HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-17, Page 5'I • 4, 111111111111111111M • THE HUR0/1 SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1R87. AehlisiL OfluTtl ART. —Another landeierk gona It is my painful duty at this time to .4kmaieho the demise of a newish esteemed resident of this towurihip, Mr Joins SW - 'Dieu, whose death occurred on the 19th alt., shot • very short Moms. Shoe* libidos, 'us tree, fereishing souther wi- dows of the useertaiety of hamar' Isis. Oa the oruing of that day decreed partook of breakfast and seemed to be in his read health , both he and all the members of Ilia tensity were quite oblivi- ous of the momentous change which was mon to follow. a change which oeurived the family of its head and removed for ever a good ueighbor and a genial warm hearted friend. Cramps, which an - saintly increased in severity, est in mid became •t last alareanag to the sufferer ends se to his stricken family. Father Booties., the pariah priest, and Dr Cam dy, were summoned to the bedaile with all possible expedition, and the nielau oholy fact was but too clear, that mute tutlamation was durum it. fell wore, and that the caws waa • most serious on. It needlem to say that thecousolat :en of he church visa administered to him, for this is the first concern of the Catholic church under such circumstances ; but no medi- cal tremolos ouuld avert tee dismeilution which was soon to take place, and Jchn Bullivan breathed his last about twelve o'clock that 14100 night. A few words from me in rogord to the character and life of the departed are but • arnall tribute to the memory of so good • man. He was among the early settlers in Ashfield ; hence *tauter that class of nme who have largely Dow tribeted toamake this ouuntry what it te toddy' . With great cheerfulness and animation, he used to relate incidents .f early life in Asiirild, the many difficui. ties and hardships the people had then to contend with, and with all the plea- sure they enjoyed while hewing them- selves • home out of the dense forest With whet glow uf pleasure did Le often rider to the love of neighbor which actu- ated every oce at that tittle, and as u outcome of that great virtue, h..ier chest - fully each one helped the other. It is true that in some instances, as the country ad ratites and individual circuni- "Canoes change, rivalry laud envy displace that admirable disposition, love of one's neighbor ; but no such dummies!' place in the mind of the subject of this few sentences. Mutation tc the wants of others, liberality towards every good canes, rejoicing( in the prosperity of his neighbor, were his characteristics to its very lest. In face his soul wee too pure to entertain unworth motives or protupt him to perform an unworthy actions, all well Call testify. but summer he finished • commodious brick •house, 00 doubt expecting to enjoy it. comforts for wow* years to coins, fur be was yet in his 59th year ; bat forcibly the lir* whict we so often wrote to ,dir copies in Grew days, mesas to mind, "San proposes but Ood disposes'Itt hie demure the church in Ashfield has lost a gond fnend and liberal supporter; bet it is hoped that he enjoys to -day tl-• the fruits of his liberality, "Bread cast irstt: waters " Father Boubat cols the Requiem Mass on the fun- eral occasion iu the preseoce of • large assembly composed both of Catholics and Protestant.; but the majority were excluded *wing to the weal of room One hundreeand hrty vehicles tanned a part of the