HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-10, Page 4ati 4 SPICIAL MOM Dry Goods 111E11183110 outfit settee!. VALUE La tlic Wearies Hoods : DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, (11 NGHA MS, MUSLI NS, EM BROI DERI ES, PA RAS( )LS. HOSIERY, AND GLOVES A1140 MAHASILINS IN WHITE AND GREY (X)TTONS SHIRTINGS, • COTTONADES, TABLE LINENS, .TOWELS, •• AND TOWELING. epeeist **lees Oven te Tailoring Be oilt TWEEDS CUT OUT FREE Of CHARGE Ifrinspect inn int dad. SS'tloods shown with -• eleee ; ? THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1887. CLJAAIUnti SALII -Mies °reboot, the wellasereies deeded to close up he busi- er' in Oudench, and el Iteldieg • clear• tog sale fee oesh. A FIRMA. J. L Dow/Wry% r tbe proof ouseeasor of • light Brasilia chick tbat rejoice' In three perfectly funned lap It is alive sod douse well. 11•alau Ali APDITIoN. -G. N. Dams is tusking • Lege addition to his propos- ed residence on N.srth at. When coat Wed it will be quite • perimeter • Misskaw•• Fox Aitzgre.-Ooe want- ed in every township tit the witness of Hero°, Perth sod Breen For particulars address or call on J. W. Weatharald at the Huron Hotel, Goderish. 2 IVORY. ST METHODIRT tee Memos of Rev 0 It. Turk et conference Suaday lest the pulpit in North et church was ably tilled by A. K. Birks, the assistaui of Rev. Dr Griffin at Guelph. It to PeRINTIINDENT Towle - District superintedent Tiffin was in teen Tuesday last un business connected with the railread. He is giving Gcelench good sectenociation en the reed on July 1st. leer. -The remains ot the late Mn Jane Echlin, of Ashfield, were interred in Maitland Cemetery, Monday last. A large concourse of relatives and friends followed the budy its last resting piece. Useve Huge. -During the pastnattit Goderich and vicinity have been favored with heavy rams, which have caused a pletuure. very rapt grove.h of vegetation. Pi ent y J. A. REID & BRO. of rain fell, but none too much fur Jordan's Block. Court House Elguare tioiderich (-Mdsrldi* Ste ii Ile,. 1815;. SRI -1y Fon THE OLD LAND. -Charlea Illak• • - _ ., sail wite started Monday to take Damage hew ilid•eirolsemegdeltbilellesell. 1 , on the Allan line steamer Sardinteu to -----'yereell 'Key, •:. is. ,„0--cgcng,tf't*E-Zi:W..7(''AR ‘rWE-II`dr- 4,„ -*)4te4"....41n1iy, where thew Tor ear -leaver it Johastes. f remain s couple of mouths. They took Farms ter Sale -W. M. Hianka. Dress Musdina -J. C. Delco St Co. Hoard of Trade Nethse-M. Hutchison. pelage to Liverpool. THE Corrry COrs?.-This county court and general resions will ripen in Gedench on Tuesday next There are TOIVN TOPICS chie"• 0ivasy ,44. takennotes. Are fulls Ae'll perm( al. - some twelve or fifteen Scott Act appeal care to come off before the court, ▪ besides • number of other cases Tnc best of photoirrephe and the choicest of picture fran.ing are done at Lieu. .--tewarre studio. lia to .1t on st. A }leo Mt... -It you fall to see 341a-Cor- mac's spring stock. V ariod. elegant. durable and clomp. Be sur t to came/nue and .as 0100ej. I. K A. Prideam. the fashionable tailors. s'ehi supply sou with every kind of a suit eiL- rept a libel suit, at reasonsbie rates." They have 'uniting on hand but end -class stock. Card photos. calonet photos or outside WIWI are takJti at short tooter atm in the most approved style by 1.IL Nsilow's the pho- tographer. Call at gallery and riuuniue spe- cimens of work. Tile WIJMEN.0 CnitisTt•N TindPERANCS I:soot will meet reamer') fur the traneaction of Mildness every Tuesday afternoon at 22u o'clock. in Knox church. Every woman in- terested in the work is oordully invited to attend. Goode's Him k Cherry- Cough is mut airy/ wonders. Only 25e. Our owirtrondi- lion powder's' 15 and 25e. per package are Met jet -Tull Itri•st' satietactton. Fent class dispensing a spilt wilily. A% C. Gaodc. Drug- gist. Albion Block. H*v Moser -My tea trade IP GROWING dai; y and valu.! Ilnetereed. 'otters. vat: -14:14 044-s,;111..trii rir; nzi...rits.. and all It nee 51. 