HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-17, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 11187. SPEW, .1111101113 Dry Goods 11.1111&1111 OFFER SPECIAL V•LUS ia the fellswieg Gets& DRESS GOODS, PRINT, GINGHAMS, MUSLINS. EMBROIDERiES, PARASOLS. HOSIERY, AND GLOVES. &LSO RAROAINS IN WHITE AND GREY COTTONS SHIRTINGS, COTTONADES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, AND TOWELING. . Spetial Alterman gives to the TallOrn Dopartmolit TINEOS CUT OUT FREE OF COMMIE. Mr Itopection invited. INTOooda show. wan 91M111111Te. J. A. REID & BRO., entan's Block. Court House Square, aoderich 96tb May. 17. entoty New Adeew1bmisseeies1111. Week. Atillieery-Mra Pie Show Coming -T. IL Reek. Lime ! -Rambler IP Backer. Look here ! -Co!borse Bros. Furnished house to rent -Bear tit Heiiiidaid Wall ter sae -L n Si Mewl. The sepal se aseemdmi mis semis @str- ained to the comical sad edopted. Panto& of It. M Raw an others of the tows of Ciento., paying that • Fidler'lames be greeted to W. Morns el Clattom fees of charge, was read, and the payer of the pentium greeted. +Dainty treasurer's stateemeat of cash ea hand available to meet earned ex paws, was reed $od referred to Aimee. communes. Om maims the council adjourned to meet at fuur o'clock p. el. 4 o'clock p. The wooed resumed the warden ia the chew. Report of the eipudisatitio committee was road. Moved in amendment to the report by Y. Rate, secunded by John Cox, that the equelmatiou of the townships re- main the sante as last year. poo the names being adled fur there voted for the amendment Meson Kay, Halls, Gw- yn), Campbell, Pollock, Kelbtleasch, RADOM, 11 Elber, Whitely, Duren, Cox, Johnston, C. Elba, Itatz,Torrence, Biseitt, Cameron and Rollins -18. For the report -Moan Anderson. Scold, Britton. Taylor, Roes, Hays, McMur- nom Oliver, Howe. Thotnue, Stuthers, tlriftin, Milo., Bryan., McPhersou, Sanders, Strong, Wilson, McIntosh, Girvin, Jingoes, Gledhill. Cook, Kaly, Bock, Wray, Meerut en, Matinioit, Keine and McIndoo-30. The amend- ment was lost by • majority of 1? when the report was agaiti submitted to the waned and carried. Moved by H. Elba, seconded by A. Campbell, that the following word e be added to clause 8 of bylaw No. 1, of 1887, •Oind such licensee shall produce for inspection whenever required so to by any constable or other officer of the peace, acting loped for the said county of Heron, and- that the treasurer du eotify the clerk of ..ch municipality a the names of licensees who have obtained • been.. each mont W. -Carried. Moved by Dr Rollins, secooded by W. Scott that to remove doubts the sellers or pedlers of fresh fish be eoempt from the operation of bylaw. No. 1 for 1887. Carried. On nsotioa the Ought o'clock. p.m. .1t11e couocil the chair. Supplementary report of the finance committee was reed and adopted. Bylaw No. 4, 1887, ellualizing the assessment rolls, was read and pseud. Bylaw No. 5, 1887, to nose the wes- t, rate, was read and passed. Bylaw Ni. 6, 1887, to raise SA elk •71): lent to the leguilauve school groat, read and mased. Bylaw loo. 7. 1387, authorizimg warden and treasurer to borrow_rawaey for county purposes until the taxes an collected, was read sod pawed. Moved by Dr Rollins, seconded by W. G. Bleat, that this council do Dow 110jOUrti till the first Thursday in De- cember next st 3 o'clock p.m. lilloved in aniendment by A. Camp- bell, seconded by Y. W. Johnston, thet tbis council do now adjourn to elect on the first Wednesday of December next. l'pen the names being called there voted for the amendment Messrs. Kay, Halls, Hays, Ross. Stothers, Griffin, Thonsson, Bryant, Oliver, Campbell, ff. Girvin, McIntosh, Pollock, H. Either, Johoston, C. Eilber, Whitely, Rats, Keine, McCracken and Britton -21. For the motion -Messrs. Anderson,Tay- COUNTY COUNCIL.- - Matter* Before the CouhoillagZU t he Julie Beasion. The iguerlea or Amradmiest tonne Manta er.' 