HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-10, Page 81 ZS • THE HURON SIGN;.L, FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1 • COUNTY vut: N k Matters Herons the Couuein 3re at I the June Session. Tar genwileis el lisweatiment Melte hawk- er& road reale"Silas. -lippltesiliois Foe Menstse hey inrs metier, Flin' DAV. Tuesday, 7, 1m7. Thcouncil met pursuant mijoitlrii- meet, the ward,, .1, the chair. The Minutes of Mn f Jenteary !Meeting were lead apprtstl. The wit...tett eildreord the ceunctl, Matter/ that the cougraie story address to the Queen, ..rdered • ifse bad been forwarded ; end els.. that the patitior, pravoig [Nat io. portion ter - 'quoit be taken from the county if Hu rim for the format, io of' a now county ; that lin nu beteg infortned ny the clerk that Help* bridge was earned away by the he summoned the warden a committee together to tak• steps to replace it, aud they rec ..... 'imita- te! that a vr.lar be erected, orlisch will be completo,i I. the 15•11 of July next A cominuoi mi. -on from .1 3 Hawkins. in reference to 1:rsiitforil & Late Erie R 11 charter, was read and ordered to be bled. The retort a M Mallncli, inspector of public schools, s isa reed and referred to srliool commit! et. A carto:i.,r fro,,. the cruet, council of t linear., in referetim to the Dow ttttt on Giovernment maintaining the rclunteer force in • proper *tate of efficiency, was read, and refected to &peels! committee. A letter rogue...11y the t ap. poirt a high school triose for Clinton, in piece of Mr Ileyley. who has resign- ed, wall read and referred t finance committee. A potitiou from D. Comuiinit and others of the township of Colborne, in reference to the formation of a new school section, was road and referred to the school committee. A petition from T Nairn and others, in reference to one Charles Lingard, of the village of Centralia, an insane and indigent p .rs-ii, was read and referred to finance committee. An application from license commie - "dopers of West Huron, for 61,172.64, tosturds enforcing the Scott Act, was read and referred to finance committee. An application from license commis- sivoner of Eaet Huron, for $1,381,42 towards enforcing the Scott Act, was read and ieferred to the fioance com- mittee. Applications from W, Russell Bishop ,f Grey, and Frederick B. Lintield, of Colte rue, for adlintitaipii to agricultural college, were read and referred to the finance committee. A letter from J. W. Fergosoe, con- tractor, was read and filed. An application from the jailor. gast- rin and turnkey, that their ratlines be paid monthly Maimed of quarterly, was read and referred to the !insect com- mittee. An application from Fraser Porter to furnish the books required by the re- try oflioe,was read and referred to the finance oommittee. An application from the jailor for clothing, &c, for the prisoners, was read and referred to the nuance committee. An application from Lieut.-C..I. Otter for • grout of $10 to the Ontario Rifle Association, was read and referred to the finance committee. Moved by F. W. Jidinst•.n, seconded by P. Kelly, that this c,tivicil do now adjourn to meet tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. m -Carried. SiefiNI, l. ‘Vednesday. Jane 8. The onuncil met iinritiant to adjourn- ment, the warden in the chair. The minutes of yesterday were read and approved. A petition from Albert Sage and 2150 others, praying that the fee f.,r a hawk- er& and pedler& licesee be mitred to $200, and that the hawkersand pedlers' bylaw of 1887 be amended accordingly was read. Moved by A. 14 Manning. secoeiled by M 0. Cameron, that the hawkers' and pedlers' bylaw he amended by raii- ing the license fee from the present S. um to WO per snout& Referred to epeeist committee Moved by C. Either. eeconded by J. A Rollie's, that By-law No. 1. 