111.1;iLLi +. NAY. The Z. k (' . Gurney 40.. or Toronto and Hamilton. have placed the exclusive sale of their um PC. tangos and furnaces. vi SaUu4Pill & .u0. %PIM will eon- trhl t tie • aids of both foundries. and hue p • full Ione .n stock. Call sed see the -Original %I/•,d took" in diffet rat aiylast. The cheap - tot house under the sue. THS Humus •Nr. Barra LOAN AND IbtreeT. NEN? 4 'otii rsr4V. - Dimwit ors in this company have the beet possible security for their mom ey. all beiag invested in mortgage on farm property. Depositors hare • Orin lien in all t be company a assets. Meteor interest paid. from 4 to , per cent. according to amount 14041 diaration of deposit. Vs/niers having sue I4011/ means should call aosll see the manager. , TYRRIrn.s ell119111.10001 04/4011 for farmers!, Harness sold at eth esale prices for cash. Wn. Acheson is wiling of his large stork of smile and doillite bat -tows whoimale. to make roots for full stock. My assort mem of whips 14 Hpaienor, and very cheap, one of the lane- ' est stocks in the county. Trunks and yahoos oheaper duos the cheapest. tail' earl, and me mime at W IA . ACHESON'S mammoth barmen depot, liannitos street. Ooderich. Dr. McDonagh was in town on Setae- day. Dr Ross is writing his parents in tuwp. D. Holmes, 0.T.L. 'pest Sunday in town. Rev. Father Watters nes in Hullet on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Beet, of Seaforth, were in town this week. C. C. Rom, bat -niter, of Lucknow,was in town last week. Mr and Mrs Robt. Dickson, of Grey, were in town this Week Miss E. Holeses, of Stratford, was visiting in town this week. Mn J Tedford, of Clinton, spout a few days in town this week. Mr Hilton Holmes returned front • vise to Toronto en Saturday. Alf. Pridham, of F. A A. l'ridhain, Is el to New York on a business trip. Mrs Stott, of Flamboroe is the guest of her neice, Mn K. S. McKnight. The flower beds around the court house are now in full summer dress. A sum ..1 money was found in Si. George's church gee Sunday morning. The town band played a *beim pro - (gram en the square last Fnday eventug. Quite • number et our Orangemen at- tended the County Lodge hold at Clinton yeeteeday. Mies Mary Bell, of Hopson, ie ciaiting her senor, who te severely itedispoeed at present. The regular monthly meeting of the Maitland No. XI, A. F. teed A. M., will be heli seat Toeeday. Rev. A M. McGillivray is lies week sensting Rev. A. F. Illefeseen, at cone menime semen at Ripley. Rev. W. Young, wile an.1 family arrived in Getlench on Thursday, and I will shortly weepy the rectory McDonagh will be in (eidetic+ for , erneeltaties on Saturday, the 4th of ' June, and afterwards on it. first Saler- die 4,1 .very Ise tie Loftus K. Daneey, hamster, Seabirds, • n accompanted by his wife was in tows during the week. R. is bscotng • les• of weight in the community. Dr. M. Nicholson, the el est street 11/ disetint, makes the preservation re the beiteral teeth a specialty Gee *denier R Weed frees $ 0. we to 4 p. et fee the t palsies extradite of teeth. • Hz.S4'HoOL LITERARY SOcleTY.- The regular meeting of this society will be held this (Friday evening in the High Sch.el. Extra etfuts have been put I forth to procure a good program for the occasion. Silver collection at the door. "STR•o*RREIty, RIPE. e have re• ceited from Alex Gerrard, fruit raiser, Godench township, &box of tire, krge, ripe stawberries-the first of the mason. My Gerrard says his customers can by provided with all ebe varieties in opted condition and cheap. Wuggitg tis WA& DORN. --Rev Donald McGillivray wilt meet 'Sabbath preach in Knoz Cheek- North Rrc.. ir the section when he weeand to the neighbors on the li hers will no duuht be a large turtont to her one et their old boys h. lit EY PIC -St. Peteee choir jouroeyed toMrsnd Bend en Thursday to take Pert in a picnic. Although it mined off and un during the day. the Mee ps nevertheless had a pleasant time, their reception by the Meer end chetah members being most flattering Pestee Semite. EXILIC -There will be a public examination in the- schuols at the close of the present term, and the hoard of trustees earnestly desire that the parents attend ar.d show that they take an interest in matters that so near- ly concern them and their children. Hz WELL VlsIT GODERWIL -Rae Wm Jahnston, 01 Burferd, formerly of St. Georee's church, Godericb, will be perste at the S. S. conrentioi. from June 14th to 1,th, and will be presiding other. His many friends in Goderich will be pleased to welcome him beck. CONeltALSIENT Or BIRTH.