HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-6-10, Page 301' 4't4.10,
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" 000lw fit 1 RON FRIDAT, JUNE 10, 1387.
11(1 surf and ifildo te meet tile must aristocratic turn? lappointiimat. -Let the old books go.do
likT F. A. eat eottass,
owe, resetting ROBevne Aninee jatiCile "Ob, Raph May itzelai.ned in
• .uts,aud Ralph noticed Roy 's hat was 11/1-
; • II almost conetaittly as, mem titer anoth•
. er,richly dressed belies passed and hewed
with evident favor.
Arrived at the °wean House, they mop -
seated to dress for dinner.
Twu days passed in which the frien.la
were eumataintly together, and Ralph
mat a easber of Roy's friends at the
1 heath, and in the hotel mulcts,
thi the third day, as the two young!
Roy Sheldon sat on the vaininilA i4
the Oman House, glencirer over ase
no room papers.
1111 attention was 'helmeted front his
rescliog by obsersine • s. ranger who
slowly promenaded up and d ten, with
his hoods li.hind bite and hi. eyes hied leen ware, loo,king over their mail, Roy
on thnes aroued him, of e hich he
ezehianeu . °Here is an invitation to
e sce;
e„ced to teke no Donee the they have a magnificent
about ham seemed familiar to Roy, but place here, and entertain royally. This MI
he could not identify him, until mein- T. „ l
ee,Prilin tj tir.":"t
ory, with a leap. brought before him the Si. -"II
college class room, and he remembered is til"-• "
the vainest eyes, the wavy hair, the no. '
"Don't mind see Rey,I beg " cried
' Ih d Ralph, quickly. "I prefer not to go. I
eagle here for old ocean, and not for ;
Chatted he certaitly wee, but surely . „
Roy felt he was nut mistaken. When
Pahaw, Ralph ! I shall not roil you!
',est the stranger approached him, he I
!don't. You must go,old balker. 1 haven't
torentt up and tart too *Oa `tutturviched i would suit yos. She is • beauty, !
hei.siss, and a regular queen 1110Clety.
"Certainly this is Ralph Atwood helms. haa been here two seasons, has had
exclaimed, half interrogatively.
flute of admirers, and will not look
-Right !" imod the other, tie • grave
• at one. She is rightly nam..61 ;
smile tzlited Ina facie an instant. ••But see as a &ter, hut the trouble
y haver the advantage et : I ,,,,t .he declines to be snynimiy.e.41.......i,3,;;,_
rec..liect y..ii
lar star, I predict you will sin,
' Think, Ralph urged hie coinpan-
"Thank you, floy, but no ladies for
•'N.i,"•eald Ralph, sherly,"1 " Then
looked critically for an instent. then
aspired to Mies Grayson nirtell, but ahti
me .
his ryes kindled "I believe -it is Roy
"What is the matter with you,
Ralph ' exclaimed 11.1.
“1 t bal,1 gh !" d
with her" 'You used to adore the ladies row you
aenially grow pale over the thiiisao ,
jeer 7" tell tee' 15,7 deer t meeting .41e -the moot &armor.; oi. her
ow, where youbeet
have i all these PIM
-what you have Oren doing, alai htw ,
eirue you here 1end Ry slipped his its
anti in that of his friendoted commenced his
it. pace up and down.
poet once.
1 was about to yield. es I could Oa
doe. with witch easertece, but • tiliito,e
from mother chanted wiy purp.141, and 1
mid quite irritably . "Dust b.s baby,
May ; I bete to work as wed as pley."
hlay looked up m rototiehatent at ray
tone, eli.1 w..i III ley tr,.wu, bur.t into
,.-ars and 1.1t the table WO Tait to her
two fount.
As soon as I could with litgaity do so.
I followed her, mid when 1 fennel she
was crying from wounded love, instead
of childish disappoottnieut, I brenued to
tell her I had elianged my iniud, I did
not, however, but patted and soothed
her, and epitomised for my crossness,
and left her to good spirits
Frequently after ibat, leas harshly ia
my mother's presence. I deliberately re-
fused May many little pleasures she had
Abruptly.' attested end MO Ike homer
tee overcome with Nip( leetion to
Ibre to speak.
