HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-17, Page 61 i 6 (he Poet's Corner. /Nraaprd. had This le all. The si.J has rouse at len- The tetter eel t.• 'II 1',u pleasant deans. That reel haw der the Immo peel. Like goldee sunshine en • sumu.er slreus, Sweet were the days that merited life's seamy slope. When we together drew our Leans a - tomo, Hut immesh the rloons of • future hope Nee dol is e; Orient that iLey ..u!d pass se moos. in happy mood fair castles we upreered. And though that lite ors our 1.114 summer dei; We Lad no freed of future pain. nor feared That whitlow ere should fall athwart our way. Hut sunken peeks lar Ili t in every stream. And .hips are wrecked when just in sight of laud ; ho wr today wake from our pleasant dream To and uur :.ogles were Wadded un the .and. 1 do not blame you that you du not keep The truth you plighted ere your Lean you knew ; Delor lir parting now 114114 wekr In Weep when Uma has robbed love's mare of their dew. Another fare will help you to fortes The idle dream that had its birth in trust And u: her lips w;hl kiss away regret F'ur brokes faith and idol. turned to deet. Ah. well : you choose. perhaps, the better say A purer love shall in your heart be 'brined, A .1 ! r I .411 au down fur dark sed way. F ore%er seek tett What 1 neer shall Aad. Jean le„tleside. Ips'T'"r,j�n.."'�M16.�`=-_,oc-_ ... .._ill►- w,�1.:;:. }touseholb }tints. `1'..N..( ('.n•,. -This is an exosllrut plain bootee cake for charlotte rues. or ',lib». Brat four eyes very lightly, the whites and yokes together ; add two cut • of grauulaterl sugar, the juice of a lemon and • little silt ; add, putting in • little at • tisane, one cup of flour •ltd finally smatter with which two ap.oe.nful• or gad baking; post ler has been mixed by sifting, and finally a cap of boiling water. Du riot put in any more* dour. Bake in a mt.desstely quick oven In shallow pans. BATTER i't'uulxa.-flest the yokes el egos with twelve table•p•eunUds ..f of dour. Add a quart of mak gradually and fiu•Ily best into the bake, the whites of nine nets bete W • stiff froth. Buil in a greased tin mould or in a Inured bag. Serve with strawberry seam, ' $Taaw•aawY 111ACCa.-Beat to • Frown half a cup •.1 butter, add gradually two cups of powdered sugar and finally a Targe cup of strawberry which have been thoroughly mashed This is a de- licioes sauce for batter puddings, for peep>vrrs, and other delicate, hest pudd- ings. Strawberry sauce No. 2. --Set • bowl of strawberrys well sweetened in the sun or • cool oven till they are near gy covered with juice. Punt this off and tremas a sauce with strawberry ebort- iethe. Gaaa*M BROAD -A a rrespoodent asks for receives for trr•ham breed. We give one tried receipe and wuuld like ethers. Sift a quart of wheat dour, a handful of Indian meal and • table- spoonful of salt ; add a quart of moat - ed graham Hour, half a cup of yeast or half • yeast cake. iter into this enough lake warps water to nuke • misters as stiff as y...l can stir it with a spoon. Resat very thoroughly as long as you would knead bread. It' is not easy, as it Meet be stiff Let this spronge rise over A!1(Iu. In the nn.rning till bread pans half fall, and when it rises to the top, which *hnuld be in an hour, put in the .even and bake an hour and • half in a moderate oven. Cover the last half hour, if you wish to keep the crust soft or p ace • pan of cold water in the oven if there is danger ant the oveu being too hut. EXTete-r Or Utmost --tine ounce of oil of lemon, the grated yeliew peal of t.o tenuous, and • pint of alcohui. It is not necessary to use the very highest test alcohol, as a cheaper grade u as good for this purpose. This is the re- cipe f,r lemon extract used hy the beet druggists. For the bite of a mosquito, flea or .ether pota,nous insect apply a solution of common .alt and water : the poison may sometime. be pressed out of the wound with the tip of an ordinary watch key pressed eery hard fur a moment over the bite. e• ra w bermes. It was not the brilliant Bishop Berk• ley nor Sidney Smith, to both of wh'.m k has been attributed, who said :- "Doubtless Clod could have make a bet- ter than the strawberry, but doubtless food never did." It was Dr Willem Kotler, of Suffolk, • plain physician, distinguished in his time, bat now chief- ly rememberedaathe inveptor of Butler's al.. His head ineemnry of this was frequently painted on the signboards of Netball taverns doring the beginning of the notary. The espreseion is found is print in 'Valtoe's "Angler," quoted Ram Dr "Bottler" nr B. tier. There ewe only • few persons who do not agree with the old doctor. The strawberry may be used in many different ways hy the housekeeper. Strawberry sh ,rtcake it planet tem familiar for the recipe to he repeated, but for those who have beep unsuccessful, or have not ventured os this dish, we five the following : Take one quart of new process flour. anemia teaspoonful of soda and two of comm of tartar, or, if you wish to see baking powder. three temsp,nnftils in plasm of the cream of tartar and wets Soft either smith the Hoer. Mix in • i posse of butter the aims of a large egg, robbing thoroughly with the hands. tie ' this process the modem of the showtoak s depends. When the butter is thorough ly noised with the flour, add sweet fresh silk tall you ran wt stir the whole t•.. NO -her with y sur nd and all the d i V is tater sup. Now shake a little fuser over the moulding heard with the Apar dredge end turn not the mister* ort it. This mittens should be dry enough to THE HURON &ANAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 1=,1887. *leave easily fives the peat though sof shows► re he stirred. Shake a lithe utero Sour omit it .444 the dreg* ; roll out to two cakes ;shout hall an Iweh thick , pleas use to the Pea with t1.. other •ser it, sal bake tri •hut amen ab. e. bile.e mt..tea. sur the tww' yak.* awn w so they •re taken free oven, with fresh strawtl$the i ierwt sad sugar, •tiding, if you Isiah, a poet serve at once. C Itttle wtieu you cakes A delicious shortcake of buttermilk pancake batter a made by soaking of wheat flour in • pint of buttermilk over usght aid adding ani the m.rrutng • tea- spoonful of wear, • teempoe.olul .,f salt, two tshlespou..fula of melted putter and • teaspoonful of and.. Beat three inure - distils together thoroughly ; fry in cakes the ease .d a dottier plate. Spread a layer of crushed strewhernes, sugar and cream between the cakes, and use thew layers or cakes for each shortcake. A strawberry charlotte is an especially delicious summer dessert. Line a high tin take -mould with pieces of spoon; cake, which may bo moistened with • little strawberry room ur ...me delicate wine Full the mould with strawberries slightly crushed and sugar and set in the iae-b.,z for an hour. l%'hru ready to 'servo pour over all a pout of whipped cream and dilemmas if you wleh around the edge with atrawbernre. A 0n.berry mouses may be easily prepared, ae it reyumren uo otber freez- ing apparatus than One 1.,IIIc, covered Peil"to hold the mixture and a deep wewwl}q pull 1ulrot�y.y_tlt and ice. The �� TTap • Ta'c ige Fnneh ice-cream to called from its mossy texture ; it is never stirred like an ice cream but is surrounded by salt and ice and left to harden, which it will do in about HT hours. F tr a strawberry muni : Mash well • quart °f strawberries sold a pint of sugar. Int thus mixture stand two hour', and during the same period soak • quarter ,f • bus of gelatine in a quar- ter 1.1 • cup of cold water. Put the otushed strawberries through a strainer ; pour a third of a cup of boiling water over the gelatine, and when it is disoly e d add :o the strained fruit. Set the lawn crotaining this mixture in a pan ..f salt and water and stir till it begins to thicken ; at this pullet add gently three quarts of whipped cream nteasurid after whipping and equal to about one quart whipped cream, sad the strawberry's • them bet wren the la the history of medicines no pope rakes has p,eeiv.d such eniversal eine meadetioi , fur the alleviation affttrre uri the permanent one it effects its kid lay dueaaee as Dr Van BYreu's Kinsey Cure it• autu•u in these distresato� u smplaouts is amply weuderfuL $old