- - Mra EIIsii Wsndby and her daughter, Mn Elizabeth Ste warewere beteg leis honor, Judge Toms, Tuesday last, to answer to • charge of concealment of birth in the teen of Wingham. They were remand- ed, for trial until Saturday .1 11 s. m. TILIIORAPH Exreeeloe.-It is stated that the C. P. R. authoress will extend thetr commercial telegraph line to (lode - rich within the nezt 60 days. For which we will be duly thankful, and after which we want the men's& with the interval of space reduced to a minimum. Avreteure-A number of our business seen are taking down the verandahs in front of their stores and putting op &w - sing.. We are not quite sure that in Godericb, at any rate, the verandah is not • valuable adjunct to the store fronts, tied we leave it a debatable ques- tion. Lecnones M.Trw -A lacrosse match will be played Thursday, Jene 16th, be- tween the Beavers of Seaforth end the Hurons of Godorich. Owing to the Sea. forth lacrosse c'ub having to leave on the 3 pe m. Gain the game will start sharp at 1 o'cloek, on the old lemur grounds, RitTuRNOD FROM CONTERRIOCZ. -Rev. R. Turk and R. W. McKnizie, the lay delegate from North -et. Methodist church, returned from Galt Tuesday evening lase whither they had been at- tending the Guelph Conference meeting. They both enjoyed the trip to the "Man - chef er of Canada." Clove yr run BA47IIYARDR. -Inspector Geneve has been nn a tour of inspection through the backyards of the town. He ieforms os that some of the councilors ars amongst t he greatest sineere so fat se controverting the town bylaw is vie - corned Now, gentlemim, clean op thew yards, at one. Asetee root fleTTIR TERNS -A peti- te.' has hem forwarded from Gederich, by instrection of the town council, sign- ed by the mayor, asking that the Gov. ernment rebate the new irm duties so far as the mammal to be used in the con- structesn of the new waterworks are concerned. es the sum placed HI rise br. laws was estimated nn the old jruili ante and no provise.n was made for is n eer in the eters. GoNR nyi A 'JOT --Jam.. Mclesrlegle. of Britannia Read, lager on • visit W timber of members of his family, neer tying at referent porta He telt on Monday loaf to visit a (laughter in ViThrlsor, theme* he will go to Chicago here another daughter and see • son mod... and from that he will go to reseonsmein. M where smother 4migh - or lives We wish t be"old man' s pins- neetime on bra trip. 1 1 " tee's)/ .1;4,torttjt,bitit‘e itc, Ton Binunne Boom. --Horses leas beee asked te ekes • Uwe s esteem lot is. ?sorb skeet Iteteenit IT,seed the reedier 01A. . The istmettee of tbe petellemeee is the event ef • deal beteg made, Is 10 seem a besieges bleak ea the lee wI society hallo and ••••• upstairs. POLK111 01•01NTRATI roe Richard Vsnietous. barrister, Keefe dine, formerly • law Modest 1,. ibm effee of Cameron, Holt • Ceseeroo, Gederich, has been appointee prise e legistrat• fur Drees eseety. Peuvle in air esteem who am well acquainted with the maw P. M. heartily comistiod the appointment. LU.T A WHIRL -While Miss Hennes Polly was endeavoring to make • sharp turn on West street with bee pony carnage Thursday noon, one of the hind when came off. and the pony started eff down Waterloo 14t. toward the high echotd. Fortunately Miss Polley 51,41 Miss Kay,who were sitting le the buggy, e scaped uninjured. A Nr.w Mevos roe Ceemos. - In consequence of Dr Williams' resign - in, the mayoralty of Clinton on his op- peinement to the position of police magistrate ter the county of Hume*, Jorph Whitehead, who for many years was reeve of the then village, has been elected by acclamation to again sa the chief eraistrate's chair. firevezu 1 LANDING DOCR,-Diebeint & Co. have secured • landing duck for their lumber frees Socord it Co. and ' now use a portion of the Government dock leased by the latter firm. Had it nut been for this concession from Sword & Co., Ihment & Co. would hare been forced to find another location far want duckroum Goderieh. Jibes Remoter Oseeimemego. -P. Holt it Cameron, having purchased the lot on the comer of North and Angleersa- se, intends to erect • brick deeding house thereen during the ensuing SUM nen Arrangements have already been made for the purchase of the necessary brick from Dresden pude. THEIR SHIP HAP Cotte Hoes. --A story has recited town that Jue Ellis, ot the Huron Road, and hie brother Rob- ert, who resideyett &Mord, have been left a fortunevariously estimated at