'sad ringlets' Bylaw •pplieseeng fer Brinier Repairs - Diertallaftrelle Illatiers. TEPID DAY. Thundsy, June 9. Tne eouncil ma pursuant to adjourn- ment, the wardeu in the chair. All the members were preeent. The minutes of Wedneeday were read and approved. Petition of James Timeline and others, praying that the hawkersand pedlers' bylaw be raised to F.100, was read lino reterred to the special cistutnittee. Report of the oounty auditors was read and referred te the finance commit- tee. loiter from Mr Ransford, in refer - woe to a portion of road on 1st con., \ H. R. survey, was read and referred to \anance committee. Lotter fern Mr McDonald. clerk of the coufity court, requesting to furnish a clock fur his office, was read and referred tti demote committee. $62; James !aerie, $3 41; J. C. Dealer, $0.00; Framer & ruiner, evationen fur 16.16; etseiamen fur clerk, WWI Illa•NCII COMM/TTIIRS SLITELSISIANT•111 AKPORT. Your amusing* boas emunimed the meemsges lakes lig the comity treasurer for Imes slam Ism enema% of the council, and lied al things opinion - ed therewith perfectly satisteetery and telly esdureed by the somity solicitors. Your cosmattese have easseased the socursties of the country newsmen sal lied the bonds and ntortgages in pus - suasion of the county clerk; the amenity bang the sante as has mated Ive the put two er three years. Reousemood that the regent of the county auditors be accepted, adopted and printed 1. the inieutes. That the request ol D. McDonald, shark of county open Mr &tat Ake, he out grained. On the mutton of Mr. Torrancento give mad COMM Isa1011ef es per day and mileage while in attendance at county council, reoosemeod that it be adopted, said paymeot 1 begin at cosessience- meet if promo session. On communication of R. Rumford, of (3inton, asking settlement for land D ud as nod in vicinity of Clinton, that no notion be taken et present, but that the road onounissioner be instructed to report to the council on the matter at the next ineetinc. The eetimated expenditure for the current )ear, amounting to $45,358.06, exclusive of the equivalent of the legin laded school grant, requiring a rate of 11 on the dollar, on the equal• anneismed of the county, have beerarernived and considered, and we recominend that • bylaw imposing the above rate be passed. We also recommend that a bylaw be passed for the purpose of raising a sum equivalent to the higislatit• school grant. We recifxra:d that the statement of the coup urer of cash io hand to meet cement expenditure be printed in the mina.. ; and that the statement of estimated expenditure be also printed in the minutes. That the following accounts be paid : William Parsons, removing tee at brides between Hay and Stephen, 11; 0. N. Davis, 4,81'; Itunciman Bros, 12 43; Huron News Ree"rd, $6, Brussels Post, 13,50; G. N. Davis, jail supplies, $11.56. Your committee ars surprised to learn from the treasurer's report that the whole or any part. 1ho fines imposed soder the Canada Tetnpennee Act of 1878, have not been paid to him as the hor requires, and we huil that while the bosom commissioners are very persist- ent and demanding from the council certain large autos of money to defray supposed expentes fir the enforcement of the raid Act, they have failed to pay the nese to the county treasurer, or to amount tor mud fines in any estimates made to the council. J. A. ROLLINS, CHAIRMAN. TREASURER.» sTATZKRNT. G tont te - 1 submit herewith Maternal.: of the collectiorui from non- resident between Jan. lat .td April 30, 1887 Also a statement of cash on hand. available to meet current expenditure. Sicce the January meeting there has been invested in real estate mortgages the som of $16,750. Them mortgages will be laid before your finance com- mittee. It will be necessary to borrow money to meet expenditure before the taxes ere paid. You will therefore please pass ei bylaw granting that power to the extent of 120.000 to the warden and treasurer. I bag to inform you that 1 understand • considerable sum of mootry has been recovered throogh infractions of the Canada Tatmeranos Act. No portion of this money has been paid over to me. although by an Order-iu- Council paired at Ottawa on the 15th day of Nov. 1886, it was ordered that all fines, penalties, &c., recovered under this Act shall be paid to the treasurer of the city, town or county, as the RIM easy be. WIC Houma, Co Tress. one laalidocr LAE) cOLERCTIOlin. Following are the collections free oat -resided laede advisee January let and April 30, 1887: Ashlield, $17.86; Goderich township. $12.96; Grey. $276. 