HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-10, Page 7111.1 HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNK 14, Piot Stems of interest. Tann A hot weather lass--Lsawteee.bthe best "remedy far 1k, ••,trre•.t Tu. •••,•4f•shioosbi. thiol' w Wal ver. is,ear.•fuI Cat u'11 41`117 sud 1"".street--suck kings. Ing ••t •d lulrctru I .al.chs. To aweetTo titter inset Wrest into it Cie a•' '11'1'1* . tt•»d mature for pas - ed -hot red-hot Ir►a ,„(terem, w,u�.l n« re. t..p. •Iglu alai i An 440.01C11 td slang email a sl:o!t au". all p wr,tie ; meadow /oxtail. lour p hu{Ishasd 44 water. eau•, .rid rotten audited moonier, ..a I posed a. Th. ams who tells me au tudelicate $..1: !list has an laws of dei, maii- *tory dues me as injury. 'islt it heavy, alt irks••.• of wren 043,Clod has never mooed to be the tout bag it art, sod SIM r. ,r.s. f ward,. rust aim of ail human aspiratWOm. I Isll 11 t•.ul, Is t .. ., I.Ird by le rghuw Do out speak of your happiness to a ;rowers. An entirely in,. ...,..t, hnrutnfore un- known by .u&deol.11tet, 1e drso•tstinc the \.Ina 1...r• hop yer„s. Thr uuaa:l 11 hen we walk toward the Man of so w' on the r..ts of the plata, sud Truth, all shadows are cast behind us. hsrwb'r4 w (,rrtlr. Tho manner ovineshow• the char- Clover, fed to stock, is estimated to • antro of the giver more thee the gut return fully envoy cr.ut 14 its Iles If. feru'.iiI,11 {,rul,ertiw to *Ito i..l. It is Ghee, rr to cut cloetr tool lewd 1l 1, stases, tvturiong the wanes- !J ;tie sand, than to plow it wader gwa. Fanners hating t.. hay clover seed should du so at once Lefure the priors adeitima, ae they usually du at seeding time. Buy .1 farmers in the neighbor- hood -it practicable -that hare "..a seed. Bow grim seat freely if one wishes to succeed n1 farming. Ti pave letter in proportion to labor, not and trouble theta any other, and greatly improves clay bods. A spoonful of wood! to a •.*ttue r.l Some pante a ill standing amount of to water will set the colors ti4 sliaoat any Won. *woke, idols others are injured by goods soaked in it previous to washing. at. 11a1e1y fumigated some plant* when A roamed ur boiled !eft- on, filled while they were brought into the house, and h't with sugar, and eaten still haft just wrerel begonias in rhe conservatory Iwo Mfore retiring, will often bleak op a cord. Keep Targe squares of pestebnard hung twnvenieutly to dip under putt, kettles, stew dobe& mid spiders, wh.aever you set them clown. man less fortunate than yoelree1f, Gavin,/ to Ciiod is 1w lues ; it re putting your substauot in the beet bink. The reahzttion of God's presence is Ilia one so.Ar r*o remedy alpine% temp- tation. How much better is the love that ie ready to die than the toil that is ready to kill. 'To as b•xreet *nihd, the best pelafui- sites of a place are the advamta4w it Rives • nom of do:sg good. Awl teaukied acknowledge themeelres able and sufficient to de nail things which acteally they newer du. nearly ell il!teir leaves iu ounaeytuuce, while .•Ivry hello/row tier°_ttt Mack. In futeigiting soh tobacco. 