• • In • fee days I was infanta that •
divorce suit esti to be brought against
Is At first I was net stunned to do
anything, that the Lvil one set me
up with • stock .4 *imbibers' pride, and I
would nut not mews the changes did
1 not even try 1. tied owe what they were,
and othey gained the case, and we
wee. tree. They seised nuthina but di-
vorce aud • resunipston of her maiden
I Soon after that, 1 threw up ay "job,"
. as we Pay out West, and p.ineirt • pro-
specting party. Fortune &worm' in.. 1
settled part of my wealth oti lay !mother,
and started for Europe Then mother
married, and I am alone.
That is my story, Ry. Now you
know why I have nu interest in ladies.
Siete can be mote fair than my little
Mey, and I lose her yet -shall always
love leer ''
Ralph bowed his head iin the back of
• ehair suet groaned
Roy, ,,,,, red by pity, arose and laid
his hand gently on his friend's heath
Failing to Lind any wocds oI otinsola•
tion, he said softly. "And so you wish
to avoid p- ,.I,7. Forgive me Htlpii, I
thin. a attle society is beet fur you. Be
guided Iiy ine," he added earnestly.
"Try not t.; brood more On your sorrow.
iao out with nie i.nce in • while.''
• .1%1 do as you say," cried Ralph, im •
pals,ely starting to his feet, and
grasping 11.,ya hand. "1 feel better for
having made my confessi
been need
Before long Mat's mother visited tee.
o' eetweirefee would ice °West i. IOU
devoiiiin to her baby, soul as dist
thought crossed my mind, I, She a
tactless ft.ol, reeolved to show her t 1
sae master of my own house.
again I tapedlese.y thwarted May is
many ways, caii.ing her retry
nig, unhappy h .urs, shoe Jilts Elovi
seemed petrified at first With amosieh.
Nsturelly, she treated roe more: Mike«
ly and petted flay doubly.
At las. neuters came to • climax. I
as. irritated at 31ra Ellis manner, and
amen at reakiest May said, "Cant yuu
de -t ntf tni. of tern", ,n to take us for a
di tie '
1 snapped out hastily -
"No, I cwt. I stn a man and must
• , work.- *TELL t.
'You are certainly not tho
1ph,' he asked, glancing keenly at
friend's face. "Have you had tr u.
hits been a good while,- said madeo
Ndon't answer. I wax too nry•
I .e
ktIch, "and a great deal has happened. exclaimed, as a spawn i.tu
but it can be into a short hittory
h crossed Ililphs features :
f the preterit Wheu did we
other le"Yes.- *aid Ralph. controlling himself
o '
One spring day e
with an effort."Y.et, I have had -a great
" in thjunior year,
, • ore', seri I et!l try to tell rot. I have
when a telegram, telling Of your father*,
1nessreached you.never spoken '1 ,1 P. any one,and it map
. , "
„vet. weii, father hived but 0, keretee iron brooding over it to tell
He poetic', and_ sat • lono time eiteet.,
los death we found has affairs hopeless!,
few hours after I reached home. Aft* Jr".1•
i tvoired, and but a teg_kundred dollats while R l'irrQwf ell' w °eh" 'the
out of all his property were left us. 0,7°4'11' "IP4'""" 'n "" It `IJis., Pi
course I could not return to college. 1 *0151s57htought the past before
At lade he rouse.1 himself. "This le
must tak• care of myself, and provide!
1 not talking," mid he with aI
r mother. You remember Phil
I'res:on ?" he broke off to ask.
Roy nodded.
•• s -kad always corresponded since
Phil s faintly went West, • continued
Rallis. "You know his father formed s
eciinpeny out there, or rather,
mist u( the members are East, but the
will be as brief as 1 ctn."
So.n after going to the camp at Wild
R011.1 Gulch, I,beestne acquainted with a
family by the ;fame of E hie. M -s Ellis
I had been • widowatil tool a laughter
Clara when she niarree,1 Mr Ells. There
was a younger daughter MAT, &bunt tit -
property is there in the little camp of '
Wild Rose Gulch, and Mr Preston has
charge a11. Well, I wrote to PhII, and
he answered at once, and told we if I
would emus out !should hat -es place as
ammtant chemist or asioyer. He told
me to bang mother, as she would be
comfortabie, and the change would bents- ;
fit her. The long and the short of it
we went. I was with the company about '
three years, then kept books for a tirm 1
- to a larger camp, some fifty miles from
there. Then I prospected for a win:roam( ,
ate otOte forturiete ones. Mother I
' a brother of Mr Preeton, and I
t on a European tour --have just re -
tared, and ran down here to see if the
'City by the Sea' was the game charm-
tog place I remembered. I hardly ex-
pected to meet an old friend the first
thing. BM flue about yourself, Ruy r.