31; Hay. ro 25, Howiek. $6.06; Mor- i* $38.25. McKillop, $168 13; Stanley, 1166.46; Stephen, $20.32; Tockassitto $27.58; Turnberre, *46.37; Usboroe, $3;g9; lust W a wanneh, $19; Blyth, $6.76; Brussels. $27 17: Exeter,. $2.08; Wroseter, $22.52. Total, $1.4401,06. ROAD C0M11141111110NRR4 RETORT. 0INTLR1111RN, -I beg to submit to you this the second report for a. year 1887. The Souble bride° on the lake road be- tween the tewnahips of Hay and Stettin is ie completed, and now in see, and I expect the others will be reedy in an. modules with contract. With regard to the Bearer Meadow bridge, Mr Fenaell, having refused to proceed with it, the contract was gives to I.. Hardy, accord- ing to his tender. I nal sorry to retort that the spring freshet hes doe. consid- erable damages to your bridges. First, it entirely destroyed an important bridge situated on the boundary lone between East and West Wewsnosh, Imam es Helpe bridge. As directed hy the war. du and his otamatittee we have let • contritct to have this bridge built at an early data. It ie to he a goemi strong seder hedge, 266 fen long and 18 feet wide. The contract was lot to Wm Kin- esid,of Winghava,for the sum of $2,270. Holmeseille bride* was considerably injured and one pier was driven down stream about its length. I oot it repair- ed in a weaponry manner until tit* wat• er will he lower and warmer, when it will be Pecuniary to repass the pier. Mafteltester beide,* wss also injured by some stoats beam besskon 011 01 the up. arum end id the pier, end will need to be repaired The south abetineut of thts bridge is being appereetly slowed in temente die streams 1 would resseesand il adjourned to $ o'clock p.m. the warden in Retort of the raid and bridge commit- I lod Soott, Windom Milne, BrIcPberson, Wawa. reed and adopted. 1 Saunders, C. Giren, Stroom Wilson, Report of the finance committee was McMurchie, Torrance, Kabflepicoh, Hen- reid. nie, Reck, t;ox. Howe, Wray, Blunt, Moved by Jos Beck, seconded by Jim A. Gledh111, in amendment to the fission committee'. report, that the name w .ausima Bishop be struck out, and that the name of Frederick Linfrold be Mart - ed instead. Carried on • division by a sjority of 4. The tome-% as amended we. submitted to the council aud adopt- ed. Moved by Chaa Durnin, seconded by R. S. Cook, that in the event of auy ap- peal by any municipality from the equal. nation of the sesessmeata for the cur - rut year, that the Mud equalisation of the assessment rolls shall 8. 1.11 to the decision of the county judge -Carried. Moved by John Torrance, s000nded by Arch Campbell, that the road com- missioners be instructed to enesin• Boa- not:khan bridge and have it repaired, as the east aid of it is settling -Carried. A number of aceouota were rerayed and referred to finance cononittes. Moved by Jobe Torracce, seconded Illy John Pellock, that the road coon isaissiour receive two dollars per day and mitoses, when late:idiot st the temincd meeting. Referred to finance committee. Moved by Arch Campbell. seconded by J. C. Kalbfleish, that this commit memorialize the Lieut. -Governor -in - Council, asking that the law regarding sun fencoe be amended so that each individual petting up • proper wire fence along any public highway will be allowed to enclose six feet a mid biehway in lieu et • Minus. Action deferred uutil Decembee meeting. On motion auncil adjourned to meet c• Frith" at ten n'clock ..m, 00HRTII DAT, Friday, June 16. The enamel eet pursuant to adjourn- ment. the weldor in the chair. All the members premed. Mieutes of yesterday wen and and