11 u beat to use a little nand often, rather thus slams yusutity at- a time. A Massachttaettee elan mulched two acres of his vineyard with bug's bristles To clean satin that has become and found they kept the seeds down greasy, sponge lengthwise. ower $er.es excellently. But the following year be the width. with bausine,ala,h,d or bursa could walk along the rows stud carry the water. Prem on the wrong *tele. vines with him. Mulching had enovur- To keep cshm front stickieg in the pen aged the routs to grow oe the surface of without using paper, atter greasing the the ground, iiwteed of within it. pan, aft a little dour ,n, then turn it Cut raspberry and blackberry canes off over and shake out all you call. to within six inches /1 the root when Pats small piece of charcoal into the setting out. The newly -est plant sboull put obeli boiling cabbage, to preset,' not beat the brat season. The growth the disagreeable ud.ir that usually ac- from the ane this season is only fur the companies the cooking .1 this rettetebie. purpose-y\f seed g the root, that Io ouukino cabbage pat s email piece it may seed up strong new COOTS which will tear nett Beason. The dwarf varieties of peas aro not ro popular as they were acme year* ago. People took to them mainly because the cines did nct need the trouble sad ex pense of sta k ins: But they do bot com- pare iu yield with the best of the larger sorts. The lift's vines may be and sometimes are Covered with pods, but they are not large enough to hold a fur: crop, and w!leu once Licked the vine is done for. Iu the larger vines there u more of a succession of bloom, giving a Ionizer Licking from the same seeding. - Amerman Cultivator. Where it is objectionable to have "chanticleer wake tae morn'' with hi. noisy threat, it is mid a small lath, 1/ early suspended sheet 18 inches above the perch *ill provost the. It in no way interferer with tete bird'. nicotine. but the moment the crowing fewer comes tin, the !twittering lath Comm gently in soft water and any good soap ; soft arae enatact with ha comb and gives hint a is best. In casae o1 ktttg standing wet , 1e::le reminder to keep still until he the spot with kerosene oil and let await can 1:e1 out oo the fence. The rationale tsar s•..ue hours, tbeu wash as batons is, in the act of enuring the bird stands directed, ,In and stretches his neck to its full ez- A carpet an be *needed by ea•tiw r • lewd. piece bke the carpet • little tarsier than Where a few hogs are allowed to sleep the ;bob. Put puce ar,t a 111 « e. ,re to :rel:s r In a fitirly warm place durin4 of the patch, slip it under ibm carpet th. Mare,, there ran be no better bed end rub it well with • ear:) tri until provided toes the bare dry ground. dry. If ,he figure he ante.•41 it makes 1.4f few ie rood for keepinw out drafts , 1 a tory neat job. as we'I as a •.e.. one. air, but in n.. way prevents '•pil'nr up." A good remedy to wore It Ole hr'- N'.roe. pees, rarh-r than warm }soldier: from falling out i* to take s handful 01 It Om core f, •r "pilin? up." The t:ce:uud southern -wield bates, *neer thew with i•••1 i4 .,•. e,vooaratire'y warm by tt-e alcohol and let them stat,' Wall t'.e All. ' • •a•1 they like to reeern to it. strentte is extracted. Aci.i one lee- • 1. i1 -thio &•row is siren or n...., the beds ap..nfal .1 the to a third ..f a cu , • o'! ler:eaned oecasionaliy. It tabs water, and wet theseslp ttiu,uu4hty truce • a corn •nt t , ten.oce the r•1i.1 mtte- a day. !.:..:-n.: door. ar h a fork or shovel. •I. The D-,a't spend money in bnyinw tr•.e, i oust seennallatin7 in close ens is eery nor labor in p!antiog thine . •..aa+ you tntaro,us 'u the sir 0Messzes of the lumgs intend to t*kt mere ..f them afterwards. 