1887, be amended by lidding thereto that it shall he lawful for any justice of the peace, constable or peers officer famine jun. (fiction within the county, to seize and detain any person or persons who shall be found tradin.: as provided hy said By- law No. 1, of 1887, who shall refuse or negleet to prodooe his license when re ouired so to do, and to carry before thc neat er any justice of the peace within the said county. to be dealt with sword- ing to the provisions of clause 9 of the said Bylaw No. 1, of 1887 ; and that said amendment shall coin* into fore. on .lan 1st, 1688. Referred to special com- mittee. A oommuniostioo from the seeretery of pebLe board of school trustees, of Watchers, rensatainft the council to fur. rondo diplomas for those pupils who pase the entrant!" examination, vow read and referred to the (inane. committee. An application from the license eons- miesioners of South Huron. tor01...."7.1 .11.1 to enforce the Scott Act. was read and referred to tisane* commit tee. A letter from the county treasurer, ae- corapanied by schedule ef collections on account of non-resident lands, was reed and referred to finence committee. Report of John Ain't'''. road commis. Mower, was read and referred to road and bridge committee. A petition from James McDonald and j others, of the townships of Morris. Grey asid McKilitip. praying that • hawkers and pedlars' licensee he granted to WEL Stewart, free of expense. as he it unable to work. The prayer of the petition woo• l ranted. Keyed by W. Milne. seerinded hy W. - Weer. thst the crusty engineer be te• streered to intanitee the bridge st Hee• fryn, ow the ti.eindary betweest Grey end Elena. and have the noversory he tea in ennjanotion with the ..winos* 01 tb• enenty of Perth. 'Whirred to Owl road mid bridge eommitti ...•••••401110. esemewevergeoppevemhe0011010. • -.0 Moved by B. S. Oink ••••eitrit W. Jacium, that 00 mad and ounousimo oar be Distrait's' to egiansome and repair bridge on the hweadary lam bets w cod Howick and Wallace, as it is in unsafe condemn. Referred to r.ad sod tondos° irinsinittee. A number of accounts were presented and referred to Demme ceininittee. Moved by John Coa, seconded by Jos Whitely. that persimmon b. gives to the municipal council of the township of tlndencii, to open a road from the Mait- land cenoession, through lot 38 in said MilICISIMIOIS to the rued leading to the bridge over ib. Maitland river to the township of Colborne, of • umform width .4 Let feet, pursuant to sec 646 to the Cousiolidated Act of 1883 Carried. Moored hy Jos. Whitely, seconded by It 5 Coal, that this mooned do now ...t- j,dita ti. inesit tomorrew at 2 i;cluek KINTAIL CALSDONIANIS. Tbe Iliamsea at Metall se Uay MOM The Volleying report of the Cando/l- ien geuma held at Kanto,' on May 24th, was in some unaccousitable• IiiMilittr de- tayed until too late for publtestion lest week. The rain early in the morning worlied somewhat against the attend mace, but the sports were good and the competitioe keen. Hon. A. M. Ross, Provincial Tressurer,and other resident. of Onderial. were preeent, and took am- siderable interest in the sports. The following is Tee rani LIST. Putting heavy atione--1, A Nathaniel', 34 ft 3 su ; 2, J D Murray, 31 ft ; 3, V Van,ruian. 30 ft 6 in Putting befit stone -1, R R McKen- zie, 43 ft ; 2, A Matheson, 42 ft 10 iu; 3 A McKenzie, 39 ft 2 in. W .,neorestnling -1, A Matheson, 2, I) Tb Vaulting with pale --1, A McKay, 9 ft ; 2, J McKeezie, 8 ft 6 iu ; 3, D Thomson. 