aireopot. of the jail amTeinitetillati cati. mine* was read and adopted. Report of the school containss wiis road and adopted. Moved by A. McMurchy, seconded by A. H. Manning. that 0.0. E. Pay he appointed high school triton for the town of Clinton, in place of Richard D. Bayley, who has rreigned -- Canted. Report of the spootal committee WaS read. No change was made moept in the coos of Clinton, which was Mermaid be 090,000 Mend by Anh. Campbell, seconded 87 W. Wine, that the raport 1.,1 the opened sossinittu boo innevided by etnk ooe ebe asset poison te the hawkers' and bylaw The amendment wee sensed us • diviaioa by a majority .1 3. Moved be amemedisient te the amend- ment by F. W. Johnston, 010013441i1 by A. Mannint, thei rect be SOP ended My Axing the busies at Vet imet en • divistosi by a of 2. 000446116 Cook, Kelly, Manning, Rollins, Derma, Jaolues, and Gledhill. The motion was carried by a majority of 5. FINAN4‘R iOns1TTER'4 REeORT. The finance committee beg to report as follows : In the matter of the petition of Mr Nairn and others in reference to Chas. Lingard, an indigent insane person of village if Centralia, township of Ste- phen, recommend that said Lingard be accepted as a ward of the county, and Stephen members be empowered to make parisionis for his maintenance till next seamen of council, (rn the bills horn license commis eaters for enf meat of Canada Tem - raAct in , West and South rer,- f Sig to newly $4,0004 recommend that the deemeds be not paid, and that the items of the Tutees bills be printed in the minutes. On the two applications received for eounty &domino° to agr.coltural 3nlielE• as • free studeut, recommended that W. Russell Bishop, of the township of Grey, be th. appealss of this coupcil foe the position. On the application of the jailer, turn- key and matron, for monthly payments of salary Instead of quarterly, recono mend that the reduest be granted. On the application of Fraser & Por- ter, to supply books for registry Ake, that P. Adamson, county clerk, be folly empowered W deal with the purchase of said books. On applintiaa el jailer, for shirts end pillow -slips fot MS, that the request be granted. That the applicatinn of Col. Otter, for $10 for Ontario Ride Association, be granted. 'That the letter and statement of county treasurer be both primed in the minutes, and that a bylaw be passed authorising warden and treasurer to borrow any sum to the extent of $10,000 to meet current expenses. On the •ecount of L Moore for $21, work on Belle bridge, certified by 0. Elliott, that te• committee haring no information in regard to bill, and tlist 11 e work professed in be done in 1885, that it be not paid at present. That the following amounts he paid : James Davie, caretaker of Blyth lockup, *20; Matron Dickson. for making dresses. $4 Mn Hugh Campbell, for indigent's board, Id weeks, $45: John Ansley road orinonissineer, for mot cards and telegraphing, $4; Hunan Son that the earth now against it be removed NALL ID 50; .1 Barker, trwr keep of and'. in order to provost it gam farther. The trent. $42 60; Seaforth Devotee, foundation of the Hayfield brides will 11166 23 ; William Acheson, 71 cents, need so be partly renterwerl. se obese of Reaforth irrevoitsw, *7; Praia & Pon the old towhees are VIVI mach tionsparl. tee, $2 66 . Gerrie ?edited. $6 00 ; 1 eet some temporary repair, dose early Wig/gleam Tones, $11 80: Hugh MeGrat. 1. 18. spring to hold the hedge in its bin, $4: Hertel Erpointor, $11 SO Oen, plum soul it eisutd lee y repeured. Pettypieee, FM. Jewess Joeltina. $114.25; Clinton No., Era. $111: IC toter Toro., $6; Jelin Walker, so hp; 4 invent 1'4440, 113 69: Onderieh Star, 1880: Rad & Wilma, flea dtk, $1 90; James lora, se. is enevemient to the Weedily. I have bad! COUNTY COURT. For 8sle or lo Let. ' _ 7 the endow' Easter sod Bien Creek Wedges repaired, mid there ere modal Tee eases num. sie diem Lane sombor Weer bridges sad approaches which re 414 mom Are •pprois yule, some repairs donee the mosoo I summed the bridge over the Nin• Mile Bofors ilia Stoner Judge Tom% Rase, aad the hotiadary line bedroom TIRNT Want Wairanneh sad Aahfield, on the , lab day of May. It appears much 1 Tuesday, Jan 14. entree thee it did last winter. The taus- I Coarf nP•0011 by P"'cladaan°11 " 12 her is very miedi decayed. 