1 a, d 'Willi • mass .4 tilt h. ti"vd tress mem no more be grown won- 1 out good cart, than can geed coke ..t I 1't sure eti- ei of Ayer's 14ar•.pa.-ele u:ccs. r• - : i 0^•n94h end 4 ertranent. If tl,rre _ ___ is A lurking tan,, of scrofula al•.•ut y.,u, A whisker dye meet be Cneeniet:• , '. 'er', S+.rntparilla will dis:-tdge it, sod nae. easy to apply, impossible to re:, oa', •aim' It fruw your aytltem• elegant in appearance, and chase. ., price. Beckingbm a'a Dye for the Ilage are reeeaeta 110*life be Far.. Whiskers unites in itself all ehese alert;s. - Try it. Serino Weeding in A.nenca hes attsin- ----oss.-- ed lr. *eerie and popnl*rity be the. ilni- tvNag Ulla or 1.e,in toot. V t,: 1 I lopesire of the improved braids -- lcg,ih,.r with uur great natural a• eai.- 1Vherw milk is to be tray...., -t i • f mer .it ( d cheap c.•rt.. i � tomes a n• •rat an distance to $ whole milk revererry ..w thole- nee re -fifthly bred upon almost cheese factory. or where Bream is to jus ere.* fermi, they are freer from dress* transported to a gatll.ru.l eras;,. ct,aa1- than is ktrge herds. %Lite coin is their ery mush difficulty is often Inc •uotrr.d diet We 011141 not c.'nfinr them to curs da summer months 111 .:e••- ,r,. stores a:•. .-,,:•::• Geld s,l.,,a am.l a fr.•.rnn,t,ure t oo,l. The ditecuey b+uali; C avenges fresh water end c!a.an ,'matters if we ex - with the farmer who does het talo• the peel to keep then 1►•aithy felt only proper pains to place tart roil;, or crease fed Loud boars and don't breed too 10 proper Condition. Fs....h milk or yettent cream can be easily and safely trans- ported a eonaidereble distance in bot A 1►wtasser *edreem. weather if it is best euulee1 down to 40 "-- de�rees an ice water, if the farmer An inexpensive sad prettily tarnished will provide himself with is a and M stitrn.eo hoar«.m hes Ise fluor C..% rred ordimary tank one pommel at Sl. de. with ere..n. what.- and green insult g, grecs placed in the watersur-ooedingthe1_0141 hr• e I..ateru of lark@ shirr. and mill will reduce t*e p.uua:. IR Ig•t'.ik"' Muck• •:'r.ruatteg. This memoir :I° degrees, as n will aloofly 14. !be derma;had f. r tin cents a yard, a a ..f hent before at melte SI. that nil WOpied is tri.itl,, and is of ea assures va- hav, to use is half a many Itis of Iii lib NNy. .1 d"" `-'f tits .ante mattin-„ put we have tai of bilk to reduce the tanken with sma'I bras walls, am rounds the to40 degrees. Then take the can from , *Idch ere tinted .a Iris creme the water and a dry .I tt Wat.ket• bs•t-t.'nd Ie politer! white and cov- cln.ely abut the can, s,.,: it Tse 1iel!rest euh a pentad .1 scrim muelin,lined easily Cvarrye•i ten m @, in *II vnt'y witb polo preen cambric, printed green. hottest of weather nutmeg11111011=haat* nl::.r ashen whites m11r!,le mantel whatever. This is the tont:.*,,, at has beeIonated a gown Color, to match who have tried it, thereto,' N fat mote the d.• •.a, tr1'rt dreier than the relit of I+ h te re«dn, ted Is •iraprd *r the r.•rym, lined well gr -n, at,.i rep ret the ' _' alt• elate.- with er-ml, rib►Otos, narking -Six widows lite nn e.