from $1000 to $50,000, by the death of an agat in the Old Country. We hope it is true, as it will bring a little of the European capital this way. WOODNTOrlt CA LIDONIOAN GAME& -The animal games under the auspices of the Woodstock Caledonian Society will be held on Tuesday June 21st. on tbe grounds of the W. A. A. A. Special railway rates have been secured by the committee. and • geed prize list is offered. For particulars apply to John Craig, Secretary Woodstock. Itteerse-The members of the High S.ehool have attained a degree of prefi- ciency in "1 .saing the iron circlet." The first "match" was played last Friday evening by Messrs Taylor and Fowler against Messrs Stuart atid Heddle, in which the latter won by several shots. "Perhape there are other quer players in Goierich, say the High richoul play- ers. THE RIO 'EPTION Conemez AT WORK. -At the meeting ef the 5.li. workers of the delegates of the tonventioverto be held next Tuesday and Wednesday were nearly completed. Already a large num- ber hare signified their intention of be- ing present. They will report them- selves at the Victoria St. Methodist church, where they will be received by the reception committee. KNOX CHI'lli11.-The pulpit of Knox Church was occupied by Rev. Andrew Meldrum, recently of San Francisco. whc preached an able discourse from John iii -32 : "Add 1, if I be lifted up will draw all men unto mee' The Rev. gentlemen potteries a eeed voice, and the sermon bore evidence of deep thought and close study. The discourse was thoroughly appreciated by all who %WM A VLT11141 VISIT. -W. R..13,•••••• btu - 01 the Asylum foe liee lilted at anisittorte wee st town Wednesday last. and dripped to to see Taft liliceeit Ur Sums is ea enthusiastic Hoods, wheel tireglege, Ind nes reer of. the teriadise =11111110susreistio• reoently held iu le the Isterratomal bowleg maw Ilia 'mesas fur the pupils et• saidtg eke. Asylum is now oe. sad r Same nes seeing • [ember ut the pupils k their respective homes. Uw' our law F1111001 -I014 - Th. clerk of the Serrulate Court was the limed owner of a Beech tomer of • light yellow COM plazion. yolept Pete. Mouiley 'of last week Pete left has usual bed and board, sod sought other lbauaUb than the precteets of the courthouse. It was an esti day for Polo that he changed his boarding hoes*, toe death overtaok him woo after he side-tracked heaself. His mangled remains were discovered by his sorrowing owner on Monday lam, eod bore unmistakeable evidecsee that he had endeavore4 to worry a bulldog, and had not cieughenap and,suarl to till the cote tz"C•ILLIDOlitlaN Gees/v.-up to the time of writing the prize fist of the Godericb Caledonian genies is the linen that has been published thus t•r. From all quarters the Secretary is receiving letters of celery from athletes and others, &ad the attendance of contestants promisee to be the largest ever got together on an athletic field in Canada. The railway facilities for the occasion are excellent, the prier are all cash, the competition promisee to be of the best, and with the advent of • fine day on July the tint the celebrittion in Godwich on that day promisee to be corned to none ever held in Canada. Gousal.-H DIWRIC2-- STATIONAL -The treteoderi ielij4tietchlt eeserdistrist Godench, North St., Oes. R. Turk liodeirieh, Victoria St., Ges. F. Salem Clinton, Rettenbery Si, Edmund S Rupert, M. A., Clinton, ootario St. William W. Sperling; Seaforth, Jacob E. Howell, M. A.; Holmeavilie, Joh S. Fisher ; Hayfield, H. E. Hill : Varna, John Hart : Henson, R. Godfrey ; Dun trannon, Wesley F. Campbell, and Mustard, Luther R Rice, superanuated permitted to reside at Hobart Lake Ind., U. S : Bontniller, Jas Kestle Walter M. Patton reconmended Sits FIRED THE AWNING. -Whilis one of the able assistants employed in the dressmaking none over Frazer & Por- ter's was heating irons Tuesday kat she accidentally let some of the active conibuseon ey out of the window, and of course it found its way on to the new awning, which it immediately set on tire. K..4 Fraser brought a water pail and tin dipper into active service, hut ot.e section of the awning canvas had a number of helm burned thruugh despite his °aorta. That pettier. of the awning is now off for repairs, and George Por ter says he wants either the firm to send fireproof canvas, or his neighbor