1 *mild oulocl. noun- reeoutrarend thin it be rebuilt as moo as pensibito end that it be of one open. 60 lest is Hie clear, the barna°. to he filled with earth and seem The old bridge Pow is 120 feet king. May 24148 1 ea - &mimed • Midge on the bounder, be- tween the townships of Stephso and Ile Gillivny. It suds considerable repairs, and should be atteaded to as soon as possible. I hare notified the °omens - unser of Midilesex of the matter J us* 4th I examined the bridges ou the gravel road. South of Winetiain, known as the Prairie bridges. Three of thus should ,15.- • *.i: -as, The smith shaman the Elenessia bridge will weed to be extended be ea to hold the apemen ; it wee ef nether and is decayed and falling easy 1 amen le heel bettor he reboil% of don, he etose 1 After the grand jury had been ion pimpled, his lordship eldreased them upon the cases that would come before than. The Scott Act oases of Peed., v. Ms - Bade Paulo, v. Cox, Pulley r. Bailey, Yenta •• McBride (three emem), and Miller • &Ireton dame on before the court. Eziontion was taken to the junedietton the court by detendaatio and a postponement was &eked for maul such time 11111 the objection ae to the legal- ity of the bets, now peados( at Ointiodie Hall, was nnally &snood of. After Ull1RNISHIRD HOUSE TO RENT r rim el'hOellot 00111W11-• fur house °salami's1 ten wean'. ad* lantlitt d rums... nu • uenonl pert air the WINS. r/.14: ;tonsures address VOX thl, 10162t II )1'8111 AND TWO LOro CT( 14 • 11 Auras -on Painstifslismst. Hew taw, 7 moor . goad stateie. •ii good reps& r . Write *mho:4. Irry parliesInns apply to E.- It. '11 ArtION. rtilikker, 14 if thitieneb. LIARMs FOR SAL/C - IN THE l' TOR SSHIP OF 001/EltION. Hume ennui., Lot 11 &a tbe3r4 aed 1 1 la the rh 0„." oesetes. Tau of the best WA sem farms 111 the comity. A erring Greek Deem through. Neer ly all cleared. (hely 3 miles from tto. Town of Omission. fear fun mir partiotlaur• address W. Al. HINtlia, Pro-niarrue. Dahl tioderitelb P.O. UtiR SALE 1)1+ TO RENT- 00013 r ai te, 11111 on Igeletiot,_. oesseDo Seirei be's prolog mill 10 mesas Therm& ty erbauled •nal repaired. ready for Wet wary. or will exchenre ter • 1111101ter WINS be rebuilt this season. Two of them are argument had been heard. his honor AP1117 lw Rim r Rkl 1. unierloh. about 24 tat long each, and the other I donde" to PoldPonst the "I" lr*r 4 A ov ACV F.,8 or LAND -CLAY present. I LOAM 116 acree free of at 111111'01411 DAT. Mlles tram li..deehth on Late Wee- • 411.- w.dnesday.J0,1•coicoTege frayseutlelLnersw mll la tm...irisr • Court opeoed at 9 ...dock penman% to jet I...steers pas per &CIT. Mit f&I PAT11011111/1 0E0. F: F:114Eltil ALL, Ogden*. about 100 feet lone. May 2018 1 met Mr Cores, onismasioner for the comety of Perth, at MoleewortIc We examined the bridges in that seetion of the boun- dary, sad ordered eine small ninon to lkiJournmeta•- be made. With regent to the new Sprague r. Willed -An appeal against bridge to be erected on the boundary einviction II1T breach id Cared* Tem- TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FUR J., dee is tee mimetic. of AshOtIR lin. between the township, a ejoed gee perance Act. Scott for plaintiff ; Cent- si., the anentimioner stated that their Pion for defoodent. The jury returned ootoeinine tos arm: aro oin. In Leal Wawa- oatiehalf the cost id the bridge, and that was allowed by his honor, with costs. rot, ern the °outran for the said bridge be let Steel ct id V. McMillan -Action ior - --:--- as won Oath. boundary was opened and beard and sitendence. Cameron, Q.C., 111.41414.1R sAuLloCf. rs1 ha ko 111. *mbar street. web - ends • passible rued to the river, sutfi. and Denney for plff ; Gamow, Q.C., for mh id April I examined the bridge oil Street. $t . Andrew* N'ard. council was ready and willing to pen • verdict sustaining conviction. which (Fecsigin.t7=3 cleat for teams to haul Weds. On the defendant- sum brkli column- illerrOn. HVILO111111 Loa. IN. DE 344. 