"Oh !" returned Key, lightly. "I
have had a very monotonous life ease -
wired with yours. 1 graduated wpb
souse credit, then undertook to reed lew,
but hated it ea father offered not s part-
nership in his business if I 'roue' take
the foreign bootees'. That has takes
me abroad a good deal; I, too, have
put returned home. Am heater • httle
vacation and rest."
"That's all," be added. "Hare yos
had brooklet'', Ralph I" it. asked, sod-
oe . denly.
it "Took a cep of miss on the hose'
said Ralph, "bet I fool like having ea -
"All right," said Roy, "eons* nn,
we'll take breakfast tog:Aber once
They entered the dieing -room and
pee orders, and continued their talk of
old times and friends, and their years of
"Not ,named, Roy r asked Ralph.
"No," rotates' his friend with a
laugh. "I harem's sot my fate that is,
I sin emnewhat streak nww, hot have not
dared to try my fa" Mid you r1 he
"I am alone," replied Ralph, quietly,
after an instant's hesitation.
After breakfast the friends took a
walk down Bath Road and along the
• hooch.
"It's the very stone 7 erieditalph in
delight. "Dear old feewport. mom
re thing is ler.spe nor in emetics to
4 meepare with it !"
Rambling slam at the fora of the
MRS, getting' amend debater points
with real boyie4: persistent.. sad glee,
Um, emote to the "Il'orty Steps," idiot ed
tomajaedeml^tered e,Narregulatt Av-
teen *boo 1 first new her -tali, slender,
with a beautiful complesi-n sod a lovely
aolor, with bright dark eyes *nil 'lark
brews hair, and itracefuto bowitehine,
childish ways. She and I brreme street
frauds at once, and went together so
often I did nut realm. the change trona
friendship to a wormer feeling until a
trifling incident showed me I was in
love with little May Ellis. 411 °ours, I
watt itnitious to learn the et.te of her
feelings, and sous d.sisurered she limed
I promptly asked Mr LIM for his
dauohter, anl as yoirhful marriages are
the style out there, 1,ono was sorproo
ed. Her parents insisted May should
wait until her invent/loath birthcisy. As
that was but a leer months distant, I
cheerfully swotted, and went to the lar-
ger camp I told ye u of, and worked and
w aited hopefully aol patiently, getting
ready meanwhile a cosy home fur my
httle wife.
At last on May's birthday we were
slurried, and proceeded directly to our
mew home,which was as dainty and luxu-
rious as I could afford. May was pleas-
ed and fur a time I think angels in heav-
e n could scarcely be happier.
• doi't be cross, Ralph :" pleaded
May. "I don t know what has come
over you : You used 14. get off when
st.er 1 asked you, but now you dont do
anything io please UM..
Stir toilful little speech was so true,
,1 made me angry to hear it, and J
said "Became I have been a lout is
no reason I shou d remain one, and
you've been • baby long enough 7"
May turned pale with grief and /nor.
titication. but Mrs Ellis blazed out, "I
gall yots a brute, Ralph Atwood, to treat
your wife as you do I never supposed
you would be guilty of such actions
'Your opinion 5 nothiug to me :' I
said in a heat. "I am master in my
owarhoore I want te suggest that you
be not hem, when I return this even-
tog. .
!" •
It wee May who spoke ley Aar with
n.y dear r'
' If.you turn my mother out he that
style. I shall go with her 7"
"A. you please," I replied loftily.
"If you approve of her insults to yaw idea of that lady's popularity. until Ralph ended with "And I shall
alone nothtne weeld bars kept I" fr°11" Ralph glanced up and saw Miss Gray -
left, I heard May sob. If we had been
going bock to make up, but it waa
went directly to my Ake. As 1 Grace turned away. "You will let me
introduce you soon r never forgive myself NI. not meetinz the
divorce suit, as 1 really believe May was
tlersuatditmed was": smdast her nhw ril:e.Tws, &mil!"