the dressmaker not to employ any mere red headed girls who shake their curls co- quettishly at passers-by. ALLAN LIXR-IMPORTANT - C•bin intermediate and steerage passengers can new go on board the steamships at Montreal if they wish to st,. The accommodation on the Allan steamers is unsurpassed fee speed, safety and comfort; fares as low as by any best class line crossing the Atlantic. Return tickets at reduced rates. Foe datee et sailing,. tickets and full information ap- ply to H. Armstrong, town ticket agent. Grand Trunk Ry. Telegraph oflice, West Si., Gederie.h. He will "ell you tickets to alt parts of the United Stems and Canticle, at lowest rates and furnish all reliable intrirmatien ae to cheapest and beet routes. *c. Agent ol Allan line to all park of Europe. 1'.S.-Eecursion tickets for the swoon at remarkably lee rates. mood for particulars. • Tun Boast) or Teas. Illarneu. -AI- other attempt we med. 0, calmer" the board of trade tete Ide Tuesday eres• istis. The char was occupied by M. Satchel°, pretreat et the eel beard, end there were priest vice•pressdent Creek+, It/Lenard Itadzlith mei H. W. 8.11, also Swam Kees Price, Clerystel, Cana DIIIII Dritunin.,m1, Sinter, W. Campbell and James Mitchell. t being to the smallness ot the aturedriese, an adjournment was moved mute Wednes• day nest when a meeting well he held to select ofticers. Italandlately after the aJjourninent ten or twelve more but- eineeeetueleistee.neremergedneteler.eipetuhede .eeeti.:t. but te next meetiee the bierd of trade should beineeettitnehser. established or "set L"."4-.. Already there have been four fruitlesseettflhts. A Higr Poll Gonsite 3. - The fol lowing from a rity exchange apt., applies to the ere of (1,eleelch : - tine defect in the treeetruboweree newts is the failure to mut the trees. It is net only good for the health ..f the ties, but to cut .1 the lee, oterhativog. uoceuth branehes eteuld give symmetry to the verdant gothic archweys which properly trimmed trees naturally form &cress the streets and erase pieta. Ti.. city ought to undertake the runners for meet of the trees he cutaide of the .pnwate ownership line. The work w ould then be uudormely and regularly done. It would gie• toott,oymeut to labor and add to the beauty ol the streets A few zangs .1 men utoisr a competent foresee, ceuld in the course of a meson easily d.. all t hid is re,ieiree. The expires *oleo be savell-the advan- tages grief-. e ' irelioneie to THE ONTARIii. -This Sar- nia Ob.er- i of last week had tee fellow - I iste .: eThe (Intent, met with a mu** 'e'en Wer &evietrip,Whereefi Mere a (weft., . tin "1 several days. She had to stay at Sault Si.. Marie over night, and while . lying at the wharf there the sea nd eu gineer left one ...f the eilvve of the lee pressure engtoe opeo. with the result .1 e admitting too heavy a pressure et menu and breaking erne of the niaceinery. As - there is no machine shop at the Snub the accident could not be rem. tot there, and the engineer hate to come ' down on the Nyack to Sarnia to procure ' the needed reps:rs. Mr Blaakie ti seabed CARD or TRamee-The following let- ter from the widow of the late John A. heard it.. Watson speaks for itself :-Goderich. June 7th, 1887. To II Elliott, Esq, courthouse square never looked better Right Worthy High Chief Ranger, sad than it does at present, and the small othe.ers of the Huth Court of the Cana - annual ezpeoditure by the town and disn Order of Foresters :-Dear Sirs, - county council proves to be well spent. I beg to return you my sincere thanks and to give general satisfaction. The for the prompt manner in which the walks are well kept, the flowers bloom esdowtnetit of one thousand dol,ars and give forth nch fragrance, the gems (.11l.000) on the life ofeety late husband is like • velvet carpet, and the trees of has been paid. I Mee desire to thank full foliage. Keep up the anneal grant the officers sad members of Court Gode gent Icemen. rich,No. 32, of Goderich. for the prompt Tale re GebleRAL.--This week e manner in which the sick and funeral wam benefits were pied, sad for their kind - sending out invitations to delinquent eueseeesee 10 pay up. We have tee". nese and oration during the Wore of my km husband. Wtshing the Order rid "rook at your label !" until we are hoarse, and we advise everyone who re- "e17 Pet*Pesite, 1 remelt emirs sin - calves an account to pay up st nso. oely, Mee John A. Watson. Tut SION•L, like Sam Jones' religion, Mccnite1474. IHRTTTL'Te STATIgnie.