The Huron Signal, 1887-6-10, Page 66
the Poet's Corner.
Tb. MIM Mreasee.
"Tet. beetle 111a sun." hied the father,
And proudly .nd tenderly .meed
N Lr. 1'. be's lou." cried the neither.
.tn•1 M...rhtd as .he fuad)wt Ler chuff.
' ilia Lair is like yours and the sunsets..
Nought .lar Is so bright," he replied.
"Hie ryes Laic your tell expression.
TI r rotor of yours. tomo," she .r,ed.
•'His mouth, dear. you cannot deny It,
Each •temple, .a.L rune is your ewe. -
Alta nem hole cant. .cad Lu fureh.:ad
Ando. W Lis father alone."
"Ab. went. deer r' he said, as he kissed her,
"Well hive elm the better. the elf.
That earn in Lis face sees the ether,
Aad recti fills to recognise self r
Fuki n's Fancies.
A new vibe. has Appeared. It is a
pale yellow to one !whirled pod. puck u,
another. This slide es called honey-
suckle, .nd is tint cousin 14, the beau..--
tul tint which appeared wore than a year
ago and was Luown ase "dawn.,'
Poria 11 'Nor manufacturers have de
signed plastron., panes, rile atoi akin
fronts enure y of bus themes, shush ate
mounted oil a delicate t d _ifmits-
tien stews, twigs and tu:rsw• A' Ilea.
ileum,•• ear•auJ is added, wilt 'kith to
decorate the corsage.
L't n;.• Lindens will 1.e v••ty 1..bfe•tl
able.wil eutsmer for dressy house w
• i..yp tan *slides 14aa • o. •' 1151 u
1 . • c•.rreend with an esubto •)try .•I
THE 1`iti t (N SIGNAL, FRIDAY. JUNE 10,1887.
411111.41,• a
1.. 11.0 hisi.ory of tuwiiouses uu pip•
- - ration has recetve.i tech uuieet...l c.. I
mend items. for the alleviation affords
mail the perutaneut curs it effects in kid•
trey demo/maim Dr. Van Beruu'a Keane',
Cure. Its action in the** distrewatr/
:,.iuplaimb is aivaply woaderful. bold
by J. Wilson. Yew
Open the wiudowe, my frie..J, .cad sit
the sunlight It WS r pts c n•.
blemish. frn•rs bears) ; bat you bar It ,sot
with l4iud. and Curtain., as if It stere
your sunt en. ioy. T sri,w t.pau the
bleeds, and let it in. I Litter yodel says
say 11 will bade your pretty fureitore and
csrp.ts ; but, usy .:ease Inei.d, 1lie►
it .amts from y•.ir ...5p,•t, it as1 plant
to the cheeks of your c!oldr.•n. .% few
1•. lir. will buy a titer c.,ren^t; for vow
fluor, while 14.1 the +with .4! a etiolate
ad: i.ot put the glow of health tutu
th•..e pals little eh•.r:... Ibso „f the
host ui,e.tutruta you C411 OW:e, ie 14%41-
ty cat fresh •te awl
The genus of d.•ense Ise i. lu eve meet
elr.autlr f5'rut.Lrd room if kept dark,
will a a,.:.h .say bcturel the btilibl' end
cheery s,.u:idht ,
'1 •ur placate a Maui y' nintlae. I
heard you saying, only two .ether slay.
that y..0 etre WAIL; to bull a Causer
Watt ty, because your pleat. did antjot
u' ,-i► sun in thesouth wiu...,s ; e. ole•
yutut:r they Cedy e r:t'e, a:..1 did Jar*
blsoss well. 1 -as aefl the ices-Xu1N11
held tat G•..t has entreata�t to yaw. irons
to trait into the tweet, I,eiatlti
of . uadanhoud. is pare )iii ; _-)berate
'sfas to do sea mt t h v atlatta r ! 1.
1.J sew ! a 1Kr i 1 ...y , •
1tLr•sie/sety, Ise addition tv
keel sandal is strapped /,stir the in.
Hay fever is • type ..f catarrh bees'
prculi.r sympti.rus. It is ettendd by as
usdame•l c lition of the 1 WNW
beanies of the boards, tear -duets sad
shriet, affecting the lungs. Au acrid
usueous lvsecitted,ib. dischargeisaoc-m-
pauied • 1.h • burning sensation. There
are severe spasms of sneezing, hepatic
attacks of headache, watery and inflam-
ed eyes. Ely's Bream Balm is a rem,
417 that tan w depended upon. Meta
at dro*gi.ts ; by nail, regatored, tiOete.
y tlrt.thris , Druggists, Owego. NoYw
Deme Rex. •
In ()rest /trite in the Cu(st)om of Hume
Rule is commanding attrition. To the
eau with a cold in the head or cheat the
safes, way to ensure More Buie over e
c dd is to have en heed a bottle of Dr.
Harvey's Red Pine Gum. Fur sale at
J. Wilson's Prescription drug store. tf
boa's •perwlate.