-ii,.ititn* Rife* ,two lteacefttl iint.,.ns. &mte simple •w. n of S red pepper Into the pit. 11 will nut only improve the tame of the vegetable, batt prevents any harmful result in the eating thereof. Velvet wean i better, if brushed with a hat brash by down into the nap and then warning t e hruah es tor •n axis • tea dirt out the lint- Du not brush back- ward or forward. Sew on battnies over a darning needle and the butte.,• will be found to her much looser than those sewed on in the nrdivaay way, and will not pull on so easily. It is norm claimed that rubbing the face ,pwoward while wasbtog is the cause of •t illeny .4 the wrinkles . women's feces today. alio the best remedy i& to retreat. the 1euosss and always rub the faceup- ward. Wheel grease and all other grease un cotton roods may be taken out with Gold mere 1111f1/1•14..41,•eti1111f1/1•14..41, 'nth. tow �' n ( etsaexn, Pa.. and. what atreoids staid upon the marital. occr is mon re.arkable, they ate al Needier which hawo. a;wet'', water c•.lnr.framal Mein¢ the , T.,. . f area late .tui yldd. in frnnt of the Art In *hit••H+ndereenhr.there. Taom t, tfaptrref, lar.•,t.t ,..f irmp !� a .m s I •.,e•nAndrew, Miewsrt, \1'.Ihsn, .*d AiSi lata' o' went.. pined n1t1, drren.,and See Them sutler.e►aru4 tt tons Its *nal.lidty. freahnes' AKINA It i• said that the churrtr ItptOt- � itfd good trate. the Csnvrh of Eel/need s resat.+, - PWDER ',fM10 r*Orn,•..., this rA+iR'r +• f •its A women ►rr•y:•cr vivo birth M 1,000 more ready foe confirmation. -' . hM 1.41814, Mot ch 'd. M..: Tarr Std were two,, • k,tnered *clot eTtuint and b •e. Pe,r rr we-. and t!,s 1$tlrlN'f>rITIE caul �ST FRIEND IGNAL" t►T street., rig Illus. be etin.'ed. {{%j1�k laid DC uIInsus NIG EL1XIR :c: T.,(. acmul•le y.•t potrat tem b t%;a. aeIy adapted for t ,rl n•llef mid Cure 1.1 l.,:at clam of 111.4lydere alitedui.t upon a low I.r n drlc.•d state 0114.41:P 1 64111 ;114 1414114;!). an11141! stand LJ 1: aaktwLM ate' ralpitsti..I1 c.( for Heart l'i.. i .i rose:u will fo:L.w IIA um Ina Santa of hidden Ex. '.anal endo stri•i volt, Iro:u 1.411111 ..1 1*M(d, Acute ort I.r t .o 1►u.;amii. and iu the wuakines !Vat i.Irar :hey so•.,,.oll,suies the mew. I) i rant 11.iauu;c tweeter Ary r.u.wly w„i fitu wage apt -fly nflef In Dyspepsia or I l'ali .li, I1* set . , un the alt••u * .-h LI lei( that (IA l;r111:. hued It :1144h-,0* •.•I::e, Cm/king the crena..t►f ai. 1.81'411 1u :n :.•,n, ial:d alloy &Holding I1n1t:.Reitan and !+ rnialH•nt iriit•f 7'he enru.iu,.tive properties of Om dlffereid aromatics whieh the }:liar coutalus reinter it tun fol lu l•latuleut I)ysl.ep.ia. It la a valcahle remedy for Aetna 1)yspeileis, which to apt to rimer fa tierauru of a gouty character. For Impoverished 1gL..l Inn* of Appetite, etite, lk>,l...m.lt-note, and iu all cases where an effrcli.o and certain &thou - last is rv'Iu:rol, the: LLiair will be foiled iucaluab!e. In }eters et a Malarial Type, and Um various evil results follow ug expo- sure to the cold tar wrt We/Mlle.!, it i„ prove a ialoable n•,.toratieti hie adnIAI111.14,0) i1 Chwchuua Calisaya and berpentana are universally n•Clrguized aa}e a•dist isoc algid..:taiiiiiAise; tsl.Ill Nom' sitora r Vsur ly Medicine, /V'ic& Ri fel Bottk, or dor 14.rtles fur. DIMS* & Lawronoo Co. (Limited) ODLE AORn'r*, Mowrwaet, P -Q. PPfRY DAVDB' "lit PAIN -KILLER 31 axCo**ilwp lIT Pewee -Mita, Ministers, Missionaries, arias, Yeko.,.rs of Victoria,, lW'..re•Mops J'taattuuon1. Nerses 1* llnspii,lta, -.a alt rI, ri ery4.ullt, eoeryenlers ado Acs seer peewit a trent Tall, IXTaa\ALLT rDNA!) WIT= A• w•itw GLASS nr MOT NILE ANI. •t...