- needs "grit and greenbacks.' to run it. From a report submitted by the wee - The editors are willing to furnish the tary of the mechanics' institute to the Grit part, bet we want our subscribers town council at its last meeting, we to bear their share, and furnish the glean the following :-The institute did greenbacks. We mean the Item for • good work last year. The free reading everybody who is in arrear. The first room on which we expended the sum of batch of remainders have gene out this $102.20 for magazines sod newspapers, week. and we will keep seeding them is an unqualified success. Large num- /sat till we go through the entire list. bers of noneneenbers are inhhe habit of The best tray to save being cleaned is to constantly attending the room in the pay voluntarily. evenines, •and the average attendee. H A CAT KIN! Lore l -P. Adam has been between 50 and 60 for the five APi son, the county clerk of Heron is the months ending with April last. The roue ?osmium of at, of the literary had a circulation of 1.770 volumes, and the, evening classes were Dermultien, winch certainly hes more than eee weeemesir them the .s.su- well attended, principally by young men. no.. is the neighborhood of the county The memberships, which is au to that of last year. contributed $100.50, It is clerk's resident. was rudely disturbed - more difficult to get in new members on (if we may be allowed to use an 'epees - UM which although • stereetype fine account of the reading room being free. the bill in this case) -by • sertinade few PUBLIC SitilOOL BOARD -The .hoot a party of oats in his bockyard. He booed met Monday evenieg. Perrot maimed • stout amok and sallied forth, Messrs. Nicholson, Acheson, Butler, bet all the cats had tied sem and etcopel Swanson, Morton and Rall chstrivian•. his own Thomas, who kept to his music Minutes of pre•toos meeting wire read in a key by no means senor Asd the and confirmed. The report of the worthy county clerk's indignation waxed I principal showing 379 boys and 337 meta fierce, and he smote thoThomaa eat :melon roll and an average attendance of and seam, and stiffened him out, as • 317 boys 41. of caretaker asking for me- ths deed of blood got his a sped*. end •is repairs was referred to weeniest selectee, a epee la the gardens where the 40.1111Ittelt to report 00 daring vacation grape vine :wined and the snit mask &tenant of constable Yule for truancy easy digging, Im deg him • plan* of is- work. $5, wee ordered to be paid ; Jae telreent for the defunct Mamas at. Rounders & Sole $11, was refired to And when theses.. was ready he leek &nano" committee, with newer to pay; di. deputed by the heels sad dumped P. Gordo. $7 for blinds, we. served ea him into the prepared place, and then - the same manner. H. W. Bell gave drew back in astoniehtneot, when the notice that at next meeting he will S.V. lamented Thomas or, (prickly regaining as follows That the hook known se his feat. Wester ever J R. Meretougalle the R Bible he and is hereby removed fence and vanished in th• darker" of fren the Central see Ward flehoole, mike Mr Adamson WWII that hie at and that all Scripture lemons shall in of eee ,,ettaareztuss.oje, alien • future he read front the nee Rook, the thoseIt ' lietite. The board thee eiktersed. IT NE% Eli bboRRO BETTER. -The • the work last Turday nighi, and t e boat is expected wel be (Len Weight. In consequence ..f this accident there will be nu beat out on enday. The United Empire will be the next bost, on Tuesday evening next, the 'intent. fol- lowing et Friday, 10th of June. HVRoN CuUNTY SAPIRTH --- The fifteenth annual uter- ine ▪ of the Huron County S. S. erects - tion will be Median Tuesday sod Wednes- day, June 14th aid 15th, and promisee to be one of the most interesting meet- ings yet held. The following are the subjects to lee discussed at the Ceunty Sabbath School Convention to be held here on Tuesday and Weilliesday. June 14th and 15th. Tuesday ifternoon, Victoria St. church. 1. -"The beat methee of selecting, arranging am.i dis- tributing the Library,"-iittrucluced by W. J. Clarke. Elettr. 2.-'. S. 4ireanization and disciplaie.