funeral processioa, and not- withstanding the soddenness of the ow camon the attendanceWIN TOT WAIL martins in some degree the sstimatioe in which the deetensd wee 'kaki The same in the emissary wee very affinities : both priest and pesele ware viably over- come by emotions el deep mew as sea - signing the remise ha their host resillag place, and isrveetly was the piers. Ut- tered, and &resat', will it coatiese to be uttered Gad thought, for his mermen will long remain green in the mind of his aortaintancies. RectanTelat in A.shbiad. June 4th, 1817. Amen.. leles. Al) partial, gen*: their sale NM printed at teds Mice wiu get • free settee laserted is this list up to the time of We. Auction Ode of bay, fall wheat, etc. , ma the pewees known as the Jansfield farm, lois 9 aad 10, oon. r. and 6, Oede- rick township, by John Kein, auctioa ear, continessiag at 1 &shoe p.m_ os Wedssetay, Jews VIA 1,011T. See pesters kw teaks perflindkre. • W. WillitnaRT348` c°•1 Look Here ! COMMENCE THE SEASON ON Tuesday and, Weibiesaly, 6th Dad 64.13. April, WITH A GRAND DISPLAY OF Pattern Hats, Bonnets & Mantles ky- IMPORTED DIFLEC'T FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STYLES NOBBY SHORT WALKING JACKETS & DOLMANS CaTnit ressGoods Deparmtent 81:10T51.1, IBM filiEr..2s7. THE STOCK IS VERY OOMPLETE, AND THE PRICE ARE RIGHT. THE RANGE OF NEW SHADES 18 LARGE, THE COMBINATIONS ARE ELEGANT. FRENCH WOOL DRESS GOODS, WITH HANDSOME COMBINATIONS. BLACK AND COLORED MERV'S, IN PLAIN, STRIPE AND BROCHE. NEW PRINTS ANI) CHAMBREYS, WITH EMBROIDERIES TO MATCH. WE SEND SAMPLES AND PAT EXPRESS CHARGES ON ALL PARCELS OF S5.00. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brantford. Marsch Flo. INT. .A FEW Pointers If Ton Want a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If on Watt. BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has theui at all prices If Tou Want a TEA SETT, Clearing Cash Sale 02` MILLINERY! FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LAM, GAUZES, BONNET SHAPES, HAT SHAPES, atc., &c. This is a Gnittir,• Salo, as I intend going out of the Bos:•,.s as soot. as Stock can be disposed of. MISS GRAHAM NAIRN has a full asaortmentj, The Square. next to A.....esun lot Dry Gouda Stott, .dericb. Mt - If Teo Wept Aaltbiag ia CHINA, NAIRN has the finest display FARMERS &OTHERS If You Want Anytkirg in CLASS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. Far Pure. Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CHAS A. NAIRN —HAS THEM — EVERYTHING WARRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Gederieh. April Skit, HIE. HURON AND BRUCE LOIN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY This Company 1. Loaning Massey on Fare* limerity et Lowest /kW of Isitorest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BLNK BRANCH. 3, 4 end 5 per OAK& &retest AUttiood Deposita, Gerard:ay to amount arid tiww left. °Meg :-Cor. of Market Square and North Street. Godwin!. HORACE HORTON. Masao's, Godwin\ Ace. St h DM THE BEST IS— E CHEAPEST. Fru its, New Nuts, New Teas, lartllug FALL WALL PAPER SVIATORIS $ZE OCR PRICES : iter? ••• Pere. Mr Ile Or. WA se We. &Ow NOD ter no we. wow ler. Those sr. Inst years' stthebet roe Roteleepen, Laid: ir Tog MI ISE MST TIE TIM, A Fresh Stock of American Papers Now on View. The Cheapest Hansa UNDER HE SUN • Wsst-st.., nest &toe to the Peet oaks. ederish. %lamb IS He PRICES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL' NE' y GOODS EVERYBODY INVITED TO COME AND SZE THE Finest