Iton no tit's la hu)iu g meJicine, but
try tbe err .t Kidney and Liver regula-
tor, nude by Dr Chase, author of Chase s
receipts. Try Chase's Liver Cure for
•i1 thereat& • f the Liver, Kidneys,
Stoat..::s ui .1 Woods. Auld by James
K %leen, .ir•,•.�,.t.
A resetlalite Llai.
at w• -
te .�,. .e
IL H. i. the Teel.
"1 tried eters hooter remedy 1 esu d
think of for rheumatism, without •Ling
any vadat, need I ti.u5 Burdock
iy sec Bipen..bide ready 1 oau dor FAmiLy
ly ree,mm.nd t.. all edictal ea 1 ea*.
Henry Smith, )Glviert«n, Cut. 2
A Sonat tanner u. Georgia bis a ne
suro to plow, and to order to ser that ho
time is fooled away, be rides the mule
en M to fie.. theLowman, carryieg an
umbrella over his head and naw* a big
feu i0 .oiler to keep ouud.
Ladies troubled with Pee phis, Blotches,
}tuuub !lauds or Face, or .one of bey
description, should use McGregor it
Parke's Carbolic Conte. It will leave
the skin in perfect health, smooth. (lean
and good oulur. Be ere and pies the
genmue, ,.rade by McGrrtt..r et Parka.
Price 2bc. Sold at (leo, };hypes' are*
Sure. (3)
-*ere Ireliable; lw.y be tapeesell.
If you do not heed the warnings of na-
ture and at one pay ►ttsmtion to the
maintai once of your health. How ufteu
we ase r person put off froµ day to da)
the purehn.e of a medsoiue which if pre-
cured at the outstart .1 • disease would
have remedied it almost tul.ueduue,v.
Now if Johuatun's Tunic Liver tills lied
been taken when one titre uueauueel
wade its appearance the illness would
have hesu •'ispped i.t the bud." John-
son • T•,nic litters and User Psi;a are
decidedly the bust wedn:,tnr 4.0 the mar-
ket for geversl to,10 and in.t.•.rrtiny
Properties. Pri1402:se. Iw•r ia••tle. IRuter,
50 cent• and t;l i,er h,ttle. sob! i.v
(donde the dtagllrat, -\;Loots uluct., hole
lw...her-•�' •t•• ; •oa understand
by an unclean epc t !" .L. Ct u t ie Co w -
enent..•,r --"A ditty ueeu,"
Hare you Toothache,! Use Fluid Liuht•
Hive yon Fheutr.atism 1 1 se Flood
Hiv* )•.sast1:lJoiet! Igp•uidLglht-
Have pie Niurtaiifiet UsaTiuid Light•
Hive yell L31nthago i l- w t'' )nest Light.
Are you trou:• flue 11, 1 4M
Fled Lsghtein..
-Have you you any Pain f i-.0 Fetid Ugh!.
` ming.
It wi.i care you the inst:vt it is applied.
Try it. '.Sc per butte et G. Reyna)
dtu4 stole. A
A N.aderf.l •rtae.
Tht►.1sryest ...tart, and one that p'.os
• oontecIluig part On the health nt the
hod/ is the :leer. If t•,rst•( or Maitre
the whn'e •y.tem lr onsM di.e+sees
Dr. Chase's L ver Curu is made specially
for Liver and Kidney diatomic, tad is
41:1 Amer 1 to cure. 1:-olpe book and
medicine ;1. iki.1 by ars druggists.
The best r.• ;Weer, for .the st uwaeh
an.l Rowels; tat hart once fur bttiousuuss,
sick hes,le:ite, t:,'t, teed a 1 a:t.•c-
tioesa fro•n a oieor•lrr-•1 Liver, are
without et:et,non Johr•.oe, s Tonic Liver
Pula r•rta11 rl ..zn. .lItar coated. mild,
yet P1ecr•Tr. JJ cis, per ,a,tue vile by
Goode. .iru:...t, Aituon talucg, (lode
rich. sole r{aur- Eat
To obi teedle.t rr.s...s... eel all Whew
It ray..arra.
P:vssphati..e, or None ret,u, a Phew
rite Element luxe( ul•on .'ce(nt)er
dicta, Forow...trod by Professor Austin,
\l, L. ui IS•..t�•n, slats., runts Pulmon-
ary t onsuuspti..n, sick,fitadache, Nee-
' voue A:tac;a, Vertigo and Neuralgia
:and all ttut:n: disuaaca of the: isuman
system. 'h .ph l:me is not a ,`Iedecine,
bus a tenni molt. because it contains ho
1 Vegetab.e .. •(mend Poisons. opiates
N are airs, Mi• titnUiatlta, but 'imp,
I ly .the Ph•••!,ha.'c end liartric Elensents
foetid in our laid fo.•l. A sin ile : •.(tie
is anticeont to con 'ince. All Dr'ug'asta
sell It. 81 00 per \bottle. L..wair d
Co., axle agents f. r the bu•tiniun,
ii Fr..nt � •r..•t Ere T• r, n•.,.