Wilson. Yet Hay fever is • type. .f catarrh Aeries poouhar symptoms. It is attended by ul miaowed unndttu.n of the linnet mem braises of the weirdo, tear -duets and threat, •ffectn.g the lungs. .fin acrid n iaoous neecreted,fhe di•chargetsaea to- psai.d with a burning sensation. Thera are sever. spasms ..t anemone, fretlnenl • tusks ul beadatbe, watery and tnflwm- .d eyes. Ely • C.saut Kohn is a roue dy that can be depended upem. .bets. at druggists ; by mail, reentered, Wets. Ely Brothers , Druggists, lleego, New Yut k. ly ■•me Miser. In Greet Britain the question t,f Home Rule is couut•Ildiue attention. Tu the roan with a add in the head or chest the safest way t.. ensure H. me feu e . r.r a odd is to hare ..n hared a bottle •d Dr. Harvey's Rol Pine Gum. For sale at J. Wilson's Prescription drug *lore. if Don't npeewlaie. It.tn to risk in buying medicine, but try the creat Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made he Dr Chase, author of Clysr's raoeipes. Try Chase'. Lever lore for all diseases .1 the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James Wilson, druggist. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world as. the celebrat.i Dr Chase. Owe, 5t10,000 of his works have been sold to Canada alone. the want every person troubled sigh Liver Cowpl•iut, Dys- pepsia, Headache, Kidney • Uriny Troubles, to bur a bottle of 1)r Chases Liver Cure, is will cure you. Medicate and Rrceii.e hJex,k el. Sold by all druggists. S. S. S.—tea \t•rklmg •rdac "My husbaud was trouhled with dyspepsia Ger more than four years. Ty'.. experienced physicians did hint ne good. We gest disauurared, until we read if Burdock Blond Btt'ere ; hie took °lily two bottles and now is as well as ever, and doing heavy work all the of cream measured before whipping. time." Mr. Richard P. *we, Harley, When this mixture is smooth turn it into Ont. B B. B. has cured the wont the mouLi, which should have been pre oyes of chr�.nio dyspepsia. 2 viuusly packed in ice and salt, using to pack it about three quarte of salt to ten quarts of fins crushed ice, or twice as much salt as is used in freezing cream. Put on the cover of the mould, coat it with • little melted suet on the edge to p ret the toe water soaking in. and cover the entire mould with *aft and ice. Set away for stx hour. When ready to serve dip in ordinary temperature, not in warm water, and turn out. A strawberry souffle is another dainty duh which is easily prepared. Cover the bottom of an earthen pudding dub with strawberries and sugar, pour over a souffle ccmpceed of the yolks of three eggs beaten with three tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and six whites of eggs buten to • very dry stiff froth, and stir in gently with a rotary motion. Turn this mixture over the strawberries after buttering slighly the sides of the dish, and bake in a moderate Oren such aa one would use for rich cake for fifteen or twenty initiuts. When the muffle is risen and crowned, serve at once or A will fall. Preserved or canned strawberries may be used in nearly all the recipes given, and certainly there is no fruit more worthy the huuaekeeper a skill in pre- serving and canning than the strawberry. These two processes are so often con- founded in books and at h ,me that we will give the directions for h ,th methods. For canning or preserving select the ehoioest fruit, which should be theroui,h- ly ripe and dry. Du not use the berries which grow near the ground and become so, sandy that they must be +asked. -for canned strawberries take the fresh unwashed fruit and atter hulling it place it in the can, fillinv each can. Set the cans in hot water and pour user them at once • light syrup. This is made by allowing • sup of sugar to two rd water for each jar, and boiling it f..r tut minutes rapidly. As soon as the straw- berries are covered with syrup screw on the tops of the jars loosely without the rubbers, and set them on a wooden frame in • boiler of warm water. Put towels between them to prevent knock- ing together while boiling. Cook the fruit in this way for twenty minutes after the water