Stella quietly wiped away the mist id
husband, perhaps you had better." "There she repeated Roy,
son advancing towards him. He stasntwe-
poss:Ne unit s scornful writnese. ad back and covered his pale face with trembling heed Peachel below the haise
N.. one can imagine my sufferings,his hand as be maniere& "Not that finished the dressing of her kWh
when I had grown calm. I was crazy to
Roy ; I am faint in 7his crowd. I'll go necked riding habit. She drew out a
met home to make up with May, and out to get ease fresh air, and feel better
apologize to her mother, but I was kept soon.,
riAlst at usy desk all day making out He rargia-d and (prickly left the room unclasped the chain and laid it in
bole for men wt.) had come in to tattle.
by another door, while Roy started after Italph'a head. "Do you knave that ring,
As soon as I could I hurried home I him in „rpm, Mr At-- Ralph r
Paisungour nearest neighbor's the lady "why. ohlips is your friend ), deo Ralph gazed, trembling. I; was cer-
ran "" and 1'11'6 m• the key. saying man dro Grine, an the two joined Roy. tainly his own --one given him by an
Mn. Ellis left it there when she and Mrs I H. he „root out to gat a breath of aunt who named hini, and he had given
it to May in exchange for the ling on
his guard.
"It -it is, or was mine. I gave it to
my wife. How did you -"
But he did not tinuih his sentence. fer
Stella had thrown off her hat and reveal -
el her hair worn in May's fashion She
rose to her feet, and mode • maw,
Ralph remembered as one of May's
tricks of manner.
"You -you are really May !'' cried
Ralph, seising her in his arum. "Yon
R .y easily obtained an invitation for
his friend, and on the appointed even'
in, in irreproachable dress suits, they
joined the brilliant throng in the
spacious apartments of the Vernon man
Roy introduced Ralph to Mrs Vernon
and Grace. and asked the latter. "Is
not Miss Grayson to appear 1 I do nut
She will be down directly," replied
Grace. "Her agent clue* on important
business, and detained her till long past
her time to dress."
: there she is :" and excusing
herself, Grace mewed the town to meet
her friend.
A tall, slender tivire, wild rose Cs.-
pi.sinnbon z 1.4.., glorious dark eye•,
aid a wealth of brown beside coiled at
the back of her well -shaped heed, a
perfect Grecian nose, tied a sweet
mouth, made fur smile: and kisses, were
Miss Grayson's p.r.oual,aat,s.tiuna
Add to these a til carriaire and
charming manner, withis most bewitch -
e.• form paw Paling cheek. but inad• no oommelit,
but her fuer mad features -she- -herself,
would pass for May's twin ststsr
Atter that Ltoy del not reel i. prima
Ralph jets, society, fur every•here they
went they mot Mias Oraysioi, and Mee
seemed tu pommels • strong attraction for
Ralph. "Sandy I as not leartoug to
love her," he thouelit, 'nth • wiet oi
Iturror. "Oha le s.t like my lost May
That is the mums 1 like to be with
her. '
One day • 'Wing party was tustlw up to
go over it, the Secoud Beach and lithe -
lag Rocks, As they passed the road,
betweeu the beaches, Ralph saw Stella
meat '..4) • long backbone of rock, WIWI.
ning out into the ocean, and heard her
say"! should lona to go out there, clear
to the very end, aud have the waves
dash around use."
°If you would like to do so, 3.1iss
Grayson, I wilt go with you, after we
hove the horses," said Ralph.
"Thank you, Mr Atwood, I should Ise
pleased with your compatiy," returned
Stella quietly.
No one saw the triumphant flesh .4
her dark eyes, as they rode gaily to the
As soon as practicable, Ralph and
Stella quietly left the party. and leisure-
ly wandered back to the este eash,..1
ruck, then Ralph led his n inpanion
carefully and steadily out firer the slip.
pery way, until they stood at the very
end, and paused to listen to the dashing
.4 the forceful waves. as theyeliciiited
their deep roar and niesteiskpmeitu011ie
steady roll 05 thebeadb 10 *etch the
distant view of the city back ofdme tit*
of cliff cottages, and wharf, with dem
breath, the aroma uf the oceall444414
At last they grew tired 1 standing,anti
Ralph found • raised ledge where they
eat down to rest before returniniz
"Excuse my curieatty, Mr Aiwa d,
said Stella, 'bit this is a pretty little
ring on your watch guard ; may I seek •
little closer r
"Certainly, Mien Graywin," replied
Ralph politely, lifting the chain and
placmg at in her outstretched hand.