Taoeadersiiael bat; meet rr.p.ortally to Inform the Inhabits/amof (1e rrseh m nr
d e-
rutsadsaa unman t. that harts( bought CHEAP 7011 CASH 1. she boa amorous of Cooled.
lad .he United -taros, a .et) spl•rlur stuck of
FR=s=3 GROG=R==S
Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com-
prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst
which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and
desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior
Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth-
er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or-
anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces,
Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits.
Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca,
Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms,
sad other tweed articles usually kept In a Ent -doss city es:ablishtnrat.
Al tecrrs (tee ow Ina &ne•e knout roma. TY.
Store on the Square, Between E. Doer: ning'sand C. SONS_
It , April nit. Is :. aus-
em tare .,•cum p
. sientet of work ard •cad this Id
rt• -p. stud fastened by a buckle of reuse GhilJren ittatioetlt•ciy ,f(.•: thee •s'1 -
Eltr•, with a (t, Wat1 mediebue le did I get is • gulolets i ttaeane, i leave eft •m
centre. . sear. a tlasitrereep acre. tLe ;:..or to cat :1.
Only brides travel in new boots. Other 'at a sachem that lead uui.n .,s ter
le-eyoe prefer f .r thea 1•011"" th•w Cie; abutters, and sea. ....stein.:
tried friends which have in sone degree
a•:- •:,sedated thorned%es t•. the fed they
pi a ••. !!lb. ea will very w,..0 be iu .re Near 60400 bright and they • ill b,se .1.
(aur. ,:ly tau:a than high boots, s:.1 as d ?hent illi In.tther eiad al su..ILies• rue
e.xfy 1 remelt summer s:••ektt._s wad seed to hl her lido your hoh,u it is the
,u. •,ppr.r m+ t! •!•sty w.r' + -..1 a -t Is .1i.w'.•,in of unit,.•. 00.4 idd.;.$a-at'softie
t1'• x .1y of instep decoration and tine i
c •I. r:• .. ase::, gloomy day, and to k .wt ; your
nna' Brent French muslin* are ex.) fees it u'b"I` •»J inauint,.:e, rtteeti'.a
!t! i' ! with .trteherre•, lnurel, t::- lith sky. A few 1�uure later you
as ..riser 54,•01 and foliage, irtswtee 1 look again. The clue% 11a., l:aa*.MI, and
bio one and half opened i...;1 fan • .o'r••. ' is 1 t! • wur'd 14 flooded w.,b suulighl.
• wed on re.rc.:lorrd -.441,44.
1'„u illy the lsackurounds u:-.• ,.t o live, 111•u.uuesrdy, inn (sort L:u..o fowl
pa'.• uirlden brown, or moss green. I happier. There is a llti:0 Meuse that
1:•,l purr Wig; simple. plays a very i says : _
...mile us part in milliuery just now. 1 "Maivien'aeyraseri,y'..,kir.,'
velvet b
It .,e• sled retitle,. but if menhir 1. is smiling
•,• •,,e' •/ of
. 0,• •.i %D1r.r
e11 sae•( enter
culgatriae kat
Nett in pope r:!y d. the n••lerine. •.f
leesdetl net and - •r.e the French nate ! It ratter rr.b:sb.1111...
tido of Mack ` o: • .oda sheeny I it a probable that in the brr.kittz np
tiestey, These • v eiy e'••gaut id set wiener we shall have i inch damp.
shape, and maks elute stylish lamp sloppy weather, when tosuui..tiam, nee -
say wear ..I:. ,...... r, • t:.ey st: ra!�ia, throe: a:,'• psunful
'Jollied. Epaulett laetriles, han.i., 1 a molstio•a nil! prevail H i,:_ (rd's Ye,
c••;,r. and culla .. a la trim these 1Iew 1)11 is the popular houerhold
�uunyi,t4. ti:,sell 1 . of line cut for external stud internal use. Its sena.
/.ere.. -.M ter more . ,•r'•t•!e for 111+M tire lamer is truly wwiderfu., 'L
titan (.1e showy, ids .. x S decoration...1
•••11.4. Inferior 1.1•Yese; -j •s, which soon _
cut :it. t:ireash*r --•r,, , and prove
►:. '•a( 6,,,,, ,. -rry . p.,tnt of •n- Culhrrt.,•n - "1 believe t vu killed the
or in the a. iter siefsb::Sty. 'l"'t• } ,.
i•• most brill) .1 vt well lie moat Finn, the gamekeeper - Oive yonr-
sif rte, no iymties., sot. Ile always lies
- •l.•lt.-re ahad•t• . cuter worn this , d.•nn',Ian • ;{intlemen anises a berried,
s"n...". but .• • :t. serer. it 1111111 • mat- 'Jest ter anus the outlaws. t ICONS a. nor,
ter of taste in .9'..iae, and mere vivid- be maul(' iii.„ :L.; e,..-„ ,144 :