bine to boll. When done remove each jar carefully, take off the cover, put on the robber, 6:1 them o p to the top with fresh syrup, and re place the coven, screwing them up as tightly as possible. Tighten them again when cold. For preserved strawberries not three quarters of • peund of outlet to a pound of fruit. Heat the sugar slowly with cam -third the fruit, washing .t to draw nut the jinn. Strain the syrup thus formed and clarify it with the white and crushed shell fed an egg. ('oo•k lb* re- I maroder of the frit in this wyrap, cook- I ing • few of the berries at • tins* and placing them is the !lira sus they are cooked ; it will take about ten minutes for each gtasbty (looked. When all done All up the jars with ttyrup. pot on the rubber and senor tis as tight •. passible. it is wits to keep a sharp lookout upon strawberries or . y fruit pet ap in the early simmer, during the! tot dog -day of August or dunes any damn sultry weather. All canned nr preserved fruit shoeld be kept to a cool, dark plass. "lie ever ensued yal. r No "hardly ever" shoot it. He had an attack of +hit people esti ''bihooe- nem, 'and to smile was impossibly). Yet a man may •'smile and smile. and be a villa's) eri11. still he was no villain. but a plain, bluer, honest TOO, that needed a remedy such as Dr Pierre s "Pleasant Pergstive Pellets, which never hit to run ;bliu'uanese and diseased t r torpid brae, tjpepepau ani chrome oot»tips- ttnn, Of dearth. The get debt of the Delaish a os. Jaw IgM .m et.5,4701,f4111. •a fHee ctn. Around seal bottle of Dr Chase's Liver Cure is a medial guide and receipt book contsiniog useful information, over 200 receip:es, and pronounced by doctors and druggists as worth ten tunes the cost of the medicine. Medicine and book tT1. sold by all druggists. Se as Veer heard. Don't allow a oold in the head to slow- ly and surely run int. Catarrh, when you can be cured for 25c. by using Dr. Chase s Catarrh Cure. A few applica- tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boles is guaranteed t.. cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c and sere cure. Sold by all druggists ly Mew a Sade ('.west t'eld. A slim young' man in the height of fashion was violently sneezing in a street cu, when a co mp•nion remarked, " �w, l'hawles, deah buy, how d'ye cath that dweadful cold." "Aw, deah fellah, left my ane in the lower hall tether day, and in sucking the ivory handle, so dweadful cold, it chilled me almost to death. •' 11 Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine Gum his cold would riot tremble him very much. For sale at J Vs ilsa.'s poncriptwn drug store. tf "Sues Treenail Ras be Salevted. If )0u Si DM head 1M warms,(• ant oa- ten and at owes pie •hent.. 10 the tuatuteinat.ce of your health. Hoy' often we see a pers,tt put uff Prow day to day the pur.•ha•e ant • medicine which if pro- nged at the ,.etatatt .,f • disease would have reasediwd it sltne.t immediately Now if Johnston's Toole Layer Ville had Wen tattoo whim the first unesemess made its appearance the illness would hoot been "hipped 1.1 the bud.' John - toot's Tonic Kitten and Liver Pals are decidedly the beet mwl.cuw on the mar - Let Stir general t..nw and tech/tomtit,/ properties. Pills 25c. per b.•ttle. Kitten 50 Penis mid $l per teeth., sold 1.r Geed. the druggist, Albion block, sole agent. ibj Merchants can set their Bill Heads. Better Ikeda. ac.. fie. printed at this eine for ver) Umum the Utile mua they immorally patilbowe the paper. aad it helm to advertise their aJ area ase smmitas sad ma trice. Teacher -"What tit► yea understand by se useless, 1" Jnveoth, Cent - meutator-"A dirty devil" Hare you Toothache 1 1'y' Fluid Light nutg. Have you Rheumatism 1 Use Fluid Lightning. Have you a Stiff Joint I Use Fluid Light- ning. Hate you Neuralgia? Um F:uid Light- ener. Have you Lumbago 1 Use Fluid Light - Are you troubled with Headache 1 Use Plaid Lightning. Have you any Feta 1 Uta Feld Light- ning. it +tti'is-Ate-Inn the instant' it ' k applied. drug c per taM.'L Tst storo A Wonderful *rase. The largest organ, and one nkat plays a ctntrclltng pert un the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or onetime the whole system beoutnes diseased. Dr. Chase's Lamer Curu is studs specially for Liver and Kidney diseases, and 1. guaranteed to cure. Recipe book and medicine $1. Sold by all druggists. The best regel•tore tor the st meth and bowels, the beet cure for biliousness, sick headache, indigesttuu, and ad affec- tions arising from a disordered liver, are without exception John/boo • Tunic Liver Pills. Small in size, sugar coated, mild, vet effective. 