"It -the ring, belonging to my wife,"
be replied fa/tamely.
"Your wife !" repeated Stella in sur-
prise. "Are jou then a married tlean---41
widower ? Your wife, when did she
die 1' she queried softly.
"She did not die, • replied
qui VW' iu his voice. She left --she was
stolen from nte :" he exclaimed fiercely
"Stolen from you!" scheme: Stalls in
bewilderment. "How -tell me about
it, please. --
so Ralph impetuously repeated
Isis story as he had to Ruy, uncoosciour-
ly adding such details as he felt the
would understand.
Stella listened with rapt attention and
jog costume, and one
slender gold chain, to which was attach-
ed a seal ring of quaint device. She
Atwood went sway I thanked her in-
coherently and rushed home.
Yea, it was true ! My home was do-
wered. Bitterly did I regret my folly
in attempting tu follow •Iv ice instead of
fresh air," stammered Ray.
"He is tat used to ersowded parlors,"
he added apologist iow10 •
'•Where has he h tt r laughed
Stella, 'that this mard is tem much tot
using may own judgment, governed by his nerves .! Who is hs 9ny,ey r. ail,
104.. ' added, adjusting her bar 1st.
At first I thought of following theta "Hs hue spent worst year, out west,
on the first train. Then I was sure May and has just returned from &trope_
would return and that would be beet. His name 5. Ralph Atwood," replied
But I passed three wretched, lonely
Roy. his eyes unconsciously following
days, and as she had not returned I got stuns.. hovers as she arranged the
I was prepared for May's childish leave of abloom, aud went up to Wild
impetionaaess, and gladly yielded, in Rom Gulch,
moot thing', to her wishes, so all went The faithful Ana opened the dour at
well. my summons, and informed me the
Finally my mother came to visit us. (easily, with Mrs Atwood, had gone to
Soon after her arrivsl, she took me aside California. I grow faint and staggered
sod mid seriously,"Relph, you are spoil- so Ann caught my arm and droned me
ing May She is • charming child, but to the sofa. After a cup of tea and a
she will never be • woman- a true wife, promise from Ann to inform me of their
se long sa she is indulged like • petted return, I lat.
baby. Mark my words, you are laying 1 could not afford to follow than, and
ep misery for yourself." I ditl not know where to look for them.
"Seamus* 7" 1 laughed. "One of es Time went painfully and slowly by until
mtiat have his way, why not little two months had passed before I heard of
Nay r their return.
My mother shook her head. and I went op at once. Mrs Ellis mot ore
mid : "Habits are easily formed and at the door, and with • odd Aare twat-
diellcult to break. Before long May will sid say words.
be incteerstahly boss, and you will hie i• "I want my wife I" I stammered. half
Wert her slave.'' demanding, half imploringle.
No man, however in lore he may be, "You are late," she returned icily.
likes to think of seas a passibility. but I
coldly thanked nay mother, and went to
my office.
Nett m wining Caine a thane* to tett
my half famed resolve tc. meert my
Mty •11141 ansi with the meet per -
feet seeneance
Ralph. we shell go to IND play
this orating, shan't we 1 h is the lest
eight, rad it ie very "
"I think not." 1 returned, as quiet,'
es poitaihle."I hays to poet set of boats.
I sea belies( is my work.'
1 . •
Her bisque' dropped to the floor, and
her companions observed with dismay
the rich °aloe leans the (Week and lip,
while but hears slightly serape] ler an
Instant; but Stella Grayson was a
society woman, and with admirable self-
eoetroi oho recovered herself and said,
'I shall be gled to meet him. It will be
interesting to hair hi. talk, I protium° ''
"He is very quiet and reserved,' said
Boy, "bat a perfect gentlentau. He is
rich, too-ousde • fortune in mining.
There he is 1" he added, as Ralph re-
appeared, crossing the room in quiet,
well-bred self pssession.