* , IT WILL ac tutmla • PAILIPO Craa row SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION 011 STOI'PAGS OP . CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, 81.711 - moo AND Bt;WEL COMPLAINTS. SORE THROAT , elle. APPLIED sl rsawa LLT, IGirlltTere HAa movie !TIME MOOT *ItwCTIre AND PLAT L/'1tR1T tax Italian I! ag*Oy1(0 Tri PADS allatye rico* SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEGMA_ T1SM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TtH►TJl CITE, BURNS, FRUST BiTES, Ec., dlc_ _ala. per Bott;e. per Devours of Imitations. "WI CAMPBELL'S - CATKA^TIC `' CCZYIPCC la effective in small d•.e+. acts without griping. does not cvl. eopton nausea, and *11 not create irn- tai' naD,d(rre esti, n n4 do teeny of the apse! eathart:cs id- iialo steeed In the kpin a•f Yi11.. Ac. !'sd;es and Chil- dren tr..ing the woes 'entitle. woo insoles take t:'leteenicum s)Lbvis tear. hie of e• •nr. fait'. CALrrer*.^.''. CATr,A*Tr•! (nererve Is ad:.pttd tate tate euro of Lt*ca CIxna,atf rs Asia Ettwts Dir urs,rt,e. Zni Arr, lhTr►xAxclt AWN L•e. op .yy,p. Few SICK tie.T+r.-111 ATT 1Pe.tteett. F.,a COMP, I?At, a ul too ...gen.-. FOB ALL Cnlrtw.AIlr1A AkIsiso rr,.•.t A Dlanslfaaav i- n.t: btu. sten. This s.u1 c1ce tetrg fa liquid forst, Me dome can be eae.iy re& guard to rtat 1'.14ft*I`ltirelner..*4 4..t a errot per- sons. than r'tk:D.e. It equally We :l adat:ted ro the ese of thole -VI. Ob114 as to if,r adait. Pet Op die tholes ounce b otties, 114;1 . •d by al! dealers in family medicines. Prior I:t -ii', 25 Cres. CATACFB Flt? oko Thi.e•.�( arm {, yet potent ped- p.eati.. Y �O .d.pt.d or ran lyetipd ' ase 01' that claw of di.rw.•-e.. taaeedant .paw • low a ...tweet gamic( .ha, teal, d o.yny tompsaiel h7 iiai.• alY», wu 'kr. and Pal. �tnR.gi n1 the Hort. Pr...pt r..eltt will bid» us we in caws of Sadden [ahaue.a sassing from Las d Mood. *t. nr Climate Dues,•., and in the wwakne,. that .maeiaby areemgani..1 . ren ..r4 oro. Waelilg Fawn. No ',moody will ipso onto ninety wilier ie I,7ayr.re ,. l.tytwtion. Fn. tome. Ftlend. I.oaa of Appw Doe• p odenl•y, and in all cowswhere 40, "="" d aaiikop\iM t IM ELIXIRrw.il b. kerne lir ALC *wit elv • SW: 'y el.' Awl,• re r•T}. wet. DRIVE IN TEAS ! Il..L./ CI .d tmyau Nen TeJ. ll u.ranted 1'urr. S!1.•. fur ,1. L. a',.A 1J a. 1 .u..l 044K Je•e 1./LOIN Ike. •nap.. at alk:. Ib ti lents.., yrs 14 3 .I... ()..oaf Voeno il• son, feta" !!5i. 'h 144. ate. .1t . A. 1'ugl.a Ilya r Tc.. 11. 'JI. ,sot), •. t .0. Try m! 0, 1 we.; 11).0 , ...el end h (lit 1' tows..' w 1.. naso a. t 1:, •. t...• . in ,.rb..aYc. At C. C aABIt'S, Coder._ mho S1RIN J 0 B Jt 'mooed out •full omMimportations.. ett.neof my own importatiu, and,•';;nl{ a' es'mooedn ludrs..l.- prierr, Wool l'w.aw.rr.s. wool Iretateta. *a.41.o .ea rola... la... 1 weeds .d t •''alma. at race•. Ie .1.$.asas. frt'at' and u.