25 u'ta, per bottle s..lu by Co /ode, druggist, Album block, G. ode rich, sole agent. [.1 T. cue Medial enea--.su. aft alt wisest 1t may **sees. Pbn.phatine, or Nerve foes, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts,. Formulated by Professor Amain. M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, ertIg., and Neuralgia and all wasting oases** of the' human system. Phosphatine is not a ledecine, but a Nutriment, because at e,.ntains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates iates Nircoties, and 04Stimulants, but sting ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in onr daily food. A single bottle is suflioinnt to convince. All Druggists *ell it. $1.00 per bottle. 1.o war & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 55 Trout fkreet Rist Tuon to. - E'T FAMILY_CROERY � 'rhe ssd•rsiga.1 beg won rrap•ctfulb le Inform the 4pMMtashr d fob axed s ' rew1111110111114 el w�y ortutr) that Dewing bought UHF.A P Tutt ('AS as the keel rad the United Mates, a .cry supe. tea .took of 4444., .-...•r z'R="H Q I'LOc E I t Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits. Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca, Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and other o.r.'t.l arch Ir. Lowell) kept 1n•lest. lass city es'ahlishmemt. .t\ i secttt.\ ate ala 40111011e al\SLI soils/rtes. WANT TO BUY A QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES I POTATOES. REES PRICE & SON, Store on the Square, Between E. Downing'. and C. Orabb'a Goderich, April Y1N, 1d :. sees E LFGH"FLOP, FA3HIONABLis g'AILO1 , Takes plreeare in anuounring Uai I,edleai.w w hand • hill Wpply of TEEBS, IVORSPEDS & ora CLOTIIS $t !TABLE FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. Etcelient Fos. Find -Ciao; Work. l.ettee order* only. owing to the aortas rook et pal roam(» :4 ofs.in n .swum,. Mr Remember the )lace -West street• rex dour to Heat of MontreaL7k Ooderi.b. Morris :H.S. MK. WHO GETS THE RIZE Parties wishing to purch:u., t i..,., r ,rttaus, or any other Musical llutrnlneeat, will d.. well to see PROF_ CLAF,,KE before doing so, as he keeps u.•thine but the very beat makes. MASON & RISCH PIANOS BELL ORGANS, Triurriphan.t Organs i A present. the value of fi..m 112 t.. l50, will be made to those part -basing either of the ahere- 1'icliia and Mouth till/albs, Violin String., Music books, Sheet Music and all Musical Instruments. tulle -The Cheapest House in the Province. Lawn. om Pip titian, Cabling Skean and Piano. F.r terms, etc., apply at His Stasis War•itotme, West street, Osderich. e�//�� ^- F lY►A T3 ilYO 1.1 i L.1DE ZC• Ars plessest to t ke. Contain their *--t Fir la. Is a ata, sero•, and et.arr.aj • •ere.• ---r eV' •.K•.. S] C_:: 1 e n'.r &drops BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IhiITAT IONS A. them are mai Inferior gI corded with th jute. 1h1 trop e.,om.m.dandsold as Confine by some es - p, Isatptlsd mwnbaate lrad- mir ;n laeresarc.■ seer of sus ware the ladies opine; such inmeeRton by draw - Ing their attention to the necessity ot.sstag that the seine CROMPTON CORSET CO.' fs-starspsd on loner sided •11 Coral tit. goods, w'itheaft whish meas are rebuke ktvalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute owed et eaahteen n'prrlestere awe 'kIU. f■1 rhe.iota.. rad aarwe.a. ALh ct:aonac p*EAsg* a SPECIALTY.- , Patients tr'e'e 1 here nr at t i' r homes Many trwte.l at home, through ern reel••rolete.', as suceentirl)' as If here in per,, n. t'utw• arse wee ant ter re -nil ten rents In stamps for our "lMhds' Qeete-n•ek,' which grtee r:1 north, uman. Addr.s: WOOLS).