2111, M. carter ,,l Hum. and Britannia H. boundary line between Hibbert and room- I tory house 05 Keir. Wrest. lot Tuckersmith, opposite the 301 con., foaled it WINN, and ordered some sup - porta to be put under it. The bridge is about 52 feet long between the abut- ments. The abut/mean are of nous, and quite sufficient for • wooden brides. The old door can be need on a new bridge. I would recommend that it be rebuilt .5 100 as possible, with • order trues bridge. 1 have reported this bridge to the cionniissioner of Perth. At the registry offiee.Godench, a small onet- ime'. be required added to dm end of the on. now there, nu about 8410 feet. The windows of the courthouse need repairiug ; there are also otone little defects in the roof, esve-troughs and conducting pipes. I would recom• mend thanthe whole of the wnod-work of the exterior of the building be re- painted: also the halls in the building The &mama of money required for bridges and approaches, and repairs to the county buildings for the year 1987, so far as I can estimate at this dew will not exceed $14.000. June ANSLIT, 00. 0001missionar. REPORT Or JAIL AND cOURTHOUSE t'ONI• 'turret. We have visited the jail and found everything ciesin and in good order. We footed twelve prisoners confined in the jail -8 males and four females. 01the eight males tire are insane ; of the re- maining three, one is a vagraut, one is under eenteoce for attempted suicide, and the third is waiting trial, females, one is insane, one is • vagrant. and one is awaiting trial for concealment of birth,and une for aiding and &bottom the 11110111. We would recommend that the fence around the' outer yard at jail be put in • proper state of repair; also theethe. door be repaired in the dining room of ! jailer's residence; and also test the outer door of one of the ward's be re- paired, and that a portion of the 'amid floor at landing be repaired. We would recommend that a coal - house be built at the registry odic., as recommended by the :ounty engineer. We would also recommend thet the courthouse be repaired by giving the wood -work on the outside two coats of paint, and wtadows puttied and repaired where necemary, that the hall inside receive one coat of paint, and that the defects in the roof, save -trough. mid conducting pipes be repaired. W. Omega, Charms's. REPORT OP ROAu AND RILIDOR OOMMITTBE. On the report of John Anal went, road commissioner, we mead that it his adopted, with th• ception of the clause referring to the rernatry office and court house, which wee detached and handed to jail and courthoue coalmines. That the motion of Wm. Milne, with referee°. to Henfryn bridge, be adopted and pnnted in the minutes, flat the motion of B. 8. Cook, with refasten to bridge be - tweet' Howick and Wallace, be adopted preyided a. county of Perth pay half. %Tunas( Mimi, chairman. introit Or 511001. AND PRINTING COM- MITTS/L. Your isononittes bee to report.. fol- lows :-TNA the resignation of R. D. Bayley, from the Clintou high school board of trustees be accepted. That in penman.. of me. 82. chap. 49, of 48,1.., Ont., this waned do appoint Isaac F.; Toms, judge of the county of Huron, J. E. Tan, couoty inspector, and Peter Adamson, arbitrators to consider the petitton of Donald Cornering and others, mane( to school section in Colborne township. We recommend that the report of D. M. )Ialloch, public school inspector, be adopted and printed in the minutes. F. W. Joimeros. chairman. &arose or SPIcIAL COMMITTER We remoniniend that the hawkers' and oodles' bylaw be amended by fixing the license foe at MO. In reference to the motion of H. Eil- bor. asking for the amendment of the hawkers end podia.' byte., we ream- t mend that the following words be added I to clams R. "and such licensee shall pre - duce such Hogue for inspection when- ever minded to do en by any constable eils miter °Geer of the peed". dieting 10 and for the mid einnty of Heron," and that ear clerk do notify the clerk of each manicipalitstetdhe names of liesimess who have 0 • been...each maith. We reoneioneed that tho mane! do nomosnalies Hie DO111101011 I loverevaest ae requested by the county atioeil of the county 04 Ontario in their circular anted Feb 21. 