Roy saw Stella involuntarily chinas
her little hands ea she watched his ap-
proacti, bot her ram wore • conventional
Ralph bowed low as Roy presented
"Besides, May is jest recovering (nen • him to moo flroyonn, and won alto,,
severe illness, and cantbe disturbed." ward they were promenading the heed
''1 suit 6" her:.1 ""atfnill• Mtl verandah", while within the bead
reffeeted. ' I'll see what she saya,"
dreamily played a Strains waltz. and
she said prosiest'''.
graceful couples whirled throeigh
She left me standing in lite middle of mazy oonos
"4/4111. "d left th• d"", ajar as eke The evening paused, and Contras
passed int* the next room from which warning Ralph and Roy was in the
awes old mole "Pet"4 14°°" 1 hated roan of the latter at tee Ocean Home.
wok.", and then May's, weak but die opid you nettle*, Roy,- he sated ',g-
lint*. as she fined agitatedly erly, "wry agitetten I Miss Graesoe
"ott 1 sant • I tamer esti " almost the pieta,. of mer..ei May Elba. °idea. Rho was adopted by a wealthy
ikon Mrs Ellie Marne, ars said 111 es sireyerm is me, later@ sad wo- node, her mother's brother, who ealied
Wray . "Us *pis eau ' wool:, obi more eilliellSeneet to seetety, brie 1110,4(lor pap wife, awl taw 161144
' ' ,MeAti ."
Iwoos Oesheo_7'...7
her Las property en casaditssinishe took
his risme.
she hol filet the Versions three year.
helots.. sill bad spent two seasons its
N•is it,rt w:th them. Sim had rirCiej017.
lid Ralph at owe,
s ell ha tams', and
••Isut jots dian t-
ool.," laughed Ralph,
May. And— '
"But syl how the
must hurry to shore.'
by tam ee woo se
vowed io win him
hot as Mies Gree-
- 1 elm trootorfe-•
tidosottes *Olt VA__
They hastily rose and started to roe
turn, but but all the lower portions of
the rock covered atilt water, and dashino .eves leaping V er i'. TI • mot
they had left was the highest point.
Clearly they must renal,. They did e,t,
and sirirkitig the hp p spot stood there
clawed in each titm.r. arnia, expecting
*tees to be swept array by the cruel
*area. They watched the advancing
wateis with fascinated eyes. yet feeling
death tmorther was preferable to a
divided hdo
Their ineuda, alarmed at their long
altsctitCe, had coins back aid postured
their 'longer,
There was no boat anywhere around.
not "lie of the gelitiviiien c ubd swim
that Olist4liee a with ttle Watt,: delthIng •
furious.), littiong the rocks.
Ralph waved his handkerchiefs to
thy... on shore, aril quietly they stead„
to await their domii.
Rut -surely : No, they are notallea.
gavial. When within a few itscheiiii
their feet. the water slimly receded.
Then‘Still they stood end watched the
waters creep back, until. at last, with
arcatioua 'steps, they could snake their
waft maids shore •Lere Roy Diet then&
witIrOutatittchad hands and led them to
the anamter frioad„, •
4 jovos 'nit in hie voice. "1 have
•..; oi4m;;11.4ir one 7" trial Rapti
oy wife and surf anti title
id ',illy Roy fully uaderst.eid.,
eneeted to like her, but II dared not
• Sella May," said Miser Graymn.
"A se longer my wife cried
Ralph le distress.
"Tell me, May, dolling, am I right 1
Do you love me still? Have yon loved
me all the time I Didn't the divorce
have your hearty sanction 1**
May ensiled at him breathless gar
"No, dear.
of the story r'
He eagerly assented. mid en she told
hive how her mother had coaled, amp
mimosa forced her to go home with her,
and erraoged the trip to California at
ones How on the way home the fen
ill, and what Ralph came they wets
urging her to enema to the divorce. It
was in 111011110f to that that she had mid,
"No, I caa't, 1 error
Rho did ibw Ralph was in the
tomee- her mother dW not tell her.