--intro- duced by S. W. Perry, )1. A., Chilton. Tuesday evening, Knox church - Ad- • --- Rev. J. H. Simeon. Btuce- field. "flow use we train the children . in temperance work ? Rev. W. emir, B. D, Clinton, "Methods 4.1 teaching the Bible in the Sunday sch,,ot.- J. S. Cooke, Bluevaly "The rektiou of the /tunes; wheel to the Satin.' Wedneeds y morning. Victoria St chureh.-1. "Sunday school Hymno- logy, .-iatroduceil y R.t 4. R. Terk. Goderich. 2. Conference on S. S. T411.0- grarwork, led by Kew. J. E. Howell, Seaforth. Wedeeeday afternoon. North St. Methodist church. 1. -From 1.34) to 3 o'cluck. -Primary class con foresee :-let. Paper prepared by Mn Geo. A. Crysler, Galt 2nd. -Hints and examples, Mute Blair, Moe Ache- son, Mir Parsons, and Mee Martin. 3rdeSinging, in lithe primary class -Mr Geo. F. thikes. Clinton. 2 - At 3.15 children,' mass meeting addressed by Rev. A. E. Smith, Varna, and Rev. John Gray, Clinton. Singing services by the children. ARO- T •WKRP..... A N4 44 P00%00.4 - There was a large attendance if busi- ness men from &Worth, Clinton, Gods - rich and other peak, Wedeseday after- noon, to re the presentation o1 their petition against the present hawkers and pedlers bylaw. and to bear ergo: meats advaaced why the sheers should te made. After the reading of the petition, viola bal 2,150 names ettiethe ed, it was nieradeind seconded that the petitioners b. heed in favor of their contention. and M. Y. McLean, of Seeforth, was selected to fi-st address the county council. He said the Leyte mate traders kept up business establish. meets, gees employment to local &acid- ulate, paid taxes upon their premises and stock, and were forced to died equarely with their customers to 'maintain their position ; the pedlar had nothing to pay except the paltry $25 • year for a home, he was bore today and away tomorrow, and there were no tie to bind him to emit °memo honesty. Legitimate base n em men built up busier' centres, and increased the value of farm property ad- jacent to them. Thus the county assess - mute were improved, and for this ree g oo, the members of the moot, council should deem it in their interest to pro - mete the echoer preposed. Some might object on the ground that as the lieenses for 1887 were already 'ranted and would hold good until New Years that the quite tine might be left over nntil that time, but he believed it would be better in the interest rit the pedlar to take op the 'natter and mettle it now. That action would give the peelers six months notice to grit, and woeld take from them the excuse that they had been crowded out without warner. They would be given an opportunity to realms upon their premium investmoste awl would be amply warned ant to invest again. Mr McLean woe applauded by • lame number of seencillore and residers no the mincer "Illaseel,sedsedYefe ittwat"trusemmiberle410691eed 2wiers n7.7 .1 tallmors, *bowed that •bee the fersaing armanity herr' irearely tiro the matter alley Mil It meg Lti/Plf tourer to have the heelers either abut ee altogether te place under restrictions that [suede those respeueble to those meth •hom they traded. At the onneluinue of Mr Celbernies address the matter was referred te the special esee..... isustresuou.dulth;acomussui,nty_ce4unecialre. infprise• tut farst •t.dt hbey pyres n moot bertime,,1 t heoh„deed.eye jte ped- prefering et representatives of .. ceehrteichieuwo.e1...liete riaseltligia1tiset"thPona'r l'hese melt are battering their good* t ho un wry eachatwe tor woOr. $11 farmer theles tie 15 g011140: 041 INI00 f, r his vio-1, but will find out ere long tivhsartutitnii.s •:)wrernathenyy InIlly,"Liteiw:ylieritallY !or JOHN MiCILLI- vn&V tel MoNTIOtAIL.-1114 folionitie is I 'lie 4 I. 444 : -OR Thweday evening the Presbytery of Montreal met in Melville chinch. Cute Si. Aliteme, for the land US- dUctiots of Mr Jelin etetellivrsy. M. A., eine last sermon graduates of Knee • College, Terout... Nut withstanding very unfavorable weather, there was • good attendance et the congreeation sod of the Preehytery. The meliorator Rev. R. H. Warden presided, and there were preseio, Revs. Principe McVicar, lir W..1. Smyth, J. Peck, F. M. Dewey, H. Jerdan, Jas. Petersen, .1. Nichols, It. Cempeell, A. II. Mackay, Prei. Scrimger, and others Au appropriate seDer:eoy° rwr,&,:n itihreesesird.r.ishy..Witeev.arre 4:4411"1"mi bereslemietee