* DI'rsw,.elT 7f ane- (AI..tlMln,laTM]. ap SM ft Main Ft., Y. For " worn -fart." " run.dnwn." debilitated .wheel teselw.rs..wflHtteru manwergesse.,=- keepers wad eve, wnet.•d lenge** et Dr. Pierer 's Persia' PretertrtM•n M ills of all meiroutl ve tomes It M not a *"(ssues," Me admirably fultlns • whorlenere or rnlrpnss, Mine a m..at potent vporene tic aH tMt*a 1 bpolo ea Nowa and Nemo". eremite tea women. 'Ibe treatment •.f many thnommen of meek mom at the Invalids' Rubel and fore - Ind Iretlt.ite fete afforded a lame eipitence in /dapting rem, Ake for their r err. and Ir. Ploree's Favorite Preseriptien w the meek of this vest ex1rrfrnr.. rete I.sersal ees++east•m, Inflammosel.} and ■leerntlim. 11 le a wpeelete. it u a powerful general, as well to uterltr. tools w ad wrrvl,e, and impwrMs eliep and wrens* to the •home reevan. it cures ws.k qr ret stomach. inAtreerion. bloating, sreeS nenrnu prow rut ion. esh•usttnn. Aspin, •Peep el epiersoneh in either Iler. riot. cite row.. 1e sold hy Amgen* under ear penbies ounr»ntrt. tee wrapper around breeds. 1111 PRICE $I.O% 1l"r;a"'''` . thumb. Sr pep*0.«•I. natm; yrtttWsrnritfWre .'•tptilameso OAST MwicAt AtrnClaTIo.. it Maio !Meer, hutalo. r T WELL CURE OR REUEVE IiIILIOUSNEIK DIZZINESS, OYSFEPsf4 HOPS r, lVOIOESTl014 FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. Of THE NEART, ERY8IPELAs, AMITY OF SALT RMEUV, rNE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SOWS, HEADACHE, Of THE SKIM And emey week.dieseseroo wzoLti f 0V ee.T w s Y. ■ILBURM & 6e..'t''e*r , ,r To the Citizens of Boderich AND St RRGt-NDiNO ('Ot'NIRy w *smwmr* a Havlaa p•rr►erd the erw:A will sad bwrl- Vards e C L A A L!i nee. of nor wall-k.mww tnwitmntra. p, (ct sty,t, �s 7 w* w •r. per peed ro 1e aH k l sde .f �t�zv%t��o � %MCC pia' 4/1TLNI.sk11's 554 CATs 41RTPC. SICK (IA(A, �'IereMe • •at �,Ntfn ta•.laas4 _f► 10 • PAINS'( k DECORATING snkrao0 la *or Ila.. W. wish to Wets the good peek .t tby esmwaalty that we are `ere to Way. ewes - quietly w• ars prepared to ta.et the (seems weer rhos - Odle•• fair metre of year petessap, we are yeera to rrwwsnd. ELLIOTT & PRETTY. .-\► gaelskT et Papoehaar Iaeeeleb lea. W. M. 1N4ia HAVING RE. R C tt K tt�Nft f✓ my shop in the latest style put in Tkree- \ire 5seaect odes. we of them tae cele- brated Rochester rifting 1' h a Ire and tired a jourseymaa Herber, we are in • peed .on to do Setter Week tial hereto- fore. Lady's k Children's Hain o'ing asade a .prtaity os all days exrrpt Meturday. Iter. rs end 'de ewers ;mend. WMw ��NI3-IIT, Stl West Street• two doors east .f P.O., Dederick The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut -Pebbles 11 The frauds that have been perpetrated oa the spectacle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving a,tcumed and fancy names to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight there are only two articles from which the spectacles len•es'can be manufactured. viz : Pebble and glass—call glass by any other name, it still remains glans. Pebble, on the other hand, is from natures own manufactr,n-. It is s natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emnerald, and tsar_ ly as barites the diamond. The Pebble it not more or lees than a transparent stone, int by aid of .liarltosd duet, anal the greatest amount of power is placers immediately over the r'entre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freshness and a pieanant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any powsibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglasses are stamped B. Land can only he purchaser) from, A �T Fm �O✓ �samir Druggist, God.rich. n► 11117. f+lwsp Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. Go. BAfFiRY, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER !�1 Hamilton Street. Goderich blMAR (7Sd _intertiiloost K i wood lated r••tM lg; Rome mead Parker F1t,'.itere. seep es r• m s.ts*e whew -Neta Leafing utas*.. pbssrds. FMA steads, Yetirrs*es R u► air M if >ee 4 -A atelele asesrsmsat of Nese wad thveada always a heed alas Weevers foible al reawweiable raw. Haled. emsimee qMy.—A eel lemietted tut •