They urged the divorce until, worn mt.
she coneentol 1, b-ing the suit sure
Ralph would flea and prevent it. When
he did not, her ratio roes, and she tried
to believe it was what she wanted. Soon
afterwards they all warted East, end
ha parents were killed in a railway se.
wok ISsmarabsrass,
Mrs T. \lifenietinnas, 0.1e,
acs for a him: time troubled with neu-
ralgic .4 the stomach. Failing to find
henelit from phveiciails, she tried Bur -
Jock Mood Bitters. from which she
found soe.nlirelief, to stitch she
tenth .*. Wo -tog it may prove betletic:al
to oth.-re. Mao, physicians recommend
B. B B.
(Mall I tell you my M
Sore Eyes \
The eyes are always in sympathy will
the body, and accord an excellent index
of its condition. When the ores become
weak. and the lids inflamed sad sere, it is
an evidence that the system has become
disordered by Scrofula. for which Ayer's
Sarsaparilla is 115. 10.1 known remedy.
Serofula, which produced a *Phil it!.
1111111WIAtittel in my eyes, caused ate much
suffering for a number of years. By the
advice of apby.kian 1 commenced taking
Ayres Sarsaparilla. After ueiug this
sonnetize a .bort time 1 wsa compktely
My eves are now in a spiendi 1 condition,
and 1 m sr well anti strung as att.. -
Hrs. William tuarool, N. H.
For a number of years I wee troubled
with w Manor in wry eyes. and was unsole
to obtain any relief until I tosiamenc
ustag Ayer*. Saresperlea. Ties medicioe
ham eateted a complete cure, and I believe
It to he the beet of blood puriSers. -
C. E. Uptou, Nashua, N. II.
From childhood. eni until whhin a few
month., 1 hare been afflicted wtth Weak
and Sure Eyes. I have used for three
complaint., with beneficial results, Arer's
Sarsaparilla. and consider It a great blood
purteer. - Mrs. C. Phillips, Glover, Vt.
I suffenol for a year with Inflames. -
tion is my lett eye. Three ulcer" fornted
.is the ball, depriving me of might, and
causing great pate. After trying many
e ther remedies. to no purpose, I was dually
Induced to use Ayer's Sarsaperilia, aud,
By Taking
three Mottles nt Ude meilkine. bare been
merely cured. Ky eight baa been re-
stored, and there is ao sign 01 ingeninite
eon, wire, or ulcer In my eye. - Kendal
T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio.
My daughter, ten year; old, was *filleted
wee Scrofulous Sore Eyes. During tbe
last two years she never saw light of any
klad. Physicians of floe Melee' standing
exerted their skill, bat with no permanent
mseeese. On the recommendation of a
friend 1 purchased a bottle of Ayer's sar-
saparilla, which my daughter commenced
tatter. Before .b. b.d used the tbird
bottle her sight we. reamed. MO she can
sow loot steadily at • brilliant light whir
set pahi. Her cure le complete. - W. E.
Butberisad, Evaemest, Shelby City, Ky.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 0 Co., Loe,II, Mem.
alladVIINInespos. ritseel; aim mama W.
tORA PC/r1-
W.- /WADE 1.100
1, DaCaisa4LsaLea.M610d1i
MATtellt'S RgellIOY
tee empaiiiise eettemel ef in (Mee*. Lime Cave I
11::::_omphial mai Wily with the act that it 1
IdAeort..s ... D.huatio., lamed with maw
wwwweded fine. itelerete welthi User regelsetwe
wh..• sereteatAe tests, Who bseleit bawls a
"'woof,: Wawa ow the Kidney.. lowerneh, lewrehi MB
'we. sw,,,ialf '..ah..otf Dore.woh
Cloli R.41e Saab
wow, odd On ( roe& risme. Ws weal every twee
erteme atad ,hil,/ '.10 1» trooVoli %Oa Limy tam
arta te tr. tAh • weasel "rowdy
in. Om e
Wrof,poi weeort ~17 Not e'• 4 Dr Chewls Liver I ....
ammo Aarflu
ill a rileeble Heewhola Meatal Gehl* wed *rip.
laws ii4 p..1. cfletainieg ever ette esellel verve,
weenenreol irg ter.lirol etre meiVer. GS ilmehlei
4., sod worth toe hew the price .dot.
MT Cerra ammo N. oi ondli owl maim
all..41 1117e.'071t.O"""
Ill:ALL DIALtile 4111
caw mow motives Pima .1 4 -ht Wis tom
air....aaastai a 00- Ude arias, Ihnelosj
4. I