8 ft 4 in. Tossing the caber -1, A Matheson, 44 ft ; 2.14 McKenzie, 39112iu; 3, R R McKenzie, 30 ft 6 M. Walking watch 1, George Kerr 2, A, McMillan. One hundred yard ram -1, W Math. - see ; 2, T Grundy ; 3, (1 Kerr and J Mc- Kenrie (tie). Stilt ra0e-1, 0 C D McKay ; 2, J McKenzie ; 3, J McGregor - . Old mens' rice --1, Ronald McDonald; 2, John McKay. Jockey, race -I, T Grundy sod George Kerr ; 2, A McKay sad C D McKay. Running hop step and lump 1, R A McKenzie, 39 ft; 2, J McIver, 38 ft 5 ; 3, W McNamara, 37 ft 6 in. Mess' Highlaod G Kerr; C 0 McKeozie. Girls' Highland 6ing-I, Hansa): Mc- Kenzie ; 2, I5e/1 Carrick ; 3, Jessie Mc- Kenzie. Girl.' Scotch feel- 1, JeMilabli Car- rick ; 2, Ball Carrick ; Jamie McKew ate. Boat race -1, R McKenzie and 11 Alton , 2, J McKenzie and D A McKay. 8hilleish exhibition -1, J McNamara; 2,E Johnston ; 3rd, W McNamara nediorlielb illarames gravelling *Woe. Semoleill by Telephone froot Harter Musk' Joao 9. 119 lidnat raiii Ibesk Wheat. trod winter, 1' bush Wheal. bush Wheat. moos& 0 bun. .. Flour. Ifalli 0 cwt. ... • neer. .,I..4u w met Flour, toning beim& 0 M cwt.. Vt..,. tpatean pre. cwt • .. Oats.. hush ......... XiS?. OMANI) T HI; NM 0000PI es, Kap_rtes. Mud. Mimed. 5. 0.. ,4,1./ in_ Godarttly I Le. 7A0 a to 111:16 p.m 316 goo •"r• 0 73 it 7 airettord ar.1 Sac • o. 3.1.e.re .. . 7. 1 10 vs 0 01' 110• 000 ixed. Karma - tient la, =1W &alNI eau II lLel p.we m OD In NMI ft 31 * d t5 I Ise Barley., hash 0 ifl 41 9 tI l'otetoos. 4105.8--..• • 56 • 0 IS HaY. flea o . 7 00 4 535 I Outter.eb ••••••• . 0 IT w uI, 11 elfru 414.. nkr-40.•"es..t I!.".. : .: •401,•,...•••.••••••• 13ftA3 n tlIIS•it0 Oe0Me lar 0 • • em cincoND AND FOURTH MONDA YS OF • •• •• •• •• •• •• . ......... 10 0 . EACH MONTH. Societies. t NCIENT WILIER Of UNITED WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE. No. 27, Meets ia their Ledge Room over Tits dIsMAl. 000u.. Goderich. on the TIM above *our prices are se dealer, al mill. VISITING BRETHREN A RS • LW A YE WELt 051E. 8 P. HALLS, M.A. REES PRICE, M. W. Financier G. W. THOMPSON, 1111184.7 Recorder. Dentistry. MrHICHOLSON, L D.& DENTAL It 0011111. Eighth Meer Meow the Post Olice. West -et.. tiolorniett. 3925-1y UT L Wt)OLVERTON, L. D. 8. 7 • tiMor Odd Fellows Haik_North St., tioderich. Chariot sooderatel work e ranted. Das or Vitalised Air mfoititain- less eittimetioe of Meth. s Domestics liant. IITANTED-OZNERAL SERYINT VI -No children liberal wages. APPII an once to MItel. A. lisiMLLIVRAV. 1.1 1! Palmerston.!. She People's Column. - Amusements. 1 ODERSCH MECHANICS' INSTi- t_1( TvTlit L1131211117 AND HEADING ItnoM. cur. of Lett street mid Square top Stairs. Open from 1 to 6 p.m., asd from 7 to II p.m. ABOUT '2000 VOL 5 IN LIBRARY Letshoy bei70, irernly and fIbliitreted Paper". .11•1t1:;11•3, ate., MS Aft. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY 411.66. "resting tree use of Library sad Readieg Room. Application for meintership received by Libraries. ia rooms. I S. MALCOM0ON. GEO. STI V liNo, President. Secretary. 411Mlerielli. March 12th. WEIL - SUMMER WOOD FOR SALE. Klagsbrlage. The following are the mimes of the six most successful pupils in their respective classes, iu K. 8. No. 2, Ashfield for May. The names are &mated in the order of merit: 6th class, Celia ()Connor, Annie Danes and Kate Prindeyill (equal), James Deltas, Mar- tha O'Neil ; 4th class, Mary Noble, Mary Hussey, Maggie O'Keefe, Maurits J. Dalton, -John Dalton, John Foley ; Senior 3rd, Hannah Dean, Mary Sulli- van, Lizzie Dalton. Jerry Datt011, Thos. Sullivan, John frOonnor ; Jon. 3ird,Ag- nee O'Reilly, Jae Dean, Hannah Dalton, John Carrell, Maggie O'Connor, Mary Griffin. OoLborna. Ostrusay.