•. Always p!eared to shun Al.). oar Du not forg.l t1.e ul.: stood ou t: ,Mara. 4(C. CRABSc, , C#o d er"h. Nri rIIINIGEJVSPRNC C._. _ OF EVERY DESCRIPT!Oi\ ssscrrED WITH ABRAHAM BMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER gas Just rt•Celcrd. and s now n;.ening a large aa9ottmenl of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. t; ....0 'mod a trice stock tat the LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS For the nuke -up of NI'!'INo'IIT-t. •. -. NEATNESS - .4 AND i WOR$v s�i $PECXALT 1 �' East Side *neat'*. Cledettck, MarekgittlL IIS. INS rm. .z.� ear 1rt> it " ' �<i tE .. _ salt'saw,_ IT. kc t' RANT -.04171TOITIMIT BARGAINS ----CALL AT THE DISPATCH Toronto Cash Store THE SPRING STOCK I8 NOW CC)MPLETE. �At aye Invited to come and exam;ue the quality and prke.fs Remember the stand :-THR TORONTO CASH STORK. Mariager_ Vodericb. ADrUllith, Tapir. 2QSI-zln AT THE C1=13E.A.P PRINTING OFFICE. M=SS °V.TIZiCINS ON. the Latest Frellc and American Styles! HATS, BONNETS Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Trimmings L A C R 0 S SEThe Chicago House. Agent for Domestic Patterns. BASE B 0..lerle . r -u a L, til!!i Wi T NTRERT. 0011141311C18. s 42 P '-1VIEL t OR.DOS,CABINETMAKER AND LEA Ui\C 1 IM1DERTAKER. i Anyone can advrrtae, but i sen show the steek. i itaee more stock on band than say Iwo Lt woe tar town to totem frau. FURiITURTcs,. • I hoer Grew rt: Lax.• ler.:reran: ,'!'Ise of 114 d•toe 0.dt s, s dl1Mrtar et7rMo et $ i'.o. rets. 3 Y :: ` ,, 1. .' ll II t tri •� ante in the F.r*itere line. alt eft wbloLwq�, b,• euld I tri \N esti Til.. C11F:., .t.\U f$) F -QL'VY4(lyy iT. in the i'::,'••, t,-f� yap• 1 Orr permAsl •et`tis. awl the now e( ar. -1c to rear• ezp'rirr,cc. 1 .. 'r.!: , here the bee* Warted fie die-C'oenry at - I-.,wtweraee the pew.: Ito image. 1 t.,ve . ve:)-5'u; a-tony kept it a di'Hclaas eamboshaseet. gnash ea en.ti et.. ('oillna �P,'•r'u•'•, Nn'•ria. Gloves. Crapes, de. Embalming done w ru ttiree. Mel Get:, ales ter .e eatietk,•t Ion Is OMIT case. OLD STA:. if BETWEEN P. O. AND RANK 0J' )IONTRSAL. (odor'•' . 31. • ! ' . 1; ,I. . 3116143111' -AND•- CRICKET PR?N 1 i�TG M')t •RLL ENVELOFE 8 Q'betsasle owl Kowa - DAMS pb LAWRENCE 00. (Limited) t .• A..r.T,. 11"1i"A Business Env'elop0li ....................„................„,„„ PTT$ CORDD - WOOD. r ;a^ tt' -, ••1fr4gPerno tifafowllnt fol cord wood ret 1 .•lew•o 1.1 , •,n.•l 1 ,..t •, , • . as 4Perrino •c.* r.:.•. . nn L..T.- : c.r nr ,rum,i::, ....ogled I) •, f : a - :0 . 4.01.1-:... 4. 1 ,.1.6. LI 14.•.,144..( tftr.r ore. r• -I. a 1. • r.l, a �!'.;'.0.: . 1. �V• 1 •. rL fn•, r•�.1M'e .- ^ &.'.a lit P..'tmt+a fa •�i' 11160 tL. ,. (,.ossa .n -.me (i wi,�k�teiif.varipm. read .JV :. t;L b. .,l° 111'!AV. We ad- s :.eas 107:•. roes 1,.1'•L f'Ye r" ri:a n: and yet.eb...(I(• 4'',. M f:NL1i.SH H'KO8 T.'.:: J'A,'':.X . (Hood 1 h. 'toe 1 . • ' ' i "•I• Peolleq..p,th^ "un'. area 1 Le 003 er d, ..rr... 1 o:m •, Of Ver.. v linter b-;.. a' I le teilelalo of the I .ed iA sa haat"- 13E0. OLD'S STORE. Our agent will roll at ''•e a•oe.....17 for n: Sen Ain* on hand• a tut of oaeap wood rich ar abort dal, rd:ln:� et.. All rho ran n. C mull or deli reed C . t+. "kir. t (, . 1!1ar Cf C 0`r' adT k e , t serene ane :. • a L11 + to i..:' , Weals is iAYI�I B 4 j'CHLB�t cess *agar a. ' C0ui.1 .. Gtr . m i e 4. a\et,' Pe.. F•!1 Reserve Nilly (pairurit. Patent moo tori ekfr1tea, WC. Jnne 1 d. INK ?OA t v R. W. IMPORTER, V I. tt Al! 2 .*".„40.?) Wholesale and Relail Dealer in SHELF':AND ': HEAVY HARDWARE, P9INTS, OILS AND GLASS, GODERICH. AA-