtartice ad-
ministered In tine
form of Pills. Ac.
L•idiea and Chil-
dren having the most a'tsitive stn-
teach. take th:. t'e.ii,'iile without troa-
hle or co,mplautt
CA U,*rLL'$ t'ATnARTle Cnxeorwn
is especially adnpttr.i for the cure of
Lass Cox; L.1I.Ts out Bltyor,. Dew
JR D,R Rs.
Fon Atop STORAC$ AND Loss er AP.
Foe Soot Ha*aacwz AND Trart:nr A.
Fox Co,snpATros os CnaTlvE xr..a
Ion ALL CnasLAs,Ts ARI.IS.: roost A
D►aoauraaL air Ink bro-
This medicine being In liquid form.
the date can for easily regniated to
meet the requirements of different per.
sons, thus nsaking it equally well
adapted to the use of the little child u
to the adult. Put up in three ounce
bottles, and sold by all defiers in
family medicines.
Prior Rrfnil 2.1 e'' *1t.
O.d ler assM sad
4 vara d that dao ordinarily, le.
assininat upon • Is* m reduced
mass ef die sf.n.-, ted s.ay sr- '
raapesid by palm. Weakness sad Pal
platiON of tow Haut. Pron.pt mash, wig
fallow in am la raw of Saddam grIssaww.a
armee fres Loss of Hoed. Acct. m Chum.
Diem,., and . the weeks's& rot inrariaMp
alto-vacuo4 the re- .'s.y from Wooing ►esu.,
Beremedy will or ledigastim. Ter ore mom speedy relief
A1411•41 Bleed. Loss of Appetite, Isco- 4
lb pendency. sad is all .men, where
as ..►screw sad , SUIT A. `
aTtavLawr is nq.�r.d
~e fond !mime
.told Sy as Arial r iso Mai,irr.
DAVIS LARZE7OE oa (Ensiles)
Soto 11a5u-.,
MriNT11LAL. P U.
socia ermaritaw• atom,
Found at Ind, what the true public
has been Makin for there inane years
and that is s median. which although
bet lately introduced, has made for
itself • reputation second to none. the
medteine is Jr bean's Tonic Bitter
whw•h in conjcondos lith Johnson's
Tonic Liver Pills has perfor.aed rinse
meet wenderfal cores impure lir int- EIAKINai
prop fished blond soon becomes perigee
and enriched. Billinaenesa, inshore/mom.
sick headache, liver eooepdairt, lea.oer, po
weakness, eta, sone disappear whoa
treater, by these e*eellent tease medf-
ei.sa For sale by Bond, de rgist, Al- THE tIYY1� BFST FRIEND
Mee Meek, liodsri b, sole west 140
Toronto Cash Store
t?.tll are invited to come and examine the youth; and price.l4
Remember the stand :—THF- TORONTO ('ASH STOItit.
C.==welts, T2s iiage
Gede: ich..1pr;i 20th, 1887. X.!I 3a.
M2SS 7".J 117.- .mss=NS ON_
The Latest Freucfl and Alliencall Styles!
Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings
The ;Chicago House.
Agent for Domestic Patterns.
Gederte Aeril tkh. 1141)4.
Anyone can advertise. but 1 can show the Steck. I Mice more stock on hand than any two
houses in town to neleo-t from.
I have now en hand 10 different styles of Bedroom Suttee. 8 different styles o! Sideboards, It
Parlor Suites. and almost anything fn the Furniture lime• all of which 1111 be soil
in the t NDERTAKINO 1 give personal attention. ant the benefit now of nearly 40 years
experience. 1 think i have the best Hearty.' in the teem; of Huron 1 will leave the public
to Judge. i have everytbisg nasally kept in a ftr.t-claw esupIMhment. such US .smite s.
Collins. !thready. Habits, Gloves Crapes,Yc. Embalming done when required.
ail (i}l•rantee toil. a satisfaction in tier), case.
Gedeetc1. Sept. Mho IML
obi: ns, a TIM reoli�cM_. is the oto P: net
Ogl.'. •rteued to at MODERi rR PRRS.
Onr cake is oppest*a rhe t . B. Palest Of•
Sce. and we car •brain Patents Is less *iron
ilia, those remote front if ARHLSOrO.V
Rend MODEL OR PRA WI we sio
rhe as to patentabiIt;E free of charge: aunt
we make . OCHAROE t .%L SSS WE OR-
R'e refer. here` -to the Postmaster.; he Sept.
of Mope,j order Lev.. and to officials of the
1'. S. Mite*t (gee. Por eirrnlar. advice.
terms and references to actual clients in 1 our
own Moate or ('oust write to
l' A. a4ww t Ce..
Oppoen* Pateat Otaoe. Washiaoton. D. C.
Persons wishing good cord wood at the low-
est rates can have the same promptly pupplted
by best lag their orders at
Our agent will call at the store daily for
oilers. Also ea hand. a lot of cheap woad
such as short slabs, edgings• rte. All the
wood can be bought at the. Mill or delivered.
as the buyer desires. Promptness guaran-
.ail k.sarve .idle.
Jane led. 1ML 1 S47
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in