-It la Mir painful duty this week to chronicle the death of Robert Sallow., which took plum en the 6th inst. Deceased was born in Col- borne in 1839, and enjoyed excellent health until hist Febuary, when he was stricken with a severe attack of pleurisy, from whit& he never recovered. He was of • quiet disposition, and won the esteem ef a wide circle of trends. He was carnations until within a few uonates 01 his death, and died fully trusting in his Saviour. He leaves two daughters and one son, who have the heart- felt sympathy of the whole Community. COIONUNICATIQNS. We do viol held ammeters reeporielhie for the °Malone of or Ocarrespnadents Contribta tors lc thin tiWartiment envie cones, them selve• to pub& emotions. and be brief. The tow Bylaw. To the Editor of The eligsaL The people in the town seem to for get that there is • new Bylaw in fore*. If they find some 6ne morning that their cows are in the pound they need not be surprised. It is had enough to hams them running in the May, bet Wey should be abet up at eight. Years, &e., Ciessaut. The wife of J. W. Bell. M.P., ham re- ceived • letter from him at the Toronto Asylum. whish spooks of ha recovery of health and probable early return to hu boos. .i. At herstriae Wm. Duelop. ea the 00 .0 May, 1111117. tee wife D Lawson. of a mat. In beeburn. on Ove Ink a May. *Siff, die wife of W. Strochas. of • Goa. la celberse. s. Missiday. Jest. Oth 11110. Rotten 'Mallows. aged 0 years and 4 mostba In Ashilaid. on Friday. Jeee fid. ins. Mae. beloved wife of fleti. Ecbha. WWI II yams mut it menthe. At eireeparelon. eir Tuesday. Jam TM. Fran ls Graham wad et Fars .11108 1 ▪ sh. A large quantity of summer tire need. con- sisting ot short hemlock nabs end 1,..ding turnings at from DI to .2..310 • load. Apply to t•Ett. NP3IIEILUIL 101 Teta Goderieb and IbInlup 1...5 BEES FOR SALK , 1 vrili supply a swarm or lino -clam hybrid twee for 5). provided the parties requiring them supply empty hive*, l'ETICit FISHER. 11041-1t Benstiller 1'.O 1208 SALE -A PH_ETON AND A 1: SET OF SINGLE HA ItNESS in Ors* -rate coedit ion. at tene-kalt the original sash. Apply to DR. MeMICKING. ?lead VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR- 51D0iNti any parson purchasing the kkie CASE ALLEN'S horse from JAMES BAILEY sot It doesn't legally beloagto Bailee. far •t has not been paid for. Also any person hallebted to the late CASE ALLEN please 107 Wand save oasts. 44.1 Mits. CASE ALLEN. FARMERS' ATTENTION. The undersred want a large quoin, it y of Ire ea! be paid. Bring it to the Goderich Heitilock Ba for which the highest yeah *tannery and get your cash. W. F. k A. sIIITH. Goderich. May 12th. ler. 3106-11 -* • FINE TAILORING • Sent* Furnishings. 1 ain sew ereposmid to thew a complete amertmeout • t Blvaive Gems VERCOATI NOS la all the New speoleso and pdyiee An maims variety of Foolish. Irish and iteack Suiting+. As insmieuse stock st New end Stylish taimediaa Tweeds. CHEAP! CHEAP 1 I CHEAP ! I 1 111P2einember. all Goods bought by the yard cut brow climes*. B. IstacConnst. Illedertch,April 711t. 1117. PHY8ICIalt, gU LF N. Coroner kc. Mee and reskiliale SOW Street. sawed door west of TIMM% Stemit. 1751. FIRS. SHANNON Jr SHANNON, Paysielans. Surgeons. Accouchers, sr. toffee at Dr. Slimmon'a residence sear the gaol Goderieb G. C. ansticeos. J. R. ell In •o.s. 1741 Ualuator, &c. C A. Bussiit. MACHIN 'cr. • VALUATOR. AGENT. ie. Estimates Made and Contrails Takes for House Heating by the Hot Water Driteni. Hot Water and Steam Boiare. Little Giant and other Water Wheels. Agricultural lei - ;dements. Mill Merefireell. PLANS •ND- SPECIFICATIONS. V ATION5 MADE R$. - - GODERICH. 