18147 Joanne WRIT'S'', elisinesit Dungannon. -- Is the agitation for sidereal:a over yeti We hope nut. Miss West, of Lucknow, is the goat of Miss Minnie Thomption. dos week. Rev. W. F. Caruphell as returned front conference. We are sorry to report Mr Treleaven on the sick list. We hope soon to see hie. out again. A very note idee of celebrating the jubilee year has been suggested to ue. Mts. Treleaven, of Ashfield, has com- pleted a crazy patch -work quilt attest- ing of a very costly material which she intends sending as. julotee arming The Queen, !non the ladies of Huron. Is not dos enterprising+ CHILDRIN."--Mr John T. Middlerenore, the founder of the Or- phan Children's Emigration Charity, Louden, Ont., left Liverpool on tee 10th inet, an the 8. 8. Lake Ontario, with • party of 50 girls and 100 boys, between the ages of 3 and 20 years, who are brought out lo this country for adoption or hire, chiefly atuorig farmers. They are expected to arrive at the Guthrie Home, near the city, on or stout the 2301 inst. This will be Mr Middle innree 15t8 annual visit to these shores with stivenile emigrants from Bieniirig".'" ham, England, since 11172. Already mane applacat ions acconipabied with emit references have beer. made for the child- ren expected to arrive, but more are re marred. Further particulars rdav be ob. tained by addressing MR. H. Manager of the Guotris Hume, London, Ont. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE LYE ainaslat of Private Fun& for taw...meat The steam barge Belie Wilson. lumber ot lowest rates os eristodusliortemees Aral laden. arrived at 6 o'clock Wednesday toGARM)w t PRoultrmer and 1.111•041 set eral luta in Real* darvey. opposite new Arias Ilroun.lis. viz. Now 4. 11. II ra. R. 54. It . All tbe aboi o at LOW HATiDt1 Alp0 tu DAS-IRON k JOHNSTON. FARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR sALF.. Ecr wore &MT -Trustees of the Estate of the late loSEPH HER ft. offer few sale the f°o17711o‘tirblerr"‘h:O4431.obiunbe4&dI, in he Ton of rdenb. of an acre eah. Veldt fenced. rod %cry desirable for building par °Pert:610dr rrirh, being part of 1.1 3 in the Mop - acre 1,6* fronting Mill Reed. Township land 1'ot...ration of AMA TOWRIBION. Nice Franr Connote nod Frame Stable. Lot neether 3. South side a Millar street. Drummer.. i of as acre. small frame dwell*, g. Ruildirog lads numbers 303 and OM. in the Tows of Clinton. ! of an a* re eech. Bea ti fully attuned on truth bide of Hume street. re4ThrlItastir•tacilli Of Lc: 22, con. lc West Victim sash. 100 acre*. goon land. 50 acres claimer+ and Jeered. remainder Illiabsrod. About 1 front oucimour and 6 miles from W Laic Orr mods. F • further particulars S 10 Barrister. Gmleekth Svc 4. Mt watt s - Loans sae inenrame. •I ARK STILL L4h141NO PRIV- Pus 114 P.. meat. Strahno loans. lost -rem payable yearly. Thom fleet, aug tomeduce Wear rate of Interest should can or write for part ',Mars. :ICAO ER & LEW DI. OPGII Goer rich. _ 500,000 TO WAN. APPLY To ‘tv CAMARO SI' HOLT &CAMERON, Hede 1755 ht The schooner Carter arrived with lumber for W. C Dimennoo Wednesday night. timiertela Reported by Telephone from Harter 34111s.1 GODLItical. Jun. 141. memorial) 'bush .... es se dm ge • • • Wheat. itiprtugl bee& .• Wheat. Womb) 5bush Flour. 1.1115 cwt. ., Flour. Mixed, ewe ... lemur. tiltrotor bakers. • min - Flour. marmot) per. ...... Peas. 11) bush ................. Potatoes. le bank ..... .......... ftatrara emsashell 0 .. . _ Tb. schooner near eneastreeSeet8. ran 111 ton Chopped Stuff. times ..... ...... 