Chria," ani eller w1M,,,th, his ltnivray, Waked egfeeie test "'factory answers to the questiens prescribed, was solemnly ordained, by prayer and the laying en et. the hones ..f the Preeey- tery. to the work of the ministry *..d in- deciel etre the charge et M. -hills chumh. Rev. Dr :retell addrered the nenister. $t.1 Rev. L H. Jordan the peeple. On the billowing eminent, • welcome foetal was held, and liras largeiy attended by the congregation and ea friends. elle platform and pulpit were beautifully decorated wtth plants and fleeter.. Mr 3L leitchivon, president of the board et .natiagent, occupted the chair. sue in his opening remarks certhally welcomed the new pastor in the mine of the cougreestien. Brief coneratulatery addressee were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Werdea Wells, Privet - pal elite Veer and Newham Episcopal . During the evening the choir eine several pieces with taste and effect. After refreshments were served by the tellies. The evening was a meet pleasant and enjoyable one. and Mr McGillivray e welcome by the congregation was moat cordial and hearty. He enters upon his work with hopeful prospects of success. Rev. R. H. Warden conducted the service cn Sabbath mernme, and formally introduced Mr McGillivray ; Mr Mceellivray himself preached in the ereniug. The annual stipend is $1300. LAKE NOTES. Items or tioneres1 toiler Hoye that Mew Inv -4611eall smaited.e The schooner Todman sailed north on Sunday morning. Schooner Carter well • wren of !ember fer Diment arrived at her deck on Sunday morning, and unloaded on Monday. The echo...nee Mary S. Gordan arrived in harbor en Sunday morning. This week she loaded bulk malt for Weirton. and barre'erl for Toberneiray, sod sail- ed on cempleting loading. TOWN COUNCIL. What leas Owe* al Me Less Revalar Heel - WE. 1 i i The regular monthly meeting of the town council was held en Friday even - ins lest. Present -Mayor Seeger, retro John - One, deputy -reeve Cemeros, and coun- cillors Smith, Humber, Gen Acheson, John Acheson, jr., J H. Colborne, le Jordan, J. Butler, 11, Dunlop, V. Lee. J. A. Reid, and E Ringhana. Minutes of previous metes -es read sod conehrmed, 1' .rere report for May : Receipts, including balance from April, *2,6416.84, ezpenditure, $1,2114,34. leaving Wane esened forwere. 91,381.40 was received 4llad itici.etrunication front the rewe of With as te the price of the fire melee should 9 be dispensed withoras received and bled. A oommunication from the secretary of the citizen's railroad committee, re- garding railroad matters easels° tiled. A encemunication from & peilertlyeb, ieewaral'reeeeardesivedisenirdth:ledB.ig Miii Wu- eunmunication from Willis Chap-, man, of Brock rifle, asking for the ap- pointment of consulting engineer in the matter of water works construction was referred, to.water works committee. An application front the treasurer of t e eiledodian ;lames Assoreation ask- ing for the usual grant for the Dominion Day celebratice was reed. Moved by deputy -reeve Cameron, seconded by councillor Jordan, that *100 be granted --Carried. • An $ec'.unt from Walter Hick was , Drawee to be paid. An account (TOM 14 111 Runes for 53 for we of store as cupowillmingitte4bouth, was referred to Mance re la ,Tohrea fipanayni in Weller ard Merit he"1111141$2174:17,iWiler"r"aillaiscc".nsil and mune $1.26, E Sharman $4.25 Wil- iam' Murray $22,Kre Mitchell $1.50 Goderich Star 112 27. The ete r (1104, and Spinal. (11105.40' &cermet' WWII re erred back for the mental to deal with. An appbegition f is. re les reenarks. J. H. Colborne, et item for threm the elfechanies e renal appropriation ; Hederiehompplemented the statements' of was, after ram sharp ereeeeeing grant- ./ the preview speaker by saying that the ed, the rule being suspended to Miner roads and bridges of the ce.unty were the nestion to ease A rem teeniest ion frnm the heed mete asking for as additional eraM for the leorpre 1 heytng new istatmesents and paying an old debt. wee referred te, bunco remmittee. The council then largely enetributed to by the legitimate beers" men, while the tranaseet teasel pail little nr urine' to keep them in re- pair, sad that wee an dem that ethweim th. y Th. el regime the lime fee, elhough in eir- adjourned. or r, $4c1'*‘41isFlr t44.441' k' t . ' Ammemastele11111111.11111111C