30164m 0111M4 T.egal. NrU$IC.--MISS C(K)KE. AFTER 14 1 years study of mimic. is prepared to illrg C. HAYS, SOL&ITOR, &C. receive putts fur the Piano. 24 lemmas n. „rt„ 02square and 14 quarter!). terms es i.".r quarter 160- semi. oodprif.h. orn „ammo, ca,„,. Pri vete Funds to lewd at e rer cent. 3969 QHORTHAND.-ISAAC PITMANS IJ PHONOGRAPHY The mist popular eye tem taught. Instructioa books for sales' Tux elsONAL °41.e. Every boy and girl should ars siberthand. INS Tor Sale or to Let. L1ARMS FOR SALE - IN THE 1 TOWNSHIP OF GODIERICM. Huron county Lot II la the 3rd 554 11 Is the 4th eon cession. Two of the beet Macre forms in the county. A spring creek flows through. Near- ly all cleared. Only 3 miles from the Town • Gederleh. For further particulars addrems W. 11. HINCIEd. Promote -ran. 10641 Goderish P.O. VOR BALE OR TO RENT- GOOD FRAME HOUSE es Nellsos-.0._oppealle iseeethe's Manias mill -10 rooms. Tbemega- ty overhauled and repaired. ready ter ..- 55▪ C7. or will exchange tor • snuffler boys. Apply to HOIST. REID. Goderich. 1910 4,4 7 ACRES 4/F LAND - CLAY -e'v 1 LOAM 10 acres free of stureps-4 miles from Godevieb on take Heron. To ex- change for smaller farm Or Saw Mill in • stood locality, or wilt sell on very easy tangle at leas than PA per acre. Yo. full particulars 10441 10 0E0. NEIRERGALL, 1411-1Mo Goderieh. rpW0 FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR 1 sale. One in the tnunship of Asher/4. metals' ea Ite acres . and owe is Kest Wawa - .oak. containing ine acres_ For particulars ?ay to Cameros. Dee Cemeree. (lode - FOR BALK West 0.11 .0 lot 01 Arthur Street. with small brick cottage therecte. Hvitennu terra. MC Its. 244. 285 Elgin Street. St. Andrews Ward CM weer of Hume and Britannia Road. Frame 11 story house on Keays Street. let sad half lend. Several lots is limes Survey. opposite sew Slaw Oromids. via. • Nos 22. 31. M. 30. 21. M. M. 54. 00 All the •bove •t 1.0W RATES. Apply to NUM DAVISON & JOHNSTON. IPARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR !MEAL The Exemitore sad Trustless of the intake of the late JOSEPH (12.1111,offer for We the followIns valuable Property. namely : Building tots somber, 4/0 and 421. In the TOWN of Goderich. i of an acre each. towed. and very desirable for building per. Pill acre liat fronting 18111 Road. Togreeklp et Gederioh. being pan of let 3 in the Malt- WagimOosioession of said Townahip. Noe Oats.. and Frame Enable. len seethe? 3. Mouth std. of Millar street. jeassamer, .if an arm small femme dwelling. Haikling luta nomhore 186 sad Mt, in the Town a (Niemen. (o( an acre each. Bea LI % situated on South .14. 00 Huron street. feneed. East 1 of lat 22. von. 11. WPM wawa us*.lei &o... good land. HI mow eissert sod feecod. remainder timbered. About 4 Millis balm Larknow and 0 mites from Wing Oesd roods. 50.' further particulars. apply to IL CAMPION, Ooderieb 4.0. 1.1445 0251 - -..„-..m_... B OF TRADE NOTICE T▪ .. .54 ef the Mg - OwIerielt &lard si I OARD e. and all these Intermed Mil o Mftr wesy lot sek as omalatIo, arexre Md ieeited tmote is the Tows. redreedav evctag next at 4 ieMk when 18u.a Ambles 11)045_,,,will "4: el,:pilZ ii y or &Awe an red MINISMS the remelt year. Oritker iiii Itt ,,vriss. IIVRIMS1044. • O' 1 0 Farmers' Attention! The Highest prices garzia. .111efir 5. sirlirm aid Wool la inteltaw for =Tweed.. Mateo. atieetimma raises, Orviy and White end htsh 55454. 