0 00 " 05. Noreenair - •• • • • • • • 050 '' 05. woad 2 50 ' 3 OD Rider- SlieseskinP.. ...............: -.............. I 40 tee '''' 0 1 TM above/tour prime ore to dealers at mill. 75 55 10 34 tri 11 13 11 12 Dentistry. NB3B0LsoN. DENTAL ROOMR. Eighth door below the Pon Cam. Ward.. 00011111c11. ty ART L WOOLY!! RTON, L. D. X. VY • O35oe-0441 Fellows Hall. North St., Ooderleb. changes moderate. All work war. taw watractiee of teeth. raeuet. Oas or Vitalized Alt idles fliers - the _people's tolumn. . SUMMER WOOD FOR SALE A large quantity of 11U111111111T Are wood, con- sisting of short hemlock slabs and headier writings at frown 51 to $2.50 a load. • pply to •It0. N EIRERO A L, 101 2mo Onderleh anti 0-anlop F.o. _ BE FOR SALK 1 'win supply a swami of Bret -eras bTRPlil hem for 94. provided the parties requirtag them supply empty hires. PETER FIAHER. 21011-4t Renabiller P.0 pint SALE -A PH/ETON AND • R. RIT 0, SINGLE HARNESS is Orstatie ciemlltlea. at see -half the original sok Apply to DR. IleMICRIlle. t1411141 NoTTCE 18 HEREBY OWEN FOR- RIMINI. *allele= Parchallisel_lbfa *5*. CAM ALLIoli horse frost JAmari BAILEY so It Arere't t.15.11y belong to Itaihre tsr 41hoe not bees paid tsr. *150 .57 perms lagebted to the hue CASE ALLAN Some PhY ep sod tare mow , 54r1 NW PAS! ALUM. - FARMERS' ATTENTION The undersigned want Sr*, (10•21111/ Hemlock Sark. for *Ilk h the highest cash pone eon he laid. Ririe, It to the godoete& Tansery and got yew eash. W. r 5 A. 41411T11, Aellevieb. Noy Rh. 1557 4 ranee ire s Arytime"telyir meg: rowed to 810.-1121118 COOKE, AFTER 14 eeeneeb• immor. SHORTHAND. -ISAAC PITMAN'S rnowooitArisr. Tamest popular 41174:0.4:iton, 45 1. alliteamalAld girierteZhIstrbey ear "Llr:4:1,7 • Nor- . • k! L SEAGER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGZNT. orricR emeriti, ceibente Note, Ooderieb. ' Riau takes at LAW F -ST RATES in the fel Porta. firer class Cosnasalas: The Loudon ASSOTAI1,41 -Established 17H. The National.of It-el/tad -Incorporated ISM Rand•is-Haod The only Oempany autherts ed to insure Plate Ohms isCamoda. !federal Life .taattresoe Co. Illoosea's Plea 1..44 R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCS, REAL ESTATE ARP MONEY LOANING AGENT. Only Pfret-elaas V•utpalefes Represesteet Mosey le Lead coo straight loans, 1*18. lowest rate a interest goingin any vroy to suit tI. oorrower. sir o Irma - &woad door hoes equoto. West street. Oeiderich. 1111.41 "AAAAT0LOAN AT 6 PI'S CENT. THE TORONTO OneilltRAL Tfttntint OTT arePri5Srsd te loan came, ate per oteL.P1111 tbi5h1fy.ai4y.a TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, e. arstaass farm security. App., • t ....1ERON. HOLT & CAMERON. Barnet Clederich. Agents for the Tensor General • 00% KART& CAMERON. HOLT & Cunneen ham also • large areoast or pirate heels to Re is Ilrot-cieee tam Ooderieb. Oet.4, WI& 1114141 $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To kw es farm and torn progeny, at Pew est teleran. 11110,10•410116 purchased. No omit- rzon eherged sweats tar tbe Tryst mei Lose e paw, of Canada, the Capolls Landed Credit Compeay. the Leaden Loan nonisamy of Coped& house. t Mud t me esem. 34.8 Borrowers as 18441* MOW la Owe deo. if ntle aatlstaetary. DAVISON & JOHNSTON. MS- Hamsters. *a. (Werke trauelting &titre. - - °RAND TRUNK *UT. Rh -prow Maud. Mize/. Choleric& I LT. I 7* 1115 p.m hie pm Stratford i Ar. COI a.so 4 3:114p.sa 1 7 *p.. "rem Mired. 152m1. 54 Stratford I Lv. I S*a. I 1:14 p.m I 4278a; Goderich I Ar. I Atli ain I 11.1410.m I irdigni Societies. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, A. 0. C. W.. e Worm in fltelr Loft* 'teem ever Ten Sweat. Oece. Ooderich, es the SECOND AND TOURTH MONDAYS OF EACH MONTH. - nINTTTNO BRETHREN ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. 8. P. HALLS, N.A. REIM PRICE, It W. Irlearreter 0. W. THOMPSON, 1111-ly heemeher. Auctionsmini, -.MCP OHM KNOX, 0111211tAL AOC- TIONERR and Land Valved*, ailleva ont n. rt. whit had eeraiderahle crejorlase• ails1lan.get1h1"rna..ar"ro"" r.N4.T°16 ilm • 4118 t :te e 4= Floel. ore/Pt bNgP0 arotuty atI1jsy 1 Gm*, Auetieeterr. .4) .4 4, ). 4