Collection OF CHINA TWIT losses .s*I. Osiderieh. C. A. NAIRN A FULL LINE OF PLOWS, REPAIRS & CASTINGS Court devev genera eleessish Dee. UK HIM AI -IA YARPS -41 BALJAIY1 F- • "=: 1•4 t." • \ • TO WEAVERS KiIPT ON HAND. AND AT PRICES - - - C. A. Humber's New Warslionse, s!. Dividw... near Victoria -sr. CMsedelli-v*-1' .A. CHT 11110 WROUCilT 110UPT C_ MIETTIMIMMIS Ooderich. fit! May. 150. wile• Colored di White Carpet Warp at Mill Prices O. CRUMB, Rb. ISM ' 11111114sa1 Oallerleh. firfffliPfililff0P1WM We are clearing out a lot of 12 cent Prints at 8 cent*, and Dress Goods It than cost. We are buying WOOL, and paying TORONTO prices in Cash, and 2 cents higher in trade. You will find it t., your advantar to deal with iv. COLBORNE BROS.; Cil 0 DERIC BOOTSILSHOES WONDERFUL VALUE DRESS MUSLINS I J. C. DETLOR & CO'S 3-1%1MA7iimirCIELIEn• WAUKENPHAST or COMMON SENSE SHOES. Oar Stock of Men's, Worsen's and Children's Shoes is Complete, and comprise tbe Latest Amerioaa and English Styles. WE TAKE 410 AEC0110 rLaira Flea PI.WFBM Walla. The Largest Stook, Greatest Variety, A.nd Best Value E. DOWNING'S. Cor. East Street and Square, Goderich. 11.1. THE LEADING STYLES IN J. DOWNING & CO'Y. 1887 NEW SPRING GOODS 1887 I greet the public with the announcement that I have opened out a Choice Assortment or • NEW AND STrzzso Owes G000s Makable for SPRING AND SUMMER Ware. Tse rause et Textile Fabrics ore so turbid tais season that eves the mow fastidious can be 131:TITIB3D- LEES', GENTS' AID CIIILIBEFS WEAR A7 VERY moss PRICES A LINE or PLAIN AND BROCADED SATINS Black AAA Colored. men and Striped blushes and Velvets. Buttons from a 5c. Size up 10 a Trade Dollar. Metal, Pearl and Jet Peeps for Dresses and Menilies. Ladies' Genuine French Kid Button Boots, at 12.00 SPLIEND111 VALUE. a -loves dr• rtile Hosiery - 7.11 mate. and at prices wwwwedestel is the liaahe Hosiery and More Trade ALL DEPARTMENTS WILL RE FOIINO WELL ASSORTED. An untunially large stook of esterase awl Deported Ktrirriso YARNS Hem Makes. KK y NoTK_ Ganes said ea ask /11111i111. 110 saisrepreeentatioas wade. and strictly ose price Ladies' and Gents' Tennis Shoes, at 11.00 and $1.25 °ire one s enll. and VIP will shots yeit our stock with pleasuno whether you buy egragt. E. DOWNING, Crabb's Block. ear. East sr. sad Sunny& TRS TRAVIS- -Loather and Findings in any quantity, at Lowest Prima Oeiterich. Susie Ind ION UM - FOR SALE. Lot No. 868, on Victoria -at. in the Town of Goderich. Occupied by THOMAA This lot Is situated In a good part ef the Tows. It has etrossed thereon • li Wary helms, with stliebrA. *Idea has bass piloted kiwi.. awl Is la a neva stare or pea segrarili Olf $A I. Half week and bel - 1 Le sdt mWeleigar. aligretirfaillipaettLini apply to the usies• slam& 0 ARROW & PROT! Dirrsyr. ArilleatOvnisi Oudarke. aria ea. MIL (001:31CIRICIK PLANING MILL litfirl A SLIMMED III Bichalan,Lawson Robins isserovaceenans er Sash, Doors & Blinds 1110•1,011111 III *u. nr111011 eV Lumber, Lath, Shiniles builder's inetertal of .very AwereWpgiss. NNW 1!Ti IIKVAI.T1. W A Ilis!rke 80101111rAna. 94g rt 4.44*". 7,1 IF 1,A,7 or,A, A.C'11.11 040, Goderieh. April 711. 550. l\CLTINTRO_ 1111- Limper and Haberdasher. D Fulmer! & Floc! Gulls Jest liteseives at the Medical Hall vir F. JORDA N. and trill be wild at Priest to suit the Hard Thom Call ass me them before malign/ your etirrhoww P. JORDAN Medical Hall Goderich. PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWtiER AT RHYNAS' TX= TDIZT...TC4-431-1.19T.. eu, y.6.1