11 slitoo of Tares &v. Wvgaisferood Morteliressa ki" "re miring sad ~tem work • JIIIPA CALL SOLICITED -Sit E. McCANN. flullinek, J'.n.t MS CZEAGER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, tilederich. C. MgAufellt..1 J. A Ilowron E. N. Lawm i457. -1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, B A R NIT RISTERS Attorneys. Solicitors. etc Goderieh .1. T. Garrott,. W. Proudfoot. 175 flAMERON, EIJLT & CAMERON, • Barrioters. Seia, in Chancery. Sc.. 3oderick. M. C. rita, Q.C.: P. Holt. N. G. Cameron. C. C. 1751 - Loans anb 3risurance. WONDERFUL VALUE DRESS MUSLINS A.T JO DETLOR & CO'S WI ARE STILL LOANING PRIV- ATE FUNDS at 3) per rent. Straight ham. laterest payable yearly. These dear - hag to reduce teeir rate of niters.' should veil or write for particulars. ziKAGER & LEWIS. 1126641 Ueda rick. $111°,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO C°ANKIWN HOLT CA)1111.0N. God. risk. 1759 MONEY TO LEND. -A LA R G E .131 amount or Private !Funds for Investment is lowest rates on "mt-t hiss Mortgagee Apply toGARROW & PROUIWOOT E E. SILAOER, tilkNERAL INSURANCE AGES'''. ()milli opposite Colbonse Hotel. Goderick. Burka taken *S LOWEST RATES in the fol- lowing first clam Companies The London Assurance- Fatablishod 1720. The Nat ional.of Ireland -Incorporated IOW Hand-In-Haad -The only Company authoris- ed to Immure Plate Olase in Canada. Federal Life Assurance Co. IHOMMOI Ilet D RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCA, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY LOANING AGENT. &sly Pletsf-dase Coutponfes Repreiseafeel MI Mosey to Lama on straight loans, at the Werra rate of interest totes. is say wa1 10 suit IL. eerrower. OTTICE - Seeded doer from Square. West *WM. Ostleries. SK5-11 $50,000 TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS COrf are prepared to leas meaty at 6 pm mat., pay able letlf yearly. ea TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, oe Ilnit-elase lane security. AVITIj te CAMEROS% HOLT & CA hi ERON, Berritems, Underhill. Masts bar the Tor.ato General Trusts cwy. wssis. emergent,. Hot.? It CAMItleolit have Moo a laipe &mould of private 1,54. 10 Mai on ant -class farm ov-urity. Godorka. Oet. 4. 1863. 191141 $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To teal ets tarn and town property, at low • Isimawt- 110F4tases punctuated. No anm- inianton chargsd agents for the T &ad Leas Company 01 Canada, the Canada Landed Credit ensipany. the Imnylon Loon company or canal*. Istereet.111. 0 mad 7 per tsPal. N. 11 Borrowers can obtain mosey is sae day. *1 1)1*. eatiefeemery. 05 710011 &c.„ Oedierlak Auctionsering. NNW •14 !ORIN mutt, OINERAL' AM- P/ TIONSLII sad Land Valuator. Osideriel Having hed esesiderable imeelipstea It:charm will\ diagnose satisfortioa all ems aliens impriag trade. he is In • pedalo miendom estruntad to him. Order's left al or seat by mall to my address illedlorleb P. 0..eseetelly attemided to. JOHN K NOX theastr Anstisoster. II/04 ONT TIM $IM • .62,tidor2"eitas6uaseolmoihlahittae.its3441118"1"ioseb7.4at jIzd r' -e UmWML elft foHm=tmid iitpseie i4 mrs Pills, law ile peal rot Isis at 11015a • alliesisewsoste• nownla • Tip. %Valor LAMP tellitultele rawer No °lobe. No Chisoey. No Smoke, No Odur. No Heat 3 7 u nd the oil positively ?Joc- KsiOosive. KVKRYLAMP Guaranteed. Made ia all tyles -Tabl., Bracket. to attach tot ha n - halters. Library. tv.. 9c. - $4.50 if upward, Wanser 0 & White Machines siacl Organs, all trete ted makers- ci.rap COAL • TEIOMSON. Agent. Mouse East el Emeetlis Maoism 1616. • 20716,1 GRATirstm_comroRTING. Erps,s cocoi • B11 EA K FAST. "By a tborongh kaowledge of the- 'natural laws which govern the opera/iota of digretioa mac autritoos. and by a direful opplicsuien of tbe One prurertint well-veleeted caeca. Mr. Ewe hes pNrrideel our breakfast tables with • delicately flavored beverage, wbkh may wave us many heavy dootois' bilis. It 1* by 18. Judicious use of swab erticles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up amid strong 'sough to roost every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle, mosJed isa an, looting around us reedy to alto a Who/4TV*, I there is a weak paisit. We may escape men) I a fatal *hart by tees:Oar Olirind well :Will- ' ed with pure blood sett a properly liOurastsed frame.- - Cim,t Nervier ratiartre " Made simply with boiling water or milk. Said only in redacts by Grocers. labelled ass JMIEWIS & CS., Beitaceopetbic Chemoisto. tandem Emitted C. L. IttritfrOSH Neat deer to Rhyme' Dreg store, Mope constantle addles to los well - 'elected Kea, choice Fresh Groceries, which will b. bound to compare famealliy, both as regards quality 4 pekoe, with atiy other stock la this vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. In return's./ thanks be say costemessfx their patwould . 1 also invite awl o ers wko wili. e call and inspect my smelt. C. L. McINTOSH. Beath -Wow side of the severe Oedleriob. rel. Mk. MIL wI The Canadian Facile Railway TM* Peoe:e's Favorite Route betweeu MONTREAL - TORONTO, OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON, DETROIT, - OHIOAGO ST. LOUIS xeNses crfir, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND Wlerr. Fee Maps. TM* Tablas, Farm, Tickets, &MOO es R. RADCLIFFE Seem OWL- Weat Street, Op= yeasa Dee t Forgot the osilross. lit& 1110. ANCHOR LINE GODIRICH BOILER WOKS Chrystal & Black, Manufacturer...1 all kinds of STANISLAV. BMW UMW T ANO TUSULAN BOILERS. :ALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kind* of Sheet Iron work. IMEA118 Vile WATER rirt FIT -r150101 mastantly on head. On hand. ready for delivery; 1 So 0.r. dew Steel lioner. 1 111.e. Mew Ilelier. A Cooplets12101-hasd Tkresbisg Outfit Moder. Logine. Separator. tr.. all in good working order. Will be wild cheap. Mad orders will receive prompt attention. Wierbio epp. 6.. T. S. P.0.430X 381 Gederieh. May ATLANTIC EXPRESS SitlItItic Y.. LIMILPOOL QtrtinTOYSr. ipftwoo -tory or sosa.- from Nevi Vert. wiretapper. hum 21. Judy ft Ammo It sod Serle. lit:rifloomigellpterjrneesoktlasa.P10 rued Steamer afloat 431.2....*.SO4JW 411210WITIC7e. Steswaris every Saturday tress New Tort to 1 111.411111011 sad LOYDOIraterr. t• owir- .r son.t. op and WildesdneeleetTL esserairk mit ward or prepaid. 5.1.440. Tickets at Reduced Ramo Irlea'trlier sayAimless leverell at 15w01 eer r Letters of Credit. mid Met noes pow bloke at Tomerajtekets err firth, Wee sistkrb apply to inimonteete SROTHKRiti. Now Yrrk. •JICRIINALD DICKSON. Ovidertidi. • MINI FALL - WALL PAPER SAUYDERS VARIETY STORE. 85.5 OCR rEICItA. • lesirmer rime. *1. m I. mew Ar. ••• lie to fier. sow Dee. •• ** lee to W. sow Me. These an kat years' styles. but for Hotelteepers,LahlortorTnaft TIM ME JOST TME TNING • Fresh Stock of American Papers Now on View. The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. West -.t., nezt door to the Poet OSse. sdissiell. Mardi Mt INC Physicians Prescriptions CAREFULLY PRIEM WITH Port and bath Drop J. WILSON'S- PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE ,••• CsoZNELIRICIEL. FOUR DIP1,011113 & KUL Alle AMMO& IMPERIAL SODA WATER, GINGER ALE, Ask your Oro' -o r or Druggist ear theme Goodn er applyto GEO. B. COX, likritieb Evehangir Hetet. Solorielk THK IMPERIAL is universElly retorablell so the STANDARD IMAM!) rill• SOO by all Sogdian Hoi•lis Clot*. etas Winn WIDEN Ct1I011T. • •INILT•I. sow's% imam ledielle•St PRICES REASONABLE AT WAAL